Angelina Jolie & Jon Stewart flirted with each other on last night’s ‘Daily Show’


Here are some photos of Angelina Jolie outside of The Daily Show last evening. I always love it when she stops by TDS! She and Jon Stewart have known each other for more than 15 years – they worked together on Playing By Heart, a weird ensemble film which actually isn’t terrible. And that was back when Stewart was just “that cute actor who used to have an MTV show.” Angelina usually stops by TDS whenever she has a big project to promote, and last night’s stop was to promote Unbroken, obviously. Jon was super-sweet to her. Here’s the video:

I love that Jon says that their portmanteau could have been “Stolie”. LONG LIVE STOLIE!!! Seriously, why weren’t they ever a couple? Of course they’re both happily married to other people now, but back in the day, in the ‘90s, why weren’t they a couple? That would have been so hot. And am I alone in loving the way they flirt with each other? She even fluttered her eyelashes as him. And whispered something about Brad.

What else is going on with La Jolie? Page Six had a nice little item this morning about Angelina having lunch at the Landmarc at Time Warner Center. Her lunch campanions? Six children! Maddox and Pax and four non-Jolie-Pitt children, apparently. I guess Angelina decided to treat Madd, Pax and four of their friends to a nice lunch. The kids ate chicken fingers, and Jolie also ordered some steak and scallops. Witnesses say all of the kids were “extremely well-behaved” and that Angelina looked “stunning.”

Also – Angelina was supposed to appear on The Tonight Show Wednesday night, but Jimmy Fallon went on paternity leave all of a sudden, so no Jolie with Fallon. For now.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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121 Responses to “Angelina Jolie & Jon Stewart flirted with each other on last night’s ‘Daily Show’”

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  1. Abbott says:

    I detest Jimmy Fallon but it’d be awesome if the Dame partook in one of his stupid games. Like, lip synch battle to “I’ll be there for you.”

    • I think they cancelled Angelina’s bit for the Jimmy Fallon show. He and his wife had their baby come yesterday (or along those lines) and so there won’t be any new episodes (specifically the night Angelina and my new boyfriend were supposed to appear)–if I’m reading it right.

      • Abbott says:

        Maybe they’ll reschedule? She’s a pretty big “get” and the movie doesn’t come out for a few more weeks.

        Who is your new boyfriend???

      • Kim1 says:

        Fallon also cancelled last night’s show with Chris Rock.
        BTW Fallon’s new daughter is named Frances Fallon.His other daughter is Winnie.
        Brad had a screening of Fury last night in LA.
        I believe Angie has another screening in NYC today.Louis’ kids attending the screening yesterday.
        Busy Busy Busy

      • @Abbott
        I am totally claiming Jack O’Connell as my honorary Gossip Boyfriend. He is smoking hot and NAUGHTY. OMG.

      • Abbott says:

        Yes! Those Dujour and Variety covers were beautiful. He never did it for me when he was on Skins, but goddamn, he’s grown into a hottie.

    • doofus says:

      I wanted that, too! I said the other day that I hope Fallon gets her to participate in one of his silly bits.

      love the selfie with the person in the “wolf” hat.

      ETA: she’s got those awesome shoes on again…ME WANT. though they probably cost as much as my rent…

    • mimif says:

      Let me play with your look, let me play with your look…

    • Suzanne says:

      Why would you DETEST Jimmy Fallen? He’s the cutest, funniest most talented talk show host on TV!

  2. Sparkly says:

    That coat is so lovely! I wish the sleeves were just an inch or two longer.

    I’m not sure that was the right video. I saw a 60 second recap with a brief AJ appearance but no flirting.

    • BangersandMash says:

      She better back up off my man!!!

      I erased it, so that it never existed!!!

    • Kaiser says:

      I don’t know what happened there, but I fixed it! Sorry.

      • Sparkly says:

        Awesome, thanks! No need to apologize though. You guys rock. I did love getting to see JS get all stuttery at the end though. I think I’d ship them way more than Brangelina.

      • reba says:

        Hi Kaiser, I am a big fan from Canada, absolutely addicted to your blog. I thought you might like to know the message that appears on the video to people in Canada:
        “Sorry but this video is unavailable from your location.
        In case you can’t give up your free healthcare and move to America, you can watch the daily show with jon stewart at ”

        I am of course not speaking for everyone, most Canadians probably have a better sense of humor than me (maybe it was even a Canadian at Comedy Central who made up the joke!) and, to continue with the stereotyping, most Canadians would be too polite to say anything. However I find that the statement on the unavailable video adds insult to injury as I am disappointed that I cannot see the video, then I have to endure a poor attempt at humor re my “free healthcare”. I understand it is supposed to be a joke, but I do find it offensive on many levels.
        Could you tell Comedy Central to knock it off, and btw what’s their problem showing a short clip that would in the end promote their show. Which btw is available on the TVs we have in our igloos.

        thanks 🙂

      • supposedtobeworking says:

        @reba. Canadian here too, and its funny to me, so I’m okay if it stays like that. I appreciate the humour in the comment, especially when the statement could be boring.

        The reason for the video blocking is copyright laws. The laws are different in different countries, so until there are copyright agreements, the content is unavailable.

      • reba says:

        LOL @supposedtobeworking I love your comment since Canadians are also supposed to be boring. 🙂 At least, I was definitely not bored by that statement!
        I know about the lack of copyright agreements but it is so inane. I mean, I’ll just google the thing on YouTube.

        BTW I also found that stuff that Rick Mercer did on his show, making Americans believe stupid news about Canada, was really offensive too. So it does go both ways, and I can see the intended humour.

      • Anny says:

        It seems that you can’t watch Bravo clips anywhere except for America. It sucks. I watch Real Housewives too (guilty pleasure, they are absolutely insane but I love it!) and I can’t even view Bravo official YouTube clips. I even tried some plug-in for my computer but it didn’t work. It sucks so much. I don’t get it either. I mean we live in a global society now. Let me watch Bravo clips from Prague! 😀

      • frankly says:


    • Santolina says:

      The coat is, indeed, lovely. She’s been wearing more cream-colored pieces which compliment her skin tone and even soften the angularity of her face. Thumbs up.

  3. G&T says:

    Yes, she seemed so sweet on the show, and they have good chemistry together. I love Jon Stewart and it’s a shame Rosewater isn’t getting more action at the box office. Good reviews for a first-time director though.

    Are we going to talk about the reviews for Unbroken? Still early days, sure, but it doesn’t look too promising.

    • Maya says:

      Don’t think we can take Rotten Tomatoes reviews into account. Apparently they allowed a person who is not a critic to enter his review and he hated it. It seems they want the score on Unbroken to be low.

      Better wait until other proper sites have uploaded all of the reviews and then discuss the movie.

      • That’s just ONE review though. The reviews confuse me, because I’ve seen where people thought there was too much violence/torture, and there were those who thought it was too tame/polite.

      • G&T says:

        Sure, it’s still early days, but there are 6 reviews from top critics, and half of them are negative. Ever the positive ones aren’t good.

        I don’t think there’s some anti-Jolie vendetta going on, people were just expecting something better with all the Oscar buzz around it, the bestselling book and the Coen brothers script. I’ll still watch it when it come out, but with lower expectations.

      • Jasmine says:

        Rotten Tomatoes isnt a great site for sure. The system allows for power brokers to bully staff into shifting a bad review or even a mixed one into a positive category.

        Metacritics aggregating system is better and Unbroken isnt doing well there either. The consensus seems to be that its a paint by numbers film, with a promising first act and a vanilla award baity middle and end.

      • lisa2 says:

        I think the award baity part would be legit if these things had not actually happened. Sometimes people live lives bigger than the imagination. These are events in his actual life.. so them being true is baity..

        I will see the film and I’m sure many people will also. If critics’ opinions mattered then there would be less films made and they would be making them; not voicing their ONE opinions. I hold my own judgement in a much higher regard.

      • Janet says:

        Bottom line: RT means zip as a means of predicting how well a movie will do at the box office. “Maleficent” did 49% on RT and made $758 million and counting.

      • G&T says:

        I wasn’t talking about its box office potential, but rather that the reviews suggest that it won’t be an awards show contender. Which many were predicting it would be.

        For example, look at last years best picture nominees, and their scores-

        And Lisa2, if critics opinions didn’t matter, then they wouldn’t plaster them on billboards and movie posters, and quote them on dvd covers. They matter.

      • havenil says:

        Proper critics from Varity, The Telegraph , The Guardian Indie wire, Vanity Fair, Forbes and other ones didn’t give it good reviews either and many of those proper critics even said it was misleading as a Oscar Contender, didn’t understand why it was dubbed an Oscar winner for 2 years in advance. The movie isn’t doing well so far. Nobody is against Jolie. As a director you have to be okay with criticism.

      • chelsea says:

        “They” wanted a low score? Who is “they”?

      • Paige says:

        @ G&T On Metacritic, which is more reliable since their reviews have the same reviews as RT but actual numbers. It has 11 reviews, 5 positive and 6 mixed. I still think it’s too early to tell what direction this movie will go in. I think people are jumping the gun when saying in will get tons of nominations but also the people claiming the critics won’t like it and they are all negative. Can you please show me the negative reviews? I’ve read some that said they didn’t like certain aspects but overall I haven’t seen a “negative” review yet like you said. I have eyes so I can read. I’ll come back to this comment about a month from now when all reviews are in.

      • Janet says:

        Oh come on, G&T, they plaster excerpts from reviews all over billboards and DVD covers to get people to see the movie. And PR flacks are expert at pulling out one little nugget of positivity from a generally negative review and plastering that all over the billboard as it it represented the entire review. I’d never decide to see a movie based on a billboard and neither should anyone else.

      • Jessica says:

        Even the best reviews are just saying it’s solid and a good effort, they like a few of the actors, very worthy story etc. So far there’s been no glowing reviews at all. It’s not really a surprise, studios don’t tend to put an embargo on reviewsfor a film like this if the film is amazing.

        Reviews do matter, especially for Oscar baity films. A sizable chunk of the audience for films like this read reviews and take them into account when deciding what to go see. That’s not so true of the audience for say, Transformers or Disney’s kids films. At this time of year when a lot of great films are coming out and there’s a lot of choice, reviews impact box office. And of course reviews impact awards. Unbroken’s built up enough hype it will likely still be nominated for a lot of awards, but with these reviews it would be a miracle if it won any non-technical awards.

      • Emma - the JP Lover says:

        @G&T, who wrote: “Sure, it’s still early days, but there are 6 reviews from top critics, and half of them are negative. Ever the positive ones aren’t good.”

        There are currently only ‘4’ reviews from Top Critics up at Rotten Tomatoes and only ‘1’ of the 4 is Rotten (Justin Chang “Variety”).

        The Internet is filled with ‘amateur’ movie critics who tend to review from personal bias rather than objectively. Professional Film Critics strive (or they ‘used’ to strive) for informative, balanced and layered film analysis, touching upon the painfully obvious and the nuanced metaphor with finesse. Most of the amateur film critics posting at Rotten Tomatoes wouldn’t know a metaphor if it bought them dinner. Sad. A good film review–thumbs up or down–should read like a good novel.

      • Gasrap says:

        Most of the reviews of Unbroken are underwhelmed by the movie. If the movie was really that great, then there would not have been an embargo put on it. I don’t think Unbroken will end up getting major Oscar noms or wins. Maybe noms/wins in other categories, but def not Directing or Acting or Best Picture ones.
        And who said reviews don’t matter? A movie like Boyhood or The Birdman or The Imitation Game and even Unbroken do depend on reviews to help make people decide to see the movie if its especially being tipped for an Oscar. I have gone to seen movies based on really positive reviews or avoided them of majority of the reviews are bad. If they don’t matter, then what’s the point of them? Makes no sense. Reviews also have a major impact on awards season. To say that don’t matter is a lie. They do in reality.

      • The Original G says:

        I’m a fan. At the moment the reviews do seem mixed. But I don’t think they’re going to keep her from more directing projects. She seems very promising as an up and coming film director. Her fame makes a potential stumble her all the more dramatic, but I haven’t read that is a fail.

        Time will tell what kind of audience it finds when it’s released.

      • Artemis says:

        Let’s not pretend that critic’s opinions don’t matter. They do. When Jolie produces good work, people use it to point out how good she did/is doing. When it’s not so favourable, all of a sudden it doesn’t matter anymore.

        It’s’s the same story all over again like with her last film. The fans and critics expect Oscar worthy material (because it’s The Jolie and a serious topic) and then fans dismiss any criticism or turn it to their advantage by picking and choosing what fits of their expectations of Jolie. Critics backtrack and question her Oscar chances. Rinse and repeat.

        Imo, Jolie is mediocre at the moment. For somebody with 0 experience in directing (no acting doesn’t count), she’s doing pretty good. Everybody has to learn so people will just have to learn to lower their expectations for once and accept that she’s not perfect. Her first attempt was mediocre to bad, her second mediocre to good, her next ones (at this rate) will be going from good to great. And if she doesn’t, then people will just have to accept that she is a director who produces good work without standing out. Which is OK too.

      • Anny says:

        I totally agree with Artemis. Okay, Unbroken has so far mixed reviews, nothing too glowing. I don’t know about the embargo…maybe it meant something, maybe it didn’t. But reviews are important and critic’s opinion is very important too. It IS a legitimate profession since 19th century (now I am obviously talking about literature critics). A professional critic sees huge amount of movies every year. They know what they are talking about.
        AJ can be a mediocre director. Why not? Or maybe she’ll get better. It’s actually extremely unfair towards her. It’s her second film and everyone expects an Oscar. That’s a huge pressure. It’s fair to acknowledge that Unbroken had this huge hype because of several famous names attached and a strong story. That’s good but it doesn’t automatically mean an Oscar. Or at least it shouldn’t.

      • Completely agree Artemis. I’ll have to see for myself (as I feel that the reviews are a little weird….).

    • Kiddo says:

      I think she needs glasses to be taken seriously.

  4. Maya says:

    Gorgeous woman – I really love it when she wears white (it makes her skin glow more).

    I was so looking forward to Jimmy and Angelina. He would have made her do something outrageously funny and she would have been game on.

    I love it whenever Jon interviews Angelina – they have this amazing friendly chemistry and seems to know each other very well. That does come from 15 years of friendship.

  5. mkyarwood says:

    Love this look!

  6. Talie says:

    Back in the early-aughts when Carson Daly had his first late-night show, she was *super* flirtatious with him. I always found it odd that she would go on there, but even on TRL, she seemed to love him. I always wondered what was up there.

  7. lower-case deb says:

    that picture of her taking a selfie with the seated woman in the wolf (?) hoodie. apparently, she was crushed by autograph seekers and had to be extracted from the barrier. dang! i didn’t know autograph hunters could be so bloodthirsty.

    here’s the video of Angelina trying to extract the woman, and how she looked genuinely worried about the woman’s wellbeing. she looked well annoyed at the other fans who kept screaming at her.

    • Renee says:

      I like AJ and don’t consider myself an Angeloonie/Brangeloonie but I love her for this, I loved the picture before I even knew the story behind it.

    • doofus says:

      oh, thanks for the back story. I loved the pic as a stand-alone but knowing why it happened is nice.

    • Luca76 says:

      Yeah I love her for this pure class!

    • Kori says:

      I saw this earlier and thought it was so sweet. But I’ve been an Angie fan since George Wallace way back when. Long before Billy Bob and Brad–there were just stories about how friendly she was and how good to fans. She was also so relaxed and easygoing on various shows like The View when I saw her. She just always seemed like a good egg even during the ‘crazy Angelina’ period–just never seemed to be a mean person. So I’m not surprised she was so gracious to this girl. I don’t think you’ll ever read about Angie, or Brad, on the ‘rude and nasty to fans’ list which is pretty remarkable considering their fame and level of press & public craziness they contend with.

      • lower-case deb says:

        she’s never seen to be rude to fans even when they’re rude and pushy. but then again sometimes people think that being firm and asserting authority as rude. (this is not the first time she told fans to “stay back” because they’re crushing the people at the front of the barrier; there was one premiere that she did that too and the video was posted all over youtube saying AJ was rude to fans)

        i’ve always seen videos her being professional and courteous, to both fans and security guards.
        here’s the same incident from another angle:

        it shows not only did she help the fan, she actually apologized to the security guard who got yelled at by ‘angry fans’.

  8. I didn’t know that they had worked together–that explains all of their flirty interviews over the years. I remember this one that she did when she was talking about her crush on Spock, about how she loved him because he was so repressed….and he said that he was Amish. Or when he made a joke about her being upset that she never got to kiss him….”…does that hurt?”

    Here it is: “You’ve done a lot of love scenes, but strangely, none of them with Jon Stewart. Does it hurt?” HAHAHA.

  9. Esmom says:

    I love Jon Stewart but my least favorite part of his show are the interviews, there’s something in his interactions that always makes me nervous — it’s like he’s worried that his guest will make a faux pas and he’s desperate to make it successful, I don’t know if I’m adequately conveying my thoughts here.

    Anyway, AJ should always wear slim back pants! So flattering.

    • minx says:

      I know what you mean. IMO it’s because Stewart is really a mensch and he wants people to be comfortable and welcomed, so he is almost anxious to be polite.

    • **sighs** says:

      I thought this was a very softball interview. He didn’t really ask her anything of substance.

      • Esmom says:

        I think his interviews are almost always softball interviews. As I mentioned above, I get the feeling he’s afraid to offend his guests so he errs on the side of keeping things light, in a rambling way that makes me anxious, lol.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        I agree with Esmom. whenever I’ve watched his show, he’s never really had people on for more than a few minutes at a time. And generally it’s just banter between them…

      • The Original G says:

        Anything of substance? I thought she was promoting her film? Was it meant to be an interrogation?

      • lower-case deb says:

        if i were to guess “of substance” might mean making statements/being asked about Ferguson or Eric Garner or Bill Cosby, or like with ch.4’s Jon Snow’s mansion tax (not sure what the equivalent is in US. maybe Obamacare?)

        at least that’s what i gleaned from Tumblr/Twitter/Facebook a few hours ago when TDS was not yet leaked to Youtube.

        (basically since i couldn’t watch the live show online because of country restrictions–despite the show coinciding nicely with my afternoon break–i was trawling social media sites to get clues of their discussion. a lot of these tweeters/tumblrs were Angry like with Capital A, that she still doesn’t make statements about race issues or rape issues. i think they were hoping she would make lengthy statements like Chris Rock did).

        i think she personally refrains from discussing these things so as not to take away from Louie as the main subject. i mean, she has discussed heavy stuff during junkets–like PSVI and Maleficent because of similar messages.

        actually, now that i think of it, one UK interviewer (i think) asked her about ultimate forgiveness by those who have suffered (the interviewer mentioned Louie and also Mandela), and whether people should just forgive and forget. Angelina is quick to point out that re: Mandela and South Africa it’s called “Commission for Truth and Reconciliation”. there’s a reason why Truth is noted first: that the truth must be acknowledged fully before there can be reconciliation. of course forgiveness as part of reconciliation is important. but that’s the extent of her “statement” if you can call it that.

        personally, i was hoping for more banter on both their directorial effort, i’m curious about Rosewater.

  10. kai14r says:

    Flirting? Didn’t see any of that on her part (what Brad wears in bed- funny), but Jon seemed to be genuine in his praise for Unbroken and Angelina. As long time TDS watcher, I can tell that certainly isn’t always the case. I loved the book and am really looking forward to the movie.

  11. Frida_K says:

    She’s so wonderful. I don’t know how she tolerates the autograph chaos, though. Wow.

    If I ever saw her, I’d just smile shyly, be silent and wide-eyed, and then faint after she left. I can’t imagine yelling for her attention. Of course, I wouldn’t hang out in a horde of people trying to get an autograph, either.

    My love for Angelina pretty much confines itself to enjoying her movies and sighing happily when I read about her here on Celebitchy, though.

    *sighs happily*


    • Kitten says:

      Man she’s such a pro with the fans and the press. And it doesn’t seem like an affectation at all-she just seems to have an innate knack for keeping cool and calm, yet really friendly and relatable.

      Also, I love her voice for some reason.

      • Frida_K says:

        Total agreement with everything you say here, Kitten.


      • Tiffany :) says:

        I agree, she really is a pro.
        I noticed that during her interview, she kept her shoulders facing the audience. That opens her up and makes it a bit more engaging for audience members.

        Her voice always surprises me, because I expect it to be lower and less girlish than it is.

  12. scout says:

    Steak and Scallops, eh? Good for her! She is a great mommy I must say and that’s what makes her most beautiful!

  13. Ari says:

    I love that picture of her with the fan kneeling on the ground. Lovely woman.

  14. Dallas says:

    For a strong woman, which I feel she is, this demure, whispery voice, in need of someone to rescue her act, is just THAT…. An ACT which is nauseating!

    And for the love if G-d, please either burn or, donate that black camisole to the Smithsonian.

    • minx says:

      Maybe that’s just her, you know, voice.

    • Janet says:

      Maybe you’d like her better if she simpered and twirled her hair and said “Um” a lot.

    • aang says:

      +1 on the voice / affectation. She just doesn’t seem natural. And thats fine. Maybe she doesn’t want to be her real self in public. It is risky to be real, especially with all the hate she generates.

    • Kitten says:

      Before I read this comment, I actually wrote above that I love her voice. I don’t think it’s an act at all, but I do wish I sounded like her.

      People are always accusing this woman of putting on an act–it’s f*cking weird.
      Then again y’all do the same with Aniston so maybe this is simply a condition of The Triangle of Doom fan base.

  15. GingerCrunch says:


  16. phlyfiremama says:

    *swoons I just love her more and more. *Fangirls

  17. Greek Chic says:

    The photos in the gallery always appear elongated, does anyone have the same problem?

    • KatieD says:

      Yep, same here. I really only visit the site on my phone though, so I just assumed that was the issue.

  18. Kim1 says:

    Angie has talked about how she can be shy and easily embarrassed.I believe she is nervous and anxious about this film because it means so much to her.She got emotional last night talking about Louis’ kids being at the screening and how humbled she feels that the family trusted her to do the film.
    A woman can be Strong and Nervous and Vulnerable especially when it comes to releasing her first major film as a director and discussing it with someone she likes.She is a fan of JS

    • phlyfiremama says:

      Now, now, there is to be NO reasonable discussion regarding The Jolie for some people, Kim1. You need to cool it with your logical, well thought out, salient observations on how women can be strong and vulnerable at the same time. Some folks just aren’t having it. (*snark)

  19. Rachel says:

    I absolutely love that she got down on her knees in her fancy atire to take a pic with a fan – wickedly real and appreciative!

  20. HoustonGrl says:

    I have this theory that Jolie and Stewart did hook up at one point. They have insanely hot “remember that one night” kind of chemistry.

  21. Penelope says:

    Great clip–it’s obvious they adore each other. Love her kneeling with the fan for a picture, too!

    Oh, and that’s a lovely coat. 🙂

  22. INeedANap says:

    I notice that typically powerful, intelligent, or otherwise substantial men all seem to flirt with her in, albeit a totally innocent and appropriate way. Partly because she is a beautiful woman, but also because she has become a woman of serious substance herself. I think she is a great role model.

    • lisa2 says:

      I love that too. Just shows that men appreciate that part of a woman too. That smart, beautiful, successful is still a draw to men.

      She has something. Something that maybe a lot of women recognize and feel threatened by. Men are drawn to her. They get all giddy. I have seen it over and over. Some women have that.. and she has IT in spades.

      Brad has IT too. and they are both very comfortable in their skin.

  23. Jordan says:

    She was absolutely charming! Looked gorg as usual. Her hair looks shorter too, but I like it.

    • lisa2 says:

      She was.. people are always whining about her not be fun and such.. then when she is it becomes something else. If you are a fan you have seen interviews like this. It is just when she or Brad are interviewed the interviewer acts like they have them in court and cant’ just ask some fun questions. Always trying to get them to reveal things they are not going to or being passive aggressive.

  24. Cindy says:

    Gah! I love her so much! She is charismatic, but she has this genuine and lovable quality that is hard to put words to. I hope someday a really really good biography is written about her.

  25. luv2be says:

    As to Kaiser’s question of “in the 90’s, why weren’t they a couple?” Let’s not forget, back in the 90’s, Angelina was a heroin junkie. Good for her for overcoming a serious drug addiction, but she is a very different person now than she was back then.

    • Dallas says:

      …..and there is NO evidence that she wasn’t!!

    • Artemis says:

      Didn’t she say she has been close on the brink of death and that’s she’s very lucky because many didn’t survive their dark periods? It was on 60 Minutes and she expressed similar stuff throughout her life. Sounds pretty ‘junkie’ to me. Add to the fact that she had a supplier and I think she was deffo a junkie at some point in her life. She also appeared high late 90s on some talk show which again indicates her habit wasn’t under control. In that one leaked video, she looked like she had no life energy.

      Casual users or people who like to try new things, don’t play with their life like that. She used to be suicidal too and she seems like she has an addictive personality (sex, drugs, danger and love) and learnt how to channel that into doing good.

      For her Tomb Raider interviews she talked about how she adapted all these healthy lifestyles etc, I think it helped her kick some very bad habits and also opened her eyes to other parts of the world.

    • Maya says:

      @Dallas: so it’s guilty until proven innocent then?

      It that only with Angelina or do you use the same view on others?

  26. Kori says:

    We’re stationed in Europe so we watch these shows the next day. My husband was beyond crushed that AJ’s appearance on The Tonight Show was scrapped. LOL He was sulking on the couch like a 5 year old. He’s all geared up for The Daily Show though. Along with Kate Winslet, Angelina Jolie is on his all-time List. But it’s all good because she’s my girl crush as well. 🙂

  27. maddelina says:

    Eew! Fandom like that is scary! Good move on AJ’s part though. I thought she looked a little frightened at first but she was gracious. Angelina looks exhausted to me and so pale. Yeah she’s working hard but so are others on the Oscar campaign and they don’t look so run down. My sister is anorexic and Angie looks just like her. Beautiful face but otherwise looks like hell. I love the back of her coat. (runs and hides)

    • Jessica says:

      @ maddelina smh

    • Kim1 says:

      I am so sorry your sister looks like hell . Maybe Angie should get a spray tan so she wont look so pale. It’s better to be orange than pale.

      • maddelina says:

        Kim, I apologize. I didn’t realize it was you wearing the dead fox hat.

      • Kim1 says:

        I accept your apology for ALL of your comments.I have no doubt you are SORRY.

      • lisa2 says:

        Did some of the people commenting see the actual video. The woman was in the crowd and and they were pushing her squeezing her in. She started screaming because she was crushed. Angie yelled for them to move so she could get out. A security guard escorted her out of the crowd and she sat on the said. Angie saw her and saw that she was still crying and upset. Went over and asked if she as OK and signed her stuff.

        that had nothing to do with being a “crazy brangeloonie’ or whatever. No more than the none fans that are forever on her threads being overly negative about the fanbase.. But are just fine with over the top hate.

    • Anny says:

      Very brave statement…at least here.
      Also I am sorry to hear about your sister. I hope she will get better. Anorexia is a terrible illness. I battled it at one point in my life (mid teens until 20) and it is terrifying. And yes, I do see some similarities between then-me and Angelina. She looks very exhausted and thin. But as I stated in previous thread – it might be just stress. She talked about battling anorexia and some former sufferers (me included) tend to forget to eat when they are stressed or working hard. So it doesn’t have to be a full on eating disorder.

      • maddelina says:

        Thanks Anny for a decent comment. Unfortunately this disease is going to kill my sister. It’s that bad! My comment wasn’t meant to be mean spirited. I guess it’s black and white for some.

      • Anny says:

        I am so sorry to hear that. I wish I could help you more than with a comment on a gossip site. It is such a terrible illness. Thankfully it didn’t get as bad with me but it was tough. My weight still fluctuates and I heard numerous comments about “eating a hamburger”. It used to make me sad but I know now that people were often just concerned. It has been several years but I am still not completely okay. I gained some healthy weight but sometimes it makes me a bit nervous about being “fat” which I know is completely ridiculous. And also I tend to stop eating when I am stressed. Is your sister getting any treatment?

      • Anny says:

        I actually saw you making several comments just today – either gushing comments about AJ or attacking Aniston. And those weren’t even passive-aggressive but full on mean sometimes. I actually looked at Maddelina’s comments from this month and I don’t see her saying anything too bad. She sometimes compliments AJ or even stands up for her (in Balcony fight thread for example). Why are you so angry at people who dare to say anything that adoring full on praise about Angelina? I don’t really get it.

      • maddelina says:

        Anny, I’m very thin myself and have had to endure the skinny comments too. My sister is in denial even after almost dying. There’s only so much you can do and the rest is up to her. It’s a control issue for her. I worked in the entertainment business for awhile and so many in that industry have issues with food, drugs and depression as you probably already know. The pressure is enormous. Thanks for sticking up for me.

      • Anny says:

        You are welcome! Those skinny comments sometimes bothered me but it actually helped me to gain some motivation to focus on getting healthy so in the end I am actually glad. And of course I don’t talk about intentionally hurtful comments like “ugh, you are SO skinny and it’s completely awful” – that is just mean. What bothers me about commenting on AJ’s weight is that people sometimes act like it’s meant as criticism which genuinely isn’t on my side and I bet many people here and on other sites truly mean it as concern and not body shaming or bashing. In the end we all are just ordinary people commenting on someone we don’t know personally and we just say what we see.If anyone gets pleasure from body shaming then he or she is just an awful person. Some fans are really overly protective of their idols and tend to interpret every little comment as intentionally offensive.

  28. angela says:

    Reba, I’m glad I read your comment, because just today my husband made a joke about the Canadian free healthcare, and it’s good to know that it might not be well received. I think the intent behind the joke is of teasing appreciation for Canada and self criticism, as in we, Americans, are not smart enough to catch up with you guys.

  29. Louise177 says:

    I don’t don’t know why the hater keeps saying the reviews are bad. Some are good but most are mixed. I haven’t read them all but for the most part people are saying it could have been better. If the rating was “see”, “rent”, or “skip it” most would say “rent”. It’s average with some really good points. People really need to come down.

  30. neer says:

    I always enjoy watching Jon Stewart & Angelina Jolie when they interact together. They have met through their film Playing By Heart. They are both very intelligent & funny.

    Playing By Heart is one of my top favorite AJ films. The first time I saw it several years ago was only on VCD then later on DVD. I bought the VCD of it because of another actress, AJ’s co-star Madeleine Stowe, her sister on that said movie. However, I took notice & was impressed of AJ instead whom I didn’t know at the time. Since then, I borrowed or owned any films (old/ new) that she was on it. It’s also one of her films that I never get tired watching once in a while.

    And yes indeed she won an NBR Breakthrough Actress for playing that role.

    Going back to Jon Stewart, here were some of what he said about her:

    1) Daily Show Interview 6-14-2007

    “I ask this with all due respect. We’ve been friends for a long time. Can the Burquah contain your hotness. ((NOTE: Burquah is a full-body & head-covered clothing in Pakistan where AJ went on a mission)

    Play date….and if the kids want to come, they can come.”

    “You are our strongest weapon against extremism”

    2) Jon’s last comment was also funny when AJ guested on his show years ago. He said that he already had a prenup signed, and if she would sign, then they are ready to get married.

    3) During one of his monologues in Feb. 2008, host Jon Stewart poked fun of pregnant AJ.

    He said, “Earlier, I mentioned there were two very famous quite
    pregnant actresses here tonight. Actually, I was incorrect. I’ve become aware that there’s a third. Jessica Alba is pregnant, Cate Blanchett is pregnant and Nicole Kidman is pregnant.”

    Continuing his joke, Jon gave out an imaginary Oscar: “The baby goes to…. (drumroll) Angelina Jolie. Oh my god, Angelina Jolie. I’m just stunned. It goes to Angelina Jolie. That’s terrific. Obviously Angelina couldn’t be with us tonight–it’s tough to get 17 babysitters on Oscars night. I’ll accept this baby on her behalf.”

  31. LAK says:

    This interview was so cute.

  32. zut alors! says:

    You can tell that Jon really likes her but not in the “wants to get in her panties” way. She always has a great time on his show. I watched Playing By Heart today and it is a great movie.