Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, turns 67 today. Happy birthday, Camilla. She actually got to celebrate her birthday early this week when she and Prince Charles spent some time in Cornwall. Camilla opened a library and she and Charles toured the Cornish Orchards and Camel Valley vineyard. Camilla used the trip as an excuse to get her booze on. And then some! I’m surprised they didn’t pour her into a waiting helicopter. At Cornish Orchards, she got her cider on, then she moved on to Cornish wine. Is that a recipe for a hangover? I don’t know.
Camilla is the president of the United Kingdom Vineyards Association and her father used to be a winemaker in England before it was the cool thing to do. Apparently, the French winemaking monopoly refuses to allow Cornish winemakers to call their sparkling wine “champagne.” So Camilla started a war with France when she told some of the winemakers:
“I still don’t think it should be called British sparkling wine. I think we should come up with a name for British sparkling wine – because it is champagne and it’s very good champagne. It should have a special name. I’m always waiting for people to come up with good ideas.”
The Express made sure to note that she was “nursing” a glass of wine when she slurred out these words! Honestly, I like the idea of Camilla as a boozehound and a supporter of the local Cornwall wine industry. It makes her seem fun. The Vineyard also gave Camilla a special birthday present: a giant bottle of wine worth like $600. YAY, Camilla is going to be hammered.
But my favorite detail from this trip was when Charles and Camilla met a young woman named Tori Naismith. Tori lost her brother in 2009 and in honor of his memory, she and all of her brother’s friends got his tattoo – a tattoo of a camel on the big toes. Tori went up to Camilla and Charles and said, “This is my camel toe.” And she showed them her tatt. Camilla’s boozy reaction: “That must have hurt.” Quite so!
Photos courtesy of WENN.
Good for Camilla! Go get your birthday freak on, girl! And while your at it, have a camel tattooed on your big toe.🎂
For awhile I read Celebrity Dirty Laundry which CONSTANTLY talks about Camilla being a boozehound, having screaming fights with Charles, being reprimanded by the Queen, being sent to India to dry out, etc. All the stories are from the Globe. Should I assume they are completely made up, or does she really have a drinking problem? She did get drunk and take her shirt off – they had a photo (shudder).
@Belle – my eyes, my eyes . . .
I really want to see that picture but at the same time i don’t. Word has been around for a long time that Camilla is a heavy drinker. But I really doubt Charles has a problem with it.
The Globe is completely and categorically wrong about any and all royal stories. actually, they are worse than wrong. they simply make stuff up.
As for the Camilla without her shirt on, are you sure it isn’t one of Alison Jackson’s spoof pictures? Her ‘Camilla’ model is almost identical to the real thing, and she always poses her with a drink and cigarette in hand in various stages of inebriation.
@LAK – I absolutely love those. Let me say it again “I absolutely loves those” particularly #s 1 & 3. They had me cracking up. Lookin’ like a drink floozy. Heheheh.
Although alcoholism among the senior crowd is no joke. Sad actually.
Those photos can’t be Camilla. She isn’t wearing enough jewels! More JEWELS!
Found it – not much to see (fortunately) but I think is really is Camilla. Those other photos are awesome!!!
Belle: I can’t tell if that is indeed Camilla. Picture is too fuzzy (or perhaps it’s my phone) – have to say though that it’s more respectable than Alison Jackson’s spoof pictures. There is a hint of side boob, but that is all.
Ps: I’ve never stopped to read an article from the Globe – the cover headline is enough for me not to bother, but if the article written around that picture is any indication, someone at the globe and Celebrity Laundry really hates Camilla. Hates enough to make up articles that are complete fantasy about her whilst also completely ignoring how monarchy works. I guess Camilla to the writers is the equivalent of ‘aliens living amongst us’ storylines they love so much.
ha ha ha ha ha …. This photo montage is the most ridiculous I’ve ever seen,,,,,, … this is obviously false, those tabloid magazines are the worst, but I had laughed jajajjajaja
That Camel Toe tattoo is really making me laugh. I think Camilla looks fun and happy here!
Hah I just got it! That’s a cute tattoo idea. Maybe cute is the wrong word..
I would have asked “where am I supposed to look?”
HA! It’s not the French: it’s the EU Protected Food Name scheme. French bods can’t call any cheese Cheddar or Stilton or any cream Clotted or or or. There are thousands of these things. It’s a gotta love/gotta hate the EU thing, depending on which side of the fence you sit.
Poshies in the UK call champagne “shampoo” or “champers”. Cornish Shampoo? Cornish Fizzle? I quite like fizzle.
Didnt France lose a lawsuit with California winemakers, and now other non-Champagne-region sparkling wines can be called champagne as well?
I don’t know if they lost it but there was a known controversy about that:
Most countries have laws on the books stating that champagne can only come from the champagne region.
The US is the same, but only new production. Only those that had prior approval to use the term on labels before 2006 may continue to use it and only when it is accompanied by the wine’s actual origin (e.g., “California”). Some states, such as Oregon, ban producers in their states from using the term.
In the United States name protection of wine-growing place names is becoming more important. Several key U.S. wine regions, such as those in California (Napa, Sonoma Valley, Paso Robles), Oregon, consider generic wines coming out of “napa” to be a bigger brand risk.
I honestly don’t know. Maybe! But this is just for stuff sold within the EU. There was an enormous fuss here over whether clotted cream (for cream teas) could be called clotted if it was made in Devon, because the Protected Name Scheme allotted it to Cornwall only.
Mmmmm, clotted cream. Food of the gods!
LOL I remember that Sixer…
I love clotted cream!!!
Love clotted cream, it is divine with a warm scone! Can’t get it in Denmark though.
If it’s not made in the Champagne area it’s not Champagne. There are tone of French sparkling wine in France which are not Champagne.
It’s totally normal to protect your label and your “savoir-faire”.
It can’t be called Champagne because champagne is a French region where that specific wine is made. It’s like calling any red wine Chianti, or all the fruity white wine Traminer.
The British Sparkling wine deserves a proper name but without copying it from other qualities of wine.
Other than that I believe the British wine won’t be anything memorable… the weather plays a big part in it, the quality of the soil and the amount of rain too.
I come from a region in Italy very famous for the good food but not so much for wine. The weather and the soil just produce a rough, hard tasting, strong and acidic type of wine. We drink it anyway but it ain’t champagne!!
Thanks, Paola, I was just about to post the same thing. The wine can’t be called champagne because it’s not from the Champagne region. It’s like getting upset that you can’t be called a New Yorker even though you’re from another big city.
Then again, Camilla seemed to be well into her cups when she was saying this, so I guess she gets a pass :). Although I do relish the image of her waving the bottle around, patriotically slurring “‘s just as good as Champagne, yars? Juss as goood.”
Right. It can’t be called champagne because it’s not champagne. Camilla.
This is weird – before I got to the camel toe part, I was thinking “Camilla looks like a camel.” So my first reaction was that camel toe girl was dissing her.
I can’t hate this. I love my sparkling wine, but I call it champagne. I won’t stop. Not even in formal settings. It’s silly marketing and branding.
In her position though it’s not the same.
I have probably called sparkling wine champagne at some point, too. I don’t like her, but I can see what she meant – that it should have a nice name, too, because it’s a nice product, or something like that. Didn’t mean to sound like I was hating on her for it.
It is actually laid down in EU law, also, as I noted above. Certain foods and drinks, if strongly culturally associated with a place, can’t be called that if made anywhere else.
Any Chianti made out of the Chianti area in Tuscany shouldn’t be called like that but they do it anyway, see the British supermarkets sporting Chianti all over the place….
I was born in Tuscany and I can tell you that the DOCG and DOP labels are just European bureaucracy because everyone, even Tuscan winemakers, knows a way around their laws.
Concerning Italian wines, many of them became too ‘popular’ in the 1980s and it is now very difficult to find Italian ‘real’ wines. No much difference from bad Italian wines to British ones, to be honest.
At home we usually go for Australian and New Zealand wines now.
For instance, famous Brunello di Montalcino tag risked a collapse recently:
Camilla… LOL she seems nicer when she’s tipsy lol
It seems like Tuscan producers wanted to make profit with the help of cheaper grapes compromising the final result. Loopholes are available for every single law..It’s just disgusting to know that people are willing to compromise the name and the quality of a family business for the sake of money.
Especially because it ruins the work of the honest winemakers too. Brunello is a very famous wine, minimum price for a bottle can start at about 50£ in UK. Until several hundreds of pounds for a bottle…..
Tuscan olive oil is, unfortunately, going down the same route 🙁 olive-oil-makers buying olives in Romania and Bulgaria and have them shipped at their local farms, mixing them with the local ones.
I think it is commercialy speaking a very damaging action in the end, consumers tend to be put off by these scandals.
Camel Toe Lady should’ve had a better pedi. Lord have mercy, what is going on with that pinky toe?
This story made me laugh out loud first thing in the morning, a near-impossible feat. Also, it made me like the Duchess more!
Agree! Camilla didn’t miss a beat, and that “camel toe”…LOL!
She has really grown on me through the years. She’s funny and quick, and very empathetic with people. And Charles looks so much happier with her-the best he’s ever looked.
I grew up in Cornwall – sod the bubbly, it’s allllll about the Scrumpy 🙂
Very pleased we’ve got Charles and Camilla rather than Duke and Duchess Dolittle. I’m really fond of all of Charles’ Duchy produce, overpriced that it is. Particularly the Duchy biscuits.
(Hur, hur, hur…)
We even got some Duchy biscuits at a local shop, Amelia. I had to give them a try (ginger shortbread) and they really were delicious.
The clotted cream shortbread is my favourite, it’s the simple things in life!
Stop it you guys! I’m on a terrible juice fast!
Clotted Cream, warm scones and fresh fruit!
Amelia: Scrumpy Jacks!!!!
ditto entire Duchy range.
I can’t imagine meeting Camilla and Charles and shoving my foot in their faces and saying “this is my camel toe” Real classy! ….I wouldn’t do that to any stranger (of course, I think feet are gross)..,.
Yeah, I thought that was gross. What was she supposed to say? What a lovely tribute? Did your brother wear his pants too tight?
LOL that was embarrassing for sure 😀
LMAO @GoodNamesAllTaken. Oh, dear I should not be laughing but really…I almost want to meet that girl. I have a long weekend and so like Camilla, I will be getting my drink ticket changed to an all-day pass. No cider,tho.
I bet she too tried a bit too much of that ‘champagne’
I hope that was it. I’d hate to think somebody made that decision stone cold sober.
Jeez. If you have to post your gross feet pictures, at least clean those cavewoman things up a bit prior to your social media photo.
LOL! I feel bad, but that was exactly my reaction as well. Dang, gurrrl.
Yeah, I feel bad but that was my first thought. Maybe pedicures are more expensive in the UK…?
Wtf is that woman wearing on her head in last picture? I generally enjoy the hats and fascinators British women wear but WTF?!
Omg, I can’t stop laughing! Viva la booze hound, I’m all for Queen Camilla when the time comes. The woman has a strong personality and obviously a great sense of humor. I want to bury her in shots and take her out dancing. I would kill to hear her tell the queen about the camel toe incident.
I’m a big Camilla fan but even I can admit she doesn’t exactly look super fresh in these photos. Oh well, I’m sure she and Prince Charles had a good time.
In the last pic of C&C, she looks like she has a right good buzz going (it’s my birthday🎉) while Prince Charles looks a bit concerned (don’t start doing stupid sh*t 😾).😊
I’ve had lots of electrolysis over the years. The day I thought I needed electrolysis on my toes to take off some hair was the worst ever. Excruciating. I couldn’t stop myself from yelling.
I really like the photo with Charles and the man with the giant lobster. Charles looks like he’s worried that the lobster will pinch him. Priceless!
i adore Camilla. She’s a good sort and a good egg.
Thoroughly agree, she’s terrific. Charles has blossomed, if one can say this re a chap, with her at his side. Jolly good egg is how he describes her too, and he loves her ever-ready sense of humour. The two of them delight me, seeing their great happiness together.
Me too!
Previous marriages aside these 2 seem to really enjoy eachother.
Agree. Would love to have lunch with Cam.
I agree. I adored Princess Diana, but people move on, because they must. Diana would probably have remarried, (had a few more children), and been very happy.
I love the way Camilla dresses. It’s a lift, seeing others happy, and it’s very nice to seeing that with Charles and Camilla.
You know-I was a huge Diana fan-but from everything I’ve read-she really was emotionally unstable. It’s nice to think she would have found “true love” and moved on-but she certainly didn’t seem to be heading that way . . .
given Diana’s impulsiveness, i think her love life would have continued to be a car crash, pun unintended, but she would be a great humanitarian, feted everywhere like Dame Jolie.
In the US we say train wreck, but yeah, totally agree.
Can you imagine……a boozy lunch with Cam in the wildflower meadow at Highgrove? Utter bliss.
I love her butterfly dress, but can someone please, please, please confiscate all of the nude heels owned by members of the BRF.
I love the fact that despite all the recent stories of her and her drinking problems, she went out and had a couple and said F It.
She’s officially my favorite Royal, whatever they choose to call her.
Isn’t Camilla’s hair cut the same way Diana’s was?
Nah…Camilla’s haircut is faux Farah Fawcett old lady version.
that hairstyle was IN decades ago… Camilla just never changed it with time 😉
You go, girl. That’s what birthdays are good for.
Tongues and toes (unless properly un-barnacled) should not be photographed. Yeesh.
On another note, glad these two finally got together…can’t stop true love.
[*Harry?? Chelsy??*]
I re-read this story to see if I’m missing something. People honored a nineteen year old’s life by tattooing a labia euphemism on their feet? I get the impression that these are the type of people who fart after they ask you to pull their finger.
Yeah, I fail to see the beauty of that tribute, I’m afraid.
That foot picture should have come with a warning! I was eating when I scrolled down and I almost barfed. The dirt around the baby toe is down right disgusting. *shudders*
ha ha ha ha ha …. This photo montage is the most ridiculous I’ve ever seen,,,,,, … this is obviously false, those tabloid magazines are the worst, but I laughed jajajjajaja King Charles and Queen Camillaha ha ha ha ha ….