Drew Barrymore, 39, has diversified her career like many other actresses in her peer group. She has her own wine, she has a makeup line at Walmart and she has a production company. She’s made some smart moves outside of film, considering that the only movie she had out this year was Blended and we know how that worked out. (Which wasn’t as poorly as I expected actually. It made up its budget and then some in the international market.)
Barrymore has a new interview in People Magazine, which offers a brief look into her life and projects. There’s not as much interest in Drew since she became a mom and kind of dropped out of the scene, which I appreciate. We barely see paparazzi photos of her and she’s not attending every event. She doesn’t have the hustle of someone like Jessica Alba or Gwyneth Paltrow, and she seems content being a homebody. In fact she told People that she’s not in a hurry to get back to work after welcoming her second child, daughter Frankie, in April. She also has daughter Olive, 2, with her husband of two and a half years, Will Kopelman.
On postpartum weight loss
“It took nine months to build. It should take nine months to get off. I wanted fettuccini alfredo. I didn’t want a barbell. I didn’t even want to think about [losing weight] until I immersed myself in babyhood.”“I was like, ‘Don’t talk to me about how fast and fabulous you are or it came off. That was not my experience. I’m having to work my ass off until I even think about getting it off.”
On motherhood vs career
“I could not be the kind of mother I want to be and film all the time. If I have to go away for work, I take them with me.”
[From People, print edition and online]
People also writes that Drew is “editor at large for the style site, Refinery29.” I know that site, and I had no idea that Drew was involved. Is she an editor in name only or is she actually reading and editing every story daily? I’m an editor and it’s a time consuming job, it’s not something you can do on the side for a site as productive as Refinery29. I bet there are other people who do the grunt work.
As for Drew’s thoughts on post-baby weight loss, I was the exact same way. I’ve told this story here once before, so bear with me if you’ve heard it. When my son was just a few weeks old, I was at a La Leche League meeting where the mothers with newborns were bragging about their weight loss and how they fit exercise into their day. I thought “holy sh*t, these women really care about that?” Like it never even occurred to me to worry about my weight gain because I just had a baby and was exhausted. In Drew’s industry, that kind of attitude is all around her all the time. It must be frustrating. She looks great now though, I don’t see where she needs to lose weight at all.
Here are some photos of Drew getting a jaywalking ticket at the end of November. I love how she’s nonchalantly sipping her drink.
Photo credit: WENN.com, FameFlynet, Getty Images and Pacific Coast News
Good for her. It’s a very healthy (and non hollywood) attitude to have !
Agree. the obsession with how fast women can lose weight is ridiculous. Concentrate on the baby for a few months FFS.
I just love her, and the picture with the baby and her sunglasses on completely crooked. I remember being that tired!!!
Totally agree. Before I had both of my babies I would say, “I’m going to work out afterwards! I’m not going to stop running during the week just because I had a baby!” And then you have the baby and you’re exhausted. I would laugh at what I thought I was going to do before I had the baby.
The OB tells you to not exercise for the first 6 weeks after having a baby. I know some people don’t listen to that, but I was always grateful for that excuse to not exercise so I could just sit and sleep during “free” time.
Actually, it used to be recommended that women wait at least 6 weeks to exercise, but that’s not really the case anymore. If a woman had an uncomplicated vaginal delivery, and especially if she exercised moderately throughout pregnancy, there’s no requirement that she MUST wait 6 weeks. It’s more of a case by case basis these days and more about when the woman feels ready and energetic enough to start exercsing.
I like her attitude about the weight loss. It shouldn’t be an additional pressure at a time when your life is all about adjustment, it shouldn’t be your top priority when you have a beautiful baby to care for, and it shouldn’t be another woman against woman contest. Everybody’s different, and it’s going to be a lot easier and faster for some people than others. Why do we do this to ourselves?
looks like we had the same idea at the same time again!
But as always, you are more eloquent than I am 🙂
Not more eloquent, just wordier. As usual, you summed it up beautifully. 🙂
GNAT, I love what you said, that “everybody’s different” and it will be faster for some naturally than others. I haven’t had babies yet so I can’t speak for my body, but I know my mom was 105 pounds (and about 5 feet tall) when she got pregnant with me. After I was born she dropped almost all her baby weight within a couple months without exercise or a special diet (she did breast feed) just because genetically she’s a slim person (still is). While many women who lose weight quickly after birth do so because of an unhealthy obsession with perfection, not all women who regain their pre-baby shape quickly are working hard at it and it would make me sad to think of someone criticizing a woman’s natural genetic propensity. Everyone IS different. Drew’s attitude is very refreshing in Hollywood, but it shouldn’t be that a woman who loses weight quickly is automatically branded competitive, vain, or obsessed with perfection. Not everyone takes “9 months” to lose the weight, and some women take more than a year. We should do away with the whole idea that it “SHOULD TAKE” this long or that long.
Ugh. That La Leche League story…competitive moms just out of the starting gate. In the spirit of full disclosure, I’m discussing all aspects of parenthood with my 22 year-old daughter and this type of pressure is just one of many things to consider. Cripes.
Honestly, I didn’t know any moms who were in a hurry, let alone a competition, to lose the weight/get fit. Maybe my circles of friends are unusually laid back, but I assumed it was a Hollywood thing. Sure we griped about not being able to fit into our old jeans right away but no one was losing extra sleep over it. We were too focused on our sweet babies and just happy to get out for coffee and a stroll once in a while!
I eventually headed back to exercise but it was more about preserving my sanity/getting some alone time than about my shape. It all bounces back eventually with a little effort, no need to rush it.
I’m pregnant right now and I can’t wait to start exercising again, I miss it so much! I had to stop because of health reasons and it’s driving me nuts. When I’m low on energy I really need to work out. I don’t care about the weight gain right now. As long as the kid comes out healthy I’m good. But the exercise itself? I’m going to take six weeks to rest and then am going to try to run again.
Best wishes, Wilma! You’ll probably find that you need the six weeks to recover, before that you still have pain. I’m a runner, too, and I went back with some walking first then was able to run with no problem.
I think Hollywood is especially hard for new moms. All this comparing and bragging. I have 3 kids and i haven’t become a stick by nursing my babies. The truth of the matter was and still is that i eat the most in this household and don’tdo much exercise apart from occasional crazy dance with kids. while the kids are little and nurse a lot, the weight stays off which is a few pounds above prepregnancy weight. Once they start more serious weaning around 1year old, my arse expands at the same rate the size of their plate increases. And anybody who claims differently is full of duck fluff (i don’t count those few exceptions who are naturally slender/eat very little /have fast metabolism/exercise obsessively etc).
why women don’t let other women be? Tend your own garden/kids/husband/job and let me be, I say.
I have a fast metabolism, but with all the crazy eat/sleep times I had before my son turned 14 months and calmed down, my weight did not miraculously fall off just because I was breastfeeding. I was running around after him too, and all that hectic stuff makes you hungry!
My mother-in-law snidely commented I should take care of myself more and get slim before my husband’s eyes wandered, mainly as her bottle feeding daughter went to the gym as soon as she could (the kids were left with relatives a lot). She never once offered to babysit whenever she was in London though, so how she thought I could go gallivanting off anywhere without my son, when we live so far from all the relatives, is beyond me.
So I’m assuming it’s not just Hollywood but an insecure woman thing. I’ve always been underweight, so being slightly on the chubby side was a welcome change for me. That winter I was not cold, and I had more stamina.
I found it weird how fast some women become competitive about all things motherhood. I was at a baby group with my 3 month old boy who at the time was in the 90th percentile for weight – he was lovably large and healthy. The mom next to me in the circle said hi, asked how old my son was (a month older than hers) and sniffed “he looks really small” before turning to talk to the mother on her other side. My jaw hit the floor. Not because she was wrong but just because of the obvious judgement, attitude and all around snarky new mom bullsh&t she just dropped on me. That side of the mommy world just blows me away.
I like her a lot, and I love her attitude – her kids should be just as well rounded. I would like to see her in front of the camera more (perhaps without Adam Sandler). I don’t understand the whole baby weight (not a mum) but blimey you grew a little person give yourself a break. A dumb question what on earth is jay walking?? hahaha
Jaywalking is crossing the street outside of a crosswalk. Some cities seem to crack down on it more than others, in my observation.
And ITA about new moms giving themselves a break. Drew definitely seems to get that, it’s refreshing for Hollywood.
Ah thanks! Ok, didn’t realise you can’t just cross the road wherever – noted hehehe 🙂
I think Drew has done it all & is over “it.”
She’s been a sex symbol, she’s already rich, she has an established production company. She’s right to take a relaxed approach, she deserves it. I love Drew. Awww…. 😀
Jesus to that LLL story of people chomping at the bit to lose weight. I mean, sure, to each their own and all but ALL OF THE PARTS HURT, man. My genes were kind to me but working out was not in the cards for a long ass time.
+1 I could barely walk much less exercise for some time, ha. Too much pressure on ladies these days to be perfect in all areas.
One celebrity with the right attitude! Enjoy the babies and take your time mommy!
Love her
I remember her young and flashing David letterman! I am getting old if she’s taking like this! She’s lucky should could have babies so late. She was a late bloomer. Remember Tom Green?
Never understood people who said that breastfeeding helped them lose weight. That was never my experience. Didn’t lose any weight until after I stopped.
It’s not. I know this is controversial to say (and some are going to jump my butt for these comments) but I breast fed first, could not breast feed second. Weight change was no different without breast feeding, and in fact, I felt breast feeding kept me holding on to last few pounds long after I’d lost the weight w/ number two. I’m ready for the verbal lashings now. Lol.
I don’t think breast feeding helped me either. You have to eat more than you did while pregnant to keep up a good milk supply. At least I did.
I gained MORE weight while I was breastfeeding. I was hungry ALL. THE. TIME! I was 39, a competitive runner, and was warned by my doc not to loose weight too soon after birth because my milk production would go waaaay down. So, I happily took her advice, took a break from running and ate. Those were some of the happiest days of my life. After I was done with breastfeeding my son, that is when I decided to lose the 50lbs I gained. Now, I’m 41, competing again and look better than before I had the boy! There is NO HURRY ladies. I promise.
YES! Both my mom and me lost practically no weight while breastfeeding. We didn’t lose the weight until AFTER breastfeeding. I think my body hung on to every fat ounce while I was nursing and then once I was done my body was like “okay now i’ll let you lose some fat” LOL I’ve never understood the whole “lose it through breastfeeding” thing
I adore Drew. I love the transformations she has gone through over the years. I agree with her thought on motherhood and weight. The pressure on women to ‘bounce back’ is insane. Enjoy your baby and sleep, that’s all the first 6 months should be about LOL.
i don’t “drew Baby voice Barrymore” too much but I SINCERELY appreciate how real she’s been about this whole being a mom thing… she’s not even being extra famewhory about it or acting like she invented the wheel, just .. Normaltown
Who knew?
I kind of feel there was nowhere else to go as far as being shocking in her life, so she decided to just be chill in her later years. Good for her. She’s not a genius or a game-changer, but she’s pulled together a solid career and her kids seem well supported.
Drew has always been down to earth, at least from what I have seen. I think her interviews come across so well because she’s truly a genuine person. Plus, her childhood was anything but functional or stable, she was in rehab by age 14. So she’s not a late bloomer like a post above suggests but rather her emotional development had been stunted at such a young age due to drug abuse.
I love her.
And I’m totally with her/you on post-baby weight loss. My daughter is two months old and I feel zero pressure to work out or lose weight. I was lucky in that pregnancy was pretty easy for me, but labor was hard (and kinda long — sixteen hours) and between recovering from that and not sleeping much and having this tiny, adorable person to care for and get to know, working out was/is out of the question.
I can see how it there might be a lot more pressure on actors and models, especially those who are less successful, and that sucks. I wish the US had better parental leave policies so that new parents could focus on their babies and not have to worry so much about work/money, whatever their jobs are.
I love Drew! The mothers where I live are like the mommy mafia. To be in the clique you must go to the same private gym, compete in couples triathlons, have eyelash extensions, drive a range rover, and participate in stupid “friendsgiving” parties. Individualism is dead in the burbs, man.
Couples triathlons? Good lord kill me now.
Yikes, sounds like a lot of towns in CT where I live.
I’m in MA, maybe it’s a northeast thing. My beautiful beach community was once full of artists & eccentrics now it’s just running mommy bots & money, money, money. Makes me sad.
Oh geez, although I saw more mom mafia types in the big city. When I finally moved to the burbs I found the moms to be FAR more laid back and sane.
What’s a friendsgiving party? Oh and couples triathalon? AHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!! I’d rather not end up divorced thanks. Why don’t i just stab myself with a fork for fun? Much rather curl up with the kiddies and hubby in bed playing cars or whatever and having a great time together.
She also has a really sweet photography book out, Find It In Everything, which is photographs of hearts she sees everywhere. Very very sweet book.
Thank you Drew! I feel the same way, and I’m so sick of postpartum weight loss being shoved down our throats.
I will always have a soft spot for her because of Ever After! I LOOOOOVE that movie!!!!!
I’ve always liked Drew. She seems very genuine and approachable. I agree with her about the weight loss. Some celebrities emerge 2 weeks after having a baby and it looks like they were never pregnant. Not very realistic.
THIS! I LOVE Drew so much for her attitude about this 🙂
This obsession with losing your pregnancy weight in 2 weeks is a recent thing: personally, I blame 6 ft top models. 🙂
@ Mary Jo
What you never hear is how much plastic surgery they have. What drugs they use to stay slim. How many nannies / houskeepers / cooks they have.
6ft top models are genetic freaks. Long bones and no fat anywhere. Less than 5% of the population is built like that. Sadly those freaks set the beauty standards.
I’m not a huge fan of Drew but I must say for someone who grew up in the spotlight and had so many problems at a young age I do admire her for how grounded she has remained throughout it all. I love her comments.
‘I bet there are other people who do the grunt work’.
In all things involving celebrities (real and imagined) other people are doing the grunt work, if not all the work.
She can afford (literally) to have this opinion. She’s been around long enough where she’ll be able to get parts in the future after taking some time off, and she’s at an age where she won’t be offered bikini roles anyway. The younger, less famous girls have to get back out there and hustle.
I could never live in a town where they actually ticket jay walkers. I am a constant jay walker. Think it goes back to my years living and working in NYC. Or maybe I just like shortcuts and not always travel with the crowd.
I like Drew. I always hoped her marriage was solid. She always appears as someone who is so used to fame it doesn’t really matter anymore. Her heritage are the best of the best. She would eat fame for breakfast as a little girl.