Shailene Woodley on taking it off for movies: ‘I’m only 22. My boobs are great’

Shailene Woodley

Shailene Woodley isn’t the new Jennifer Lawrence, at least not on this blog. Shailene’s off-camera shtick is limited to her earth-child persona and she’s not nearly as interesting as JLaw. That’s sad because she does show serious talent in her films.

I watched White Bird in a Blizzard last weekend. The film’s twist was a gut punch, and Shailene was fantastic. Her performance quality had little to do with how often she disrobed during the movie. She told Hollywood life that she’d never shy away from nudityIf that happened to be part of the story in a really beautiful, grounded, honest way.” This film is very honest, and Shailene loses her top a lot. Here’s what she had to say about her magnificent rack:

Shailene Woodley stars in White Bird in a Blizzard. Forget not understanding the title. The question is, where’s her first name come from?

“My mother saw ‘Shai’ on a license plate, loved it, and tried figuring how to adapt it. Shailo, Shailee, Shailey, Shailette. So it became Shailene.”

She started acting “at age 5. By accident. I grew up in a small suburban California town. I was good in school. I was a nerd. The opportunity came to do commercials, and my parents were supportive.”

About her oft-discussed sexy scene in the movie, it’s “crazy. And sort of wrong. But I felt great doing it. I was not fully robed. And our bodies had no makeup. Who needs makeup? I’m only 22. My boobs are great. They don’t need any help. My parents saw the film. I thought it might be awkward, but they both loved it.”


Shailene did not arrive for her screening in the usual tight, spangled, designerish, low-cut, crotch-showing loaner dress, borrowed jewelry and teased shellacked hair. It was simple black pants, coat, headband. She’s also an outspoken feminist.

“Women should be there for other women. It’s such cruelty and competition out there. Women must help other women. Not say those ugly things about the others just out of their insecurity. I don’t believe in that.”

Started acting at 5, has a one-off name, parents loved her naked scene, dressed plainly for her screening. Shailene Woodley’s different.

[From Page Six]

Sigh. She’s not wrong. Her rack does look good in this movie, and being 22 years old doesn’t hurt matters. It’s easy to roll my eyes at Shailene’s declaration, but at least she’s not humblebragging. She’s not saying other people think her rack is awesome. She just likes her own rack. There’s something admirable in that statement. Shailene is simply being “open and lovely” with us.

By the way, did you catch how Page Six is trying to erase Shailene’s anti-feminist stance? I wonder if that’s Shailene’s PR people at work.

P.S. Here’s Shailene’s co-star, Shiloh Fernandez. He cleans up pretty well, but this photo makes me want to dunk him in Lysol.

Shailene Woodley

Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News & WENN

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28 Responses to “Shailene Woodley on taking it off for movies: ‘I’m only 22. My boobs are great’”

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  1. mkyarwood says:

    Haha, can’t shade her for that. Growing up with a larger set, I always thought they looked terrible. Now, 34 and two breastfed babies later, I know I was insane. Loving my body now because I’ll never be as young as I am today!

    • wiffie says:

      Exactly my thoughts!! I look back on photos where I hated myself and my body, and I had no idea how beautiful I looked. So when I start to feel old or past my prime, I remember that someday I’ll kill to look like me today, so live in it, love it, and take advantage of the face and body I have today.

  2. Ginger says:

    Yes well at 22 most women’s racks are pretty great. I’ll give her that. I know mine was before I had my little man.

  3. ncboudicca says:

    Makes me wish I would’ve had the same attitude at her age!

  4. Lucy2 says:

    “Are you a feminist?”
    “No, because I love men.” Time Magazine, May 2014.
    Cut to five months later and suddenly she’s an “outspoken feminist”? Nice attempt at course correction, PR folks. I like to think maybe she educated herself or someone explained it to her, but I’m thinking it’s more likely a PR thing to deal with the backlash.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Exactly. Rebranding. Too little too late.

      And, of course we should support other women in their attempts to do good things, to grow, to empower themselves and women in general, to learn, to express themselves and all that, and we should be open to different kinds of beauty and try to see it one another – but this idea that you’re not a feminist if you have a criticism of another woman just doesn’t go anywhere with me. If I disagree with your politics or ethics or whatever, I’m not going to pretend I don’t because we have the same sex. That doesn’t get anybody anywhere.

      • Diana B says:

        Yes, GoodNamesAllTaken. Being a feminist does not mean you have to go along with anything another woman says and just ignore her character flaws. I think Shailene still doesn’t get it completely. Sure, us women need to stop slaying each other out of pettyness but that doesn’t mean our gender is always right and does no wrong.

    • serena says:

      Let’s hope she really outgrow that dumb phase.

      • ek says:

        I think that infamous statement was really blown out of proportion and twisted from what she said “No because I love men, and I think the idea of ‘raise women to power, take the men away from the power’ is never going to work out because you need BALANCE. With myself, I’m very in touch with my masculine side. And I’m 50 percent feminine and 50 percent masculine, same as I think a lot of us are. And I think that is important to note. And also I think that if men went down and women rose to power, that wouldn’t work either. We have to have a fine balance.”
        Her understanding isn’t anti feminist, its the exact purpose of feminism, the wanting of equality between both sexes. so i think its really unfair for her to be labeled an anti feminist but what she did mess up was with it being a man hating thing that just showed how uneducated she was which was really embarressing for her to make such a world wide blunder but false to have , her for the face of anti feminists.
        You know, she didnt make a statement saying that men were superior and women should stay oppressed.

  5. Div says:

    Nothing wrong with that comment about her boobs. I think she was probably being light hearted, but it was fine.

  6. Adrien says:

    Good for her for loving her body. I’m glad she’s doing smaller films.

  7. AM says:

    Her earth child persona is annoying at times, but she manages to have a schtick where she has boxed out room for questions about her personal life. She’s managing to get some of the best parts available for her age group right now and doesn’t have to sell herself to do it. Good for her.

  8. Hazel says:

    Maybe I need some glasses, but she reminds me of a female Federer. I think it’s the nose.

  9. serena says:

    I still like her way better than JLaw!! If not being interesting means she’s scandal-free or not always talking about farts then well, go on.

    • Helo says:

      I will take Jennifer Lawrence over Shailene Woodley any day. Also, Jennifer Lawrence IS scandal free. Those photos were stolen and it was a sex crime and not a scandal.

    • manatee says:

      Same for me, she might be a little bit on the weird side and she is not always aware of the impact of her babble. But it’s refreshing and by the way I’m also sharing her fondness for eating clay.

  10. Q says:

    I actually think she’s a lot more interesting than Jennifer.

    • Yeah says:

      She is to me to. I don’t have anything against Jennifer, I like her, but I know a lot of girls just like her. Maybe it’s where I’m from, but Shailene is different than anyone I know, so that makes her interesting to me.

  11. jaye says:

    I can’t hate on her about the boobs thing. If I still had my 22yo boobs I’d go grocery shopping topless.

  12. INeedANap says:

    I actually thought her boobs comment was kind of funny. I appreciate that she didn’t try to get all navel-gazing about it. Good for her. They’re lovely and nudity shouldn’t be a big deal.

  13. nicegirl says:

    I like Shailene AND i think she is a good actress – and I love her hippie-ish, who gives a crud attitude. She is fine with herself and the way she looks – GOOD! I wish more young girls would feel good about themselves. No shade from me on that.

    20 years ago, I thought my thighs were a MESS. Looking at them now, I had NO IDEA what mess was ahead!

  14. OTHER RENEE says:

    I like her. She cares about the planet. That’s not a crime. BTW “Shai” (pronounced SHY) means GIFT in Hebrew.

  15. jammypants says:

    I confuse all these young starlets from the other. Maybe because they all have short hair, spunky attitude, and a lineup of films begging for awards?

    I love her boob comment though.

  16. kri says:

    Shailene Woodley is the old Lena Dunham. First we have to hear about her need to expose her woodland vagine to the forest creatures, and now we have to hear about her “rack”. Make a nature pr0n and get it over with.

  17. Bob4 says:

    I love a young women who isn’t insecure about her body.

  18. ... says:

    I really like Shailene and I wish people would stop mentioning Jen. She is not Jen and she doesn’t want to be so let her exist as her own person. It’s refreshing that so many young actresses are avoiding becoming the new JLaw and are instead opting to be themselves. I never understood why people acted like Jen was so different anyway her shtick is the same goofy blonde persona Cameron Diaz had back in the day mixed in with a little Gwyneth star power.

    • Eliza says:

      JLaw is like Audrey Hepburn. Hepburn became famous all of sudden with Roman Holiday and she was loved by everybody. I think JLaw had the same trajectory even she made more movies than Hepurn before to be famous. This kind of fame doesn’t happen to everybody. You must have something special and I think Jlaw has it.

  19. labelle says:

    Um HELLO, am I the only one seeing the inadvertent upskirt in this photo? Talk about a poorly placed reflective surface!!!