Gloria Allred claims safety issues prompted CPS reports against Octomom


Thanks to Gloria Allred making the rounds on the morning talk shows, we now know a little more about what went on in the battle between Octomom Nadya Suleman and the nannies/nurses at Angels in Waiting. According to Allred, there were several security issues in the home that made the nurses feel the children were in danger, which is why they made reports to CPS. It seems the overall issue is that they have a problem with Nadya telling the world where she lives. As a result of her sharing that information, anyone that wants to find her can – and all sorts of people have.

On Wednesday’s Today show, Gloria Allred lashed at the octuplet mother, claiming she only cares about her babies “when the cameras are rolling.… Nadya, unfortunately, is taking things out of context,” Allred said on the Today show. “The whole issue is an issue of security. Our nurses were rightfully concerned about security. After all, Nadya had told the world where she lives, when those babies are coming home. As a result, hundreds of reporters came. Her home is easily locatable on the Internet as a result of her doing daily blogs.”

Allred said two intruders even came onto her property in La Habra, Calif.

“In one case, she had one of our nannies call 911 to report the intruder because she was concerned she had done too many 911 calls,” she said, adding that in a separate incident, another nurse was allowed into Suleman’s home without showing any identification.

A “baby could be abducted,” Allred said, but Suleman didn’t seem to care. “Instead of improving security, she puts in her own jacuzzi,” Allred said. Despite Suleman’s objections, nurses from Angels in Waiting rightfully made three complaints to Child Protective Services against Suleman, Allred said. “Nurses are mandated reporters under the law,” she said. “If a nurse sees a child is endangered… they are legally required to report that to authorities.” Asked if Suleman’s babies are in danger, Allred said, “In the nurses’ view, yes. That is why they filed three reports.”

Allred, who plans to hold a press conference later today, said she and the nurses wanted Suleman to succeed. “How can she succeed if she is subjecting her babies to potential risks of harm, if she doesn’t come into the nursery to feed her own babies, to hold them, to bathe them, to change them, to love them, to bond with them…. except when the cameras are rolling?” Allred asked. “That’s wrong.”

[From US Weekly]

I assumed the allegations would be something more dramatic. Naturally Nadya is responsible for the safety of her children. But I can’t imagine there’s any way for her to keep people from showing up near her home. Obviously they can’t trespass, but if they do, that’s not directly her fault. It is all a result of her deciding to be so public with her kids, but she’s not ultimately responsible for other people committing criminal acts. She is, however, required to keep her kids safe. It really can be argued both ways.

That thing about the Jacuzzi is just disgusting though. In case you ever doubted who Nadya’s ultimately looking out for.

Here’s Nadia and her Starbucks last Tuesday. Images thanks to Fame Pictures .


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62 Responses to “Gloria Allred claims safety issues prompted CPS reports against Octomom”

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  1. mE says:

    This is so sad. I just cannot see it ending particularly well.

    On a side note, she does look like she is getting into shape rather well considering she how recently she gave birth, nevermind there were 8 babies in there.

    I remember earlier on that the babies were being fed with breast milk for at least some of their feedings. Granted it could be donor milk but personally I think that is just another thing she lied about. Donor milk is very hard to come by unless she has a friend who has personally donated their own. I cannot see with her busy social schedule that she would have time to pump, especially not for 8 babies to receive even a little milk.

  2. XX says:

    I like the way Allred turned on Octo so quickly and visciously. Not that Octo isnt a kook, but Allred is supposed to be an advocate and a professional (ah hem) She could have just walked away quitely and held on to her professionalism and dignity. Turning on a client like this cant be good for business.

  3. Eileen Yover says:

    She is absolutely positively at fault here. I live in a nice area, great safe neighborhood, and totally camera & reporter free. BUT I still fear some weirdo coming in the night and taking my kids. It’s a parents worse nightmare. She’s parading all over the place, cameras rolling, and millions of people hating the fact she’s alive. Instead of nannies, I’d hire security guards to protect my children. In the parenting realm, she disgusts me in almost every way. I’m not a big Allred fan, but how is she gaining anything good by reporting the woman? If she was as big as publicity whore than Suleman, she would have purposely kept her mouth shut to keep her people in there.

  4. Keiloooooooooooo says:

    Bitch really loves her starbucks eh…..

  5. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    The nurses were also concerned with the camera crew being there every single day, all the lights, cords, wires, it’s RSV season and yet she had all these people going in and out. Crazy.

    The safety concern is a very real one: Nadya has lassoed the nation’s spotlight onto her, her home, and her children. And for the sake of more money rolling in, she needs to KEEP it there. That comes with enormous risks.

  6. mama9 says:

    i think Gloria had to turn in order to justify her actions. I don’t think Gloria liked not being the hero in this story. I wouldn’t want her in my home either. Nadya is right in getting her own nannies. At least her home can go back to being hers such as it is. Life under a microscope is hard enough without adding 14 kids. what parent wants to have every moment threatened by another phone call. At least the tax payers won’t be paying the bill. Gloria has stated she believes the kids should be fostered out. Yet Nadya is suppose to want her there. Gloria go raise your own kids and leave this woman alone. BTW whats wrong with wanting or having a Jacuzzi. I want one, i’m sure its great for the older kids too and after their in bed i’d be in it all night. lol

  7. Tia C says:

    @XX: Was Nadya a client of Allred’s? I thought Allred just sort of appointed herself monitor of all things Octo-Mom. I wasn’t aware that Nadya had actually hired her. But then I haven’t been following it that closely…..

    Either way, I really do hope the kids are removed from her home. She is batsh*t crazy.

  8. Karen Lee says:

    Nadya owes the state of CA hundreds of thousands of dollars for her birthing & disability/student loan improprieties. SO SHE GETS A JACUZZI? Nothing (as usual) FOR HER KIDS. Since she has begun spending her “windfall” from EXPLOITING the babies — SHE HAS SHOPPED NON=stop wasting thousands of dollars on HERSELF; just like a new LOTTO winner, who WASTES all the winnings in no time. THEN, OF COURSE, the STATE & federal TAXPAYERS will assume HER BURDEN for raising those kids. JUST LIKE fed/state funds HAVE PAID FOR THE OLDER SIX KIDS. DR PHIL should have gotten Nadya PSYCHIATRIC HELP rather than REHABBING a new home and ENABLING her to continued her MAD DASH to OCTOMADNESS.
    WHAT is it going to TAKE to make the STATE (finally) STEP in and RESCUE those kids? What is IT GOING TO TAKE to get Dr PHIL to “butt out” unless he gets HER COMMITTED to a mental facility for treatment of her personality disorders. Anybody NEAR THAT household is in SERIOUS jeopardy.
    She treats the COPS & Fire Dept LIKE HER OWN PRIVATE SECURITY and rescue services. ENOUGH is enough.

  9. drm says:

    @karen lee…chill with the caps yeah? I’ve got four kids myself and for the life of me cannot figure out HOW Nadya is going to take care of 14 children adequately. The answer of course is she isn’t. They should be removed from her care immediately. Does anyone remember the multiples in Canada in the fifties? Last name something like Quinlan. The state too over their care until they were 18 I believe. In this case I think that level of intervention is needed as well.

  10. mE says:

    I could certainly have this wrong but i thought Gloria Allred was working on behalf of Angels in Waiting. I am not sure they need someone like her but there you have it.

  11. Chiara says:

    First, the choice of a two story home was foolish, Second, choosing not to secure the home, inside and out.

    Octo-circus continues with or without Alred, she’s just another trapeze performer.

  12. ER says:

    drm – we definitely don’t want the government getting involved with the number of children we’re capable of rearing. As long as Nadya has nurses and some type of help, things should turn out just fine.

  13. YIKES says:

    1. “drm” you have no place saying this lady cannot manage 14 children.

    2. “Karen Lee” get a grip! lol i believe there were a few articles stating she had been buying her children brand new toys for their safety. would you not with that many children.

    3. Why are all you people hatin so much? what good is it doing for you to complain on discussion boards. she gotten herself into a sticky situation… but could we all not be the bigger people and help point her in the right direction instead of picking on her?

    If any of you were in this position you would be grateful for any help offered to you…

  14. en says:

    drm: Those were the Dionne quintuplets and the state and/or their doctor took over their care and PUT THEM ON DISPLAY. Like in a zoo. Everything they did was for public consumption and they had NO relationship with their parents. They have stated over and over again that it was horrible growing up that way.

    I’d like to know why Gloria Allred isn’t involved with all the neglected babies that are out there. Or is there no publicity in helping babies of drug-addict mothers living in the ghetto?

  15. Shelly Shellz says:

    “If any of you were in this position you would be grateful for for any help offered to you”

    Blah blah fkn blah. No one in their right mind would do such a thing given the situation she was in to need that kind of help. Enuff w the bs

  16. caribassett says:

    If they turn those Octuplets into the next Dionne Quints I hope Nadya sues the snot out of our government. DRM, babies, are entertainment, they are not circus animals.


  17. caribassett says:

    Babies are *not* entertainment. Edit button, I miss you.

  18. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    Guys, here’s the reality of her situation:

    1. She cannot, I repeat CANNOT financially take care of 14 kids on her salary, which is ZERO dollars a month. She also cannot take care of six kids and eight newborns alone. That’s absolutely impossible.

    2. Because she had a litter after already having six, she now has the attention of the public. Which equals interviews, which equals money. (Which equals food, nannies, housekeepers, a jacuzzi, makeup, more lip plumping, lattes, etc.)

    3. She’s hoping those interviews turn into a show and/or a book. Which equals *more* money.

    4. Like a lot of other things in life, the attention is a double-edged sword. The good side brings in money, but the bad side is that you HAVE to live in the spotlight, you have to work to KEEP it on you all the time (which means drama–even if you have to create it yourself), and you also have the attention of weirdos, freaks, people who would like to hurt you and/or your kids, people who would like to take advantage of you, people who hate you, etc.

    5. That negative side of the attention sword is a very unhealthy environment for kids and babies to be in (always needing drama to keep the spotlight and keep the money flowing), and it’s a potentially dangerous environment from all the freaks and wackjobs who know where the kids and babies live and know the mom’s every single itty bitty move.

    The only possible ways out of this mess for her that don’t constitute an unhealthy environment and/or danger are these:

    1. She places the babies up for adoption and then does the best she can raising the other six backed away from the public eye.

    2. She finds some way to make tons of money that does NOT involve the public spotlight. Good luck on that, it’s probably the most impossible scenario, seeing as she’s not currently working and not in a profession that would make her that kind of money. And the odds of winning the lottery are long.

    Keep in mind, only HALF of the babies are home. Another FOUR are coming home in the next week or so. It’s not even at full-tilt crazy yet.


    I have never seen much of a happy ending here, short-term.

  19. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    caribassett: why would she sue the government if she allows the media to turn her babies into the Dionne quints? No comprende.

  20. caribassett says:

    @ Anastasia,
    IMO if the government were to do to these babies what was done to the Dionne’s it would be grounds for a suit. The Dionnes were isolated from humanity, and interaction with other children, they were isolated from their family, and forced to perform, even when sick. It was terrible.

    I do not like Suleman, but she does not force the children to behave unaturally, or to perform. I do not think her children should be filmed and photgraphed the way they are, not at all, I am against child exploitation. Nadya is a moron, but the idea of the children becoming a government side show sickens me.

    This situation is such a disaster.

  21. lrm says:

    Okay,but her comments about how Nadya only feeds,loves,holds them when the cameras are rolling???
    Not surprising,but definitely worth of critique. This is not ‘hating’;it’s obsverving the obvious that you believe is wrong.

    2.When is she not carrying starbucks?

    3.As far as breast milk,she doesn’t personally find the donor-there are organizations set up,specificially for premies and severely at risk children. They literally have milk banks. I do not remember any names of organizations off hand,but a quick internet search will give them. [I received a brochure when i was pregnant-i think it was for me to donate any extra milk I might have…it was 10 yrs ago,so i forget the details] I highly doubt she is doing the breastfeeding….with her track record. And,if they didnt do the implants correctly,she may not have been able to nurse them,anyway.

    this is going to be one long freak show-anyone getting involved with her is either doing it for the publicity/money,or will quickly find they can no longer deal with her.

  22. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    Yeah but that was the Canadian government doing that. Nowdays, the government wouldn’t do that! More likely the media would pay her to do that, eg: Jon and Kate Plus 8. So I was confused as to why she’d sue the government.

  23. the original kate says:

    @ ER: while i don’t believe the gov’t should tell us how many children we can or can’t have, your statment seems a bit simplistic. you say as long as nadya has nurses and help, she’ll be fine. really? who is paying for that help? and what happens when other people have a a litter of kids…should they all be provided with help too? nadya is not just an overwhlemed new parent, she is seriously delusional, and no amount of nannies is going to help with that.

  24. Wow says:

    CPS should worry more about the MULTITUDE of children currently being abused in foster care or being abused by their own family members instead of Nadya who, as far as we see, is just trying to go about raising all of these kids she has. She hasn’t done anything to warrant the kids being put into foster care. To take them away just because she has a lot of kids and place them into foster homes would be doing more harm than good.

    Right as I type this, there is a child being abused somewhere who would love for someone to show this much concern towards them as the AIW and Gloria’s of the world are doing to Octo.

    I’ve gone from disliking Octo, to actually thinking she may have some sense in at least knowing how to weed out those who only want to be around her to see her fail. I still think she is a famewh*re, but again – so are some of the people claiming they want to “help” her out.

  25. Eileen Yover says:

    I can’t figure out how someone could say we are judging too harshly when 14 children are all going to live with a woman who says eggs are people and shouldn’t be denied life. So does she have a funeral everytime she has a period?? She has altered her face to resemble a celebrity and spends mounds her money on herself when the state is paying for her special needs children. She goes out and buys a home with a pool and installs a jacuzzi. I’d be nervous with TWO kids in my home and not being able to keep an eye on them-she has 14. And yes-she’s getting nannies, but for how long? Her money will dwindle when her 15 minutes is up. By then who knows how screwed up those kids will be.

  26. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    The bigger problem here are women who have gotten the idea that you can get fame, attention and money from having an abnormally large family. The freakier, the better. If you don’t believe me, just check out the lineup of shows on TLC. And how much money those families make from it. The Gosselins of Jon and Kate Plus 8 went from being middle class with Jon out of work more than in work and her working as a nurse to now they have a 1.3 million dollar mcmansion in rural PA with nannies and housekeepers, a book that’s out that they didn’t even write but take credit for, she jaunts off all the time on book signing tours, speaking engagements ($20K a pop), has “prayer lists” of things they want including her new stainless steel appliances for her house. Anything they want, they get. Because of having so many kids.

    The side effects are that the kids have to live this life that’s not the best thing for kids. Or their family. But hey, they’ve got money and fame, so what the heck, right?

    The next TLC show will air spring 2010 and will be called “Oh Yeah? I Had ELEVEN Babies, So There.”

  27. trattoria says:

    i fuc***g hate her. I lost my job and can’t pay my mortgage so I can’t afford STARBUCKS, but she is poor and lives off the state and gets free nannies, free house, free lawyer, free diapers, she’s a bitch. I hate her so much. Where’s my free stuff? She is irresponsible to the Nth degrree. Helping her out with ANYTHING is akin to giving more money and stuff to the bailed out banks and auto companies. enough already. Why reward the stupid?????? Look at her…she loves it…why are people helping her when I do nothing wrong and no one helps me?? Bi#ch. Should be out on skid row. Using her children like that. Unfair and shiteous.

  28. trattoria says:

    @Karen Lee
    re: “Nadya owes the state of CA hundreds of thousands of dollars for her birthing & disability/student loan improprieties. SO SHE GETS A JACUZZI? Nothing (as usual) FOR HER KIDS. Since she has begun spending her “windfall” from EXPLOITING the babies — SHE HAS SHOPPED NON=stop wasting thousands of dollars on HERSELF; just like a new LOTTO winner, who WASTES all the winnings in no time. THEN, OF COURSE, the STATE & federal TAXPAYERS will assume HER BURDEN for raising those kids. JUST LIKE fed/state funds HAVE PAID FOR THE OLDER SIX KIDS.”


  29. TinaWithPom says:

    I hope the Starbucks barista coughs a big loogie into her cup of coffee.

  30. rebekah26 says:

    This bitches mind has been missing longer than her period and anyone who doesnt see this is crazy! She was completely ungrateful for everything shes been given, which is more than a lot of people that arent struggling have. The best thing for those kids is for them to be given to families who want and cant have children and have the means to take care of them so they can have some chance at a normal life. Her money is gonna run out real quick. shes completely delusional n she better pull out some hooker heels n hit the streets with her angelina-on-crack lookin ass if shes gonna pay for a portion of these kids herself. I completely agree that everyone enabling her is just showing other crazies how to get quick fame n money just like all the shows on TLC. Dr. Phils the biggest instigator she has; instead of defending all her actions maybe he should do her a favor and put her in apadded room with a straight jacket where this loony bitch belongs.

  31. Aspen says:

    In the world of government-run, socialized services (which, as a military spouse, I live in), I can tell you the hatred and unreasonable prejudice I have to regularly squash back down.

    In a world where the government runs the show…women with lots of kids get everything (because the government provides A,B, & C for each kid; it’s policy) and women (like me) with one or no children…live in a house the size of a dorm room. Women with lots of children have WIC and free birth control and all kinds of perks under the governmental system of subsidies.

    I have a darling friend with 5 kids. They make it work, and I find that amazing. I could never cope in that. The noise and the clutter and the mess would literally drive me insane…but their family makes it work and my friend keeps everyone fed, clean, healthy, loved, educated, and organized. She really does. It’s amazing.

    Now. She and I are roughly the same age and our husbands are the same rank. She lives in a 5BR, 2 Bath home with a fenced backyard and a two-car driveway. They have roughly 3000 square feet of living space. She is eligible for(and used to receive for a short time when medical bills made their financial situation scary for a couple months) WIC benefits which entitle her to like 20 GALLONS of milk, boxes and boxes of cereal, dozens of eggs, multiple massive bottles of fruit juice, many pounds of cheese, and various produce items. She gets these vouchers every month, and if you add up the dollar amounts, it’s hundreds of dollars each month in free groceries. Lots of women join this government program and stay on it for the freebies whether they need it or not. A woman with one child is eligible for, like, one dozen eggs, one pound of cheese, two gallons of milk, and three boxes of cereal per month. The paperwork was more hassle than the return…and I didn’t need it, so I didn’t take it.

    Our government-issued home (while on Okinawa, most of us live on bases because our stay is very temporary) is less than 700 square feet. We have two bedrooms that are 10 x 9, one tiny bathroom in which you can put one leg in the bathtub and the other at the door.

    I’m not necessarily complaining about what I have to deal with on this short, three-year jaunt in Japan. I’m complaining about the inequities and pointing out that in a government-run system…you will always see abuse like Suleman’s because any paper system designed to work for the general public will allow loopholes for people with herds of children. Each child will be entitled to a certain amount, and people with 14 kids are always going to be able to turn those 14 entitlement portions into more money than a responsible family that didn’t have more than they could care for…can’t even come close to. We have one kid. The government thinks we should be okay with a dozen eggs and a closet to live in. My friend has 5. She gets a humongous house and more groceries for free than they can eat. You see what I mean?

    You’re going to see more like this when people realize that all they have to do for a large free house, free groceries, free medical, free college, and free upgrades from poverty to upper crust…is have a lot of babies they can’t care for.

  32. Ash says:

    The WIC program is a wonderful program that I really appreciate. However, I do think it’s a bit excessive and could use some modification. I had to be placed on it because my daughter’s formula is a special order only one that no stores carry. Also, the cost for it was through the roof.

    The paperwork is a hassle as well as the frequent visits and re-verifications. However, I am extremely grateful as it has helped us out so much.

    However, I am one woman with a 5 month old baby. We drink a lot of milk in our household, but we get 3 vouchers a mouth for 3 gallons of milk. That’s 9 gallons a month! The checks run pretty close together as well, so it’s very hard to use all the eggs, cheese, juice, cereal and peanut butter they give you. We do though because we don’t want to waste anything, especially a government funded program.

    Some people like myself truly need the program and aren’t trying to milk the system. My fiancee makes a nice income, but we simply don’t have 300-400 a month for a special formula. People like Nayda Suleman give people like myself who are dependent on WIC a bad name.

    I watched Dr. Phil today and while I think Angels in Waiting has a very real axe to grind, I was still inclined to believe the head nurse who said Nayda simply handed the babies off and only took care of them when the cameras where rolling. Trust me, nurses monitor everything! They observed how much time I spent in the NICU with my daughter, my willingess to learn how to do some medical procedures she requires on a daily basis and asked us several questions about our home environment.

    My daughter’s home nurse reports to Children’s Hospital who sends a report out to her pediatrician. Nobody is left out of the loop, period. If you truly love your child, you shouldn’t be afraid. You are doing everything in your power to care for her.

  33. Leo P says:

    Who didn’t see this coming? Honestly.

  34. CB Rawks says:

    @ YIKES, you are unbelievably ignorant. If you want to comment on this situation, at least try to understand it first.
    This comment of yours says it all:

    “drm” you have no place saying this lady cannot manage 14 children.”

    Really? Because in the actual real world, NO ONE can do that alone.
    How many are you juggling?

    “If any of you were in this position you would be grateful for any help offered to you…”

    What the hell are you talking about?! SULEMAN is ungrateful!
    She has abused every ounce of help offered, and proves daily what her real motivation is! Fame and money and attention.
    Please wake up.

  35. tasteT says:

    Anastacia I agree 100%

    I have nothing to say BUT she bought a new jacuzzi!!

    what a good mother worrying about all of the right things!!

    She is really preparing to mother her 14 kids! (that she wsnted SOOO much)

    She needs to be evaluated, Crazy lady!

    Please let someone take those damn kids!!! so their lives will not have to be telelvised to survive.

  36. CB Rawks says:

    “She hasn’t done anything to warrant the kids being put into foster care.”

    Yes she has. She fired the nurses, and they are VITAL for those kid’s health and safety. She was only allowed to take the babies home if she proved they would be safe there! She has broken the condition of release.

  37. CB Rawks says:

    Personally I think she should keep the free nurses, try to be a little less delusional and accept their help,
    and hire a bodyguard with all her interview funds and donation funds, since everyone now knows where she lives.

  38. CB Rawks says:

    Great comments Aspen.

    Decades ago my father in law was working in foreign aid, and when he returned to Australia with five little kids in tow, he discovered that welfare paid higher than the jobs he eventually found here in his professional capacity. So for awhile they had awesome medical and food and whatnot.

  39. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    Aspen, the days of the government/military paying you more or giving you more benefits the more kids you have are long over. I don’t know what you are talking about.

    WIC would give you what you need for the number of kids you have. It’s equitable that way.

    When my husband was in the Army and things were tight, we had one baby. I realized we qualified for WIC and so I applied. The paperwork wasn’t bad and that was well over a decade ago. I got vouchers for just enough milk, cereal and cheese to make our grocery dollars go further. It helped. We were on it for about six months, then didn’t need it anymore, so got off.

    It’s a big help for a lot of women and their children, so I’m not going to badmouth it. Of COURSE if you have more kids you need more milk, eggs, cereal, cheese, etc. That only makes sense. They’re not going to give a woman only enough for one kid if she has four, how would that make sense? It’s a program to ensure kids under five years of age and nursing moms are well-nourished. Nothing less, nothing more. If you don’t need it, count your blessings.

  40. Michelle B. says:

    Given the craziness that this load has displayed publicly and privately her entire adult life, is it really so hard to believe that the AIW or Gloria Allred witnessed some behavior that concerned them enough to alert CPS? We only see little snippets of her craziness. You gotta believe the bitch gets crazier the more time you spend with her.

  41. Charley Kane says:

    Im surprised Gloria Allred can be so objective about a client. Adoption, folks that the answer to this little tragedy in the making.

  42. mE says:

    Military mom here too. The Army does not pay us according to how many children we have. They haven’t since we have been in and that has been over a decade.

    Yes, I know that there are milk banks. I have donated when we lived close enough. It is very difficult to get milk from them unless babe has a genuine difficulty tolerating formula. Those babies were barely born when she made those statements about them receiving breastmilk. Not long enough to do trial feedings of different formulas.

    Personally, just based on what has come out of her own mouth, not including the hearsay, I wouldn’t trust this lady with a hamster, much less 14 children.

  43. czarina says:

    I think that Allred made a serious mistake in this case by turning against Suleman for reasons that are not a result of bad parenting.
    I mean, how many papparazzi know where Britney Spears lives? Should she lose her children because the public has that knowledge? While Suleman chose to be in the public eye, Allred and the nannies KNEW that before they showed up at her house. Why act shocked?
    I’m not saying she is a great mother and should be raising those children–I just think if Child Services is going to be called, they should be given something they can really work with…all Suleman has to say is that she was amazed at the attention and plans to buy a security system.
    Done–children stay.

  44. Aspen says:

    I didn’t say they paid you according to how many children you have.

    I said they give you a bigger house than my family because of how many children you have.

    And I didn’t knock people who need the program. My best friend did and it saved their butts.

    I’m saying Suleman is an example of abuse of the system.

    God…get the hackles down.

  45. Aspen says:

    Damn the no edit…

    I’m a HUGE supporter or women and families having hard times being able to access WIC and the state run clinics, etc. I’m SO glad those systems are there to help kids.

    What I despise in my very core is people who continue to live irresponsibly and produce children they can’t afford because they can ABUSE those programs.

    Suleman makes me angry in just this way. I am uncomfortable with how angry I get thinking about her. THAT was what I was discussing.

    And…I’ve been a Marine wife for going on 6 years. I’m aware of my benefits and what my husband is given based on his number of dependents. I stand by every word of what I said.

  46. Aspen says:

    8 years…crap, I’m getting old and losing my mind. It’s been 8 years.

  47. sissoucat says:

    mE: on the formula/breastmilk issue, you’re neglecting the fact that these are severely premature babies.

    Very premature babies are fed breastmilk if they are mature enough to process food, nobody would think of trials of formulas when it’s unknown if they will survive the next days because any second bleeding in the brain or elsewhere could happen.

  48. Frenchie says:

    Premies always get breast milk, they cannot drink anything else. And the milk is donated by mothers to non profite milk banks. But in the USA, some of them are not non-profite and receive the milk for free (they would just give you a free breast pump to keep) while they sell it back or use the milk to process it into formula. Make sure you document yourself before giving. Appart from that, it’s one of the most beautiful gesture of love and compassion toward human beings that can be given.

  49. Marguerite says:

    I think Gloria needs to SHUT UP I’m so tired of her trying to take everyone’s children away. First it was Michael Jackson, then Brittney Spears and now this Octo mom. She only takes a stand on something when it can bring her fame. I don’t see her going to foster care and helping out there – why you may ask b/c no one will know about it. The last time I checked no one asked her for her opinion, no one asked her for help she does not work for the state of CA so she needs to mind her own freaken business! If I hear one more thing about her and this woman with the children or trying to take someone else’s children I am going to stab out my own ear drum(not really)!
    So one last word to Gloria SHUT THE HELL UP!

  50. AppleGirl says:

    She will be fine. She will become a millionaire from all the movie deals and stuff.

  51. Kelly says:

    Gloria is angry now that she won’t be making any money off the Suleman babies.

    Now that Gloria is calling for Nadya’s babies to be removed, I have to wonder if Gloria’s plan all along was to remove the babies from the home and adopt them out. She filed a complaint woth CPS even before the babies were relesed from the hospital! How much would Allred make as the adoption lawyer for 8 babies?

    AIW is a foster care group, and each of those nurses is a licensed foster care parent. Furthermore, if they were truly professionals, they would not have been guests on Dr. Phil.

    Suleman was right to get these scam artists out of her house.

  52. DrDawn says:

    Octomom should be the poster child for the campain to require screening to see if a person qualifies to reproduce. SPAY AND NEUTER!! SPAY AND NEUTER!! She is obviously mentally challanged and would not have passed the test.

  53. Momof3 says:

    Wow, it sure is easy to judge when you are all so perfect! I’m disgusted in the whinning, harsh judgements and evil things that have been written. Let me tell you that what we need to do is support Nadya so that she can keep her children and take care of them. It is always in the best interest of the kids to be with their parents who love them unconditionally. It is not up to us to decide if they should be adopted. We cannot start mandating how many children people have or who can have kids. That is ridiculous. I for one, cannot stand Allred…she is a publicity monger who is only in this for the money and fame. She makes me sick. She created ill will from the get go when she turned Nadya in to CPS before her children were even out of the hospital. If her best interests were the children she would not have done this. I’m glad she got ousted! Serves her right!

  54. Momof3 says:

    to Ash, I’m glad that you can get what you need for your family, but what makes you think Nadya shouldn’t get what she needs for her kids. That’s what the program is for…people in need. Just because you have one child doesn’t mean that somebody else couldn’t have 14 children on the plan. It’s interesting that you feel entitled to the plan and ok that you’re using it but shame on somebody else. If you have a single child and not multiples, it would have been very easy for you to BREASTFEED your baby. That would have saved you the need for a special formula and using the system…

  55. Momof3 says:

    to Aspen, you sound very bitter and unhappy. Fact of the matter is that people with larger families need more space…plain and simple. You obviously feel slighted and “entitled” to more. Again, imagine if you had another child other than your token one. You would need more room for an additional person to sleep, play, eat, etc. Stop crying about what you didn’t get and be thankful for what you do have.

  56. CB Rawks says:

    Momof3, the children’s health and safety are all that matter, so yes we damn sure CAN step in and protect them and even relocate them if they have a crazy mother who won’t stop churning them out.
    That’s what society is supposed to do, protect it’s helpless citizens. That’s why CPS exists! That’s why social workers check up on children that are at risk.
    Just having a baby doesn’t make you a fit person to be a parent. This woman Suleman, is absolutely unfit. I wouldn’t let her feed my goldfish. She’d trade the fish flakes for press-on nails.

    And going after Aspen and trying to twist her words around doesn’t do anything to help your argument. It just makes you look even more ignorant because you ignored her actual points, and petty and lame for making spiteful comments about someone you don’t even know. You had to get spiteful because your own argument had no substance, huh? Yay you.

  57. FloridaMom says:

    EVERYONE if the state steps in who do you think handles that bill the state does our taxes do. in other words WE FLIP THE BILL has everyone lost their minds that’s right we still psy the bill for the children being taken away
    I say let her keep them. when the money runs out what will she have to do take care of her own kids.

  58. CB Rawks says:

    Yes, EITHER way we pay, that’s not the issue!
    All that matters is the safety of the children, so don’t leave them with that psycho! How would you like to be cared for by that thing?!

  59. CB Rawks says:

    And did you mean to say *foot the bill*? Because FLIP the bill makes no sense.

  60. Legal Duty says:

    Gloria Allred represents Angels in Waiting. As the organization’s attorney, Allred is legally bound to zealously represent her clients. This includes defending her clients when it is attacked in the media for abiding by the law, namely the legal duty of nurses to report.

    The safety of Britney Spears children is in no way comprable to this situation because Ms. Spears provides adequate saftey precautions for her children. Ms. Spears has enough income for both jacuzzis and security guards.

  61. Nanaof3CB says:

    I have to agree with a lot of what anastasiabea said. I don’t know what nadya was thinking when she deciding to have another child let alone eight, she surely wasn’t thinking of the children she already had. Sooner than later the donations will not be coming in as they have been and then our taxes will be supporting her and her kids even more so. I really don’t think my husband and my taxes should support them. I would rather give our taxes to our daughter to help her pay for day care for my grandchildren. My daughter works and takes care of her own, and she doesn’t have a jacuzzi or expensive make up or expensive clothes. She doesn’t have someone paying for one nanny let alone more. Nadya put herself in that position, it is not an accident that she got pregnant, and she did it on purpose. I don’t understand what the doctor was thinking, knowing her situation and he still helped her get pregnant. Maybe he should support them. I wish all the best and good health to all her 14 children but she was being selfish and ignorant to even get pregnant when she knew she could not support the children she already had. She needs to stop trying to look like Angelina and figure out a career so she can some how support her children. I wonder how the people that have donated money feels to know their money has gone to literally Nadya’s lips and things for her more than the babies. Instead of using the money frivolously on herself, she needs to use it to hire security to keep the babies safe since she put them in harms way. She has put them out there publicly to make money off of them, and then gave her address out for every nut case to now where they are.

  62. there were several security issues in the home that made the nurses feel the children were in danger, which is why they made reports to CPS.this is what allred said but i cant believe this