Angels in Waiting filed 3 reports with CPS against Octomom Nadya Suleman

Octomom generally strikes me as a manipulative twit who pursues her own interests at any cost no matter the consequences to other people, including her own poor children. In this instance, I hardly blame her though. Nadya Suleman fired the Angels in Waiting nursing service that agreed to provide free in-home 24-hour care to her record-setting eight newborns and six older children. The agency was working with lawyer Gloria Allred, who is just as opportunistic and conniving as Suleman, and has spoken out against her in the past. Suleman ultimately decided not to accept their offer, saying that she didn’t establish a rapport with the nurses and felt judged. Now it’s come out that Angels in Waiting has filed three complaints against Suleman with Child Protective Services. The way Allred words her statement about it, the reports were necessary. Is that true, though?

Angels in Waiting USA have made three complaints to Child Protective Services about Nadya Suleman.

On Dr. Phil, airing Wednesday and Thursday this week, Suleman, attorney Gloria Allred and representatives from AIW USA explain why the deal between the non-profit and the mother of the octuplets fell through.

Suleman fired AIW USA earlier this week. They had previously agreed to help provide wraparound care for Suleman and her 14 children.

Allred, who represents AIW USA, gave her assessment of the fall-out during the upcoming show, “I think the real reason that Nadya has not been able to continue with Angels in Waiting may be the fact that not one, but three reports had to be filed with Child Protective Service by Angels in Waiting [who] are mandated reporters under the law.”

The substance of those three complaints will be discussed in the show.

But speaking by telephone, Suleman explained her side, “The primary issue was that myself [sic] and my nannies felt extremely uncomfortable. I personally felt like a stranger in my own home. The goal was to empower me as a mother, help me, train me. I’m open to that, I want that, I want to do the very best for these … premature babies. I wanted them [AIW USA] to use their training and knowledge to help guide me. I felt that was never accomplished. I felt as though every time I tried to hold the babies, feed the babies, they would be observing and they were waiting for me to make a mistake.”

Four of the octuplets have now left the hospital and are being cared for at home by nannies Suleman hired herself. Their care is also being supervised by Kaiser Permanente Bellflower Hospital.

“I’m disappointed that the two parties could not find common ground to work together. Now my concern for the 14 children continues to be my singular focus,” said Dr. Phil in the opening of Wednesday’s show.

[From US Weekly]

I did some research with the Department of Child Protective Services as an undergrad in which I read through dozens of case reports. I also studied education in grad school and we had to learn about reportable events and when to suspect abuse. In no way does that make me an expert, especially because I haven’t directly worked with CPS. You can’t know what goes on behind closed doors or what kind of mom Suleman is, but it doesn’t seem like she’s bad enough to have her children taken away from her, especially when you read some of these reports. If she leaves them alone at all then it definitely needs to be reported, but how would Angels in Waiting witness that unless someone was there with the kids? She says she has “nannies” now, so it’s not like her children are unsupervised.

Yes she has a grating personality – she lies, she had way too many children to fulfill some deep psychological need, and up until now she couldn’t afford them and was on public assistance. When you see her with her kids it really looks like she loves them, though, and tries in her way. She’s also bringing in enough money from selling her story to hire the help she needs.

Did Angels in Waiting need to file three reports against her with CPS or did they have a personal axe to grind because she decided not to work with them? I’m pretty sure I read that Allred filed one report before they even started working with her. I understand that this is a necessary step to get the state involved, but were two more reports needed? We’ll find out more on today’s Dr. Phil show supposedly, and I bet the reports were over minor stuff that doesn’t constitute neglect or abuse.

I don’t know if Suleman is a fit mother or not, she’s certainly narcissistic and self absorbed, but I don’t blame her for not trusting that agency with her children when she felt they were attacking her.

Nadya Suleman is shown outside her home on 3/19/09. Credit: Fame Pictures

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30 Responses to “Angels in Waiting filed 3 reports with CPS against Octomom Nadya Suleman”

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  1. caribassett says:

    I really can not imagine what AIW wants from her. Nadya is a twit, to be sure, but she has been compliant, providing a clean safe home, etc.
    We can’t just chuck these kids off to foster care on the grounds that she is selfish. The foster care system is overwhelmed with children who have been through far worse. She is open to be educated,”trained” and AIW should have tried harder to work with her if they truly had the interests of the babies at heart.

  2. lola says:

    I work as an attorney in Family Law in a Court in Florida. No this does not, on its surface, rise to the level of a report to child services.

    If I were able to file reports against every dumbass who came before one of my judges in a family or what we call a “dependency” case here then NO ONE would have a child.

    There is a fundamental liberty in the US constitution that entitles you to raise your children without interference of the state unless you are proven (NOTE the word proven) to have abused, neglected, or abandoned the children.

    Mere quantity is not enough to meet this standard – if it were those people with 18 and counting would have been reported. What makes them better – the fact there is a Husband?

    I agree this woman is a twit and has issues, but this is Alred (or whatever the hell her name is) looking for press time. Her Rob Lowe case didn’t quite have the legs she suspected so now she’s riding this girl’s ass.

    And we’ve all seen this woman’s mom-an equally shrill and media whorish personality. I think octos got enough problems.

  3. nanster says:

    I cannot believe that I actually would ever defend Nadya Suleman – I cannot stand her – but it sounds like she is not the one in the wrong here. She is clearly a fruitcake, but she should not be made to feel like a prisoner in her own home.

  4. gossipmonger says:

    I was a foster to mother and saw many horrible examples of abuse and neglect. While Nadya is a mental case, she is not even comparable to some of the things I’ve seen, even down to her cluttered pig sty of a house.

    I would say %80 of all reports to child services are someone with an axe to grind or someone misunderstanding what exactly constitutes abuse and neglect. This overburdens the system resulting in cases that really do need attention to be overlooked.

    We as a society can’t start taking kids away from their parents because “we don’t like them” or even because of poverty or lack of education.

    And.. I loathe Gloria Allred.

  5. TJ says:

    She left all her kids alone with the nanny and took ONE KID to Disneyland. SHE STAYED OUT UNTIL 1:30 IN THE MORNING WITH THE kid and the RADORONLINE CAMERA MAN. She was acting like they were on a date (now Rador has switched to a women interviewing her). This person will find any excuse to get out of the house and away from the babies and kids for some more “me time”. Just because she smooches on her kids ALL THE TIME doesn’t mean she is showing them proper love and attention. The most hilarious thing she said on the video was that she never had lip injections, she said they got like that when she gained all her weight. When she gets back to her normal weight and loses 40 or 50 more pounds they will deflate. She also said she was highly intelligent, but not street smart. She complained that she has trouble finishing any task because she is so scatter-brained. I hope she hangs herself with all that rope.

  6. Abby says:

    gloria allred is such a fame whore. even more so than nadya, because she’s been at it longer.

    and i have to say nadya looks pretty good for just having had EIGHT babies!

  7. Prissa says:

    I agree Abby – she does look good for popping out 8 babies, what 2 months ago? Make me wonder did she get lipo or a tummy tuck???

  8. Henny Penny says:

    I disagree! As a provider, they are bound to report certain violations to CPS. Octomom needs to put her own self aside for one freaking minute, and learn how to care for her special needs babies (and probably other kids).

    Oh please, she feels judged. Because she is being judged! The providers are the experts who need to tell her how to properly care for the premies. She needs to eat some humble pie, take a backseat, and learn how to do her job as their mother. The work starts after you deliver, not before, Octocrazy!

  9. mamafogle says:

    If I had paid to get lypo or a tummy tuck and still looked like that, I’d get my money back.

  10. IvyMades says:

    @ Lola:
    Mere quantity is not enough to meet this standard – if it were those people with 18 and counting would have been reported. What makes them better – the fact there is a Husband?

    I’m going to go ahead and say YES.

    They have a partner to help them with the kids. They have a family and friends support network to help out with the newborns. And most of those families have kids of all ages – meaning the older kids can help with younger kids.

    To me, all of that makes a HUGE difference. One single parent with 14 kids under 10 spells disaster and its unfair for 8 newborns to grow up in that environment. It’s impossible for them to get the 1 on 1 love and care that they deserve. You know what happens when babies don’t get their needs fulfilled? They can develop Attachment Disorder.

    According to wikipedia:
    “Attachment disorder is a broad term intended to describe disorders of mood, behavior, and social relationships arising from a failure to form normal attachments to primary care giving figures in early childhood, resulting in problematic social expectations and behaviors.”

    To sum up my thoughts on this, having such a large brood of young kids when you do NOT have a FIXED support network to take care of them IS CHILD ABUSE.

    If anyone can bring up an successful example of a single parent raising 14 kids close in age then I stand corrected. Until then, I don’t see how this is even going to work.


    Jon + Kate plus 8 and the Duggars are NOT applicable examples, because their circumstances are quite different.

  11. Wow says:

    Yes, they have an axe to grind and I feel that all of their “concern” was in order to “catch her doing something wrong” from the moment they got in there. I don’t think they truly are as concerned about the babies well being as they are claiming.

    There isn’t one Mother who hasn’t made mistakes with newborns. Not one. And I think this is the one time that I can say I am glad Nadya has money enough now that she can hire her own nannies instead of having Allfred and her crew there. I’m sure it bugs them that she CAN fire them, but this time I agree with her.

    I bet that was their plan all along – to get enough complaints about her parenting to CPS.

    The only point that Alfred made in her statement that I agree with is that Nadya should invest some of that money into beefing up her security on her property instead of adding the jacuzzi. There are seriously some crazy people out there bent out of shape about her situation and its scares me to think those same people know where she lives and that people just walk on her property. That’s not cool.

  12. Samantha Stage says:

    It’s obvious that this Allred lady only cares about attention from the media and the so called ” angels in waiting” nurses look like a bunch of fakes in my opinion. The media chaos is doing much more damage to these children than Nadya. I don’t support Nadya’s decision but enough is enough. Just leave this poor family alone and let the nurses and Nadya do what is needed to care for these kids in peace!

  13. Chiara says:

    Three opportunists and 14 children, (Suleman, McGraw, Alred).

    Three publicists later …

    How many nanny’s and nurses from Kaiser will sell their stories to the press or contact CPS?

    This is the daily drama Ms Suleman needs for paid income from the media.

  14. kiki says:

    this is not going to end well

    Naydia is a LIAR dont pay attention to what she says her actions speak for who she really is.

  15. Maddie says:

    Sorry but what the hell this woman has 2hat? 6 kids already 3 with special needs already more does she need to learn?

    When her oldest is what 7 or 8? She is clueless and only thinking about herself as usual and not her kids.

  16. angela says:

    Go T.J.!

  17. Jen Jean says:

    Amen Ivymades!

  18. for_realz says:

    well said TJ and Maddie! if she has been popping out kids for the last 8 years, wouldn’t she have picked up on some “mothering tips” by now (age appropriate toys and food), caring for kids with special needs, etc? instead we see her with acrylic nails and plastic surgery….hmmm

    these AIW may have agendas, but i hope that they lean more towards protecting these kids and making sure their lives are safe.

    we see more footage of the octomom out and about shopping and hamming it up for the paps than staying at home with her children (that she cares SOOOO much about).

    the whole situation is just revolting!

  19. MsTriste says:

    I watched one of the Radar videos, and the camera was on Nadya while she was talking to them in the house, and it also showed that at the same time, one of the little girls was outside, apparently by herself. I can imagine a situation where Nadya is so focused on the babies that her other children are ignored and could be doing something dangerous. There is no question that she can keep an eye on all 14 kids, she definitely needs others there to help. So I can see how somebody observing her would call CPS because of her inability to ensure ALL the kids’ safety. The question is: how many people will it take to ensure safety of all?

  20. Eileen Yover says:

    Feeling judged? Then don’t parade around with cameras. What are people suppose to do when you put yourself in the pulic eye. It’s human nature. Even an AIW can judge someone who has obviously put herself before any of these babies….how much has she spent on plastic surgery, IVF, and make-up when she has children at home that need special care? I’m not a licensed caregiver, but if I was at her house I’d be watching her every move too. How can you not?? She’s made so much poor judgement it’s a matter of time before something is going to go wrong. I can get overwhelmed with two children- but 14??

  21. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    Why does she need help in figuring out how to take care of her kids? Didn’t she already have SIX kids? Did her mom and dad take care of those six so much that she was that clueless?

    I’d wager probably.

    And honestly, did she get her lips injected again? They look even bigger. Whew.

    Someone above was right: she NEEDS this drama. She needs it to continue, because then she can do interviews and get paid. Thus affording the nannies and plastic surgery and cosmetics and lattes and pedicures, etc.

  22. MomInNH says:

    Ok.. Firstly, it’s not the AIW’s job to “train” her. They went to years and years of schooling to get to where they are. Before she started popping out babies maybe she should have thought about the education needed to care for all of the children.

    Secondly, I have worked with DSS (Dep. of social services) And was a specialized foster parent for many years. I can tell you that reports are made for all kinds of reasons. I know when I was observing a family I was required to document everything. Whether the adults appeared to be annoyed with the kids, if they hugged or showed any love towards the children.. You never know what was in the reports. But I’d wager a guess and say that it probably had to do with the neglect of the older children.

    Not that it’s really something she can control when she’s got the 4 “new” babies to care for.. There just isn’t enough time in the day for a single parent to be spending quality time with each of the 14 children!

  23. Judy says:

    First of all those people who have 18 kids have help..and they also have 14 other kids that get stuck taking care of the younger ones..and those people are not playing with a full deck either.
    BIG deal if she went out at night, or if she took her little son with her. WHat people have never taken their kid to Disney or stayed out very late with them? BS. Alwaysrude has her nose in everyones business and those AIW were her cohorts and I wouldnt want them breathing down my neck either. The woman has nannies there and she has a right to go out for cripes sakes.

  24. Ash says:

    In the same vein, it is also NOT the nurses’ jobs to handle all of the care so she can go out shopping and talk to media outlets. She does need to be trained in handling the babies.

    I was offered a nurse for up to 16 hours a day when my preemie daughter came home. Sure I was overwhelmed for the first few days, but I politely declined the offer. This is my child and I want to enjoy every minute with her. I was instead given intense instruction on how to handle her home care and have a nurse come once a week to weigh her and draw blood.

    Just thinking about having a nurse in my home that many hours a day made me uncomfortable. She is my responsibility and I am her mother. I use the time when she is napping to get things done such as cleaning, laundry or writing out bills. Obviously, in her case time will be non-existant, but it boils my blood that she considers the nurses nothing more than glorified babysitters.

  25. Yae says:

    I can’t even image how many physical fights, pulled hair, thrown toys abound in that house with all those young children. One of the infants is going to end up seriously hurt by a flying tonka truck or worse dead by a jealous sibling who can’t get enough attention from his mother.

  26. the original kate says:

    how long before one of her kids drowns in the new jacuzzi or falls down the stairs because nadya is too busy doing a phone interview with dr. phil to watch them? i’m sure she’s not smart enough to keep the jacuzzi covered or babygate the steps. i fear this will end badly…

  27. D says:

    She really needs to stay with her new born children and not be shoping, when I had my kids I was a single mom and no one, no one helped me. I worked 2 jobs, to provide a good home for my children. I could not afford my nails to be done nor go shopping for myself, She can have as many children as she wants I just done feel I should pay for them while she is out shopping and their are families living in tents. What is wrong with this picture, she had the children to for money. And if I am wrong then she should not accept medcal and pay for the medical on her own, but we all know that is not going to happen.

  28. Jane Marsee says:

    It seems to me, that the only people who could possibly still be defending Nadya are current Welfare recipients who see ‘the handwriting on the wall’. I trust that God will not long allow this woman to profit from the sincere charity of others, plus all the public assistance money she received via fraud. This woman deserves whatever befalls her. And don’t call her mom, not every woman who gives birth ia a Mom. That elevated title belongs to women who willing sacrifice everything of themselves to give to their children. Nadya clearly doesn’t deserve to be counted among real Moms!

  29. chunky says:

    This is what we needed, an octolame.

  30. Mayra says:

    They are slowly taking away my SSI. Can I get my own TV shows like Octomom to pay for my bills when she was greedy to put the system in more debt. I am a single person and struggling to surrvive on a check of 850 soon to be reduced again. I am a disabled american with no kids (I protect myself). Most of my money goes for rent and food. I have medi-cal but do not abuse it because my parents are good enough to pay for kaiser for me for over 20 years. Last year alone I went to doctor over 90 times and been hospitalized many times. Medi-cal would never cover my medical bill. Now even less since they taken away more medical benefits. For example my grandparents they reduced their money drastically and now they have to pay for a lot of stuff when they are diagnosed second stage alzeheimer. They cant get a job. Thats all that they have and they are taking it away. This is not fair. Why is this happening? I go to school to get a degree (to fall back when they make disable people work) I took out 2 loans to go to school. I am using the money for school and books. Not to support others or like octomom abuse the system with her school loans and her UNneeded surgeries. Now she is getting a show….rolling in more money while I will soon be on the street. Alone.