I absolutely loathe this new movement of “announcing” your weight. I dislike that people like Bethenny Frankel and Giuliana Rancic are so weight-focused when they could be health-focused. Just my opinion: if you are truly eating healthy, working out and taking care of yourself, you wouldn’t be so focused on “the haters” and justifying yourself publicly. In Giuliana’s case, it’s veered into a national therapy session, but in Bethenny’s case, I think she’s just trying to get people to like her again. Which brings me to Brandi Glanville, making this a trifecta of C-list a—holes talking about their weight. Yesterday, Brandi tweeted this:
To the haters calling me fat-I'm 5'10 126lbs I've had 2 kids Im42 I try &workout 3 times a wk -I LOVE 2cook&eat! I applaud your perfection!
— Brandi Glanville (@BrandiGlanville) April 8, 2015
My first thought was: are people really calling Brandi “fat”? Then I really thought about it, and yes, I bet they are. I bet some pro-LeAnn people decided that Brandi looked “fat” and they trolled her social media accounts. Anyway, for her height (she’s tall), I would suspect that Brandi is probably slightly underweight. She has that lean model-type body and permanently-skinny legs (ugh, I wish my legs were permanently skinny). I believe Brandi eats solids and gets plenty of empty calories from liquor. She just has that kind of body type that absorbs it all. And no, she’s not “fat.” And even if she was, why would it matter?
Oh, and Brandi blogged about the Real Housewives Reunion show. I have no interest in covering that, so you can read her blog post here.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Pacific Coast News.
Her body looks perfectly fine, ridiculous that anyone would call her fat! That’s underweight for her height, but I think she’s just naturally thin.
I don’t think anyone called Brandi fat; she wanted to announce her weight because she’s proud she weighs that little after having two kids, etc.
Leann’s fans were on twitter harassing Brandi and calling her fat.
I see plenty of people talking about her weight or alcohol bloat, and they love to discuss her plastic surgery and skinny legs. Maybe she did just want to announce her weight but I think she would’ve done it years ago if it was just about getting attention.
Prior to Brandi’s tweet, there are loads of tweets calling Brandi fat.
Search on Twitter for “fat @brandiglanville.”
Why do people call her fat when she’s not? Because they just want to be mean. Some say that she looks fat due to her fillers/botox. Some say she looks fat just to say it. Others say she looks fat when she eats or has her photo taken.
So this is why Brandi tweeted that she isn’t fat.
The comments I saw, and there weren’t that many, had to do with how Brandi looked at the reunion and those comments were that her face looked fat presumably due to fillers.
Brandi age shames her castmates, she calls them menopausal mamas and brags how she still gets “the flow,” as if that’s some major accomplishment. Those castmates have fans and they’ve taken their gloves off and are going after her.
Ahhh. aaa. Forever my devil’s advocate. How’s the day treating you?
I say “loads” because I actually searched for them and even wrote out what words to use in the search. And you say “not that many” which doesn’t declare if it’s few or not.
I did mention the filler excuse in my original post as well as other instances for why people tweeted about her being “fat.”
I don’t recall her saying she “has the flow.” I remember the menopausal part but I recall that it was in retaliation for insults put upon her. Tit for tat. That’s how it is. It’s not just Brandi throwing out insults for nothing.
Viewers know that all the RH casts of the entire RH series go around throwing shade at each other in EVERY episode or start up a shade-war at the very end of an episode in order to see the full climax of it in the following episode. It’s all done to entice viewers to keep watching.
RH who don’t bring the drama get fired (or quit before they’re fired or leave due to imprisonment). That’s why every series has had cast members dropped and new ones brought in. It’s like an MMA cage fight, but more with words than by physical assault. If you can’t bring your A-Game, then you either get booted or your whole series get cancelled.
That’s why there’s no more RHODC and RHOM is straggling along. Even during one of the RHOM reunions (unceremoniously held at Andy’s Clubhouse instead of at a posh set created just for them as they are for the other RH series’ reunions), Adriana yelled at her fellow castmates to bring on the drama or the series will be cancelled.
I searched as well from 1/1 to 4/7 (the day of the tweet) and there were 1-2 tweets calling Brandi fat bodywise. One was a tweet back in February related to Celebrity Apprentice, and it looks like there was a tweet in late March calling her fat but the person either deleted it or the account is private. The other tweets were about Brandi’s “fat face” or tweeters calling each other fat.
I saw roughly 10 fat-face tweets since the beginning of March. Brandi’s twitter feed is pretty active and blows up the night the show airs – I’ve gone to sleep with her Twitter feed page open and woke up to hundreds, even 1000+ new tweets, so me categorizing 10 tweets over a month as “not that many” is actually an overstatement IMO.
Brandi did make “the flow” comment, I think she said something like, “’cause Mama still gets the flow.” Brandi said to Kyle Richards, “because you don’t get your period anymore bitch” when Kyle referenced Brandi’s most famous episode of public drunkenness where her tampon string was exposed, so that was reactive, but the other comments were made during her RHOBH commentary interviews. Brandi feels like an outsider and is rationalizing that she does not fit in because the other women/menopausal mamas are so much older than her, the irony is that Brandi is not that much younger than Kyle Richards.
aaa – I saw at least 14 tweets to Brandi (click “All” at the “Top/All” link) specifically calling her and/or her body parts fat with a cluster nearer to the time at which Brandi refuted the fat comments.
Regardless, I don’t know why it sounds like you think Brandi has to justify her tweets when she responds to specific comments. Anywho….
Putting into context the tampon & period comments, it started with Brandi saying she wouldn’t say Lisa R. has an eating disorder just because she never saw Lisa eat. It was used as an example of what Lisa R. was doing regarding getting into Kim and Brandi’s business by accusing them of addictions. Lisa R. then said Brandi called her an anorexic though it was in joking retaliation for Lisa R. calling Brandi a drunk. Then Kyle jumps in to say terrible things about Brandi. Then Eileen does too.
Then Kyle said “I don’t walk around naked with a tampon string hanging out.”
To which Brandi responded “Cause you don’t get your period anymore, b*tch.”
This all starts at about the 26 minute mark for the Reunion Part 1 if you watch it on Hulu.
As for the “RHOBH commentary interviews,” EVERY SINGLE housewife on EVERY RH series talk smack in those clips, some even more so than they do to the other wives’ faces. It’s not just Brandi doing it. And those interviews do have relevance to the plot line going on in the same episodes. Many are used as reactions to what had just been seen in the show. That’s how the RH series are produced. The interviews are not just out-of-place interjections.
I don’t see how you connected Brandi’s response to Kyle’s attack being based upon Brandi thinking she doesn’t fit in because of age differences.
By that standard, then should that mean that Kyle has menopausal jealousies? What?
Of course Brandi can tweet what she wants, but when a celebrity tweets “To the haters calling me fat…” and if that was not what happened, or it was exaggerated or distorted, some will question why she did it.
I clicked the “all” button when I made my first comment, didn’t when I made the second comment but only one comment was missed. As I already stated, the more recent comments are about Brandi’s face except possibly one that got deleted or was from a private account.
Regarding your comment, “I don’t see how you connected Brandi’s response to Kyle’s attack being based upon Brandi thinking she doesn’t fit in because of age differences.” I was acknowledging that Brandi’s comment “because you don’t get your period anymore bitch” was a reaction/retaliatory one but the other comments were in RHOBH commentary interviews and to me come off as Brandi rationalizing her outsider status, not her retaliating against insults. I agree that the women throw shade in their interviews and that’s part of the game but you said in your previous comment that Brandi’s menopausal comments were in retaliation for insults against her and my response was that one comment was retaliatory and the others weren’t.
This is such a weird series on women and weight. I wish you wouldn’t cover it…
Yeah I agree, it seems so………. horrifically shallow.
We don’t talk about men’s bodies like this at all, except when THEY put it out there like they lost a bunch of weight and yay them or they’re doing something for a role. Coverage like this is just feeding the idea that a woman’s primary purpose is to be decorative and if she fails to do this she is somehow less of a person.
I think the problem for me is that these women are actually putting it out there. Maybe they’re getting more shaming than I’m aware of but I don’t like the focus on weight especially since they’re giving underweight numbers. To me that just seems like they do have issues with their body and want some attention for how low their weight is. You don’t see the heavier actresses and singers who are getting shamed naming their weight to “prove” they’re healthy or slimmer than you think. It’s setting up some potentially unrealistic and harmful goals for younger women and girls.
I’m liking her look. Comfy cover-up, jeans (I would wear blk stretchy yoga pants-sweats lol, and those shades, yes!
I may follow Brandi on twitter, but it’s only because Leann is such a freaking, weirdo, asshole, stalking, step-monster, Eddiot loving, dumbass, has-been, shart-queen, wanna-be-taylorswift-country-to-pop-done-right, ruined @davidgray for me 🙁 forever 🙁
20 lbs of that is Botox weight. (And, yeah, she is way underweight but naturally so, it seems.)
Lol. I was coming on to make a similar comment! I didn’t think about the Botox. I was going to say that 10 of those 126 lbs. is makeup and hair extensions. 😉
That’s exactly what I was going to say! Her body doesn’t look fat. Far from it. But her face occasionally looks bloated. I blame liquor and fillers.
And fillers! Dear God, the fillers…
really? anybody calling her fat needs their head examined, stat. hate it when women with all this work done make themselves looking even more desperate by wearing leopard/animal print clothes. it just makes them look try-hard and trashy, imo. just like that other 51 year old woman wearing a see-through top and no bra. i would never in my life wear anything like that, no matter my age! makes you look like you’re desperate for attention. i get that they’re trying to compete with the younger women, but there is no competing. own your age. any man that would prefer a young thing over a woman his age is nothing but a shallow d-bag anyway.
I work with a bunch of men and there are several like that. in their 40s but always after the young pu**y. guys like that aren’t looking for a relationship and i have zero respect for them.
No need to hate on leopard print or animal print. I love animal prints and don’t think they look trashy in the least.
I don’t like the concept of ‘age appropriate’ clothing or hairstyles. My 60-something year old aunt has spiky purple hair. It suits her. These arbitrary fashion rules are bogus, IMHO.
I *think* people were commenting on her weight because she had an ill-fitting dress on at the reunion. Her body is crazy amazing, that dress was bad.
Yeah. But don’t you think it shows how much it bothered her that she had to “defend her weight” instead of blowing it off because it is a ridiculous claim or talking about a bad dress choice.
I’m not fan of anyone is this budget triangle – just know Brandi from a few viewings of RHOBH – and this just seems like another chance for Brandi to make herself the victim.
Exactly. Plus she overreacts to any sort of criticism. Dish it but can’t take it.
In what universe has Brandi ever been fat? She has good genes and her natural inclination is towards slim.
Her face barely looks human and people want to comment about her weight?
I thought commenting on her weight was deflecting attention from her messed up face.
The fat comments I saw actually were about her face not her body.
Brandi probably wants people to think she was being body-shamed. Once again she is lying/distorting for sympathy and attention.
high-waisted, leopard-print short shorts should be banned.
She’s just trying to garner sympathy because she bit it so hard on this season of Housewives. The reunion has not been kind to her antics.
Agreed-I just don’t think this is true and it’s more a ploy for sympathy. She knows she became the least favorite (and possibly Andy Cohen’s least favorite) Housewife this year. LeAnn Rimes has probably never been happier.
Yep. She’s so predictable.
I thought maybe she would get her attitude together after LAST season’s disaster and how awful she was, but nope. This season was more of the same. I do think she is treated differently than the other housewives, but she should also start taking ownership of her poor behaviour. Maybe then people will start viewing her in a different light.
ITA *Yawn* Poor victim Brandi.
She looks amazing. She’s crazier than a loon, but she’s never dull.
I’m tired of her foul mouth, but she’s just about the only person I can stomach on RHBH…at least she’s honest about what she has and hasn’t done. Lisa Vanderpump (so full of herself–I’m so tired of her self-righteous platitudes), Kyle Richards, and Lisa Rinna (the worst of the entire group) sicken me.
She’s not honest. She has morphed into a cat-faced woman or pillow faced, depending on her latest injectibles. On the reunion, yet again, she had done something to her face to the point her nose and eyes were disappearing into the mass of filler. She denies she has done anything more to her face since two years ago. LOL
Brains lies constantly and is proven to be lying constantly… On film. I don’t think she’d know the truth if it slapped her across the face
fat? ridiculous. shes too thin imo. also she needs to retire the booty shorts and the word ‘hater’
Thank you! I hate that word but everyone uses it so much I thought it was just me! Haha. That and “at the end of the day…..”. Ugh. Not sure why that saying bothers me so much….. 😱
I’m with you on “haters” and “at the end of the day.” OVERUSED. But, at the end of the day, I guess I’m just a hater!
“Haters” always sounds so junior high.
Can we add “hashtag” and even though I haven’t heard the word “prolly” much lately I would still like to add it to the list!
No one called her fat, she just wanted to announce her weight and get attention. (Mission accomplished, I guess?)
Actually, people were on twitter calling her fat. The dress she wore at the reunion wasn’t the best, and seemed stretched around the abdomen area, but calling her fat is crazy. I’d love to be tall and think like she is, but I’m not.
Well, this whole idea of not focusing and commenting on women’s bodies and weight/shape is not going to work if this is the new thing now. Announcing your weight/dress size is not helping. Especially if you go the KK route and lie. Usually people who work out are a bit heavier than you’d think. A friend of mine recently mentioned how much she weighed (I see her all the time so I hadn’t noticed that she’s gained a few pounds) and I was totally shocked. She’s fit and looks a lot slimmer than the numbers suggest.
Anyway. Who the hell even cares? Kelly Clarkson doesn’t so why do these women?
I think so many women lie about their weights that we really don’t have a clue what the real weights actually look like.
If asked, I think I’m just going to say that I weigh 98 lbs. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! 😉
LOL. Brandi is a whole lot of things….an alcoholic, a sketchy mother, a train wreck, etc., etc. But one thing she is NOT is fat. People are so unbelievable. Brandi not only looks perfectly fine, she has a darn near Perfect body and I am NOT a Brandi fan AT ALL. All those Real Housewife people make me ill. I cannot stand any of them or any of those despicable shows, but lets be real here people. Ol’ Leann (whose music I DO happen to like) has spent a WHOLE LOT of money trying to compete with Brandi in the looks department and she has not been as successful as she would like to think. Brandi should not even be paying attention to anyone calling her fat. They are people that do not like her public persona or her show or both and are just trying to make her feel bad because of that.
Ok there is a lot to critize brandi about A LOT but her weight isn’t one of them. In fact based on how she behaves and presents herself to the world I would say her figure is the only positive thing about brandi.
She is a lying, loud, drunken, white trash, mean woman but she has an insanely awesome figure.
Exactly. People were making plenty of negative comments about her after the Reunion shows and the one topic Brandi chooses to address is her being called fat by some people on twitter? Really? That must mean everything else is true, since she didn’t refute any of it. But don’t you dare call her FAT.
Who is calling her fat? She is something far, far worse: a total bitch famewhore.
I’ve talked to her at a red carpet event. She was nice but I was blown away by how skinny she was. Her legs are TOO skinny, like sticks just hanging out of her short skirt. It actually looked kinda gross. But I prefer a more toned look and she’s just rail thin. Some people think that looks good I guess.
Her legs are by far her worst feature and thats even over the over-filled cat face. sorry but there isnt anything even remotely attractive about them. I’m always surprised to see ppl saying they wish they had her legs when they make me cringe. I know you can’t help certain things but I certainly wouldnt be wearing skimpy clothing is mine looked like that. I dont get how ppl say they w/o 3+ times a week but have absolutely no muscle definition in their legs.
Brandi had fantastic legs when she was younger and I bet she got compliments on them all the time. As she’s aged, it’s hit and miss, sometimes her legs look great and other times they look like chicken legs. If she is having a chicken leg day, she needs to not wear the very short dresses and skirts that she often favors.
I think the exact weight in these stars confessions show how obsessive they are. “126, 106, 108”. I fluctuate by a few pounds depending on the day so I don’t tell my doctor that I weigh 128 or 132, I say 130. Next we will start hearing that they weigh 125.8 pounds.
I’m with you, I gain like 8 lbs when I have my period, and can fluctuate by 5 depending which way the wind blows! It’s one of the reasons I hate dieting, because any time I start concentrating on the scale it just fluctuates so much.
LOL that is such a good point!!!!!
Also at 5’6 I wish I still weighed in the 120’s…instead of the 140’s! But I don’t consider myself fat at all…this is why it would suck to be famous. Your fat in the 120’s…
Even more ridiculous knowing 60-70% of human body weight is water, and can fluctuate wildly based on time of day, sodium intake, the weather, etc.
Oh great…after reading this I feel obese. I’m 45 pounds heavier than her and 5 foot 3. There goes my Thursday….
Yeah, and look at it this way. Each inch of height is about equal to 5 pounds, so if Brandi were 5′ 3 then she’d weigh about 91 pounds.
Oh great…make me feel even worse why don’t you?????
She has a lovely figure but she’s way too old for that outfit.
Well Leann retweeted a Brandi tweet. And yesterday Leann captioned under her in tangram picture that the boys parents made beautiful sons. So maybe this is a new beginning. If it is I’m happy for the boys.
Oh, it’s all calculated. She has made sure to show her cards on that in her later tweets about the Make A Wish donation. Always calculated, and can’t let go, even while on vacation. All these people are such a mess.
RT means re-tweet, Brandi tweeted about Eddie and Leann donating and asked Leann to retweet to get the word out to Leann’s followers which Leann did. Leann’s tweet sparked other tweets and she responded to a few of them, I doubt if Brandi has an issue with that because it keeps tweets about the walk-a-thon high up on her page.
Why is the best with research and details. I saw that Leann was suddenly being positive and even had one of her fans who constantly harasses Brandi and tries to get her fired and questions Brandi as a parent was suddenly being positive toward her. This, after horrible tweets and favoring horrible tweets as recently as last week (including how LR has a “real man” like Eddie, as opposed to Brandi, which LR favorited). I thought it hopeful that a new leaf might’ve been turned, but the tweet about doing it as a family… Brandi is their mom, and that sounded awful and exclusionary. Why not, “Eddie and I wanted to support the boys’ mom because it’s a great cause and we want to be part of that?”
Leann Rimes: @Triathlete1970 @BrandiGlanville there was no asking. It was something the boys, Eddie and I did as a family last night #supportagreatcause
Now Leann is making it all about herself and another way to taunt Brandi(she, Eddie, Jake, and Mason decided to donate last night while they were having so much fun listening to Leann’s album on Spring Break 2015), it’s like Leann only donated because she wanted the recognition. I’m thinking that Eddie wasn’t even with Leann last night and Leann spent her night drinking and stalking Brandi’s twitter account…
Why did Leann wait until Wednesday night to donate? Brandi has been tweeting about this charity event for weeks.
I was just going to post what Why did..there is no new beginning just another attempt to poke the bear. she couldnt just say ‘yes, its a great cause’ or whatever, had to add the whole ‘we did it as a family’ bit in there. Kind of funny cos all they did was push a key, can’t imagine how the whole fam would have aided in that considering BG’s boys were already supporting her.
I think she’s fine, Brandi has a naturally rangy bodytype anyway. What does look odd to me is that her face is so full fillers that it looks cherubic and that doesn’t quite fit with the rest of her.
This is sort of off topic but I noticed LeAnn said something nice about Brandi on Instagram and I was actually proud of her, she was talking about the children and said “their parents made great kids”, it made me like her for a minute, but then she posted an inappropriate bikini picture with her butt cheeks hanging out while she was bent over and I was back to hating her. Maybe things will settle down and they can all co parent those boys peacefully, fingers crossed.
and then she tweeted this..
Leann Rimes: @Triathlete1970 @BrandiGlanville there was no asking. It was something the boys, Eddie and I did as a family last night #supportagreatcause
same old bat sh*t crazy sociopath she is and always will be.
Oh FFS!! Seriously!? Why did she have to throw that “as a family” in there? So fkng insensitive and rude! Ugh.
“it made me like her for a minute, but then she posted an inappropriate bikini picture with her butt cheeks hanging out while she was bent over and I was back to hating her.”
I don’t care what she wears as long as she’s appropriate around the boys, but that’s not too likely. I felt the same way when I saw a sort of positive tweet/quote, but then to see her say that “her” family donated to Brandi’s cause as though they were donating to a stranger was disgusting and upsetting. “We donated to the boys’ mom’s cause because it’s a great one and we want to support it.” Simple. She hasn’t changed; she just changes tactics.
Great comment Jess. And yes jenn12 there were better ways to go about that donation text. Just because you do act as a family unit doesn’t mean you need to constantly announce it to their mom but she did acknowledge that Brandi had and still has a hand in making great kids.
I stay off those social media platforms so there’s not as much finger pointing and nitpicking with phrasing. It’s bad enough to agonize over the few texts or emails I have to exchange with SS’s mom about practicalities. I can’t imagine having to monitor my every word and phrase for photo captions. I don’t refer to SS as my son but I will occasionally refer to him as my kid, which he and I have talked about how we view the difference, and I don’t correct people who refer to him that way. My husband also had a few talks with him. Not sure that every stepparent and parent has these conversations with the kids but I hope they do. I had several talks before and at the beginning of my marriage with SS about how we were family but he didn’t need to call me mom and that yes sometimes people would assume I was and how did he feel, etc. So much focus with this family seems to be on what Leann is saying about her family or Brandi claiming the boys as just hers and who is calling out the other one and all I can think is I hope the Cibrian boys are seeing a therapist and I hope they feel they belong.
Having observed this nonsense from a distance for a few years because I’ve seen what LR pulls and I think it’s wrong, I tend to give BG some leeway. No wonder BG always feels like the rug is going to come out from under her feet. L looks for ways to make snide, hurtful remarks. I have never seen a situation where the mistress decides it’s not enough to marry the guy, but she needs to be the mother, too. Interestingly, Shanna Moakler recently posted a throwback picture of herself and her daughter, with the dad cut out and she was asked about it. She said, “I love Oscar, but I wanted to respect his family. Let’s focus on my daughter.” I thought it was great that she tries to do the right thing. It’s definitely hard to agonize over every word you write- I feel that way with my husband’s family! This wasn’t like that; LR wanted to make a point. “We decided to donate as a family”- okay, but their mother IS the boys’ family. Just say, “We are happy to donate to a worthy cause.” Advice on emails, etc, if you want some: economy of words. Keep it very simple.
My only not great moments were when I attempted logical or calming responses to obvious meltdowns and rants. I learned very quickly to keep it short and not give another response. The only agony now is trying not to sound terse or rude with only a sentence or two. If it’s more complicated my husband takes care of it. I figure it’s his problem, not mine!
It’s especially bad because Leann was the mistress. But at a certain point the sting of that is going to have to be ignored for the kids. What is playing out in private if all these parties are comfortable to do what they’re doing now in public?
Yeah, I have no great advice. I would want to strangle L for her cruelty, but at some point you have to throw your hands up because she won’t change. I thought the few positive remarks she made might signal change, but all she changed were tactics. It’s a shame. She isn’t putting those boys 1st at all… I completely get what you’re saying, but in my case it’s not stepkids. It’s just dealing with the ridiculousness that is his family. If I keep it too short, I sound rude, and if it’s too long, his siblings pick it apart. I generally just say whatever or have him handle it. When I have to, I try to picture a customer service rep dealing with a difficult customer, which helps. “I’m sorry you’re experiencing this heavy call volume…”
She’s not fat at all. In fact, when I was watching Celebrity Apprentice not long ago, I noticed she had nice legs and figure. Her face however, is another matter all together. She’s had something done to it and it makes her look plastic. IMO, if she had her original face, I think she would also be very pretty.
I’ve got 20lbs on her and 3 less inches and I’m not fat. But if she’s fat I must be obese!
One thing is certain…She is going to have a hard time getting old. She mocks her castmates for being menopausal, but she is coming up right behind them.
Funny how you never hear about male stars’ weight or how they look or how old they are. Who gives a tenth of a crap what someone weighs?
Not fat, but her face is super scary. She looks like someone from the Capital!
I looked at the picture and didn’t think for an instant that she was “fat”. But her face does look very disturbingly plastic. Like Kris “Demon Mother” Jenner. Is that just the work of a poor surgeon, or is it inevitable with enough plastic surgery? I don’t think the “plastic” in the phrase “plastic surgery” is supposed to mean that you end up looking like your face is coated with polymer.
Its booze bloat. And wow has she messed up her face. She looks awful
Does her weight include injectables?
The only part of Brandi that is fat is her mouth….she should have that thing permanently wired shut to keep all her stupidity from falling out.
I raise an eyebrow at the 126lbs – my mother’s an inch taller and looks gaunt once she hits below a certain weight. I’d find it more believable if she’s in the 130-140lb range because she’s got a healthy bit of natural fat on her. It’s jacked that people think they have a right to body shame her though. Even if she wasn’t thin, what is it anybody’s business what her body looks like?
But she looks like a cat. Who cares what her weight is…