Rosamund Pike: ‘I don’t enjoy the pregnancy bit of having big boobs, really’


Finally! Rosamund Pike covers two major October issues to promote Gone Girl. She covers Vogue UK and Glamour (US). We don’t have any interview excerpts from her Vogue UK piece yet, so I’m just including the cover in this post. I like the Vogue cover WAY more than the Glamour cover, which is awkward to say the least. They cropped out part of her head – that’s not my cropping mistake. They should have cropped the photo higher on her waist so that her whole head could fit in the frame. Weird. Anyway, you can read Rosamund’s Glamour interview here and here are some highlights:

Doing scenes with Ben: “Ben and I would have these scenes that were very giggly and sort of romantic. And then we’d go to this very dark place…I tried to get us out of that.

Doing scenes with Neil Patrick Harris: “We were in hysterics in the editing room. It was very funny doing [rehearsals for our sex] scene. David left Neil and me alone on that set for like two hours to make sure we could do it. But when it’s just two of you, basically kind of f–king on a bed, it feels so inappropriate.”

She was unnerved by Amy: “There were definitely moments when I felt very uneasy with how much power Amy had. And the interesting thing is, my reaction was to laugh. To get sort of uncontrollable giggles. That was the most curious part of playing her: At the point where she’s at her most powerful, it unnerved something in me.”

Finally getting magazine covers: “A lot of girls who are high-profile in Hollywood—they’ve been doing cover stories for big magazines since they were in their early twenties. And I haven’t. I feel quite nervous about it! And having to do cover shoots while pregnant. You’re like, ‘Well, I’m pregnant. So, you know, I haven’t really got a waist anymore.’ I don’t enjoy the pregnancy bit of having big boobs, really.”

Motherhood & careers: “The question is really why do so many women’s careers take off just as they have children? Is it because you are risking everything in your relationship and the risk-taker in you carries through into your professional life? You have less time to worry and overanalyze — maybe that’s it. Or the huntress instinct to provide for your family is awoken. [Either way,] with children you spend so much time reexperiencing the world as a child experiences it, and that has a nourishing effect on your imagination — in my job, imagination is key.”

[From Glamour]

I get the feeling that Rosamund is a “light” person in real life – she just seems very easy-going and sweet, and I can totally see her getting along with Neil Patrick Harris. They probably had the best time together. But working with the Batfleck? I wonder. Oh, and you know what I learned in this? Rosamund named her son Solo. For real. His name is Solo Uniacke. That poor kid!!

RP Vogue UK

Photos courtesy of Glamour and Vogue UK.

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40 Responses to “Rosamund Pike: ‘I don’t enjoy the pregnancy bit of having big boobs, really’”

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  1. glowworm47 says:

    Could not agree more. I am pregnant now and went up 3 cup sizes. I used to be able to get cute and comfortable bras at an affordable price. Once you get passed a certain size you may be able to get cute or comfortable or affordable, but there are no bras that fit in alll three categories.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I wear a 36D, and my bras cost a fricking fortune. It makes me so mad. If I buy cheaper, they fall apart in 3 months, or like you said, they look like Army issue underwear.

      • GiGi says:

        Yes. 32DD here. Enormous breasts. Try, GNAT. You can find TONS of styles in your size and a lot of times they have great sales on really good brands.

      • Erinn says:

        I’m between 38D and 38DD – it’s not a fun world. AND the only lingerie store in town left. No joke. We have nothing. If I want to go to a chain store for bras, I need to drive 3 hours to the city – or go to Walmart and not find anything.

        Ordering online is going to be necessary soon, but I hate not trying bras on because i’m kind of between cup sizes.

      • Tiffany27 says:

        I’m a 32D and I can’t even imagine these things getting bigger. Reason #7,783,692 I’m afraid of pregnancy.

      • GiGi says:

        @Erinn – that’s why I love herroom – they have this thing that tells you your best size in each brand. You fill out a little boob survey and tell them which bra you own (brand & size) that fits you best. It’s a lifesaver!

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Thanks, Gigi! I’ll try it. Great info.

      • JenniferJustice says:

        I have taken alot of surveys in my life, but I have never thougth about a boob survey. You learn something new every day!

        P.S. I like the picture of Rosamund among those giant JuJu Bees.

      • Yvonne says:

        I would really encourage all of you guys to pull out a tape measure and measure yourselves according to a proper sizing system ( 32D/DD isn’t actually very large of a size, so if you feel that your breasts are “huge” you might not actually be a D/DD. I would also encourage you guys to check out the Bra Band Project, which serves as a database of properly fitting bras. Obviously I don’t know if you are in the incorrect size, but it’s definitely possible!

      • FLORC says:

        Very true! Too many woman have a number/size in their heads and they just aren’t that anymore.
        A good friend of mine (I met after an accident) worked at VS and says every 6 months you go bra shopping get resized. The cup might fit, but the band might not or vice versa. The difference is amazing and there’s so much that changes your overall measurements.

        And the accident. While running down a hill of wet grass i slipped and fell chest 1st about 6 feet down. Loads of swelling/bruising and my 32b became 32d (glands were triggered). It’s not fun when things just decide to grow and that extra weight is not comfortable. I do not envy you ladies with a bigger chest.

    • paranormalgirl says:

      I was not that happy when my boobs got bigger during my pregnancies, either. I had to have three extra sizes of bras around to contain them and I’m not that big to begin with.

    • Wiffie says:

      I went from an A to a DD, and it made me feel for all those women who lament. I loved and hated parts of both. Loved ability to go braless if I needed for a certain top, but loved filling out styles of other tops. Bigger bras sick to find sometimes though, especially because 34DD was impossible at most retail for cheap.

  2. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    She looks like two different people on the two covers. Her Vogue cover is much prettier. I found her interview boring except for the giggling at inappropriate times. I have an intense fear of doing that, mostly because I’ve actually done it a few times. Once, I tried to be hypnotized, and I kept bursting into giggles, once I nearly had to bite my tongue off at a funeral to stop it and once I was giving a speech and kept giggling throughout. Ugh, what IS that?

    • GiGi says:

      Inappropriate giggle twins! I broke out in giggles as my son was having a seizure, ffs. It was awful. It’s just nervous laughter – I am not, shall we say, fully accessed to my crying side. So when something traumatic happens, it just comes out first as laughter and finally gets around to crying.

      The great news (not really) is that I’ve passed it on to my son, who has to fight back laughter when he’s getting in trouble. I actually had to explain to my husband that he’s not being insolent, he’s just nervous and that’s how it comes out. Along with wishing I could sing, it’s the only other thing I wish I could change about myself.

      • Belle Epoch says:

        There was an episode of Modern Family in which the mother behaved this way. The neighbor dropped dead and she announced it with a nervous smile and everybody freaked. Check it out for some company!

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        @Gigi Oh my God, we are twins! I can totally see giggling at some horrifying situation like your son’s seizure. That would be typical of me. It’s lucky for your son that you understand what he’s going through giggle wise.

        I wish I could sing, too, so much. My husband plays the guitar, and he very sweetly let’s me sing along with him, but my voice is awful. It would give me so much joy to have a good, even decent singing voice.

        @Belle Epoch maybe we aren’t the only ones!

      • FLORC says:

        Rochelle Bergman
        She was a great chef on the last season of Hell’s Kitchen. She made it quite far and was very talented. When it came to her leading the kitchen and she got stressed she giggled. She has her own twitter with a large following of people who also giggle all the time.
        You’re not alone!

    • MrsBPitt says:

      I do the inappropriate giggling thing, too! A shrink once told me it is just nerves, which I already knew…but how to stop??? It’s so embarrassing!

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Horrible, and I have to do awful things to myself sometimes to stop it, like biting my tongue so the pain distracts me. Who knew there was a whole group of us? Lol

  3. TheCountess says:

    That doesn’t even look like her on Glamour – when Photoshopping goes array.

    • reddy says:

      I think it looks like they took her photo and pieced it together with one of January Jones.

      • red_jane says:

        And what on earth is she wearing?!

        It looks like a fish in lingerie…on a person.. but also a basketball singlet.. I’m so confused, my poor brain hurts just looking at it!

  4. Yellowshaba says:

    Ive always felt she was absolutely beautiful since watching her in sense and sensibility. Ill see this film solely for her

  5. StacyGInTheCLE says:

    Yellow, you will NOT regret it, the book was sinister, and she will KILL it in this role 🙂

  6. Talie says:

    I am glad she finally got her big break — she’s been underrated for YEARS. Also, it was stroke of genius to cast an unknown but experienced actress for Amy, also a mysterious character herself.

  7. Courtney says:

    I would never have guessed that Glamour cover is Rosamund Pike. And the outfit is awful as well.

    • Suki2 says:

      Terrible. She is unrecognizable in the Glamour cover. Maybe digital retouchers with terrible taste shouldn’t work on magazine covers.

  8. Lilacflowers says:

    Really looking forward to this film to see her. About time she got a break in this country.

  9. Anthea says:

    I loved her in The Libertine (great film) and apparently she’s fantastic on stage.

    • Tig says:

      Oh goody- the one other person who’s seen The Libertine! I loved her in that as well. I really loved that movie- I think it’s the last time I liked Johnny Depp as an actor, as opposed to liking JD as well Jack Sparrow and all the derivations of that that followed.

  10. Lydia says:

    I cannot wait for this movie! The casting is a little strange (NOT Rosamund, some of the others though) but I am eager for Fincher to prove me wrong.

  11. Grant says:

    She was so good in Die Another Day! Sexy and psychotic, which is why I think she’ll do great with this Amy role.

  12. Thaisajs says:

    Totally agree on the pregnancy boobs thing. Mine hurt like crazy, like shooting pains during the first trimester. Went up several sizes and it felt like I had two torpedoes on my chest. Ugh.

    Also, whoever styled her for this cover did a rotten job. Looking forward to seeing her on more magazine covers where they actually showcase her beauty.

  13. Luciana says:

    Funny. “Solo” means lonely in spanish. Also we have a common name “Soledad” that stands for solitude and “Dolores” (pain). I will never understand why parents choose those unpleasant names for their children.

    • Lisa Danielle says:

      I’m not 100 percent sure, but I think those are aspects of the Virgin Mary and the parents are naming their children after her and not how they hope the child’s life will be. You can only have so many Marys in a family!