Lana Del Rey covers this week’s issue of Rolling Stone with a kitty cat. She’s not nearly as likable as Macklemore with a cat. Lana’s not really posing with that cat. She’s using the grey color of his fur as a contrast to highlight her eggshell-blue fingernail polish. It’s all smoke and mirrors with Lana, but I shouldn’t pick on her too much. Most pop stars possess carefully crafted images, but Lizzie Grant’s amazing transformation into moody torch singer happened a little quicker than most evolutions.
Rolling Stone’s cover labels Lana as “the saddest, baddest diva in rock.” Yes, rock music. Lana’s new attitude towards the press is that of a “warrior” who “thinks ceaselessly of death.” She’s the reluctant pop star who is tired of doing this. She basically tells Rolling Stone that they should leave her alone and go find someone else to interview for the cover story. Are you buying what she’s selling here?
She tries to cancel mid-interview:“I’m not sure if they should run this story. I feel like maybe we should wait until there’s something good to talk about. You know? I just wish you could write about something else. There has to be someone else to be the cover story. Like, there has to be. Anybody.”
On her state of mind: “Well, I feel f—ing crazy. But I don’t think I am. People make me feel crazy.” She blames her much-publicized “I wish I were dead” quotes on leading questions, but adds, “I find that most people I meet figure I kind of want to kill myself anyway. So, it comes up every time.”
On how she wants people to hear lyrics like “he hurt me and it felt like true love”: “I just don’t want them to hear it at all. I’m very selfish. I make everything for me, kind of. I mean, every little thing, down to the guitar and the drums. It’s just for me… I don’t want them to hear it and think about it. It’s none of their business!”
The impact of her SNL disaster: “It wasn’t dynamic, but it was true to form. Everyone I knew suddenly wasn’t so sure about me. hey were like, ‘Maybe I don’t want to be associated with her – not a great reputation.'”
[From Rolling Stone]
Lana did get really upset at the Guardian journalist who quoted her as saying, “I wish I was dead already.” Now she says that leading questions are what led to those quotes. For real? Lana actually said those words. No one tricked her into doing it.
Anyway, I was really starting to believe that Lana is very depressed until this RS interview. Now I’m not so sure. Lana makes music and sells it for a living. She knows that people are going to listen to it and hopefully buy it. She also makes music with every intention of performing live, but now she’s saying that she never wants anyone to hear her music. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about, right?
Here are some photos of Lana performing tunes that nobody should hear at Glastonbury last month.
Photos courtesy of Rolling Stone & WENN
Don’t worry, Lizzie. I wish they could too.
I wish we could hear about someone else
Ha, + 1.. I still don’t get her.
She did everything she had to (ahem, she’s a Weinstein girl) to become known and now she loathes the spotlight. She’s full of contradictions. Maybe when the sun stops shining on her she’ll step up to the plate.
That cat looks really uncomfortable.
“I’m not sure if they should run this story. I feel like maybe we should wait until there’s something good to talk about”
The problem is that she never has anything good to talk about.
Her voice has the dull drone of an old ceiling fan-so flat and emotionless and she has the charisma of a corpse (is that why she’s so obsessed with death?).
Gah! She sucks.
+ 1 billion. Ughhhhhhhh
Don’t worry Lana, they’ll stop writing about you very soon. They nailed the headline with ‘saddest and baddest’ her album is pretty terrible.
And the word “diva” in this context is utterly meaningless
“You know? I just wish you could write about something else. There has to be someone else to be the cover story. Like, there has to be. Anybody.” – for once, Lana Del Ray and I agree on something
What a fake little bore.
But the collective yawns are real. She should take Heigel’s place on the over the counter sleep med commercial.
Amazing how much money and fame can come out of it.
I only know her from this site. I want to say she’s a total fake, but then I’ll feel guilty if she decides to go out with a bang and dies young and beautiful – a martyr to the cause. I have known extreme depression, and it’s not something you sing from the rooftops. I feel like it’s her persona – Hello, my name is Lana, I’m depressed and want to kill myself. Know any good methods?
She’s Winona Ryder’s character from Beetlejuice – “My life is a dark room. One. Big. Dark. Room.”
I also suffer from depression and many other issues, but you’re right. It took years for me to even except my issues and even longer to tell those that are close to me. I suffer everyday with this and she’s using it as a sales pitch? Gross. I never supported her and I won’t start.
Oh, how I wish they could too. *hangs head, sighs with misery*
Ya know, they *can* write about someone else. Just stop accepting requests for interviews–problem solved.
She’s trolling all of us. It’s like a middle schooler trying to act like what she thinks Kurt Cobain might have been like had he given deep interviews.
“I’m not sure if they should run this story. I feel like maybe we should wait until there’s something good to talk about. You know? I just wish you could write about something else. There has to be someone else to be the cover story. Like, there has to be. Anybody.”
I agree with her, she just should have realized that long before plenty of people worked to make the interview happen.
But then she couldn’t portray the poor tortured artist, could she?
“I don’t want them to hear it and think about it. It’s none of their business!”
Well how about you just just don’t record it.
Could she be anymore annoying? So many starving artist would kill to be in her position and she can’t do anything but complain.
She makes me really annoyed. I can’t even get fully angry because she’s such an idiot.
I called it from day one, that she’s playing a shtick about how sad, and how tortured, and how insecure she is. Sorry. Don’t believe one word of it. I’ve dealt with depression, and honestly – when you’re depressed you don’t go around telling people about it. MAYBE once you’ve regained control, but when you’re at a low you don’t advertise to everyone around you that you’re flailing and miserable.
She’s playing a role. She’s coming off as incredibly attention craving, and pathetic. There are so many artists who would LOVE to be in her place.
Or she is just past the point of being insecure of being found out and just doesn’t give a fuck. Which is far worse than someone recovering from depression. They have given up and do what they are wanted to, and not filtering what they are saying.
I would rather listen to Katy Perry if they gave me a choice betwen them and i cant stand Perry’s music
Ooooooo that’s a toughie. I get very angry inside whenever I have the misfortune of hearing that Fireworks abomination of a song playing somewhere.
You know, I abhor Firework and Roar, but generally I like Katy Perry. Am I the only one who doesn’t really know this Del Rey chick’s music? Does she do that Summer Sadness thing? Every time I hear that I want to stick forks in my eye and change the station.
I’m in the same boat. One of her songs came on my XM radio, and I flipped it over to the hits 1 station juuuust to avoid her. I’d rather listen to Katy, or Ariana Grande or whatever pop star is being pushed than listen to this spoiled brat.
LOL. Ariana Grande’s song is beyond awful, and I can’t understand anything she’s saying except “got one less problem without ya”. The rest is just noise on top of noise in an attempt to cover up one big mess. My 10 year old son had such a crush on her until he saw her on the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards show. He turned to me and said “Is that her? It doesn’t even look like her. Ugh, what was I thinking?”
I’d have to go with listening to a Katy Perry song that has been played to death rather than Ms. Lana Del Bore.
I wish everyone would stop writing about this talentless corporate creation.
Yes, yes, yes. She is so contrived, she gives contrived a bad name.
Other than her droaning on some commercial for that clothing store, I am happy to say I have never heard a song of hers, so she can feel safe in knowing I am not listening to her songs.
You are so lucky! Sadly, many people “have to do it”. I can’t believe this woman said it: “I don’t want them to hear it and think about it. It’s none of their business!” I didn’t want to hear her silly songs, but sadly this woman is famous now. She is so spoiled. She wanted to be a singer and she wanted to write those songs and now she says “it’s none of their business”.
I really wish she would stop saying stupid sh-t in interviews because Ultraviolence is actually really good. Her “act” (or whatever the hell this is) is grading on my last nerve.
I feel the same way. I really like some of her songs. West coast in particular and short as it was , she was the perfect choice for Maleficent’s Once Upon A Dream. *ducks*
She doesn’t want to be interviewed, doesn’t want people listening to her music, doesn’t want people to hear her lyrics? Fine. THEN GO AWAY.
I can’t stand that fake kind of crap.
Like a spoiled brat craving negative attention.
I like her music but I’m getting really tired of her attitude… I wish she would stop with the death-talk, unless she’s REALLY depressed it’s really insensitive to people.
Totally agree.
Agreed. I used to like Lana, but she’s become increasingly annoying. She’s part of the pseudo-intellectual/artistic crowd who’s convinced that they’re deep. It’s no surprise that she’s fascinated with James Franco. Birds of a feather…
Lana has a very easy problem to solve 1 don’t do any interviews cause she is right there are plenty of really talented people who can be interviewed and make the cover of rolling stone and 2 stop singing and selling her songs. See then no one will bother her and for me it will be safe again to listen to the radio. She really isn’t that good and her songs are dark cause that is simply her “image”.
Lol at saddest, baddest diva in rock. The rockest thing she did on her Glasto gig was lighting up a cigarette onstage? OK.
I actually don’t mind her fake persona. Few musicians are authentic anyway. Most popstars have an alter-ego. And I actually like some of her songs. I just cannot imagine going to one of her gigs. If the audience response in Glasto is an indication then I must say she cannot headline a stadium-size crowd. How’s that the baddest diva in rock?
“Most popstars have an alter-ego.”
You’re probably right about that. But my issue isn’t with the fact that she has an “act” or an “alter-ego”, my issue is with the particular kind of alter ego that she presents in her music–that of a sexy “Lolita” entirely bereft of complexity or soul–this is in direct conflict with her public persona.
Every interview I read with her (I know. Why do I read? Morbid fascination?) reinforces the fact that Del Rey fancies herself a dark and complex indie artist, yet her songs reveal her to be nothing more than an ice-cream-cone licking sexual object.
It’s that glaring contradiction that makes me stabby.
I think Katy Perry, Miley and others are guilty of cashing in on the same kind of over-sexed image but they don’t pretend to shun that, they seem to embrace it and make no apologies for it. But in interviews Lana presents an image of some dark, angst-y indie princess while singing about video games and Pepsi Cola and bikinis. Not to mention the lyrics “love you more than those bitches before”.
Anyway, I think Flavorwire’s Judy Berman perfectly summarized how I feel about Del Rey: “I’m not saying that every artist needs to be subversive, or (god forbid) that any artist who doesn’t challenge social norms might as well be Terry Richardson,” Berman said. “But let’s not congratulate him or Lana Del Rey for flouting or mocking entrenched, conservative values when what they’re really doing is cashing in on them.”
That’s my problem with her. If she wants to be seen as a sexy male fantasy she should feel free to do so, but don’t turn around and pretend you’re some indie hipster who shuns the attention and wants to be known for her music.
Ugh, so sad that she had to submit to an interview against her will. With all that’s happening to women around the world: Nigerian schoolgirls kidnapped by Boku Haram, Aghan girls shot for going to school, 3 young women held for 10 years in Cleveland, poor Lana Del Rey is talked about!
Get a sense of proportion Lana and soon!
when I read her interviews I think of Almost Famous, where William asks Russell “do you have to be in love to write a love song?”
Her music is good, in my opinion, but it’s for sad people or emotional people, and if theses songs were being put out by a peppy singer whose public persona didn’t match the mood the music has, it wouldn’t work.
Do I think some of it is her naturally? Yes. She’s weird, but in a good way, but also she’s sensitive and takes herself and her troubles seriously. She has poor life-coping skills, but it’s where her music comes from.
Do I think some of it is an act? Yes. She’s weird, but knows what she’s doing.
I think she’s dramatizing herself and her feelings for record sales, because that’s the business she is in, but I don’t think it’s total bullsh*t.
You and me both, kid.
The only time I ever read about her is when she is telling people to stop writing about her. She can’t sing. She has zero on stage presence? WTF, WORLD!?!
Can you tell I’m sick of her?
does anyone really buy what she’s selling?
a zerbert trying to pass as a genuine fart has more credibility.
Every time she opens her mouth, something stupid comes out.
She doesn’t want people to hear her music? Then stop selling it/singing it.
She pretends to be cool by being aloof but it just comes off as a whiney teenager which is sily because she is in her 20s. Sounds like a child.
I will say though that I love that multi-colored outfit and her lovely body. She looks like she’s gained some weight and it looks good on her.
She is also one of those blondes who can go darker/brunette territory and look good. I am blonde but always dye my hair darker like that (because I wish it were naturally darker).
She is pretty. But gives a horrible interview.
Even when she’s being a twit she’s boring.
Everyone should go listen to James Vincent McMorrow’s cover of her song ‘West Coast’. It’s 10 times better then the original!
I get the sense this woman is either a foggy-braineded idiot or heavily medicated, and her career exists because she has a mass of handlers making it happen — and probably manipulating Ms. Fog with kid gloves to keep her from waking up and derailing the gravy train.
These interviews sound like tiny cries for help from the bottom of a deep well of apathy. She’s not in control of her life; she just shows up for it.
Why did Rolling Stone even bother? Who even cares about her? She’s a mess, can’t sing and obviously craves negative attention. She should stop “singing” and get a real job!
I picture her gazing into a mirror and practicing saying “I vant to be alooone” over and over again. She is boring and stupid.
I like her fake persona! I love her miserable, ultra feminine, super tragic music. She does an awesome blend of vintage/lolita/grump better than any one and her piles of fake hair are fantastic. Let the girl do her thing, she’s harmless.
Just watched some clips from Glastonbury. Lana has an outstanding band. Her voice is decent. I don’t mind her music. It’s very melodic. The Summertime Sadness performance was beautiful – and she is gorgeous. Don’t understand all the hate.
She’s a doll when she’s out and about. She had no desire to get out of her car and head over to this group, but look how gracious she is and warm and actually has normal conversations with fans.
The one thing that bothers me about these comments is the abundance of “I’ve never listening to her music but” OH MY GOD SHES HORRIBLE SHES AN IDIOT etc. if you want to bash her do your thing, but at least do your research first.
I’ve listened to her music
It’s not very good, it’s dated sounding, it’s derivative of other artists and it has the kind of youthful rebellion that is usually manufactured in a boardroom full of marketing people frantically trying to out buzzword each other.
Her whole tortured artiste persona seems (to me) to be another marketing creation. I bet if she had the option she would go back to doing her own thing and put all this lip-injecty botoxy nonsense behind her.
I’ve heard from people I know in music that she’s actually quite delightful to be with and is a good hearted person which is probably the biggest flaw in this persona she’s adopted. It’s just not her, so she can’t keep it up.
This whole I wanna kill my self I’m so depressed act is so fake. Everything about her is fake. This is all an act to promote her new record.
This atittude is all I wanted… when I was 15. She is all dolled up just for herself, makes diva poses for herself, launches super produced videos for herself, it’s just that she can’t stop being so pretty and authentic and people can’t leave her talented little ass alone.
I don’t really pay attention to her interviews. On one of my rock sites a 40-year-old guy said he went to one of her gigs overseas at a venue of about 1,000 people. He said she loves small venues and that he was the oldest person there down by the front surrounded by young fans. He said it was the slowest concert he has ever been to but that she sang beautifully and that it was a really great concert.
Her people do her a miservice by putting her on a festival like Glastonbury with 60,000 people or so. She freezes. He said one thing about her that I’ve noticed in clips also is she is fantastic to her fans and seems to like the intimacy of even getting down into the audience with them and singing and very friendly and very warm to them.
I also like that she didn’t succumb to the pressure of trying to top her last album. She put out an album with no obvious hits. She rented a small recording space in NY and recorded her album with just a guitar player and drummer. When she met the Black Keys guy and they clicked, she just showed up at his studios in Nashville with her fully formed songs and he ended up producing most of the album and just enhanced what she had already done. She didn’t show up with an entourage and said she was just putting out what she wanted to and he had newfound respect for her talent. I also like that she hasn’t turned into a skinny minny with a big boob job.
I love this new song , Brooklyn Baby, and the youtube clip has some great scenes of her with her fans and on stage intersperesed with some clips from old music videos.
Um, yeah. ANNOYING.
I like Lana Del Rey. I like her music. I am less interested in reading about her. But what is wrong with Rolling Stone writing about her? As the saying goes, the only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about.
Has anyone explained to this boring twit you can say no to interview requests? Instead she’s starting to seem like she has mental issues as opposed to anything about her lunesta singing style and very moderate career. She can and should just be quiet and make music if in fact she wants to be a singer and not a celebrity. I think she’s more focused on celebrity and will have a very short shelf life as an entertainer. Lana protests too much and it hopefully is contrived because if she’s for real she needs some mental health resources quickly.
I was kind of excited when this came in the mail. I took it to work to read and wished I had brought something a little more engaging. I had never read an interview with Lana before but enjoy her music on a passive level. Its not worse than anything else on the radio. I was highly disappointed to discover that she speaks like some vapid 15-yr-old girl and has absolutely nothing to say. I nearly threw the magazine across the bar more than a few times when she said something absolutely ridiculous and wished that her image and music weren’t a total farce. She is completely contrived, fake and ignorant. This act of hers requires no brains at all. I’ve seen young girls do it for a hundred years as a way of shirking responsibility and luring unsuspecting men into their web of dumb. I was not ensnared, Lana.