Bristol Palin & Dakota Meyer called off their wedding after some sketchy rumors


Back in March, Bristol Palin announced her engagement to Dakota Meyer, a US Marine and recipient of the Medal of Honor. If I’m being honest, the guy pinged on my sketchball radar a little bit, not because of his military service, but because he seemed to be too comfortable with having firearms and children close together. Then something interesting happened over the weekend – the Daily Mail published a story about how Dakota had a “secret marriage” under his belt, a marriage that Bristol didn’t know about. Apparently, he married a young woman in 2008, but the marriage fell apart quickly and they were divorced after a few years. The story came out because one of his ex-wife’s friends called Dakota out on social media. When I read the DM story, I kind of thought they were reaching – I mean, how did they know that Dakota hadn’t told Bristol about his starter marriage? And why is it a big deal anyway? Well, it was a big deal. Because Dakota and Bristol just called off their wedding.

Bristol Palin’s wedding to former U.S. Marine Dakota Meyer has been canceled, her mother, Sarah Palin, announced in a Facebook post on Monday.

“Bristol and Dakota couldn’t be more thankful for the love and support of family and friends over the past months while preparing for their wedding,” the former Alaska governor wrote. “They have informed loved ones that unfortunately the announced celebration planned for May 23 will not be held.”

She added that the Palin and Meyer families would still gather for a barbecue in Kentucky, where the wedding was supposed to be held, to “celebrate life, in general!” She also included the following statement from her daughter.

“Regarding salacious headlines in recent days about ‘secret wives,’ Dakota and I discussed our past relationships prior to our engagement. Dakota was legally divorced years ago, as any good reporter could and should have disclosed to readers. As usual, false stories and dramatically written headlines begging controversy should be disregarded, and we have faith that our privacy will be respected at this time by those with decency.”

It was reported last week that Meyer had married another woman, Cassandra Wain, in May 2008, and that he’d hidden his previous marriage from Bristol. Neither Bristol nor Sarah said if the couple had ended their engagement or if the wedding had been moved to a different date.

Their Facebook post accompanied a photo that read, “Trust in God’s timing. It’s better to wait a while and have things fall into place than to rush and have things fall apart.” Bristol had shared the same picture on Instagram on Saturday.

[From People]

Regarding Bristol’s statement (via Sarah Palin’s Facebook): I guess I believe that Bristol and Dakota did have “the talk” about past relationships and maybe he did tell her about his first marriage. But if that’s the case, why call off the wedding? And why announce everything so publicly? My sketchball radar is pinging again.

I actually don’t feel any sense of schadenfreude with this – while I think the Palin family is full of trainwreck personalities, the fact that Bristol is calling off her wedding so last minute makes it seem like Dakota has issues and Bristol wanted to get out before she was legally tied to him. If that’s the case, props to her for trusting her gut.


Photos courtesy of Bristol and Dakota’s Instagrams.

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85 Responses to “Bristol Palin & Dakota Meyer called off their wedding after some sketchy rumors”

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  1. lisa2 says:

    This family is so low rent.

    • Darkladi says:


    • Nk868 says:

      Right? Even if Palin wasn’t a dope, the family drama would keep her out of politics. I have issues with the image of some first families as pretentious dynasties of old money… But I prefer that to “the family that brawls together stays together” if it represents us to the world

  2. Lilacflowers says:

    “Regarding salacious headlines in recent days about ‘secret wives,’ Dakota and I discussed our past relationships prior to our engagement. Dakota was legally divorced years ago, as any good reporter could and should have disclosed to readers.”

    Perhaps there have been “salacious” headlines but I haven’t seen any or anything about this at all until Palin released her statement yesterday. As usual, the Palins and their familiars don’t take responsibility for their own doings and must blame everything on “the evil media.”

    • Jules says:

      Like any Palin knows how to spell ‘salacious’ let alone use the word in a sentence.

    • Kiddo says:

      I hadn’t heard anything either, and don’t care one bit what Bristol is up to. But the headlines weren’t salacious:

      Salacious | Definition of salacious by Merriam-Webster
      Full Definition of SALACIOUS 1 : arousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination : lascivious 2 : lecherous, lustful.

      • Shambles says:

        I dunno, I’m feeling pretty lustful right now. Only I’m lusting after the adventure that’s sure to come as we embark on the quest to find Bristol a new partner who’s name is also a place. I mean, how often does one come across something so magical in this life?

      • Christin says:

        Maybe she will meet a nice Lexington while in Kentucky. Or maybe a Harlan or (most fitting) a Hazard.

      • Kiddo says:

        She needs to find someone named “Tool”. Or better yet, “Field”. Then when they are at family gatherings, they can talk about Track and Field, it’s so sporty.

  3. NewWester says:

    Considering how the Palin family is considered high profile(news wise) I am rather surprised this information did not come out sooner. Maybe it is not so much of the marriage but the reasons Dakota and his ex wife divorced? Also for a friend of the ex wife to call out this guy on social media makes me think there is something going on. Let’s see if the ex wife has anything to say

    • Sherry says:

      My husband is a conservative (I’m Libertarian). He is heavily involved in politics and said Dakota was planning a future in politics. Maybe it came to light he was using Bristol and the Palin name to launch himself a career and they didn’t like being used? I don’t know, but something is definitely sketchier than “he was married for 2 years.”

      • FLORC says:

        It was called as early as his rumored engagement to Bristol Dakota wanted in on politics. And this union ending before it begins is said to put on hold any future he was hoping with Fox News.
        This wasn’t a secret. He was very obvious about his motives in a political future.
        Palin’s were on board and helping him break into Fox.

      • DrMrsTheMonarch says:

        I’m guessing that the banjo player cancelled*.

        Actually, I’m guessing that he isn’t divorced, or (as his ex claims) he continues to call her.

        *I am married to a banjo player.

  4. Lucy2 says:

    “The families will still gather for a barbecue in Kentucky”…anyone else expecting a Palin Family Brawl 2?

    • doofus says:

      “anyone else HOPING FOR a Palin Family Brawl 2?”

      there, I fixed it for you.


    • mia girl says:

      I’m just happy that the one guy in Kentucky who drives a Hummer Limo still has a paying gig this weekend.

      • Shambles says:

        That’s my uncle and he’s a really nice guy, okay?

      • Belle Epoch says:

        You guys are awesome! Three in a row for the win.

        How do we know Bristol called it off? I assumed this was all a story put out there to make it look like she was the dumper, not the dumped.

        Medal of Honor does not equal great guy. He had to be a moron to get mixed up with the Palins from the start!

  5. Norman Bates' Mother says:

    One woman’s sketchball is another’s prince charming. I doubt any member of the Palin family would have any problem with having firearms and children close together. Bristol also has some baggage herself – a teenage pregnancy and a public relationship with that awful guy Levi, so I doubt a simple – I had a wife back in 2008 would cause a breakup. There is probably something else going on, of a much bigger caliber – maybe a reason for the divorce was unpleasant to say the least.

    • Size Does Matter says:

      Bristol, whose claim to fame is a teen pregnancy during her mom’s vice presidential campaign with a guy who wound up in Playgirl, a stint on Dancing with the Stars, and the Thrilla in Wasilla, calling off the wedding with a Medal of Honor winner who had a short-lived young marriage (and I doubt the friend would have pulled punches in her Facebook post if it had been ugly)? Bizarre.

      • spurc says:

        Having seen no headlines, salacious or otherwise, it feels like they’re making an announcement that didn’t need to be made so publicly? Idk… It kind of has the feel of “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!” Makes me wonder what they’re trying to distract everyone from?

    • Josephine says:

      Maybe he was never divorced and they need the time to work that out. I think Sarah would stoop to lying in a heartbeat because she seems the type to be able to justify any kind of bad behavior on her or her family’s fault.

  6. MrsB says:

    I’m going to reserve judgment on this guy for now. He did win a Medal of Honor, which means he did something pretty heroic and brave. They don’t just hand those things out. People break up all the time for non-scandalous reasons.

    • Jag says:

      I read that some people think he shouldn’t have been given the Medal and that he absolutely didn’t deserve it.

      I agree that something had to have happened for her to call off the wedding like this. Perhaps she found out that he had a secret girlfriend and was milking her for money every month, but she didn’t know that until after he told her that he would’ve stood her up at the altar and would live with her forever, but not marry her – after she had put deposits down for their wedding. Oh that was just me? My bad. lol

      • mia girl says:

        Oh Jag. I’m really sorry that happened to you, but your telling of it made me laugh.

      • MrsB says:

        Oh, Jag that is terrible. Glad you’re at a point where you can joke about it!

        There are some conflicting stories out there about Meyer’s actions that got him the award, it sounds like the military may have embellished the story somewhat.

      • Syko says:

        You’re not alone, Jag. A young friend of mine was living with her fiance, they’d planned a huge destination wedding, sent out the “save the date” refrigerator magnets, people were making reservations for hotels and airlines…and he came home from work one evening, said “I just don’t see myself being with you in five years”, packed his clothes and left. It kind of made her crazy.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Right, there could be lots of reasons. Maybe he realized being a part of that family means you will always be in the tabloids.

    • Ange says:

      Maybe it’s who he is post winning the medal that makes him not such a nice guy anymore though.

    • joanna says:

      Wow you obviously have no understanding of what Dakota did or went through. My husband is a marine and you have no idea the amount of respect the military community has for him. I’m so happy he’s out of the Palin drama but separate his personal life from his military service..

  7. Jess says:

    Just looking at her annoys me, same with every other member of this family, ugh.

  8. Sel says:

    I want her whole family to go away.

  9. Talie says:

    There has to be more to it. One failed marriage shouldn’t mess anything up, but maybe he was lying about other things.

  10. insomniac says:

    Well, crap. What the heck am I supposed to do with these monogrammed his-and-her rifles now?

  11. dr mantis toboggan says:

    I bet it was the liberal media’s fault.
    I’m actually disappointed, I was looking forward to seeing her tasteful dress for this classy affair.

    • Alex says:

      I was looking forward to Sarah’s ‘mother-of -the -bride dress. And I’m not kidding!

  12. daisyfly says:

    If it was a legitimate engagement, nature has a way of taking care of that.

  13. Jaded says:

    Well I, for one, can’t wait for the so-called “celebration of life in general” in Kentucky. Get a few jugs of bourbon down their red necks and the punches will fly. Then Sarah will blame Dakota’s family, the Democrats and Obama simultaneously on Fox news.

  14. INeedANap says:

    At this point, anyone who willingly gets involved with that family pings my sketchball radar.

  15. bettyrose says:

    Teen moms are too good for divorced guys now? It’s gotta be slim pickings to find a guy willing to marry into this freakshow of a family.

  16. minx says:

    The bride was going to wear camo.

  17. Jen says:

    There has to be more to it. I’m wondering what caused his divorce and that’s what has Bristol dropping the rope. Still, better to back out before the legalities take effect.

  18. jc126 says:

    Hmm. I wonder why they were going to get married so fast. May 23rd of this year?

  19. Christin says:

    The gal who hid her growing belly onstage with her mother… The possibility the family did not sufficiently vet the guy’s background…

    You just can’t make this stuff up.

  20. OTHER RENEE says:

    She may have known about the divorce but not the fact that he’s still in touch with the ex wife. In any event, the friend who felt the need to blab on FB is just another person looking for her 15 minutes of fame.

  21. Jen43 says:

    Dakota is sketchy. Read his book. The entire Palin family is sketchy. Calling off the wedding seems like a smart move.

  22. BlueNailsBetty says:

    He pings my gaydar.

    • amp122076 says:


    • Anastasia says:

      THANK YOU. Especially in that second picture–button down shirt. I really didn’t think much at all of him, and then I saw that picture and my gaydar went CRAZY.

      Crazily enough, that may not even be the reason they called off their wedding!

      Something is up. But does the world care? Not too much. I think still having the party celebration thing in Kentucky is weird, but I bet they couldn’t get their deposits back this late.

  23. qtpi says:

    Something else is a afoot. Why would it matter that he had been married before if it is over and they are divorced? Why would the friend of the first wife need to “call him out”?

    Seems fishy to say that this information doesn’t matter and promptly cancel the wedding.

    • anne_000 says:

      Maybe he hadn’t told her that he was married before, so the friend thought that was sketchy?

  24. Lara Morgana says:

    If you do a little digging you will find that Dakota is a douche bag. Arrogant, obnoxious and shady. He and Mamma Palin should get along just fine.

  25. Scarlet Vixen says:

    Good luck trying to find a military person who HASN’T had a starter marriage. Getting married (and divorced) young is extremely common in the military. I got married to my ‘starter’ husband at 25 while I was in the Army, and I practically felt an old maid. My first marriage also lasted almost 6yrs, which was pretty long. People in the military get married for stupid reasons, so I don’t really hold it against him. They’re young, away from home and lonely, their significant others don’t want to be left at home, they’re deploying and want a spouse back on the homefront waiting for them, etc. I guess I don’t get where the drama is coming from…

    • anne_000 says:

      I’m not certain either, but maybe he hadn’t told her that he was married before so when she found out from the media, she got worried that he’s someone who will hide things from her?

    • Tifygodess says:

      @scarlet – Lol ok. My husband is in the military, we got married at 19 and have been married for 16 years and while we may not be the majority I wouldn’t go as far as making bold generalizations like you did. There are plenty of marriages that last in the military even at young ages. It’s also messed up to say people in the military get married for stupid reasons- just for the fact that there are plenty of none military members who get married for some of the reasons you listed. Your “stupid” reasons may not be someone else’s. Geez Come on.

      • Scarlet Vixen says:

        Sorry that I didn’t use words like: sometimes, often, quite a few, commonly, etc. I figured it was implied. It should be fairly obvious that I didn’t mean that EVERY person serving gets married for a stupid reason. I was merely listing foolish reasons that can lead to young soldiers getting married that don’t really exist in the civilian world.

        And, just as my first marriage isn’t necessarily the standard for military marriages, neither is yours. Even you must be aware that-whether military or civilian-getting married at 19 and maintaining a long and successful marriage really is the exceptiom rather than the rule. You really are very lucky.

      • Tifygodess says:

        @scarlet you might want to reread your comment , it didn’t seem you were implying anything – you were making direct statements. People take statements like that at face value. It’s hard not to because there’s No room for anyone to think you were saying otherwise. Regardless It’s your opinion , your experience and you are entitled to it. I just pointed out blatant generalizations are not good for anyone. Like I wouldn’t say all white people if I really only meant some of them. Just saying. It’s all about context and tone.
        And yes you are correct that many young marriages don’t work out- military or not. And you are also correct that my (including your) experience is not indicative of all marriages in the military. But the difference is I never said mine was , all I said was not all marriages in the military are the way you were describing and we shouldnt generalize or call any reason stupid. If I’m correct You were the one who said “good luck finding a military member who HASNT had a starter marriage” and then continued on in the same tone. Which in fact would mean you are alluding that your relationship or experience is inductive of military marriages. Again context.
        Whats funny is I don’t disagree with you -military relationships are hard and Military life is as well. And yeah way too many end in divorce. Not to mention I don’t get the big deal about this guy having a first wife. I mean that’s life. What’s the drama right ? As far as I read he’s divorced so who cares. But with the Palin family it’s always something !

      • oops says:

        sorry, have to side with scarlett, spent my whole life around the military, thank you for serving your country, but most of them suck, and I am over 50 so I have been around them for a LONG time, seen so many cheat on their spouses, it is so common

    • Ange says:

      I wonder at that too! Marines deploy to Australia regularly and my husband worked with them. He was shocked at how young they all got married, like guys were in their early 20s that already had a marriage, couple of kids and a divorce under their belt. I’ve also read that the average age of a marine wife is 19. Army people in Australia tend to get married and have kids young but that’s young compared to our national average, as in around mid twenties.

  26. ScrewStewrat19 says:

    Talk about sketchy. Does anybody know what the friend of the first wife called him out on?

  27. JenniferJustice says:

    Hmmm…my guess is a there is a love child in Dakota’s history that he failed to mentioned…or acknowledge. Just a guess, but something tells me it isn’t the 2 year marriage/divorce. There is something more going on.

    P.S. Using the word salacious is highly inappropriate in any sentence re the Palins or would be Palin in-laws. What could possibly be sexually stimulating or lustful about any one of them? Eeewww.

  28. anne_000 says:

    “Bristol’s rep told that it was the first he had heard of the relationship and had not discussed the issue with his client.”
    (From DM)

    LOL. So the rep says he’s never heard of Dakota’s first marriage before and Bristol has never told him. You’d think that this tidbit would have been told so that the rep wouldn’t be caught off guard. Anyhoo…

    I read somewhere that Bristol has already flown back to Alaska, so I guess they’re going to have the KY party without her.

    Even if she says that it’s not about finding out that he was married before and that he wasn’t keeping secrets especially about something this big, the timing of their calling off the engagement is suspicious.

  29. cujokay says:

    Didn’t she sell her Alaskan home?

    • SolitaryAngel says:

      It was the home in AZ she sold, IIRC. 🙂

      Y’all are *killing* me with the comments on this thread…thanks for cheering me up (sick day, ugh)!
      @Jag: So sorry that happened to you. I hope you find the right guy who’ll treat you like a queen…

  30. Murphy says:

    When they first got engaged I wondered if Palin was trying to mooch off the prestige of his medal and felt he was dodging a bullet when they called off the wedding. But now I’m reading all this stuff about how he wasn’t worthy…how much of that was planted by Palin though?

  31. belle de jour says:

    This may have been a showdown about who could dodge a bullet fastest before the hoe-down.

  32. EN says:

    Poor girl, why does she pick a looser after looser?

  33. Jillian says:

    Bristol only met this guy because her mother invited him to Alaska. Mama Pimp didn’t have the complete 411 on the dude.

    • anne_000 says:

      Sounds like Palin thought she found a running mate to make herself a political family dynasty, but Bristol now thinks she could do better.

  34. Triple Cardinal says:

    You all know why the wedding was called off, don’t you?

    Sarah’s into him.

  35. Iheartgossip says:

    Another b.s. story by the Alaskan Trashassian wanna bees. Leave it alone, you’re NEVER going to happen.

  36. RobN says:

    I’ve got respect for anybody willing to call off a wedding as the day approaches. I know an incredibly large number of women who went through with marriages because they didn’t want to disappoint people, or too much money had been spent, or they were hoping it was prewedding jitters.

    An awful lot of drama to be avoided by raising your hand and saying “hold on a minute”, so good for them.

  37. BearcatLawyer says:

    Admittedly the Daily Mail is hardly the most reliable source, but the social media posting by the friend who called him out mentioned that he was still in touch with the ex-wife within the past few months and wrote something about how the ex-wife just wanted to move on in her life with no drama. I had to wonder if they were really over each other or if he had remained involved with his ex-wife despite their divorce and possibly was still stringing her along while he was dating Bristol. It seems very odd to me that a friend of his ex would call him out so publicly on his recent actions and implore him to just leave his ex alone right before his wedding unless there was something messed up going on between him and his ex-wife. I can certainly see Bristol breaking off her engagement if she found out that he had cheated on her with his long-suffering ex or that perhaps his relationship with his ex was ongoing while he and Bristol dated.

  38. oops says:

    why is this person news? she is a nobody, we only know her name because of the mother and the media. this is ridiculous

  39. Sean says:

    I don’t see a problem with being divorced. What I find humorous is the ex wife friend calling him out, really…who gives a shit? His ex wife is the past…there’s no need to bring up the past. I believe the friend and the exwife want their 15 minutes of fame. What I find sad is the Palins accepted this guy and he was going to marry Bristol, then turn around and call off the wedding. This calling off the wedding only raises speculation and fuels rumors and makes it seem the Palin family is quick to judge.