Taylor Swift is #1 on Maxim’s Hot 100, talks to Maxim about ‘ingrained misogyny’


Do you find Taylor Swift sexy? I do not. I would even argue that she comes across as purposefully sexless, like she’s still aiming for a mostly wholesome image because she knows many of her fans are still pretty young. But beyond her wholly created image, I don’t really find her that sexy in general. She’s cute sometimes, and occasionally she’s stylish and pretty. But sexy? Meh. Then again, I think women like Rachel Weisz and Angelina Jolie are sexy.

In any case, Maxim readers disagree. Maxim has just named Swifty as their #1 sexiest, hottest lady. She’s #1 on their annual Hot 100. I don’t think Maxim really did her justice with the editorial though – I “get” that Maxim likes their ladies damp, but Swifty looks like someone dabbed some lip gloss on an environmental refugee. You can read Swifty’s interview with Maxim here (yes, she spoke to them). Some highlights:

How it feels to be #1 on the Hot 100: “It’s really nice and such an incredible compliment. This year has been my favorite year of my life so far. I got to make an album exactly the way I wanted to make it. I got to put it out exactly the way that I dreamed of putting it out. Every one of these kinds of whims and ideas came to fruition. The videos—I’m proud of those, I’m proud of the tour, I’m proud of the way this has all happened. In the midst of all that, this is really nice. It really feels like a wonderful celebration of my favorite year.

Becoming more vocal about feminism: “Honestly, I didn’t have an accurate definition of feminism when I was younger. I didn’t quite see all the ways that feminism is vital to growing up in the world we live in. I think that when I used to say, “Oh, feminism’s not really on my radar,” it was because when I was just seen as a kid, I wasn’t as threatening. I didn’t see myself being held back until I was a woman. Or the double standards in headlines, the double standards in the way stories are told, the double standards in the way things are perceived. A man writing about his feelings from a vulnerable place is brave; a woman writing about her feelings from a vulnerable place is oversharing or whining. Misogyny is ingrained in people from the time they are born. So to me, feminism is probably the most important movement that you could embrace, because it’s just basically another word for equality.

[From Maxim]

Oh, Swifty. I feel like her feminist journey is still ongoing, that she hasn’t made it to the feminist promised land yet. Because feminism to Swifty is still “people make jokes about my blind item songs and that’s misogyny!” No, sweetheart, it is not.

Speaking of blind item songs, her relationship with Calvin Harris is still full speed ahead, which genuinely surprises me. I thought they would be over by now, especially since Swifty is going to be on the road for the rest of the year. But E! News says that they’re really tight (she’s been staying with him at his Hollywood Hills home) and they were all over each over at the Billboard Music Awards.

Photos courtesy of Maxim, WENN and Getty.

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93 Responses to “Taylor Swift is #1 on Maxim’s Hot 100, talks to Maxim about ‘ingrained misogyny’”

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  1. Christo says:

    I always wonder what it is like for her to date a man who colors his hair and his facial scruff.

    • Lisa says:

      He is naturally blonde, he use to colour his hair dark when he was younger.

    • Leah says:

      I agree Christo, he’s had a total makeover and now comes across as incredibly vain. I just had a look at his instagram and its full of selfies and shirtless photos to show off his body. Its almost like one of those gay guys who can’t stop showing off their gym body.

    • PhenomenalWoman says:

      Is he the one who dumped Rita Ora and then dumped all over her?

      • Amy says:

        Supposedly Rita cheated on him and used her relationship with him to help create an entire catalogue of an album with songs that would have helped her break out. The only song of hers that did sort of chart and get on airwaves was written by him as a single to launch the album. I don’t like either of them and am only reporting on what the rumors were.

        She had a bit of a reputation on the music scene and while she was pretty gracious or at least very PR Positive about the whole thing when they broke up he basically refused to let her use any of his songs for her album. The rumors were the whole album was basically by him and in spite of how she tried to spin it when he pulled the songs she basically had to start from ground 0 and pushed her album release back completely.

        Tbh, he and Taylor seem like a perfect match. Maybe that’s why they’ve been so public and gotten along so well.

  2. nikki says:

    Ugh…it must be exhausting to be her. Something nice? I like her hair in that picture.

  3. Tristan says:

    She ought to be top of the Tepid 100, or Boring 100. You know that pop music is at an all time low when someone so utterly tedious & boring as la Swift is top of the Hot 100

  4. Allie says:

    Eh, I tend to think these awards are bought. Maxim knows she’s popular right now and what sells. I defintely find her pretty, but sexy she is not. I think the last year or so she has tried really hard to be sexy, it’s just no one is taking her seriously because she just radiates asexual. I also think her and Calvin were crazy awkward together at the awards. I hope their break up is loud and dramatic.

    • Amy says:

      Wasn’t Maxim’s Hot 100 based solely on Internet search percentage?

      Someone told me that a while ago and it’s made sense ever since.

    • Kara says:

      not bought, its a deal like Sexiest Person Alive. you give them a cover and an interview and they put you on #1. the GQ Awards function exactly like that, too.

  5. MrsB says:

    She and Calvin Harris look like they could be brother and sister. Ick.

  6. OTHER RENEE says:

    I call bogus reader poll. Unless teen and tween girls are the new readers of Maxim, I’d say they just wanted to get her in the cover to boost sagging (no pun intended but haha anyway) sales.

  7. Anon says:

    Where does she grow these massive eyebrows from overnight?

    • Amy says:

      Makeup yo, it can do wonders but unlike The Karashians lies it can’t plump lips till they extend inches from your face.

  8. meme says:

    How much did she pay Maxim for this dubious honor? I don’t know any man who thinks she’s the hottest woman on the planet. She’s as boring as white bread.

  9. Lola says:

    He does seem smitten with her. The hug (why didn’t she kiss me when she won) picture, looked weird, as if he was expecting a little smooch….

  10. Amelia says:

    I think Swifty is gorgeous and striking, but she still doesn’t quite manage sexy (IMO).
    Having said that, one of the men I work with is completely enamoured with her, so horses for courses.
    I’m not entirely sure how, but I’ve turned into a strident Swifty apologist. I think she’s hypnotising the masses with her music.

  11. InvaderTak says:

    Oy. That’s all I have to say. That statement sounds canned by a pr person.

    And whose feminist journey is ever finished? I don’t think it ever can be. People, circumstances, issues etc are always changing. Feminism and feminists much change with it.

  12. Shambles says:

    The way she describes her latest album like it’s the immaculate culmination of all that is ART.. That makes me chuckle. She acts as if she’s progressed and evolved so much with this album… Really she’s just gone from writing songs about girls in dresses to writing songs about girls with red lips, and put it to a different backbeat. It’s still immature, shallow songwriting.

    • Meryl says:

      Right? Especially because most of it was written by Max Martin.

      • Alex says:

        @Meryl God, I wish more people would remember that. I’m sure she helps in the process, but she’s not the main person writing these songs. My friend worked with her in the studio on her last album and said she has ghost writers. Nothing wrong with that, obviously, but I’m sick of people sprouting off that she is some sort of genius for writing these tween anthems.

  13. Greek chic says:

    Maxim’s #1 asexual lady.

  14. aims says:

    How can she say that when people who have a reaction to her blind item songs are misogynistic? She’s built a very profitable career out of it. It drives me absolutely crazy when a person cries wolf when someone calls them out. I don’t think she can sing and I believe her songs are mediocre. What’s the kicker for me though is her mean girl tactics. If anyone doesn’t kiss her ring she’ll write a crappy song and throw in a few famous friends and try to embarrass you.

    I’m all about female empowerment and celebrating smart independent women. What I don’t support is whiny, entitled mean girl behavior.

    • Amy says:

      Tbh I didn’t judge her for a long time about writing songs about her exes and love because I agreed men did it too and she was getting a lot of attention because she was a young girl BUT…

      That ended for me by the second or third album because 1. You can totally write love songs/break up songs without parading your relationships in the public eye or even being in them (Kelly a parison admitted she’d never even been in love after writing so many songs about the topic a while ago) and 2. Most men save those songs for IMPORTANT women. Women who devastated them and left a mark more significant than any little heart break. (Layla by Eric Clapton is one of my favorite examples of this, you can hear the fury and agony in his voice).

      Taylor produces these Kidz Bop relationships, acts like they’re the end of the world, dramatizes and monetizes them and then whines about people ‘judging’ her. She lost my sympathy a while ago.

    • We Are All Made of Stars says:

      Amen! Apparently, writing a horrible tweenage anthem about how some witch ruined your whole career and then paying all of female teendom to star in the video to shove how socially powerful and in control you are down said witch’s throat now qualifies as feminism. Not to mention that the panty-flashing video was insipid and bore no relation to the song’s pacing or feeling whatsoever. Why doesn’t she begin contemplating how her treatment of men is sexist, demeaning and stereotypical? Or how her categorization of women as trashy or disempowered for engaging in sexual behavior is anti-feminist? I guess that involves too much adult insight and with insight comes personal responsibility. It’s easier to be a fake feminist I guess.

      • Original T.C. says:

        We are all made of stars,

        Thank you. Taylor doesn’t understand that feminism is about female equity and not supremacy. Knocking down Everyman you come across is not equity. Blaming and shaming EVERY man you spent a quick minute having a relationship with is not equity. General male bashing is NOT what feminism is about. I’m sick of her getting a free ticket to trash everyone.

    • Shambles says:

      You speak my thoughts, Aims. This “Bad Blood” song/video only confirms that, in Taylor’s mind, anyone who hurts her special little feelings deserves to be ripped apart in a public way. But don’t call Taylor out! Taylor is pure and wholesome and lalalala staircases and princess dresses. She’s the ultimate mean girl.

    • Kara says:

      that song and video also pissed me off big time. Taylor herself said “there is a special place in hell for women who dont help other women” after Tina and Amy made a joke about her. but trashing Katy Perry is fine or what?

    • Meatball says:

      I am so happy to read these comments. It drives me crazy how people are constantly kissing her ass and defending her when she is just as bad. As I said yesterday, she appears to be as much of an asshole as the people who supposedly hurt her feelings.
      I get people write songs from their experiences, but I mean every relationship? Even if it was a while ago, she is still writing shame-y songs about it a couple years later. Also, she slut shamed some girl one of her exes cheated with, so how is that okay, but people making harmless jokes that no ones remembers is just so mean and causes her great pain. Cannot roll my eyes enough at this woman.

  15. Dominque says:

    These pictures are recycled from a shoot she did with Wonderland magazine last November.

  16. We Are All Made of Stars says:

    When I first read the headline, I was like, Maxim is doing music calculations now? 🙂 But then I realized that she-who-claims-she-doesn’t-want-to-be-seen-as-sexy has resurfaced as the most sexless Maxim girl that ever there was. She clearly bought this bullshit distinction, and I am laughing heartily at the ridiculousness and hypocrisy involved in spewing fake self serving feminism to that feminist Bible, Maxim magazine. Gloria Steinem is weeping tears of joyful fulfillment over this prideful act of feminist emancipation.

  17. Original T.C. says:

    Did Maxim readers really vote for her as a winner or was it done for them? Swifty always finds a way to plug her self strategically when she’s selling a new album or single. She uses new “friends”, popular avenues. The Today show when it was number 1, the voice and now Maxim as she is selling older edgy sexy Swift. Way too convenient. I see you Taylor Swift. The cute harmless looking blonde waif act does not fool me. But cheers to your successful game playa.

  18. Kitten says:

    She needs to change her hair. Stop fighting the curls, girl! Naturally-curly textured hair is beautiful. Embrace it!

    • Shambles says:

      *honks for natural curls*

      Hopefully she hasn’t damaged all that texture she used to have with constant straightening.

    • We Are All Made of Stars says:

      If you look at pictures of her from her childhood though, her hair was a frizzy bird’s nest fro, not curls. I have seaweed on a rock hair, so if you can reasonably do something to that kind of hair to make it “curly” please enlighten me, but otherwise I would not really categorize her hair as curly.

      • Kitten says:

        Wow, girl.
        You really need to do some googling. There are forums devoted to curl types and what products to use to enhance them. I would start here: http://www.naturallycurly.com/texture-typing

        I have naturally crazy-ass “frizzy” curls that go in all directions, but you’d never know it if you saw me. My hair is…big, yes but I have long and luscious wavy curls.
        I only use a straightener on VERY low for the front, otherwise I air-dry my hair or occasionally use Velcro rollers. It’s all about the products.

      • Shambles says:

        Everything Kitten said. I spent a lot of time trying to straighten my hair back in the day, but now I find that it’s easier and better for my hair to embrace the curl. There are some seriously amazing products out there for curly ladies. Curl cream is everything and then some– it defines the curl without giving hair that crunchy, mousse-y feeling. About a year ago I started using products from a line called “Curls” (clear bottle, orange label, you can get it at target), and it has seriously changed my life. My hair routine is now getting out of the shower, brushing, scrunching my hair with a towel (to start defining the curls and get rid of extra moisture), then scrunching in curl cream. It air dries like a dream, and has saved me so much time, damage and frustration.

      • Kitten says:

        Yes! Straightening is so bad. When I was younger I straightened incessantly and it took me a long time to recover from that.
        I’ve been using Argan Oil curl cream but I’m almost out and wanted to try something new. Can you find the Curls brand on Amazon?

      • Shambles says:

        @Kitten, you can! 😀 I just looked it up. I’m a completely inept link-er, so I’m not even going to try. But if you search “Curls hair products” the first thing that comes up is the “Curl Creme Brûlée” which is what I use! It kinda smells like cinnamon rolls too, which is just a bonus. Lol.

      • Mary says:

        I understand where Stars is coming from. I used to think that all curls were manageable (it’s just the products you use/don’t use!) until my daughter entered my life with her crazy, beautiful, uncategorizeable, untameable hair. Her hair is a mass of thick, dry, wild, tiny spirals mixed with kinky medium waves and some loose curls. It’s a literal hodgepodge of different hair types and it mats and tangles like crazy. I’ve learned to just use natural, simple products, gently finger comb, and I just keep it in puffs (her favorite) or in braids (my favorite). I’m not sure she’ll ever be able to wear it loose just because of its many personalities.

  19. Amy says:

    Those pictures aren’t actually from Maxim.

    They’re from a photo spread she did for a magazine called Wonderland. They looked better there since their whole intention was to Un-Swifty Swifty without any thought to making her look sexier and no…

    She doesn’t look, feel, or seem sexy in any way. I secretly hope she’s a freak in private because in public she’s like antibacterial hand gel.

  20. Kiki says:

    I don’t find her interestingly sexy at all. But it is a first for Maxim for finding someone relevant, unfortunately I still think Taylo Swift as a little girl and not a woman. Also, this relationship between the dj Opportunity and little Miss Muffet is not going to las, so I I give this one 1 year and a few months.

  21. mzizkrizten says:

    Quite honestly, I appreciate that Maxim has finally chosen someone who is not over-the-top sexy. There is value to subdued sexiness.

  22. Layday says:

    I’m sorry, I know feminism is about women having choices and I respect and agree with that. I just find it odd as hell that she’s talking about her journey to accepting, feminism is so amazing when essentially she’s on a magazine that is objectifying women and yay she gets the ultimate prize by being #1 on a list of hot girls in a magazine. There is definitely some irony here. She’s entitled to do whatever she wants, but it seems like Taylor Swift is all about feminism when it is advantageous for her. They jury is still out on if she will extend that courtesy to other women, But I’d better be careful. I’m sure I may be labeled anti-feminist for even daring to criticize her….

    • mzizkrizten says:

      I’m with you. I dislike the disparity between proclaiming feminism whilst capitalizing on one’s gender by exposing it all. Just doesn’t jive.

    • meme says:

      I can’t stand her and her nonsense.

    • Kara says:

      its been said on this site for quite some time: no one really buys her new feminism act. just like no one buys her new found “super best girl friends forever” act after she was called out on her business scheme of dating famous men and then writing songs about them.

    • Sofia says:

      Exactly! She says “It’s really nice and such an incredible compliment.” It’s a compliment to be the 1st in the HOT list? Isn’t that sort of reductive? Those lists always embarrass me (men or women lists) because they just reinforce how important is to be hot/sexy like it’s an accomplishment. UGH.

    • Amy says:

      Irony and hypocrisy, two things she’s been very good at in the course of her entire career.

      Yeah I also thought it was funny she was declaring all this while on the cover of Maxim.

    • Anony says:

      That’s a really good point

  23. Kip says:

    Her implants look awful. Why, girl, why?

  24. Laura says:

    I’m in the minority here but I think Taylor Swift is both beautiful and sexy. I think her sexiness comes from her not trying to look or act sexy – there’s an element of mystery to her. I enjoy her music (and I’m 36!) and appreciate her wholesome image (which I think is genuine and not manufactured).

  25. Lisa says:

    There are different types of sexy. Yes, Angelina is the goddess of sexy lol agreed, but I am sure plenty of men find Taylor sexy. She is a very striking young woman with her tall, slim frame and she has a very pretty face.

    I think her and Calvin look great together, they seem happy.

  26. kibbles says:

    She’s not sexy at all. She is young, pretty, tall, and slim, but being attractive is very different from being sexy. Not everyone can pull off sexiness. In some ways it’s just an inherent trait and people who want to be sexy and try hard to be (like Lea Michele) fail miserably at it. Female celebs I consider to have the sexy gene: Rachel Weisz, Helen Mirren, Gemma Arterton, Gong Li, Aishwarya Rai, Katrina Kaif, Monica Bellucci, Sophia Loren.

    • oneshot says:

      I agree, some celebs are incredibly beautiful but have no sex appeal at all (see: Natalie Portman, even in bottom-flashing sheer skirt). Swifty is one of those.

      I’d also argue that Aishwarya Rai is one too, she is incredibly beautiful but somehow comes across as far too perpetually poised and self-conscious to be really sexy.

  27. Kara says:

    she has that very thought from Lena Dunham who actually said TMI is a sexist term. a man talking about his feelings (aside from anger and pride) is braver in this world than someone writing songs about their famous exes to exploit their fame to sell albums, Taylor. the criticism is not about oversharing, its about exploiting others who, to their credit, have stayed silent. Taylor is still angry about Tina and Amy making a JOKE about her, i dont want to know what she would do if one of those guys would pull the crap she does with her.

    there is feminism and then there is LenaandTaylor-ism, a movement to shield yourself and Ms Dunham from valid criticism abot your public work. the latter sucks, Taylor.

    also talking about how you try to avoid being sexy and shying away from it and then saying #1 on MAXIM which really isnt a pro woman magazine is ridiculous. how is that an honor?
    and she fully well knows that she wasnt voted #1 but that its a PR Deal just like the GQ Awards or the People Mag “Sexiest Person Alive” is. (to be fair people accepting those “honors” also act humble and surprised)

  28. Sisi says:

    hey if Jennifer Garner can be Maxim’s no. 1, why not Taylor?

    They never tend to go for a moviestar winner (unless you count Lindsay XD)

  29. Dc says:

    I actually think she makes a good point about the difference in perception between male and female vulnerability. And I respect someone who’s open-minded enough to evolve. I think Taylor has a lot of influence on young women and speaking up about feminism in a positive way and pointing out that it’s about equality is incredibly valuable. I’m glad to root for her to keep being vocal about this. She doesn’t seem unwilling to be educated or corrected if she’s off point.

    As for appearing on a men’s website or magazine or whatever it is… Why not? Some men could stand to hear this stuff, too. And when she answers the first question, she basically says thank you and quickly changes the conversation to be about her work. Seems like a good media strategy if nothing else and not inconsistent with her comments on feminism.

    • Kara says:

      “I actually think she makes a good point about the difference in perception between male and female vulnerability.”

      did she? in a patriarchal society men are shamed for showing vulnerability. so a man showing his is brave and should get some recognition. just like a woman being a CEO should be celebrated, male CEOs dont need to be celebrated.
      i just saw Kevin Kantor talking about how he found his rapist on facebook. how often are things like that discussed? men are supposed to be strong and stoic in our society, not vunerable.
      here is the video if someone is interested, very powerful:

      Taylor also does not understand that people dont care about her vulnerability but they are annoyed by her scheme of dating famous men and then writing songs about them. its also about a person we know because she always dates famous heart throbs. i am sure if a famous man dated many other famous women and wrote songs about them people would have the same reaction. male singers write about their relationships all the time but its a lot more anonymous and i dont know any male singer who constantly does this with every new relationship. (plus all the pap walks to promote the relationships) the closest is probably John Mayer and he got a lot of flack for talking about various women, but that wasnt in a song it was in an interview.
      Lena Dunham is angry about people saying TMI to her but if you read her book and what she describes about doing to her sister, yes people have a good reason to tell her to keep it quiet.

      if it was about openly discussiing sexual thoughts, yes there are double standards for men and women but when it comes to feelings how many men do you know who publicly share their vulnerabilites? its a pretty new thing. men have talked about their anger and pride forever, but other human emotions were rarely mentioned.

      i mean Taylor could have mentionend A LOT of places and situations where women are discriminated and men are not but she choose one where men are not allowed to fully express themselves. because its about her being criticized.

  30. Kiddo says:

    I remember saying, “This is my favorite year” at age 6, when Grandpa bought me the farm animal set. I can’t imagine uttering that past 9, tops.

  31. Juniper says:

    I agree with her about ingrained misogyny and double standards. But if she really understood it all as well as she things she does, she wouldn’t be doing an interview with Maxim.

  32. Abbicci says:

    Maxim Hot 100? So,yeah, talk about sexism and misogyny in a magazine that is written for guys too stupid or bashful to google them some internet p)rn. Ugh.

    While I am glad Taylor is now willing to call herself a feminist it is time she broaden her view of why it is important for all of society and not just until people stop calling her out for her blind item song writing. We all view the world through our own eyes but when we grow and evolve as adults we develop empathy for others. Taylor’s definition of feminism stops at the end of her nose, she only sees the issue through her own eyes and doesn’t seem to have empathy or even understanding that feminism is more than her getting her feelings hurt.

    Just for an example, she has no concept of street harassment because her body guards walk her to her car and the people taking the photos have been called by her people. No feeling of being unsafe or threatened. The millions of things that other woman face in this country and others where it is even more dangerous to be a woman, she seems to lack all understanding and empathy for.

    It is possible that in the future that lack of empathy will also impact her song writing. I got to See Bruce Sprinsteen on one of his smaller tours and he talked about him becoming a real song writer when he stopped writing about himself and he learned how to tell the stories of others.

    • Kara says:

      “Taylor’s definition of feminism stops at the end of her nose, she only sees the issue through her own eyes and doesn’t seem to have empathy or even understanding that feminism is more than her getting her feelings hurt.”

      thats very on point, thats also why i have problems calling her a feminist. isnt she just using a word that is gaining more and more power to make herself immune from criticism? thats not feminism for me.

    • Layday says:

      @Abbicci I completely agree . I think you make many excellent points.

  33. Jessica says:

    She’s completely sex-less to me. Like I can’t even imagine her having sex if I try.

    She’s gorgeous, flaless body, she’s clearly going for sexy with her recent outfit choices, but I just don’t get that vibe from her in any way, and the harder she tries the more I don’t get it. It’s weird. I mean, Beyonce I have trouble picturing having sex because she comes across as almost robotic to me, like Tom Cruise. But some of her dancing is sexy as hell. With Taylor, she could release a sex tape and I’d still be like, nah, I’m not seeing it.

    Also, talking about feminism and ingrained misogyny in a cover story for a magazine that ranks women based on men’s ratings of their sexiness…’you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means’.

  34. rylan says:

    is that a little scar between Tay Tay’s breasts from a boob job? I wasn’t crazy about her before but 1989 is growing on me. Did I really just say that? Yup it’s true. Love “Bad Blood”. If you’re gonna throw stuff at me let me run for cover….ok, ready!!!

  35. rylan says:

    is that a little scar between Tay Tay’s breasts from a boob job? I wasn’t crazy about her before but 1989 is growing on me. Did I really just say that? Yup it’s true. Love “Bad Blood”. If you’re gonna throw stuff at me let me run for cover….ok, ready!!!

  36. poppy says:

    she’s a used car salesman working so hard to sell the lemon that is her mediocre talent.

    maxim? seriously? hot list? yes, truly a feminist out busting up all levels of misogyny.

    such a bratty spoilt entitled tw@t if she hears nothing but praise.

  37. Meggin says:

    She gets on my nerves at times, she’s like a middle schooler with her girl group of friends.

  38. Lindsey says:

    I just can’t stand her. AT. ALL. The ‘she’s just getting started part’ makes me sad.

  39. Katie says:

    She’s still a young girl finding her way. Of course she’s not going to know it all. She’s sexy in a way that Audrey Hepburn was sexy. Big boobs/butts aren’t necessarily requirements. She’s definitely not over exposed bodily wise like alot of celebs her age (and older) try to be.

    • oneshot says:

      Audrey Hepburn had incredible poise and charm (and immaculate posture at all times, probably as a result of early ballet training). Taylor Swift, at 25, has none of that – her whole schtick is being the ‘relatable’ girl who is still fabulous and falls over and is clumsy at things so you can feel better about yourself.

      And if she’s not over exposed bodily, it’s not for lack of trying. I mean, her costumes for this video are basically like underwear, and in these very pics she’s flashing quite a bit of skin.

  40. KBeth says:

    She strikes as being incredibly immature, like a giggly 13 year old. I do think she seems like a genuinely kind hearted person, childish though.

  41. Corey says:

    Seems funny to go on about misogyny in a men’s magazine … On a hot 100 list. It’s 2015 I guess. What can you do?

  42. Sopha says:

    I give her props for this, yes her message is a bit hypercritical and a little bit immature, but imagine the kids she is educating. She’s a role model for millions of tweens and I would much rather than she talked about feminism and brought it up as a topic then she parade around in lingerie and talk about how to please boys.

  43. kanyekardashian says:

    I don’t find Swifty sexy, but that’s because I’m an ace. But the author of this article clearly has a limited view of what “sexy” means. I’m pretty sure it isn’t giant trout lips and a smoldering gaze and a willingness to do ten positions in one sex session, la Jolie, it’s more about confidence and that, Taylor’s got a ton of. So I’m sure plenty of people find her sexy.

    • jj says:

      Agree. I don’t find her sexy either but that does not mean lots of people do not as well. Different strokes….sorry. In the same vein, lots of people I know find “adventurous” Jolie off-putting.

  44. Hej says:

    I don’t know about you but I don’t think people complaining about Taylor Swifts songs is misogyny…

  45. Mispronounced Name Dropper says:

    So as usual the mainstream media gets it wrong and says someone who is held in contempt by many is universally loved. Way to go morons.

  46. Naddie says:

    She doesn’t look like she usually does in the cover. I had to read again to get that it is really Taylor, and not some random model in 90s style. About being sexy, I don’t think she’s sexy either, and that’s what I like about women like her and Audrey Hepburn. Being sexy is seeing like a woman’s duty, and it’s unfair and exhausting, not to mention it’s an overated trait.

  47. Jess says:

    A lot of my guy friends love her. Emma Stone is perfect girlfriend material and Taylor Swift is, while not quite that level, reasonably close. These are different personalities too so it’s interesting, engineering friends, law school friends, med school friends, programmer friends. They think she’s pretty, intelligent and chill–songs of yester year aside. They actually call her hotter now than when we and Taylor were younger. Namely because she isn’t all about breakup songs anymore. The consensus (and my female friends agree) is that she’s not ‘hot’ or ‘sexy’ but sometimes you want a buddy and she conveys that. Shrug! The consensus from my limited sample size.