LeBron James (accidentally?) flashed his thunder live on ABC before Game 4


We are in the midst of the NBA Finals. Last night was Game 4 and now the Cavaliers and the Warriers have both won two games each. Do you mind if I don’t care? I love LeBron James and I want the Cavs to win, but it’s not like I’m really following it. But you know what would get be to tune in like clockwork all the time? If network TV coverage guaranteed NSFW dong shots during every game. That’s exactly what happened during Game 4 – just before the game started, the ABC cameraman got really close to LeBron as he made some pre-game adjustments to his underwear situation. The result was glorious!! The result was ABC airing (LIVE!) a quick glimpse of LeBron’s situation. Go here to see the NSFW video.

Sports Illustrated compared the “dong slip” (my words) to Janet Jackson’s infamous 2004 SuperBowl “nip slip.” I think it’s a different context though. Janet’s thing – which was really Justin Timberlake ripping off her bra-cup costume piece – was a pearl-clutchy moment designed to shock. LeBron’s dong slip was just a man making pre-game adjustments and the ABC cameraman shouldn’t have moved in so close. I think. I mean, do you believe LeBron, like, plotted to show his thunder on live TV? I don’t.

Do you think anyone is going to get fined by the FCC for this? How much is LeBron’s dong worth in fines?

Photos courtesy of WENN, Getty.

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94 Responses to “LeBron James (accidentally?) flashed his thunder live on ABC before Game 4”

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  1. denisemich says:

    Well at least it was impressive

  2. cleveland girl says:

    This story PISSES me off! I am a Clevelander and this story is BULL. Lebron is getting ready for the game and did nothing wrong. Please keep your eyes on the BALL camermen, and stop trying to embarrass our hero.

    • Lori says:

      Yeah………if anything its the camera guys fault for getting all up in his junk while he was getting situated to play.

    • Feebee says:

      Oh you mean the basketball!

      I don’t think he has anything to be embarrassed about.

    • JudyK says:

      They all do that right before the game…just appeared that a layer might be missing. LeBron’s a great guy–doesn’t deserve any static over this.

      • FLORC says:

        He’s done some seriously not great things. Mostly to keep people thinking he’s great, but nothing any other once thought great backetball player hasn’t done.

    • Audrey says:

      It’s on the camera guy. He pulled down his shorts to adjust himself, should have switched to a different camera right away instead of staying on him long enough for him to pull down his underwear too

      • FLORC says:

        Camera guys can’t switch cameras. It’s their job to just follow certain angles players. He did his job and the rest was coincidence.

      • Boxy Lady says:

        It’s usually the director who is watching the shots of the various cameras and says when to switch camera shots and to which camera.

      • Bob Loblaw says:

        Yeah it’s on the director, not the camera guy, the camera guy is instructed to stay on Lebron and the director decides when to cut to (or away) from the shot. The director is responsible, not the cameraman (person) or Lebron.

    • Judd says:

      Your hero? Are we talking about the same guy who basically said, “Eff you” to Cleveland to play for Miami?!? My, what a short memory you have.

      To all saying this was before the game, it was not. It was during a time out after the half. And to all blaming the camera man, James did the same thing during Game 2, right before a free throw. In front of everyone! He might want to invest in something that will keep his junk situated!

    • Lilacflowers says:

      He was in an arena filled with thousands of people. Pretty sure Ohio has laws about showing ones privates in public.

  3. LB says:

    I never thought I’d be rooting for Lebron (especially because he kept facing teams I love for the past few seasons, such as the Spurs) but go Cavs! So under-manned at the moment, but so much heart and hustle. And Lebron is just playing lights out. I hope they take the next two.

    And yes, it was not unimpressive. Lol.

  4. jen2 says:

    Is that the “thunder down under” they keep talking about.

    Now for something wholesome: Want more Riley, so Steph and the Warriors have to win!

  5. Sue says:

    Oh yeah that was on purpose. Everyone else got ready for the game in the locker room.

  6. jaye says:

    Why was the camera man…oh nevermind.

  7. Esmom says:

    Not LeBron’s fault. No reason for the camera to get so close right before such a big game.

    With that said, go Warriors! 🙂

    • blue marie says:

      I thought I might be the only one rooting for the Warriors.. I’m a fan of LeBron but they (he) beat my Hawks.. Anyway, totally not LeBron’s fault, the cameraman shouldn’t have been that close.

      • Esmom says:

        My son is a huge hoops fans so I take most of my cues from him, plus my two best friends live in SF. My son was not a LeBron fan until he left the Heat, although his talent has been undeniable. But he’s loved Steph Curry for longer…hence the Warriors love.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Go WARRIORS!

  8. Audrey says:

    I really thought he’d be bigger. 🙁
    Still think he’s beautiful.

    PS – Looks like he’s circumcised. Two points for that !

    • GiGi says:

      Haha! Me, too!

    • Jess says:

      He gets points for being cut?? Wow.

    • MC2 says:

      That is a really gross comment…..on a couple levels. He didn’t whip it out in a mag & never intended for you to see (or judge) his penis. And giving points for being circumcised- I can’t finish my breakfast now.

      • Miller says:

        Circumcised ones just look better to a lot of people- at least American people,nWhat’s wrong with that?

      • MC2 says:

        It’s gross to judge someone for that & especially when they never wanted themselves shown. What if this story was about Hillary Swank’s vagina when she was exiting that car & a paparazzi took a shot of her vadge?! What if people came on a site & said her lips were too big & she should have cosmetic surgery?! It’s the same & not okay.

      • Mila says:

        Miller are you also in favour of labia reductions “becaus it looks better”?

        holy crap, the american obsession with physical attraction is really sickening, now people even are expected to cut healthy parts of their body of to be pleasing to the eye.

    • Gavin says:

      it ain’t about looks, its about health. get those foreskins off.

      • morc says:

        Bullshit. Tell your kid to pull back and wash.

      • MC2 says:

        Completely disproven! I’ve known boys who had too much skin taken off during circumcision & had surgeries to correct it throughout their childhood & will likely never have a comfortable erection. I knew two! In also knew a man who needed a circumcision later because he didn’t wash properly. It goes both way but saying we should cut all our boys penises & one reason is because it “looks” better?! Or health which is not true if you have simple hygiene. I really hope we don’t all jump on the vagina reconstructive surgery bandwagon or we are screwed!

      • Jess says:

        Even better, get out there and educate yourself! There’s no reason to cut the foreskin.

      • Celebwatch says:

        Only Americans in the western world are obsessed with circumcision. Most European men don’t understand this practice analogous to genital mutilation at all.

        Even the AAP had to stop recommending it because the fraudulent ‘health’ reasons that were historically sold are bogus. Just think about it–why would nature put something there on 99% of men that isn’t supposed to be there? Some scientists have speculated it plays a part in normal sexual functioning.

        And yes, I have read of numerous mothers being horrified at bad after effects of circumcision lingering years later.

        If you’re conditioned to think it *looks* good, fine. But the question of whether or not it is a good practice is an entirely different matter.

      • GiGi says:

        That’s just ridiculous and dumb. Circumcision is archaic & on the way out. Get used to it!

      • Gavin says:

        health benefits have not been disproven beyond the political and psychological influence of persuasion.

        secondly, having been with more men than most of you combined, I can tell you boys don’t put hygiene high on their priority list. So just pull back and wash ain’t happening as much as you girls think it is.

        thirdly, jews and many arab and african tribes don’t find it archaic. It’s works for them and they will continue to cut. get used to that.

      • Jess says:

        Gavin, all the men I’ve been with made proper hygiene a priority, that’s just gross. Girls have to take special care and clean out their labia and move stuff around sometimes, it takes an extra 10 seconds, and I imagine an uncut man would be about the same. What sold me on not cutting my nonexistent son was watching a video of the surgery being done on a newborn, I cried the entire time and felt sick the rest of the day! I’ve also been with 2 uncircumcised men and could definitely tell a difference in their sensation level, much more pleasure for them versus the men who have been cut, those 20,000 nerve endings make a difference!! Of course circumcised men don’t know any different now and it obviously still feels good, but I have no doubt it could feel much better and that makes me sad! I plan to leave the choice up to my son, if I ever have one. Not my body not my choice, and honestly if my daughter had been a boy I would’ve circumcised because it’s just what people do, but now I know better!

  9. missmerry says:

    so my first thought is : who is going to be the first to point out “if this were a woman who unknowingly flashed on live tv (crotch area or breasts) to say ‘stop rewatching it. she didn’t give consent!’

    because its’ a man and a dong, will it be a ‘big deal’ in terms of consent and appropriateness to talk about it? Does Lebron care? Should we not rewatch because we weren’t ‘meant’ to see that?

    • Naddie says:

      I think people should treat it with respect and take it easy in the comments. As you pointed out, we don’t know if he’s bothered.

    • joy says:

      Though it’s clearly not a big deal…….amirite?

    • bettyrose says:

      I hear ya, but the context is important. This isn’t anything like a stolen picture. If a female athlete was readjuting on the court, her flash wouldn’t be an intimate moment. It’s a sweaty human body part at a sporting event.

    • Bob Loblaw says:

      He did this in public, whether the camera was on him or not, plenty of eyes were, not the same as accidentally flashing anything, IMHO.

  10. serena says:

    Well, I’m not really complaining or finding faults here. lol

  11. Jess says:

    I don’t think he did it on purpose, and I watched the video 3 times and didn’t see it until that still picture was posted!

  12. Lama says:

    Am I looking in the wrong place? It didn’t look impressive to me. I also felt guilty looking, and I won’t again.

  13. db says:

    ‘You’ve a fine, healthy boy, Madame”

  14. bettyrose says:

    Everyone just needs to relax about the human body. Outfits get ever skimpier and flashes happen. It’s crazy that this will be a moment that lives on in media infamy and someone will probably get fired.

    • Feebee says:

      Guys uniforms don’t appear to be getter skimpier, save a few tennis players recently and finally ditching the board short look for a fitted silhouette. Not that I’m advocating the 70s basketball shorts lol!

      Totally agree with relaxing about the human body, I don’t know why people freak out or get all titter-ish.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Really. It’s a penis. I love a nice penis, but is all of this hoopla necessary? It reminds me of when I was young and if anyone saw your underwear, you would be teased for weeks. I can’t believe this is news. MAN HAS PENIS!! WHO KNEW?

      • I Choose Me says:

        This is how I feel GNAT. I didn’t even click to see the video because all though I think Lebron is hot, I’m like it’s a penis. I’ve seen ’em. Eh.

      • Esmom says:

        Lol, exactly. Completely unnecessary hoopla.

    • Canoki says:

      No one is getting fired over this. It’s a live event and they are some of the best in the business working it. Trust me, the broadcast crew has seen and prevented a lot worse from making air, anyone in the live tv business is aware that anything can happen at any time.

      • bettyrose says:

        Well that’s good, at least, but honestly I can’t see anything under the info banner.

  15. Kitten says:

    I’m not looking, mainly because I hate LeBron James.

    • Feebee says:

      You really shouldn’t let that stop you.

      Having said that I did feel a little pervy but it’s out there so…. No pun intended.

      • Kitten says:

        Terrible personality and I don’t find him attractive at all, so I guess his junk just doesn’t interest me.
        Now if it was Fassy…….

    • Mila says:

      Kitten, would you say the same if it happened to a woman?

  16. Feebee says:

    I don’t know why people are getting upset at the camera operator saying they shouldn’t have been so close. That’s absolute crap, that’s exactly where they should have been. Up close to the star of the home team during the coach’s final instructions.

    LeBron (and I’m absolutely neutral on this guy) wasn’t thinking about the camera so I’m thinking total accident. I doubt he’s freaking out. I suspect he’s very secure with himself. But I’m a little surprised he wasn’t more secured. It’s a contact sport, not cup worthy but I didn’t think they free balled it.

    • Canoki says:

      Also, all pro players are used to dozens of people they don’t know being around them when they’re naked in the locker room. I really don’t think he cares either

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Not the camera guy’s fault at all. He was doing his job. There are hundreds of cameras court side in a NBA Finals game and LeBron James knows that. This wasn’t in the locker room or in a private area. It was on the floor of an arena filled with 20,000 people, some of whom would have been seated very close to where he was standing. LeBron should not have had it out.

  17. Nona says:

    I can look at LeBron all day. No complaints here.
    Anyone here from Down Under? From a Cavs in Ohio: Thank you for Delly!!

    • Roo says:

      Second that, gotta love Delly’s hustle! Leave LeBron alone, not only is he super talented, he’s smart and articulate.

  18. Snowflake says:

    I guess I’m the only one who can’t see anything, damn that banner!

  19. G says:

    And once again the Cavs fall…..short. LOL!

  20. mayamae says:

    I’m feeling a little stupid. I assumed that basketball players wore protection like baseball players.

  21. Me too says:

    If you’ve ever gone down on an uncut penis, you will know why cut is preferred. Yuck. I will say, however, uncut feels better regardless of size. And his size is not impressive at all and I have seen quite a few. Ha!

    • morc says:

      It can’t be worse than unclean vagina.

    • MC2 says:

      Maybe your uncut guy didn’t wash? Which would be gross if he was cut or not. Or maybe it was something with them personally? Not every penis is the same- cut or not. I’ve been in long term relationships with uncircumcised men who knew how to shower & had zero issues with it- at all.

    • Mila says:

      it comes down to if the guy washes his dick or not. “uncut” as its called is the natural state, i cant see why anyone would promote to permantently cut of a part of their body if it isnt for medical reasons.

  22. Lilian says:

    Tyler Durden would be proud.

  23. drea says:

    Warriors! Dub city baby faced killer 😍😍😘

  24. me says:

    Isn’t it wrong to have this footage all over the internet like this? If this was a woman people would be more outraged. I don’t know…but we need to realize that LeBron may not be happy about this and he certainly didn’t do it on purpose. I feel bad even commenting on this. It’s just wrong.

    • Mila says:

      i agree. there are certainly different standards applied here.

      i was only here to see the comments because i have witnessed it now a couple of times how women call it a crime to view pictures of Jennifer Lawrence but have no qualms talking about Colin Firths STOLEN Tape. Or looking at these pictures.

      • morc says:

        I realise you meant Colin Farrell but thinking about Colin Firths sex tape had me laughing while at the same time I wouldn’t be surprised if he had one.

    • Bob Loblaw says:

      He did this in full view of plenty of people, how is that “not on purpose”? I didn’t see it live and I won’t click on any links but he’s not exactly someone who had naked photos stolen and leaked.

  25. Veronica says:

    Some of the drama around this is pretty gross. The guy adjusted his shorts and accidentally flashed everyone – not entirely fair to keep badgering the guy over it. He was probably a little embarassed when he saw it, but at the end of the day, it’s just a penis. Same way I felt about Anne Hathaway’s flash – it’s just a vulva. Move on already.