Many more photos from the Oceans 13 Photocall

I found a lot more pictures from the Oceans 13 photocall that I wanted to share.

People are calling George Clooney manorexic because his face is looking kind of gaunt, while Brad Pitt is said to have gained a few essential pounds since his face is normal-sized now. Matt Damon is just right, in my opinion, although of course I would, uh, sample the all the porridge just to see. (That was not a sexual reference so much as a three little bears one.)

The advance reviews are in for Oceans 13, and they say it’s a bit better than Oceans 12, but not a lot. While the London Times Online calls it the best of the three heist films, other reviewers say it’s more of the same highly-stylized scenes without a lot of substance. With eye candy like this, audiences are sure to like it just fine.

Thanks to Photorazzi for these pictures.

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