“Leo DiCaprio & Kelly Rohrbach went camping in Canada” links


Leonardo DiCaprio & Kelly Rohrbach went camping in Canada. [LaineyGossip]
Jessica Alba attended the Giambattista Valli show at PFW. [Popoholic]
There are too many photos of Hilary Duff these days. [Celebslam]
Kevin Love (hottie) got a cover of ESPN Magazine. [OMG Blog]
Demi Lovato busted her ass at a pool party. [Dlisted]
Kim Kardashian threatens to sue a paparazzo. [Wonderwall]
Jill Scott finally acknowledges the obvious. [Jezebel]
Michael Buble & his wife are expecting their second kid. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Robert Pattinson doesn’t think acting is “cool”. [ICYDK]
How to not screw up a date with a feminist. [The Frisky]
Conan O’Brien rides the bus. [Seriously OMG WTF]


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45 Responses to ““Leo DiCaprio & Kelly Rohrbach went camping in Canada” links”

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  1. DianaM. says:

    That Lainey’s Blind Item is super obvious and sad. 🙁

    • Tiffany27 says:

      It really is.

    • D says:

      What blind item was that?

    • shananay says:

      yeah….I hope it isn’t true. what a tortured soul.

    • Nick says:


    • littlestar says:

      I do feel some sympathy for him if he’s now using heroin. Very very sad. I hope he can get his life together and finally find out what will truly make him happy. Because it doesn’t seem like Hollywood is it for him.

      • laura in LA says:

        Very sad indeed. He did hurt his back or neck on a ski trip a few years ago around the holidays, so if true, it all makes more sense now…

        But I don’t know if someone like Ben can or will ever really leave Hollywood – to go where and do what?

        Besides, he seems to thrive on directing projects. Maybe it’s the pressure riding on him now of bulking up and starring in blockbusters that’s all too much.

      • Don't kill me I'm French says:

        I have no sympathy for him for using heroin.It’s idiot ,heroin is BAD and never helped anyone.You have enough legal med to treat the physical pain

      • PHD gossip says:

        The Daily Mail just put up photos of Ben Affleck which would seem to confirm Lainey’s Blind. He looks awful walking around unkempt, shoelaces undone. Just a mess. Yawning into the camera.

  2. Tiffany27 says:

    Thank you Jill. Now go grab Whoopi and shake some sense into her.

    • Byte Me says:

      At this point I don’t think Whoopi will ever change her mind unless Bill himself confesses to her.

  3. InvaderTak says:

    I find it hard to believe they went camping for real.

    • laura in LA says:

      If anything, they probably went “glamping”.

    • LeManda says:

      I can’t believe they went to Nunavut!!!! I’m Canadian and I camp. This country has many beautiful places to camp. Going that far north, even in June, sounds like a nightmare to me. You can still see snow in the picture!!!!

  4. blue marie says:

    I bet Leo was smelling ripe after it was over..

    And If acting isn’t cool then Rob can quit and shut it. I hate to tell him though being a waiter isn’t easy..

    • G says:

      Waiting tables is a lot harder than it looks. I helped out my friend on what i thought was going to be a quiet Sunday morning in her cafe and next thing a tour of 20 cyclists walked in unannounced at 10am. So stressful.

      Rob has always been less than gracious when it came to the job that made him a multi-millionaire. Kristen has never dissed her job or Twilight and by association Stephanie Meyers. It’s why she and Stephanie are still close. She might get fed up of the circus that the paparazzi made of her life , but she is grateful for her opportunities. I wouldn’t be surprised if Rob gives up acting and does something else. He doesn’t seem to be getting good roles and he probably loves music more.

  5. Lilacflowers says:

    Let’s have the basketball playing nephew of the Beach Boys pose naked on a beach to show how creative we are!

    • aims says:

      He’s an Oregon boy! He was an awesome player at lake Oswego high school. He was fun to watch play, now he just fun to look at LOL!!

  6. Size Does Matter says:

    Anybody else sad that the actress from Can’t Buy Me Love died suddenly? I loved that movie.

    • j says:

      yes! surprised it hasn’t been mentioned here. i used to love that movie and wanted to be amanda when i was younger. i know she had some meth issues for awhile but seemed to have cleaned up in the last few years after her kids were born? that’s all the info i could find really, she disappeared from the public eye for a long time. will be interesting if she did pass away from sleep apnea issues like her father said.

    • laura in LA says:

      Yeah, Amanda Peterson’s death seems especially sad to me, maybe because she was my age. 🙁

  7. Tiffany says:

    I always enjoy The Body Issue. Strong, athletic bodies. Real definition. I see why they are so successful and athletes agree to do them.

  8. Jay says:

    I read the piece on “how to not screw up a date with a feminist”

    It was featured on the AskMen website. The comments on that site are appalling and depressing. It’s like a cult of bigoted morons.

    • Tulip says:

      It’s a subject that evokes a lot of passion from both sides.
      The article was written for an audience that wanted an answer to that particular question.
      I think some readers were hoping that it would be practical advice on how to work AROUND dating a woman whose politics they objected to. Instead they got advice on how to fully ENGAGE a woman whose politics they hated. Oof.

      This is why clarity is a good thing.

    • Ange says:

      I hated that article until I read the end part, then it made sense and was quite funny.

  9. Liz says:

    Anyone else have the feeling that Kelly Rohrbach will start giving interviews saying that she has always wanted to act within the next six months? After that heavy handed PR piece it really wouldn’t surprise me.

    • laura in LA says:

      Yes, and just like all the boilerplate comments she’s made to promote herself on previous threads here…

      Kelly Rohrbach will speak in the 3rd person – because that’s what Kelly Rohrbach does.

      • Bridget says:

        What was it – “Kelly Rohrback is one of a kind”?

      • laura in LA says:

        You got it, Bridget!

      • laura in LA says:

        Kelly “Robotic”

      • TotallyBiased says:

        I’m so disappointed. I showed up for the Rah Rah Rohrbach repeater, and no entertainment so far!
        Maybe we can entice her out of hiding: “Kelly is DIFFERENT! Kelly could be a pro golfer! Kelly comes from a GOOD FAMILY! Kelly is SO SMART!”
        Does that about cover it?

  10. Elfie says:

    I can’t imagine what would possess someone to take out their phone and obnoxiously take photos of a stranger without their permission just because they’re famous and happen to be walking by. Bad manners really infuriate me. That type of behaviour is dehumanising, celebrities are not zoo animals and unless they pimp themselves out as such should be treated with the same respect that anyone else would expect. Ugh…. It must be terrible being famous now, in the past you could avoid the paps, now every third idiot is one.

    • G says:

      People don’t care about manners. They just want a photo to put up on social media to boast about. it’s obnoxious. I don’t blame celebs for refusing photos with those people.

    • KellyBee says:

      But it don’t just happens to celebrities I’ve seen it happen to Little people or anyone who has a disfigurement as well.

      Not to mention people think its oK to record people with their cell phones when out in public..

      • Elfie says:

        That’s even worse!!!! It should be illegal to harass people like that. The law needs to catch up with modern technology and ensure it’s not used to abuse people or invade their privacy. Especially private citizens.

      • KB says:

        WHAT? I’ve never seen anyone take photos of people that are little, missing limbs, or anything else that would be considered a “disfigurement.” Where are you from? Where have you witnessed this?

      • Zip says:

        Elfie, there are laws that protect people’s privacy. I don’t know about the US but in Germany it is illegal to take and publish photos of someone without their consent…at least if you’re not a “person of public interest” or in a big group shot. In this case there might be some exceptions.

        And I totally agree with you comment above. I felt really bad for Leo as you could clearly see he does not want his picture taken.

  11. cdoggy says:

    LOLA Demi Lovato busting face was the funniest thing I’ve seen today.
    Of course, I think people falling down is really the funniest thing ever. I know, totally inappropriate, but I can’t help it. Plus, it’s Demi, which makes her falling flat on her face even better. God, she annoys the funk out of me.

    • Naddie says:

      Another one? Damn, I thought I was the only one who couldn’t stand her. Hope she’s not hurt, though.

  12. Nuna says:

    I saw three minutes of one of her chat show interviews – I think it was some small day time chat show. She’s a massive airhead as far as those three minutes are concerned. I remember that NYPost PR story of hers. She’s not a great conversationalist and cackles when she doesn’t know what to say in an apparent attempt at showing she has “personality.” But apparently she’s a great golfer.

  13. Nuna says:

    Why Canada and Nunavut? Leo does enviro work there.

  14. Naddie says:

    She has “dumb” written in her forehead.

  15. guest says:

    Leo’s enviro work is a joke. A while back he came to our province to tell us how we are ruining the environment. All the private jets he uses, all the private yachts he uses. I could go on. His environmental footprint is pathetic. Just like the Kennedys and hollyweird celebrities come once a year to tell us how we are ruining our water and our environment as they fly in one by one on their private jets and chauffer driven gas guzzlers. Stay away and leave us alone.

    • Nuna says:

      At least he raises heaps of money and is doing something. It’s no small change either: tens of millions every year. But the private jets are definitely hypocritical.