One of Pete Doherty’s long suffering cats died after being hit by a car and he decided to give it a burial at sea. Except he put it in his pond and the poor thing floated to the top and froze there. I’m not sure if this was the same cat he made a little kitty crack pipe for, but how he kept a cat after that video got out is beyond my comprehension. Where is PETA when you need them?
Pete Doherty has revealed that he buried one of his cats in his pond – but to the Babyshambles man’s horror, the animal remained on the water’s surface until it froze. “The cat got run over so I thought I’d give it a burial at sea – well, the pond,” he said. “But it didn’t sink, it floated and then froze over. So there was this dead cat under the ice looking up at me. It was terrible”
PETA, it’s time to stage a protest at Pete Doherty’s place. In the past he’s housed himself in a coffin for Halloween with rats, wanted to turn his dead cat into a diamond for Kate Moss (no word on how that kitty died), played with day old baby mice with Amy Winehouse and a cat while filming it for YouTube prosperity, and made his cat smoke crack. Forget trying to convert us all to vegetarians, you need to convert Pete Doherty into a sane person.
Last question: how the hell can Pete Doherty afford to even rent a house with a pond? Because I honestly thought every dollar he’s ever made went straight into crack. Perhaps his ‘pond’ is really a ‘puddle’ and Pete is confused. It does rain lots in London.
Pete Doherty is shown performing at the Brighton Centre in Brighton, England on 3/19/09. Credit: Alex Broadway/ He is also shown at the NME Awards on 2/25/09. Credit: Daniel Deme/
i love pete!!!!!!!!
how is this guy still alive?
God it looks like he’s been sitting in a sauna.
Lem: he won’t be for long…he’ll be another “tragic” headline.
I don’t know about the whole another tragic headline thing. There’s a theory that it’s no longer Cher who will survive the apocalypse along with the roaches. It’s our good ol’ anti-hero Pete(r) Doherty! And anywho, his new album is apparently getting pretty good reviews.
oh come on. Granted, the cat smoking crack and handling baby mice is fucked up- but why would PETA care about this? I think most people who have had pets have experienced fucked up burials going wrong. Like the time I tried to cremate my llama after it died, or having to drag my favorite goat out of her grave I dug three times because it still wasn’t deep enough. that doesn’t make somebody an animal abuser if they have difficulty comprehending how to properly bury a dead animal! Seriously.
When I read the name ‘Pete Doherty’ in the headline, I thought instantly that said cat was NOT YET DEAD.
Not that I’m totally impressed, but this is more than I expected when I stumpled upon a link on Digg telling that the info is awesome. Thanks.
What a stupid idiot