First of all, we should all look this good after flying from LA to London. These are photos of Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter arriving at Heathrow yesterday. They look like they had sex on the plane! Bless her heart if she still wants to do him when he’s wearing that chambray shirt.
Anyway, we have some new Cumberstories today. Cindy Adams at Page Six had an interview with Cumby, which you can read here. It’s just about Alan Turing and how great Turing was. Bendy got a little bit too enthusiastic and declared Turing the “father of science.” No, Bendy. Alan Turing was the father of COMPUTER science. He is the godfather of modern technology. But he’s not the father of science. Cumby also says that Turing found the company of children to be “relaxing” because kids didn’t judge him and his odd ways.
Meanwhile, The Ellen Show has released one clip from Bendy’s interview today – you can see the clip here (I can’t find the embed). Ellen and Bendy seemed to have a very natural ease with each other and (just my opinion) Ellen thinks he’s funny. She made him say “Cumberbitches” and he said:
“It’s like trying to squeeze a confession out of me getting me to actually say that word because I squirm a little bit about it. I went ‘ladies, this is wonderful, I’m very flattered, but has this not set feminism back a little bit? Empower yourself if you’re going to get silly about a guy with a little more self-regard.’ Then they were very sweet and they wrote back to me saying: ‘we didn’t mean any harm to feminism. We’re just having a bit of fun with your name.'”
They also talked about Cumberbombing and how Benedict did the Cumberbomb again at the Golden Globes. Ellen showed some behind-the-scenes footage at the Oscars last year, when she ran into Bendy. And Ellen made some name suggestions for the Cumberbaby: Engelbert, Harpsichord, Glockenspiel and Carl. Bendy played along gamely, so… he really doesn’t have a problem talking about the baby, “privacy” or no.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
I’m mesmerized by Otter’s magic fingers . . .
Sophie’s are better, she’s playing an invisible piano.
While juggling with her feet.
I’ve already sent in my Air Band audition tape.
He’s pointing them to get back as she’s privately pregnant!
Kiddo, She’s playing “Ring Flash” in D Minor.
(I do actually love that coat the more I see it)
Re: Feminism. I do wish he’d realise the irony in a man telling women what to call themselves is not exactly feminist. Saying they are not empowered or have no self regard (patronising much) for using the term…sheesh dude just doesn’t get it. Why does no one ever call him on this?
Yes t was pretty clueless but it seems like it came from a humble and self-deprecating place.
This song:
At least it wasn’t like my (male) colleague yesterday, implying I had called him a sexist pig (I hadn’t) when I pointed out how inappropriate it is to use “females” in a sentence like: “There were 3 men and 3 females”.
He even offered to call his ex, A PROFESSOR OF FEMINISM, to say she would back him up all the way.
The eyes rolled so far back I am still partially blind.
Kiddo please no! Not Bowie! I don’t want him associated with this feckwittery.
maybe she’s playing Star Trekking on the Casio keyboard in honour of Khan?
@Leftovers…haha! He does know “women” isn’t a dirty word?
As we all know, Sophie is playing this:
She might be adding to the repertoire Lilac. She’s playing Carnegie Hall next year
You know, they’d have a MUCH easier time with the paps if they’d stop calling them first…
But then again, who’d want to miss such stellar performances?
@ MissMary
“””””You know, they’d have a MUCH easier time with the paps if they’d stop calling them first…””””””””
And you know this how?
After the Golden Globes of course the airport is going to be swarming with paps.
> You know, they’d have a MUCH easier time with the paps if they’d stop calling them first…
Well. Colin Firth and his wife and a few others also ended up being papped both at LAX and Heathrow around the same time.
I keep waiting for when the body language experts here will present an analysis of why Coling Firth really loves his wife and Benedict doesn’t even though both look like deer in headlights. And Colin’s wife looks really mad on top of it.
I find it hard to believe that people think all of his recent pap shots have been a shock to him.
@ Kat
“”””””I find it hard to believe that people think all of his recent pap shots have been a shock to him.”””””””””
I don’t see anyone saying that the pap shots have been a shock to him. I am sure he was expecting the paps to be there just as the Firths and other actors (after the GGs) were expecting the airport to be over-run with paps,
No, I’m not talking about the post globes pics and when I say ‘not a shock’ I mean arranged.
Whenever I see celebrities pointing at paparazzi cameras and looking annoyed, I wonder what vile things the paps are shouting to try and elicit a reaction.
Anon, it seems you have missed the last about fifteen years during which Colin Firth appraised Lyvia in such ways and so many times that even the reporters stopped asking him about her. When it comes to her he has always been beaming, gushing and purely adoring. For years!
I miss The Bloke.
It has been a while, hasn’t it? We should get quite a bit of him when Mad Max opens.
And James McAvoy. And Cillian Murphy. And Ewan McGregor. The list goes on and on.
Yes to all this. We need to some new Britmeat… Scottish preferred.
Did you see the Mac with Ruffalo on Graham Norton last week?
Who is the Bloke? Nicholas Hoult? I kid.
Speaking of Nicholas Hoult, Jaguar had better be doing a new Super Bowl commercial with its full cast. I need some Mark Strong telling me about a powerful car.
I didn’t quite get what was so problematic of the first one. We had a full list of baddies then got downgraded to just one Nicholas Hoult? He’s a cute boy and all but, eh.
@Gracie, there was nothing problematic with the first one and it is still being shown. I saw it this weekend. There was supposed to be a series of them. The second one was banned in England because the government decided it encouraged reckless driving. The third one with Hoult is still shown in the US too
according to he who does not tweet any more there is a follow up
as it been a year? since the jag advert? hoping they don’t do another one, unless its just mark strong on his own. I want series hiddles this year, no modelling or adverts.
@lilacflowers, yes yes, the first one was the one less fast and furious. I was thinking the second ad when I typed.
*fingers crossed* Hope the follow up would include the full cast.
@’p’enny, yes, it has been a year. Jaguar tweeted after the Hoult one that there is more to follow. Super Bowl is in two and a half weeks with the participants to be decided this weekend (Go Pats!)
I could use another Jag ad with all of them and throw in The Bloke and Cillian too
for me. Mark Strong was the best thing in TIG
Bendy is doing the new Jag advert. It includes a kiddie car seat…
@annetommy, I envision Ben Kingsley shaking his head, Mark Strong rolling his eyes, and Tom laughing so hard he has to stop the car.
I watched Locke at the weekend, very interesting and diverting film. He actually made laying concrete sound interesting in a welsh accent. ‘you need make sure it’s c26, not c 23….’ And, I really thought Andrew Scott’s voice as the on-site manager was brilliantly acted. ‘ok, just one can of cider…’
oh were talking about Bendyophile again?
I was legit terrified of his Peaky Blinders character.
It sounded more Welsh/Russian to my untrained ear….but I still enjoyed the movie.
Locke was one of my favorite films this year and I think Hardy’s performance is more deserving of award nominations than some others
I was amazed at Hardy’s charismatic and laid back performance, in other hands it could have been really dull. But, watching how he acted the role of Ivan whose life was unravelling and just giving out calm and measured responses was ingenious. It would have been tempting for the director to play up the script and have the ‘Bloke’ deliver the lines with a lot more histrionics, but the calmness, and Welsh accent, well it made you listen more intently and watch was being said.
Well worthy of awards.
I thought Ruth Wilson was great in that too
Ruth Wilson is going to be big!!! i love her. Anyway, she was brilliant and so was Olivia Coleman.
Great acting all round.
Maybe we can go for a really LONG time after awards season with no Batch photos, stories, etc.? That is my morning wish to the universe. Then one day, no matter what is going on in his “private” life, it will just be about acting.
But yeah, I don’t look as relaxed as either of them after a 50 minute flight.
And yet you are here. I imagine if he disappears for a few months after Oscars people will start stalking him again.
They are obsessive. They can’t just stay out of his threads.
I’m here because I heard there would be snacks
The irony is you are here as well. A stalker telling a stalker not to stalk.
MoodGirl, ignore them. Have vodka martinis instead! 🍸
They post these things to provoke. I cannot be provoked. Why? Because I am a 💃
Lilac, what happened to the Absinthe? You were in charge of bringing it to the party. This one’s pretty much dead.
Lilacflowers: I make a VERY good grapefruit vodka martini. All snacks are planned around martini of the month. Oh my god, what an idea for real life-will switch up to martini of the month beginning in February.
Chocolate martinis in February.
Meet you there.
Am I supposed to believe he got drunk from one shot of vodka?
the guys drinks like a fish! so i would say no.
Then he should stop blaming Ellen for the Oscar photobomb
Okay, maybe I am just dump. Help out the non-English person here, what does a guy with a little more self-regard mean? Like he’s more reserved?
I believe that is aimed at the fans, if you take out the middle bit it’s “empower yourselves with a little more self regard”. He’s telling them to have more regard/respect for themselves (I think, someone help me?)
Self Regard: 1. Consideration of oneself or one’s interests
I can believe that it came from a clueless place and he just didn’t really know what to say. But yes, it adds to a long list of things maybe he should think again before he gives answer, i.e. asexual, autism, genius, and per this article, feminism and calling Turing the father of science. He likes to give long-winded answers to simple questions. In this case, I would think why drag feminism into it, why not just say it’s flattering but I’d better not. I’m sure people will get the message after a couple of times.
gracie it’s a past quote he’s referencing to explain his change in stance-he now says the fans should do whatever they want
i get what you mean but i know ppl who hate, hate that name, so idk i try and stay out of it lol
He’s more than entitled to not like it, I don’t. Just leave feminism out of it. Watched the clip, he brought feminism up on Ellen, all he needed to say was he doesn’t like it and as a man doesn’t think it’s appropriate for him to call them that, he was raised not to use the word in any way about women but if they want to about themselves then that’s cool. It has zero to do with saying its harming the feminism movement.
Yes, a lot of people can live without the name. We’re just saying he could have made his stand without clouding the message. Suddenly it’s elevated to harming feminism movement level. Having said that, it actually sounds a little bit better than the last time. Didn’t he say on the GN show something like I am concerned how far this sets back feminism? Don’t remember his exact words. This is Benny who takes himself rather seriously even on a better day. Which is why I’d rather hear him talk about the research he had done in preparation – out of curiosity, does he ever get asked that?
Sorry J, I probably sounded a little harsh there. I get his concern is coming from a good place. Feminism has just been so misrepresented by actors and celebrities lately it’s a sore point. I wish he could talk about it (as they keep asking him about it which is annoying) but leave that part in the past 🙂
This is the same guy who called his fans “cray cray” a few days ago?
@ gg
No, he said the situation after Sherlock got a bit cray-cray. He did not say the fans were cray-cray.
How about “Cumbercun@ts”? That better?
oh, no, lindy79, that’s fine. i get what you mean 🙂
@anne tommy, that’s what is kinda translates to for some international fans, suckily enough. reclaiming a word doesn’t translate
Self respect.
Thanks, Kiddo.
Do I detect a hint of the Sherlock curls?? After all this nonsense, the least Bendy could do is grow out his cumbercurls.
Funny. I like Engelbert. Carl’s funny, too.
Caaarrrrrllll, that kills people!
Everytime I see the name Carl I just think Walking Dead and Andrew LIncon’s accent going “Khoaaaaaarl”
@Lindy79 HAHAHAHA!!! I was thinking the same thing about Andrew Lincoln “KHOOOAAAARRLLLLLLL stay in the house!”
Bahahaha, I jump between KHOOAAARLL and Caaaaaarlll – the visualization is great. Andrew Lincoln chasing down his llama son.
His Llama son who never ever does what he’s told
This thread times one million! Oh Khooooaaarrrrlll, always getting into shenanigans with walkers.
I’d look good too if I were in seat 2A vs 40A (cattle class)
haha, yep. I did a 10 hour flight to London in first class (pod thing, with seat that becomes a bed) so I skipped off that plane fresh as a daisy. You also have decent lounges and services in the airports.
many first class lounges (not the pay as you go one) like Heathrow have small rooms with beds where you can nap as well-not to mention first class arrival lounges which provide food including breakfast and showers
That is an excellent point. I might try upgrades on longer flights this year and see if hotel staff look at me w/ less disdain at checkin.
Not necessarily. I am ill all the way while flying, don’t drink anything, eat with some care,no coffee, business or first on transatlantic flight and I still arrive looking bedraggled. Always had. But yes, there is definitely more room and comfort in business or first, service is more human, etc. worth it for sure.
I take 15-16 trips a year. It has to be worth the upgrade.
Okay, let’s brace ourselves for 300+ comments. I’m not familiar with his acting – yeah I know I live in a cave – so I’m assuming it’s up there with the likes of George Clooney (first Alister I could think of), otherwise how does he merit so much attention? For that matter, how do either of them (his fiancee) deserve all this attention — neither is particularly good looking ffs!!! The “otter” reference is a dead giveaway.
@debbie – You ask a lot of good questions.
Since he’s got her knocked up ? He does’nt look as happy any more, he’s gone all serious, which i don’t like , i want the old ben back , happy & smiling, & where the hell did she get that coat ? It looks aweful.
The look so alike :s
I can’t stop laughing over the double red patches on his forehead. Allergic to bronzing powder?
They’re actually scars from filming Frankenstein – his skin was burned by some of the adhesive they used for the face prosthetics.
Oops! I feel bad for laughing now I know how he got those. Thanks, Jaded.
I don’t know – maybe he should be empowering himself right now instead of telling others. Then again, I’m not hangry for awards.
Man, how long is his face? Extended edition of the face.
Alan Turing called his computer “Christopher” after his schoolmate, his first boy crush/love! How cool is that and how tragic his life was in the end. Wrong time to be born as gay, unfortunately that society wasn’t ready but THANK God for him. Cumberbitches wouldn’t have had the “knowledge” of computer to type all these if he, the father of Computer science, wasn’t around at that time. Haha…
I like these two love birds, when is the wedding?
Turing didn’t call his computer Christopher, though. That was only for the movie, one of a number of liberties they took for the sake of increasing the pathos.
They lean out from one another. I would love to see just one photo where their body language was actually in sync. I’m not speculating on their falsehood but DAMN, I’ve seen more natural ease in press photos of Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaugn, and you know they abhorred one another!
(Eta typo correction: Siri can be a hussy sometimes, c*ckblocking my attempts at proper spelling)
The leaning out thing was the first thing that I noticed as I scanned the pics. That cannot be warm, loving body language – and they *both* lean out.
But, whatever. I am nearing the end of my tolerance for Benedict Cumberbatch. I was never a super fan anyway. I only come here now out of habit and I really love the commenters’ snark.
And now I have a new guy to be obsessed over – a local Boston athlete that no one here except Lilacflowers or NorthofBoston would know of. And, the athlete is only 1 degree of separation from me as I know one of the owners of the team! So adieu, kind and gentle womanfolk of CB! I may pop in from time to time – when BC goes back to being BC (if that is even possible).
Oh, and BTW, whatever happened to NorthofBoston???
@GreenEyes, now I’m really intrigued! We do have a fine assortment of athletes here. (Not forgiving Ainge for giving away my pretty Rondo. Ever!) Do pop in periodically and Go Pats!
I really like her coat in those photos.
There are a lot of those loose fitting wool coats in the UK shops at the moment. The colour is a bit dated. I tried a similar one on in an outlet centre the other day. Probably great if you are expanding and they look best on tall people.
Agreed and that shade of blue is definitely her color.
a bit too oversized IMO
The streaking spray tan is making it hard for me to concentrate on anything else.
@ Dani
See Jaded’s response further up.
“””They’re actually scars from filming Frankenstein – his skin was burned by some of the adhesive they used for the face prosthetics.”””””
@Maggie, apart from the scars, his face is also streaked orange from what appears to be a really bad spray tan
Frankenstein was so long ago and none of his pictures in last couple of months looked this way. Bad spray tan.
I’m so sick of these two and the smugness on her face.
It will be wonderful when the Oscars are over and they can disappear back into their otter caves. Or wherever otters live.
Totally agree, I’m right behind you. I normally sign on first thing in the morning but now I do everything before I bother to look. One more day and I’ll be free of it.
Its almost painfully embarrassing now. I feel like I’m watching this while peeking through my fingers covering my eyes.
Look at the bright side, at least we get to meet here and say hi to each other. 🙂
Gracie you need to get on Tumblr! Its a whole new way for me to waste epic amounts of time, not to mention the GIFS! ALL OF THE TOM GIFS!!!
Will have a look when I get home tonight. Gifs, you say? 😉
so. many. gifs. I’ll email you my link and all of the gif links!
I think he looks more relaxed because he’s left Hollywood. Hollywood is probably just not his thing, as his parents were never a part of it (nor his friends). He’s an Englishman through and through. I think it takes a long time to find your way there and to get the hang of it. Some never do really. He’s kind of been thrust into it quickly. He seems to know that he’s “d*mned if he does, d*mned if he doesn’t” about anything he says lately–makes him seem guarded, unlike before. He’s relatively new to the whole massive fame thing and it must be overwhelming. I think his work schedule is also nuts and shows he has a lot of his self-esteem wrapped up in it. He likes to challenge himself, but he’s overdone the amount that is logical to keep yourself grounded and sane. I see burnout if he’s not careful.
I think he’ll find enormous happiness with the baby. Babies can be grounding and a focus outside one’s self. It maybe just what he needs to slow down and reset his schedule. Maybe after award season he will just stay away from all the shenanigans of the fame game and focus on theater and his family. I don’t know, I find myself feeling a bit sorry for him. He’s got the talent chops, but stardom is an unpredictable animal. Lots of people like to see others rise and then falter.
Eddie Redmayne seems more balanced about fame and work. I saw both “TOE” and “TIG” and I see why Eddie won. First off, everyone knows Stephen Hawking and ER was him to a “T”. Although BC did do a phenomenal job of portraying Turing, something about the editing seemed Hollywoodish. I like British actors, both male/female better than American for some reason. I am from the U.S., but I just find they usually are able to play with more layers and depth. Selfish as it maybe, I hope the talent from these two keeps on coming.
Totally agree Anonymous – he’s still learning to work with his Hollywood persona vs. his regular persona which is probably more self-contained, intellectual and esoteric. He’s clearly willing to play the Oscar contender game and work hard to promote the heck out of his movie but then he can gratefully drop his Hollywood schtick and go back to being the real BC. Perhaps do a few independent, smaller movies that allow him to stretch his formidable acting talent. And I prefer most British actors too, they seem to be much more nuanced and subtle.
Thanks, Jaded. I don’t know why I feel like the protective big sister here. I watched “Sherlock” early on, so maybe I feel like I helped create the buzz– telling others to watch him. Now it seems there is a weird dynamic with some of his fans. I just think he’s really got a lot on his plate and whether he’s trying to play the game or not, it seems like people with a lot less talent (or no talent) get away with it. By that I mean a certain “K” family in the industry. They have figured it out all the way to the bank!
I disagree. He’s been very obviously interested in a Hollywood career for several years.
He jumped at the chance of Star Trek, despite not seeing a script and last year cited Clooney and Pitt as great ‘business models to look up to’ He certainly wants it.
His campaign and promo has been clumsy, based largely around promoting his private life and OTT, though. His friends have made a good jump into Hollywood because they’ve played the game right. McAvoy, for example, performs in Hollywood films but remains largely incognito due to the way he doesn’t contradict himself and keeps his integrity.
Many, many Englishmen perform perfectly well in Hollywood because they don’t absorb themselves into the fame aspect of it. He’s an intelligent man and he knows what he’s doing. He’s not a newcomer to fame anymore and he has experienced Hollywood before.
I also don’t see him being more guarded, I see the opposite?
As for the baby, of course he’ll love it and it’ll bring him joy but I think too many people expect babies to be a bandaid for everything that’s wrong and most often the opposite is the case. A baby is a huge stress to any relationship, let alone to a new one that seems to have been manufactured in many ways. He’ll be performing and rehearsing in a tough play, eight nights a week.. that’s no picnic. He’s admitted himself that he’s booked up til mid 2016 and taking on a marvel franchise is another indicator he wants in with Hollywood. That is big with even bigger promo.
All of that!
Thanks, Linz.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with wanting a Hollywood career, I just think it’s false to paint him as a naive petal who has been burnt, shocked or surprised by the Hollywood machine. He knows how it all works by now.
I have visited this website occasionally until now– but, obviously I have too much time on my hands this week! And the real news is, well…awful! This website is a cool escape from housework and reality 🙂 Anyway, it interests me why people wish ill-will toward BC. I just don’t get it. When I saw his initial engagement I thought, “Well that seems quick, she looks like a nice English girl”. Then when seeing pics of Palm Springs with the fitted dress, I thought, “Well that explains it– she’s PG!”. Nothing more than that. Jude Law has gotten someone PG and he doesn’t seem to have taken a hit (that I can tell). I know he’s not vying for an Oscar, but still. I like Jude Law’s work, I like Cumberbatch’s work. Simple. Heck, I like lots of English actors. People will forget and move on. Brad Pitt had an indiscreet affair with Angelina, and now all is forgotten and they have 6 kids and look pretty happy. Lives are sometimes messy, but I hope for the best. I don’t know maybe I just am not in it for the same reasons. I like stories on the royal family still and they have some serious shortcomings. I think I see a British theme here…lol.
Also, the baby as a band aid was not what I was implying. I have 3 kiddos so I know what it’s about and don’t think “it” will gloss things over if there are in fact things to work out between them, but when the baby arrives, he may rethink things. I know I did. Work became less important. I changed things to make the baby my priority. We are all just surmising here. I guess I just don’t like to go negative.
Oh, I don’t think anyone here bears any ill will towards him, quite the contrary. He’s changed quite a bit and he has really shilled out hard for this Oscar campaign. I think it’s thrown people off and the kind of folks who like him, liked his seeming initial distaste for all of that.
I just don’t think he can be seen as passive innocent who’s been horrified and surprised by Hollywood. Like I say, he had his eye on big movies for a while and knows the drill.
As for being a dad, again, I’m sure most ,if not all, people on here want happiness for him and it goes without saying he’ll be a great father. But people have noticed a change in him of late and not necessarily for the best. I think we all want to see things work out for him. Of course, none of us know for certain anything about his life, so it’s a lot of speculation from everyone.
Thankfully, the morals of The Royal Family do not reflect on us all in this country.. 😉
Berlin Film Festival is coming up, I’m hoping for clips from some other actors other then Bendy this year. fingers crossed for High Rise clip, puuurlease.
Sundance is this month too. That’s another possibility
HUGE SMILE ‘fingers crossed’ i mean how long can it take to edit 2 hours of film? surely it should be ready by now. is there CGI or sfx, noo?, well apart from the odd animal barbecue they need to fake, but we need gossip now!
We need a trailer and set pictures now? At least we need to know who belonged to the “entire salmon en croute”. And where is the trailer for Crimson Peak?
I’ve been reading that more people are predicting him to be the surprise snub tomorrow at the Oscar announcements. Would be fun.
There were so many better perfomances than BennyAnnE’s imo. Since actors are the ones voting in those categories, I hope they recognize the work of people like Gyllenhaal, Spall, Oyelowo, Fiennes or Carell.
Keaton and Redmayne are shoo-ins.
I am soooo pulling for Steve Carell.
No luck for you.
Can you imagine how potentially embarrassing a snub could be? He’s been so obviously campaigning for a good long time (I guess you could even say since the last Oscars).
GG, at this point, I just want him to go into hiding. He doesn’t deserve to be included this year and he needs to step away, focus on work and fatherhood and get his sh*t together.
He’d only be embarrassed because he acted so thirsty for it to begin with. A dose of reality would be good for him.
I think you’re right. It’ll be interesting to see who is nominated tomorrow!
So with you MtnRunner. Maybe it will happen.
He got a rather harsh bit of reality Sunday night.
Agree Lilac, but BennyAnnE isn’t very self-aware in my opinion. He might need one more dose tomorrow to be sure it sinks in.
ETA: Watched the docudrama about Turing on Netflix last night. Codebreaker is better than TIG or Jacobi’s Breaking the Code imo.
How are you feeling?
I have just looked at 5 award sites and all 5 of them have Benedict listed in the top 5 to receive a nomination for Best Actor. That of course is no guarantee but I certainly haven’t seen any predicting him as the surprise snub. He has hit all the precursers and, cross fingers, should get a nomination. If not I cannot see how that would be “fun”, but whatever floats your boat.
I have only seen one site predicting him as surprise snub. Vox.
I can’t imagine him not being nominated. But one thing is certain: it will be revealed tomorrow morning.
Just name the kid ‘Oscar’ and call it a day…
Oscar Weinstein Cumberbatch. Works for a boy OR a girl–esp because SH is so “avant garde” and we plebes just don’t understand.
Ouch! (Bravo)
They do look, very good. Really good skin, huge sun glasses, a quality coat and all first/business class perks seem to do the trick.
on board spray tan? i agree.
His outfit on Ellen. My eyes are bleeding.
Interesting that the Firthens can both carry/pull their own bags, although he has an Oscar at home. But I guess they don’t need their arms free to show of rings and the truest of all loves, while leaning as far away from each other as possible. I think it was a performance piece based on the leaning tower of Pisa.
Her shoes are the newest thing on the market. A shorter version of the classic moonboot. You can leap “cometlike” over planets. In intergalactic metallic of course. Only available for expecting mothers that are:
Again, my poor eyes. Tights and metallic sneakers work well for little girls, but at 36- meh.
Style wise they are the absolut perfect match. Hppefully she figures out soon that chambray would complement her eyes. Then they can do the matchy-matchy thing, like the loveliest of couples do.
“so… he really doesn’t have a problem talking about the baby, “privacy” or no.”
From The Daily Express:
“Dad-to-be Benedict Cumberbatch avoids questions about Sophie Hunter’s pregnancy. THEY only confirmed they were expecting their first child last week, but Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter’s baby is already attracting unwanted attention. Protective dad-to-be Benedict was keen to fend off questions about his unborn child while appearing on the Ellen show.”
What? ….just…..what? But…but.. SH announced her pregnancy on a red carpet in an unnecessarily tight dress, then they confirmed it in a tabloid, oh and that was a day before Oscar voting ended.
These are facts and they prove that they purposely attracted ‘unwanted attention’, for whatever reason.
What is going on? I knew the media were effed up but holy wotsits…
The Ellen interview, any particular reason why he is still referring to Margaret Cho as “the North Korean person” instead of using her name? He was quick to name drop Meryl Streep but Margaret doesn’t rate being named?
@Lilac, coming from someone who says “the woman I proposed to / love ” etc… If he can’t name his own fiancée , mother of his unborn child, why would he name Margaret Cho.. Oh you don’t get it, it’s a Posh thing… the “plebeians” / commoners like us just don’t grasp it, it’s too high for us..
I doubt Margaret Cho would get it either and I wouldn’t want to be her target
I’ve not seen it, but I assume he was referring to who she was meant to be portraying?
I’d be surprised if he knew her name, frankly. I don’t think Margaret Cho is that well known in Britain.
She was part of a skit in which he participated. He should know the names of the people he is appearing with. He had several hours during the night to ask who she was if he didn’t know. Also, by the time he taped Ellen, Margaret had released a statement about her act
Lilac I agree, he should know the name of the people that he does a skit with. He should also have known, that Aniston, a fellow nominee was in a movie called “Cake”. Or maybe even say “I loved you in Friends”, if he forgot the name of the movie. That bit with JA was not much fun to watch.
He wears his glasses at the airport, but then he squints into the tele prompter.
It’s so sad to see him like that.
If he had been like this all the time, there is no way I would have given him another thought besides watching Sherlock. Although I really only liked season 1+2.
He’s referencing the character, who has a name but is also just “North Korean General.”
Cho herself is both South and North Korean.
“Cho herself is both South and North Korea.” They weren’t even separate countries until the late 1940s/early 1950s. It’s like saying, “I’m both northern and southern English” because you have relatives from both Liverpool and Dover.
didnt mention keaton either, so i guess he’s referring to the character unless he actually believes a real north korean official was there lol
Is it just me who’s annoyed by the Cumberbombing in GG? Didn’t he say he’s not a performing monkey photobombing on demand? Wasn’t his photobombing in Oscars all Ellen’s evil doing? Who makes him do it in GG this time?
Not just you.
I assumed it was scripted in, since Meryl and BC were seated close together.
That is now his trademark move. Cumberbatch the photo bomber.
He will not perform it for fans, but for Hollywood/Norton he will make an exception.
After all, he is NOT a performing monkey.
“He will not perform it for fans, but for Hollywood/Norton he will make an exception.” MTE. He doesn’t want to do it for his fans when they asked, but since GG asked, he gladly performed it for the award crowd. At least he is consistent that way. This kind of gimmick lost its novelty when a person does it more than it should be.
To be fair, I have no problem if he doesn’t want to do it for his fans, I think the fans are silly to ask him to do such thing. I just have problem with him whining to the press, sounding a bit indignified by such request, then turn around and do it for the award show.
at least he admitted he said he won’t do it again before and called himself shameless and ridiculous lol
So he thinks it’s shameful to do it but he did it anyway for the award crowd? Okay.
Actually, I don’t think photobombing is shameful at all, most ppl do it for fun. But after he said he won’t do it again because doing it makes him a performing monkey, it is probably a bit shameful for him to say one thing and do the opposite.
I should admit, I’m annoyed by his photobombing because I’m a diehard U2 fan lol.
I think he was asked to do it, but I wish he’d refused. Too much attention grabby for my taste.
With all the attention grabby stuff he’s pulled since last summer what is one more?
It has been awhile since that notorious Elle interview… Sheesh.
Watching Ellen. Bored.
I missed part of it, but from what I saw, excellent summary, moodgirl. Will it be online later? And Felicity Jones – how does such a silly giggler churn out such fabulous, mature performances?
Had to post to say all these comet and space references are making me lmao at work. “Shoes like satellites” that are only available for mothers who are “OVER THE MOON” *dying* You ladies are brilliant
Went over to SoGo – so glad to see she’s back – and saw the photo of our favorite couple seated at their table with their arms around each other while at the Golden Globes. I don’t have to be good at reading body language to IMMEDIATELY see that this is so forced and deliberate and only performed to fool people or make Harvey happy. If I didn’t know better I would guess these two have very little experience with the opposite sex because they look so uncomfortable whenever they are near each other. They don’t have to hold hands or hang on every time they walk through an airport. OTT.
I would also love to know how many other couples in the room went to this length to be seen. I have a hard time imagining any of the better known twosomes would do this except Jennifer Aniston and Jason.
paging madly and KT to contribute to this post!
Also still want to know why HBIC did a flip in her opinion in all this and what everyone else thinks. That is too weird.
My guess he didn’t talk about it on Ellen bc his fat mouth would bungle up “the greatest love story of the century”
He’s not talking about it because, realizing that he isn’t going to win, it isn’t going to benefit him anymore.
It hasn’t aired here yet – about an hour to go. So am I to understand he only talked about the pregnancy (a little) and *nothing* about the engagement? On Ellen of all places??
This is getting stranger by the hour here. I’d always expect him to be thrilled at being a dad. Not jump on a couch but at least show some happiness. He must not really want this kid. If his personality seeping out recently is any indication of how he is IRL I wouldn’t take it for granted he’d make a great dad. Sorry but someone had to say it
Ellen began by congratulating him on the engagement and he thanked her, then the baby bit.
You rang, Claire? 🙂 Sorry for the delayed reply, busy week!
Not sure if you have a specific question, but I can try to toss my too long two cents’ out?
While there’s a lot of variables here, If I’m going with the popular ‘he’s a famewhore who will do anything for an Oscar’ angle, I have to wonder two things: why this was so poorly executed when high level PR was involved; and why can’t a decent actor who wants it that badly do it all with a smile?
Something is wonky, possibly outside of his professional life, and it became more prominent than anything else, so his campaign is what ultimately suffered.
I can’t say this is all a bad thing, however, presuming whatever is going on isn’t something horrid. Actors can learn a lot from failed Oscar campaigns, and many older, grounded actors went through something—whether a bad campaign or a more serious issue like addiction—that helped them gain perspective after they went from somewhat well known to genuinely famous.
I agree with much of what you say KT, definitely. I think I was also wondering what you and Ingrid and others are feeling on the whole, was there ever a serious relationship, whether the engagement is anything more than award season arse covering, and I suppose since Hbic has turned around, whether this pg thing is for real or if there’s something to the oddities (the drinking stands out for me for some reason). And oh yeah, paging Ingrid!
I flipped my opinion b/c this man is miserable. He looks like he’s ready to jump off a cliff every time he’s around her, and she looks like she’s LOVING her 15 minutes right now. And that smug look on her face… ugh.
Why am I on the conspiracy train? The bump keeps changing sizes, she looked THINNER at the GG’s, she was spotted drinking in Palm Springs and at the Globes, her engagement ring STILL DOESN’T FIT and most of all, the look on his face on the RC at Palm Springs at her stomach was one of SHOCK.
All of the facts are here… everyone agrees this relationship is messed up, not normal and that something is OFF. I know that it would be down right despicable for someone to fake a pregnancy… but with everything I’ve read and seen about Ursula… I wouldn’t put it past her.
And this is Hollywood… the land of liars and soulless people. Don’t put anything past anyone out there.
She’s enjoying this way too much. And it’s sad, b/c Ben deserves better.
Thanks for the reply Hbic! I hope your theory pans out. I’m still in shock this man has just potentially thrown his life and dream away. So you think faked pregnancy is more plausible than her trapping him and he’s miserable because he’s with this woman he can’t stand?
Another theory: surrogate? And her belly is fake but he really is having a kid thru some other lady? Crazy but anything goes atp
Oh, I’m sure Ursula will have a miscarriage. Or the baby won’t be his. Somebody’s PR will get creative.
What blithering nonsense.
I can’t quite get on board with you Hbic but I certainly hope you’re right. Your typing fingers to god’s eyes
HBIC must be Wikianon in disguise, she’s totally lost her shit too. It’s not a fake pregnancy, there will be no planned miscarriage, it was an oops pregnancy (or maybe a deception, who knows) but regardless he thinks the right thing to do is make an honest woman out of her. I suspect she took some convincing to go along with it, hence the awkward appearances, speeches and announcements and ever changing descriptions of TWILWIPT etc. Funny how he seems much more relaxed and happy since the news is out. That I DID notice. He’s a crap liar and the stress was certainly showing. At least he looks somewhat happy now.
I’ve only read a couple wikianon posts on tumblr but hasn’t that woman always been nuts? If you read hbic’s posts here, she has a brain and is a skeptic. I like the measured skeptics like her and kt
well said.
Seriously HBIC/Wiki girl, calm it down, your imagination is running riot and silly with it.
Claire, the day before the pregnancy was confirmed she insisted that she had MEDICAL EXPERTS who confirmed that Sophie was not pregnant. NOT PREGNANT, you hear me? I’VE GOT SOURCES! Batshit crazy….calling her a high class call girl (“proof” of that too) was OTT. She’s been a little quiet, wondering if she got a C&D order….
That is so creepy. But she’s still not Hbic. Hbic isn’t off in lala land like that
@Oh Hey – You think that BEN had to push Sophie into marrying him over this baby? LOL! It’s so obvious that it is the other way around.
I’m sure she won’t lose the kid but I do think they’ll agree to “co-parent” and never see the inside of the registrar’s office, but SH will have a lovely new flat in NW3 and a nice chunk of change in her account every month for “child care”.
And hopefully Benedict will learn to glove his love…..
You know he’s going to be wearing full body condoms at all times after this. I would.
Maybe he did glove his love, condoms break (I guess Sherlock didn’t test it for him)…who knows what else went wrong. Only one 100% sure fire way to prevent pregnancy and neither of them were practicing it.
I have a hard time wrapping my head around that one bc they both managed to stay child free for all their lives so far. Either they had the worst luck in the world or one of them was scheming
MissMary, they will get married , no doubt about that. He wouldn’t take her to all the red carpets and other events if he was planning to co-parent. He is integrating her in his life, it is fairly obvious.
He’s taking her to red carpets because it’s part of his pr and he doesn’t want to look like a heel.
So are a all of your stupid comments, Kat. But all of us here are forced to endure them. *smiles*
Can’t we all just get along!
Haha. Kat is literally the cat here getting rid of the imdb mice. I just scroll past her posts and take it for granted she’s taking care of business.
How Queue? Queue Cumberbatch. Lovely! Works for a girl or a boy!
I honestly really only come to this site to read all the posts. It is my daily guilty pleasure at work.
All the different scenarios and the funny,witty, snarky remarks are so entertaining.
Hopefully we all see the day when the E! True Hollywood Story about the Batch airs. With never seen interviews of Wanda, Mama Hunter, AA, KARON, Emily and of course Sophie. She will do it in french, while playing the piano with one hand, while the other hand is firmly placed into the pocket of her latest Erdem dress (they have a lifetime supply of those especially for her). Only then we will truly understand what is going on right now.
I only hope I live that long….better start taking my fish oil now
I am waiting for the Vanity Fair write up. It will appeal to that readership, and they can do snark when they so choose.
It will be interesting to see what they write. Given the fact that they are part of Conde Nast.
Wintour likes the Batch and is besties with Harvey.
Wintour and Weinstein. Christ on a bike, how does a civilised society allow that much gross to consort.
I didn’t know there was going to be one. God spare us all
Hex, two things:
1) GC and HW known for mercurial relationship. Public fights and make ups. So if the wind was blowing right, one would throw the other under bus in two seconds flat.
2) I was referring more to a theoretical BC/SH breakup down the line. Those are the kinds of juicy stories they love to throw out there. No need to even bring HW into it. Because when all of this is said and done, I think HW and SH will be the ones walking away with no problems. Although I was on the conspiracy train, I am not 100% sure HW involved in this mess. I saw no pictures of him with the couple at his GG party. Only pics of him with the “cool” twenty something set of girls, which made me uncomfortable given rumors about him.
I have been wrong, as frequent posters can tell you. But my two cents.
This mess is purely the result of BC panicking over the pregnancy. With so much dumb crap they put out no wonder HW didn’t want to be seen with them. They are an embarrassment.
I wonder how the editors of People, Time and Hello feel after all the fawning they did over the star couple, only to find out she was just knocked up. I know the evening entertainment shows don’t even show his face.
Claire-I was talking hypothetical write up. Purely hypothetical write up. So very sorry if that was misinterpreted.
Weinstein looks exactly what he is. His picture literally turns my stomach.
I don’t usually make comments on people’s physical appearance, but I feel absolutely no guilt here due to the fact he is such a terrible person.
Oh thank you jesus
What moodgirl said again! He was dumb enough to knock her up, he’d be stupid beyond stupid to marry her and effectively sign away half his income to someone he barely knows to merely save face. I hope his family and that Ackland guy is giving him a good talking to Ricky Ricardo style.
I just watched BCs Ellen interview and he was great. I wasn’t getting any unhappy/miserable/ don’t want to talk about it vibe from him at all. He seemed very comfortable and not unhappy about any of it. He and Ellen are both professionals and they did a very good job.
I thought he looked very uncomfortable during the baby talk. He didn’t smile during the name bit and looked pretty tense, but that doesn’t surprise me at all. ‘Knowing’ what we do of him up to now, can anyone imagine that he’d be happy talking about a future child on a huge American talk show? That’s the kind of thing he’d want to keep private, but for whatever reason the decision was made to make it very public and it is what is, I guess. Publicity machine at work.
I actually took it as a good sign; maybe he’s starting to put the “privacy fence” up a little bit again. I hope so.
Let’s hope so, but once you’ve opened the can of worms, it’s really hard to go back. He’s invited the public into his personal life and he can’t really claim he wants privacy now. Tbh, I don’t think any of these recent announcements have been entirely on his volition and I don’t know what he/whoever/she/they was thinking with the tacky red carpet reveal at PIFF. ..tabloid gossip fodder.. But still, I hope he finds a happy place with it all.
I expected Ellen to make a joke about getting engaged and then having a baby, in the wrong order.
“Tbh, I don’t think any of these recent announcements have been entirely on his volition and I don’t know what he/whoever/she/they was thinking with the tacky red carpet reveal at PIFF. ..tabloid gossip fodder”
I agree. From the Times announcement to PSFF to Daily Mail baby news, I would love to know whose idea any of this was. None of it was handled well. I thought he was just very low key on Ellen’s baby talk and he seemed uncomfortable with the name discussion she started, I’m sure Ellen was told to tred lightly and she did. The stroller bit was stupid, though.
To me, in the top photo they look very similar – something about their head shape and/or expression.
Nah, I don’t think they got frisky on the plane at all.
They still give off a frosty, still-uncomfortable-with-each-other vibe, unlike REAL couples like Eddie Raymayne and Hannah who practically glow with warmth or Matthew McConaughey and Camila or Matt Damon and Luciana who can’t seem to keep their hands off of each other. That’s pheromones at work for y’all. It’s either there or it’s not. You don’t have to be psychic to pick up on it either.
What I DO think is that his publicists, PR, entourage people as well as her’s (if she has any) are reading the comments here and at Data Lounge and probably a few other websites and are modifying their behaviour accordingly. That wouldn’t surprise me in the least. Frosty body language at the GG’s and then holding hands the next day at LAX and Heathrow in a show of faux-togetherness? Whatever. Remember, these people are professional, trained actors after all. They’re trained to pretend things all the time.
Like I wrote in another post, the math here doesn’t add up. You only have to look at pictures of Ben and Olivia and it’s so easy to see how real they were. The closeness and warmth was there. How does someone go from having a 12 year long-term relationship with a really great girl like Olivia to being pregnant and engaged with someone you barely have known for 5 months?
You don’t. Unless you screwed up completely and you’ve totally lost your internal compass. I give them 2 years. Max.
I also have to echo the comments above that I’ve lost a lot of respect for Ben as he’s gone from being a genuine, endearing but goofy and relatable talented actor to an ambitious, fame-whoring, immature kid in a bid to become a Hollywood insider and crack the club. He’s also exposed himself as a bit calculating when he starts calling his wife-to-be as a “great asset” or people like Brad Pitt and Clooney as “business models to follow”. Truth is, he’s too unconventional and quirky looking (albeit, in a good way) to become a mainstream heart-throb like Leo or the others. And he’s pushing 40. Leo, Damon, Pitt all got started in their early 20’s on their way to matinee-idol road.
As for her attire and fashion sense, the cobalt colour works on her, but the cut and fit of the coat is a bit bulky. It almost looks like a mumu I can understand the silver sneakers because let’s face it, in a 10 hour flight from LA to London, your feet will swell up and you want to be as comfortable as possible especially if you are pregnant. Tight stilettos or tight boots are not the way to go. I would have worn soft-leather riding boots instead with a shorter, better fitted jacket and accessorized with a great scarf and awesome travel bag. I don’t find she’s displaying any style intelligence here whatsoever.
I think he’s becoming a lesson to be learnt for others. During this award season he has, although willingly, forgone his uniqueness – what made him stand out from the rest of the bunker – and too bad his quirkiness was considered a liability that had to be concealed over, because without it, the new Benedict is not very likeable. The adjustment issues are overwhelming and so plainly on display as he treaded away from his core strength, excuse the corporate language, now we have is just a man caught up in this moment of his life, hungry, try-hard and way to obvious.
Corporate bs requires corporate language. Gracie you’ve summed up almost everything wrong in the past few months so articulately. We’re seeing the wizard behind the curtain.
Well said, Gracie. It is sad to see someone whose work and interviews brought so much joy to me, seemingly sell out and become something else. Perhaps when all the madness of the Oscar season settles down, he’ll be able to get back to the man he once was, albeit wiser and adjusted to fatherhood, single or no.
I agree, Dana.
None of the photos of affection are convincing to me at all. It feels …just forced? And the natural warmth just isn’t there at all. Just seems obvious to me. Not to mention, everyone knows how many cameras there are at these events.
At this stage, he may be trying to convince himself and that would just be a recipe for disaster. I hope he’s really thinking things through. Being a great dad isn’t about maintaining a facade of romance and unity.. It’s so antiquated to think otherwise. But he has always struck me as wanting to be …proper?
Dana, I agree with everything you said. Love and warmth and affection really can’t be faked. It’s either there or it’s not and from the beginning, these two have none of that. Not to mention, they seem to have very little chemistry with one another. It’s too forced and phony (what is with her hanging off him all the time??)
I saw him on Ellen when I got home yesterday and I don’t think he displayed any real, genuine emotion about the engagement and becoming a father. It was just matter-of-fact. His behavior since hooking up with SH is the polar opposite of his behavior before she entered his life. And not in a good way. Not a good thing.
She hangs off him the way I hang onto my paycheck each Thursday. Totally understandable, I’d do the same if I lacked any dignity. Echoing the others, yes well said Dana!
Agree, Renee. I think that if he’s not looking as tense lately, it’s because the (non)secret is out. As the time grows nearer, he may become more enthused, but I don’t think he really wants this baby at this time and definitely not with this woman. When you’re so torn up inside, it’s hard to fake happiness. I just hope he doesn’t fool himself into thinking they can make a go of it “for the sake of the child.” Wanda should be able to school him on being in a dead marriage for the child as she has spoken about her first marriage that way.
I wonder, did he think it was really a secret, that people weren’t guessing about the pg? With all the snarky comments in the DM, you’d think it would get back to him somehow.
I also wonder why abortion was not an option. Neither of them strikes me as the type to have objections to it.
Total guesswork but could be why Wanda and Tim have been so quiet and didn’t walk with her at LFF…. maybe they feel the rushed engagement is a mistake and not necessary just because she is pregnant (and they’d be right).
I didn’t expect them to be taking out ads in the Times but I’m shocked he hasnt been beaming about becoming a dad and how he can’t wait and his folks are dying to have another grandkid. He just seems really subdued about everything to do with her which is not how I thought he would be at all.
@alice, here are my thoughts on why abortion was not an option. Most of the times people don’t consider that unless the circumstances are truly dire; they will think, oh there is a child and let’s make it work. Also, if he suggests abortion, what does it make him look like? He will look like the careless guy who knocked up a woman and asked her to get rid of it. And why would she suggest it? This is not a slander against her character, but think about this, unless she really dislikes the idea of having children or has expressly stated that wasn’t what she wanted, how many women would have an abortion knowing that the children and herself would be well taken of even if the relationship doesn’t survive. BC may have said/done some questionable things in the past a few months, but I seriously doubt he’d turn away from his child and the mother of his child unless that’s the last resort. The best he can come up with is passive-aggressive childish behaviour.
Also, there is the factor of his age, or their ages. As much as I loath the entire social construct behind the whole biological clock thing, that’s how people roll. Convincing yourself into believing this is what you want is a powerful thing. How many of you have friends who’s been complaining their partners for years and years, but when you politely ask if there is anything they’d like to do about it, the tone of conversation changes instantly?
I hope, for both their sake and the child’s sake, they don’t become miserable in each other’s company but stay together just for the child’s sake or at least put some effect into respecting each other and making it work if they do decide to make a go at it.
No idea about her but I definitely don’t see him as the type to ever consider abortion.
I know I wouldn’t, even in accidental circumstances with the wrong man. That’s not to say I’m against it for anyone else, but it’d have to be a terrible no other choice scenario for me to consider it.
@Alice -Sophie would never agree to an abortion, this baby is her ticket to the big time. No more hustling to find work or begging her family for money.
What moodgirl said. All of it.
@Alice I have considered that she waited too late to tell him so that wouldn’t be an option. I know it can be done later, but it’s usually not and I doubt he’d go for it later.
Moodgirl, tsmiv, etc. when I posed the question I already had my opinion – that she knows she’s the goose hatching the golden egg. That kind of thing does happen sometimes. I know he’ll love the child and it’s none of our business, but the dream he’s talked about for so long just seems kind of tarnished and that’s sad. I hope he – they – make the best choice for the child, and, yes, based on BC’s baby pics, it will be cute as a button.
Hey Gals, how are all of you?
I haven’t posted in a while but I just wanted to chime in here and say that the more I see them the more I think they’re a good match (begrudgingly at first, I admit) and the less I care about whatever mistake he may have/has not made. But holy mother of jebus they are boring! For an artsy socialite/sometimes actress/something something something director she’s as exciting as a plain bagel. And he is thirstier than I every thought he’d be (and I used to think Hiddleston was the thirstiest of them all).
I’m kind of holding out hope that Hiddleston goes in the opposite direction for a little while and dates/proposed to someone totally off the wall.
And HERE is the best place I can find to note that Tom’s own little sister’s engagement announcement was published in the Telegraph on NYE!!
She’s marrying a rather fit looking ginger from an Irish peerage family . He was a top ranked cricketer at uni (Cardiff) , runs marathons for charity, and does good works for Int’l NGOs in Africa (no, really.)
Telegraph, you say? So all the rumours very recently were pure conjecture? In any event, congrats to the happy couple!
one for the Society pages, Tatler will be on it. Congrats to Emma H, she will be starring in the upcoming Wolf Hall dramatization. She is very quiet person, I don’t think she will sell the wedding to Hello but definitely in their local Country Life mag, considering both families are country magnets.
Interesting. From all the rumors, it doesn’t seem like Tommy dates posh, necessarily?
Blimey, Tommy tea on an angry!Otter thread? Are we gonna get shown the door?
@**sighs* Tommy has phoned Harvey W for an arranged girlfriend/fiancee, expect announcement shortly I believe he has found him a lovely Chelsea lass with pedigree. [but no money]
WIT, I really hope that Hiddles steps out with an awesome lady this year. I don’t know how he’d find the time to get that serious with anyone, but the meltdown on the interwebs would be epic. The last known woman was a professional with a busy career, so he’s one upped Bendy on that one. I’ll try and forget what posters wrote here about her twitter behavior… *cough*
Frankly, I’d be tickled to see him pluck a schoolteacher, nurse or non-profit worker out of middle-class obscurity and treat her like royalty. I can dream right? I’ve always been a sucker for a Cinderella story.
I need to see Comet pushing the Star Trek pram Ellen showed him.
Please make this happen someone!
It was so OTT it could have made him really chuckle. They must have run out of time cause it could have been a funny bit.
I think he steps off the plane (U.S. soil) and changes somehow. Not at the Oscars last year, but other than that. He was really good on “Graham Norton” recently–seemed way more into it. Ellen usually relaxes people, but he just seemed “meh”. The best part of his appearance was on the preview. He could have brought his English charm and it could have been great. Maybe he was really tired. Felicity Jones was funny, though.
Honestly, the difference does seem to have been from the engagement announcement/the start of the IG press which happen to coincide. It’s not all down to tiredness although that has to be a factor, he just doesn’t act like someone who is finally getting everything he always said he wanted both personally and professionally.
Maybe you”re right– I haven’t seen that much U.S. stuff he’s done for press. I hope what you’re saying is not the case and he’s happy with her for the baby’s sake. I don’t know which is a worse explanation, “Fame gone to his head” or “Baby Mama from H*ll”. That’s why I went with total fatigue. I just feel bad that he lost his wit and charm– whatever the reason. I truly want him to have the “fairy tale” even though I know, there’s really no such thing in reality 🙁
He was great at SDCC, TIFF and LFF, interacting with fans, giving out charming interviews and sound bites. Announcement comes on 11/5/14. Pissybatch starts on 11/7/14 at LAX arriving for the first big U.S. Push for TIG. Coincidence or connection? I know which one I choose.
Will jump the gun and say now that i’ll be royally pissed off if he brings Medusa to the Kodak theater when he said last year he’d bring his dear mum.
He was single without a baby on the way when he said that though (kind of confirming they only started whatever the hell it is last Summer)
Plus he’s a nominee so he can bring a few folks but she will most likely sit with him and they’ll sit further back (I remember Kate WInslet winning and asking for her dad to whistle to indicate where he was)
I Know What You Did Last Summer.
The votes will have been long counted when the ceremony rolls around, so she won’t need to be paraded around. He could be free to bring Wanda.
SH will be at the Oscars if she has to roll around in a wheel chair. She won’t miss the chance to get her face out there again.
Well he does have a history of saying one thing and doing the opposite…
I need Sophie’s coat in my closet like, yesterday.
Well, BC got nominated. just announced. But I’d be VERY surprised if he won. It’ll be Eddie or MK.
It’s safe to say he hasn’t a hairy rats bums chance of winning it.
Hahaha! Hairy rat’s bum’s chance! You just made my day. Twice today, actually. The last time was at Bieber wannabe thread.
I have to say, as much as he’s infuriated/disappointed/shocked/annoyed the sh&t out of me of late, I’m really glad to see he got the nomination. Would’ve been really awful to see him shut out. This campaign has been horrible, but I honestly don’t think he’s the mastermind behind it and when all is said and done, he truly loves and admires Turing and was quite clearly incredibly passionate about him and proud to honour his legacy. I imagine he’s felt pretty embarrassed that all this private life nonsense has drowned out what he wanted to say.
Not saying he’s a passive bystander by any means, but I think he’s a pushover in some ways.
Edit: Bradley Cooper – what the fu&&ing f&ck?
My feelings too, Kat. I think he’s been suffering these past several months and not handling it well. It could have been very different if he weren’t on display for the awards season. I’m happy he got the nom.
I actually thought BC here meant Bradley Cooper LOL……I must be recovering somewhat
Bradley Cooper did zilch compared to Benny in terms of campaiging. But whatever the Batch did he got his nom, unlike Jennifer who was shown that she is still not in the big girl camp group and that flaunting the boy toy and attending every Starbucks opening in the morning are not enough for an Oscar nomination. Also, her story about the “one that got away” is really tasteless. Never mentioned it before. Ugh.
Let’s not forget that Cooper played an AMERICAN soldier.
Am I the only one who found it telling when he gushed publicly about the oscar nom, it was about telling his parents, who are also actors? He saw no value in mentioning telling “the love in my life at the moment” aka “the woman I proposed to”, who according to the hype machine is allegedly an actress or something.
True dat! I wonder if he’ll bring them…
I wonder if they can get along with SH? After all the silence it would be odd to see them in the same place.
More telling was they knew she was knocked up at LFF and did nothing to acknowledge her as part of the family. No one suspected a pregnancy, merely standing beside her would have been appropriate given they knew what would come in the following months. One can easily deduce Wanda and Tim can see through her for what she is.
Maybe Ben didn’t break the news about even dating her until later?
Also I’ve always been curious about what his mother thinks of all this. Wanted her son to settle down and find a girl for so long, and she gets this. I wonder if she’s upset, maybe feels bad for publicly saying such things (be careful what you wish for) or just happy for an alleged grandchild (if he is the father) anyways.
On related notes, Felice said the positive comments in the dm were mostly from her friends. I hope someone took screencaps.
Lastly has someone gotten a screencap of the photo from july/august when she was cozying up to another bloke? Timeline, folks. As remote as it seems, it could be what pushes his camp for a paternity test. Enough internet chatter can gain momentum. Don’t kid yourself it doesn’t. 🙂
As devastated as he clearly was when this whole thing started, I can’t imagine that she would be at all thrilled. Can you imagine him poorly his heart out to her? Sad.
Why would they indicate they were her friends in the DM? Desperate much? I would think those conversations would have been held in private.
I’m at this stage where I go back and forth between being angry at him and heartbroken for him. Yeah he’s a stranger but I’m excessively empathic and I like his work. And to answer your other question about them not knowing at lff, yes possible. He did tell someone he was single that night. I always found it so odd. This is all odd, who am I fooling.
Paging Felice for this one. Mood, I’m not sure whether they indicated as such or whether someone did some sleuthing and matched names or something similar.
Maybe it was a coordinated effort so SH wouldn’t look like a what we all know she is……see how I avoided the obvious? Anyhoo, if they were connected to her I am confident that she or her buds were responsible for quite a few leaks to the tabloids?
I dunno I dunno. The leaks are hard if not impossible to trace unless glaringly obvious. Easier to see the cv cleanup and the tumblr account are linked to her. I keep going back to senyorita and possible connections to her. As cliche as it sounds this is like a sherlock Holmes mystery.
Claire, do you remember any other details about this “cozying up” photo? Where was it taken and are you sure about dates? Somebody posted an IG photo of Sophie sitting in someone’s lap but the thing was tagged #tbt so who knows when it was actually taken?
Hi Gg, I want to say the photo was from Italy but I can’t say for certain. I think I may have seen the other one, it was from 2013? Anyhow she was hanging with men she’s close to on a rural scottish excursion around time of conception: safe to say they’d have been sleeping in close quarters. Also as others pointed out, it looks like she was semi-permanently based in the us right until the time they’d have begun whatever the hell it is they had going on. These are the things that make this so senseless and odd.
Oh hey, guys. I didn’t think people would miss me lol. I took a break from here because of some of the articles but I am very tickled that he ran her into a rubbish bin and she didn’t even touch her stomach to shield herself. Maternal instincts in that one. Anyway, yeah it was someone named Fortuna who was being all positive. I have no clue where I saw the screencap but check BTT. Also shoutout to VH1 for censoring their comments.
No, I noticed that also, just like the congratulatory tweets from friends re the nom, after dead silence on the other recent events in his life.
I’m not a fan of this situation either. So, my first thought was definitely like yours. But I’m thinking there’s definitely still a possibility that his friends just won’t publicly comment on aspects of his private life. Maybe they feel more comfortable commenting on the public part, i.e. his acting achievements. I noticed a couple of his old school chums didn’t tweet anything about the nom or the engagement/baby. That’s also a good way to keep your profile public, but steer BC zealots away. I don’t think we can count on family/friend silence being a confirmation that they’re unhappy for him or that they only found out about Sophie until the last minute.
I think that’d be true, if he wanted to keep it private himself. It’s all very public indeed, by his (i assume) own wishes, so I don’t think publicly expressing happiness for a friend’s very normal thing to do, is too much to ask. People get engaged, pregnant every day..what’s the big issue?
I know it was mentioned on SoGo and I may have missed it here but has anyone noticed that several of Ben’ friends reportedly tweeted their congratulations on his Oscar nomination but none, except J.R., have even so much have mentioned his engagement and baby announcement.
It’s all rather telling isn’t it? I imagine he’d have texted all his best mates beforehand as a heads up “she’s up the duff” and either “not a genuine engagement/it’s the only reason I proposed/please don’t say anything publicly”. I saw you ladies talk of engagement parties and weddings as from her end only as being curious. I first wrote it off as silly but given the consistent silence from his camp I’m actually wondering if…and I won’t complete that sentence in case she and or her friends read this board. Despite his douchiness and stupidity regarding this, #teamben.
Maybe he told them BEFORE he put the announcement in The Times because no one commented except J.R. That couldn’t have been a coincidence.
Yes that’s what I meant 🙂 it means he likely told the sherlock cast as well considering how silent they all were. No wonder she only spent 17 minutes on the sherlock set, never to be seen again. She probably got massive shade after realising everyone knew.
You think they didn’t know before the big reveal? I bet most of his circle had figured it out ESPECIALLY the way he was behaving. Wasn’t it Mark Gatiss who tweeted the newspaper front page about pregnant women who could be charged for drinking but there was a photo SH right next to it, like he was giving a hint?
Oh sorry! I re-read your response. I’m sleepy.
Thinking about Rhodes’ original tweet, I don’t think he knew. That “old friends fall in love” part makes me think he didn’t know they were all that serious at his wedding. Like maybe Ben told him at the wedding that she was just his friendly date. I doubt many of his friends knewthe truth, but I’m sure some guessed. That’s always the first thing people guess with a quick engagement.
As for LFF, why didn’t she just arrive with the rest of his friends or sit with them or go to the after party? That whole deal was just weird.
You’re right tsmiv. Damn damn damn you’re right. Some things on the periphery are fitting into place
I always read JR’s tweet as sarcastic, like he knew they weren’t getting married because they were in love.
Also– I believe directly after the engagement announcement, someone tweeted Amanda A about it and her response was “what?” And then she quickly deleted it. I don’t think she knew, either. I don’t think any of them did.
I doubt James would have a snarky Twitter pop at him. He’s a very close friend.
And then you have Amanda A’s and Simon P’s rather snarky back and forth tweets until they cut it off and went to text. I got the impression they were going “Whaaaat?” because she was Miss Invisible in his life.
Yep. I noticed that. Thought it was quite telling.
This is a question for the British posters. I noticed on the DM comments that reaction to his nom was largely negative and rather mean. Would that have happened a year ago or pre-SH? Is that a typical response to a celeb’s good fortune. Rather sad, at any rate.
I don’t do dm much but I do know DM readers are generally smarter than the DM, and I’ve read a fair share of DM articles on him, and remember readers being largely in his corner. Only real criticism I remember is people finding him unattractive and some mild repulsion after that article that seemingly got under his skin: criticism of him wanting a stay at home wife whos also a career woman. I never got that part of his character but that article was crap and I feel bad he felt so horrible about it when he shouldn’t have. Poor guy
Best just to ignore everything about the Mail, along with all who dwell within it.
Previous to the engagement it was 80% rainbows and unicorns and about 20% he’s a weird looking alien.
I come home from the pub and Weinstein is on Graham Norton?
Have I had some bad vodka tonight or?
I don’t get it here, what is he talking about?
They actually left the updated CV comment up on VH1 so either they didn’t read it or they’re just censoring obvious stuff. Also on the DM, there was an article on November 9 that was less flattering. I think that cover on the 6th was intentional, someone knew or guessed the situation or story that was being put forth. And it was JR that tweeted it. He objected to it. There is a calendar the_snarkle. On Tumblr.
Mark Gatiss retweeted the DM cover, in the context of how sexist all those headlines are but come on! No mention of the fact that you actually have a working relationship with Benedict? Seemed odd
Huh. Only 300 comments on an article that’s been up for a few days. I wonder if his PR uses Celebitchy as a metric for when to release info that will get people talking?
(Guess I know what the next article’s going to be about…will you guys run it tomorrow or wait until Monday?)
It’s been so damn quiet that idk how people will react to it. I think it’s gotten to the point where people don’t care anymore so maybe they’ll start the “trouble in paradise” stories soon.
We can only hope….when the next article comes out I’m going to put up a poll…curious as to how many people think they will actually get married
Ladies. I have this page up on my phone, refreshed a few times a day to see what’s going on. I have no time for tumblr or any other wormholes of madness. But I’m here and clearly something happened this weekend. Spill it!!! Now!!! Lol
A Daily Mail journalist “was told” that they are getting married before the Oscars at that church.
I guess kermit is going to be on the lipton soon. Amirite???
“That church” being St. Giles of course. I wonde if she didn’t just make it up based on our Tumblr posts from Christmas though?
It’s so iffy. it’s so murky yet they’ve spilled the beans to the tabloids before so we can’t write it off as out of character for him. If I had to bet I’d probably place a small wager there’s truth to it. But surely they know it’d have to be publicly registered first, so little point in tipping off the DM (unless there’s an advantage to giving them the lead) when people will know ahead of time anyways. Crossreference Stephen fry. And to echo another of the ladies…doesn’t it make it too obvious it was shotgun AND oscar pr? The only explanations I can come up is he’s either really ashamed of knocking her up and all sense has left him, everything from his personal happiness to his money, OR he’s been this thirsty for years and has been a master at hiding it. All that talk about finding true love and settling down out of the private eye was all pr created fluff to make his fans think he was a normal guy. If this is what it is, it’s one hair shy of some medieval arranged marriage for the sake of convenience and politics. Gross.
The only logical reaction is: we’ll see. Oscars is 22 February. At the latest they’d get married 21 February. You need to give 16 days’ notice in the UK so we’d learn of registration on 5 February at the latest if this is true. Time will tell. Time will tell how big of an idiot he truly is.
Why would they put their families through that headache if it’s the day before. I’m sure he’s gonna be there during Oscar Week. I remember last year when he and Fassy made me sleep very well when they did that Spencer Hart thing.
Righto. So we’ll say 15 February at the latest. That means we’ll know by 31 january as long as someone keeps tabs on the registry.
Valentine’s Day is on a Saturday this year! Sounds like a super-romantic totes adorbs perf wedding day to me!
@claire: there’s no pr benefit to giving dm the lead if the registry would leak it for u. for campaign purposes, you would want it closer to the actual voting deadline, not earlier
it’s either bull (half of dm is) or not something they wanted out yet
i wouldnt say shame would be a motivator as much as fear. he would not be the first dude in a shaky relationship who marries because hes afraid of losing access to his kid and foolishly thinks he can make it work
Nah, I think it’s perfect timing for a campaign. Start the whispers now and get the momentum going.
I’d say it’s almost a certainty that this has been fed to the mail, whether it’s true or not. No coincidence it’s the same reporter who ran the ‘is he in edinburgh because they’re getting engaged?’ No way that was just a guess.
But doing this all so fast is crazy, and I agree that fear and convincing himself it can work could be two major factors in all of this.
They acted like that at their first public appearance at the FO. They looked like a couple bored to death with each other just hoping and wishing for a way out. The way he acted after the Times announcement makes me more convinced she was just a one night stand. If it didn’t coincide with the campaign it would have played out differently – no engagement, no forced relationship, no marriage, co-parenting. She is lapping it up as she has never amounted to anything on her own and never will, but he was raised around free thinking people, surely he’s not fool enough to think that actual marriage is the only answer. I saw TIG recently and he is great in it, such an intelligent and thoughtful actor. Why can’t he apply that to his own life? To ruin your life for one bang? Stupid.
Wrong place-responding to Claire below.
I’m pretty sure most people would be 100% done with him if that turned out to be true. The three stages of an Oscar campaign..
God, that’s kardashian levels of thirst right there.
And I’d guess they wouldn’t want to make it THAT obvious that it’s a shotgun wedding! even though it’s pretty clear that’s what it is.
I still have trouble wrapping my head around “the most incredible woman I’ve ever met”(in what way?) and looking like you’re having a non-anesthesia appendectomy when she’s next to you. Come on family, talk to him.
I always counter the quotes of creepy gushiness about this blah pretentious woman he barely knows with “the love in my life at the moment”. That’s the one that always got me. He just might be the first person in history to use those words about his betrothed, with the possible exception of henry VIII
If they are actually having a church wedding in Scotland I’m pretty sure his family’s done with him……
if she got pregnant in say july/august, theyve got to get married before march to safely beat the baby coming
just saying. makes more sense to me at this point that his personal life is messy and its bleeding all over everything
They could still get married after the Oscars and certainly something far more low key than a cathedral wedding.
There’s no way this hasn’t been timed for campaigning, whether true or not. I mean..everything else has.
There are plenty of children with unmarried parents. Why get married when you’ll have to go through the trouble of divorce later ? Based on their interactions that’s what will happen.
It’s more than that Alice. They act like they’re in the middle of getting divorced already!!! Also someone many weeks back, before we knew the pg was behind the engagement, said since the campaign began he’s berated himself in interviews as stupid, impulsive, and a bunch of other negative terms. Wonder if he was referring to this mess here. I still am gobsmacked this incredible actor in the couple years since I began following his work has managed to turn his life upside down in six months.
@kat – I think we overestimate the tie-in between the unplanned event and the award season. He surely can’t believe that getting married to his pregnant girlfriend shotgun style, which most people have figured out by now, is going to make a member more inclined to vote for him.
Like j posted, maybe he wants to get married because it’s closer to the date than we think and they don’t want to get married too close to the birth or even after because it would look even worse. Tbh, I bet the guy is horrified by this whole mess and is trying to save his reputation. If that means marrying the woman and being miserable or giving up everything he has then apparently he is willing to do it. My big question is why would any self-respecting, educated woman would marry a man who obviously despises her is beyond me. I guess the money and fame is worth the sacrifice of her kid.
@gg – It is tradition in the US that a couple marries in the bride’s hometown so maybe it’s the same in the UK.
I don’t think that St. Giles location is because of the Oscars, I think it is what Sophie wants. And I think Sophie (or her “side”) is the one who leaked this to the Mail….if it is even true. Isn’t this the columnist who also reported that JRhodes was giving Benedict piano lessons so he could play for Sophie at their wedding? So there’s that
There’s no way it’s a coincidence. And majority of people won’t think too much about the speed or timing. They’ll just see the media narrative of ‘whirlwind’ and ‘marriage’. It’s publicity. Every big announcement in relation to all this has been done at pivotal publicity moments. If he wanted to truly keep something quiet, he’d do it when the Oscar glare was off him.
Yesterday I took a quick look in the entertainment magazines, including People, while in the grocery line. I could not find a photo of BC and SH in the GG coverage. I’ll admit I was in a hurry so maybe I overlooked it, but I couldn’t find not even a small photo. So the darlings of the entertainment world not even two months ago are now invisible. I think a lot of his publicity has petered out.
There was a shot of them in People as he jumps up to announce with JA. Then a tiny one from the after party where her arm is slung around his neck like they’re drinking buddies.
I missed those. They are no longer the superstars they were in November/December.
Not saying this automatically debunks the blurb but do you imagine anyone post-pg announcement claiming he’s being taught to serenade her at their wedding? The true love scenario was shot the moment they announced she’d gotten herself her meal ticket for life…assuming it’s proven its his
I don’t understand how he can feel anything but contempt for her. Had she worn the GG dress to the PSFF no one would have been sure of anything, ergo no announcement to a low class tabloid, no embarrassment at the GG or Ellen. But she did wear it deliberately – at least he looked surprised to see it. Thereby pushing him into a public announcement he clearly didn’t want to make. I don’t know how he doesn’t vomit at the sight of her.
It’s obvious that he really dislikes her, his whole demeanor says it. Also, the way she disrespects him in public is jaw – dropping but she does it because she knows she can. He’s stuck.
Maybe bits are being fed to the DM to:
1. Sophie is trying to force BC’s hand so he either marries her or she will make him look like an ass. After the dress mess at PSFF, I can see this.
2. Keep DM from putting unauthorized info in the street. They have an exclusive agreement with DM to give tidbits and DM will play nice. The airport paps are a good example.
3. Give wrong church information to throw people off the track. They’ll get married but not in that church. Maybe that’s why they showed up there on Christmas, to throw people off the scent in preparation for the real ceremony that will be held somewhere else.
And what about two weeks ago “wedding is not a priority”????? Does she have that much power over him? Especially as he’s spent the majority of the last two and a half months looking repelled by her.
The way she has behaved since this whole thing started – red carpet stomp offs, belly revealing gowns – I say she does have control of the situation.
But she seems so dull and boring and disagreeable. Does she have a celestial tw*t or something?
She is the carrier of the Cumberfetus! But seriously, she’s had him over the barrel since the beginning because 1, he really can’t afford to have a pregnant fling show up during his Oscar campaign and 2. I’m sure he wants some relationship with that Cumberfetus after he/she is born, so he has to deal with Sophie….somehow
Dull and boring didn’t stop him then. Wanna bet he hasn’t touched her since the pregnancy was confirmed? If so, that’s some awfully angry sex.
So they marry and he lives like a monk or gets some on the side? I’m not convinced they’ll marry. Once the Oscars are over, the pressure’s off. Deal with the mess then.
She looks and acts so cold, I don’t know how his d*** didn’t get frostbite.
That coldness is 1. her demeanor and 2. how she keeps him in line. We can pretty much tell from their interaction on red carpets that she is bossy and pretty much does what she wants to do. The “warmth” that she displays is obviously manufactured. She is milking this for all it’s worth and he can’t get out of it; obviously she has him over a barrel and he is doing whatever she says. He needs to put his foot down.
Her smile isn’t a smile of love but a smile of “I hit the jackpot.” The Kevin Federline smile.
Britney has got to be glad she got rid of him, he’s definitely a user. Gross.
Britney seems a lot happier without any man tying her down. I need to see her show now that it’s extended to 2016. But yeah, it’s clear people are bored so now is a great time to do the “Uh oh, Sophie seen with another guy in NY.” “BC goes to event alone.”
I believe they will marry. It’s the natural progression of this s***.
Valentine’s Day! Yes, perfect wedding day for an avant garde wannabe dilletante.
Yeah, well, you saw that engagement ring LOL
I really hope she wears the antler veil.
One need only look at the photo at the top of this page to get insight into this relationship. If you say facial expressions and body language don’t reveal anything I will call b.s. I challenge anyone, nannies included, to find a photo taken within the last six months where Benedict has looked happy. I challenge you to place photos of him with friends beside photos of him with Sophie and tell me you can’t see a world of difference.
If you listen to him talk about her and see the tension in his face as the words come out of his mouth, can you imagine how things are behind closed doors? Did he even mention her on Ellen? No glowing words about his fiance and how happy THEY are or any visible excitement over the baby. He was just sitting there. I have never seen a relationship worse than this.
But if you see that in his demeanor how is he supposed to participate in a wedding? Show up and read his lines like it’s just another part? And once the role is completed move on to something else? I want to cling to the hope he’s smarter than that.
No one is really paying attention to that blurb anyway.
Nope, he’s not smarter than that.
Here’s my new theory: the engagement is at least partly about saving face in the tabloids. Let’s say there had been no engagement notice and he had never mentioned her or a baby in any interviews. Then she becomes obviously pregnant and is seen out and about without him. The tabloids would have eaten him alive! They would have speculated that it was his based on pictures from the summer and he would have been called a deadbeat dad (or whatever term is used in the UK), a cad, a loser, or a jackarse. There’s a short video of him at PSFF on Access Hollywood where the reporter asks him about Keira’s baby, he says “I’m thrilled for her and James.” Then the reporter asks “was that your fiancee on the red carpet with you?” He says “yes, my FIANCEE.” Not her name or just a simple yes, it’s as if people must KNOW he is committed to her. It’s not a natural and relaxed answer at all. I really think a lot of this has been to keep the dogs (tabloids) at bay.
The engagement is only about saving face in the tabloids. This whole scheme from September on, magazine interviews, LFF, the restaurant mess, Edinburgh crap, has been conducted to cover up the fact that they had an unplanned pregnancy on their hands.
Still want to know if someone happened to see him on the plane up and tipped off that Edinburgh twitter account, or whether his people tipped off the twitter account to provide the groundwork for the DM piece
We see all this dysfunctional behavior between them and I just cannot see why a marriage would be necessary. Just continue the engagement until an interval after the birth, then a quiet disintegration of the “relationship.” It just didn’t work out, blah, blah, blah. Hamlet, DS, Sherlock, etc. Do they even live together, have separate residences? Would they have to wear masks to get into bed together? Why sign up for that? The cat’s out of the bag, no face saving left to do.
That’s totally what it was, tsmiv. Have I harped on his need to take a paternity test yet? Lol
But how would he have been torn apart by the tabloids if she suddenly was seen with him pg on the street? Surely he’d just be a bloke with a pg gf, that he’s kept out of the spotlight. I would’ve thought would get him more respect if anything.
She’s not so pg that it’s obvious at this point, not unless she wears something to deliberately highlight it (a ‘la PIFF). If he’d wanted to, the engagement and pg could’ve still been a secret, at least until the Oscar hoopla was done.
From the PUBLIC behavior we have seen from Sophie, do you think she would sit by quietly and maintain a low profile while he campaigned during award season? NO. If she behaves like a crazy she-bat in public, throwing tantrums and disrespecting any and everyone within ten miles, I could imagine how she behaves in private. Her family and friends, who appear to be dropping hints here, there and everywhere, would have the news out before he could get out of town. She’s not going to miss out on this opportunity of a lifetime.
But why would have she being seen pregnant out and about be connected to him in the first place? 1. she was not famous and 2. she had been seen with him only at the FO in June and no one even thought “love relationship” by looking at those pictures back then. BC had always been spotted with several friends in many different occasions and nothing about those pictures at the FO hinted at a girlfriend, not even of the secret or sudden kind.
The other sporadic sightings were either never confirmed (I still believe many of the “mistery brunette” ones were actually Viki) or involved a group of friends. So, why would the pregnancy of Miss Nobody be a problem? Tabloids didn’t even know her name (see those pap photos from the LFF when they mistook her for someone else).
See comment above.
I’m afraid you’re right. I hope he has extremely good lawyers 🙁
I hope those lawyers have been hard at work for several months now.
@Fuji His fans knew who she was as soon as they showed up at the FO and his fans were keeping track of her whereabouts in relation to his whereabouts from the end of August (Martin’s play) till now. Seynorita was tweeting tabloids about them from the time of the FO and a tabloid (The Mirror) reported her as the girlfriend on September 13. So the idea was planted in the minds of his fans that they were an item. I just don’t think the pregnancy could have been kept a secret from his fans (who are helping the tabloids) thru an Oscar campaign and his and Harvey’s PR team knew it. They HAD to go public to have some kind of control over the situation. You know, “normalize it.” LOL!
I know but, as I already said, his fans also knew about Viki or Kinvara so there was nothing about Miss Nobody that made her so special above the others. And right because they were keeping tracks of her, they knew she was nowhere near him after the FO and up until September. I’m not even sure she was the brunette in Italy/Greece since guess who was the one 100% confirmed in Greece the first half of August? Viki!
@Fuji The difference is Miss Nobody got pregnant! LOL! I agree with you about Italy, I’m not sure she was there either. I’m not so sure he would take a new gf or date to visit his aunt (he told a fan that’s why he was there). I know Vicki is Greek, but how do we KNOW she there when he was?
“The difference is Miss Nobody got pregnant! LOL! ”
True. But even if the fans knew about her, they didn’t have any confirmation of a girlfriend and she still was just one of the many people BC was spotted with. Even in the case she was showing signs of a pregnancy there would have been still no reason to connect her to Benedict. Anyway, she wasn’t showing up until very recently at PS with the horrid dress and since she wasn’t hunted by the press/paparazzi at all no one would have been any wiser. I mean if they really wanted to keep a low profile or even to keep it all a secret they could have easily done that. Problem is they decided to go full PR with it or, as moodgirl said, given that imo this PR stunt only served to damage Benedict’s image, SHE refused to keep a low profile and decided to force him into marriage. Once gone public, he can’t back down, right?
Regarding the trip to Italy, according to an Italian fan forum, he was spotted in Grosseto with a male friend (so, no romantic getaway with the Octopus but rather a vacation with friends?) which turned out to be true as he was seen at the Castello di Potentino a couple of days later. Then the dinner in Rome with the brunette and then in Greece: Viki was there as per photos on her sister’s Instagram.
I almost feel the need to buy a condolence card to send to his British agents and PR. What a mess.
Just a thought – do both parties have to show up at the registry office or could Sophie and her bro(pretending to be BC)file a marriage certificate? Wouldn’t put it past them.
Wouldn’t they know her brother wasn’t BC? It’s not like they don’t know who BC is.
Kinda joking, but I bet they’d do it if they could.
Where is everyone? I guess when BC gets married the posters will drop off.
Well the “sex on the plane” thing definitely pissed people off. Not because of SH but because it was flat out rude and uncalled for.
What “Sex on the plane” thing?
Oh, I don’t think anything was meant by that. If someone was offended then they most certainly shouldn’t read the actual posts because it can get pretty rough in here.
Yeah what is the sex on a plane thing?
It was mentioned in the introduction to the thread at the top of the page. Meant no harm.
Don’t worry I’m here. I have nothing new to say but I’m here. If he is dumb enough to marry her I just might drop off though. It’d be too bad, I enjoyed talking with you ladies and I was hoping our boy wasn’t condemning himself to a life of misery.
Toodles45 I said some of the observations you made a while back, but I don’t think he’s a huge snob. Anyone with his education would be a bit haughty, I think he’s alright compared to most in his position. That is unless you think he’s pulling a huge con job on us all all these years. And I don’t think she was in Italy with him either, and you know what that emphasises even more? PATERNITY TEST!
The only thing I can think of that explains the still to be explained weirdness/madness surrounding this is she’s a surrogate and he’s hired her.
Nah he’s not a snob. He’s a dummy though. He doesn’t realize how privileged he is so when he tries to make political comments, he comes off as problematic.
Really? Surrogate? If so then he wouldn’t have a problem leaving her at home as she would be nothing but a hired “something”. I do think she is further along than they want people to know; probably got pregnant very shortly after meeting up, maybe he knew around TIFF so they only hung out for a matter of weeks. The fact that someone is trying to stretch the truth and say that they have been dating for years under the radar proves that they don’t know each other from Adam and their PR is working overtime cleaning up their mess.
If she’s a surrogate she has to be accounted for. He can’t just leave her in the shadows and bam a baby all of a sudden. And given he wants to be leading man material he needs a great love story, more so after all the interviews he’s given over the years. But totally agree on your last point and amazed no one but us is calling out this bs.
Has anyone read that new German interview? The interviewer directly asked him about going to Scotland to ask for SH’s mother for her hand and he didn’t contest it/basically confirmed it (something about him being traditional). So, that DM article proved to be true. He also refuses to say how they met, saying its “their little secret”. We think it was in 2009, but the truth is they probably knew each other way before that, seeing as SH is close to David Birkin’s group, one of BC’s “dearest friends”. There’s another new article floating around of a journo’s encounter w/ BC where she recalls how “haughty and patronising” he was. This one of the main reasons I can’t, and won’t completely vilify SH. I’m believing more and more they are two birds of a feather, with BC being a little less so/better at concealing it.
I don’t think he despises her, per say. They look more apathetic than anything else. Who knows, the spark could’ve faded and now due to the pregnancy, they’re trying to make it work. I’ve said this before, and tsmiv2 just pointed it out too, he keeps making it a point of letting people know she’s *his* fiancee, using all that qualifying language (TWIL, TWIPT) almost like he’s gloating or rubbing it in people’s faces (not fans, but probably other people close to him for some reason). I could be his way of dealing with the criticism he obviously resented of him not “settling down/being a father yet”. Maybe it is a shotgun wedding, or maybe SH is a temporary band-aid for his posh insecurities (which I’m more inclined to believe).
All you girls seem very astute, so if you revisit interviews and little anecdotes you’ll see what I mean. I keep getting (academic) snobbery and entitled vibes from BC, like he’s the type who is very polite on the surface but at his worst, he’s disdainful and bitchy. He said in an Italian interview not too long ago that he sees himself as more of an “elitist than an aristocrat, especially if he’s talking to someone who doesn’t *understand what he’s talking about*”. And Martin Freeman has made fun of his former habit of name-dropping, saying “I thought you were christened by him (by actor John Duttine), I thought you knew every actor over 50? I thought it was a by-law” (sherlock bloopers). These are just some examples. And I’m not just saying this because he’s with her, but their relationship supports it. He’s too much of a grown man to be victimized. I’m not saying he’s a bad person, but likely a HUGE snob. I hope I’m wrong.
Sorry for the long post, guys.
Don’t apologize for the long post, I enjoyed reading it.
My understanding is he didn’t give an interview to the writer but the whole thing was put together from other interviews. In other words, junk.
And Martin Freeman has made fun of his former habit of name-dropping, saying “I thought you were christened by him (by actor John Duttine), I thought you knew every actor over 50? I thought it was a by-law” (sherlock bloopers) >>> That wasn’t about name-dropping. It was about the fact that both his parents are actors of a certain generation, and Benedict would have grown up around their colleagues. I have a friend in L.A. who is almost an “American version” of Benedict – both her parents were actors and although they were never famous they worked constantly in the 70s and 80s so my friend pretty much does know every (minor) actor in Hollywood over 50….
And no way do I believe that trip to Edinburgh was about “asking for her hand.” It was about telling Mommy Hunter – in person – that Sophie was knocked up and therefore they were getting engaged.
Yes definitely to the last paragraph.
toodles45, tbh there’s no celeb who hasn’t pissed off a journo during a junket lol. too many interviews, too much confusion. although to keep quiet for a year and all of sudden decide to say it around oscar time is…well, questionable
and gg’s right, freeman was making fun of how his parents are old actors; that’s why he said ‘over 50’.
i dont think he’s a mega snob, tbh theres a lot of evidence to the contrary. he’s not patient with journos though.
also i could be wrong but that german interview doesnt appear to be an interview at all but a rehash of old quotes stitched together
@moodgirl, thanks. You guys bring up a lot of good points. I just feel that if I were to buy his story then he and “the most incredible woman” he’s ever met must have more in common than a group of friends and boarding school background. And he’s said some questionable things in the past, so who knows. (But of course, no one is perfect and I realize it comes from a very privileged place) About the interview, it’s sort of shady if they just did a mash up of quotes, especially since it read like a Q/A as if he was there.
@gg, it certainly does fit in with the timing. Very likely he went to Scotland to break the news.
Also journalists can be jerks and often lie or take things out of context, including ones from “reputable” publications
tbh i know it sounds shady but its something i noticed with some foreign press a long time ago in general
And to add to all the other replies, in the German interview he’s asked about having children and he replies that’s for later. It sounds like a mishmash of other things he said along with some made-up stuff. Doubt he gave them an interview.
How convenient that the ‘girl about town’ yesterday announced an Oscars wedding for BC and today is claiming that Eddie’s marriage is on the rocks.
Dear, dear me..
And Uncle Harvey was just in London filming Graham Norton! What are the odds?
Just woke up after 3 weeks multiple shfts and comments. Wanted to get this in before the thread tanks (sorry if dup)- engagement notice in early November. Weirdly pregnant look in early January in Palm Springs. I keep mentioning paternity authentication prior to engagement announcement on certain blogs but keep getting blocked. However, the time line seems to agree. What does everyone else think?
I don’t think he would have proposed if he was unsure of the paternity but if he panicked……who knows.