Is Guy Ritchie partying too much?

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Guy Ritchie leaving his Punchbowl pub in Mayfair at 1 a.m. on Tuesday, with a green bruise under his eye, and appearing a tad intoxicated. Photo credit: WENN.

Former Mr. Madonna Guy Ritchie certainly hasn’t been seen moping around since the big split. Which is perfectly understandable. In fact, the rough-and-tumble British director seems to be having the time of his life. His career seems to be back on track, with filming just wrapped on a new Sherlock Holmes movie starring Robert Downey, Jr. He moved out of the home he shared with Madonna and into a bachelor pad. He’s been spotted spending time with one lovely lady after another, including Elle MacPherson. He is certainly enjoying many an evening drinking and socializing at the pub he owns. But is Guy getting out of control? He was photographed earlier this week sporting what’s left of a black eye. It wouldn’t be the first time a fight has broken out in Guy’s pub, but you have to wonder: is he becoming a real-life version of one of those hard-living characters in his movies?

In a jubilant mood after wrapping filming on his upcoming Sherlock Holmes movie, Guy joined the film’s Dr Watson, Jude Law to celebrate at his London pub.

Smiling and laughing, he joined the lads – including Jude Law – for a few quiet drinks at the Mayfair pub that he owns.

Actually they were rather noisy drinks, especially after the karaoke kicked off.

Guy was clearly in the mood to party after moving into his new bachelor pad earlier that day.

The director was seen unloading a van with his furniture and belongings to a new home in a private Mews, not far from his pub.

As living temporarily in a flat above his production company offices since his split from Madonna last autumn, Guy was thrilled to have a place to call home again and decided to mark the event with a drinking session.

After the Punchbowl pub in Mayfair closed to punters at 11pm, Guy carried on drinking with friends and staff till 4.30am this morning.

Despite the public break up of his seven-year marriage to The Material Girl, Guy did little to hide his joy as he downed drinks and had an impromptu karaoke session.

We’re told: ‘Guy was definitely in high spirits last night. He was laughing and joking throughout the whole night.

‘He was surrounded by a host of mates in the pub, who also enjoyed the private lock-in.

‘The drinks were flowing freely and, at one point in the evening, they started singing along to a number of songs – but perhaps it’s understandable that there were no Madonna classics playing.’

It seems Guy Ritchie is living every bachelor’s dream.

He started the week with a dinner date with an international supermodel while last night it was a boys only session at his own pub.

The director shared a meal at Scott’s with artist Damien Hirst before carrying on the night at The Punchbowl in Mayfair.

Guy, who appears to be enjoying a new lease on life following his split from Madonna last year, eventually left the pub looking rather merry.

He capped off his night with a cigar on the way home which would no doubt have been forbidden on his ex-wife’s watch.

The 40-year-old is enjoying some time off in between projects.

He recently wrapped shooting Sherlock Holmes with Jude Law and Robert Downey Junior and will next up direct a film version of the comic series The Gamekeeper.

It was Guy’s second night out in a row – just 24 hours earlier he was enjoying the company of a very single Elle Macpherson.

The pair dined at the Notting Hill Brassiere until 12.30am and if the smiles on the faces were any indication, the night went rather well.

[From The Daily Mail]

Former Mrs. Madonna Guy Ritchie left a pub in London last night sporting quite the shiner under his right eye.

Perhaps he met someone who saw “Swept Away.”

[From TMZ]

I always suspected that Guy liked to party, but living with Madonna probably didn’t give him much of an opportunity to celebrate. Now that she’s gone, he can be who he wants to be. However, I do wonder if the drinking has the potential to get out of control, as does the fighting. Especially if you’re in charge of the pub where all the drinking and fighting is happening! It seems to be harmless so far- except for Guy’s eye. I just hope it doesn’t add any ammo to Madonna’s custody arrangements with their son Rocco.

More photos of Guy’s latest night out. How’d he get that shiner? Photos: WENN.

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24 Responses to “Is Guy Ritchie partying too much?”

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  1. XX says:

    Please please leave this poor guy alone. After all he’s been through, let him party like a teenager if he wants. Poor thing!

  2. Annie says:

    Really…he’s not a teenager though. There’s a certain age you reach that partying like that is just sad.

    But hey, whatever, more power to ya I suppose.

  3. Megan says:

    Yeah let Guy have his fun, he’s been married to Madonna, he should win a Nobel prize for chrissakes.

  4. lizzie says:

    I see no harm in what he’s been doing. It could potentially get out of harm but he seems to be mature enough to know when to call it quits. If I were stuck in Madonnas claws for as long as he was, I think I’d take it a step further by running around drunk and possibly naked yelling I’m free from “It”. 😉

  5. lizzie says:

    oops I meant hand not harm in the second sentence =)

  6. CC says:

    It’s called CELEBRATING!

  7. Sauronsarmy says:

    He was married to Vadge for EIGHT FREAKIN YEARS! Let the man have some fun.

  8. drm says:

    Black eye and all he looks a damn sight happier and more relaxed than he has for years!!! I say good on him, he needs to let off some steam.

  9. kiki says:

    he looks HAPPY
    I’ll say.
    Good for him

  10. Dan says:

    Let the chap have some laughs and pints.

  11. luckystar says:

    He was married to Miss Serious Madge for a LONG time — give the man a break and let him relax like a normal person! Party as long as you need to, to loosen back up. 🙂 Love Guy he is so great!

  12. becca says:

    Aw, let him party. He was married to a controlling witch for ages. And that mark on his eye could be anything.

  13. OXA says:

    If Madge can mate with Jesus, He can have a pint with his mates.

  14. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    Dude, seriously, if I were married to that tiny piece of gristle for eight years, I’d be shooting Clorox directly into my veins. Let him have some pints and some fun. He’s not DEAD, for crying out loud.

  15. Feebee says:

    Considering who (whom?) he just divorced, I don’t understand the need for the question.

  16. jay_center says:

    Money hungry Guy Ritchie! Gold digger….
    No family, no wife, no stable home, no kids in his daily life, no stability in life…Great to enter his 40s!

    No wonder Warner Bros executives ordered him to re-shoot 5 weeks worth of material on his S.Holmes movie! He better concentrates on his life!

  17. Leandra says:

    Mountain out of a molehill over a little discoloration under his eye…and party too much? It’s called freedom, liberation, release from prison, whatever…’s euphoria and it’s his deal….not yours to criticize.

  18. K says:

    Big deal! He’s a grown boy! Let him enjoy a pint or 2!

  19. Cinderella says:

    Every day is a Holiday for him now!

  20. sterling says:

    He’s free from the gristle at last… let the man have a little fun! He hasn’t ventured into Lohan territory yet — he’s just hanging out and enjoying his freedom!

  21. Charley Kane says:

    Party down, Mr Ritchie! After so many years burdened by that talentless, aging virago, it’s about time this poor man had him some fun.

  22. boomchakaboom says:

    Rock on, Guy!

  23. j. ferber says:

    The way people talk about Guy Ritchie, it’s like he was fighting in Iraq for the last 10 years. He was married to a superstar and lived a very lavish life, which he continues to live after she rendered him 93 million dollars worth of assets in the divorce. Give me a break. There are plenty of women in physically and emotionally abusive relationships who have it far worse than he’s ever had it, minus the 93 million dollars. As a teacher, I’ve taught classes from hell. Where’s my 93 million dollars? Where’s my tea and sympathy?

  24. british bitch says:

    I´d be partying too – celebrating getting rid of the control freak. Go Guy Go!