Jamie Dornan: ‘We’re not the Twilight franchise. We’re a different thing’

dornan variety

Jamie Dornan covers the newest issue of Variety. The article was written by my least favorite celebrity journalist (Ramin Setoodeh) and the whole thing is kind of blah. You guys know I like Jamie, especially compared to the charisma vacuum that is Dakota Johnson, but it feels like as we get closer to the Valentine’s Day premiere of Fifty Shades of Grey, Jamie is getting more and more nervous and he’s coming closer to shutting down completely. Anyway, you can read the Variety piece here. Here are some highlights:

Covering up his bits and pieces: “It’s like one of those little satchels that Robin Hood or someone of that era would have tied on to his belt. There’s no back. It’s tiny. I mean, it’s not tiny! Because it’s got to hold a lot.”

His friendship with Robert Pattinson: “I don’t remember what we talked about the last time I saw him. I think we just got drunk.”

Comparing the Twilight franchise to Fifty Shades: “By the way, it’s not the same thing. We’re not the Twilight franchise. We’re a different thing. Whatever my situation is, it’s going to be different from Rob’s. They are incomparable. I’ve been around Rob long enough to see what it’s been like for him. I don’t know if it’s been a benefit to witness that. Whatever that is.”

On the cusp of stardom: “I’m astonished at how many people are telling me my life is going to change. Everyone that I meet, especially in L.A. People who run studios or other actors or people who are strangers. Everyone has been saying that to me, ‘Are you ready?’ I don’t have a good answer to that, because I don’t know what I’m meant to be ready for. Whatever happens, happens. I’ll just roll with the punches.”

He drunk-tweets: “I woke up the next day, and I’d seen I’d tweeted the word ‘Christmas’ at around 1 in the morning. I don’t know if I planned on saying more—like, ‘Christmas is a time of reflection. It made me wish I didn’t know my Twitter password and I wasn’t able to get on and do stuff like that.”

[From E! News and Us Weekly]

I actually didn’t realize that Jamie and Sparkles knew each other. I guess it makes sense – so many of those boys in their late 20s/early 30s know each other. Eddie Redmayne, Andrew Garfield, Sparkles, Jamie Dornan, Tom Sturridge and…? I think I’m missing somebody. As for Jamie trying to distance the Fifty Shades franchise from the Twilight franchise… ha. Good one. Considering he’s literally playing a less sparkly version of Edward Cullen – if Edward wasn’t a vampire and he liked to spank the ladies – then I think the comparisons will persist. I mean, the book began as Twilight fan fiction, for the love of God. How much distance can you really create?


Photos courtesy of Variety.

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60 Responses to “Jamie Dornan: ‘We’re not the Twilight franchise. We’re a different thing’”

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  1. Flahoola says:

    What a ride!!!!!!!

    • Zapp Brannigan says:

      Just read this comment in my best Dublin accent, and fell about laughing. He is a roide!

    • Mimz says:

      Can I just say he looks rather hot with the beard?
      I mean, I’m not even into bearded dudes, but he is doing it for me now.

      Hmm. Yeah 😀

      • mimi says:

        Yes, I think he looks hot with a beard too. It’s probably the best I’ve ever seen him look, imho.

  2. Rosalee says:

    I have not read the books, will not see the movie. But love him in The Fall

    • teatimeiscoming says:

      agree. such a shame hes participating in this farce.

    • Lauren says:

      Yes! The Fall is so good, and he’s so good in it. I feel like this joke of a movie was not a good career move for a talented actor.

  3. LB says:

    I think it’s just wishful thinking on his part. He saw how the rapid and intense fandom hounded and freaked out R Patz and he’s hoping the same won’t happen to him. He’s likely right to an extent – I don’t think Fifty Shades will be as big as Twilight was, plus there is no “main actors in love” angle. Also it’s a slightly different demographic – do pre teens care for BDSM-lite? (Maybe older teens do) (I’m so out of touch that I really don’t know) He is going to get hounded, though, for a while. Better get used to it.

    Anyway, I think it’s good that he has the Fall going for him to give him some credibility. He’s quite good in that – him and Gillian Anderson.

    • Nayru says:

      I just made a similar comment. I doubt teen girls that read twilight in all its silliness about love would be into BDSM lite.

    • FLORC says:

      Agree. Cute, mid-20s leads in a movie with a love angle will attract the same crowd as twilight. You know young teens will see this film and be fans if not fully grasping the content. He’s correct to create distance because his life will be dodging the paps for some time to come.

      So, if Dornan hates the attention, and Dakota can’t stand to be near him there’s no way there will be a 2nd film with both actors.

      • mayamae says:

        I assumed they were both signed for a three picture deal. Isn’t that how it’s normally done when starting a trilogy or series of movies?

  4. Nayru says:

    Partially agree and disagree. 50 shades is supposedly for middle aged women while Twilight is for teens. There is a slightly different age demographic at least based on that.

    • OriginalTessa says:

      More middle aged women read and went crazy over Twilight than teens. I would bet my life savings on that. Teens read it, liked it, maybe got into it for a beat… then moved on. The die hard fans that are still obsessed with Twilight and it’s actors, I would say the median age is 45.

      • suziekew says:

        I agree. I can only speak for myself but I became a fan of Twilight because of Rob Pattinson and I am 51 yrs old. The people I talk with and communicate with on social media, gossip blogs, etc. are all in their mid 40’s to late 50’s and some a bit older. Teens dropped out after 1st movie and Twilight became a cult due to us older fans. Media persists in tagging Twilight as a teen driven fandom but it’s not.

      • Nayru says:

        I can believe that. I’m about to turn 30 soon I read only 50 shades and only watched the twilight movie. my friend read all the twilights and 50 shades. I don’t know that much about the rest of the demographics hence why I put supposedly because I really don’t know it twilight is as tween as people say it is.

  5. Illyra says:

    I just watched all of season 2 of “The Fall”. Great show.

  6. Erinn says:

    No Jamie – you’re actually just BASED on Twilight fanfiction – I think that’s even worse, really.

  7. scout says:

    Watching The Fall now, I love him in that, great actor. Although handsome to look at, there is no sex appeal in this guy. Wrong cast for that movie, but doesn’t matter, ain’t watching that anyway.

  8. paola says:

    There’s a lot of talking on something that no one has ever even seen yet.
    I won’t be watching. The first book was lazy and sloppy and i doubt the other 2 were better.
    There are no chances for the movie to be any better.
    Lots of talking always speaks volumes… the more the talking the shittiest the movie.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Totally agree. I’m sure people will see it, but it will surprise me if it’s a blockbuster. I couldn’t even finish the first book. Garbage writing.

      • suziekew says:

        I hated the book. I will not spend any of my money on the film but I do think it will make ALOT of money. JD is not my cup of tea and I swear Dakota may be drippier than KStew if that’s possible. Her eyes and mouth (in the trailer) have no emotion or signs of life.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yup. I read about 20 pages of the first book and had to put it down. It is so bad. I’m sure it will do well at the box office, but not as well as some people think.

      • FLORC says:

        It was awful! And very hard to read and understand with the poorly structured paragraphs, sentences, and improper spelling/punctuation. I struggled through it.
        Also, the character’s never developed. They remained shallow. Was that because the author thought it was understood we’d know how she viewed this bizarro world version of bella?

        People will see this film and it might do pretty well. Not because it will be a great film though.
        Something nice. That elevator scene was hot-ish.

      • Anname says:

        Rob’s Dior elevator scene was better….!

  9. Mom2two says:

    I wish his big break into movies wasn’t this. The trailers look awful but the source material is not that great either.

    • lucy2 says:

      It is a shame, I can’t see how it’s good for his career. Hopefully he’s gotten better offers out of the publicity before the movie actually screens for critics.

  10. Katie says:

    He’s fabulous in the The Fall. Have no desire to watch or read Fifty Shades but he is right. They aren’t twilight. The fandom will be worse! Millions of delusional middle aged women are quite a different animal than millions of delusional teenagers. Teenagers lose interest very quickly, for one. Good luck with that jAmie

    • Erinn says:

      Lol – during Twilight’s peak, there were at least equal numbers of middle aged women in love with it as there were teens.

  11. It is what it is says:

    Ramin Setoodeh is great!!

  12. Tig says:

    He’s right and he’s wrong at the same time- I agree his experience is going to be very different- bec. the movies are so different. I don’t see folks camping out for days bef the premiere for this, for starters. However, he will prob see an up tic in pap shots as the movie approaches.

    Can’t wait to watch The Fall. Also, read the book his next film is based on- that was pretty blah. Hope he’s not one of those actors who can’t select good material, bec he’s a good actor who is so gorgeous on screen.

  13. grabbyhands says:

    I can’t tell if he is in denial or if he really doesn’t know that this dreck started off as Twilight fan fiction.

    I can see this having a big opening and then dropping off significantly in the next week. I think mommy porn can only sustain itself for so long, especially since they are giving it an R rating, which means all the things that made it such a draw for the Twilight moms are missing. Plus the guys that are taking their girlfriends to it for a V Day date are only going to go once. It will probably do well when they release it to DVD/BD, Especially if they have a director’s cut, restored scenes etc.

    This will be a profitable but glaring blot on his resume. Too bad, because he is very good in The Fall.

    • CL says:

      The women that I know who have already bought tix are planning on seeing it BECAUSE it looks so awful. A hate-giggle-watch party, if you will.

  14. Jessica says:

    I find it annoying that they aren’t going to show any full frontal male nudity in this film, considering they will definitely be showing full frontal female nudity. If there were any film to be equal opportunity on the nudity front, it would be this one. But they went like every other film out there written, directed, and made for men and covered the man while showing the woman. Disappointed.

    • Tig says:

      I hear what you’re saying, but they were prob conscious of the rating- NC-17 is usually death at the box office. Only mainstream movie of recent times with that was Shame- can’t remember if that ended up as NC-17.

      Still surprised they didn’t go HBO etc route with the material- would have been a perfect fit. Isn’t there some book out there that is a FSOG knock off-?? To You?? Maybe??- that’s also in development? Surprised Marvel hasn’t come out with a charter yet-LOL!

      • PunkyMomma says:

        @Tig – The HBO route would have been perfect for the Fifty Shades Trilogy. And cast Skarsgard as Grey.

      • lucy2 says:

        No PunkyMomma! Don’t drag our pretty Viking into that mess!
        But HBO would have been a good platform for it. I suspect they probably turned their nose up at it though, if the books are as horrible as everyone says.

      • Chrissy says:

        Alex Skarsgard is smarter than to be in anything like this.
        This movie might be a career killer. I hope Dornan survives
        because I’d bet Dakota Johnson will not.

      • Diana B says:

        As others said, let’s not doom the pretty viking to this mess. He’s better than that.

  15. stellar says:

    The stars of this movie are not attractive to me at all so how am i to enjoy it?

  16. The Original Mia says:

    Isn’t this the Twilight fan fiction?

  17. Tig says:

    @ Punkymomma- you know, I wonder if TB is going to be his career highlight? I have seen him in Melanchloia and What Maisie Knew- and all that energy and verve on display in TB is just nowhere to be seen( and no not talking about the nude scenes-LOL). I know some of it is the direction/material, but he was just so blah. Battleship is not my cup of tea, so maybe that was better for him.

    • PunkyMomma says:

      You may be right about Skarsgard. Sometimes a role comes along that defines an actor and I think he’s always going to be Eric. It was such a perfect fit. He brooded so beautifully.

    • Allen Smithee says:

      Have you seen The East? It’s about a group of environmental extremists; he plays one of the group’s leaders. His character comes across initially as quite low-key–almost a traditional hippie-type–but he demonstrates the kind of charisma that a cult leader might have. It’s a good film, with a good performance from ASkars.

      • Tig says:

        I watched The East-it was so-so. Wasn’t that the filming that drove the AS/Ellen Page love affair rumors of the time?

    • magda says:

      I liked him in Melancholia.. But he has Tarzan, blockbuster of next summer in his pocket so who knows, he may survive Eric’s label.

  18. Sarah says:

    No. You’re not Twilight. Your’e Twilight fan fiction which is even worse.

  19. Cali says:

    Twilight was an organic thing that blew up naturally (and then was later taken over by “the machine” until it had nothing organic left). The powers that be are just hoping and trying to pretend like Fifty Shades is going to be some massive fan hysteria nonsense and I don’t think it will be. It’s apples and oranges. I am very curious to see how much money it makes in theaters. DVD sales might be higher. 😉 For fans of the books I hope the movie is actually better than the trailers have made it seem, but I’m not holding out much hope.

    • simms says:

      I wrote this on the Sam Taylor-Johnson thread, but The Hollywood Reporter says that the film is tracking to make 45 million opening weekend. That, though there is massive awareness for the film, it seems it lags in interest. They have a very aggressive marketing campaign with the music videos and the tv spots, but you never know if critics reviews will ultimately hurt or help the film. I have no desire to see this and nothing they say or do will change my mind, but those who are on the fence might be waiting for reviews to tell them if this is just another Nicholas Sparks melodramatic love story disguising as erotica. Those who’ve read the books know there is very little BDSM in FSOG. Oh, and the film is tracking well with older females.

  20. Lucy says:

    *rolls eyes* Jamie, please. I genuinely like you and everything, but you know very well that it’s a Twilight fan-fiction with different names.

  21. Cindy says:

    He was really really good in The Fall. Too good- now when I see him I think “psychopath serial rapist”. Gillian Anderson was fantastic, too.
    As far as 50 shades- I have not read the book, doubt I’ll see the movie. As far as twilight goes, I don’t think the fans will be as obsessive because there is no real life romance parallel. That’s what drove the Middle Age moms into insanity.

  22. Mi says:

    It seems Robert Pattinson is the only actor whose name can’t be written together with names of his British friends Garfield,Redmayne,Dornan,Sturridge.He has to done something horrible.

  23. Egla says:

    I read all three books (ashamed here). Let me tell you i still feel ashamed of myself, second hand embarrassment all through the 3 books. I also read all the books of Twilight thing (not that much shame there to be honest). Now that being said i don’t know how are they going to produce a decent movie out of that mess. I am only hoping the director (a grown up woman with a little experience in life) will leave out all the bullshit and extra “Oh my goodness” and lip bitting and….. I mean that story is “Not fish, nor meat” as we say in my country. Not romantic, not BDSM, not abuse, not tragedy it’s just a mess.
    As for the actors i see the guys are chosen somewhat decent but the girls….is it being a piece of wood with no wide range of emotions a thing now? because if that’s the thing guys are going after i have doing it wrong all my life.
    I mean Kristen was bad and all and she didn’t grew during 4 movies. The only one showing love there was poor Sparkles. But it was ok in a way as it was a love story not a sexy passion story. Now if this girl Dakota goes there having super advanced sex with lots of orgasms with no facial expression at all as i have seen on the trailer then they better shut it down and let the poor guy free of this. And yes i am going to watch it as my girlfriends who haven’t read the books think it is a super movie with lots of sex in it and have already arranged a movie date for all of us. I am going there just out of curiosity.
    (someone must think i am a pathetic grown up woman here for following this trash literature but bear in mind i have read classics all my life also and i usually work in a very stressful place where i have to be at the top of my game and serious all the time so i need to relax my mind by reading trashy things and watching Tom$Jerry in the afternoon) :p

  24. Shelley says:

    The 2nd book is ‘better’ than the first, but that isn’t saying much, and is no reason to film it. The CD reader is superb – I have a long commute so listen to a ton of books on CD; there’s no way I could tolerate these as books.

    And it’s still incredibly irritating and flat-out dull. The sex scenes are beyond tedious and not erotic at all. Not sure I want to read the 3rd – was desperate # for a new set of cds when I checked out 1, and got the 2nd because of the aggravating ‘cliffhanger’ at the end of 1.

    To think of the $$$ the author has made fills me with wild despair…or, “Oh my! Holy crap!!,” as Anatasia would say.

  25. “We’re not the Twilight series”….no…..you’re the “Fifty Shades” series, which I think might be worse.

    Looks hot in the beard though.