Kim Basinger: Women will rule the world if we give up sex & babies


Earlier this week, I covered Kim Basinger’s recent Daily Beast interview, which she did to promote her new film, The 11th Hour. It’s a film about a woman (played by Basinger) who goes through a massive, terrible ordeal to try to buy a baby/become a mother. As Basinger does more interviews to promote the film, she’s asked a lot about motherhood, children, feminism and what women should do to claim their power. Her answers have been interesting. When speaking to the Daily Beast, she said: “If only women knew how powerful they were, they’d just say ‘no, no more babies,’ and then we’d run the world.” It was an interesting idea and I gave my (unpopular) take on it. Anyway, Basinger has a new interview with Elle and she’s really doubling-down on this whole idea of “women would rule the world if we gave up babies AND sex.” Hmmm.

Why her character wants a child: “I think that it was something deep, deep inside that had always been there. It’s a longing. And it’s also a rational thought. There are many women every day who struggle to have children, and she can speak very loudly to them. They can understand this story. But you also have to come from an irrational place to understand this movie. The director, as he has seen many more screenings than I have, says women really understand this. They understand being irrational. Men don’t. Or, many men don’t. Evolved men really understand the mind of a woman because it has no gender. It’s just a soul and they can see that. I am so happy that I could connect with women because I do love what women stand for. And I’m so determined that they can get what they’re due on this planet.”

Thinking about gender equality: “There’s a writer who is a Catholic nun and a great spokeswoman. I watched an interview with her where someone asked her, “What’s going to change the world?” She said, “Nothing. Nothing is going to change the world until women are accepted the way they need to be accepted. You’re leaving out one half of the gifts, one half of the intelligence.” We are one half of this planet and yet women all over the world are second class citizens. There are many women abused in so many countries. To be a woman today is quite a place to sit.

How Hollywood treats mothers & motherhood: “The truth is, [for the longest time, no one would] buy me as a mother! Obviously you go through phases. And then I got offered every single mother role after that. They’d say, “Get her, she can play the mother.’ Because people don’t think outside the box very often. They’re just not thinking beyond. There are always these roles of the mother, whether it’s the young mother, the middle-aged mother, or the grandmother. Women are important, and they have to be in the movies. So, what are you going to do? All we have to do is all hold our hands and stand up and say “No.” We can stop having babies, we can stop having sex, everything. And then women will rule the world.

[From Elle]

I thought her previous idea of hitting pause on baby-making for the cause of equality was an interesting (albeit impossible) idea. But as soon as she starts talking about giving up sex for the cause of equality? Yeah, that’s REALLY impossible. Think of a world where every woman became celibate and only concentrated on equality and power. Well, first of all, it wouldn’t work, because there would always be the Tom Hardys of the world, capable of talking their way into any woman’s drawers and thus, the grand experiment would be over. But beyond that… it feels like men would riot in the street. They would panic. They would FREAK.

PS… HOLY CRAP she’s had some work done. These are some recent photos of Kim from a few weeks ago.

Photos courtesy of Getty, WENN.

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40 Responses to “Kim Basinger: Women will rule the world if we give up sex & babies”

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  1. meme says:

    OMG what has she done to that magnificent face? And when, exactly, did she lose her mind?

  2. Snazzy says:

    I’d like to be equal and keep having sex, thank you very much
    PS I love the suit, even if it does seem very severe on her

  3. Sam says:

    In her defense, I’m sure a couple years of marriage to Alec Baldwin can certainly sour any woman on sex and babies. Just sayin.’

  4. Wren says:

    If women all over the world were ABLE to stop having sex and babies unless it was on their terms, then yes, I agree. We would rule the world. Men would have to create an environment where we’d WANT to have sex and we’d WANT to have babies. Every single woman. If every woman in the world COULD say “no” with no repercussions, yes, we’d rule the world.

    As it is, we can’t. Not even in this country and we consider ourselves so enlightened and advanced.

    • Snazzy says:

      That’s an interesting way of looking at it actually. Having a true free choice in these matters. Not sure we’ll ever get there though, sadly.

      • aims says:

        There’s still a heated debate over our birth control and what we can do with our bodies. I just would like there to be no debate over our lives. How about we mind our own business regarding others people’s body and life choices?

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:


      Look at the cultures where women are in short supply and you see a desperstion to appease them and a real change in men’s attitudes. Look at the birth rates in Japan and the fact men attend ‘Virgin Camps’ to try and teach them how to appeal to women.

    • Hawkeye says:

      +1 to everything you said!

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I agree, Wren. When I was reading the article, I was thinking of the violence that would ensue if a group of women tried to start such a movement and got anywhere with it. It’s frightening to think about. I guess all we can do is make sure, individually, that sex and babies are on our terms, and fight for the rights of other women to be able to do the same. Of course you have the problem that many women don’t believe this is necessary or possible or don’t think about it at all. But I don’t see much point in her line of thinking, except that it starts an interesting conversation, because it could never happen. I’m not sure I even want it to happen. I’m not sure I want sex to be the source of my power.

    • Elisa the I. says:

      @Wren: great comment!

  5. QQ says:

    Uh I’m gonna pass on that whole No sex Thing, I Like My Orgasms Frequent and plenty

    • PunkyMomma says:


    • *North*Star* says:

      I’m not sure why women have to give sex and/or babies to ‘rule the world’. The thinking we need to sacrifice something we need and/or want is bizarre. And frankly, it’s also a tad disturbing.

      And I’m with you QQ, I’m rather fond of orgasms/sex myself. On top of that, I have no ambitions to rule the world either. Make it a better place? Sure.

    • PrincessMe says:

      +1 million.

      If I gave up sex to “rule the world”, a lot of people would die.

  6. L&Mmommy says:

    What if women stopped butchering their faces? Would that help them rule the world too?

  7. lisa2 says:

    I’m going to say it.. If women stopped having sex we would have sexual violence in this world worse than we already do.

    • Damn says:

      There are places where rape is “normal”, look at all the cases in India or in ISIS controlled areas.

  8. Norman Bates' Mother says:

    Women giving up sex is not only the male problem. This kind of thinking perpetuates the idea that women only allow sex in their life for procreation and male satisfaction and it’s bs. Unsatisfied, sexually frustrated women is not the answer for the problem of inequality. I don’t even understand why it’s a factor – apples and oranges. Sexualising women in almost every aspect of life is a problem – women having and enjoying sex is not. Women who are satisfied, strong and confident, making and owning their own choices will have a chance of ruling the world, babies or not, celibacy or not.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      That’s basically what I wanted to say, but you said it way better.

    • Ethelreda says:

      I thought the same thing. She’s basically saying that women only have sex to keep their men happy, and that they have no desire for it themselves. Very retrograde thinking imho. Not ‘liberating’ at all.

    • *North*Star* says:

      Exactly! Why should we forgo something we enjoy? If a person (doesn’t have to have a gender) chooses not to have sex or babies — that’s fine. But how does depriving women of sex achieve anything? It doesn’t.

  9. Suzy from Ontario says:

    I really wish a lot of these middle aged actors didn’t listen when people tell them to have their eyes done because it never looks natural to me. Their eyebrows and wider eyes always make them look like of perpetually surprised. We age, we get older. I’m middle aged and I’m allowed to say that because it’s not like it isn’t happening to me too. I know it’s tougher in Hollywood but sometimes I think it’s because they still want to get roles they got in their twenties and that is not going to happen. I don’t know…just wish they didn’t do it. Very rarely turns out really well imo.

    As for her comments… no children, no sex? Really? It reminds me of women who think you have to behave like and dress like men to be treated equally. No…I don’t want to be a man, I’m a woman and want to be a woman and have my opinions and ideas valued because they are worthwhile. There have been women leaderes in some countries and they have done an amazing job. I think the younger generation has a lot less problems with women in positions of power and influence. Just like most don’t care so much about sexual preference or gender identity issues. It may not be something they’d do, but they are less judgemental than the older generation and I think that’s good. They’ve grown up hearing and seeing powerful women and other issues and they just see it all as natural so I think in the future it won’t be an issue and that glass ceiling will shatter for good. I don’t think women will have to give up having sex or babies because young men are seeing themselves as more hand-on equal participants in raising their children as well, so a lot of these problems are going to change as the youth move forward into positions of power and the old men with old sexist and bigoted values die off or retire.

  10. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    I don’t know, considering how much effort is made on a global stage to punish women for having sex or wanting independence in their sexual choices from men I believe her.

    Seriously look at just the Duggars, do you really think that stupid cult would exist if women weren’t lining up to be brood mares? They’re not kidnapping women and dragging them by their hair. They’re implementing dumb rules that keep women’s legs open, their children flowing, and their feet firmly in the kitchen AND WOMEN SIGN UP FOR IT. They bring their daughters into it!

    Let’s just get real here folks. Implausible sure, but so is world peace.

    • sunshine says:

      And it’s their choice. Just because you don’t approve of those choices doesn’t make it a cult, or stupid. Believe it or not, some people choose wildly different lives than you. Shocking, isn’t it?

  11. jen2 says:

    But if women stopped having babies, then there would soon be no world to rule (you can still have sex without making babies and with science, you can have babies without having sex). There has to be a middle ground in there somewhere.

  12. Nibbi says:

    K in the previous post on this subject i was lauding how great it was that she’s allowing herself to age naturally & how great she looked… erm nevermind, guess it was just that one photo…
    Still like that she has the nerve to say what she is saying, though. Someone’s got to stand up once in a while and challenge women’s traditional roles and mindsets, even if it comes off as extreme or upsetting to the mommy brigades.

  13. cheryl says:

    Isn’t this the plot of a Greek comedy? It seems like she has heard about this second hand and is opening it up as a discussion point/truth.

    • Damn says:

      Yes, it’s Lysistrata.

      • wolfpup says:

        Wasn’t Lysistrata a story of how the women wanted the men to stop warring, and so they closed their legs until the war stopped? It was a play by Euripides. I remember playing a part in college, ages ago. It was fun holding our legs up, and stating no guys were going to get up in there. All the women in the play were on board.

        I believe what women need is a woman president, so we can focus on the services that will actually make us equal – like childcare, time off to birth, and bond, etc. Birth control has changed the world for us in ways our foremothers could never had dreamed. There are many structural changes that would equalized the playing field for us. We need focus to get it done. Women need to be able to care for their young when men are not present to help. Currently, women carry the majority burden of reproduction.

        But no one is going to go without sex!

  14. Elisa the I. says:


  15. Algernon says:

    “But beyond that… it feels like men would riot in the street. They would panic. They would FREAK.”

    So what if *men* would freak out, what about me?! I actually like having sex on the regular, thankyouverymuch.

    I get what she’s saying, though. As Wren says above, if there was true equality all across the world and women everywhere were unafraid to abstain from sex/children unless they actually wanted those things, then everything would be very different. Imagine the world if men didn’t treat sex as their due, but as something they had to earn.

  16. db says:

    Give up sex? Thanks but no.
    I think the empowerment of any woman, any human really, begins with control over and right to their own person, their physical body.

  17. Neelyo says:

    Basically she’s endorsing the plot of Lysistrata.

    Damn I wish she hadn’t messed with her face. Talk about unnecessary.

  18. Dirty Martini says:

    I am so very disappointed and sad to see what she has done to that perfect face. If anyone in this world did not need to touch her face…she is in the top 3.


  19. Lola says:

    Well, of course she’s 100% right. Men need women to have babies, women ‘only’ need sperm.
    But, the problem is I don’t think women should rule the world, we all should, gender can no longer be a condition to choose who can or can’t do something.

  20. Mzizkrizten says:

    Reminds me of the Greek comedy ‘Lysistrata’. The women deny men sex so they stop having wars.