Chris Evans: The first ‘Avengers’ was too ‘punch-punch, kick-kick’

Chris Evans

Yesterday, Chris Evans took a break from enthusiastically tweeting about this year’s hellish Boston snowfall to post the official Captain American poster from Avengers 2: Age of Ultron. All of the movie’s posters are a wee bit photoshopped, which is to be expected from an ensemble comic book adaptation. Marvel is the only reason Evans ever has to shave. I like him with a beard, but it’s nice to see his face too. Cap fans would like to see the human Dorito turn around too, but patience is a virtue.

Evans appears to be the unofficial spokesman for the Ultron tour. He did some set interviews, including a gif-laden MTV talk. He also spoke with Slashfilm, but a publicist hovered over Evans the whole time. It’s hard to blame Marvel for being nervous after what Evans said last spring, but I think he’s learned his lesson. Think back to how well he did selling his movie at TIFF last year. Chris does manage to get a few covert punches. To set the stage, S.H.I.E.L.D. no longer exists in this film. Tony Stark/Iron Man is footing the bill, and there is conflict. What Chris really wants to talk about is the evolution of Cap’s fighting style:

Cap kicks more butt in this film: “With the second Captain America we really pushed the envelope in terms of what this guy is capable of which I was excited to see. Because in the first Captain America he’s just strong. In Avengers it was still, in my opinion, a little bit punch, punch, kick, kick. You just can’t be Jason Bourne. We gotta see this guy do stuff that’s like yeah, he deserves a spot on this squad. You know, in [Winter Soldier] he’s pinballing off of jets and doing unbelievable things. I don’t wanna take a step back so we gotta make sure that he’s continuing training. His fight style needs to advance a little bit. I don’t wanna go full Bruce Lee, but there needs to be more than just haymakers and fun kicks. There needs to be a consistent display of strength. Utilize your environment in a way that’s like, ‘that’s right he can pick up a motorcycle with one hand …’ Let’s, let’s not forget that I can get punched by a human and get knocked down. It just doesn’t make sense to me. So that’s the only thing and that’s a tough thing to try to remember. You know, even in Avengers, you know, I punched a heavy bag across a room. If I hit a person he’s not getting back up. It’s just the way it’s gonna go, so we can’t do this any other way. That’s it. Just trying to keep your finger on that pulse and it’s tricky with all these characters.”

His favorite Avenger? “That’s so tough. I wouldn’t — I’d put myself kind of at the bottom of the list honestly. As a man, as a people I’d take Steve Rogers. As an avenger, come on I don’t know. I really think Thor is pretty cool. I really like Iron Man just ‘cause, you know, I can’t get enough of Downey. Every single line he gives is so good. It’s really crazy watching him work if you ever get a chance. You’re just like god, I can see why this guy gave birth to this — we wouldn’t be here if it hadn’t been for Downey and what he did with the first Iron Man.”

On Ultron: “Spader. God, Spader. So good. Well, I mean this thing about Joss. It’s not just about the power of the villain or his shiny light or his ability. It’s kind of the mentality of the villain. It’s really, Joss. He’s a very clever writer so it’s really about you guys are — can I say whatever the hell I wanna say? Am I already in deep sh*t? Don’t f*** me on this, guys.”

[From Slashfilm]

There’s a little bit of that Evans frustration peeking out with the fight-scene discussion. Evans goes on to discuss how Ultron compares to Loki and the respective magnificent of both Spader and Tom Hiddleston. By the way, Hiddles’ name did not appear on this poster, which is surprising. I thought for sure Marvel would accommodate the dragonflies. But hey, here’s a preview clip where Evans rips a tree stump in half as Robert Downey Jr. tries very hard not to laugh.

FYI, Chris still acts as male ambassador for the Gucci Guilty cologne. Here’s a promo where he talks about what he’d buy you for Valentine’s Day. It’s … not good.

Chris Evans

Chris Evans

Chris Evans

Photos courtesy of Marvel Studios, Fame/Flynet & Chris Evans on Twitter

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34 Responses to “Chris Evans: The first ‘Avengers’ was too ‘punch-punch, kick-kick’”

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  1. Bridget says:

    Am I reading this wrong? Because the quote makes it sounds like he’s talking about how the fight scenes have evolved for Cap and what Cap can do, vs. complaining about the movie.

    • Algernon says:

      I saw the headline and was thinking, “Oh no, what did Dorito Bae say now?” but that’s a sentiment he’s been repeating since last year when they promoted CATWS. He talked a lot about evolving Cap’s fighting to show his increased training, etc, and to make him more cinematic. I don’t think he’s complaining, he’s just commenting on giving Cap some real style, not just brute power.

      • Bridget says:

        He’s gotten much better at his interviews. Either he got some extra training or he’s relieved that the end of his contract is in sight. I’d get cranky too if I had to keep up the kind of diet and exercise regime he’d need to do to keep that Captain America ‘look’ (though I think we all benefit from him doing it!).

    • Linn says:

      That’s how I read it.

      • Bridget says:

        I get what he’s saying, too – the first Avengers wasn’t really ‘his’ movie, so it seemed like Captain America was there basically as muscle. I felt like The Winter Soldier really raised the bar for the Marvel movies, both on story and on action. Though I am SO disappointed they had to replace Scarlett’s stunt woman, because she’s amazing to watch.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      That’s what I heard him say too. That Capt America has to fight like a superhero.

    • oneshot says:

      yeah he isn’t complaining about the movie or even his own role, just a note on having to make his fighting style look cooler.

    • Samtha says:

      That’s how I read it too. No shade there.

  2. Sarah says:

    He’s so full of shit during the Valentine’s Day interview. Painfully obvious he doesn’t believe a word of it. That beard is totally working for him though 😉

    • BangersandMash says:

      *cracks up*

      He was bad!! He was so bad… that he was AMAZING!!

      Ask Chris a love question, ask him a love question!!
      “Ok, what’s your thoughts on marriage?”

      “Ummm, marriage is good, but what would make me personally attach myself, me personally as a guy… If i could wake up and smell Gucci Guilty on my wife, it’ll take me right back to the time in my life when I bought it for her.”

      “What makes relationships special.”

      “Umm, trust, loyalty. But that’s you know?! That’s standard, so that comes with every relationship, but If I’d have to say something that could make a relationship more dynamic and alive, I would definitely say attaching some sort of scent into it. Ummm, like… buying your partner Gucci Guilty, that’s a really good idea, Gucci guilty is such an incredible way to bring life into relationships because it creates memories of that place and time.”

      *OMG* I think I may just answer every question in my life by infusing Gucci Guilty into it!!

      • **sighs** says:

        That was almost perfect…except it’s *fragrance*, not scent.

        That was hilarious. I wonder if he gets ragged on by his friends for that. I would totally be taking the piss every day for that if he were my friend.

  3. eowyn says:

    Umm… the title is a little bit misleading.
    He wad talking about his character – Captain America – being that way in the first Avengers not the movie.
    Otherwise, it is an interesting interview.

    • magda says:

      The title is entirely unsuitable. If you want shocking value in the headline I suggest: Chris Evans think Thor is cool. I was: what the hell, really?!

  4. Izzy says:

    He’s just… so hot. That’s all I came here to say.

  5. Lilacflowers says:

    My husband Chris is still happy about the Patriots win and all of our thunder snow so that should carry him through the Marvel PR season. He and my other husband Tom have been having lots of fun in the snow

  6. InvaderTak says:

    Can’t wait for May. Love that they’re also not giving away Vision just yet. Still nervous about the new duo though. Caps fighting skills were really top notch in winter soldier. The fight scene on the highway was great. Knifefighting aficionados were impressed with the realism too.

    • MtnRunner says:

      I loved those fight scenes with Stan. Really looking forward to seeing this opening weekend. And Cap’s ass.

      I like the Dorito with or without a beard. I don’t say that about most guys, but he can pull off both like a sexy beast.

    • Lolo-ology says:

      There was a lot of lovely legwork too in Winter Soldier, I really loved all the fight choreography in that movie. 🙂

      • Maria A. says:

        That elevator brawl was beyond amazing. Every time I’ve caught that film running on cable, I stop and watch that sequence and think the same thing: do those guys really think they can beat Rogers?
        He totally mops the floor with them.
        Fantastic action sequence.

  7. Miss M says:

    My kind of captain…

  8. GingerCrunch says:

    I will have those sunglasses this summer.

  9. INeedANap says:

    I appreciate how much he’s thought about the character, both in terms of personality and physicality. I really do think he’s smarter than he comes across in interviews.

    He’s just so damn pretty.

  10. oneshot says:

    I would like to marry him. Or more accurately, I would like to marry his version of Steve Rogers, because damn is he everything I’d want in a husband (minus the high likelihood of being killed by evil shadowy organisations).

    And while I know he has a tough time with the attention aspect of things, I like that he isn’t an asshole to fans. That anecdote from a guy whose wife and kid stumbled onto the first Avengers set (not a planned set visit or anything, they were filming in Central Park and the mom+son were walking by and guessed what the film was) and ended up meeting almost the whole cast made me really respect Evans and Hiddles in particular.

  11. Dee Kay says:

    I would like to vote for Peggy Carter to somehow magically get cloned in 1949 and time-transported into the future where she and Cap can live happily ever after. (She needs to be a clone so that one of her can still carry out all the SHIELD-building that Peggy Carter is credited with, so as not to f**k up all the Marvel history we know happened.)