Chris Hemsworth wore a white shirt, got doused with water on the ‘Tonight Show’


God, Chris Hemsworth is terrible at winking ^^ right? It’s always bad when you’re trying to wink at someone and they’re like, “Should I call a doctor? Are you having a stroke?” Some men are good at winking – see Tom Hardy. Chris is not so great.

Anyway, Chris is still trying to promote Blackhat, which… I mean, I understand how the film was greenlighted, but I also understand why it’s being dumped in the middle of January. It looks bad. It looks like an expensive blunder too. But I’ll give Chris some credit – he’s been happy enough to publicly support the film. Probably because he’s the only real star in it (Viola Davis has a supporting part, but I assume she just did it for the money and she hasn’t promoted it at all). Compare this to his overwhelming absence when promoting the last Thor movie, and I’ve got to wonder what’s up with Chris and his film strategy. Audiences are only interested in him as Thor, but it’s like he can’t back away from that role fast enough.

So, Chris appeared on last night’s episode of The Tonight Show. Jimmy Fallon and Chris played “War” and the loser got doused with water. Chris knew it was going to happen, that’s why he wore a white shirt. Amirite, Tom Hiddleston?

Cute. I guess?

Here are some photos of Chris out and about in NYC yesterday:



Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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44 Responses to “Chris Hemsworth wore a white shirt, got doused with water on the ‘Tonight Show’”

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  1. Abbott says:

    And I remain unmoved.

    • Kiddo says:

      Yeah, not feeling ‘it’ either.

    • ramona says:


      milquetoast, totally.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Not a flutter or a tingle.

    • Someonestolemyname says:

      I love LOVE Him.
      He’s so gorgeous my legs weaken when he’s on the screen. LOL!

      • Dani2 says:

        LOL I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not? If you aren’t, I’m not trying to mock your Hemsworth lust, I’m just genuinely not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not.

      • Abbott says:

        @someonestolemyname *winks with both eyes*

    • Rachel says:

      Strangely, in the past though I could see he was an attractive man, I just didn’t get the appeal. And yet with that haircut… it’s working. Damn it’s working.

    • Ally8 says:

      Indeed. A fine Potato-Australian thespian.

      I can see why Hollywood is desperate to find another Robert Redford – Harrison Ford – Matt Damon who is handsome, can act and do action films, but this current crop ain’t it.

  2. mia girl says:

    I like him so much better with the shorter hair.
    So I’ve now moved from cold to lukewarm on him.

  3. Marty says:

    Sweet baby Jesus and Babybel cheeses that man is fine!

    Viola has done promotion for the film and gave Chris a ringing enorsement as a person and actor, which weirdly makes him hotter to me.(I’m still not going to see this stupid looking movie though.)

  4. Ann says:

    As Lainey wrote recently:”Here are his photos and that’s it. I’ve got nothing to say about him.”
    The same can be said about Henry Cavill, only he always looks constipated.

    • BangersandMash says:

      Some have it. And some just don’t… Chris does it for me. He’s looks harmless, and also, he looks soooo easy. (Not like a wh&re, but like he doesn’t complain a lot, doesn’t have much to say, doesn’t require you to constantly nag all day long repeating yourself and consequently looking like a b*&^h) just feed him, break him off and he’s happy!! He’s just so easy to date!!

      Alex Skarsgard does NOT do it for me though, and ditto on Cavill..

  5. jaye says:

    He seems like he’d be fun to have a beer with.

  6. Pri says:

    The only time I found him hot was in Rush. I think that was more because of his character, James Hunt, who oozed charisma.

  7. Beckysuz says:

    Mmmmmm….I like the haircut …something about that is making him far more attractive to me than he ever has been. Mommy likey

  8. scout says:

    Handsome but guy looks like he is trying to rid of a eyelash in his eye. Ahhh…bloody hell mate.

  9. Dorothy#1 says:

    I think he Felicity’d himself when he cut his hair. 🙁

  10. Lilacflowers says:

    He always comes across as a fun, good-natured guy. Not everyone will do an interview that involves water being thrown in his face. He’s not my type physically but I like him.

    • Kosmos says:

      I think you’re right–he is good natured and not full of himself, which is ever so appealing. Looks very handsome. I’m just so relieved he is no longer with Miley anymore. Now that was Baaddd. Let’s hope he develops his acting chops and does as well as his brother.

  11. Cici says:

    I like him but I hate how he is getting $10 million offers for movies without ever proving to be a draw (even Thor is the lowest grossing Avenger) and gets million offers for lead roles before ever proving himself. It’s good to be a handsome mediocre white male actor.

    • 'P'enny says:

      $10m is a bit high, especially for a film which I think will bomb. Perhaps there is a back-end deal only if it brings in such and such… He apparently got $5m for the first. I too think he’s over paid.

      I think Hollywood are building him up to fill that gap of pretty actors which demand no thinking, just scream enjoy me, like Tom Cruise and Harrison Ford. There is a gap there, Brad Pitt is getting on, and Bradley Cooper can’t make his mind up whether he wants to be brainless or serious.

      I like Chris though, he is very pretty. But, I don’t want to knock him too much, but I think he has settled down though way to young.

      • anon says:

        Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise can actually act. When you are watching their movies you forget that this is Tom Cruise (who I personally can’t stand).
        I have not seen any proof that they can act from either from Hemsworth brothers. But they are handsome, no doubt about it.
        Chris should thank his lucky stars and use the money wisely. I expect his future movies to bomb unless he is a part of an all star cast.

      • Beth says:

        Oh c’mon, even if limited, Hemsworth can act. The bigger issue is if he can diversify himself as an actor.

  12. Lucy says:

    Damn, he looks good.

  13. MtnRunner says:

    Hems was going a bit Hiddles in that video. Not quite dancing bear level, but with the wet shirt and gyrating hips, he did remind me a bit of TommyAnnE.

  14. Nicole says:

    People who think he isn’t hot are kidding themselves. If he worked in your office and flirted with you, your marriage would be over. #truth

  15. browniecakes says:

    While Chris was busy shooting Blackhat (I want to say Blackheart), TH went solo all over the world being the dancing bear to promote Thor TDW. That seems like a long time ago.

  16. Ferdinand says:

    I Came for the Hemsworth and stayed for the Hemsworth.
    And once again, I’m a dude!

  17. Mewsie says:

    I keep waiting for a performance from him that will leave me speechless. Every time he is in a movie with a half decent actor, his show gets stolen.

    As for the wet shirt thing, it makes me wonder, is this is the same guy who said that he wants to be taken seriously without going shirtless? And is he the same dude who said, rather bitterly, that he got more feedback for the Sexiest Man Alive title than for his acting work?

    Anyway. I found him hottest when he was explaining Yggdrasil to Jane Foster, as Thor.

    He is SO unbelievably beautiful, but he sells himself too cheap sometimes. And I don’t mean money-wise.

    But nothing is more disappointing as seeing and hearing him support horse racing at the Melbourne Cup. 🙁 Two horses had to be shot dead on the track because of horrible injuries sustained during the race, and it’s just not OK to exploit animals to entertain rich people and snobs. I so desperately hoped he would care.

  18. Josa says:

    Showing his flawless upper body again in that Blackhat trailer, is that going to be his trademark from now on? I’m not complaining.

  19. Nonny says:

    What I would do to that man………

  20. MM says:

    He is married. He acts married…. he doesnt even wink well. Lol

    That being said, Thor is my favorite avenger, he is the best-looking superhero (actually a demigod) and …. like Zelda on A-Z, I would totally marry him. Like happily and forever. He is fine-as-f@&/€$, can make a pretty baby, and that voice…. I imagine he is good in the thunder-down-under activities, ifyaknowwhatImean.

    CH prompted me to make my 1st ever CB comment. I have FEELINGS about him.