Nick Cannon goes on a lengthy Twitter rant, Mariah Carey begins divorce process


Is Nick Cannon a drama queen? I ask because that’s how he’s being portrayed today following a lengthy Twitter rant about his marriage drama. Keep in mind… Nick was the one who directly confirmed (several times) that he and Mariah Carey are separated and have been for months. Mariah isn’t the one talking to the media (YET). Nick and Team Nick are spilling though. So, back to my original question: is Nick a drama queen? Probably. We just never noticed before because Mariah’s drama overshadowed everything else. You can read Nick’s tweets here, but I’ve compiled all of them below. Please tell me why it wouldn’t have been easier to simply issue a statement, right?

I have personally been absent from social media for the past few months for obvious reasons but I feel the need to finally speak up…During this challenging time for me and my family it saddens me that the media can be such evil bottom feeders…

Because my family & I haven’t been forthcoming with personal information, people are quick to paint negative pictures and spread rumours…For the record I NEVER have, nor will I make a statement regarding my marriage. So whatever your favorite gossip outlet is reporting has been created within their own imagination…

At this difficult time I would ask all civilized people to please respect my family and this process…

What infuriates me most is to hear people slander @MariahCarey . I will forever be in debted to her for blessing me with our children…I will always love her unconditionally for this and so much more. @MariahCarey is an amazing Mother and I trust her wholeheartedly… So to see false reports in the media stating otherwise is absurd! While I would like to remain silent I can no longer allow this to happen. I love @MariahCarey and that will never change!!!

If the media wants to portray me as the Bad guy that’s fine…But it is unfair to drag innocent people into the equation… Others have lives, families, and careers and for the media to slander them is down right evil and illegal… I apologize to anyone who’s gotten caught up in this unwarranted drama.

BTW Shouts out to the so called “Sources”! I hope the check was worth it…

“Don’t worry about my life, worry about why you’re worried about my life!”

And finally, “Trouble in Paradise” is the dumbest phrase I’ve ever heard! I would never say that sh!t

[From Nick Cannon’s Twitter]

It sounds like he’s mad about last week’s cover story of Us Weekly, which was all about how Nick can’t deal with Mariah’s craziness anymore. And it’s really only Radar/Star reporting on Nick’s “other women” – in which they basically just say he’s been acting like a single guy for the past few months, since he and Mariah have been separated. Anyway… I’m not sure what we’re supposed to take away from this other than Nick doesn’t want Mariah to be blamed for the split and he still loves her. Which is fine. But we can still say that Mariah is crazy, right?

Speaking of, E! News says Mariah is done and she’s starting the divorce proceedings. A source says: “Mariah has started the divorce process. She’s getting all her ducks in a row… Nick recently asked if she wanted to bring in a marriage counselor… [but] she won’t be caught off-guard again. She was devastated when he spoke out about their issues. She’s started the proceedings to make sure the ball is in her court from now on.”


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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54 Responses to “Nick Cannon goes on a lengthy Twitter rant, Mariah Carey begins divorce process”

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  1. elle says:

    Im team mariah on this

    • denisemich says:

      Team Mariah.

      Did Nick just realize that Mariah would really divorce his *ss? Stupid Stupid. Or…. To get some moolah out of the divorce he is posting the statement that Mariah wanted originally.

      Either way, I am glad it is apparent that Nick is SHADY.

    • MSat says:

      It sounds to me like Nick is also Team Mariah, based on his Tweets.

    • Kosmos says:

      I like what he has said. I think any media publication that prints fabricated material should be called out. The public needs to know who these people are. I won’t buy material that I feel is made up, and we should protest this kind of thing in some way. I love Mariah, and I’m sorry about their situation. It’s really too bad, but they will move on and so will everyone else.

  2. blissy says:

    Team Mariah

    And I’m not even a fan of hers.

    • Melly says:

      Same. She is acting classy through this whole ordeal. Nick has been steadily releasing information about their marriage directly or indirectly, he is the real bottom feeder

    • Gea says:

      Yeah, I am definitely with Mariah.

    • Mia V. says:

      Mariah may be cray-cray, but she’s keeping it classy and low-profile for now. Team Mariah.

  3. Kiddo says:

    Here a thing: one of the sources was your dad.

    Someone went to the depths of my grandma & grandpa’s closet and is retrieving patterns to fashion them for LIberty Ross and Nick Cannon.

  4. Ag says:

    he should keep it civil and classy and just keep quiet about all this. i think most people realize that he can’t control what his crazy dad says, but he can def control what he puts out there.

    also, lose those suits, dude.

    • Melly says:

      He is supposed to be really close with his parents, so you would assume that he would have some say about what they publicly say. I think he’s trying to get the public to see him as a victim so he can get more lucrative job opportunities post-divorce, I think that strategy is starting to backfire

      • Kiddo says:

        Whether close or not, you can disavow family opinions and talking out of line.

      • Melly says:

        But isn’t it just a little odd that his parents didn’t say anything publicly the ENTIRE time Nick and MC were married, but right after Nick confirms they are getting a divorce his father posts that stuff on Facebook?

      • Ag says:

        good points, ladies. he could disavow what his father is saying.

      • Melly says:

        It is important for Nick to have a good public image after the divorce so he can keep getting good/high paying gigs. Being married to Mariah elevated his career tremendously and he has to figure out how to come out of this looking like “the good guy.” There is a lot of money on the table, and I think his family is definitely rooting/working for #TeamNick.
        Maybe I’m just cynical =)

  5. The Original Mia says:

    Nick has been a drama queen throughout this marriage. While others found his defense of Mariah against all perceived slights endearing, I thought it was ridiculous. Calm yo’ tits, man! But anyway, sounds as if his plan to smear Mariah in the tabs through his sources backfired on him. It’s a little late to be defending her now. The time for that would have been right after people posted screencaps of his daddy’s twitter rant. Hasn’t anyone in that family heard of a statement? Why Twitter?

  6. lisa says:

    that sears leisure suit is giving me flashbacks

  7. Miss M says:

    Mariah was very together and polite when tmz camera man kept asking her about the divorce.

  8. kibbles says:

    Team Mariah. We all knew she was a drama queen and a bit cray long before she and Nick married. Nick needs to shut his big mouth. Stop talking about his past conquests, stop talking about his failed marriage, stop ranting on social media. Mariah (for now) is the one taking the high road and I don’t blame her for turning down Nick’s offer of a marriage counselor and starting the divorce process.

  9. als says:

    I find it very odd to refer to the woman you claim to love and cherish and mother of your children, as @MariahCarey.
    I know it’s Twitter-speak but still, maybe a statement in which he named her Mariah would have been nicer or maybe he could have named her Mariah in the Twitter rant. Am I not trendy enough to understand this? #peoplearecraaaazy

    • Charlotte says:

      If he hadn’t put it as @MariahCarey then she wouldn’t have seen his message – unless she thought to look at his Twitter account … but by recording her name like that, her Twitter account has automatically received a copy of his message.

  10. bubbles says:

    I wonder if he’s backtracking because of this:

    • Charlotte says:

      But it says the estranged wife “acts” … I know Mariah’s been in a film or two, but come on … calling her performance “acting” is a stretch …

      • The Original Mia says:

        Mariah was in Precious, which Lee Daniels directed. Now, I’m not saying she’s that good, but she got great reviews for her role in Precious. It’s just too coincidental that Nick thought he was getting the lead for the biopic and it was given to Mike Epps. Something went down and the logical conclusion is that Lee Daniels and Oprah chose Mike Epps based on Mariah’s friendship.

      • bubbles says:

        she did Precious, directed by Lee Daniels, who is directing the Richard Prior movie. part that he wanted but went to Mike Epps.

        (you got there first!)

      • mia girl says:

        Original Mia –
        Yes, I’m think you are right that her relationship with Daniels and Oprah might have held some sway. But I also read that before he died, Epps had actually been Prior’s choice to play him in the biopic. I’m sure that have some heavy influence as well.

    • Jen says:

      Well, well, well… That’s very interesting. It does kind of fit, doesn’t it?

      • Dolce crema says:

        I’ve heard people say that all these items fit, but it doesn’t actually prove they are true,

    • FingerBinger says:

      I suppose it’s possible but why would stop him from getting a paycheck? He has “dem babies” to take care of.

  11. Yolie says:

    Doesn’t he have a huge Mariah tattoo on his back? That’s going to be a pain to remove…

  12. Size Does Matter says:

    This is what I took from this. Nick: “Dad, shut the hell up. You are not helping. So, as I was saying, I will never make a statement about my marriage. Now, let me tell you about my marriage.”

  13. Jaderu says:

    Team Mariah forever. Nick, try to keep it classy huh? You’ve got dem babies to worry about. And also please give Thurston Howell III his suit back.

    • evie says:

      OMG, I am CRYING over the Thurston Howell III reference. You win today. Seriously, what is up with his clothes?? Ugh.

      When I saw something yesterday about his tweet rampage, it instantly smacked of damage control.

  14. Altariel says:

    Always and ever Team Mariah. Yes, way too late for this. Too much was spewed to degrade her, and seems no one cares!! Haha, take that Nick! Like its been stated, everyone know shes an eccentric diva, but ultimately harmless! Thought he always portrayed himself as a gentleman. Now, shes a great mother after revealing she was too lax and lazy? And his dad referring to a wife gaining 200 pounds? And shes taking the high road. Hit the low road Cannons! The Diva is a better person than all of you.

  15. pnichols says:

    Hey Nick stfu. There’s your source, Team M.

  16. LAK says:

    Isn’t one of the leaks/sources his own father?!

  17. kri says:

    She might be a bit wobbly, and definitely into her own thing (which is herself), but I am impressed that homegirl is NOT playing around, and she has no intention of stopping the Divorce Train. Whatever went down must have truly hurt and humiliated her. I’m sorry for the kids and I hope they keep it civil for their sakes.

  18. Bliss says:

    I don’t understand why people think Mariah is cray cray.

    She is fairly decent to me, took care of her nephews, mother, doens’t strike me as someone who had problems with laws.

    She always lead a pretty decent life for someone her caliber who entered mega stardom in a storm at a very early age.

    She could have had alcohol, drug problems. All i rememeberred is a breakdown.

    She is a little original but doesn’t strike me like a bad person at all ..

    I like her. Always have, always will.

    • Greata says:

      I agree, Cannon is playing a game but truth will out as it usually does.

    • Altariel says:

      This Bliss! I forgot to mention her good heart. She takes care of family members, and does it quietly with no hype or drama played out in the media. So she had a breakdown, like you said she could have been much worse for someone with her status and career pressures.

    • Bob Loblaw says:

      I like her too, always have, she’s talented and seems like a good person.

    • Angie says:

      Thank you! I mean I think she IS cray cray but in a completely innocuous way. That is, she’s a bit ECCENTRIC. But so what? That doesn’t make her a bad person. In fact I’ve always heard she’s a good kind -hearted person. I like her and I’m legit sad that her marriage imploded. I really thought Nick was the type of guy that accepted and appreciated her for who she is. 🙁 Hopefully she finds happiness again.

  19. wolfpup says:

    I like Nick. Divorce is divorce, and it is always ugly, with all the friends and family being drawn into the drama. Divorce hurts – really hurts – it’s the death of a dream.

    We want people to live up to some sort of ideal (like there is an ideal divorce), but people are merely human, struggling with intense emotions; and who among us does that perfectly?

    Nick sounds like he is flailing about (in pain, shock and denial). I wonder if dudes would be more understanding of Nick’s heartbreaking situation. Father’s need support as well; they are as emotionally vulnerable as a woman. Feminism is about human rights. Why is the man supposed to be the one who “mans-up”? Aren’t women capable of being as strong and intelligent? If one happens to be a mother of both boys and girls, we know their little hearts are equally tender; and courage belongs to us all.

    How awful that the media can control this private conversation. Or that advisors are needed for this “game of chess”. Nick should not lose his job over this!

  20. G says:

    He’s begging for his life in that rant. She clearly has him by the short and curlies.

  21. FWIW says:

    This is Nick doing damage control. Too late because he’s shown he doesn’t have any respect for Mariah by his leaks here and there. What a jerk and I never knew who this guy was until he married her. He owes her big time! After the divorce hope I never hear from this big mouth again. Eww, Mariah, girl, I can’t believe you married him! I’m not even a fan of her music but on this I’m Team Mariah.

  22. Jayna says:

    What we can take away from this is some rags making up stories, but also some of of his cronies and father put out bad stuff about Mariah so Nick could be the saint. It backfired and made him look like a douche. Mariah stayed silent. The stuff his father said about his daughter-in-law was despicable and then when an uproar happened online, the father tried to deny it was about Mariah and deleted it.

    Nick said absolutely nothing until the backlash was so bad on him and all of a sudden he’s praising her now. It’s damage control. He’s doing this now because of the backlash.

    I have no doubt he cares for Mariah, but he played dirty — or had others for him play dirty to make sure he looked like the good guy on this marriage breaking up. Big mistake. I have a feeling he’s having an affair, and he wanted the bad stuff out there about his diva, crazy wife and how he was the long-suffering husband so if an affair came out he didn’t look like a douche, or maybe it was all for his image and career. But whatever his reasons were, it all backfired, and Mariah, for once, was smart and stayed silent. Mariah can be a bitch and high-maintenance ,but I’m not liking Nick so much right now. She didn’t deserve this, and his speech comes a little too late, which makes it come off as self-serving for his public image. Go back to Howard Stern and embarrass your wife and brag some more about the celebs you’ve banged, naming names.

  23. Zombie Shortcake says:

    You mean this couldn’t save their love?

  24. Amy says:

    They both probably love drama. However Nick isn’t attacking Mariah or blaming her in his Tweets. He’s just asking the media to stop speculating about what’s going on during a painful time and to stop making up BS stories, whether the sources are real or not. He just wants privacy. Obviously he is not really going to get it but he’s just venting at the ridiculous headlines the media comes up with. I don’t see this as being anti-Mariah (yet anyways). I don’t really see anything wrong with this. He is not addressing rumors or placing blame. Sure he might be calling attention to himself but he’s not placing blame on anybody.

  25. Tammy says:

    I’ve always liked Nick. He seemed to adore Mariah, and always defended her in the press. I especially liked that he never depended on her for money. He is a hustler, with more jobs than I can keep track of, and always proud that he supports his family. I hope they can find a way back to each other.

    • Bob Loblaw says:

      It’s very sad, I always thought they were an odd pair but they both seemed so happy together. It’s a shame it hasn’t worked out, I hope they can maintain a civil relationship for the sake of their children.