Tori Spelling admits that her cheating hurt people: does she seem remorseful?

Tori Spelling

Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott’s latest reality show, True Tori, is finally over. Did you think Tori would take a breather after that charade of a family crisis? Nope. Tori will soon start promoting her cheesy ABC Family show, Mystery Girls, with Jennie Garth. Mama has to keep the brand flowing.

If Tori was smart, she’d give the public a break from her drama. Instead, she’s continuing to self promote on Entertainment Tonight. Tori’s strategy is never long term. She’s always in it for the quick buck. I’m interested to see how long she can milk her persona until the money runs out for good. Here’s a clip of Tori on ET. She’s feigning regret at hurting people when she first hooked up with Dean. Both Tori and Dean were both married at the time, but Tori says she just couldn’t help herself because of love:

Is karma at play here? “Obviously what happened was hurtful to other people. But you can’t help it when you fall in love with someone. I didn’t actively look for it. I didn’t mean for it to happen, but what at the time I thought was my soulmate, and I fell in love with him.”

[From ET Online]

Notice that Tori never directly answers the question of whether “karma” is biting her in the booty now. That’s because Dean isn’t really cheating on Tori like he did to Mary Jo Eustace. Tori somehow managed to invoke Mary Jo’s name as she promoted True Tori. Tori tries to sound like all she cares about is love, but her body language seems really fake. Tori doesn’t regret a thing. She needs to care about the effect on her children, but all she cares about are the dollar signs.

Tori Spelling

Screencap courtesy of ET; photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

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53 Responses to “Tori Spelling admits that her cheating hurt people: does she seem remorseful?”

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  1. Eleonor says:

    She is no better than Kim K.
    What about her children? When they will see all this mess put on display?

    • Steph says:

      Holy crap! If I thought that skeevy greaseball was my soulmate, I’d have myself committed. After being checked for lice and douching with bleach. DO. NOT. WANT.

      • kri says:

        Her cheating hurts people? Umm..her and her husband’s
        faces hurt my eyes, her voice makes my ears bleed, and togther they make my stomach hurt. My brain is crying-I must not look at these two ever again.

  2. Ana says:

    It is true that you cannot help falling in love with someone. But you can choose either to act or not on it. Especially when other people are involved.

    • lana86 says:


    • GiGi says:

      I agree completely! I’ll never understand people who are, “it just happened!”. Really? You just ended up in bed with a man who wasn’t your husband? I mean, seriously. If you have feelings that strong for someone, just break it off with your spouse first. It seems like it would still be painful, but far less so than if you add the cheating element.

      • Ginger says:

        I wish more people felt this way. It’s not cool to cheat when you are married no matter the circumstances. Betrayal (which comes in many forms-all hurtful) is betrayal. Just break up then pursue.

    • Tracy says:

      And I think love and lust are being confused in many cases. Lust fades away and you are left with…. Well, Tori and Dean.

      • claire says:

        Thank you. They fell in bed with each other within a couple days of meeting. It’s not love. They were just horny narcissistic people. They want they want and don’t care who it hurts.

      • wolfpup says:

        Honestly, it takes a lot of flirting before you get to the bed part. When I see a married man, I treat him with respect only (because I believe that you don’t hurt women – because we know how it hurts -I call this empathy), Out of respect for a marriage, I spend very little time with a man who is married. I don’t even start down the path of mutual attraction – I get gone! There are PLENTY of men to go around.

    • swack says:

      +1000. My thoughts exactly.

    • JenniferJustice says:

      yes, and if you choose to act on it, there are better ways to end current relationships than simply jumpting in the sack with your new ‘soulmate’ and destroying boundaries and trust. Both of them could have easily went to their respective spouses and had a mature conversation and ended the relationships amicably and responsibly and then gotten together with each other. She says the exact same thing as SheMan Rhymes. Ever heard of telling yourself ‘No’ or at least waiting. Instead they indulge – to hell with morality and responsibility and then cry when they face scrutiny. I don’t even see it as Karma. It’s just common sense that a cheater is a cheater and it doesn’t matter who they are with. The problem is the cheater – not the spouse no matter how many spouses they have.

    • Tammy says:

      So true. Going through a similar thing myself, although I don’t have children and I have not acted on how I feel. And I would not call it love, but a connection to another person that is far deeper than what I have with my boyfriend. Does it suck? Yes. Do I feel guilty about it? Yes. Am I acting on it? No. There is such as thing as self control.

    • Bob Loblaw says:

      I agree, Ana, and, if you truly love someone, waiting is not the end of the world or the end of the relationship. She uses the “we’re soul mates” line as an excuse for her bad behavior and I don’t accept it as an excuse. She’s not Romeo and Juliet, not 14 years old, and she has no excuse for her despicable behavior. Fine, Tori, et al, cheat all you want but please do not expect me to respect you or accept lame excuses for your creepy behavior.

  3. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I hate the “we never meant for it to happen” crapola. Yes you did. You allowed it to happen. You met him while you were married. You felt an attraction. That’s not your fault. But you flirted, you sent signals, you went out for coffee or whatever, you texted, you talked on the phone, you confided, you allowed the attraction to grow into “love” and sex. You could have stopped it before it began if you had kept your vows and walked away. But you CHOSE to let it develop. So don’t give me that bs about it was bigger than both of us. It was big because YOU chose to let it get that way. Own up to it.

    • danielle says:

      + 1000

    • wolfpup says:

      That’s exactly what I was trying to say!

    • JenniferJustice says:


    • Tammy says:

      I agree to a certain extent. There are things to do to make sure things don’t happen while you are married or in a committed relationship. Just because they were both married does not mean they were married to the right people for them. They should not have acted on it, though. The attraction doesn’t go away just like that, especially if you question your question your relationship. I am going through this myself but I am not cheating. I have no choice but to interact with the person I am attracted to & feel a pretty strong connection. It’s a professional, work relationship. Is there flirting going on? Yes. Is there anything more? No. Flirting is far different from engaging further, like meeting up for lunch or coffee.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        You’re playing with fire, and this is exactly how it starts. It’s up to you what happens next, just don’t try to claim it “just happened.” You’re married, and you’re flirting with a man you’re attracted to. That’s your choice and your responsibility. If you value your relationship, you’ll put things back on a strictly professional level before it gets too far. I wonder how you would like it if your husband was behaving the way you are with another woman. If you have issues in your marriage, work them out one way or another. Cheating, physically or emotionally, will just confuse things. I hope you make honorable choices, because the only person you have to live with for the rest of your life is you. Good luck.

      • Bob Loblaw says:

        I hate to go old school but I will, if you value your marriage, don’t mess around. Innocent flirtation very easily slides into something more and affairs of the heart or mind can be just as detrimental to a relationship as actual infidelity.

  4. Kath says:

    “But you can’t help it when you fall in love with someone”.

    Oh yes you bloody well can. Failing that, you can get a grip and act like a grown adult whose actions have consequences.

  5. Teresa_Maria says:

    I have lost all respect for Tori because of that nonsense she deliberately chooses to share with the whole world. No mother in her right mind (rich or poor) would involve her children in that egoistic TV-show. These kids can not protect themselves and I seriously consider that kind of behavior an emotional abuse. And if you look at Liam and Stella – do they ever smile? Like really smile?

    • idsmith says:

      It also galls me that she sued or threatened to sue that tabloid that put a “headed for divorce” headline about her marriage on their cover. She was howling how inappropriate it was because her children saw it and they were upset. Yet, she does this show airing all their dirty laundry and some very private (fake) feelings and doesn’t worry about her children then. Hypocrite.

    • briargal says:

      I agree with you about this being emotional abuse for the kids. Proves she thinks only of herself and not the kids! Selfish little famewhore! Not a very good mother!!

    • Steph says:

      You had respect for Tori? Serious question. Why?

      • Teresa_Maria says:

        I did not know much about her until recently and I had seen couple of episodes from her previous reality show and I have to admit – according to what I saw, she did come across as a good mother to Liam and Stella (considering her own upbringing).
        I never thought she could change so much and put her kids so publicly in the middle of that craziness.

  6. BeckyR says:

    My former husband had an affair with a friend I had known since childhood. She was also married to a very nice guy and both families had 3 year old daughters. Both said, ” it just happened”. They married and it lasted about 5 years. According to my ex husband, 5 miserable years. Everyone moved on but believe me, the sting of an experience like this never leaves you. My heart was absolutely broken and I have never been the same. I am 62 years old. No one profits from behaving like this. Tori, you paying attention?

    • Belle Epoch says:

      BECKYR I am sorry. I don’t think you can ever love the same way again after you’ve been shattered. Maybe some people can, but betrayal cuts very deep.

    • Diane says:

      Your story is my story only my ex and his now wife/former mistress are still married but miserable and leading separate lives. I was devastated but I have to say my life turned out for the better and my relationship with my son is better than it probably would have been if I stayed married to his father. What goes around, comes around … think Tori sees that?

    • wolfpup says:

      It took me lots of time. For 2 years I just laid around and felt very sad. It’s been about 5 years now. I stopped dating, after the creep, because I feel jaded, and don’t want to try again, to “get along” with a man. I’m about the same age, Teresa. I have poured myself into my personal life, pursuing and enjoying all the things that I love. Nature heals me more than any other thing. I am really happy again. I am “captain of my own life.” No more compromising for anyone! It’s just a fantasy that I no longer wish for – ie. that there is some “soulmate” out there for me – perhaps it may feel like that for a minute – but you can get stuck with a bad man – and your life will be full of trouble!

    • Rice says:

      Sorry to hear that Becky. I felt horrible when I discovered that my ex was cheating. I have no idea how his life is now (a few years ago, I saw him with the same “other woman”). Thankfully, I met a wonderful man to whom I’m now married for almost 9 yrs. For some, the hurt takes a while to get over. I wish you the best and I think you’re better off without that sack of excrement. 🙂

      • JenniferJustice says:

        That’s really nice to hear you found someone and how good it turned out. Women need to hear that. To all my jaded sisters – there are still good men out there, so don’t resign yourselves to a lonely single life. Time and patience are rewarded.

    • the original bellaluna says:

      I’m so sorry, BECKYR. It’s a damn painful experience that scars your very being to the soul.

      I just discovered a couple months ago that not only did hubs-for-now have an affair, but a kept woman at that.

    • Bob Loblaw says:

      My heart goes out to you BeckyR, my mother was betrayed by my father as well and she never got over it either, she’s 76 now. She describes it as a vase shattering, they tried to glue it back together but the flaws were always there after that and it was never the same. The good news for my mom was she had a very happy second marriage.

  7. Jaana says:

    I think they had too many kids too fast. It has to be hectic and Dean doesn’t seem to because very hands on Dad. The children always look upset and I doubt very much Tori cares about that . Some people love the spotlight so much they don’t care if its good or bad. That’s Tori, who really needs to away and be a stable mother for her children.

  8. grabbyhands says:

    Ah yes, the lament of cheaters everywhere, “we just couldn’t help it”. Yeah, yeah you could. It was nothing but selfishness on both sides and now it is coming back to haunt her.

    It wouldn’t be so bad if it was just ricocheting in her face, because she brought it on herself, but her kids do not deserve this circus that they’ve been born into.

    • JenniferJustice says:

      I was cheated on when I was young (18). The worst things he said was that he couldn’t help himself and then…wait for it…”it meant nothing.” So, you ripped out my heart, threw it on the ground and stomped on it…for something that meant nothing? He hooked up with a ho he cheated on me with and then cheated on her. He married someone from out-of-state who didn’t know his history. He cheated on her and when she went blind in one eye from having diabetes while pregnant with his child, he checked out emotionally and physically until she left him with their kids to go live with her parents. Now, he is a lonely pathetic sap working in Alaska – I’m sure he’s gone through all the local girls and is now hitting on strippers – giving them a sob story for some freebie. It’s not nice to be happy when someone falls, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say it feels good to know he got his just deserves.

  9. Christin says:

    Why do some of these folks just keep talking as if eventually the public will understand or sympathize with their self-created drama? They confuse lack of self control with destiny.

    • BeckyR says:

      They keep talking, Christin, because they think they are different. They aren’t.

      • Eleonor says:

        they keep talking because is the only way to get money they know. I wonder how long will they go on. I feel sorry only for their children.

    • roundbelly says:

      I agree self control is everything. I would expect that of my self and my husband. But what is it when an affair lasts a life time? Children? Grandchildren?

    • claire says:

      There’s quite a few reasons, like those people mentioned here. I think another part of it is that deep down they don’t like who they are or what they did – they’ve lost respect for themselves. Lacking this self-respect, they seek out public approval to try to fill that hole. But all it really does is dig the hole deeper.

    • JenniferJustice says:

      They keep talkin’ because they are determined to justify their actions. Otherwise they would have to admit to having very bad character and it’s not in their bad character to admit wrong-doing. They are narcissists. The rules don’t apply to them. The world revolves around them. They don’t know how to reflect genuinely. They can’t stop making excuses for themselves and they are the only ones they ever feel sympathy for. That’s why she has no problem publicly hanging her dirty laundry out for money even though it hurts their children. She doesn’t think about her children like that. To a narcissist, their children are but mere extensions of themselves, not actual invididual human beings. Those kids are going to be messed up. Wait until they grow up and one of them writes a book about her. Now THAT would be irony in it’s truest form.

      • briargal says:

        And they’ll keep trying to get people to understand how it wasn’t really their fault–and we should just agree with them and understand them! How about them taking responsibility for their failure to lead good moral lives, failure to respect their spouses and the vows they made to them. They are both losers but her more so because of hurting her kids by making this ridiculous reality show. All for the sake of MONEY!

  10. eliza says:

    Spelling and McDummitt are repulsive individuals who deserve the backlash they are getting from this farce of a show.

    Way to embarrass your kids, idiots.

    • Frida_K says:

      Spot-on comment with but one small error, which I have fixed for you:

      “Spewing and McDummitt are repulsive individuals who deserve the backlash they are getting from this farce of a show.”

  11. Green Is Good says:

    Way to justify screwing around on your respective spouses Tori and Dean.

    Tori’s Ex dodged a bullet when she left him for POS Deano.

  12. Rice says:

    I’m sorry but I just can’t believe anything that Tori says. I especially don’t believe that she and the Deaner (a la DListed) are “poor” since she’s coming out of a Chanel store and they’re taking $10,000 vacations and driving around in limos? Sorry, not buying it.

    • Sharon Lea says:

      OMG! Good catch, she is walking out of a Chanel store and carrying a purchase. There is no way she can talk about money problems. What a joke.

      • astrid says:

        I just scrolled up to look at the picture and it seems to be a store for eye glasses not a chanel store. Chanel eye wear is on the lower end of price range. I believe she is “broke” in terms of the life style of her neighbours, friends, mother. Not broke in a general.