Kit Harington: Jon’s cape hasn’t been washed in 5 years, smells like ‘wet dog’


Here are some photos of Kit Harington walking around Tribeca yesterday. I think we should give Kit a slow clap for wearing somewhat regular jeans here. Those skinny jeans he wore the other day gave me nightmares. His tiny little body looked like it was suffocating from the waist down! At least he’s giving his junk room to breathe in these jeans, although they’re still pretty fitted. Kit’s been in NYC this week promoting Testament of Youth, but he’s also been doing interviews about Game of Thrones, of course. He ended up dropping some interesting pieces of GoT gossip while he chatted with HuffPo this week:

His Night’s Watch cloak/cape: “That cloak hasn’t been washed in five years. It smells like a wet dog. None of the clothes have properly been washed in five years, which is authentic.”

On Sunday’s episode: “I loved last night’s episode. I hoped it would live up to the month we spent filming it. That 20-minute sequence took a month. I hoped it worked and seeing the final thing, I thought it was great. Some of the fondest memories I have of Thrones are of that month.”

Spending a month in “cold and wet” conditions: “All the money on ‘Thrones’ is spent on the actual sequence or finishing the thing. None of it’s spent on the actors’ luxury. So we had this tiny cast tent with a river running through it, which is fine. You just muck in with ‘Thrones.’ It was great.”

On Jon Snow: “He’s more of your classic hero, I guess. He’s got his problems. He’s always been a slow-burner… What’s really intriguing for me this season is getting to break out of that younger self and becoming a man. Jon’s wiser than me. I wouldn’t be able to do many of the things Jon’s been resisting. He has more of a sense of duty that many modern men have.”

GoT theories: “It’s all is true! I don’t know. I love hearing the theories, but there are three men who seemingly know what’s going to happen: George, David [Benioff], and D.B. [Weiss]. They are so tight-lipped.”

No one is safe: “I think that’s the thrilling thing about the TV show, is that we really don’t fit by the norms and people are in danger and horrible things do happen to people and we don’t shy away from that. You can’t count on Jon Snow being safe or Tyrion being safe or anyone being safe, so it keeps people on the edge of their seat, and it’s why it’s good drama.”

[From HuffPo & Us Weekly]

Bless his heart. Between the moaning about how “none” of the money is spent on actors’ luxuries and saying that his costume smells like a wet dog, this is an excellent episode of Celebitchy Presents: Kit Harington Says Words.”

This is just a minor SPOILER – Kit also told HuffPo that the last two episodes of this season are “really big” and they involve “some huge shocks and some huge set pieces — it’s going to be epic.” OHMYGAWDDDDDDDDDD.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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71 Responses to “Kit Harington: Jon’s cape hasn’t been washed in 5 years, smells like ‘wet dog’”

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  1. Lilacflowers says:

    HODOR!!!! It is known.

    • mimif says:


      • Bridget says:


        And I still haven’t watched the episode yet. I’ve had to work the last couple of nights (M, T, W are my busy days). Stupid commitments.

        I’ll admit, I’m a bit conflicted about the new material being unveiled through the TV show rather than the books, which surprises me. I’ve been irritated with GRRM for so long that I thought it would serve him right, but I’m actually kind of disappointed.

      • mimif says:

        Sounds like a lot of people are Bridget, it’s understandable. It’s a big commitment being a fan of his, I mean his books are like theses, especially the last two as we’ve discussed. It’s not like he hasn’t had time to finish either, but I suppose that’s a moot point. Anyway, when are you going to watch, when are you going to watch??

      • Bridget says:

        Soon. I have a couple of evening clients tonight and an early morning workout tomorrow, and then I get some spare time.

        Honestly, I’m not a huge fan of the show. I realize that it’s a gritty story, but I feel lol the show revels in the darkest parts of the story.

      • mimif says:

        I’m a huge fan of the show (obviously), but I totally understand why people take issues with it, and some of the specific issues you have brought up. But I like your input on GoT (and elsewhere on CB), so I hope you don’t ever get so turned off the show that you stop commenting. We need more logical people here like you and Lilac in this land of Tinfoilos.

      • Bridget says:

        That’s not likely to happen :). My tinfoil hat will be ready again in no time! And I really want to see what happens in Hardhome, considering where the book left it.

    • phlyfiremama says:

      It is known that Jon Snow’s cape smells like wet Direwolf. HODOR!!

  2. Kiddo says:

    Holy crap, he looks decent in these photos, I can’t pull out my faux outrage today. I’ll just play some Adam Levine tunes for mimifoz instead.

    • mimif says:

      If you can get me an ID on his boots using your magical Internet skillz, I will forgive you for mentioning the Levine.

    • Sixer says:

      Skinny jeans are the new booty shorts? Could that get you going?

      (My little Sixlet went to bed with Old Cat’s blankie last night. I’m sure allowing that was some kind of bad-parenting health hazard that trumps Jon Says Words About Filthy TV Sets. Therefore I win today’s Disgusting Prize).

      • Lindy79 says:

        Sixer 🙁

      • Kiddo says:

        Why would that make you a bad parent? Grieving and healing follows not one distinct single road.

        BUT NO, skinny jeans will never be the new booty shorts, the end.*

        *revs up faux outrage and collects multiple photos of Bramhall for no apparent reason*

      • mimif says:

        Poor little Sixlet. You’re a good mum, Sixer Powers.

      • Sixer says:

        I can’t lie. The blankie is a DEFINITE filthy health hazard. If I ever washed the thing, he (Old Cat, not little Sixlet!) refused to sleep on it, so I gave up washing it um… several years ago. But yes, some things are more important.

        #skinnyjeans are all that’s good, doo-dah, doo-dah…

      • Bridget says:

        Don’t you know that good parents only use the finest organic, locally sourced, home-spun, hand woven blankets?

    • Rachel says:

      He had me with the glasses. Then I got to the pic of home smoking. No. Just no.

  3. LadyMTL says:

    Man, that set must be really pungent if nothing has been washed in 5 years. Ew.

    And yes, I am super excited for the last 2 episodes of GoT. If it’s anything like the boooks…eeeeee. Just reading the titles of the eps gets me anxious for Sunday.

    • Abbott says:

      Yeah, there’s gotta be a better way than just letting the costumes get rancid. I mean, they just had a giant Dance Dance Revolution over an army of frozen zombies; hit those clothes with some Snuggle, yo.

      • Lindy79 says:

        The Fabreeze budget must be insane.

      • Sixer says:

        HA. My neighbour’s boy is at uni. Last hols, she was doing a shopping basket of stuff for him to take back for the new term. She put some laundry detergent tablets in and her son said, “Oh, not those, Mum. We don’t go to the laundrette. We just spray Febreeze on everything.” She’s still not over the horror of it!

      • mimif says:

        You’ll like this, Sixer. My mum said in the 60’s they would put on their Levi’s, jump in a pool, pond, body of water, wear them til they dried perfect to their body and then never wash them again, ever. Dirty, dirty hippies. Yeah baby!

      • Sixer says:

        I LOVE THAT! I’m going to do it!

      • mimif says:

        Not gonna lie, I’m tempted to try it myself. She said they literally shrank to fit to her body and never stretched out. She wore em til they fell off and then the process started all over again.

  4. Abbott says:

    Yay! I love when Kit Harington Says Words with decent jeans on.


  5. mom2two says:

    Par for the course for the show, Richard Madden had stated that his costumes were not washed for the three years he was on the show. And the Red Wedding episode was the first time he had a clean and new costume for at least two seasons. I think Kit is nice to look at (sorry Kit) but not terribly interesting on film or when he says words.

    I know this will NEVER happen, but I harbor a secret desire for Jon Snow to lead a white walker army and just destroy Westeros.

    • mimif says:

      I am so on board with your secret desire.

      ETA: It could happen. Dany is about to buh-rake the wheel (aka destroy Westeros with her dragons), so who better to give her a run for her money?

      • Abbott says:

        Yep. Dany’s dragons are the ones who will need to be stopped.

      • Lindy79 says:

        Are they immune to fire, or is dragon fire different? I read they can’t turn you if you died by fire, is that true?
        The dude who walked through the shed to Jon seemed pretty indifferent to it but then it wasn’t a huge amount.

        I do love the dragons though, damn her for locking them up and causing Drogon to escape. I genuinely squeeked when she met him on the balcony this season.

      • paola says:

        All this plotting about politics and buh/reaking wheels sounds so stupid whe you realize that the White Walkers are on their way and they couldn’t care less of the iron throne or any of those families we all talk about.
        Do those fools like Dany, or the Boltons or Cersei realise that if no one stops them there won’t be an Iron throne to sit on or Westeros as we know it?

        @ Lindy
        I don’t think they’re immune to fire but it’ll take a while for a frozen thing/creature to burn.

        And talking about the fact the wights were not following the wildlings on the boat, it’s not because they can’t swim or because they’d melt in the water but only because they were just following the orders of the NK. He told them to rise. Not to run/fight/swim/walk. He just told them to rise to show Jon that when people die against the WW they then become part of their army.
        My solution is: kill the NK to kill the wargs.
        Or maybe cuddle him and melt him that way 😛

      • Abbott says:

        @paola, totally agree. In fact I barely remember/care what else happened last episode. Westeros’ ass is grass and those White Walkers are the lawn mower.

      • mimif says:

        @paola, spot on about the wights and the water. The NK was just posturing, like I own your ass now, Snow Crow.

      • paola says:

        The NK is so badass that he might become my favourite character.
        Is his uniform a short sleeved one? I think i can see his biceps.

      • Abbott says:

        Did y’all see the Hardhome ending remixed? Clicky me and get past the first 15 seconds. Obviously spoilers from the last episode.

      • mimif says:

        @Abot I think I just peed that was so so good. 😂

        @paola, is the NK kind of hot? He’s kind of hot, right?

      • paolanqar says:

        Ohh mimif I wanted to say he’s hot but i feared your opinion.
        But yes he’s hot!!! Hot in a frozen kind of way.
        Creepy hot.

      • mimif says:

        @paola I think Little Finger and the Hound are hot. I’m not allowed to criticize anyone for their attraction to creepy frozen dudes. I will, however, cock block Abot & Theon however, because a) she deserves better and b) he has no penis.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Danys’s dragons aren’t going anywhere until they learn more than just “drakarys” They need to go to dragon training school first

      • lindy79 says:

        No penis. Instant dealbreaker

    • Snazzy says:

      Ohhhh me too!! Give Cercei over to the White Walkers!

    • WinterLady says:

      I’m slowly turning team WW myself. They certainly aren’t any worse them most of the ‘humans’ on the show-I use human loosely for some of the Westerosi players (i’m looking at you, Ramsey). Even George has said they aren’t actually evil, just misunderstood and on a mission of their own.

      • mimif says:

        WORD. Finally I feel like I’ve found my people, I’ve been saying this since Day 1.

  6. BW says:

    1. Not washing the costumes means they look authentic. They’re aging in real time.

    2. They’re filming in the freezing cold. They’re not going to smell as bad as you think. Yes, they’ll smell some. I’m sure a thick fur cloak that’s wet will smell like wet animal. Now, if they were filming in hot weather, yikes.

  7. Hazel says:

    Daniel Portman (Podrick) has said on an interview that Episode 10 will break the internet. I think I have an idea what’s going to happen even though I haven’t read the books (because the Internet is dark and full of spoilers).

    And Kit, if you are reading look away now. Zadie Smith has called you an eye candy. 😉

    • mimif says:

      SPOIL! I want to hear it.

      • Hazel says:

        Book readers will know this. A major, major character will die (or presumed dead).

      • mimif says:

        Oh. Yeah for sure, but he always comes back (wink). I thought you had something juicy for me! 😉

      • Lindy79 says:

        I thought a major one would (re)appear based on the name of the ep. Who dies now??

        If Wun Wun dies, Lemon OUT!

      • mimif says:

        Wun Wun can’t die, he’s too giant for that!

        Who’s gonna reappear, Drogon in the fighting pits? All my posts should come with a ***SPOILERS*** warning, sorry peeps. I can’t tell you who gets stabby stabby, Lindy, you have to wait and see!

      • Lindy79 says:

        I read the title Mothers Mercy was a code for the reappearance of an old character
        (“Missus PebbleMuscular-organ-that-pumps-blood-through-the-circulatory system”)

        What book are they on now in the show? roughly?

      • paolanqar says:

        oh yes! Stabby stabby. That little MoFo.

      • mimif says:

        Lmao at PebbleMuscularOrgan. I think it is known that she shan’t be making an appearance, and Mother’s Mercy relates to Cersie and her punishment for being a lying ass incestuos murdering bitch. Hm, that was a very satisfying thing to write!

    • phlyfiremama says:

      At this point, with the Red Priests scattered all over the darn place, ANYBODY is a candidate for resurrection, as long as there is something to resurrect. So even if a character DOES die, there is the built-in back to life mechanism that the series conveniently has. Catelyn was actually dead for at least 1 full day, possible several, before she was resurrected by Thoros.
      Jon Snow, White Walker??!!

    • Hazel says:

      Or Mother’s Mercy could be like Harry Potter. Because of his mother, the prince that was promised lived to be an adult. You know, that kind of reveal. I think I would lose my shit especially if they do a flashback.

      I am just speculating. I know nothing. 😉

  8. Taylor says:

    He smokes like a chimney.

    • FingerBinger says:

      That’s how he keeps his figure. He needs to fit into those skinny jeans.

  9. jammypants says:

    He’s adorable. I don’t care about everyone else’s criticism of him. Love him.

  10. Lamppost says:

    Is the smell the reason why he has only one facial expression? A graduate from the Joey Tribbiani school of acting.

    • Nananak says:

      Excellent !!! He reminds me of Jaden Smith, always a somehow concerned look? are they trying to be sexy? BOTOX, fellas.
      Blue Steel 2.0.

  11. Abbott says:

    Have any of our nerds here at the Kit Harington Institute of Higher Learning looked at the NK’s uniform for signs of affiliation?

    • mimif says:

      I’m studying I’m studying. Paola mentioned he has capped/short sleeves, which is pretty bad ass when you’re a frozen dude if you ask me. Oh, dude, I think you missed it yesterday, but Size sent me to this link which was pretty good. If he turns out to have Bolton blood we are so screwed.

      • Abbott says:

        Tight, capped sleeves are obviously signs of the House of (Vin) Diesel.

        I saw Size’s link this morning! I haven’t read through the whole thing yet, but it looks like an awesome series of posts.

      • paolanqar says:

        Dude is badass. I would wear at least gloves with short capped sleeves..but no.. he is at the right temperature when he’s naked. If he was a woman in a real world he could be menopausal.
        But obviously the uniform was the first thing i noticed since I’m Paolanqar from house of Dereon. I love the uniform. It looks it’s made of old scrappy metal and barbed wire.

      • mimif says:

        😂😂House Dereon kills me every time.

  12. Nananak says:

    errrrrr….. I’m must be really old/out of fashion but to me those are skinny jeans.

  13. Me too says:

    I’ve never seen Game of Thrones, notr do I care to. However, this dude is just plain sexy and I would peel those skinny jeans off any day. Hot!

  14. serena says:

    Oh he’s so handsome and somewhat cute! Please make the ‘Celebitchy Presents: Kit Harington Says Words’ a regular column XD