Have you heard about Lin-Manuel Miranda’s smash-success Broadway musical Hamilton? Miranda wrote, directed and stars in the epic life story – told through hip-hop-based musical numbers – of Alexander Hamilton, the original gangster/Founding Father. The show has gotten rave reviews and Miranda is being called a genius. Go here to see Chris Hayes’ wonderful interview with Miranda. Anyway, the show successfully transitioned from off-Broadway to Broadway this year and Miranda is getting even more heat. So of course Death Eater Madonna had to stop by the show. Except that Madge is such a pill, she texted all the way though Act 2. Miranda called her out on it too.
Madonna reportedly has a hard time separating herself from her phone. The singer, 56, got into hot water when she allegedly started texting during a performance of Hamilton at New York City’s Public Theater on Saturday, The New York Daily News first reported.
Tony winner Lin-Manuel Miranda, the star, author and composer for the show, made a pointed reference to an unnamed celebrity audience member who practiced poor theater-going etiquette.
“Tonight was the first time I asked stage management NOT to allow a celebrity (who was texting all through Act 2) backstage #noselfieforyou,” Miranda Tweeted on Saturday night. It was later deleted, but a source in the audience tells PEOPLE that Madonna was at the performance and texting throughout the night.
“It was definitely her,” a source says. “She was texting, I believe, although at one point she also pulled out a Blackberry. She was also 20 minutes late and caused quite a stir getting to her seat.”
The source adds that Madonna’s behavior was “extra distracting” because the show is in such an intimate theater. Eventually, the pop star did stop texting, the source says – after someone else in the audience “finally hissed ‘Shut it off!'” during the finale. “To her credit, she did,” the source adds.
People Mag also had a reminder of another incident, back in 2013, when Madonna attended a screening of 12 Years a Slave and she texted throughout the film. When someone in the audience told her to put it away that time, Madonna yelled, “It’s for business … ENSLAVER!”
Yeah… it’s not cute. I don’t understand how people can talk on the phone or text through a movie or a Broadway show. Beyond the fact that it’s rude as hell, how do you even concentrate on one or the other? How can focus on the conversation you’re rudely having or the show/film? But this is just further evidence that no one matters but Madonna.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.
The shade is so epic. 10 points to Kaiser (or Gryffindor) for “Death Eater Madonna,” and all the things to Miranda for “#noselfieforyou.” Obviously throwing shade at the fact that Madonna wants to be 19 and take selfies like all the hep kats, I mean young people, I mean what do they call the youngsters these days?
That first pic – I expect her to belt out a long and loud Carol Burnett as Norma Desmond call for “M-A-X!!!!” (And of course Harvey Korman soon appears with a very tight-lipped “Yes Madam?”)
Remember how fab 1985 Madonna was (or am I too old for this board lol)? Is she going to spend the rest of her life erasing all that she was? She’s well on her way …I can’t stand her anymore.
The first picture is sooo overused in Madonna articles here….
Every one of us has a really bad photo… I think its not fair to use the head photo all the time
some of us still like Madonna, you know:)
On topic: it is very rude to use your mobile in theatres
Madonna was definitely THE FAB in the 80’s and the 90’s, too. She changed the way a generation of females could dress (underwear as outerwear! Revelation! Remember how taboo even a bra strap being visible was before she came along?) and has always been vocally supportive of the gay community.
She’s responsible (not solely) for women’s sexuality being discussed and acceptable. She has my everlasting respect and admiration. I think to a lot of people she can NEVER do the right thing, though. That’s also one of her strengths, being an irritant to social mores. No surprise she’s also, you know, irritating!
Her hands are beautiful, that’s the way a person’s hands (when they are a certain weight) look when they get older. I’m 42 but quite slim and a guy and my hands look like hers do, pretty much! She should stop covering her hands up!
Cut her some slack. Maybe she has an app that helps her locate carrion.
We all want a nosh after a broadway show.
Carrion as in young, nubile teen boys?
How did her face get like that?
The same way her crypt-keeper hands did.
This woman lives to be rude to people. She has no social conscience and it gives her the best high to deliberately thumb her nose at everyone and treat them like peons because SHE IS MADONNA. Vile person, utterly vile and insufferable.
I think it’s because she hasn’t developed past the emotional age of 12.
Your absolutely right Kiddo.
Disagree. I think she’s regressed to age 12. There was a stretch of time where she seemed to be getting better. Then we all blinked and the moment was gone.
No matter how you look at it she;s the spoiled 12 year old girl who never learned manners and you dread getting seated next to in theatres because they can’t get off their damn phone!
She certainly behaves like she is younger than her daughter Lourdes. I wonder if Lourdes is embarrassed by her mom’s antics?
Numerous times both Lourdes and Madge have said how Lourdes is embarrassed by what her mother wears, how she acts, what she says…
She is vile.
GNAT…I’m with you! She IS vile!!!!
Vile? Really? She didn’t eat a puppy. She was texting.
Normally yeah, FingerBinger, vile might seem like a strong word.
But I agree with GNAT. Dictionary.com defines vile as “highly offensive, unpleasant or objectionable”
All of this definitely applies to Madonna’s texting behavior in a small theater when there is a performance going on.
This. Rude as hell, and I can’t stand her. But no one was actually harmed. Let’s not make a mountain out of a molehill.
Nope, GNAT’s right – vile is the correct description – and not just because of the texting. BTW, Madge is a stage performer as well – she should have more respect when someone else is up there.
Actually, the people around her had their experience of the show damaged by her juvenile, self-centered behavior.
Madonna should reimburse them all the cost of their tickets…she’s worth $500 million so it’s nothing to her. Actually now that I think of it, Madonna should have just bought out the entire house – that way she could have arrived 20 minutes after the start and texted throughout the performance without bothering anyone.
Vile – Extremely unpleasant. Sitting next to Madonna was a vile experience.
GNAT is correct. It fits.
She was a performer being rude during another performer’s act. It might be different if she was out of her element and she didn’t understand the perspective of the person on stage, but she did.
If someone was causing a disturbance at one of Queen Madge’s concerts, you can bet she would call the person out and write a profanity laced tweet afterwards. She is vile. She is self-absorbed. She is insufferable.
Yeah, that’s really rude. My husband & I don’t even bother with going to the movies anymore (although an exception will be made for the new Star Wars!) because it’s such a hassle. Between the people that text and the people who talk it’s just not worth it. Especially with how much it costs to go to the movies these days.
Agreed. I’ve been to many Broadway shows and they are so expensive (except for Madge, of course). What about the other audience members who are perhaps experiencing a show for the first time? Or students visiting for their first show? But I forgot that this is Madonna’s world and we just live in it. What a twat.
Or the people who sing along (when its a musical) or when its a “kids movie” and you have to deal with poorly behaved children. Seriously I saw Cinderella in theaters this year and there were kids running up and down the aisle ways.
The worst is when you go to an adult movie and people brings their kids and let them run around.
I adore movies and I’ve dramatically cut back on how often I go, in large part because of all of these little annoyances. Heck, when I went to see the 2nd Captain America movie some guy was smoking pot in the theater! Now, I have nothing against pot in general (though I don’t smoke) but really dude? Really?
Thankfully someone complained pretty quickly and he was asked to leave.
As a pot smoker, that is f@cked up. Get your smoke on before you leave your house or stay home and smoke in front of Netflix like everyone else. People are so self-absorbed, ugh.
This story is kind of off topic, but a million years ago I went to see A River Runs Through it in the theater. The only people in the whole place were me, and one dude. I sat in the way back and he was in the very front row. At the sad parts in the movie this guy openly sobbed and chain-smoked. I don’t know why but it didn’t make me mad at all. I just thought, that guy is having a rough day. For some reason that memory has stuck in my brain. Life is weird.
As for Madonna, she’s an a*hole. She never changes. She is in a permanent love affair with herself, the rest of us are extras in the great movie of MADONNA. Narcissim does not age well.
There are only a few occasions where this is ok to do.
1. Everyone in the theatre is well aware it’s about to be hotboxed.
2. The movie calls for it like Across The Universe is meant to be enjoyed by taking a tab of acid at the start.
3. The movie is so terrible you needed to alter your state of mind to sit through it (Snakes on a Plane).
If not not any of these things you shouldn’t do it. And it’s always the smoker that is high that thinks their dryer sheet filter method never fails. We can all smell it. You’re fooling no one. Stay home.
We’ve stopped going to movies, also….it just seemed everytime we went, people were talking, not whispering, TALKING…..if you want to talk, go get a cup of coffee or lunch! I just shelled out quite a bit of money to see and HEAR a movie…I’m one of those people though, that will tell you to “shut it”….people can be so inconsiderate…
@FLORC, we are of the same Tribe, my friend. 😊
You honor me *bows*
I must have joined your tribe when I went to a liberal university with very relaxed policies on that stuff. And $1 movie nights at the local theatre complex.
This is one of the benefits of living in a small town–I don’t think I’ve ever gone to a movie and it was packed….theaters where I live are generally always about half full…sometimes a little more. People are respectful of each other (because we either know the other person OR we know someone they’re related to), no one’s texting or talking. It’s glorious.
It’s getting to be so ridiculous that people have to be connected to their phone 24/7. Please turn them off when you go to church, a theater, and other public places where they will distract other people. So rude. There is nothing so important that it can’t wait for an hour or so. And this is true for not only celebs but us regular people too.
SO ridiculous. People are glued to their stupid phones. Can’t stand it.
I find this behavior obnoxious enough as an audience member at the movies… I can’t even imagine it as a performer at a theater! What an incredibly rude woman.
Do you know how hard it is to get a ticket to this show at the Public Theater before it moves to Broadway?!
So, Madonna uses her celebrity to score a ticket (no shame, I’d do the same) but then texts repeatedly during the performance – ruining it for everyone else who either stood out multiple days for hours at the theater, waiting for their name to be called in the ticket lottery or paid a mighty price (face or resale value) for their tickets – no joke, tickets are going for $800-$1000 on StubHub right now.
On behalf of everyone let me ceremoniously say, f*ck you Madonna.
Hahaha. Right on, mia.
GrandmaDonna time to retire. Case closed.
Just more proof that all the money in the world cannot buy class. Madonna is pathetic. Not to mention, she totally looks like Cruella Deville in that top pic. All she needs is the long cigarette holder.
That’s exactly what I thought on that top picture! Just needs a dalmatian coat!
I would have hissed “shut if off” long before the finale. Madonna is rude, vile and thinks the entire universe revolves around her. That top photo is hilarious…she looks like Mae West.
The woman has no class.
She’s totally rocking the Norma Desmond vibe in the top photo. Do you think that was deliberate? She looks old way beyond her years.
If you’re THAT busy that you cant put your phone away for a couple hours. Then don’t go out. Don’t ruin everyone else’s experience.
Am I having deja vu or has she done this before? And yeah she needs to go away. She’s trashy and outdated.
Yes as Kaiser posted above
( back in 2013, when Madonna attended a screening of 12 Years a Slave and she texted throughout the film. When someone in the audience told her to put it away that time, Madonna yelled, “It’s for business … ENSLAVER!” )
“It’s for business…”
Yes, because no one else there that night has a job, just her. Again, so self-absorbed. She really needs to slither away. Her very long 15 minutes of fame are over.
It’s rude. It’s unprofessional (for someone in the industry). Flipside – if the show was interesting or compelling to her, she would not feel the need to text. If she was bored, she should have left.
It’s just another trick to keep her name in the news and it worked. (BTW Kaiser – that first pic is deliciously subtle shade on your part – you can see Madge’s face lift scars👀.)
She should have been REMOVED just like anyone else that creates a disturbance for the performers.
Why does Madonna look like Marilyn Manson?
Gross. Just gross.
I’m so using that line… “It’s for business … Enslaver!”
Lol imagine kids saying that to parents during dinner while they’re texting 🙂
As a performer herself you would think she would have more respect.
It’s great publicity for the play. The buzz had quieted for a moment and people are talking about it again.
Am I the only one a little put off by #noselfieforyou? It feels rather presumptuous and egotistical.
If I were Miranda, I’d have repaid her rudeness in kind. By sending her a great, big bushel of hydrangeas.
Texting is bad enough, but to arrive 20 minutes late when you’re a famous celebrity and you KNOW your arrival is going to distract the audience’s attention away from the performance? She is a class A tool.
If she were in the Alamo theater in Austin, she would have been kicked out. They don’t mess around. I don’t get it though, would she like it if someone did that at her concerts?
Madonna went through a period of acting like an adult when she was married to Guy Ritchie. Since they divorced she seems to have gotten more immature every year. The older she gets chronologically the younger she behaves. At the moment she’s mentally fourteen. I wonder if she thinks she’s turning back time this way? By the time she’s sixty she’ll be in full toddler mode. Those tantrums will be entertaining!!!!
I deal with this all the time in my classes. I don’t allow texting during lecture (duh). But I have to say, when it comes to paying for a movie or theater performance, I think people can do whatever they want as long as they aren’t distracting someone else. Of course, the last part is the issue.
Then why go to a movie or the theater if you don’t pay attention to it??? Turn off the damn phone or leave it at home. A few hours away from it will not kill a career or a life.
She’s nuts. She could have been a great older, female role model. Instead? She’s a Trashassian. Too bad.
Norma Desmond
I met her once. In Santa Cruz. She was the absolute coolest. Although, this was about 30 years ago. No exaggeration. She just never made it to Debra Harry, Cindy Lauper or Annie Lenox’s level of cool. Shows just how much she’s been manufactured. It should be effortless and she seems to be putting a lot of effort trying to look “cool” these days. Sad really.
Ordinarily I’d agree with all the Celebitches, but Madonna IS a goddess and a legend and I have to forgive her for this, right or wrong.
She is simply a human being who does have more talent than other people. But that doesn’t give her more rights than anyone else on this planet. Aren’t we all equal in the eyes of the law and common courtesy?? Goddess in your eyes but a rude human being in mine.
PLEASE never stop using that “Norma Desmond” pic… epic! I crack up every time you post it. 😀
pfft, Madge, if you want to act young, DITCH THE BLACKBERRY! lol..