Khloe Kardashian, 30, might be dating Rick Fox, 45: good or bad idea?


Here are some photos of Khloe Kardashian in Las Vegas on Friday night. She was “hosting” a Memorial Day party at 1Oak at the Mirage. I’m sure she easily got low to mid six figures for the hosting gig. I actually think Khloe looks a bit better in these photos than she did in some of her recent public appearances in the past few weeks. Remember this? How about this? In these photos, at least she’s not giving me such a “sad doll” vibe. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still convinced that the Pinocchio Butt is an utter disaster (and growing in size by the minute), but her face doesn’t look so filler-jacked.

Interestingly enough, Khloe has a new dating rumor and I’m sort of into it. I’m more into this rumored hookup/potential hookup than Khloe’s on-again/off-again nonsense with both French Montana and Lamar Odom, I’ll say that. Apparently, Khloe went out to dinner with former LA Laker Rick Fox. Huh.

Let the new couple speculation begin! Khloé Kardashian and former Lakers player Rick Fox were spotted arriving separately for a late dinner date together at Casa Vega in Sherman Oaks, Calif., last night around 11:45 p.m. (gotta love that fourth meal), and were reportedly dining at the popular Mexican restaurant until 1:30 a.m.

Their outing instantly sparks questions as to whether or not there’s a romantic relationship brewing between the two stars, but when asked if the twosome are dating by a paparazzo, Fox responded, “Khloé’s a good friend.”

[From E! News]

Rick Fox is only 45, just FYI. I thought we was well into his 50s, but that might be because he was married to Vanessa Williams for many years, and I always thought they were the same age – they weren’t. He’s seven years younger than Vanessa. Post-Vanessa, Fox dated Sharon Stone (??), Eliza Dushku and possibly AnnaLynne McCord. I don’t know… it doesn’t seem like he really has a type? So Khloe could conceivably get in there. And it might be good for her to be with an older man (she’s 30).



Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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46 Responses to “Khloe Kardashian, 30, might be dating Rick Fox, 45: good or bad idea?”

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  1. vauvert says:

    All I see is orange tan, jacked up butt and talons that I would be afraid to get close to. I know she has people to do everything for her, but there are some private hygiene acts that only she herself can perform. no idea how she can do that with those horrendous pointy nails, and how unclean that is. Ugh.

    • DEB says:

      I see at least 3 nose jobs (and more coming), multiple lip injections, a sh*t-tonne of makeup, that hideous phoney butt, awful fake nails and possible cheek implants. I mean holy ugly sister syndrome, Batman!

    • Greek chic says:

      She looks bad, I don’t see anything nice in these pictures. The nails are super trashy, maybe she has people to wipe her butt for her?
      She’s slimmed down though, her body looks good these days (except for the butt) and her face looks slimmer too.

    • msw says:

      I can’t believe she is younger than me. I really can’t.

    • Sea Dragon says:

      So yeah, about those nails…why are they so popular? Rihanna, Miley and this family seem to love them.

    • thelazylioness says:

      I cannot imagine how long it takes these women to get ready everyday. Between the fake tans, fake eyelashes, tons of makeup, straightening this one’s hair, hair removal, grooming brows, picking out outfits, plumping their lips, working out, wearing corsets, walking in five inch heels…ugh I’m exhausted just typing about it. No natural beauty here that’s for sure.

  2. Dragonlady Sakura says:

    Ugh, Khloe goes from sugar to shit with every man she meets.

  3. minx says:

    She’s looking more like Kris, IMO. And that butt is just ridiculous.

    • zinjojo says:

      I came here to say exactly that! The more work she has done, the more she looks like PMK. And that butt is just ridiculous.

    • Hawkeye says:

      Just came here to say the same thing, she is looking more and more like Kris every time I see her.

  4. Tracy says:

    Every time I see photos of Khloe or Kim, they always look like they’re sucking their guts in so hard it must actually hurt.

  5. bettyrose says:

    30-45 is sort of an okay age range. Plus, they aren’t like human 30 year olds. Who even knows how the aging process will be affected by extreme plastic surgery. If Khloe can find happiness in this world, she needs to grab it.

  6. Lilacflowers says:

    Because involvement with NBA players has worked out so well for the family in the past.

    And Rick, if this is true, please cross Boston Celtics off your resume. Thank you.

  7. Nev says:

    Yes I want her to find happiness too!!!!

  8. MP says:

    Why do people think they contouring make-up makes them look good? Thick layer of orange/brown foundation on the forehead and shiny white cheekbones and under eyes. It looks like a dirty mask.
    She looked nice in the first linked picture with the blue dress. More natural make-up and lovely hair.

    • FingerBinger says:

      There is nothing wrong with contouring when it’s done right. The person doing Khloe’s and Kim’s makeup has no clue what they’re doing.

  9. Amy says:

    Her face is a makeup palette of depression, ugh.

    I feel bad but whatever natural prettiness she had feels like it’s gone, it took Kim a while to get to the point she lost all natural prettiness because she was quite attractive to start with.

    Khloe would have looked so pretty if she hadn’t gone overboard trying to compete and now her lips look like sausage.

    • Denise says:

      And it’s a shame that with her tall frame she wrecked what was turning into a great body with that ridiculous butt. I hope for her sake that it’s padding and not implants or whatever they’re doing with asses these days.

  10. Andrea says:

    I remember when he dated Eliza Dusku for several years and was surprised when they broke up. I completely forgot he married Vanessa Williams! Maybe this will be a good match for Khloe, maybe he is more stable?

  11. kiki says:

    Actually, he does have a type. He went from dark to light like a heart pumps blood. Anyway, he says he is not dating Khloe and that they are just friends but i think they would be a great couple.

  12. Jen43 says:

    Poor girl. I can’t think of a single nice thing to say.

  13. Jayna says:

    Keep dating guys that are going to be unfaithful, Khloe. You’re doing a good job.

  14. Cara says:

    She looks awful- that hair is terrible on her, makes her face look manly.
    When will a nice black hole come and swallow this group of jackals- I am SO over their nastiness. 😝

  15. HatetheletterK says:

    I used to like Rick Fox and think he was so attractive, but now I’ve lost all respect for him. To go from Vanessa Williams to a Kartrashian is hitting rock bottom. Run Rick, run!

  16. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I don’t have a problem really with 45 and 30, but I may have lost perspective over the years. I’m sure when I was 30, I thought 45 was ancient. But I have friends 15 years older and younger than I am, and it’s not a big deal.

    • Mispronounced Name Dropper says:

      Fifteen years represents half of a thirty year old’s life, but it’s only one third of a forty five year old’s life. So I’d say it’d seem like a much bigger gap to a thirty year old than it would to a forty five year old. But whatever, sexual relationships are overrated and aren’t worth half of the angst they cause.

  17. cakecakecake says:

    I hope not, him being a part of that circus, is disgusting.

    I wanted to see nice looking pics of him, not “pooched lips” eyeroll
    I scrolled real fast when I did not see anything Tall n Handsome.

  18. skins says:

    I think Rick Fox is enough of a fame-wh*re to do it.

  19. Shelley says:

    I used to rate him, but anyone who can date a Kardashian can’t really be high on the totem pole. Rick is now officially unattractive to me. Thank you. Bye.

  20. Veronica says:

    They slap way too much makeup on her. She’s a fairly attractive woman, so there’s no need to apply 50 pounds of shellack on her skin.

    It’s a bit of an age difference, but she is 30 and past the uncertain period of her twenties, so it’s not quite as bad. So, okay I guess?

  21. Dawn says:

    I think “might be” is the operative word here. She probably just had a picture taken. I doubt he would date someone like a KarTrashian….but I could be wrong!

  22. maria81 says:

    Carbdashian is obviously not privileged on the looks department so she better grab the very few of them when the opportunity comes.

  23. grabbyhands says:

    Downgrade for him tbh. But maybe he’s looking for some free publicity.

  24. Nikki L. says:

    After 30 I don’t think age makes much of a difference anymore. I’m 35, and age 50 or so would still be fine with me.

    • Truthful says:

      That’s you. Not everyone. Most people like people their own age. and 15 years is a bit much

      • crtb says:

        I think 15 is a big jump also. Ten years and the two of you have the same reference points: (Movies, books, music, TV,).
        I feel sorry for all of the K women and girls. Whenever I read about a new boyfriend, all I can think of is that he is using them to get his name in the news. I never truly believe that any of these men like them for them. You expect after the break-up that he’ll write a book, and give interviews about the intimate details of their relationship.

  25. Denise says:

    The contouring on the faces of this family is absurd – did they transport their makeup artist from the 80s in a time machine? Imagine what these women look like in person with all those brown lines all over their faces.

  26. Candace says:


  27. D says:

    Rick has too much Class for this Piece of TRASH !!

  28. TOPgirl says:

    The butt of doom! LOL! She looks great tho!

  29. My Two Cents says:

    I tried to watch About Bruce the other night and all the females on there look horrid!! They are pumped so full of fillers and artificial lips n butts n boobs n whatever else. They look like a bunch of clowns now. Always have to laugh when a celebrity is seen out one time with anybody they have to be romantically involved. No way do I think this guy is involved with Khloe. Probably either filming for the show or meeting to discuss Lamar. I think she is still totally involved with Lamar. French Montana was simply brought on to be on the show. Obviously, if they were all able to hide Bruce’s issues on their ‘reality’ show, then they can hide anything else. Notice how filming in Khloe’s house is always outside or in kitchen? Probably cause Lamar and Rob are elsewhere in house. Nothing but a bunch of scammers.