Iggy Azalea: I wouldn’t accept a Grammy because ‘people hate me enough’

Iggy Azalea

Iggy Azalea may have quit Twitter, but she can’t stop talking. Iggy has a new interiew with Power 106, where she talks about losing Best Rap Album (to Eminem) at the Grammys. To Iggy’s credit, she realizes the backlash after she won the AMA was nothing compared to what would have happened if she won a Grammy.

I chose not embed this video interview for obvious reasons. You can watch it here if you dare. This is one of the crudest discussions I’ve heard from Iggy. She threatens to take a male appendage to her haters, and I’m not excerpting that portion because it’s so disturbing — especially after Iggy schooled Eminem when he threatened a similar fate for her. Iggy has a different problem with Eminem, specifically why he’s not called out for being a white rapper. She also claims that her history of racist tweets was photoshopped:

Iggy vs. Emimem at the Grammys: “I found it to be kind of ironic. It was because I’m white, therefore I’m appropriating culture. But then Eminem won it — who’s white and won it many times — and they didn’t seem to say anything about that.”

Her racist tweets: “Having to deal with people photoshopping things that I say, and then other people really thinking that they’re true. Like ‘n-word this’ or ‘I hate every race’. Tweet about me hating Asian people, black people – I hate everyone, apparently. That annoyed me. Nobody wants to be called a racist … Nobody wants to feel like they’re Hitler. That was weak. That was lame.”

She’s happy for the Grammy loss: “I did not want to win that award. My speech would have been like, ‘F*** this! I don’t want it! Take it! Get away from me!’. I’m glad I didn’t win because people already hate me enough. I do not need to be hated any more. Are you ever going to leave me alone? I lost. You should be happy. Sh*t. Bye.”

[From Power 106 on Youtube]

Well, I agree with Iggy that it would have been a mess if she’d won a Grammy. She still doesn’t understand the cultural appropriation mess or why her critics have a point. All she can do is compare herself to Eminem in terms of being a white rapper. I’m not about to excuse Eminem for his recent stunt-queening lyrics at all. All I know is that Iggy believes she should be treated with the same respect as Eminem, or he should go down with her. She sees Eminem as an equal.

Here are some photos of Iggy at a gas station last month. A fan jumped up to help her pump. She didn’t seem to mind one bit.

Iggy Azalea

Iggy Azalea

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

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47 Responses to “Iggy Azalea: I wouldn’t accept a Grammy because ‘people hate me enough’”

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  1. Nk868 says:

    Never having to pump gas again would be worth twitter hate. I’m sorry, I think it would be! I will drive around on empty for a WHILE to put off the gas station

  2. Mzizkrizten says:

    Her rapping voice seriously annoys me. I hope she has been wise with the money she’s earned because I don’t think she has longevity. But these days people hang on to their ‘fame’ like tenacious little anklebiters so who knows.

    • littlestar says:

      I don’t think she has longevity either. She’s a one-trick pony who really doesn’t have one trick to begin with.

  3. Lb says:

    I’m back and forth with Eminem (depending on the material) but there’s really no comparison between him and Iggy. One understands and has vocally acknowledged the advantages of being white in the rap industry, one gives reverence to rappers of the past, one grew up in rap culture (and didn’t just adopt it because his pop career was a bust), one received backlash but actually knew how to deal with it (instead, using it to his advantage), one spent a long time trying to cultivate respect from others in his field, one is actually talented (even if his work is questionable often).

    It’s ridiculous for Iggy to think all this boils down to her being white and therefore her situation merits comparison to Em’s situation. Also she needs to shut up about the Grammys – she was really thirsty for one until she lost. Then suddenly, it’s a different story.

    • Shambles says:

      Great comment, LB! I think Em is a serious misogynist with some woman-hating issues that he needs to resolve, and his lyrics can be kind of scary for the female listener. It irks me that he tries to pass it off like “oh I’m just kidding when I talk about raping women (but I’m really not).” That said, based on pure talent alone, there is NO comparison between Em and Iggy. He’s problematic in his own right, but there is no way to deny that he’s got talent. He’s an artist, she’s a sheep.

      • Bridget says:

        Eminem has said a lot of crazy stuff over the years, but I think it can be broken down into 2 categories: exorcising his personal demons, amd stuff he says to deliberately stir controversy to get attention. The former I can actually understand: his mother was a truly horrible person and Kim was no peach as well, and what he’s writing came from a place of truth and rawness. It may be violent, but the music he wrote is incredible. The latter though? That’s B.S. and it includes the garbage he was saying recently, and makes me lose a lot of respect for him.

    • Sarah says:

      Excellent post and analysis. Iggy doesn’t seem to get that her rap voice being so different from her speaking voice is offensive to some. Like she’s pretending to be black. In another time, she might have worn blackface. That’s what gets me. Eminem and Macklemore both speak like they rap and they have been respectful in acknowledging the roots of rap and careful with their place in it. Iggy just thinks it is because she is white, showing that she clearly doesn’t get rap.

  4. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Ah, shad up.

  5. Tracy says:

    Iggy, you’re gorgeous, talented and a joy to have in this world. Don’t slide into the negative. Look how Lady GaGa handles the haters; she’s sweet and positive always, and then just shows up and blows everyone away. Over and over. It’s genius. The hate has nothing to do with you. Don’t engage in it.

    We love you.

    • Chichi says:

      Erm….. “we”? Whos this we besides people who need to educate themselves on blaxploitation?

      • Sooloo says:

        Haha, my thoughts exactly. “We”, for the most part on this site, don’t go for this woman’s closed-minded, exploitative, embarrassing schtick. Trust us, Tracy – the hate has everything to do with Iggy.

    • NGBoston says:

      Well said Tracy. We reserve our negative feelings for those who truly deserve it.

      Like Terrorists, and Rapists who wear slippers and ‘Hello Friend’ sweatshirts.

      Right now ISIS and Bill Cosby are still on my hate list. Don’t think either will be removed any time soon.

    • Shambles says:

      I’m sorry, but I can’t stand when people take any form of criticism and turn it into “oh you’re just a hater, haters gonna hate!” Nope. When people call someone on their bullsh$t for genuine reasons, such as Iggy’s being ignorant and culturally appropriative at best and insanely racist at worst, they’re not just “being a jealous hater.” They’re speaking the truth, and the truth isn’t always nice.

    • Kitten says:

      This can’t be posted enough: https://horreyahuk.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/iggy-azalea-racist.png?w=474

      She just strikes me as an awful person. That, and the fact that she has ZERO talent is what people don’t like about her.

      • Shambles says:

        @Kitten, eeeeeeeeeeeewwww. I’ve seen commenters make references to most of these tweets, but some of them I’ve never heard of. It’s so gross to see them all together. It just makes her sound so, so incredibly stupid.

      • Kitten says:

        @ Shambles-Right? Seeing the tweets clustered together is like a summary of what’s wrong with this girl. They’re all equally offensive but the “Just saw two black men get arrested at Popeye’s. #damn. #stereotype” always sticks out for me.

        The fact that this is the way her mind works, you know? These weren’t just men to her, they were black men, and of course she made the racist connection that all black people love fried chicken.

        With all the police brutality against black folks, she didn’t take that moment to wonder if these people even deserved to be arrested or if they were being treated fairly or not, you know? She just jumped straight to the racist stereotypes. How can she claim to love hip hop and black culture with that mindset? She just has ZERO awareness of her privilege and the sh*t that comes out of her mouth is proof of that.

        She’s one of the few celebs that actually makes me really angry.

      • littlestar says:

        I read those the other day. She’s an f’ing idiot. What really bothers me about her is that she has ZERO self-awareness. Whether she’s actually dumb or just one of those people who are completely oblivious to how they come across to others, she seems to REFUSE to even consider thinking about what people have been criticizing her for.

      • Sarah says:

        I’ve never seen them altogether like that. Yikes! Thanks for posting.

      • Kitten says:

        Yes Littlestar. She’s just arrogant and entitled and bratty.

    • paranormalgirl says:

      “We”? Do you have a mouse in your pocket? Because you aren’t speaking for me.

    • oneshot says:

      “we love you”?

      Is this the royal “we”, because I don’t think you’ll find a whole lot of people (plural) who can tolerate her on this website.

  6. OSTONE says:

    This chick’s self-importance is really something. Happy she lost the Grammy? Yeah, right.

  7. ToodySezHey says:


  8. OriginallyBlue says:

    If this dumbass would shut up for a minute and actually listen to the criticism against her she would be a lot better off. She has so little self-awareness, cherry picks the comments, and boils them down to the simplest level that the casual observer would think that there is no real issue with her.
    She is already hard to like and she just keeps talking and looking foolish. She is going to destroy her own career with her attitude and poor me routine. I would say her lack of talent, but the public has been supporting her mediocre rapping thus far.

  9. Sooloo says:


    “I think backlash comes no matter what skin color you are…Success is polarizing and you just can’t have one without the other. That’s something that comes with it. It’s the price you pay for having all the amazing things that you’re afforded and if that is the price you pay for a Grammy, I will sign that check.”

    From an MTV interview with her, posted on February 6. This chick’s delusions clearly overrule her common sense, taste, propriety, and now even her ability to keep her story straight.

  10. Debb says:

    If she is that bitter about the award, why show up at the Grammys?

  11. Mar says:

    Go watch 8 Mile Iggy- you will see why Eminen has street credit.

  12. JosieJ says:

    Eminem is authentic, that is why he has almost always been accepted when he got mainstream.
    Iggy is not. Everything about her is fake or PR. Eminem has been doing this a very long time and has had a very long and successful career. How long has Iggy been on the scene? Yeah, a hot minute and she thinks she deserves the same respect? Ridiculous!

    She has become so annoying. Just shut up and go away!

  13. WTF says:

    Go away you ignorant little girl.
    Eminem is a walking misogynistic tragedy IMHO, but the reason he isn’t taken to task about being a white rapper is that he acknowledges the privilege AND HE DOESN’T FAKE A SOUTH CENTRAL ACCENT while he’s rapping.

    I don’t hate on this girl, because she’s not even worth the energy. She’s like a persistent gnat on a beautiful summer day. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

  14. Bridget says:

    “Well its a good thing I didn’t win because I didn’t want your stupid award anyway!”

    • Kitten says:

      Yup. Like a four-year-old.

      • Bridget says:

        The more she speaks the more she also makes TI look like he’s running a rinky-dink operation if she is the biggest act he’s ‘discovered’. Stop whining, girl. If you’re so great then prove it with your music instead of whining more.

      • FingerBinger says:

        TI is about making money. Most of the people buying Iggy’s music are probably white suburban kids. He knows what he’s doing.

      • Amy says:

        A part of me wonders how long that’ll last though, with social media kids these days are hyper-aware of what’s cool and she’s been slammed in the media repeatedly by so many different people.

        I get the white suburban kids won’t be looking at Q-tip but Nicki Minaj, Eminem, and Lil Wayne? Yup. They’ll notice.

        Same thing happened with Gaga, everyone except her most obsessive fans just got tired of her and her fanbase shrunk incredibly in just 2-3 years.

  15. CK says:

    Iggy, please. She would have accepted it and she would have given a clueless acceptance speech. The real question is, would she have been booed off the stage?

  16. MyHiddles says:

    If she’s going to compare herself to a white rapper then why not choose Vanilla Ice or that Canadian guy, Snow? Her career is far more on par with those guys.

  17. Otaku Fairy says:

    I don’t beleive for one second that the original comments on her twitter that she got called out for were photoshopped by others. And when she was first called out for them, she didn’t say others photoshopped them, she just used the fact that it used to be her private twitter account as her defense. I don’t know if there are newer tweets that recently came out that might have been photoshopped by others, but the originals weren’t. And if she had won that grammy, her speech probaby would have been about how she beat her haters or something like that.

  18. oneshot says:

    Exactly the kind of statement I’d expect from Icky Rafflesia (thanks for that one ontd!)

    whining? check.
    blaming things on “haters”? check.
    fronting as a victim? check.

    I hope she and her Pinocchio butt go and fade into obscurity like her talentlessness deserves.

  19. Katie says:

    HAHAHAHA seriously? She needs to shut up already!!

  20. Veritas says:

    This thirsty fake ass girl needs to STFU. We all know that it was her that tweeted all that racist crap. At least eminem never has said anything racist. And eminem actually can rap on his own and doesn’t need a puppet master like TI telling him what to do. And he does so with his real accent and real talent.