Jennifer Aniston & Julia Roberts sign on to Garry Marshall’s ‘Mother’s Day’


Do you realize that Jennifer Aniston hasn’t lined up one single film since her failed Oscar campaign? I think that’s interesting, don’t you? Not only did Hollywood deny her an Oscar nomination, they’re also denying her the chance to try out her dramatic chops in any other film project. Yes, Aniston is rumored to be circling the Mean Moms project from the same people that brought you Mean Girls (and if that happens for Aniston, it’s a good project for her). Meanwhile, Aniston is left with negotiating her way into another Garry Marshall ensemble in the same vein as New Year’s Eve and Valentine’s Day.

Here is a fresh movie package that will stir up some pre-July 4th fireworks among studios. Julia Roberts is set and Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson, and Jason Sudeikis are in negotiations for Mother’s Day, a ensemble film that Garry Marshall is set to direct from a script by Anya Kochoff-Romano and Lily Hollander. The pic tells intertwining stories about the lives of several mothers as the title holiday approaches. It is the latest in Marshall’s holiday movie series that began with New Year’s Eve and Valentine’s Day, both of which were made by New Line. The package is going out to buyers from CAA this evening.

All of this is moving very quickly, as the film will begin production in August. It marks a re-team between Roberts and Marshall, who worked together on hit Pretty Woman, the film that launched Roberts to become the highest paid star of her era. CAA, which represents Roberts, Aniston, Hudson, and Sudeikis, will represent the film’s domestic distribution rights.

[From Deadline]

Julia just signs on for this stuff because of her friendship with Garry Marshall. For Valentine’s Day, she was featured prominently in all of the ad campaigns and promotion and then it turned out she was only in a few minutes of the film and probably spent like 3 days filming, if that. And why must Garry Marshall dominate all of the holidays? Does anyone else remember the spoof from 30 Rock of Garry Marshall’s Martin Luther King Day trailer? That’s what’s coming.

As for Julia, she is working more these days. The trailer for her new film with Nicole Kidman and Chiwetel Ejiofor was just released – The Secret In Their Eyes.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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33 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston & Julia Roberts sign on to Garry Marshall’s ‘Mother’s Day’”

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  1. LizLemonGotMarried says:

    “You’re a white supremacist?!?!”
    I miss Liz Lemon so badly. I watch a lot of Netflix 30 Rock.

  2. BengalCat2000 says:

    No. Please, just No.

    Sincerely, the People of Earth

    • Lilacflowers says:

      The People of the Universe second that motion.

      • Green Is Good says:

        The People of Earth’s parallel universe are screaming and they don’t know why!

    • smcollins says:

      Lol…This ^^^^^
      As if the other 2 movies weren’t bad enough. Please, no more!

    • darkdove says:

      you can see how bad people are in their careers when they do this movies awful actors awful movies.

  3. Original T.C. says:

    Didn’t Marshall last ensemble make less money that the previous and drop like a rock on it’s second weekend! Now adding the Rom-Com queens Aniston and Kate Hudson will just make it sink faster.

  4. Sullivan says:

    Haha… if this happens they might want to re-title it Mommy Dearest Day.

  5. LAK says:

    I love the original SECRETS IN THEIR EYES. I’m pissed that hollywood has remade it, and so quickly, but I might give it a go for Chiwetel.

    • ab says:

      the original was so good! I don’t understand the need to remake it.

    • tracking says:

      Yes! And, despite the stellar cast, this one looks oddly budget. I can’t put my finger on why.

  6. korra says:

    I hope Arbor Day is the next one. Presidents Day would be fun! “I now crown you king of Presidents Day.”

    • Lilacflowers says:

      As a Boston, I must lobby for Evacuation Day, Patriots Day, and Bunker Hill Day.

      • doofus says:

        I say we petition the feds for a Cheez-Its Appreciation Day and then make a movie about it.

  7. Liberty says:

    SCENE: Boardroom in Hollywood.

    “Why are we losing money every year!” shouts man with hair plugs. “Why! Why? Let me see a calendar! I got it! I got an idea! Get me a hundred million dollars, a cast of thousands, Julia Roberts, and that screenwriter we know, whatstername, I Dream of Jeannie’s niece again, and make me a blockbuster!”

  8. tracking says:

    Seems like a pretty lazy choice for all involved (let’s bring together all 90s romcom queens in one film!). But probably a lark that will make bank. As long as Ashton Kutcher is not in it, though I’m not sure Sudeikis is much better.

  9. Jess says:

    I also miss 30 rock so much! And Mother’s Day with Aniston and Roberts seems more of a spoof than Tina Fey’s spoof!

  10. Mixtape says:

    If this isn’t proof there are a lack of roles for 40+ actresses in Hollywood, I don’t know what is.

  11. FingerBinger says:

    The secret in their eyes trailer looks decent. I’d watch it. This version has big shoes to fill. The original was perfect.

  12. dorothy says:

    I just saw Cake and think Aniston was robbed…and I’m a Brangaloonie. I’d sit down too for a minute

    • boredblond says:

      I watched Cake on netflix last weekend..Aniston was incredible (I really only knew her work on friends)..and you’re so right..her name should’ve been on that Oscar nominees’ list..I’ve seen four of those performances, and this was tougher and as good-or better.

    • Esmom says:

      I just saw it, too, and thought she was great. She conveyed both physical and emotional pain really well.

    • korra says:

      …Are ya’ll trolling or are ya serious?

      ….Is it wrong that I actually like her? Like I love her as Rachel Green, she was sweet in that Just Go with It movie, and she’s decent in other roles.

      …yeah I actually like her guys sorry.

  13. dottie says:

    I find it highly hilarious that the headline for this thread lists jenny’s name before her superior, Julia Roberts. LMAO. Guess we know who sent out this little press release!

    Youll note that Juia is the only one signed. And i have a sneaky feeling that lumping jenaniston’s name with the others who are “in negotiation” is just to give her some cover. The real truth is, just like Mean Moms, her name is just being appendaged to projects. Theres no there there.

    Watch this space.

    Thats all i got.

    • BrandyAlexander says:

      Well, it’s Celebitchy that made the headline, not the actual source. If you click on the actual article from Deadline, Julia Roberts name comes before Jen’s. Not sure how that goes with your theory, but just putting it out there.

      Either way – ENOUGH with these movies. I actually thought He’s Just Not That Into You was pretty good, couldn’t even be bothered to watch the other ones. I generally like ensemble films, but these holiday movies, for lack of a better name, need to stop. Why does Hollywood have no original ideas anymore?!?

      • Kimberly says:

        @ BrandyAlexander…… “Why does Hollywood have no original ideas anymore?!?

        Here’s the thing, Hollywood isn’t running out of ideas…..they just are not open to them.

        It’s all about how much money they can collect (take for eg. those ridiculous amount of Fast and Furious moves they keep bringing out)
        Pretty soon they will make it to Fast 15 at the rate they are going.

        Creativity/ great story telling doesn’t mean anything to these Hollywood twits anymore …..that’s why I love me some of those Indie movies and TV shows. The stories are more intriguing and memorable than most of the BS Hollywood keeps churning out.

        I actually read this article back on Cracked in 2012 and it was quite interesting.

  14. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    I won’t watch Marshall’s movies because of how much I hate “Pretty Woman.” That movie is disgusting, and the worse part is that it pretends to be romantic.

  15. Emma - the JP Lover says:

    Wasn’t “Runaway Bride” with Julia Roberts and Richard Gere also a Gary Marshall film?

  16. Ben B says:

    This sounds like the worst movie ever.

  17. serena says:

    The Secret In Their Eyes actually looks like a good movie, I’ll watch it. And I like Julia doing less romcoms and more heavy roles.