Bristol Palin is pregnant again, knows she’s ‘a huge disappointment to my family’


I’ve never been a proponent of telling pregnant teenage girls that their pregnancies are “punishment” for having sex. I don’t think anyone, young or old, male or female, should view pregnancy and parenthood as punishments. So I always had some sympathy for Bristol Palin when she first burst into the national consciousness in 2008 as the knocked up 16 year old daughter of then vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin. Bristol made a series of a bad choices and she got knocked up and she ended up making the best of the situation for her (because it was her body, her choice) by not marrying her baby-daddy and then becoming a single mom. That kind of “trust a woman to make her own reproductive and marriage choices” ideology will never be found in the Palins’ party, mind you.

What I’m trying to say is that Bristol largely got a pass the first time around. She was a dumb teenager and she did the best she could. But the second time around? OMG. Yes, it turns out that Bristol Palin is knocked up again. Still unmarried too, which doesn’t bother me but is SO RICH AND DELICIOUS considering the GOP’s public shaming of unwed mothers, etc. Bristol’s announcement comes about five weeks after she called off her wedding at the last minute. She was supposed to marry a dude named Dakota Meyer, and some believe that she called off the wedding because he didn’t tell her about his first wife. So is Dakota the baby-daddy? Bristol doesn’t say. Here’s what she posted on her blog:

(I’m announcing this news a lot sooner than I ever expected due to the constant trolls who have nothing better to talk about!!!)

I wanted you guys to be the first to know that I am pregnant. Honestly, I’ve been trying my hardest to keep my chin up on this one. At the end of the day there’s nothing I can’t do with God by my side, and I know I am fully capable of handling anything that is put in front of me with dignity and grace.

Life moves on no matter what. So no matter how you feel, you get up, get dressed, show up, and never give up. When life gets tough, there is no other option but to get tougher.

I know this has been, and will be, a huge disappointment to my family, to my close friends, and to many of you. But please respect Tripp’s and my privacy during this time. I do not want any lectures and I do not want any sympathy.

My little family always has, and always will come first. Tripp, this new baby, and I will all be fine, because God is merciful.

[From Patheos]

Once again, pregnancy as punishment. Her life is “tough” and her decision to get pregnant (again) and keep the baby (again) is thought to be a “disappointment” to her family. This is how the family-values crowd twists everything around. And you know what? I say it’s totally cool to judge Bristol. Her blog reveals her judgment of other people’s life choices and general hypocritical wingnuttery. So I’m judging her. Girl, get some Depo-Provera!! You probably wouldn’t have a co-pay with Obamacare (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA).



Photos courtesy of Bristol’s Instagram.

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289 Responses to “Bristol Palin is pregnant again, knows she’s ‘a huge disappointment to my family’”

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  1. tifzlan says:

    Why is she typing that as though her pregnancy appeared out of thin air? Like, if you have unprotected sex, that’s one of the possible outcomes. The tone of that post is as if she was diagnosed with an incurable illness or something.

    • Lindy79 says:

      Because these muppets think anything bad that happens to them (not saying the pregnancy is bad but you know what I mean) is Gods will and nothing to do with their own personal responsibility.

    • MrsBPitt says:

      Maybe she is hoping we all think this was an immaculate conception!!!!! lol

      • SnarkySnarkers says:

        Ha! Right? What a birth announcement too. Can you imagine, years later as an adult, reading that the first thing you mom says about you to the world is that you are a huge disappointment? Whats all this “when life gets tough” crap? Its not tough, it’s basic common sense. Honey, you have been down this road before, no? If a guy doesn’t pull out around your ovulation time the chances of you getting knocked up are increased.

      • Suzy from Ontario says:

        I agree. How horrible for that baby to read later that everyone was disappointed when she got pregnant with them and all so negative.

        She’s very irresponsible. It’s not like birth control is hard to get and she’s already a single Mom. Clearly she’s not practising the abstinence she and he mother preach instead of birth control.

        It makes me wonder about the whole wedding being called off. There was all this speculation about how he’s been married before and hadn’t told her, but really, so what? As long as he was single to marry again by their wedding date, why would have result in a total breakup of the relationship and calling off the wedding. Didn’t make sense. Plus Bristol herself was quoted as saying: “Regarding salacious headlines in recent days about ‘secret wives,’ Dakota and I discussed our past relationships prior to our engagement”… but now with her pregnant and no mention of him being the father, I wonder if she cheated and got pregnant by another guy? It’s all pretty weird. Something went down.

    • Shambles says:

      I thought the exact same thing, Tifzlan. The fact that she’s acting as if God simply cursed her with an unplanned pregnancy is doubly astounding considering that she’s already been there, done that, and made the reality show.

      • QQ says:

        What makes me CACKLE FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY SOLES is The fact this bozo and her family have foisted upon us this whole abstinence only claptrap EVEN AS SHE WAS ALREADY THE MOTHER OF ONE FFS

      • Belle Epoch says:

        1) I LOATH the Palins, 2) I DETEST liars and scammers, and 3) I believe all the conspiracy theories about this chick. The first baby went to Sarah as a prop for her campaign (no birth certificate ever produced). The second baby was a keeper. There was a rumored pregnancy when she was on DWTS the first time and kept getting bigger (go see the pics!). So this is #4 pregnancy that we know of.

        Apparently she is now claiming Dakota is the father. We’ll need Maury Povich for this one.

      • AntiSocialButterfly says:

        Ooh, BelleEpoch, I am guessing you read Gryphen at – if not, you might want to amble over.

      • belle de jour says:

        I’m with you, Belle Epoch; there is something amuck here beyond any one person’s raging hypocrisy. (Purely gossipy aside: A journo pal assigned to that election is still utterly convinced Sarah was never pregnant with Trigger or Aim or whatever his name is.)

        I have also always wondered about Mr. Sarah Palin’s role in any of this… as a father, a husband, a co-conspirator… or in some other, worse capacity. And Bristol’s rather bitter (to my mind) comments about the role of a father brought my previous suspicions back to mind. This may be Duggary in more ways than one.

        Admittedly, sheer conjecture + hunches. But I’d almost swear there’s something else there.

      • minx says:

        I’m with you. I loathe these people.

      • Liberty says:

        QQ and Belles, I’m with you. Something is up, buried, etc.

      • Liberty says:

        …….Belles, see the link I posted below in this comment thread, with regard to the very weird story of Trig Palin’s birth, an article from Business Insider dot com.

        From the article:

        “Anchorage Daily News article written by Wesley Loy five months earlier, on March 6:

        “JUNEAU — Gov. Sarah Palin shocked and awed just about everybody around the Capitol on Wednesday when she announced she’s expecting her fifth child. …

        “Palin said she’s already about seven months along, with the baby due to arrive in mid-May.
        That the pregnancy is so advanced astonished all who heard the news. The governor … simply doesn’t look pregnant. [Italics added.]

        “Even close members of her staff said they only learned this week their boss was expecting… “

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Well, I’m sure her mother doesn’t believe in any sex education beyond “sex is a sin, don’t do it.” Maybe she didn’t catch on the first time because she’s an idiot?

      • Shambles says:

        Seriously. In the privileged world she lives in, it is not that hard to not get pregnant. Nahhhh mean? Woe is you, my ass, Bristol.

      • MinnFinn says:

        Bristol’s pathos reminds me of Lindsay Lohan. Both seem so neurotic, impulsive and generally messed up. I know drugs contribute to LL’s ongoing bad choices but apart from the drugs I think she would still do a lot of stupid things.

        I hope Bristol figures out that getting tougher is not a panacea for her problems. She needs a new set of problem solving skills so I hope she realizes sooner rather than later she needs a qualified counselor to help her undo her dysfunctional upbringing.

    • MinnFinn says:

      I honestly don’t think she’s saying it’s God’s will that she got pregnant this time around. Her post seems like she is distancing herself from her pregnancy and her own feelings of guilt/shame/embarrassment about it. The sentence about God’s mercy I think is Bristol trying to convince herself that God will help her through this.

      • delorb says:

        I agree. I think she feels bad because she was propped up as something she’s not. A poster child for abstinence and whatever else her mother wants to use her for. So in that regard she did let some people down. The same group of people who tell everyone to how to live their lives, but fall short themselves.

        The same group of hypocrites who couldn’t wait for a democrat to get into the White House so that they could make jokes about the new first daughters. Except, the new first daughters don’t drink, like the Bush twins did. And they haven’t had any children out of wedlock. The most that could be said about them was some crack about their clothes; which didn’t make any sense.

        Now Bristol is on her 3rd baby and Sarah is probably thinking all about herself. What this means to her. How will she explain it? She could give crap all about Bristol and the new baby, IMO. That’s who Bristol’s “I’m sorry” seems directed at.

    • Kip says:

      She “can do anything with God by [her] side” – except use contraception effectively.

    • Pinacolada says:

      I don’t know. I can’t find this funny or get joy from it. A woman, human, is feeling ashamed to be pregnant. That’s incredibly sad no matter who it is. I wish she felt supported and had someone to help her spin this positive since it is here now. I know everyone will respond to be that: well this is what her beliefs preach; shame and judgement. I get it. I just feel bad that any woman is ashamed of her body or her baby. Men are never/rarely shamed for this. I’m just sick of it.

      • Kitten says:

        You know who you should feel bad for?
        The women in developing countries AND women in the US who do not have access to the birth control that they desperately need. Do not feel bad for a woman of wealth and privilege who has the access and the knowledge to prevent a pregnancy.

        Class divides impede contraception access in even the wealthiest of countries and research has demonstrated that when cost barriers are removed, women of lower income will inevitably choose more effective methods of BC than they would have otherwise. People like the Palins push an agenda that enables this glaring disparity.

        So my advice to you is to reserve your sympathy for the women who really deserve it.

      • MinnFinn says:

        Pinacolada +1

        Kitten, I don’t think it’s your place to say who does or does not deserve sympathy. You speak as if feelings of compassion and sympathy are a limited commodity that should be rationed. And I wonder if you think feeling sorry for someone negates or absolves a person of wrongdoing.

      • Kitten says:

        If that’s how you interpreted my comment then so be it.
        I’m not gonna cry for someone who has every privilege, every damn right in the world, every resource at her fingertips, but actively tries to deny those rights to others.

        But you know what they say about karma. And yeah, it’s a big ol’ bitch when it comes back to bite you in the ass.

        Oh, and If it makes you feel any better, MinnFinn, she said she didn’t want any sympathy.
        So in that way, I’m giving her what she wants, am I not?

      • Christin says:

        This is a self-created ‘problem’ due to her / their choices. In addition to her ability to access bc, it is not as if she has been diagnosed with a life altering disease.

        My personal sympathy is reserved for others who have genuine issues outside their own control. If she feels blue about giving life, then maybe she should step away from the spotlight and get some help.

      • PhenomenalWoman says:

        Go, Kitten! I agree. She and her ilk have been trying to take away women’s right to choose and have shamed countless women over their reproductive choices. But now that she’s in the same boat, suddenly “it’s God’s will.” Eff you, Bristol!

      • WinterLady says:

        I agree with Kitten. She has plenty of money and access not only to BC but to education as well. How many young people would give their right arm to be so lucky? Many, I’d wager. I don’t feel sorry for someone who promotes all these conservative, traditional values when their own behavior is far from it.

      • Pandy says:

        Agree with Kitten. She should be publicly humiliated and raked over the coals for this. The gall of preaching abstinence after your first unplanned pregnancy, but then – oops! And all the shaming of others she participates in …. nope, she just handed her pregnant ass to us on a plate. It’s 2015 and you’ve had at least one unplanned pregnancy so far. Can you not spell IUD???? FFS.

      • belle de jour says:

        @PinaColada: I think just one aspect Kitten was getting at (and I don’t mean to womansplain you or minimize your other valid points here, Kitten) is that this very same young woman – who may or not feel ‘shame and judgment’ at her own pregnancy – has not only gone out of her way to preach or threaten these indictments upon other young women, but she has taken it all much further to make actual bank from her hypocritical efforts and logical linguini twist feats of self-unawareness and lack of empathy as well.

        She may be a genuine victim of her upbringing, deserving of compassion (I happen to think her family is extremely screwed up and lacks a moral compass in a lot of things); but she has also, in turn, become a vocal and for-profit perpetrator of hypocritical shaming and judgement against other women herself.

        She is epically dishonest and disingenuous and even cruel promoting a supposed goal and setting standards of abstinence (vs. useful sex ed) for others which she obviously finds unattainable; there’s no two ways about that one.

        By your own assessment (“Men are never/rarely shamed for this. I’m just sick of it.”), she is doing this very same thing – both to herself, and to others.

        Worse still, she pontificates from a vantage point of ostensibly having the monetary & practical means to secure birth control, the righteous ideology to discern without question what’s right from what’s wrong regarding non-marital sex, and the agency to make decisions regarding her own sexual activity… all of which she’s pretty much flouted or proven inapplicable.

        She may well be – simultaneously – both a victim and an offender. Yet she is a very privileged and undereducated one, and would do far better service educating herself before courting money to similarly misundereducate or preach to any woman in less comfortable circumstances – or less naturally benighted – than herself.

      • Anna says:

        Agreed. The fact that she feels embarrassed/ashamed of her pregnancy is awful, particularly since she feels pressured to publicly acknowledge that shame. I’m no fan of the Palins, but my heart is hurting for her and her children. This is the damage caused by these kinds of attitude about sex.

      • Kitten says:

        Thank you, Belle de Jour and all the other commenters here who get it.

      • Kiyoshigirl says:

        I’m guessing part of her “shame” comes from the fact that this bit of news most likely played into Fox News decision to fire Sarah Palin? No doubt the parents are heaping pounds of blame on her for mom losing that gig. The fact of the matter is that Sarah Palin’s popularity within her party has been waning for quite some time. Fox was probably looking for ways to cut her lose and Bristol’s pregnancy was the perfect out. The girl needs to distance herself from that family and their need to game the system at every opportunity. Republicans need to wake up to the fact that the Palin’s don’t live their lives in a “conservative” fashion and only pretend to do so because it puts money in their pockets. I’ve never seen a better example of “do what I say, not what I do”. Hopefully their 15 minutes is finally over. The conservative organizations still booking Sarah for $100K a pop deserve to be swindled, because they too stupid to see the writing on the wall. My personal politics differ greatly from conservatives, but even I have to wonder at their stupidity for putting this family up as an example of “conservatism”.

      • munchkin says:

        Why is so much shame being given to a contributor for daring to feel empathy towards someone? Let people feel bad for the girl, it’s almost as if she is trapped in some kind of indoctrinating cult to believe her sexuality is a sin and this has every chance of being passed through the generations. Some of the above comments are so self involved under a veil of ‘look how versed I am in world problems’. Nasty combination leads to aggressive approach. If you need to belittle someone else’s feelings to express your kind of empathy maybe you ‘should’ look at your intentions, because that approach certainly won’t change opinions but ingrain them more in defiance!

        I know, meh who cares I’m not your target audience.

      • Kitten says:

        Oh my god please just stop with this cult nonsense!

        Bristol Palin was not living on some secluded farm isolated from friends and family in some Evangelical cult! This is a VERY privileged young woman who grew up in a wealthy political family who had EVERY advantage in the world. She had access to a college education (which she didn’t pursue because who cares when you’re rich), she had resources that most of us can only dream of, she had every door opened for her just because of her family name, including a Lifetime TV show, Dancing With the Stars, a best-selling memoir (ugh really?) and speaking gigs. She could have practiced what she preached or at least waited to create a stable and loving home for her child. Again, it’s not like she didn’t have every single opportunity to make a great life for herself.

        Do you know what happens in REAL cults? Read about Victor Barnard and the girls that he molested for a decade under the guise of God. Young women who were cut off from society, no access to the internet, books, television, radio, or even an education. They were made to sew his clothes, cook his food, and work 16 hour days as his servant/sex slave. To compare Bristol Palin’s cushy, privileged upbringing to that is straight-up insulting. Anyone drawing that comparison is rewriting history and willfully ignoring the reality of Bristol Palin’s circumstances.

        To the OP: I do apologize if my comment came across as trying to shame you for being empathetic. Upon re-read, it did come across as harsher than I intended. But I just CANNOT with this Poor Bristol Palin the Victim narrative that is being trotted out. The only people I feel bad for in this scenario are her children, end of.

      • munchkin says:

        So it CANT be a cult mentality because it’s not the WORST cult out there. And we SHOULDNT be feeling anything towards sympathetic for her because there are WORSE problems out there.

        I didn’t grow up with money and connections BUT I had a loving supportive mother, just because you have X,Y,Z doesn’t mean you have A, B, C. Solid foundations of unconditional love from a family are more advantageous than money, a tv show and a good school or whatever you consider ‘all the advantages in the world’ to be. For a child to think their parents would be so ashamed of her because she got pregnant*gasp* does not allude to a loving and supportive upbringing. I can’t imagine what it’s like to feel like a constant dissapointment to my family for following my own path. She does follow in her parents beliefs and preach ridiculous and damaging ideas about sex, abstinence etc beliefs that she has demonstrated that she CLEARLY DOESN’T BELIEVE, by spreading their word she has their approval but the disapointment from the rest of us! Just seems pretty exclusionary to mainstream society and thus a bit culty.

        Anyway that is just my view.

        I hope I haven’t kept you from campaigning for your more worthy issues for too long.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        This seems an apt time to remember when the Hobby Lobby SCOTUS decision came down, and Bristol wanted to have a “Hobby Lobby Love Day” to celebrate women being denied birth control options.

        Yeah, I have no sympathy for her.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        @Pinacolada, you’re right, this isn’t funny and I derive no joy from it. I’m actually angry. This homophobic bigot named Bristol Palin has taken money to preach limiting education in schools to “abstinence only” and some districts have done just that, helping deprive other young women of the education they need and the access to services they need so that they don’t end up like Bristol Palin, an undereducated, unemployed bigot with a second child on the way and no supportive partner in sight. Not only are Bristol’s political heroes helping to create more unwed teen mothers, they then rage against such families and vote to deprive them of necessary services to raise those children. Bristol should have practiced what she preached or she should have kept her uneducated, bigoted mouth shut.

      • Liberty says:

        I agree with Kitten.

      • Kitten says:

        Nah, Munchkin, but I’m sure Bristol Palin appreciates you investing your time in painting her as a downtrodden victim of a cult. Maybe it’s a small silver lining on what was probably a dark day for her, with the SCOTUS decision and everything.

        I grew up with loving parents too
        Btw (is this a contest or something?) and yeah they’d probably be disappointed in me if I got pregnant at 16, then cheated on my fiancée and got pregnant again in my twenties. That doesn’t make them awful parents, that makes them normal parents. Yup that’s right. It’s actually NORMAL for parents to be disappointed when their teenage daughter gets pregnant.

        But I hope you didn’t lose too much sleep last night crying about Bigot Palin’s awful cult-like childhood.

        @Tiffany-ugh. Thanks for reminding me about that. Yup. ZERO SYMPATHY for this asshole.

    • Katrina says:

      Sometimes contraception fails..nothing is 100%

      • Whiskeyjack says:

        Well, the abstinence only her and her ilk preaches is 100%. So there is that. 😉

    • J.Mo says:

      I just saw a clip of her on Oprah pledging abstinence until marriage. Oprah expressed concern that she was setting herself up. Yup. It seems she accepted over $250,000 to represent abstinence.

  2. Lucy2 says:

    Wow, she has completely changed her face.

    I feel bad for the baby, who will someday grow up and read that depressing statement. And I don’t get why she feels forced into making a public statement, there was no need to confirm it until it was visibly obvious.

    • cannibell says:

      Word. I had a birth control failure baby who is now an adult, and will never forget the day she ran, bawling, into the kitchen where I was doing who knows what. She was followed by her older sisters. Those two were grinning like a pair of Cheshire cats.

      “They said I was an accident!”

      I looked at my youngest (inside my head I cursed my ex, the king of oversharing). I looked at her grinning sisters.

      “T,” I told her, “you are the best surprise I ever got.”

      A monster grin spread across T’s face. She stood tall, the happiness pouring out of her. Behind her, the sisters were doing a great imitation of balloons having the air sucked out of them.

      Bristol is going to have a rough time backpedaling from that statement in about 10 years.

      • marie says:

        I’m 32 and my youngest sibling is 18, I remember saying something nasty to her like that and at 4 or 5 she was still sassy enough to remind me that not only was I adopted but our mom is just my step mom. I was horrified, but that moment cemented that I will love her the most forever.

        But yeah, this business is on the Internet now…. that kid will know exactly what a disappointment it’s mother believed it to be. If she doesn’t want the kid put it up for adoption. I was never unwanted, unloved or a disappointment for even a Second to my dad and later when he remarried my step mom loved me exactly the same.

      • jessiebes says:

        Years ago, 42 to exact, I was an “accident” to my parents. I don’t remember how I found out as a child but my parents pretty much handled it the same was as you @cannibel. Never had a problem with it – just saw myself as a love child.

      • Montrealise says:

        I have a feeling that about half the world’s population were `accidents`.

      • msw says:

        I was an accident and I never had any issues over it. My parents told me (when I was an older teenager) that they were totally freaked out when they got pregnant with me because they couldn’t afford me. Apparently my dad’s words were, “oh $#!&”. (And my mom was on birth control, so I get the honor of being a result of birth control failure, too!) But i never felt anything but loved and wanted in my family.

    • Kitten says:

      Because “trolls have nothing better to do”.

      Such self-importance.

      • Lucy2 says:

        Seriously, people can’t be that interested in her, she only gets attention when she goes after it. If she’d shut up, people would ignore her.

      • Liberty says:

        Kitten and Lucy2 – — yup.

  3. LB says:

    Imagine what this child is going to feel when he/she reads how depressed his/her mother was about this. She’s writing like she’s on death row or something.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      Maybe the baby daddy is one of those “damn libruls!”. Or Levi.

      Methinks her cloud of doom is due to more than just the accusations of hypocrisy she knows is coming. It’s also due to having to name the baby daddy (who probably isn’t her ex-fiance).

      • Shambles says:

        Ohhhh snap BlueNailsBetty. Methinks you’re on to something.

      • doofus says:

        I agree…I’d bet that she got pregnant by someone besides her fiance and that’s why there was no wedding.

      • Lama Bean says:

        This was my theory. The ex-fiancé is not the father. If he were the father, she could say “oh we were engaged and slipped up”. But she was “bumping uglies” with someone else, got caught, and that’s why the wedding was called off.

      • Kitten says:

        Yup this. And I don’t feel bad for laughing about it.

      • Shambles says:

        Nor do I, O’Kittenator.

        *robust chuckle, with feeling*

      • BearcatLawyer says:

        That was my very first thought…her ex-fiancé is not the baby daddy. This also explains why she stayed far away from the “celebration” Memorial Day weekend. She could not have anyone there seeing her and guessing the real reason for the breakup.

      • AntiSocialButterfly says:

        Bingo!! Sham relationship created by the Wasilla Wendigo for PR while she was banging some ne’er -do -well, to spite her mother. Oh, the psychopathology in that family.

      • Size Does Matter says:

        Very weird timing. Why call off wedding over allegedly previously unknown first wife when you know you are pregnant? Either she didn’t yet know about new baby or ex-fiancé is not the daddy.

      • Amanda says:

        That’s what I was thinking as we’ll. of course it’s possible that they split for some other reason despite her being pregnant, but that seems less likely .

      • Pandy says:

        Yup, slut shame her LOLLLLLL. You know she’d do it to others. Get yer pregnant ass over to Maury!

      • Sherry says:

        This! There was something very odd about calling off the wedding at the last minute, but the party in Kentucky still happened with Sarah still attending. Radar was sourcing a friend of Bristol’s saying she’s been dissing the ex-fiance saying, “He was too controlling, because he made me move to Kentucky.”

        If he is the father, I feel sorry for him and the baby, because unless he sues for custody, he may never get to see that child, which means the child may never know it’s father.

  4. Lara K says:

    Oh for the love of…
    God is merciful? Get over yourself!

    I’m glad she is taking care of her kids, but the woe is me rhetoric is getting old.

    Also, if you are shaming your friends by having a baby, get new friends!

    • MrsBPitt says:

      And if SHE feels ashamed….GET SOME BIRTH CONTROL, SISTA!!!!!

      • janetdr says:

        Right?! She hasn’t figured that out yet? Can she be quiet now and stop getting paid to talk about abstinence?

      • Erinn says:

        I just can’t comprehend it – I know accidents happen with birth control or some methods don’t work great for some people for whatever reason – but I’ve had one scare in the last 8 years – and honestly… it was because I freaked myself out, not because I had really messed up. And ultimately, I didn’t take my oral contraception on the exact time every day. Maybe I was just really lucky… but if you’re being careful, the chances of getting pregnant are pretty low. Heck – people who are trying to get pregnant can take months or years to conceive. I’m not sure how she’s been blindsided TWICE by pregnancy now.

      • anon33 says:

        ^^^^ THIS TIMES A MILLION.

    • Esmom says:

      Yeah, the “God is merciful” line really killed me, too. It has a very Duggar-esque ring to it.

    • Josephine says:

      God is merciful unless you are a liberal; then God is vengeful and you’re going to h*ll.

      It’s too bad she can’t just say that she’s thrilled to be pregnant and having another child. Having to castigate yourself b/c you’re bringing a child into the world is sad but not surprising since this family thrives on judging others in similar situations and forgetting the fact that God is merciful.

  5. Kiddo says:

    I thought she was some species of Kardashian in the jump photo.

    I do not want any lectures and I do not want any sympathy.

    So no abstinence lessons then, you know, instead of birth control?

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Because that works so well.

      • Kiddo says:

        Prepare for the inevitable kaleidoscope of words randomly mixed in a colorful and scathing retort by Sarah Palin about liberal media, Obama with nonsensical poetry, only rivaled by incomprehensible and vitriolic tweets made by Charlie Sheen.

      • Josephine says:

        @ Kiddo. Clearly both Obama and the liberal press are responsible for her pregnancy.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        And the Supreme Court played a part too. And rainbow flags replacing confederate flags. The world is going to hell in a handbasket and Bristol got pregnant as a result.

    • doofus says:

      she TOTALLY looks like a Kartrashian in that pic.


    • pinetree13 says:

      Does no one remember THIS WOMAN went on a tour PREACHING to learn from her mistake and practice abstinence-only after her first ‘accident’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      She is the ultimate hypocrite. “Abstinence-only education works, do as I say, not as I do” yeah no one (well no one normal) cares about you being an unwed mother again. What people do care about is the fact that you spouted off horrible judgemental statements about all unwed mothers only to get pregnant again?

      BWAHAHAHHA! Kaiser is right, delicious gossip.

  6. daisyfly says:

    The engagement ended because the baby wasn’t his.


    • perplexed says:

      Yeah, I wondered if she cheated. That would make this whole thing even more hilarious…

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      My first thought, too.

      Second thought, the ex fiance is the father but they disagreed on what to do?

    • Louise177 says:

      That’s what I thought. The wedding suddenly called off and Bristol announces she’s pregnant? She cheated.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      Yep, that was my first thought. I also think the pregnancy is why she skipped the big party.

    • Tate says:

      I am begining to think the same thing.

    • Kitten says:

      Yeah that is the only thing that would explain the gloomy/sad tone of her announcement. Why else would these crazy-ass birthers be “disappointed” in her?

    • Jen43 says:

      I wouldn’t expect a Medal of Homor recipient to bail on the wedding if the baby were his.

    • Don't kill me I'm French says:

      My idea also

    • Erinn says:

      Exactly. If it were his, he’d have likely married her, and she’d be going on about their perfect fairy-tale and how happy she was to start a family with him.

    • lucy2 says:

      If that’s the case, then it’s really low of them to put the rumor about him not disclosing the first wife out there.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      I’m starting to think that, especially when she didn’t go into detail about the pregnancy and her relationship with her former fiance….saying something like “I thought because I was going to be married, it would be okay to have sex, and was excited to be starting this new chapter together with my son and new husband”. Something like that. She didn’t even mention the supposed father. Which means he ain’t the baby daddy. This is turning into the Maury Show QUICK.

      • Liberty says:

        Virgilia —-Haha, so true. Maury, book these guests now!!

        I keep thinking about Sarah having been potentially “one heartbeat away” from the Oval Office chair, and I can only imagine Bristol on horseback in a bikini with Putin.

  7. Tapioca says:

    Oh, how schaudenfreudetastic!

    Lecturing girls on abstinence-only birth control, swearing off sex before marriage and now not one but TWO “oops!” babies. It’s not the conception – congrats, BC failures happen, any baby is a blessing, etc… – it’s the steaming hypocrisy.

    I’m also sure the future kid will enjoy reading how much of a “disappointment” they were when they grow up…

    • tracking says:

      Exactly. The hypocrisy is rich. But now she can be the poster child for “the consequences of ‘abstinence-only’ birth control”! I kind of love it.

      • carol says:

        She can be the poster child for being an idiot

      • Anna says:

        So classic. I went to a private religious school where I was nearly annihilated and branded as a whore for being a liberal feminist who wasn’t afraid to challenge the church’s teachings. Amazing, then, how almost all of the “good girls” were pregnant within months of graduation/going out into the “real world.” Such b.s. these institutions and conservative organizations spew…very damaging to those young women who actually try to stand up to it… But I am strong, made it through, and am still here, living a free and empowered life despite their best attempts to convert/shame/destroy me.

        I have no sympathy for this “oops” nonsense at any age. Use birth control. Be safe. Plan smart. If accidents happen within the context of a loving and supportive environment, so be it. But let them be actual accidents, not situations that occur through careless behavior which is ultimately harmful to the new being who is brought into the world…

    • mayamae says:

      I believe both Sarah and eldest son Track’s girlfriend were pregnant when they married. You would think this family would figure out that abstinence only education isn’t working for them.

    • NUTBALLS says:

      I think there’s a difference between being disappointed in getting pregnant out of wedlock (especially after preaching abstinence) and calling the baby a disappointment. Of course she’s ashamed and disappointed in herself, not for having a baby, but for being such an obvious hypocrite. She knows she won’t be well paid for that spreading the abstinence message anymore. She knows that she’s given people more reasons to mock her and her family. If the baby isn’t Dakota’s (which would explain the sudden end to their engagement) then, there’s something else that people will judge her for and it’s her own damn fault.

      I’m sure that this child will be loved and well taken care of, but I feel bad for both kids, as they won’t be growing up with their dads in a stable family home. Bristol can’t help what family she came from but she can start thinking for herself, grow up and wise up. Getting out of the spotlight and finding work that isn’t hypocritical to the way she actually lives would be a good start.

      • Montrealise says:

        She’s uneducated, doesn’t have any skills or talent which she could use to support herself or her kids, and her reality-tv show days are behind her. I can understand why she’s depressed.
        `Life is hard. It’s harder when you’re stupid.’ – John Wayne.

      • NUTBALLS says:

        One of my favorite quotes and yes, it certainly applies in this case. I’d like to see her own her choices and mistakes and learn a lesson in humility.

  8. MrsBPitt says:

    She seems like a good mom…she seems like she can support her kids…she is not a teenager, anymore….who cares!!!! This statement doesn’t really sound apologetic, it sounds like, this is how it is and if you don’t like it, FU….I hope that’s what she told her family, too! But, yeah, I don’t read any of her blogs, or tweets or whatever, but, yeah, if she is being judgy, she needs to STFU!!!!!

    • perplexed says:

      She got paid to be an abstinence ambassador.

      • Liberty says:

        To be precise, she got paid $262,000 by the Candies Foundation to be an abstinence ambassador for her “work” in 2009. — wiki

        This amount was criticized because it was “one twelfth of the Foundations’ entire budget.” — wiki

        In 2011, her scheduled appearance speaking on Sexual Responsibility at Washington U in St. Louis was cancelled “when students protested that her fee was to be paid out of student-generated funds.” – wiki

        In 2010 she signed with Single Source Speakers, charging $10K to $30K per appearance for speaking women’s and youth issues, about abstinence, . etc– wiki

        …Bristol Palin does not have a college degree.

      • Lucky Charm says:

        Liberty, she has a Master’s degree in the School of Hard Knock-up’s.

      • Jackie Jormp Jomp says:

        Wow- Lucky Charm and Liberty– I have crushes on you.

      • Liberty says:

        Lucky Charm, best comment of the day!!!! 🙂

      • Kitten says:

        And here we have Liberty bringing it home with the cold, hard, indisputable facts!
        Well done, my friend.

    • AntiSocialButterfly says:


      Mighty impressive parenting skills she learned from her own parents.

      • Belle Epoch says:

        That video was appalling. The kid must be a monster by now.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        So, “I hate you” is reason for her to be upset and threaten the kid and invoke God’s wrath but a homophobic slur is reason to laugh? Way to go, Bristol.

    • mayamae says:

      It was only a small snippet of her life, but Bristol was on Wife Swap a while back. She switched places with Melissa Rivers. At the time, Willow lived with Bristol to help out with Tripp. There were basically no rules in the house. Willow had a sibling-type relationship with Tripp, and would argue with him like a fellow pre-schooler. Tripp was very disobedient and they bribed him with popsicles. He had no bedtime, and they didn’t even bother putting PJs on him at night. Todd Palin would pop in occasionally to be “the man”, and Tripp would listen only to him.

      Since then, besides the gay slur, we know that Tripp enjoys kicking the Palin dog. Good luck Bristol.

      • Jayna says:


      • Christin says:

        I could not make it through that episode because of how utterly bratty he was (with his mother and aunt clearly enabling it).

      • lisa says:

        she was definitely ill equipped. at the end where the people meet up, she seemed genuinely appreciative of melissa’s advice and complimented melissa’s parenting and her son. what she needed was either one of her parents to point these things out to her back when trip was little and help her come up with ways to do better. but her mom didnt seem to put a lot of care into raising her own kids so she probably thinks it is fine. she might be parenting trip like she was parented.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        I came out of that episode impressed with how the Rivers women were graciously willing to try just about anything, even moose liver, and the Palin women were reluctant to do anything at all, especially when it came to work. Bristol refused to even attempt to sit in on the work meetings with Joan and just sat in a chair elsewhere whining about how she hated fashion and how people were judging her politics while Willow outright refused to even consider going to a great job Melissa landed for her. Melissa did a really great thing for Willow and seemed really taken aback that she didn’t want to work at all. Joan quite frankly pointed out that in her day, Bristol would be called all sorts of horrible names and nobody was judging her in that manner so she really should stop whining and playing the victim. And the difference in the boys was world’s apart. Cooper came across as a bright, hard-working, talented and personable kid who had great love and respect for his mother and grandmother while Tripp came across as an absolute brat. He responded well to Melissa’s attempts to impose order because kids need order, which Bristol never tried to give him.

    • Jackie Jormp Jomp says:

      SHe takes money to advocate abstinance.
      That’s straight-up hypocrisy that she is not addressing.
      Furthermore, telling people to “f—” anything makes you sound more deranged than intelligent and you should avoid it if trying to be taken seriously.

  9. NewWester says:

    If there is a gossip god, I hope Bristol Palin and Kim Kardashian are due around the same time. Then happen to be giving birth in the same hospital together. Can you imagine Sarah Palin and Kris “Lucifer’s Homegirl” Jenner running into each other?

  10. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    It would be a delicious bit of irony if she wasn’t such a product of her environment.

    I realize she’s an adult but at the same time she’s still a child. Rather than offering guidance her mother is ranting on Fox News and her Father is out hunting. She’s a product of the mindset that says to close your legs and never think of sex and all your problems will be solved and Jesus will descend from heaven and high-five you.

    • littlemissnaughty says:

      Yeah, I can’t decide if I feel a bit bad for her for coming from such a nutty family or if now it’s a free for all because girl is an adult. I think we’re all products of our environments but at what point do we accept that this is just a hypocritical idiot? I feel like she’s old enough to know that what she’s preaching vs. her life choices is total crap.

      I’m not surprised at all though. They all refuse to practice what they preach, what with all the gay sex/hustler scandals and such.

      • Lucy2 says:

        I feel bad for her growing up in a nutty family and being forced onto the national stage as a vulnerable kid who was already facing something difficult. I do not feel bad for her choosing to continue the nuttiness and feeling like she has the right to tell others how to live and to deny others equal rights.

    • Jen43 says:

      Nah. She is an adult. Not to mention she made the same mistake before.

      • Erinn says:

        This. The first one – absolutely, I feel rather sympathetic- young pregnancies are hard- especially when your mother preaches abstinence education and all. But the second time – now that she’s in her 20’s? Nope. My sympathy is reserved for her kids.

    • FingerBinger says:

      She’s not a child. She’s an adult making adult decisions.

    • lisa says:

      i cant help but feel badly for all her kids

      in addition to everything else being said, sarah does not appear to value education at all which has lasting long term effects, even though 3 of her children are adults. they were raised to value guns and sanctimony and not much else. it would be easier to get out and away if you were educated. iirc bristol was taken out of HS to be home schooled but it didnt appeal like a whole lot of that went on.

  11. Greek chic says:

    This girl doesn’t know much about birth control right?
    A baby is not a punishment for having sex but a possible outcome
    of an unprotected sexual intercourse.

    I am sorry for the kids though. Their mother and grandma are dummies.

    • Kitten says:

      I’m sure in her mind an unwanted pregnancy is God’s punishment for cheating on her fiancé.

    • jwoolman says:

      Actually, pregnancy is a possible outcome of protected sexual intercourse. Even when several contraceptive methods are used at once, they can all fail. Stuff happens. Birth control measures greatly reduce the odds of conception, but not down to zero (with the exception of abstinence and sterility).

      This is the strangest pregnancy announcement I’ve ever seen, though.

      • Greek chic says:

        Of course accidents happen. I’m sure Bristol’s pregnancy is not one of these failed method situations.
        She was careless,didn’t use protection and now she’s a victim. From a woman that got pregnant in her teens, you would expect a more responsible behaviour.

      • Kiddo says:

        There is, however, zero percent chance of getting pregnant if you are abstinent which is not realistic, but what she was preaching.

      • pinetree13 says:

        There is no way she was using birth control…she preached against it! She got paid $250K to preach abstinence-only to groups of young teens saying they should learn from her mistake. She made horrible, judgemental comments about single/unwed moms. She took MONEY to spew her anti-choice, abstinence only crap. THEN SHE GOT PREGNANT AGAIN!!!!!

        You couldn’t be a bigger hypocrite if you tried. Abstinence doesn’t work people! Normal humans are curious about sex and I think it’s pretty sad to condemn yourself to a life of celibacy if you aren’t lucky enough to find the right person to marry. Let’s be real. Rates of teenage pregnancy are HIGHER where abstinence-only education is present. BRISTOL IS THE LIVING EXAMPLE!

  12. kri says:

    I thought that was Kanye’s plastic wife,

  13. aims says:

    There’s nothing better then when a judgmental, self righteous person gets caught. I have no problem with anyone having a baby out of wedlock or multiple fathers for their children. What gets me is when someone who’s all judgmental of people’s life choices turns out to be the biggest “sinner.”

    God has nothing to do with this. If she was given factual information regarding birth control and options in her life maybe she wouldn’t be in this situation. Maybe this will be a wake-up call for her and her family to shut up regarding people’s personal lives, though I doubt it.

    Not a good week for the Palin family. Karma’s a bitch.

    • MonicaQ says:

      So much this. I mean, do you. If you want to have 8,000 baby daddies then that’s on you. Own it. But to sit on your box and preach that sex is bad, you’re going to hell for pre-marital sex, blah blah and THEN get knocked up TWO TIMES–oh I’m going to laugh.

      Reminds me of a girl in HS who told me I was destined for damnation because of pre-marital sex. When I pointed out there was webcam video of her screwing 3 guys from the basketball team, she turned up her nose and said that she had asked God for forgiveness so it was ok.

      • Hautie says:

        “…When I pointed out there was webcam video of her screwing 3 guys from the basketball team, she turned up her nose and said that she had asked God for forgiveness so it was ok…..”
        LMAO! Alrighty then…. but seriously…. people need to leave God out of their shenanigans. But I do not remotely believe for one moment, that she had the guts to tell God she got plowed by 3 guys. How would you even start off that conversation?

        ~Hello, God… it’s me Becky. You know, the girl that got plowed by those 3 guys?

      • MonicaQ says:

        I have no idea but she went to one of these HUGE megachurches and caused all sorts of nightmares for teachers. (“You can’t teach evolution, this is a violation of my freedom of religion”, “I can’t read this book, it has swearing, find me a new book because of my religion”, “I can’t wear this uniform because it violates my Christian values” (YOU’RE IN MARCHING BAND NOTHING IS SEXY ABOUT BAND UNIFORMS YOU TART))

        Then of course she discovered boys have parts and that didn’t last very long. She still kept up the “holier than thou” attitude all the way until she went to one of the state unis…where she promptly got pregnant and had to leave.

        That seems to be par for the course when it comes to people like that. Condemn, condemn, condemn, but never themselves. There’s always some reason or some excuse of why they are *obviously* better than other people.

      • BearcatLawyer says:

        I was feeling a tad sorry for her (as well as totally savouring the karmic justice) but as soon as I read Bristol’s comment about God being merciful, I felt like projectile vomiting. I immediately wanted to snap at her, “Oh so God is merciful to you with your TWO premarital, unplanned pregnancies but it is perfectly fine for God and YOU and YOUR ILK to judge the hell out of other girls in similar situations? STFU.”

        Oh she who casts the first stone…hurts when it boomerangs back and whacks you in the face, doesn’t it, Bristol?

      • Pinky says:

        @Hautie i misread your post as “Almighty then.” I think it fits and I’m sticking with it!

      • Otaku Fairy says:

        I guess the justification for them is that they are ‘apologetic sinners’, while we heathens are unapologetic about our ‘fornication’ and don’t try to turn it into this horrific deed that we must ‘repent’ from.

    • Luca76 says:


    • Liberty says:

      aims, this, perfect.

  14. DavidBowie says:

    Cheese and crackers…ever heard of birth control?!?!

  15. GiGi says:

    Can you ever even imagine calling a pregnancy “a huge disappointment to my family”? I mean – what a sick world they must live in.

    • belle de jour says:

      It reads to me like a lot of people I know who’ve been raised with the stricture (or in this case, scripture?) that the ‘enterprise’ of the family is far more important and valuable than any of the actual human beings who make up the sum of its parts.

  16. Norman Bates' Mother says:

    It might be cruel but right now I kind of wish it’s not Dakota Meyer’s baby and that she got pregnant while still engaged to him. It would show her not only as a hypocrite who dares to judge other women for their life choices, while having gotten accidentally pregnant not once, but twice but also one who is a dumbass, who was not using protection, while cheating on her fiance she was about to marry in the matter of weeks. Classic. The press was all about searching for reasons why he made her break up the engagement and what wrong did he do to her, but what if the reason was her cheating? If that’s what happened, it would also show the Palins once again as the awful parents they are. Ones that use the faux-wedding reception that was supposed to be their daughter’s big day for political reasons, to show America how much they condemn her actions.

    I feel sorry for the baby. If something seems close to punishment in this story – it’s being born into the Palin family.

  17. Stephanie says:

    The first time, I totally gave her a pass. The SECOND time never had to happen. Its not like the baby fell out of the sky. She has a bit of that tone in her letter, IMO.

    • veronica says:

      Yeah, the first time? Sure, stuff happens, she was a stupid kid in love. The second time? You are freaking adult and know exactly how babies are made. Don’t want a kid, either use protection (the pill AND condoms) or just don’t have sex. It’s not rocket science.

      • pinetree13 says:

        Yeah but you can’t really use the pill and/or condoms when you ACTIVELY went around preaching about how they are wrong and only abstinence-only until marriage! She is a huge hypocrite.

  18. JudyK says:

    If you aren’t actually planning for a baby, don’t have unprotected sex…seems too simple a concept I guess.

    Main comment is that she looks like KKW’s sister.

  19. Jayna says:

    Okay. She is always holier than thou, no sex before marriage, blah, blah. But she went and got knocked up by someone. It happens. She’s had months to accept it and adjust, and she’s a grown woman. So It’s kind of sad she didn’t put in that blog she considers the child coming a blessing and joy. All she talks about is “disappointment” to her family and strangers and friends and “God is merciful’ and “I don’t want any sympathy” and how no matter how she feels she’s just going to get up in the morning. Aw, how strong and brave of you. God is merciful? Don’t get me started with that comment. You’re pregnant.

    Wow. I don’t expect sympathy? It’s like the blog post she’s painting herself as some kind of martyr, trudging through this. What a way to paint this pregnancy and your unborn child. .

  20. kibbles says:

    I don’t like to shame women who either choose or accidentally get pregnant at any age. Bristol’s family is very wealthy so her children will be well provided for and I’m sure she will give them a loving home. I also felt that the attacks on her during her mom’s run with McCain were disgusting and sexist. She was only a teenager then and I am generally against attacks on candidates’ children because they do not choose to be in the spotlight.

    My problem with Bristol now is that she has chosen to remain in the spotlight for the most awful causes. She makes hundreds of thousands of dollars as a spokesperson for abstinence and traditional family values when she does exactly the opposite. She is doing what every woman has the right to do which is to choose when she wants to have sex and to have children out of wedlock without judgment. People would not be judging Bristol as harshly now if she had used her experiences to support sex education and women’s rights. I still do not want to judge her harshly or call her any names which I’ve seen many people do online, but she put herself in this position by being a hypocrite. However, I wish her well on her pregnancy and hope that she someday sees the error of her ways.

  21. Jenns says:

    So now she is a young, unwed, unemployed, soon-to-be mother of two–with both kids by two different fathers. This is the kind of woman conservatives love to sh!t on. Except, she’s white, so she’ll get a bit of a pass. Maybe this is one of the reasons why Mama Palin was cut from Fox News. Kind of hard to preach that abstinence only education works!

    And I’m just going to drop this quote from Bristol here. This was her opinion on Obama supporting gay marriage. Pay attention to the last sentence:

    “In this case, it would’ve been helpful for him to explain to Malia and Sasha that while her friends parents are no doubt lovely people, that’s not a reason to change thousands of years of thinking about marriage. Or that – as great as her friends may be – we know that in general kids do better growing up in a mother/father home. Ideally, fathers help shape their kids’ worldview.”

    • Jayna says:

      How rich. So she was going through with a shotgun marriage and then backtracks because she will be stuck in Kentucky with a man she barely knew when getting pregnant, so she heads back to Alaska, which means that child will never ever grow up being raised by his or her father in his or her day-to-day life, just a distant father living far away. And Palin wants to lecture people on what is important in the family nucleus? Priceless.

      • Jen43 says:

        Jayna, you are assuming the fiancé is the father. I’m assuming he isn’t.

      • Jayna says:

        @Jen43, I didn’t even think of that. That would really put an interesting twist to all of this.

    • jwoolman says:

      And Bristol did everything she could to prevent her kid’s dad from contact with him. He had to get court orders. This after all the hoopla about them getting married etc. during her mom’s campaign. Bristol thought she could unilaterally decide to kick dad to the curb when she lost interest. She even took the kid out of state to make it more difficult.

      • Jayna says:

        Levi is a loser in many respects, but his interview in Vanity Fair is eye-opening about what that family was really like pick she became McCain’s VP pick. And it never felt like he was embellishing his observations at all, and he was in that home a ton. That family was never what they tried to portray as far as some really close marriage and close family. It’s a fascinating read regarding Levi’s observations on Sarah Palin in that family and the Palin’s bad marriage and then being thrust into the limelight as the pregnant daughter’s boyfriend when Palin was nominated as McCain’s running mate.

        Palin seemed like a very uninterested mother to Trig, the Down’s syndrome baby. Even Todd comes off more involved as a parent.
        Here it is.

      • mayamae says:

        I’ve always hoped that Levi was lying, because he claims that Sarah called her own baby the “R” word. Absolutely horrific if true.

      • Jayna says:

        @mayamae, I don’t believe he is lying. In the Vanity Fair article he addresses that, and it’s like just a thing she said to refer to the baby. He comes off believable in the interview, because he just kind of recounts life with the Palins when he dated and was over their house all the time and it doesn’t come across like him exaggerating at all.

      • Liberty says:

        Like the Belles above, I don’t think that baby Trig was/is Sarah’s child. I think the story of his confusing “helicopter birth” is worth a reread.

      • Liberty says:

        Here, the amazing tale of Trig Palin’s birth…

        From the article:

        Todd Palin alone had accompanied his wife on her trip to Texas in 2008, an irregular arrangement for a trip involving official state business. After Palin’s speech in Dallas, he emailed three of her aides, saying the speech “kicked ass” but remarkably said nothing about Palin being in labor and that they were rushing back to Alaska so she could give birth close to home.

        The next day, Sarah Palin’s office sent out a press release announcing the birth of the Palins’ fifth child, Trig, saying:

        “The Palins were thankful that the Governor’s labor began yesterday while she was in Texas … but let up enough for her to travel on Alaska Airlines back to Alaska in time to deliver her second son.”

        The press release did not mention where the birth took place. But a TV crew from KTUU-TV showed up at the Mat-Su Regional Medical Center in Palmer, Alaska, after receiving a tip that Palin had given birth there. (The Mat-Su hospital did not list Trig Palin among the babies born that day.) The TV crew videotaped Palin’s parents, Chuck and Sally Heath, in a hospital room, with Chuck holding an infant he said was their month-premature new grandson, Trig. Experts have since said that the baby did not look like a newborn.

        he Mat-Su medical facility lacks a neonatal intensive-care unit, which would make it a poor choice for the delivery of a premature baby with complications. (Palin said she knew from testing the baby had Down syndrome.) The Palins in their return trip to Alaska passed several large hospitals equipped with neonatal ICUs. Notably, in 2005, Palin served on the board of the Valley Hospital Association, which largely runs the Mat-Su medical facility.

        PalinTaking no maternity leave, Palin returned to work the following Monday, bringing the supposedly four-week premature baby with her

        ————— Her labor “LET UP ENOUGH”????

      • belle de jour says:

        @Liberty: Thanks for the link! Something had stuck in my mind – read during the heat of the campaign, via sources repeatedly sent from my by then apoplectic former journo colleague who was convinced this was a huge, blatant, bone-fide cover-up – but I’ve changed computers & positions since then and lost all that.

        Interesting reading, yes? Good grief. But then I think they are absolutely shameless, and capable of at least attempting almost anything. Still have my suspicions about both the mother *and* the father of that child.

      • mayamae says:

        I know many believe Trig was Bristol’s, and the rumor was alive and well in Alaska before Sarah Palin hit the national scene. I’ve always thought the two births were too close together, and Down Syndrome would be more common at Sarah’s age, than Bristol’s.

        Sarah definitely kept the pregnancy secret far into the pregnancy. I think she slipped and revealed the true reason. She stated that having Trig was the most difficult “choice” she has ever made. When you are completely pro-life, there is no choice. I believe Sarah struggled with the idea of having a special needs baby, and contemplated abortion for some time. She was also about twenty pounds heavier during the election, which would go along with post-partum.

        So that’s what I believe, but I really wouldn’t put anything past them. Maybe Trig is from the first girl that Track knocked up. Maybe he had time after sabotaging school buses, and before knocking up his girlfriend/now wife. These people are fecund.

      • Liberty says:

        Belle de jour, I had a friend in politics who was also shaking his head and I remembered one story he’d mentioned, and this was it.
        We may never know the truth, though the truth usually does eventually surface. It is possible the child was her husband’s with someone else, it is possibly hers as you mentioned. I do think the child belongs to a family member. The wrestling with what to do, if that was the case, is the potentially hypocritical part, and the oddity of the whole thing has yet to be sensibly explained. Yup, pretty shameless, all told.

  22. cleveland girl says:

    Why is she taking selfies at her Plastic Surgeons office???

  23. Jaded says:

    Three things really irritate me about her message.

    1. Referring to the “constant trolls” who have nothing better to talk about. Girl, you live your life in the public eye, deliberately. It’s not the trolls’ fault, it’s yours.

    2. “I am fully capable of handling anything that is put in front of me with dignity and grace.” No. dignity and grace are not the descriptives I’d use when it comes to how you live your life. Remember the punch-up party? Remember the bar brawl where you mouthed off at some guy accusing him of being homosexual? That was not dignified or gracious behaviour honey.

    3. “Please respect Tripp’s and my privacy during this time.” You’ve done nothing but force yourself into the public eye since your mother came into the public eye. You’ve happily ridden her coattails to notoriety. You were on Dancing With The Stars. You had short-lived (thankfully) TV shows. Now you’ve deliberately dangled the pregnancy bait then sat back smugly asking for privacy. You’re as much of a famewhore as your silly mother and you deserve to be lectured on how birth control works. I doubt you’ll get any sympathy.

  24. dr mantis toboggan says:

    Sounds like she’s over the moon, zooming past Jupiter and spiralling towards the andromeda galaxy.

    Oh crap,hope I didn’t give her any baby name ideas!

    • tinyfencer says:

      She’s got to name the next one Fall. Then she’ll have Tripp and Fall.

      • GingerCrunch says:


      • Tough Cookie says:

        AWESOME!!! LOL

      • Julaine says:

        If the baby is a girl she can always go with Fallon.

        The thing that stuck out to me the most (outside the sheer hypocrisy of saying she didn’t want any lectures) was the complete lack of any mention of the father. She is asking for privacy for her and Tripp. No similar wish to shield her baby’s father? Very curious. From various accounts it would seem that as late as January or Febuary she was dating another young man in Alaska. Then came March and she was suddenly engaged to an American Hero/Medal of Honor recipient. Which lead to an abruptly cancelled wedding just 2 months later. Now she is pregnant and apparently deeply depressed over the matter. All I can say is that I hope she seeks professional counseling if she is truly this conflicted. She owes it to both of her children.

    • lisa says:

      i’m actually really excited to see which random noun she pulls out of the dictionary for this baby

  25. Mia4S says:

    Hahahaha! She was paid to lecture on abstinence! Hahahaha!

    You’re a grown woman you git. Zero sympathy for her. Zero. Nice comment about how disappointed you are for the baby to read someday. Just ridiculous.

  26. Cara says:

    Grace and dignity aren’t two words that particularly come to mind here.
    And, there is little doubt that Dakota is not the father.

    I feel sad for any woman in her 20’s who is still apologizing to her family for her life choices. But since she is likely being supported financially by them, I guess that’s the trade-off.
    i doubt she’s going to be able to get her usual fee for the abstinence speeches for quite a while. Might be time to shore up the old resume and hit the job fairs.

    • Christin says:

      My guess is she would jump at doing a reality show. The theme song could be oops, I did it again.

  27. Neelyo says:

    I think it’s hilarious that this whole situation falls into the whole welfare queen myth perpetuated by the GOP for years. Unwed mother, two kids by different fathers…The only difference being that Grandma was a part time governor of Alaska, VP candidate and now desperate reality celebrity.

  28. Shahrizai says:

    Ugh. I just …
    So, abstinence ambassador, right? That worked well.
    Right wing family values pushing for both mother and father? Hmm… 2nd out of wedlock baby. She really stands for her morals, huh?

    I am judging her and I’m judging her hard because, as others have pointed out in their comments, she’s chosen to live her life in the public eye and parrot the talking points of the right without actually examining what they mean or actually living by them. Those in glass house shouldn’t throw stones and all that… but it saddens me that she’s more focused on how disappointed her family, friends, and supporters are because she feels she made poor choices that she has no other recourse for. We all make poor choices, but we all have A CHOICE on how to handle the circumstances. That she can’t see that and that she’s blindly choosing to be allow herself to be shamed is so stupid it hurts to see. Sex is totally normal and natural. Protection and contraceptives are available pretty easily. If you don’t actually have the values you preach, at least have the brains to CYA so that you can live the life you want in private even if you don’t feel you can in public.


    • pinetree13 says:

      The best thing she could do would be to apologize for the things she’s said in the past about unwed/single mothers and how she now realizes that birth control education IS better than abstinence only education.

      Except that will never happen. I think it is fair that she judges herself harshly when she did so to all the other women with no remorse. Unless she shifts her public persona she deserves the criticism.

  29. Blue says:

    This from the girl who was preaching abstinence… closed abstinence doesn’t work. I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall when bristol told mama Palin your going to be a grandma again. Engagement followed by cancelled wedding followed by surprise pregnancy they would have known she was pregnant when the wedding was cancelled…so whose the daddy this time?

    • mayamae says:

      I’m curious how Bristol plans to spin it. In her book, she basically accuses Levi of taking advantage of her while she was drunk.

  30. Ankhel says:

    “. ..I am fully capable of handling anything that is put in front of me with dignity and grace.” Not true obviously, but this is how you do it. First, you demand a condom. With dignity. Then, you gracefully roll it on. It’s all in the wrist. And hey presto, now you can handle it as you please!

  31. Mrs. Ari Gold says:

    How is she going to support the 2 kids and herself? She’s an unwed single mother of two children, each by a different father. Wow. I don’t think Sarah Palin has THAT much money that she can support Bristol + 2 kids. Sarah’s got her own kids to worry about.

    • perplexed says:

      She must have made a lot of money from her abstinence tours, assuming she knows anything about how to invest properly (I’m leaning towards no on this one since she couldn’t do the abstinence job properly, but maybe her mom hired good financial advisors).

    • Jayna says:

      She received like 250,000 at least one year for being the face of some abstinence charity. She received at least 250,000 for being on Dancing with the Stars. She had a book she made money on milking the teenage abstinence story. She had a short-lived reality show. She had appearances milking the teenage abstinence thing.

      That’s her claim to fame. She didn’t put any of that money towards higher education aiming towards a career. She did buy a nice house and got a lot of plastic surgery with it. Just riding the coattails of mom and her teenage pregnancy and milking it for all its worth to the far right Christians and writing a blog on some Christian site giving us her deep insight into issues, such as the horrible liberal media, etc..

  32. Abbicci says:

    She only announced this so early because she makes her money from giving ‘abstinence only” lectures. Trolls? Please, she was afraid she would be sued by some Christian school when she showed up for her ‘never have sex ’cause you’ll get cancer and you’ll be a whore’ lectures visibly knocked up.

    But like all professional Christians, it does not matter what your actions are it only matters that Jesus forgives you. It’s the prefect scheme.

  33. Elfie says:

    The right wing are nuts. I remember the first ever sex education talk I got at my very strict Catholic school, they brought a woman in to teach us in line with the religious ethos. She told us not to have sex before marriage but if we absolutely had to not to use a condom or birth control because that was denying life akin to abortion, therefore a mortal sin. Sex is for reproduction only.

    This girl has been marinated in a similar nonsensical mentality but without the intelligence to pull herself out of it.

    She is proof that abstinence preaching doesn’t work because they always end up having sex just without taking responsibility to avoid unwanted consequences.

    That poor child being born to a mother as a publicly regretted punishment for ‘sinning’. Grow up Bristol, practice either contraception or abstinence. You’re an adult. Stop lecturing other people on issues you are ignorant of and sort out your own life. Find your own morality and live it.

  34. Jayna says:

    Excerpts from an article today.

    “Bristol Palin has for the past few years been the face of abstinence-only policies, making close to $1 million through her outreach efforts to prevent teen pregnancy.”

    “There may be multiple forms of contraception, but I’m here to say that one fact remains. Those that practice abstinence have no chance of becoming pregnant,” Palin said at an appearance in 2010. “Abstinence is not about morality, it is about reality. It is the only thing that works every time. My message is a simple one: Don’t make the same decision I made, just wait. Young ladies, please hear me.”

    “Her work generated a bit of controversy in 2009 when her take-home pay for Candie’s was seven times what the charity actually brought in donations. Forbes reported, “Apparently, the organization was only able to find $35,000 to grant to charities from the $1,242,476 donated from the public. Meanwhile, the young Ms. Palin managed to pull in a $262,500 paycheck for her role as an ambassador for their teen pregnancy prevention campaign in 2009.” Bristol Palin continued to rack in the earnings from her appearances, making between $15,000 and $30,000 for every speech she made advocating abstinence-only policies, which the Daily Beast estimated to total about $100,000 per year.”

    “While Bristol made close to $500,000 directly from abstinence-only appearances, her advocacy against teen pregnancy also helped lead to an appearance on Dancing with the Stars and a memoir, Not Afraid Of Life, earning her well over $1 million in total.”

    • pinetree13 says:

      Wow, she’s made a killing from spreading her backwards philosophy on birth control. All the while knowing how unrealistic it is to tell people to only practice abstinence.

  35. Nick says:

    Here’s what kills me about this situation. Bristol and her shit bird mother judge other single mom’s so harshly for being on public assistance. But if Bristol did not have rich parents she would be begging for help. Bristol will be a fine mom to 2 kids but she is getting an obscene amount of help from her wealthy parents. Unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky but that does not matter to the palin’s. God I hate this family

    • mayamae says:

      As much as Sarah Palin and her ilk complain about entitlements, she and her family receive free healthcare because Todd is part Native Alaskan. Tripp was also covered by the government at the time of the custody battle.

  36. Isa says:

    She couldn’t wait to announce until the Fourth of July? That’s what I would have done if I was such a huge disappointment.

    • chaine says:

      The blog linked to in one of the posts above says that the National Enquirer was about to publish an expose about her being pregnant, and she was tipped off about it.

  37. Stephanie says:

    Yay! Another Palin! Said no one ever. 😉😜

  38. Tiffany says:

    I would say congrats but her state is full of so much pass and vinegar I don’t know what to say.

    Maybe she is angry because she now realizes the gravy train ( there is no way she can stay on the lecture circuit) has ended and she finally knows what a single, unemployed parent has to do to make sure there is a roof over everyone’s head. Sweet justice for her but sucks for the kids. Also, this poor kid is going to read about this and will think they are never loved and Mommy is a idiot.

  39. FLORC says:

    Bristol imo was in a tight spot, but of her own making. Her family thives on hypocrisy. She took a lot of money for speaking duties of practices she clearly didn’t take to heart. I can sort of see the justification like she was acting the role of a speaker and getting paid for that. It’s lacking in morals and ethics, but it’s been done before.

    Now she’s pregnant again. Like some ladies i’ve met in my professional field she did the deed while not bothering with birth control and is upset the possibility of pregnancy has happened.
    It’s all in good fun when you get your cake and eat it, but when the consequences come about you have to live with them.

    And why the hell is she acting like her pregnancy is a terrible medical issue? Is she already redirecting all the embarrassment and shame caused by her family being upset with her on her unborn child? She knew what could happen.

    Now if this is because she got pregnant with her fiance and then had to break it off because he lied about his past…. Own it. There’s no shame in that. Or at least there shouldn’t be. Do what is right for you and your family. Be strong for them. Don’t act like because others are judging you you have to be ashamed of your situation.

  40. Mzizkrizten says:

    It’s a shame she even has to make such a statement demeaning herself. She shouldn’t have any guilt at all.

    • FingerBinger says:

      She is guilty. She’s a guilty of being a hypocrite since she preached abstinence.

      • Mzizkrizten says:

        She’s not a teen anymore. She’s a grown woman. She preached it then bc her mother made her.

      • chaine says:

        She probably never believed in abstinence. She was an uneducated single mom with no skills and no other way to make money than putting on a big scarlet letter and becoming part of the conservative Christian sideshow.

  41. veronica says:

    I get that she’s obviously not ecstatic to be pregnant but now that those words are online, her kid will be able to Google his/her mum and see that she was disappointed he/she was on her way. Regardless of how you feel and how it changes, I’m sure she’ll be so excited when the baby finally arrives, that kid will think that he/she was an accident and not wanted. Way harsh Bristol.

    I wish her well but I’m cackling inside at the hypocrisy. Karma is a bitch.

  42. DarkSparkle says:

    For the people that trumpet about how “the evil librul media hates and attacks and antagonizes the Palin’s”…

    Things like this are why the media has a field day with this family. Open mouth, insert snowshoe.

  43. jc126 says:

    Hilarious schadenfreude! She’s so self-righteous. Her announcements always have the same format as her mom’s – start off with saying how the trolls/America-haters will criticize, but Jesus will get them through anything.

  44. HK9 says:

    KARMA. (and yes, I’m enjoying the hell out of this. Not mature I know but it is what it is. 🙂 )

  45. funcakes says:

    Oh these sneaky,sneaky people.
    I trust nothing they say or write.
    Me thinkst the lady got knocked by some other squire and her fiancee found out leading to Him breaking thing off. Then she put the story out about her breaking off with him first.
    Not to worry. I bet there’s more dirt to come in the next couple of weeks. She’s obviously trying to beat everyone to the punch and lay the the ground work for the web she has weaved.

    • Christin says:

      Perhaps Sarah’s long statement that basically boiled down to ‘wedding off / Kentucky reception still a go’ was a lame attempt to keep the ex-fiancé and his family friendly to them.

      I think there will be someone who spills the BBQ sauce on this one. Someone from his camp will want to clear his name, if the public thinks it is his child.

  46. Colette says:

    Bad day for Sarah
    Her doctor is knocked up again AND marriage equality is the law of the land.

  47. mayamae says:

    As to why Bristol is announcing her pregnancy so early – I’m predicting she’s planning on becoming a born-again virgin. She’s giving her people time to pencil her into their anti-birth control speech circuit. You heard it here first.

  48. cheryl says:

    Maybe the huge disappointment to her family was she was about to be married into a respectable non- brawlin’ non-crazy family (don’t know if they are, just speculating). That pathway to some credibility and stability has been abruptly cut off. Imagining the feelings of ex-fiance.

    • Josephine says:

      If there are disappointed about anything it should be that she lacks education and spent her money on plastic surgery. Their values are awful.

  49. Cali says:

    I’m sad for this baby that it’s seen as a disappointment or cause for “shame.” What a crap pregnancy announcement. Ugh.

  50. Hope says:

    When I read this last night I thought the same thing as others have said – she was fooling around with someone other than her fiancé and got knocked up – and that’s the reason the wedding was called off. Maybe she and the fiancé never did the deed so she couldn’t pretend it was his? Or maybe the guy looks different enough she couldn’t have pulled off a switch? The timing just seems off. You would think she WOULD announce a wedding if she was pregnant with his baby since that’s what momma would have wanted. Not the other way around.

    I think another shoe is going to drop in this story.

  51. cosmo says:

    True. When you’re all judgey, that lesson comes back to you somehow. Hopefully she’ll learn not to be so judgemental.

  52. The Original Mia says:

    This is what happens when people throw stones in glass houses. I’m enjoying the schadenfreude. If she wasn’t so self-righteous and blah blah blah, no one would give 2 sh$ts about her having a second child. But since she’s spent her time since 2008 being a lecturing, abstinence only twit, it is karmic that this chick got knocked up and can’t claim it happened during her honeymoon. Me thinks her ex-fiance just dodged a bullet. Count me as one who thinks this is someone else’s kid.

  53. Tig says:

    What are the chances some clown at TLC is figuring out a reality show with the Duggars being her midwife while this pregnancy progresses?

    • chaine says:

      oh yeah, and Maddie and Cara from Kate Plus Eight are old enough now that they could be babysitters for Tripp in the meantime.

  54. Giddy says:

    If Bristol wanted to handle this situation “with dignity and grace” she has already failed just by the tone of her announcement. It is neither dignified or graceful to have such a self-pitying statement that makes clear this baby is both a disappointment and a burden. I guess this is what happens when you are so busy being judgmental of others that you don’t handle your own life very well.

  55. Amy M. says:

    Meh I say who cares? She’s in her 20s now, she’s no longer a teenager. She can have as many babies out of wedlock as she wants. She may feel ashamed about it but that’s her problem, not the world’s. Sometimes the best control in the world will fail. Accident babies happen. Maybe she should get her tubes tied if she doesn’t want anymore kids.

    • anne_000 says:

      I think it’s because of the irony. She made over $250,000 to advocate abstinence. Then it ends up that ALL her kids were created out of wedlock.

  56. buzz says:

    Conservatives are all about “Freedom” and “Small Govt” except when they are dictating who you can marry, whether you reproduce, whether or not you can vote without documents and photographic proof. Will they learn their lesson now to get off our backs?

  57. Christin says:

    Having read her statement last night and again today, I still view it as having a negative tone that (despite the ending words) DOES seek sympathy.

    She had time to think through what she was saying, and she did not seem to be trying to keep it short and sweet (which would have probably been much better). There were many better ways to announce this than using the word disappointment in any form or fashion, especially knowing her statement will forever exist online.

  58. EN says:

    I am feel sorry for her. She pretty much grew up in the cult, and she I s being judged because of her mother.
    Her mother is very beautiful and the comparisons must be very hard also. The girl lost so much weight, had a surgery, all in order to feel better. And people still keep judging her.
    I don’t like kicking people when they are down.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      People wouldn’t be judging her if she did what the majority of single moms do: get a job to support herself and her child and lay off the homophobic rants on Facebook. Instead, she has been chasing after reality TV stardom and mouthing off in public on every imaginable topic for years and then blaming “the media.”

  59. Robin says:

    “A dude named Dakota Meyer”? I hope that was meant to be tongue-in-cheek.

  60. TeaAndSympathy says:

    We did hear a bit about the Palin woman when she was campaigning, but rarely hear anything nowadays. I’ve loved reading all the comments here. I even clicked to the Gryphon link – that was an interesting read! – but I’m going to have to backtrack and do some research on this family, because I’m now rather confused…

    • Jayna says:

      Oh, she’s been out around. She’s been out there on Fox News spouting off some doosies. She’s gotten so bad even Fox fired her.

  61. Giddy says:

    Name game!!! They have Track, Trigg, Tripp. So next? Trellis, Trophy, Trumpet, Triffid?

  62. Bread and Circuses says:

    Sarah Palin was pregnant when she got married.

    Her sister Molly was pregnant when she got married.

    Sarah’s son Track’s wife was pregnant when they got married.

    Sarah’s daughter Bristol has now been pregnant twice without getting married.

    The Palin family DEMONSTRABLY believes in having sex before marriage. They just say they don’t.

  63. Jayna says:

    Crickets coming from Sarah Palin’s camp. interesting.

  64. iheartjacksparrow says:

    I’m wondering if Bristol is like a gal that used to work in the same office I did years ago named Sierra who did things to spite her parents. People who knew her in high school said Sierra always stated she would stay a virgin until she married, which her parents were thrilled about. Then in her senior year she got pregnant. Luckily, the father came from a wealthy family, so they had a nice wedding. And divorced a year later. I believe the child was two years old when she came to work where I was. Then Sierra started dating this real creep, and her parents told her to break up with him. She didn’t want to and was seeing him in secret. Suddenly she’s pregnant. Now she has two infants. Then she meets a great guy and they plan their wedding. Her parents tell her, don’t get pregnant before the wedding. Suddenly, she’s pregnant again. I really believe that Sierra did exactly the opposite of what her parents told her.

  65. jessiebes says:

    Agreed with the above posters: hypocrite.

    These poor children. They are being brought up in an environment where even their existence is considered shameful and a disappointment. What a horrible way to start a life, which should be celebrated and considered precious.

    Personally I father’s are important to a child’s life and development. Where possible of course. So I do hope Bristol will let that happen.

  66. KelT says:

    It’s probably already been said, but she looks like a young Kim Kardashian in the selfie.

    Handling this with “grace and dignity” would have been to ignore the “trolls”, live your life, and don’t make any kind of announcement – and to heck with what anyone thinks or says.

    She’s obviously learned nothing about birth control, or mouth control.

    • anne_000 says:

      That’s the thing about some abstinence-only advocates. They don’t believe in using birth control and anything that aids in safe sex. They don’t have a back-up plan for when reality hits and people do have sex and get pregnant and/or STD. Then they get on another holier-than-thou rant when they don’t get an abortion or they expect prayers to heal them. It’s just seems like such a clumsy farce.

  67. Madly says:

    I never post on the political posts. Wish there weren’t so many of them all the time. I want to get way from the discussions and just have fun with the mindless gossip about neurotic actors and entertainers. I am sure I am in the minority on this.

  68. msw says:

    I am alternating between gleeful schadenfreude and feeling sad for her, even though she doesn’t deserve any sympathy. I hope this will teach her to sit her ass down when she wants to get up on that soapbox again. Human nature is to think you are the exception to everything. Everyone else who got pregnant out of wedlock (what a stupid term) did it because they were dumb or bad. In Bristol’s mind, Bristol got pregnant because something bad happened to her.

  69. Hannah says:

    Third time is a charm.

  70. Lynnie says:

    Apparently Bristol didn’t even write that announcement or anything else on her blog for that matter. Some lady named Nancy French has been impersonating her all these years on orders from Sarah. Anyway, that would explain the rather negative tone unusal for a soon-to-be-mother.

  71. stacey says:

    she should just own this instead of this self loathing pity crap. everyone thought her abstinence campaign was bull and it clearly was. I’d have a lot more respect for people like her if they were just true to themselves and were ok with themselves and their imperfections.

    I cant imagine being 24 in 2015 and feeling so helpless and out of control of mt reproductive system as she makes herself sound. she has more choices and control over getting pregnant than she acts like.

  72. Jewbitch says:

    Who’s THE DADDY?!!!!

  73. MadMenluv says:

    Radar is saying the baby daddy is her Ex-fiance, Dakota Meyer…supposedly that’s what she told people in Wasilla, but who knows with her…could just be a lie to cover her ass…

    • BearcatLawyer says:

      I will need to see the receipts from a court-ordered and supervised DNA test before I believe it.

  74. Tacos and TV says:

    She is such a dumb hypocrite idiot. I don’t like name calling but she is. She is the first person to criticize everyone and then claims she does not want it in return? Shut up!

    But that chin implant did her wonders!!! Good plastic surgery. I approve.

  75. holly hobby says:

    The first time I felt sorry for her because she was a teenager and probably didn’t know which end was up. HOwever, she is now in her 20s and she still ended up knocked up? Every heard of an IUD? Condom? Birth control pills? Getting the tubes tied? This is now too much! For her to premptively tell us not to judge is rich too.

    I guess it must be her because you don’t hear Willow & Piper getting knocked up.

    Enjoy getting prenatal care courtesy of ObamaCare, you hypocrite.

    • anne_000 says:

      That’s the problem with abstinence-only advocates. They seem not to promote using birth control and safe-sex practices because to them that’s promoting sex. For them, there is no safety net and no preparation just in case. It’s either don’t have sex or suffer if you do.

  76. pleaseno says:

    I’m just waiting to hear Sarah’s word salad on how the liberal media caused this.

    • Jayna says:

      She’s probably just mad at her daughter right now, so not saying anything. But she will, and it will be deflect. She will bash the liberal medial and liberal internet for bashing a young mother pregnant with a gift from God, and totally ignore it’s about the hypocrisy, not because Bristol is pregnant out of wedlock.

  77. seesittellsit says:

    “At the end of the day there’s nothing I can’t do with God by my side, and I know I am fully capable of handling anything that is put in front of me with dignity and grace.”

    Except it wasn’t “put in front of you” – you opened your legs without using contraception: you put it in front of you. Stop sliding around your own responsibility and leave God out of it.

  78. ann says:

    Maybe she wanted a sibling for her son. She probably figured her family has enough money.

  79. Ray says:

    So much for Republican Christian Conservative values, hypocrite got pregnant again as an unwed mother! Goes to show how they really stand by their “values”…….

    • anne_000 says:

      It seems to me that each radical, right-wing Christian individual always seem to think that his/her ‘sins’ are more easily forgotten by God than the ‘sins’ committed by others. It’s always about making sure other people know they’re going to Hell, suffer damnation, and righteousness over their punishments, but for him-/herself, it’s all about God’s mercy and support.

  80. RobN says:

    I wouldn’t be so sure that Dakota isn’t the father. Be very easy to be less than careful about the birth control because you’re getting married and planning on a family, anyway. Something happens, you break up, and you find out your pregnant by some guy you don’t even want to see again.

    (I realize that’s not nearly as much fun as being left by Dakota because you cheated and he left.)

  81. iheartgossip says:

    Being pregnant doesn’t make you a huge failure. Your constant preaching; and then not practicing said preaching – is what makes you a huge failure. And stop pretending you’re confused how you woke-up pregnant. Ummmmmm—–you’ve been having sex since you were 15 years old. Simply. Stop.

  82. Mispronounced Name Dropper says:

    She looks like a Kardashian in that first photo.

  83. Harrison says:

    “I am fully capable of handling anything that is put in front of me.” Um, yeah. We can tell. But if you don’t want to get preggers, you might wanna rethink how you’re handling it.

  84. emma says:

    OMG was the wedding called off because Bristol was preggo with someone else’s baby than her fiancé?!

  85. Melisa says:

    As long as she actually takes care of her children it does not matter whether she is married, single, a Ho-Ho, gay, lesbian, bi….etc. My advice to her is to make sure that her kids grow up feeling loved and safe.

    God Bless!

  86. Jag says:

    So does she have to refund all of the money she has received for speaking around the country about the subject of abstinence regarding sex?

    She is definitely a “do as I say, not as I do” kind of person, isn’t she?

  87. Martin says:

    Perhaps its time BRISTOL starts practicing ANOL.

    Just sayin’
