Did Kim Kardashian get a ‘Loub job,’ aka liposuction on her feet & toes?


Around this time last year, our eyes were being assaulted on a daily basis with photos of Kim Kardashian’s pregnancy style, which was really, really bad. What made it worse was that A) Kim kept lying about everything and B) she looked incredibly uncomfortable whenever she tried to look “cute,” and many of us wondered why she didn’t just spend those months in sweatpants and flip-flops. Instead, we got photos like these – Kim’s incredibly swollen feet in fancy stripper heels. Those pics were painful. Now there’s a rumor going around the UK tabloids that Kim got lipo… on her toes. Because after her pregnancy, she wanted to have slender feet again?

She has a penchant for sky-high stilettos and even famously squeezed her swollen feet into a pair of perspex heels when she was heavily pregnant. So, it comes as no surprise that Kim Kardashian wanted to slip into a pair of stylish stilettos for her wedding.

And the reality TV star was so desperate to slip into her wedding shoes that she reportedly spent £3,000 splashing out on toe lipo. The operation has been dubbed the ‘Loub job’, in honour of famous shoe designer Christian Louboutin, whose designs can be extremely narrow and pointy. According to Look magazine the 33-year-old, who tied the knot with Kanye West in a lavish Italian ceremony on Saturday, had ‘toebesity’ liposuction on her feet so she could ease them into her shoes pain-free.

‘Toe lipo, also nicknamed ‘a Loub job’, is a procedure to remove a small bit of fat so your toes can fit better into pointy stilettos without pinching.

‘Cosmetic surgeons and podiatrists can use tiny instruments to remove a small amount of fat – typically from the big toes,’ cosmetic surgeon Wendy Lewis told the magazine.

[From The Daily Mail]

I think it’s far more likely that Kim’s pregnancy was just really difficult and she retained a lot of water and once she gave birth and got on track with her diet and everything, her feet went back to their normal size. I don’t mean to give Kim the benefit of the doubt, especially since it wouldn’t surprise me at all if Kim DID get a “Loub job.” I’m just saying, there’s probably a much simpler explanation for why Kim’s feet are back to their normal size.

Close-ups of her feet during and after pregnancy:

kim feet2


Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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38 Responses to “Did Kim Kardashian get a ‘Loub job,’ aka liposuction on her feet & toes?”

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  1. Hannah says:

    “Loub job” sounds like it would be something completely different. Ahem.

    • mimif says:

      Can we get a “Kardashian Job” and erase these people from our collective conscious?

      • blue marie says:

        Doctors need to look into this, their waiting rooms would be flooded with patients.

      • Sabrine says:

        I think it’s more likely that she has lost weight and been going to the gym. She does look a lot better now. This has resulted in feet that are no longer swollen…..maybe not being pregnant has something to do with it also? DUH…

    • MCraw says:

      I mean, I get it, the K Fam are easy gossip on slow news days, but, seriously, 4 posts in one morning is enough. E-NUFF.

      Especially when there’s actual gossip with actual celebrities. Please. Enough.

  2. Tiffany27 says:

    Why did I click on this? I HATE feet.

  3. Asra says:

    Mmm I am sure if she could do face lift and implants on those feet, she would not waste a moment.
    Eww what a yukkky mess you are girl

  4. M. says:

    People’s feet usually reflect their hands. Does she have skinny long fingers? If yes then she probably didn’t get lipo.

    Edit: ah. Slender wrists. I can buy that it was natural, but knowing Kim there’s always room for doubt.

    / felt the obligation to trim some (most) bullshit from my previous post.

  5. swack says:

    The feet are one of the first places that begin swelling on the body when you’re pregnant. My daughter’s feet swelled up horribly even without having high blood pressure. They are back to normal. I’m sure that’s all it was, but I also wouldn’t put it past Kim to do something like this.

    • Amanduh says:

      Definitely…my feet looked the same during pregnancy: like Pillsbury Crescent rolls that were trying to escape the container. It was hilarious…cankles, puffy toes.

      • Melanie says:

        Amanduh!! This is the best description I’ve ever heard LMAO!!!! I’m dying!

  6. dorothy says:

    For god’s sake. Really? Wouldn’t surprise me. I can’t imagine being so narcissistic that you worry about your feet. Is her life so superficial that of all the things to worry about that’s important? She just isn’t interesting at all. Just a shell of a woman, a mannequin.

  7. Hillshmill says:

    This post cracks me up since I’m in bed recovering from bunion surgery. I’m fascinated with celebrity feet…many of them are pretty gnarly due to wearing heels all the time.

  8. feebee says:

    OMG, “Loub” job! That’s quite clever.

    Okay that’s enough of that.

    I don’t know why we compare pregnant bodies to non (or even post) pregnant bodies. My feet during a hot May, 8 months pregnant looked like two full IV bags attached to the bottom of my legs. Even allowing for the fact women’s feet can permanently stay a 1/2-1 size larger after babies, I can have feet like her “after” photos just by cutting out the salt and upping my water intake. So just the ‘usual’ then. But not as amusing as a Loub job 🙂

  9. Naye in VA says:

    My feet swelled so bad during my pregnancy I literally could feel the fluid inside them and feared they would pop. All is normal now, no surgery needed. I have lost 10 lbs in the past month or so and now I can fit some shoes I wasn’t able to before. Feet gain weight and fat just like every other part of the body.

    • judyjudy says:

      Me, too. We joked that I looked like Fred Flintstone when I was pregnant. My feet were so swollen. They went back to normal pretty quickly.

      I don’t understand how Kim managed to shove her swollen feet into those shoes and walk around. Why? It doesn’t look good and I KNOW it must not have felt good. I kept slippers under my desk at work and would trade out my flip-flops for slippers every day (warm climate, casual office, maxi-skirts, thank goodness!)

  10. Mel M says:

    Ugh, I still don’t understand why no one told her how ridiculous she looked with those shoes on everyday! Looked like she was baking bread in them.

  11. Molly says:

    When I lost a lot of weight, my shoe size decreased too. I went from wearing a 10 to a 9 because they werent so wide anymore. I’m sure thats what happened with her.

  12. BendyWindy says:

    I wish there was a way to fix what pregnancy did to my feet. After three kids, I’ve gone up an entire shoe size…to a 10W. No pretty shoes for me. 🙁

  13. Andrea1 says:

    Good God! I don’t usually comment on the kadarshains but enough already.
    4 posts on the kardashains In one day. Can it get any worse than this? Its just as if they run this site! Please enough already!!!!!!!!

  14. eliza says:

    There are two spots she hasn’t lipo’d- Boobs. Ass.

  15. M.A.F. says:

    I heard about this on my drive into work. I could not stop laughing. To each their own I supposed.

  16. Regarded says:

    Kim wears those gold heels a lot but I really like them!

  17. Lis says:

    Aren’t those just pregnant feet vs not pregnant?

  18. Dany says:

    woman has swollen feet during pregnancy… after the pregnancy her feet are smaller…. ???? ehh where is the story? That´s normal!
    Whoever made up this story for DailyMail is an idiot.

  19. pantalones en fuego says:

    I wouldn’t put it past her BUT I think it’s just natural weight loss. My feet would always be swollen by the afternoon when I was pregnant and I didn’t even have a difficult/water retaining pregnancy.

  20. shelley says:

    She would totally do this. But I don’t think that she did. Her feet were just mega swollen during pregnancy.

  21. Shiksa Goddess says:

    Her feet/ankles in the shoes while she was pregnant look like when you first open the can of cinnamon rolls or biscuits and they pop out.

  22. word says:

    Her feet were swollen during pregnancy, now she is not pregnant and her feet are not swollen. Show a pic of her feet from before she was pregnant vs. after she was pregnant. You’d get a better idea if she did indeed get lipo on them. I’d like to know why she wears shoes that are too small for her…her toes are sticking out of those gold shoes.

  23. Dommy Dearest says:

    Those aren’t stripper shoes. Those are shoes you can buy that does nothing for your foot. The heels that dancers wear are actually far more comfortable. I use to run in mine. The platform on the shoe is actually equal to the heel on the back meaning you’re not leaning five feet forward trying to keep your balance. Are you saying they are stripper shoes because you don’t like Kim or because you aren’t aware of what the shoes dancers use actually look like? Because the shoes you linked are shoes that any other woman would wear out and about while being uncomfortable at the same time. And as much as I hate Kim, those pictures are from when she was pregnant, swelling happens in the feet. Mine swelled slightly but never to the extent Kim’s did. There are plenty of pictures of her pre-pregnancy to compare. Now the media is just trying to reach for headlines. Which is funny in itself because Kim’s fame is only going to go down. Unless they release a video, ugh.

  24. Daneen says:

    Word on the street is that Kim had preeclampsia when she was pregnant. This is a very serious pregnancy complication that can cause severe swelling of the face, hands, legs and feet. This was likely the reason she delivered North so early. So the probable explanation for the change in her feet and legs is that they simply returned to normal post-baby. Not that she had toe liposuction.

  25. melissa says:

    Her feet are always at weird angles. Girlfriend has all the grace of a Clydesdale.

  26. dread pirate cuervo says:

    The nails on her big toes look disproportionately small even in the after photos, so I don’t think she had anything done. Plus, she wears strappy heels in the dead of winter, so any recovery bruises would’ve been documented. But toe lipo, that’s a thing?