Oh, I was hoping we would get a repeat of this coat! I remember this “Dalmatian print” Hobbs coat from Duchess Kate’s first pregnancy – she wore it to a boat christening in 2013 and I kind of loved it on her. Kate rarely does animal prints and I thought this was a surprisingly great look for her. So I’m glad she repeated the coat today, for her appearances in Margate. I really like that she paired the coat with black shoes and a jaunty, bouncy ponytail too. We have to praise her whenever she does an event without her hair falling into her face a million times.
First on the agenda today was a stop by the “Self: Image and Identity” exhibition at the Turner Contemporary art gallery in Margate. She will also stop by Resort Studios. Tomorrow is Downton Abbey day! I also have to say, because it’s actually worth noting: Kate’s second pregnancy hasn’t had any big Marilyn Moments. I think it’s because she actually hasn’t worn any maternity miniskirts.
Meanwhile, People Magazine had a story yesterday about how Kate might be expecting a girl. When Kate was shopping in Chelsea, at one of “her favorite stores,” Amaia, Kate was apparently “drawn to the girls’ clothes.” I actually don’t think Kate and William know what they’re having. That’s what they’ve said and I believe them. Kate might be hoping for a girl (I bet William is too), but don’t think she’s expecting a girl just because she was checking out the girls’ clothes.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
LOVE this. It strays from her usual prim and boringness.
I like the coat, too, but she has a way of making everything she wears look cheap. There’s always something “off” about her style. Always …
Totally disagree when it comes to Kate’s style,
The lady has it with abundance ,she wears the clothes, the clothes don’t wear her
I LOVE, love, lalalalalooooove this coat!
Me, too. Really cute.
She looks great and happy! Love the pony tail!
+1 With all the matchy-matchy ensembles and boring hairstyles of her previous outings, I was starting to get a bit queasy.
In this second pregnancy she really resembles Princess Victoria of Sweden.
She looks beautiful pregnancy agrees with her
Respectfully disagree … she looks old – too much paint.
What is going on with her mouth – it looks like she can’t close it properly. Ill-fitting veneers?
Veneers and she has a slight underbite. It’s just her smile. We all have quirk smiles 😀
It just seems unnatural. Better to see natural (maybe slightly crooked) non-chicklet teeth and a sincere smile than the stiff looking one we see with Kate. I wonder if it’s due to the veneers or if her smile would seem forced with her natural teeth. Not important, I know….
The “crooked” comment actually had science behind it. An article was put out about why she veneers look a little crooked. It’s called micro rotations. It’s supposed to make the smile more genuine and less fake. Fake teeth that are too perfect have been noted as giving off a bad 1st impression.
Her veneers are larger than her orginal teeth though. If she smiles wide enough you see the difference and her lips don’t cover her new teeth like her original teeth size.
This is all cosmetic stuff and in the grand scheme it doesn’t matter. The snarker in me is saying “but what is she without her clothes and physical features?”
I keep reading that term “chicklet” with regards to veneers. What does that mean?
@ FLORC chiclets are a white, square gum. In Canada (and the states I think) we say that when teeth are too big and white.
FLORC, I wanted to type out what having “chiclets” meant, but I found two pictures which I think illustrate my point better than I could.
Big teeth = horse teeth
The Royals are known to be horse lovers … 😀
Thanks all!
Lol I was thinking more of disgarded chicken parts and couldn’t understand the connection. I was way off!
I will take Kate’s chiclets any day compared to the crooked, stained teeth of Camilla or the yellow overbite of William. *shudder*
lol imo!!!
can’t argue with your astute spot-on observation of William. Beaver teeth.
Don’t encourage me lol. My mother would give me The Look if she knew I was making disparaging comments about someone’s appearance. But I do not feel apologetic because the majority of my revulsion has to do with the stains/yellowing and not the size/shape. It is a hygiene/grooming failure so open criticism is warranted. Every little child I know brushes his/her teeth twice daily and it seems these aristos can’t be bothered? Eww.
I think William still smokes so that plays into the coloring of his teeth.
As an RN, and Dental Asst prior to that, AND someone who was born with naturally discolored teeth, I can accurately say that it ISN’T a hygiene/grooming/etc issue sometimes. Some people have just naturally discolored enamel, and while some can change it with bleaching some can not. Sometimes the discoloration is due to meds the Mother took while pregnant , rare occasion it’s from meds given to the child when very young.
So, just like obese people aren’t always obese due to lack of restraint in eating, sometimes it’s a medical problem causing it. Thus, those with yellow or dark colored teeth aren’t always l hygiene or grooming “failures”.
Her lower jaw skews to the right, as well.
And I’d like to add to the naturally discolored teeth discussion–yes, it happens. Some people are prone to tartar, others are not, it’s in the body chemistry–specifically, the mouth chemistry. A friend of mine had no enamel on her teeth–just a weird quirk of nature. Her teeth always looked slightly grey, and you could see her fillings through her teeth. At age 50, she finally got them all capped because she had always wanted to & finally could afford it (and hers look quite natural, by the way).
Love the coat. As always, hate the shoes, but there seems to be some sort of royal directive to wear ugly court shoes all the time.
I don’t understand. I thought this coat was on display on (in?) the ship she christened while wearing it? Are there two coats? Did she keep her coat and make the cruise line pay for a duplicate? Somehow, that sounds like something she would do, LOL, clutch her ugly spotted and cry “mine!!”. Yes, I’m dead inside.
Red Snapper
I was thnking the same thing.
And isn’t this the the outfit worn at the last public outing before she went away until giving birth?
It might be the last outfit she wore before having George, but, uh, so what? She’s out and about tomorrow AND the next day, and she’s giving away shamrocks on the 17th. The shamrocks outing will be interesting because she’s doing it with William. Will there be tension? Also, William looks fantastic in his black dress Irish Guards uniform. I wish he’d gotten married in it instead of the red one, like the Queen wanted. The collar on the red one made him look like a no neck.
Ah I thought this was the last outing.
Uniforms only improve a man’s looks.
William and Kate looked happy at the event 2 or 3 days ago. No tension is my bet. And soon she’ll be at Anmer with her mom and all will be peaceful until late april.
Or maybe we’ll get a tanna shot of William and Jecca?
Tomorrow is Downton Abbey, next day is Afghanistan Commemoration.
You didn’t see the tension on Monday? William almost broke his face he was clenching his jaw so hard. Mind, that may have been because he was standing with Charles, but he seemed happy to ignore Kate too. Maybe it was a bad day. Maybe they’re in a downward spiral.
Red Snapper
I couldn’t get the video to stream well. I was not going to get frustrated at my phone for not streaming this video fast enough.
He does clench his jaw very hard and it comes after something happens that annoys him. And he seems to always ignore Kate in public. He walks awy from her while talking. Leaves her on stairs when she’s holding onto him or reaching for his arm or holding their son and trying to keep her skirt down. I think he’s just very unaware of her around him.
Or he’s annoyed with her. There was smiling between them. Maybe that was staged or maybe it was genuine. I think genuine and he’s just unaware of her. There’s a lot going on we don’t see.
I love everything here. Even her hair looks healthy.
Definitely one of her better looks.
Yay!! Hair pulled back!! I’m not crazy about the coat (I wasn’t the first time around either) but Yay!! Hair pulled back!!
I feel bad but I have to disagree – I do not like the spotted look on her. I think she looks much better with solid colors, IMO, especially pregnant. Not one of my favs. Still, will give her points for mixing it up a bit style wise.
Agree–I like her hair and she’s looking healthier, less tired today. The coat was “tacky” the first time; no change here.
She’s viewing the “Self: Image and Identity” exhibit. Define irony.
Where’s HIlary Mantel when you need her?
That exhibit actually sounds very interesting! I believe it is portraiture – there’s been done some very interesting work about portraiture in terms of identity constructions and the staging of the self.
AH, you would definitely do better as an arts patron than she does!
Lol, so true nash
Thanks for the vote of confidence. 🙂
I’m much happier being an art professional – it is much more fun! I actually get to do the research, teach and possibly be involved in making exhibitions. Much more fun and fullfilling than just seeing them, though I do love going to the museum. I recently saw a really good exhibition on the Swedish painter Carl Larsson and next month I’m going to see Queen Margrethe II’s gala gowns at Frederiksborg Castle.
So jealous! I bet that’s going to be such fun.
I envy you the up-close look at QM’s gowns!
The exhibit is about self-portraits. It features a Van Dyck and a lot of contemporary art – one artist has made a portrait of himself as a drowned man, apparently quite realistic, which startled Kate. That particular art work sounds like a prime example of what Freud called The Uncanny, something familiar that suddenly has turned strange. It is a theme that has been explored in art since the late 19th century. The Belgian symbolist painter Fernand Khnopff’s empty cityscapes of Brughes is a great example of this.
The DM has a lot of pics. However, the weirdest thing is that they report a conversation that Kate had with a local artist that, frankly, make her appear rather odd and somewhat rude though I guess it simply might be due to poor conversation skill:
“The Duchess also chatted at length to artist Gavin Turk, who was dressed in an eye-catching orange suit and happily discussed his self portrait entitled ‘A portrait of myself I’ll never really see.’
Kate, however, seemed more interested in his beard – not just because the picture, taken in 1997, showed him hairless, but also because her own brother, James Middleton, has grown one.
Mr Turk, a local artist, said afterwards: ‘She immediately asked me about her beard and said that she was a bit concerned as her brother was growing one. She asked me how much care I needed to take of it and whether I had to oil it. She seemed quite fascinated.”
Love this coat! And thank goodness her hair is off her face and not in a sausage-curl fest. I think she’s just glowingly gorgeous in these pics.
I’m not a huge fan of that coat, something about the neckline bothers me. But am happy to see her hair tied back, and happy not to see her a$$!
What about the constant crotch grabbing? Very ladylike indeed.
crotch grabbing, what crotch grabbing???
Rosalie, I think they mean when she places her hand under her tummy. Like most normal pregnant women do.
Her hands are always held in her crotch, pregnant or not. It’s her default position for her hands.
LOVE this look and her happy, healthy glow!
She wears her pregnancy well.
I like the coat and the pony tail. I think it would look better with some wool trousers and different shoes. And maybe a scarf at the neckline. Oh yes, and without the crotch grabbing……
+1 I think this coat would look fabulous with some smart black trousers & black heeled boots instead of the tired suede pumps. I’m not crazy about the neckline, so a scarf would be great, too. But, at least she has her hair up!
I think she looks absolutely great! Happy and positive too. Just wish she’d stop with the suede shoes, a pet peeve of mine….
Get this girl in a pair of tailored trousers! She could look amazing! 2 qualities you should have and that only get better with trousers. Tight butt and slim legs. She could rock them andbe dressed very appropriately for bending, standing in wind, sitting eye level with camera lenses. And trousers give off the image that you are there to be professional. Her flouncy skirts ust don’t do that.
Flouncy is a word, right?
Flouncy is a word! 🙂 at least in my vocabulary! LOL
Flowing meets bouncy 😀
I think the position of the pony tail is kind of odd too, how it sticks straight out. Something is off with that, but at least her mop is out of her face for once!
I don’t even have children and I find myself eyeing the girls section sometimes. Out of nostalgia maybe? Little girls have so much fun with clothes.
FMORC and I are trying, but i’ll just run over to the baby section of stores and look at the cute outfits babies get to wear.
Lately, JCrew has the worst fitting clothes for adults. I took the husband over to the kids section and said “If you can find me this cardigan, this belt, and this skirt in my size get it because i’ve been looking everywhere for these.”
Kids get the best or cutest styles.
Oh FLORC, you’re right about J Crew lately.
That store gets me so mad. The female side has the wrost cuts and fits. Fabic has been itchy too lately. No variety really.
The kids section is amazing! I get so jealous of the great styles! Though the prices for such small amounts fo fabric is terrible. That’s another rant for another day.
They seem to be using more polyester fabrics as well. UGH. There is hope though, the Fall/Winter collection for 2015-2016 has promise.
Haha I hope so! Their fall looks tend to be better. Some days I just want to yell at their customer service for all my clothes that lasted only 1 season from being the cheapest $60 t-shirt i’ve ever had.
Forever 21 has higher quality at times.
JCrew jumped the shark for me. Boden and Mini Boden all the way!
I think you will especially like Boden since you are a CT girl 🙂
Thank You! I’ve never heard of them before and love the styles!
You are very welcome 🙂
Re: JCrew – I concur about the recent decline in quality. I had bought one of their silk Blythe blouses (a *great* style they inexplicably discontinued – to my immense annoyance) and the silk started to separate from itself after ONE wearing. They were good about crediting me the full ($110) price for the blouse, & I get that defects happen, but I was really surprised by the (lack of) quality control. And don’t get me started on the bizarrely boxy cuts lately. |Rant over|
It seems like the coat may have been lengthened a bit from previous wears? More appropriate length.
Great look from head to toe!!
She looks lovely. She’s really grown into this pregnancy, no pun intended. I’ll miss seeing pregnant Kate. Do you think she’ll have more?
Sources have said she wants 3 kids like her family. William has said only 2. So, we’ll see.
William also stated that one was enough for now. We see how that turned out.
I think that was said in the moment. And it was enough for then. A spare was always in the cards. He’s spoken of only having 2 in long term context. You think there will be any more just them vacations without friends and or family?
I agree. She really wears pregnancy well.
She looks so happy and radiant here. Love these pictures.
I agree with some of the other comments regarding boots versus shoes and a scarf around her neck. I dislike the pony tail on her. Higher up would have looked better. Overall though she looks cute.
Okay I love the coat and the ponytail but I do have to point one thing out…
Remember how we’ve been debating both here and on Lainey about whether she wears extensions? Well my hair is no where NEAR as thick as hers normally and my ponytails get around that thin at the ponytail holder…which leads me to believe she does indeed wear extensions when it is all down and sausage curly. Anyone agree?
definitely agree with the extension statement!
In the Commonwealth pictures there’s a very suspicious bump on the back of her head, too. I definitely think she has extensions or uses a wiglet.
I disagree. She has very thick hair and the pony tail appears to be falling due to the weight of the hair. Mine is the same way. One of the reasons I dont wear one that often. It hurts at the end of the day too!
Her hair is the same thickness as Pippa. She definitely wears extensions or wiglets.
Well, I posted links that never made the cut here. Even when replacing a dot with (DOT) in the links.
It was an article that stated Kate’s old hairdresser spent hours weekly with her and he was known for extensions.
And pics of Kate from dating years to wedding era to now. Her hair fluctuates so greatly it’s more than hormones and blow outs.
It’s not a bad thing to have extensions and hair doesn’t naturally get this and thick like hers has. Got back to when she went to weddings during her dating years. Her hair is much thinner. Can you find any dating pics of her with big hair like she has now? No.
Florc, Chiklets are a white square gum that came out in the 60’s or 70’s Ha!
Florc, sorry my bad I went on line this gum came almost a century ago,!
I hate that coat , I hated it back in 2013 and I hate it now and I usually love what she wears.
It sounds like she’s going to get a lot of work hours credit for just going to a museum and a TV studio. Too bad she isn’t spending time with people in need of real help. And yes yes, I’m sure the message of the art exhibition or whatever is important, but still, I would like to see her do charity work that involves helping those less fortunate in terms of money and health.
If it’s a girl, I think they might name her Victoria Elizabeth Carole Michaela.
Where does the Michaela come from?
It was heavily speculated in the 1st pregnancy (before we knew it was a boy) and early in this one Carol will not be a name. It would be a more regal version like Caroline or close. And Diana will (unfortunately) play a role as a middle name.
Should it be a girl she will be shackled with the weight of Diana’s life and death in the press.
Michael from her father.
Yes, you’re right. Caroline or close instead of just Carol.
Oh yeah, I completely forgot about the name Diana.. and also Catherine.
I agree. They shouldn’t name the girl ‘Diana.’ Too much.
She looks healthy.
Nice repeat look however I would like it if she repeats a look, to mix it up a bit by adding tiny different accessories in a different colour. As an example- a small red tie in her hair to match a little red brooch- though she didn’t wear one in any colour it seems. Little differences to make this recycled look brand new in year 2015.
yes, that it the way to make recycled clothes look new and different. Unfortunately, Kate doesn’t know how to accessorize. this is an area where she could really benefit from a professional stylist.
Diana was very good in that respect. Charles said early on Diana had an eye for good style. Then later he resented the attention it caused.
I think the picture books from the pre-engagement days and the one titled Diana, mother- to- be released in March 1982 were the best books as an official archive of her fashion looks from 1980 to 1982.
CP Mary has stylist and that really helped with her accessorizing (if you compare to her style pre-engagement). She recycles more than Kate but the accessorizing and the mix and match of different garments create whole new looks.
I read a quote on the DM that Kate said she sometimes forgets she is pregnant. I’ll leave that up to everyone’s interpretation 😉
If the baby is moving around all the time, wouldn’t it be impossible to forget especially at night when you want to sleep? Those nights I still remember.
Maybe Kate meant she is over the nausea ie she is finally feeling better at month eight? If true, that’s so dreadful and I feel bad for her.
For most of us, once you’re in the ‘home stretch’ your centre of gravity is really thrown off and visually, all you have to do is look down to remember you are pregnant!! Babies are most active at night or it seems that way because that’s when you are trying to relax and sleep.
Who knows, maybe she’s talking in terms of her appetite and activity level. From what I’ve read/heard she is really into her exercise regimen and doesn’t let pregnancy slow her down – apart from her severe illness at the beginning
rosalie, that might help to explain why her labour was relatively easy. I went sedentary and paid for it during labour. Though, who knows, perhaps there’s many women out there who were very active even ran marathons (first trimester) and had terrible labours.
There’s a photo in today’s DM showing her squatting down to retrieve something she’d dropped on the ground, maybe it was a card that came with her bouquet. That she can do that so easily while so pregnant is astonishing. I think that’s how she can ‘forget’–she’s still capable of doing things like that, with ease. She’s an amazing physical specimen–heaven knows she puts a lot of work into maintaining her shape!
That ponytail looks ridiculous. I think some tasteful extensions/wiglet would be ok, but I’m sorry this looks like an actual horse’s tail. It’s just too much.
Finally something I don’t hate! It fits well, she looks comfortable and it doesn’t looknlike something she stole from the Queen Mums closet.
Imagine how a red clutch and/or red shoes would have really bumped up this look (pun intended). Complementary accessories are your friend. Kate finally wised up and wore her hair in a very attractive ponytail; she looks healthy and glowing.
I’m probably the only person in the world who doesn’t like Kate’s hair … but, I stand my ground. I’m not specifically referring to these photos, but in general.
It’s just old-fashioned looking – too much of it, too overwhelming, too many spooly curls sprayed stiff. In sum: too stylized and aging.
Put the curling iron down and step away from the mirror, Kate.
I was trying to figure out who she reminds me of, in these photos … and it came to me:
Kate looks like Lynda Carter, who played Wonder Woman in the 70s.