Kit Harington is ‘so proud’ of ‘Hardhome’: ‘I never pat myself on the back but…’


Here are some new photos of Kit Harington out and about in NYC yesterday. He’s adorable, isn’t he? He really, really loves skinny jeans. He’s so tiny too, it’s sort of weird to see him in such tight pants. I kind of wonder if he needs to go up a size? I’m not sure if the skinny jeans are supposed to look like that on his leg and it seems like he might have trouble walking. Also: I’m pretty sure I have a very similar sweater. I bought it at Old Navy. In the women’s section.

Are you still thinking about the latest Game of Thrones episode, “Hardhome”? I am. God, that was so epic. And Kit Harington was a big part of why it was epic. I know we tease poor Kit about his whiney “don’t hate me because I’m beautiful” routine, and I know we tease him about being a wooden, sad-faced bastard on GoT, but I truly think Kit has grown a lot as an actor this season specifically. My theory is that once Jon Snow became the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, Kit finally got to play something different, something less sad-faced and more interesting.

Surprisingly, Kit was in NYC to promote Testament of Youth, the film he did with Alicia Vikander. He did several new interviews yesterday, which means it’s time for another episode of “Celebitchy Presents: Kit Harington Says Words.” Huzzah! What’s funny is that even though he was supposed to be talking about the film, people just wanted to talk about GoT and Hardhome. Kit told E! News that he knew when they were making the episode that it was going to be really good. Kit says the “end product of what they produced for ‘Hardhome’ was amazing…I thought it was brilliant. I really, really loved it. I was so proud of it and happy with it. I never pat myself on the back but I thought, why not? It was great!”

Kit also said words to Matt Lauer. Kit’s mum doesn’t like to watch GoT because of all the violence, and Kit successfully avoids whining about his beauty and fame again.

And here’s Kit talking Access Hollywood. Billy Bush is super-annoying here but Kit is rather charming.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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138 Responses to “Kit Harington is ‘so proud’ of ‘Hardhome’: ‘I never pat myself on the back but…’”

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  1. mimif says:

    Oh sh-t, here we go…

    • paola says:

      Let me get the hair mask. I’ll need it after all this feathers ruffling that will come my way.

    • paola says:

      The only thing that didn’t convince me in this episode ( apart from Jorah the Explorer’s tears. Put your shit together dude!) it was the part where Jon Snow is battlingit out with the Fire Extinguisher Frozen Benjen Guy in the Uniform. When Jon’s sword gets destroyed you can clearly see he wasn’t holding anything where the destroyed sword was supposed to be and it is a bit poorly acted. Other than that Jon I’ll never kick out of bed. Please don’t be shy.

      • mimif says:

        Everybody knows that Fire Extinguisher Frozen (not Benjen!) Guys in Uniform are shitty actors. 😉 Oh, speaking of which, was it his mere frozen presence that parted the flames, or was he actually impervious to fire? Because if that’s the case, then all you people thinking Dany’s dragons are gonna save the day are screwed. I get that fire kills wights, but WHAT IF IT DOESN’T KILL THE WHITE WALKERS?

      • paola says:

        I think that since he’s made of ice he would just extinguish any kind of fire. Maybe a big ass dragon could win his frozen presence.
        All this violence when all they need is a group hug! Cold is a bitch.
        Can you believe they poop ice popsickles?
        😀 😀

      • mimif says:

        I just googled poop ice popsicles, I would link the image but I’ll get banned. 😂

        SERIOUS TALK (and don’t laugh). Are they really made of ice? Or are they just a frozen race of people? I’m so confused.

      • paola says:

        mmh isn’t it the same??
        I have no idea but when Jon used the Valyrian sword it looked to me like the frozen Benjen guy was made of ice.

      • mimif says:

        Yeah, he was. I just don’t understand how the dragons, which were borne of magic, have muscle and bone and bleeding hearts, but the magical White Walkers are just…made of ice. I feel like I’m missing something. Unless the Night’s King actually has more of a “body” and his Lieutenants are just snow cones. Maybe I should go ask my bf on reddit…

      • paola says:

        They are magic creatures too… maybe they have a different anatomy and like Olaf from ‘Frozen’ they die in hot temperature. ( Yes, that’s my source: Olaf the snowman)
        Now what we need to asses is: which is more powerful? A huge fire spitting dragon (or 3) or some ice popsicle pooping creatures capable of bringing back to life the deaths and emanate mist and turns evertyhing into ice.?

      • mimif says:

        Well you know who I’m rooting for. 😀

      • Casi says:

        mimif, I don’t want to see your Facebook ads for the next month or so if you just googled that, LOL.

      • Annie says:

        I am so over this guy. I only wish he’d get over himself.

      • kimmy says:

        Wights are the frozen zombies. White Walkers is what the Night’s King guy and the others on horseback were…the leaders, so to speak. If dragonglass and Valyrian steel (also said to have properties of dragons built in) can defeat the White Walkers, then I’m sure dragons themselves will be able to melt these mofo’s.

      • M.A.F. says:

        Jorah the Explorer, Fire Extinguisher Frozen Benjen Guy= perfect

    • Lilacflowers says:

      HODOR!!!! HODOR!!!!!

      • mimif says:

        What is with all this hodor stuff?

      • phlyfiremama says:

        Hodor (real name Walder) is a descendent of the Stark’s nanny, Old Nan, who told them all the North/beyond the wall stories. The only word he can say is Hodor, since he is mentally…deficient, even though there might be some giant slipped in the old woodpile way back when. All he can say is “Hodor”, which is his word for literally everything~

      • phlyfiremama says:

        Oops, my bad. I thought the asing about Hodor was a serious question until I just now saw who asked it. D’ohdor!

    • Size Does Matter says:

      You guys are reviving my will to live this morning after a particularly horrid experience getting my 11-year-old daughter up and off to school on time. It was so, so bad, y’all.

      And the only thing that can dampen my passion for Kit after Hardhome is the fear that I might accidentally crush the life out of his wee little body.

      • mimif says:

        What happened? Is she okay? Did she try to fit Kit in her lunchbox?

      • Size Does Matter says:

        She’s fine. Just a total nightmare brat getting up in the morning. Won’t open her eyes, won’t sit up, won’t get dressed, won’t talk. It takes me 20 minutes haranguing her and by the time she’s out the door I’m foaming at the mouth and my heart rate is 150. Thank G-d there are only 3 1/2 days of school left this year, so I’ve almost made it.

        I’m going to move all the unresolved issues from yesterday’s thread over here I think. Too hard to go back and find them now.

      • mimif says:

        Ah poor kid, that’s exactly how I was growing up, and look how fantastic I turned out! 😀

        What unresolved issues are there left to discuss? I think we’ve already covered the ceramic dildos…

      • Size Does Matter says:

        Thanks, Mims. Seriously, I look forward to “seeing” you guys every day.

        Unresolved (there may be no answers to some of this):

        How are WWs made and how many are there? If they’re grown up formerly human babies, can only babies we turned into WWs? Are there a bunch of adolescent WWs somewhere that haven’t matured yet? Are they immortal unless killed by obsidian/dragon steel? Is the NK the original NK? If they’re tied to dragon magic why did that one kill some Night’s Watch in the first chapter of book one before Dany was even given the eggs? And does the wall have to come down for them to go south?

        What is Ramsay up to exactly?

      • mimif says:

        Ramsay is about to get himself killed, hopefully.

        I *think* the WW’s were farming Craster’s babies, since they have no Queen. Right? Maybe the WW babies are like the queen bee and get fed a special diet of royal snow cones. Regardless, they couldn’t have gotten that many babies from Craster, altho they went after Gilly’s baby too, so maybe they were stealing the Wildlings babies? I think it is alluded to that they cannot pass through the wall (at least Cold Hands can’t, and he’s definitely undead). And yeah, I think that is the original NK because HBO let that one slip (google it, if I didn’t tell you that already). I’m not sure if they are immortal, but they might live a very very long time, or at least hibernate til, you know, winter is coming. I think they killed those rangers as a warning, remember the Wildling bodies were arranged in a certain manner? Like, we’re coming at you bro. I’m not exactly sure about the timeline regarding the magic, all I know is the maesters disapprove and banned magic for specific reasons, because the world goes to shit when people start playing with fire. And ice apparently. Know what I mean?
        What I want to know is, how are the Lieutenants physically different than the NK? Something tells me the NK isn’t just gonna go down like shaved ice when he gets stuck with the pointy end.
        Obviously, I need to go to reddit because I might have pushed the nerd meter over the edge here on a gossip site. 😉

      • Size Does Matter says:

        You aren’t Lord Friendzone over there, are you? I’m a little scared to jump in with the meta nerds but I read a bunch of their stuff.

      • Size Does Matter says:

        Grantland’s Ask the Maester has good info on the NK today.

      • mimif says:

        That was a great article! Thanks for pointing me the way. I completely forgot that the NK could be of Bolton heritage, I like that idea better than him being a Stark.

        I am mimiffff across the board, but I’ve yet to post on reddit either because yeah, I’m not exactly on their level (yet). Some of those posters are so damn clever, it gives me posting envy. 😀

      • BunnyBabe says:

        Tell me the WWs don’t look dead on Craster tho…

  2. Kiddo says:

    He’s kidding with that outfit, right?

    • mimif says:


      Also, you know you’re teeny tiny when your cigarette makes you look like a 5 year old.

      • Bridget says:

        I don’t get the need for men to wear painted on jeans like that. It’s just not flattering.

        He always looks wrong with a cigarette in his hand.

      • Kiddo says:

        Bridget, skinny jeans on men only look appropriate on skeletal man-frames of those in punk bands.

      • Betti says:

        Hahaha – having seen him in person he is short for a bloke (about the same height as me) and of slender build. I think the thinks the skinny’s make his legs look longer, they don’t.

        He’s not known for his keen sense of fashion.

      • Sixer says:

        I’M TELLING SIXLET MAJOR ON YOU PEOPLE! Do you not know that skinny jeans are the height of all things, well, good, if you are a GoT-loving young teen? Do you not know that you must own many pairs, in multiple colours? Do you not know how GOOD GoT-loving teen boys look in these things? I do, cos I am the one who has to buy the bloody things!

        (He’s here, off school on a pity day because Old Cat has died and he is distraught. I have lied on his behalf and told the school he is ill. So you can’t be mean to him.)

      • Kiddo says:

        @Sixer. So sorry about the cat. I have been devastated by the loss of such good furry friends, I can absolutely empathize.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Cigarettes stunted his growth.

      • mia girl says:

        🎶🎶 “Everybody’s talkin bout my tight pants. About my tight pants. I’ve got my tight pants on.” 🎶🎶

      • Kiddo says:

        @Lilacflowers, I thought maybe it was a side effect of being a hunk.

      • Sixer says:

        @Kiddo – Old Cat really was Sixlet Major’s baby and it’s rotten for all of us, but particularly him. Old Cat just wandered off to his special nest of grass in the garden at some point yesterday, curled up and went to sleep, and never woke up. Found him late last night. He was 17 though – so a good innings and, I think, a pretty painless end. Not that this sentiment is cheering up Sixlet Major. He just has to cry it out, bless him.

      • mimif says:

        @Sixer, finally someone who understands wee Kit! (And sorry bout Old Cat, sad face.)

        @Kiddo, you’re fired.

      • Kiddo says:

        NO, you can’t fire me, because I QUIT!

      • Lindy79 says:

        @Sixer, poor Sixlet Major! (I do like the idea of them going peacefully, just drifting off though)

      • mimif says:

        @Sixer, that’s the best way to go. RIP Old Cat

        @Kiddo, you can’t quit because you cannot look away. I dare you. Just try not to comment on any more Kit posts. #formalchallenge

      • mia girl says:

        So sad about your cat @Sixer.
        I’m sorry.

      • Size Does Matter says:

        @Sixer, the cat’s name wasn’t Caetser Aemon, was it? Was your cat the third head of the dragon?

      • Sixer says:

        Haha, SDM. No. Old Cat will be missed but I’m holding out hope that Young Cat breaks the wheel some day!

      • mimif says:

        ^^funny ladies

    • Kiddo says:

      Where to begin? The barrel chest with a horizontal stripped shirt from the Lands End Woman’s Department, coupled with insanely tight Elf jeans, makes him look like he’s a character from some Will Ferrel comedy. This is not an edgy look, I’m not sure what in hell he is going for. You guys are obviously blinded by his role on the show because in real life, he is ridiculous.

      Can you picture Bryan Cranston in this Sh_t, and then taking him seriously as Heisenberg?

      This guy makes Justin Theroux look like an immaculate dresser, for crissakes.

      • mimif says:

        Why yes, now that you mention it, I think I would piss my panties with absolute joy if I saw Walter White in this outfit. *does a happy jig*

        I love it when you get irate over men’s fashion, it’s very entertaining.

      • Kiddo says:

        Yo are sick and twisted, mimif.


      • Sixer says:

        Sixlet Major farts in your general direction.

      • Kiddo says:

        @Sixer, KIDS get a pass on trends. Full-fledged adults do not. They should know what trends work on them and which don’t.

        PS: EXTRA points for Monty Python reference. Now get me some nice shrubbery!

      • Sixer says:

        You’ve gone all fashion-authoritarian! Ask me the questions, bridge-keeper. I am not afraid.

      • mimif says:

        I think it’s a bit early to start imposing rules on it, don’t you?

      • frisbeejada says:

        Nobody ever expects the SPANISH INQUISITION (duh duh duhhhh)

      • Kiddo says:

        So remember when your feeling very small and insecure how amazingly unlikely is your birth and pray that there intelligent life somewhere up in space cause there’s bugger all down here on Earth.

      • littlemissnaughty says:

        Uh, yeah … somehow I do not hate the outfit. What … I loathe skinny jeans, they are beyond grotesque on men but oh my God, I DO NOT HATE IT!!! Work and overtime has melted my brain, what is wrong with me? *curls up into fetal position* I need a cocktail.

      • Sixer says:

        Always look on the bright side of #skinnyjeans.

      • mimif says:

        Wafer thin jeans.

      • Sixer says:

        mimif for the win! (Kiddo smells of elderberries).

      • mimif says:

        You’re so mauve.

        Oh wait, wrong show.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Follow the shoe!

      • phlyfiremama says:

        Look just because some short tart in skinny jeans is going around lobbing swords at whitewalkers DOESN’T make him a king. I mean, if I were to say I was the Lord commander just because some icy bint was throwing a sword at me…ooh, come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help I’m being repressed!!

    • booboobird says:
      always pondered how would he look without all that hair on his face and head.

    • Sister Carrie says:

      I think he stole my sweater.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      @Sixer, sorry for the loss of the cat. That can hit so hard.

  3. paola says:

    Lert me just say that his final scene was great. His facial expression, his eyes, his perfect curls.. Gahhh give me more Jon Snow. He did kill the boy and gave life to a man. He’ll be a hero.
    If that little motherf*cker (Olly) doesn’t kill him first in a stupid way.

  4. Tiffany27 says:

    Seriously, that episode was beautiful.

    • mimif says:

      I didn’t read any of the links so I don’t know if it was discussed, but I was just telling paola that scene at Hardhome took an entire month to film. No wonder Wun Wun was so grumpy.
      The battle at Castle Black was also amazing, but I think because it was daytime at Hardhome, it really hit home visually just how devastating the massacre was. Well that and like a couple more thousand people died. 😁

  5. Ennie says:

    He should be proud. It was great work, like a short horror film. The director made it great.
    I am worried about his b…. In those tight jeans!

    • mimif says:

      Do you think he’s free balling? He’d almost have to wear a jock strap in those jeans to keep his junk safe from the zipper.

      • Ennie says:

        I had not thought of the zipper! That’s even worse, I hope he’s wearing (tight) undies or he shaves (cannot insert wonky emoticon here).

      • mimif says:

        I was getting kind of excited thinking they might be jeggings, sans zipper. If Kiddo knew he was wearing jeggings, I’m not sure if the embolism or the aneurysm would come first.

  6. khaveman says:

    Love him. I really enjoy his character more now and appreciate the fitness and prep that go into the fight scenes. Great hair, great jeans – and genes! KIT

  7. He looks like Johnny Galecki. All I see when I look at him is the hipster version of Leonard Hofstadter from The Big Bang Theory.
    (Flees before the rotten tomatoes get hurled at her head.)

  8. Ashling says:

    Hardhome was amazing. Jon is a tad boring but a highly rootable character. It’s a little overshadowed, but how awesome was Cersei/ Lena? I love her scenes. They make me smile with glee.

  9. Original T.C. says:

    He has improved so much but for me it was his sword game not his acting that stood out, he has more confidence. The acting that really made the episode for me was from the two actors playing Karsi and Tormund. Those two brought so much raw humanity. I cannot forget Karsi’s final look when she saw those kiddie Wights. Next was the special effects with the creepiness of those living dead and white walkers and the script was just on point.

    • booboobird says:

      the more I think about Karsi the more upset she makes me. the kid wights were already dead. they don’t care. I understand she might have known them but now instead of giving her own daughters a chance to survive she got ripped to pieces and turned to zombie. how will she react when her on two live kids are in front of her?
      what would happen if the night king got killed? would all the zombies just stop in their tracks and turn to snow or night king is not the start of it all? because there is no way that anyone can kill that amount of wights. there must be a secret how to stop them all without killing everyone in westeros

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Brigitte can convey so much with her facial expressions.

    • Seán says:

      Karsi was definitely the most memorable one episode character on the show. I was hoping she’d take on a Val-like role (for those who have read the books) and was disappointed when they killed her off (even though I knew she was a goner when she promised she’d return for her kids).

      • Becks says:

        Sean, I was also hoping she would be the Val character. I’m so bummed they killed her off so soon.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        I was hoping she would be like Val but they seem to have done away with that storyline. Shame because Birgitte was awesome, Val was awesome, and that storyline showed Jon was clever enough to outwit Stannis and Melisandrei

    • Ennie says:

      She won’t react to her daughters, she is already dead, gone. This body is a puppet.
      I think that she was somehow related to the shirtless boy wight. The camera panned to him particularly. Who knows? her baby brother or her son. She was in shock, totally frozen and could not defend herself at all.

  10. booboobird says:

    I always thought that women only were cursed with suffering in the name of beauty. those tight many faced gods…

  11. Hazel says:

    Unfortunately, this hipster tight jeans look is all over London. I want the High Sparrow to make an edict banning this jeans for modesty (and atrocity).

    • Lindy79 says:

      I wear skinnies a fair bit (not really a skirt or dress person) and even at times I find them tight around the nether region, how the hell do men cope??

      • Hazel says:

        I’m duplicitous. It’s only men in skinny jeans that I detest. However, I tried to avoid too tight jeans whenever possible – the ones where you have to lie down to wear it. 😉

      • Lindy79 says:

        I think it’s mainly when you’re sitting down and have just eaten you get a bit bloated as the day goes on… still can’t imagine how men do it.

      • Becks says:

        I love wearing skinny jeans myself, but I don’t like them on men. And let’s be real, he’s wearing Jeggings which are even tighter than skinny jeans

  12. Olenna says:

    ‘He’s prettier than both my daughters.’

  13. Lindy79 says:

    The texts I got from friends watching this episode were amazing! It was SO GOOD.

    I was all about the giant, the stomping on the WW, the annoyed grunting as he flicked them off and the strutting into the water like a boss and not even giving their boat a courtesy push to get further out, he had no *ucks left to give. I was honestly rolling, same as the attack on the wall. I bloody love them.

    (I do miss The Hound though… *ducks*)

    • mimif says:

      No need to duck, Lindy, the Hound is my all time fave character. He’s an awesome actor/guy too, so that helps.
      Dude Wun Wun was everything! I want to see more of him. I want to see him and Cersei drink wine together…I just legit giggled at that visual.

      • Lindy79 says:

        I miss him so much, he had some of the best lines for a non major character and yeah it does have a lot to do with McCann.

        Oh god Wun Wun just cracked me up, which is what was needed during that whole scene. I’d watch a whole series of him interacting with the different characters. or just stomping on white walkers as they run past him. Like GoT Whack a Mole

      • mimif says:

        He’ll be back. 😀

      • Lindy79 says:

        I’m intrigued!!!

      • mimif says:

        I don’t want to spoil it for you but….but….he might not be dead. Just a (very plausible) theory.

      • Lindy79 says:


        Oh I hope so! If they used a different actor like they did with Gregor though I would go full Wun Wun on them, STOMP STOMP *swings giant flaming wood*

      • mimif says:

        Nah, it’s better than that. Not sure he’ll make it onto the show (but I think he will). Google has more info if you wanna get spoilt. 😀

      • Daisy says:

        I looked up Wun Wun on IMDB… did you realise the same actor plays Gregor Clegane AND Wun Wun? His name’s Ian Whyte and he’s over 7′ tall. He also played the giant in the assault on Castle Black last season. AND every Predator in the Aliens vs Predators movie. Seems like a pretty fun guy, honestly!

      • Lindy79 says:

        He also played White Walkers in season 1 and 2..mind blown!

        (I think they replaced the actor who plays Gregor for season 4 and 5, he’s an Icelandic strongman, no idea why or how much of him physically we’ll see in 5 and 6)

      • mimif says:

        @Lindy, that link is everything!

        Wow, that’s interesting about the actor playing every behemoth on film and television. Have you guys seen that pic of a shirtless Mountain grinning from ear to ear with Cersei? It’s priceless.

      • lindy79 says:

        I love that picture!

    • Lilacflowers says:

      The Hound is in Slow West with Fassbender.

    • Isabelle says:

      The Hound is my favorite other than Tyrion. Here’s to him being still alive & we’ll get to see him next season. There are rumors he’ll make an appearance either this late season or next.

    • phlyfiremama says:

      I love the Hound too! Let’s not forget that he saved BOTH Sansa and Arya~The book left it open as well~Arya left him with a fever and some injuries, but we never actually see or hear of him dying~just that his ARMOR is riding with Beric Dondarrion and Lady Stoneheart (*shall I open THAT wormhole?!)

      • mimif says:

        Open it open it! Something something about a grave digger and atonement and then CLEGANEBOWL!!

      • phlyfiremama says:

        Hodor!!! I love you from afar mimif~
        ok, wormhole: Remember, Thoros the Red Priest was riding with Beric Dondarrion around the Trident area, which is where Sandor and Arya~ahem~parted company. Thoros is apparently the resurrection Maester, since he has resurrected Beric 7 times and Catelyn Stark once. Why couldn’t he resurrect the Hound as well?

      • Lindy79 says:

        mimif pointed me in the direction yesterday and I am firmly lost in the wormhole now.

        I’m not sure the Hound even died reading the pieces from the book. It’s all very carefully worded. Hell let’s face it, even if he had been, GRRM could easily change it if he wanted to
        (I kinda think he would)

        If Cleganebowl happened it had better not go the Oberyn way

  14. meme says:

    Is Mr. Don’t Call Me Handsome (don’t worry, I shan’t) whining about something again?

  15. Hazel says:

    Oh and if ever I am on the wrong side of the law, I’m going to call for a trial by combat. And name the giant as my champion. I could literally get away with murder.

  16. FingerBinger says:

    Someone should buy him a pair of khakis.

  17. Cindy says:

    I loved every single thing about Hardhome. Think I’m gonna watch it again tonight. Dany and tyrion…..gaaaahhhh! I could easily sit through hours of just watching them get drunk and talk. They compliment each other perfectly- she has the balls and he has the political genius.

    That demon looking white walker raising his arms and bringing back the dead was everything.

    I know this is blasphemy but I am not a fan of Jon snows ringlets. And he is so tiny…it seems like they always have to be aware of who he is in the frame with so he doesn’t like like a wee little elf.

    • mimif says:

      They actually had to film Kit on roller skates for that scene to make him look taller; Hardhome Boogie was the original title but they scrapped it after the purists complained. I was completely transfixed with his ringlets…I felt like I was at a Guns N Roses show on the strip circa 1989.

      • Cindy says:

        He should do a Loreal hair commercial- “don’t hate me because I’m beautiful”.*hair toss, skates away*

  18. jc126 says:

    I’ve watched the whole 20 minutes of Jon Snow’s extended scene 5 times now. It’s terrific.

  19. Isabelle says:

    looks like he picked his girlfriends clothes off the floor instead of his. He was awesome in Hardhome. His expression while watching the the giant, Wun Wun, was the same one I had on my face. Watched it x2 now & it was just as good the second time

  20. phlyfiremama says:

    Pat yourself on the back, Jon Snow. You deserve it!!!