Amal Clooney’s wedding was only a ‘minor interruption’ from her brilliant career


Here are some additional photos of Amal Clooney in Greece last week, plus I’m adding some blurry, long-distance photos of George Clooney (Mr. Alamuddin) in Vancouver on the 16th, doing some reshoots (or something) for Tomorrowland. I thought they completed principal photography on Tomorrowland months ago, which is why I’m referring to this as a “reshoot.” So, George was in Vancouver last week and Amal was in Greece. I wonder if this is what their marriage is going to be like – Amal will get the benefit of being Mrs. George Clooney and she’ll live in the giant mansion George bought for “them,” but George will be off doing his own thing and she’ll be off doing her own thing. Eh, that wouldn’t be the worst deal, actually. Just as long as we still get red carpet photos and pro-Amal propaganda. Speaking of, here’s a new People Mag story. I’m really sorry, but these propaganda pieces are DELIGHTFUL. They are so blatant. So thirsty.

Amal Clooney gets things done. A little more than two weeks after her Sept. 27 wedding to a certain Oscar-winning actor, she was back to business, matter-of-factly using her brand-new last name. Arriving in Athens on Oct. 13, the jet-setting international attorney was set to meet with Greek prime minister Antonis Samaras in an effort to mediate one of the world’s biggest cultural-property disputes.

While her other half, George Clooney, also returned to work, promoting his upcoming sci-fi adventure Tomorrowland at New York Comic Con on Oct. 9, Amal was tackling a complex legal case involving priceless Greek sculptures dating back more than 2,000 years and a centuries-old fight between Britain and Greece over ownership.

In other words, just another day at the office for the fiercely smart and ambitious newlywed, who coolly navigated princess-level pandemonium when she touched down in Greece.

“She is calm, highly intelligent and extremely dedicated,” a colleague tells PEOPLE. “This case shows she is going to be her own woman. Her career is continuing as it was before this minor interruption.”

[From People]

“THIS MINOR INTERRUPTION”?!?! Please tell me that quote came from a British person. They are always the masters of understatement. I’ve heard Englishmen refer to World War II as a “dust-up.” So, yes, “marrying George Clooney in one of the biggest public displays of the year” is now a “minor interruption.” Because Amal Clooney is just so brilliant, complicated, high-powered and dedicated. It’s a wonder she even bothered to take off work for months to vacation, plan her wedding and marry some Yank actor. Why is THIS the propaganda again?



Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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94 Responses to “Amal Clooney’s wedding was only a ‘minor interruption’ from her brilliant career”

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  1. Jules says:

    For the love of Pete……… Clooney the first man to marry a smart pretty woman? Between Alamooney and that useless Blake and her pretentious BS, I am ready to quit this site.

    • Abbott says:

      We are all in this together, Jules. You can’t quit us now!

    • Mia V. says:

      I think the big surprise is that he settled for the smart one, but I’m really tired of the news about them. Imagine when they divorce.

    • siri says:

      Suffering is sooo much better together 🙂

    • Adrien says:

      C’mon Jules, I know you don’t want to quit. Don’t you want to know their Halloween costumes? How about her Christmas presents to herself, I mean, George?

    • LeAnn Stinks says:

      I hear ya Jules.

    • Pixelated says:

      YOU GUYS. I have figured it out.
      Amal is vying for a top British political position.
      Hear me out.
      In the olden days of yore, when we thought Clooney was trying to associate himself with an accomplished, intelligent woman so he could run for a U.S. office position, we also realized that this does not compute because she’s British and has made no mention of moving to the U.S.
      Amal wanted to attach herself to someone who would catapult her name to the front pages. Someone who has a PR machine that can make her the darling of the fashion world and also the barrister world (case in point: ‘Ranked most beautiful barrister’ article pumping)
      George wanted to attach himself to someone who would amp up his image as a worldly figure. He marries someone that is pretty and intelligent, she gets his PR machine and the George makeover of Chanel, fashion magazine covers, ect.
      IT ALL MAKES SENSE. Do you guys agree?

      • Mrs. Wellen-Mellon says:

        GENIUS! Love. It.

        It all makes sense now.


      • Malak says:

        Totally agree!
        Geoffrey Robertson does the main work , to try get the Elgin Marbles back for Greece, and takes AAC with him, for publicity.

  2. LAK says:

    Her face is very arresting. If the law career fails (LOL) she’d make a great model. She looks like Yasmeen Ghauri, the 90s Supermodel.

    • You gotta be kidding says:

      Should’ve gone to Specsavers

      • LAK says:

        LOL!!…..but stand by my point. her close up is arresting. Notice I didn’t say beautiful, arresting. That’s what you need in a model.

    • Christin says:

      I thought she’d had work done to look softer, but these close-ups have caused me to re-think that assumption. Yes, she still has sharp features that are ‘stunning’.

      • LAK says:

        If you look at her individual features, they aren’t perfect or soft, but it’s the combination that is stunning.

        I think the weight loss helped sharpen her features. I think she’s had a nose job and definitely her teeth have been made over.

      • Kcarp says:

        I think she looks like a man.

      • Tack says:

        Here she is without the nose job.


        It’s obvious her sister Tala and mother Baria have had theirs done too. I suspect Tala’s daughter will get one, judging by the looks of it (her nose). Allegedly the Lebanese are big on plastic surgery.

      • Suzanne says:

        You’re right Tack…she’s definitely had a nose job…and the teeth show major improvement now…I noticed in the wedding shots that one side of her back teeth are NOT done…and it’s noticeable compared to the opposite side. So yeah…she’s had her nose and teeth done. She’s striking but I agree with anyone who says she needs some weight on her. She looks skeletal in some pictures…boyish frame…and her legs and feet turn inward so it looks kinds of gawky in most pictures of her walking toward the camera. She’s not perfect…for sure…but she is lovely to look at….I think…and considered pretty smart, lucky and accomplished despite the fact that she married ol Georgie Porgie who is almost old enough to be her Dad!

      • Ange says:

        Wow, that original nose was quite a honker!

    • Chris2 says:

      I remember her very well……then she disappeared without trace!
      I love Amal’s face, it’s just how I’d like to look……lovely, strong features, but stopping short of the outright breathtaking beauty of a Loren. (I’d settle for just the hair really)

  3. Abbott says:

    But what about the MARBLES?!?


    • Olenna says:

      Ha! And, can you believe this headline from ABC news last week…”Greece Pins Marbles Hopes on UN and Clooney Factor”?!

      • Angie says:

        How long will it be before her equally fame hungry boss gets fed up with her getting the credit in the media for legal smarts that should go to him? It’s one thing for his vacationing, wedding-planning, eye candy employee to get his firm the attention he wants; it’s another for her to get a reputation for the legal expertise that he in reality supplies.

  4. elisabeth says:

    I’m going to assume that I’m not the only one that thinks this marriage is a complete business arrangement in order for George to run for office?

    • nora says:

      no you’re not the only one, here in France the same media the serious journalists to tell more and more openly what ‘m amazed because he did not even wear an under-heard as is the rule here because laws on privacy are very strict and they say it is a marriage arranged .si it’s true it’s always scary and fascinating for me to see that people are close to selling their soul to the devil for the celebrity and money

      • Suzanne says:

        Somebody interpret for me what the hell Nora is saying. What is an “under-heard” and what does privacy have to do with an arranged marriage? HELP ME UNDERSTAND this post!!!

    • Jegede says:

      I doubt its a great love match.

      But I do not see Clooney running for office and I don’t see how she’s an asset to the voting public, unless its a European post.

      His father, Nick Clooney, is more distinguished and accomplished but still lost his race

    • Lola says:

      I also think this could have something to do with a future political career for him.
      PS: There should be NO negotiation involved, if they belong to the GreekGovt, return them!!

      • alreadyready says:

        You are right, they should have them back. But this is true for most of the Italian, Egyptian, Iraq, Greek pieces who are now in the most important museums all over the world. Most of them were stolen or illegally exported. Can you imagine this happening for real?

    • Luca76 says:

      At this point he very clearly is NOT running for office.
      Him and his wife set up home base in London not California, not Kentucky .
      If he were interested in running for something he would be selling his foreign homes not buying more.
      She is emphasizing her career which is International. If she were interested in becoming a First Lady she would be working less or at least working only in the U.S.

      And most important there has been no word from any political sources that George has been testing the waters.
      The people that would break a story of George were running wouldn’t be US weekly. They’d be the same ones who broke the stories about Clay Aiken and Ashley Judd running for office-Chris Matthews, or other Beltway types that have sources behind the scenes in politics.

      • Sabrine says:

        I think it is a love match and Clooney has no intention of ever running for office. He’s more into the humanitarian stuff. They’re not going to spend a lot of time together but this was all agreed to before they ever decided to get married. They will fly in and out to each other, or meet up at the English estate, when time permits. It seems they both have a lot going on and this will work for them, especially without children in the mix. It may not last forever but it will last for a while, until they become bored with each other.

        When they do get together, it will be hot monkey sex, not so bad.

      • Somenestolemyname says:

        Well put Luca76.
        This is not for some big US political run. He’s done everything in Europe including set her up in a Estate in the English Countryside.

        And why some see Amal as an asset for him in US political is bewildering. She’s simply not a good choice for US politics, she’s way too controversial. If he ever steps his toe in US politics, her press would turn nightmarish, the opposition could care less about her degrees.

        This woman is not a political asset for George in the US, I don’t care how many Chanel suits she wears or how much his PR machine tries to puff her up.
        The opposition will skewer her. She’s got way too much controversial baggage.

        I think he’s bi , I don’t believe it’s a love match, but a business marriage for whatever reasons?

    • LeAnn Stinks says:

      Far from it, I have been posting that for weeks. I think that the majority agree with you.

    • Malak says:

      What office? The oval one? Not in 2016, and 2024 he’ll be over 60. I’d say way too late to start. Besides, hasn’t he said they’ll be settling in England?

  5. Guesto says:

    Re ‘minor interruption’ it’s tongue-in-cheek/mischievously ironic rather than understatement.

    I’m all shades of done with hearing about these two. Enough. And since Amal is ‘fiercely intelligent’ and ‘her own woman’, then it’s safe to conclude that she’s a fully paid up member of this PR bombardment so just as bad as her husband then in attention-seeking terms.

    • Bugsy says:

      Spot on!

    • Tack says:

      Ditto, Guesto

      Enuf a’ready! haha

      Whatever Amal Clooney and George Alamuddin are up to is not clear, not that it needs to be to anyone outside their marriage. However, what is clear is this blaring over-exposure – eclipsing the ‘media-shy humble humanitarian’ image we are supposed to believe.

  6. Barbiegirl says:

    Would she really change her name if this was a business arrangement? Or maybe even more so… I really do not know what to think about those two…

  7. Lempicka says:

    the worlds (press) astonishment over a woman that chooses to continue a high profile career after marrying a hollywood star shows us were we are in terms of work equality.

    • aga says:

      It isn’t press astonishment over woman who continue her career, it’s simply printing all the notes which they receive from the Clooneys PR, it’s part of their contract.

  8. Lee says:

    She is smart. She knows what she is doing. Go girl.

  9. Kiddo says:

    She gets things done with the PR firm, that’s for damn sure.

  10. Maya says:

    Where is the tranquilliser? There is a man chasing George with a net right this instance.

    I am seriously reaching the end of my patience with George and his pr stuff.

  11. Gayle says:

    There are pix of George in LA on Saturday night. He is drunk off his ass. I really do think he has a major drink problem.

    • Cora says:

      I saw those, too. They were cringe-worthy. If George was truly happy in his life, why is he still hitting the bottle so hard?

      • Somenestolemyname says:

        Oh wow,is he still doing the drunk outings? That’s not good.

      • Tack says:

        re: the pics

        Looks like George has come to his senses, and is saying “what the hell did I do ! I want the boys and my old life back”. And Rande, who looks as drunk as George, is saying “hang in there, buddy, just 2 more years. ” 🙂

    • maddelina says:

      He was totally gunned in Vancouver! I think he has a drinking problem as well.

    • Christin says:

      Thanks to comments on this thread, I checked out her old photos (posted in US comments) and his good-bye Rande photos. Good grief. This may be getting more interesting.

      We need a thread based on the saggy jeans, hugging Rande photos alone!

  12. Frida_K says:

    I am firmly in the “Eh, who really cares?” camp. She’s super pretty, I like seeing what she wears, and Clooney is a handsome guy who has never put a burr under my saddle. So I don’t take anything related to them very seriously and merely wish them well.

    They seem really inoffensive to me. Of course, I view life from the Dame Angie (I am a full, life member Brangeloonie) to Blake Lively (she’s annoying and vapid and needs to go away) to the Karskankian empire (I don’t even have a comment to waste) and finally to what’s her name…Ediot and Weewee (less than zero response) spectrum. So the Clooneys are nowhere near the pinnacle of Brangie Wonderfulness but they aren’t anywhere on the side of Weewee and Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus either.

    Meh. She has good hair.

    What else is there to say?


    • Sunny says:

      I really love your post and agree with you on most points. Especially not wasting a comment on the family that shall not be names.

      I think all the attention at this point is ridiculous and how it it shocking that a woman with a fairly successfully career choose to get back to work after marriage. Women do it all the damn time all over the world, not need to stop the presses for this groundbreaking story.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Agreed. Don’t get the extreme emotions. And she does have lovely hair.

  13. Belle Epoch says:

    Oh good grief. She wasn’t curing cancer before her wedding and she isn’t now, either. I am truly sick of hearing about how fabulously successful she is when a) she appeared to do no work at all for months before the wedding and b) her clients are shady creepsters. I believe she is smart, but so what? She certainly is not on the human rights side of her human rights cases, and her “book” had several authors.

    I find it weird that this woman has no apparent friends and no past. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Did she just hang out with her mother and her family all her life? NO ONE, as far as I know, has come forward to say “we shared a flat and she was great fun” or “as a co-worker she had such a great sense if humor.” And apparently no man ever had his heart broken by this great beauty. (Personally I think no man ever got near her.)

    I’m really surprised by all the people who are lapping up the image of her as the greatest professional woman of all time. Please. She is playing a part. George hired her a great stylist, she is thin and photogenic, and by nature she is “supremely self-confident.” Now that the wedding is over they have gone their separate ways, as they said they would.

    • pem says:

      I think the fact that none of her friends have gone running to the press is a testament to the kind of friends she has – no-one looking to make a quick buck or for their 15 minutes of fame off the back of the Clooney factor. Good for them. And as for her colleagues – I think her chambers has made a general statement about her, as as Geoffrey Robertson, but if any other colleague openly commented to the press they would probably get a bollocking from chambers for it.

      FAOD, I’m no fan of Amal.

    • Poppy says:

      she does have a past. There is a whole thread on USmagazine and Dlisted with tons of old pictures of her. She is pretty but had a nose job and was heavier before.

    • siri says:

      There ARE photos of her pre-marriage. Somebody is releasing photos of her with a former boyfriend in the forum part of UsWeekly:

      You have to stroll down in the comment section to see them.

      As for friends, there was this one woman at the wedding, who also gave a speech, telling that they had nightly discussions about Mr.Perfect etc., and that she quit smoking after meeting Clooney. I truly believe she was looking for that kind of man- rich, influential, older and established, who would leave her alone doing her thing. Similar political views as an extra bonus. She will be completely happy to accompany him on some of his trips, to Cabo etc. The only thing I cannot easily imagine is, how she will get along with George’s friends. I also don’t think they met by accident, I could even imagine her mother’s PR company being involved in this. Amal is probably very happy with this deal, but I’m not so sure about George in the long run.

      • LAK says:

        Wow. There are 2 commentors in the USweekly commenting section who H-A-T-E Amal. It’s quite funny.

      • siri says:

        @LAK: I saw that, and I think at least one of them knows her personally- these pics are private ones…

      • amelie says:

        Kinda of wonder why NOTHING surfaced prior to the wedding. FYI, she looks genuinely happy in the photos with her former BF. Her photos with George look staged.

      • jane16 says:

        I think those “commenters” on US are actually one very disturbed George stalker that posts under multiple screenames. She gets really vile and worked up on the non-moderated sites like just jared and us. Also, she’s been doing this for years, which is pretty scary.

      • noway says:

        I know George has a crazy stalker who is pretty vocal on several sites and it does sound like one of the people on there are her/him. But one of the commenters on the US site has pictures of Amal with a previous boyfriend and friends. These pics haven’t been publicized to my knowledge. They look like personal photos from friends. Aside from the fact that she looks like she probably had her nose and teeth done & lost a lot of weight, no judgement here, the photos look pretty normal. The one where she is posing with some product at a conference is slightly weird, but the others look like a lot of people’s photos. I just wonder what the big deal was about her having a personal life before George. As much as people say her friends are too good or above the publicity, which may or may not be the case, I always think it is weird that if she was a private person with any social media account that we never saw early picture like this in any publication. Even now we see them in a comment section of a publication. What’s so bad the ex looks nice looking. Friends look normal, she makes the selfie model face pose on a couple- she seems normal to me, but maybe normal isn’t enough for George. This a very managed and controlled PR effort if not a bit over the top for my taste. Just makes me wonder why? And I really don’t think it is political office anymore or he wouldn’t go out with Rande in LA a few weeks after the wedding and look drunk as a skunk getting in a car.

        On a very sad note not really related to this story but to Amal, I am just sad at the death of Oscar De La Renta. He was such an amazing designer for all women, and a true fashion pioneer.

    • SuePerb says:

      She does have friends and had a life before Clooney. Her best friend is Jennifer Robinson (another Human Rights lawyer) from Australia who lives in London and Australia. She is here with Bill Murray – Kathy Lette (Geoffrey Robertson QC’s wife) was also there too

      • captain says:

        You mean this AMAZING blonde is Amal’s best friend? And I was wondering who this might be, I don’t know her from movies, whether it’s Murray’s daughter or something. She reminded me of Grace Kelly. I just can’t with this Amal, I like her every day more and more.

  14. Emma says:

    I wish I was able to figure out whether she is actually THE MOST SUCCESSFUL WONDERFUL LAWYER OF ALL TIME. I’m a US law student so it’s not hard to figure out if people are actually doing really legit stuff here, but I don’t understand anything about how it works over there. She seems to spend a lot of time not working for someone supposedly at the top of her field, but maybe that’s how it is there?

  15. aang says:

    I don’t care what anyone says, I adimre her. Just the fact that she spent her life until now living normally, getting a first rate education and building a successful career, makes me like her.

  16. BrilliantAmal says:

    Please. That’s enough. She passed the Bar exam and was accepted at a Barristers Chambers in London that specialises in human rights. She and 70 or 90 other barristers headed by Mr Robertson QC (I cant quite remember the exact figure). He leads. She is a junior. She follows, does all the leg work. She isnt the only one he uses. Im not taking anything away from her. She is clearly intelligent and academically accomplished. Who knows of her skills as an orator and cross examiner though?. She has only been at the Bar 4 years, one of which was spent travelling around the world for and with George. Greece went to him not to Ms Alamuddin. She has been thrust forward because of who she married. She is a very very ambitious woman. She will end up heading the UN or some such thing IMO.
    IMO this was not a naturally evolved beautiful union.
    They’re having another wedding party soon arent they? And another one after that in the US?
    Total overkill. Totally ridiculous. And oh so contrived.
    Good luck to them. I cant stand them. Never want to see GC again or his ‘wife’.

    • AG-UK says:

      +1 exactly she is one of many jrs. and it’s getting old.

    • pem says:

      I completely agree with your first paragraph. This marriage so far seems to be doing a hell of lot more for her career (would she be the one speaking at the Elgin Marbles press conf, rather than Roberston, if she wasn’t Mrs Clooney?) than his. Smart self-promotion in a career that depends to a great extent on just that.

      • Amelie says:

        Don’t you think that the Clooney’s handlers overplayed her? It’s all hyperbole and it’s changing her image from a serious & competent attorney to a ‘reality star’ who works briefly between social engagements that are covered by the media.

      • jane16 says:

        How do you know Robertson didn’t speak at the press conference? The only blurb I saw of it was very, very short and contained little snippets of Amal speaking, which was edited badly. I doubt if the press conference was that short! I bet Robertson and others did speak and then and the end, they threw a few questions at Amal.

    • Etheldreda says:

      Absolutely. Enough already about this woman.

      There are any number of good-looking junior lawyers – because that’s all she is – in London, New York, Paris, wherever. The ONLY reason we’re hearing about Amal is because she married a past his prime film star and they made a media spectacle out of their wedding. She’s a high class WAG, basically.

    • Who says:

      Oh that’s right…the next “event” is in England this weekend. Cue the paps!

    • Lori says:

      I agree with most of your comments.

      In an earlier post, I was trying to figure out what, precisely, bothered me so much about this spectacle in Greece. Then, over the weekend, I saw Senator Kirsten Gillibrand talking to Bill Maher about her book, and about sexism in the Senate. During their interview, Senator Gillibrand stated that she had devoted a chapter of her book to comments on women’s appearance (in her case, in the context of a political campaign) because she believed that such comments undermined a woman’s credibility as a professional, regardless of whether they were “positive” or “negative” comments.

      That statement then reminded me of another broadcast a month earlier:

      (Kaiser, my apologies for the links)

      For most of us, going to work is not a performance. We’re not looking for men’s applause or the approving male gaze. Yet, the endless display of photographs in Greece appear to turn what should be a professional and confidential endeavor into a performance. The PR strategy, here, appears to feed into precisely the kind of disparaging commentary about one’s appearance that can undermine a woman’s professional reputation. The subsequent (and treacly) People articles that characterize Amal is a VERY SERIOUS, hard-working professional who only cares about her clients’ issues and objectives do not exactly help her, here, because they only underscore the fact that the powers that be (whoever they are) may not be taking her seriously, other than as haute couture eye candy.

      How many steps is this away from sleeping with one’s boss for a promotion? If only all of us were lucky enough to marry a multimillionaire actor and have a fairy princess wedding, we could advance more than we otherwise would based on our skills, intelligence, and experience……

      • Hazel says:

        Great comment.

      • melain says:

        Great comment. All working women know what kind of time and effort it takes to prepare for and execute any quality body of professional work, especially something colleagues would consider ‘brilliant.’ I think that term is probably inaccurate as applied to Amal. But what I think what this odd pairing reveals is the global power of Hollywood and its stars…it’s substantial. Some people are willing to do anything for it. It occurs to me that maybe the shoe is on the other foot for a change. Instead of George using some ‘babe’ to enhance his perceived virility, maybe some brilliant mastermind at Amal’s law firm figured they’d use George to enhance the position of their clients. I mean, It’s not unheard of for judges and juries to be swayed by fame. The stakes are pretty high for Amals clients, like Julian Assange. So maybe Amal is taking one for the cause. ?? Who knows. It’s fun to try to figure out the reasons for odd couplings.

      • siri says:

        @melain: My guess is they use each other. Clooney got tired of all the rumors about contract business with women, being a closet gay etc., and although he claims to not care about gossip, he seems to be quite well-informed when it comes to it. He also simply is getting older, and most of his friends are married with kids- they won’t spend weeks with him in Como to get drunk anymore. For the other side, I always suspected Amal’s mother to have led the foundation for this relationship. Given Amal’s background, her upbringing, and her age, it doesn’t seem far-fetched to think she wanted to get married to a wealthy, settled, influential guy, who takes care of his business providing well for her in the future. Arranged marriages are not uncommon in her culture as well, but I don’t think it has anything to do with her chamber. They are just happy to use her to accumulate more deals with rich&famous clients. But her mother has her own PR firm, and if you ever watched her in an interview, she loves to mention her connections. So I really believe this is a deal made in heaven.

      • siri says:

        Although a bit late, I also wanted to say something about your insightful comment, @Lori. I found it a pitty from the start that Amal herself obviously doesn’t understand her possible chance to actually BE a role model. Educated, and working in a still male-dominated profession, she could have prevented that kind of show by simply insisting on a low-key affair. With the kind of circus they created, starting from the over-publizised, over-detailed engagement to this display of extreme wealth at their wedding spectacle, she has ruined any chance to be taken serious as a working woman, not only by men, but by a lot of women as well. But I suppose she, and her family, wanted it this way. There is no meaning in insisting now that this was all just a minor interruption from her oh-so-busy schedule, when they obviously noticed that a big part of the public just doesn’t really appreciate their PR, and doesn’t buy into her being that high-powered, in-demand lawyer they made of her from the beginning. She did herself, AND women in general, a disservice. I don’t know her motives, but I’m allowing myself the impression that she simply married for fame, and to use her husband’s PR, money , and connections to establish herself as THE human rights lawyer, perhaps even to get into some official political function. Not George, SHE might be the one with an political agenda. George has an agenda, too, but I never thought it had anything to do with politics.

  17. frisbeejada says:

    “Minor interruption” no, that’s not British understatement that’s what we call “taking the p*ss” and gloating while she’s doing it as well. Still good to see it’s not all going to her head or anything…

  18. Laura taylor says:

    I don’t like her and that dislike is rubbing off on George but I love Nick Clooney

  19. Vampi says:

    Cannot. Stand. Her……. That being said, I would take 1000 posts of her here on CB over just ONE of KimmyK and the vapid clan so…. Go Amal?? Yep.

  20. j9 says:

    i am an attorney and if I took off for “months” to jet set etc, I would be out of business. Maybe not the dedicated career gal they let on. Most attorneys cant take two weeks off.

  21. norah says:

    also dont forget if she was as brilliant as everyone is making out to be – she is still a junior lawyer and still unknown till she hooked up with gc and now hogging all the headlines and travelling here and there . i mean before the engagement for example she was not at work was she?

  22. Miss M says:

    I prefer reading about her than Lohan or Kardashian. That being said, his PR team needs to stop.

    I think the only time she should be in the media is for work related purposes (her firm can use this pr game to their advantage) or when she is accompanying her husband to an event. Pap strolls and posts everyday?! Geesh… enough already!

  23. Racer says:

    Stacy Keibler is somewhere laughing her ass off

    Sarah Larson is somwhere regretting not getting that MBA

    Talia Balsam (first wife) is somewhere thinking “what a schmuck”

  24. Marigold says:

    Is anyone else terribly confused by the moderators in these threads? I don’t get why my comments are always cut. I don’t swear, I don’t personally attack and yet mine don’t get posted. What gives?

  25. Nimbolicious says:

    Meh. Greece was nothing more than a fashion show featuring a binder. In essence, a photo op, with others doing the follow-up boring albeit crucial s#%t-work that goes into effectuating progress on this or any cause.

    I’m not averse to eating crow down the line if she demonstrates any individual substance beneath the degrees ‘n’ designers and/or it becomes apparent that all the noise is something other than Stacey/Elisabetta/Sarah/etc. plus a marriage certificate and an education.

  26. sarah says:

    Wish Amal all the success in the world. Really enjoying her recent outfits/fashion.

  27. zut alors! says:

    Has People released the sales figures of the Amal et Giorgio last remaining movie star wedding extravaganza? Did the issue sell well?

  28. Somenestolemyname says:

    Daily Mail has some photos of George hanging with Randi Geber over the weekend. Boys , friends night out.

  29. Amelie says:

    To pick up on Siri’s excellent observations above, people marry for reasons other than love. It happened in olden days for reasons of economics and politics, i.e. the English aristocracy. A more current example concerns why Jackie Kennedy married Aristotle Onassis. She was shattered by the assassination of both her husband and her brother-in-law and was looking for a protector for her children and herself. Onassis had the means to protect her. It was not a marriage of love for either of them (Frankly, he broke Maria Callas’ heart). I can understand her need… What bothers me is that the George/Amal union has been a blatantly orchestrated/marketed public event meant to garner publicity for some aim. I suspect the details will emerge in the not too distant future…