Jennifer Aniston: ‘I’m very anti-cologne on men, I love… their own eau de sweat’


As we discussed yesterday, Jennifer Aniston is launching her third perfume, Near Dusk, at Kohl’s. The ad campaign for Near Dusk is absolutely tragic, but hey… at least Aniston is doing interviews about something other than SmartWater, Living Proof and Aveeno. Obviously, Aniston had to do an “exclusive” interview with People Magazine to promote Near Dusk, and it’s just as silly as you would expect. Some highlights:

Why Near Dusk? “I’ve been wanting to do more of a nighttime fragrance, something a little sexier. The others are a little lighter and more daytimey.” She says it’s great for “date night.”

She loves the smell of jasmine. “I grew up in New York City, so I wasn’t around flowers that much. But when I’d go to my friends’ houses in the country, it was one of those smells I loved. It gives you a feeling of butterflies … the anticipation of something really wonderful and fun approaching.”

She loves the smell of Ellen DeGeneres’s house. “It’s delicious. I can’t put my finger on it. It’s really earthy.”

She loves the smell of church: “I love the smell of church—any church. I’m not religious in any way, but I do love all of those wonderful incenses.”

The scent of a man: “I’m very anti-cologne on men. I love the way they smell naturally. Their own eau de sweat.”

What she likes Justin Theroux to smell like: “I like him in natural oils. He does a sandalwood kind of smell. Maybe that’s one of the things that drew me to him. He has those come-hither sandalwood pheromones happening.”

[From People Magazine]

What we always say about Aniston is that she’s stuck in the 1990s, and I feel like her olfactory glands are stuck there too – in the ‘90s, incense made a huge comeback and so many people wore essential oils instead of cologne or perfume. I still like the smell of some cheap essential oils, although a little bit goes a long way. What bugs me is her thing about liking the smell of a sweaty man – gross. Even when it’s specifically Justin, that just makes it grosser. Justin is the guy who wears his skinny jeans and boots in NYC when it’s 90 degrees. He wears heavy jorts to the beach. You know he’s got some funky-smelling sweat happening.

Also: Life & Style’s cover story this week is about how Justin and Jennifer got secretly married. It’s so obviously a lie because if Jennifer got married, she would have gotten the cover of People Magazine. But what’s interesting is the denial – Gossip Cop went to Justin and Jennifer’s people and the first denial they got was from Justin’s rep, who said that Justin has been in Austin for two months (as in, he hasn’t been in LA to get “secretly married”) and the wedding story is “false.” Interesting, isn’t it? Justin really wants to distance himself from the wedding rumors (if not Jennifer) completely.


Photos courtesy of Near Dusk ad, WENN.

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62 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston: ‘I’m very anti-cologne on men, I love… their own eau de sweat’”

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  1. Luca76 says:

    She’s giving all types of Mary Kate and Ashley photoshop lameness in that top photo.

  2. Kitten says:

    Come on. I don’t buy that Theroux doesn’t layer on the cologne.

    Honestly, I wish my man would wear some…just a little bit of something light/fresh.
    But he is staunchly anti-cologne.

    • Loopy says:

      Maybe she has a thing for smelly men, apparently Brad Pitt also doesn’t take showers.

      • Emma - The JP Lover says:

        @Loopy …

        Why skip over John Mayer and Vince Vaughn? Jennifer Aniston had a 2-year relationship with each of those men, so why skip 10-years over them back to Brad Pitt?

      • Claire says:

        That is probably why we never see any of his children embracing him unlike Angie .

      • KellyBee says:

        That story came from Star magazine / enquire magazine. Funny Jennifer Lawrence and her friend and many others have said differently.

        @ Clair

        Lol try Google will see many of the kids embracing their dad.

      • Loopy says:

        @ Emma its really not that serious, I have heard that Brad Pitt does not take regular showers, I don’t know about Vince and John though they look equally as funky.

      • Maya says:

        Umm then Helen Mirren & Jennifer Lawrence must have lied when they said that Brad smelled divine – JLaw even said he smelled like sandalwood.

      • lisa2 says:

        Brad is on RC taking pics and other selfies.. not to mention taking pics with people when he is out and about and movie sets. NONE of those people nor the people that have worked with him have ever said he smell.

        some LIE that people have tired to make the truth. I like how he doesn’t give a shit.

      • Claire says:

        people with a lack of sense of humor. whatever. there are rumors that Brad didn’t always smell like scandalwood. wait scandalwood???? what kind of men smells like scandalwood? Jlaw was drunk for sure .

      • Loopy says:

        No he probably did smell nice on Oscar night or a movie set where I assume he would have the decency to shower and smell good around his colleagues.

      • Claire says:

        Brad takes a lot of showers. Angie wouldn’t allow him to be in her bed if he didn’t take showers. unless they sleep in different bedrooms . just kidding.

      • KellyBee says:


        I just find it odd that you keep trying to go with BS tabloid story like it’s the truth and when someone give you proof that what you read is not true you make up an excuse for it.

      • Peggy says:

        Guess you missed the picture at the soccer game of Shiloh jumping into his arms for a hug.
        And all the pictures of Zahara hugging him.

      • dottie says:

        Jenny likes the smell of sandalwood because its Brad’s scent. Thats no secret, She likes it for the same reason she kept his old voicemails by her own admission and we have no reason to believe shes got rid of them yet. Like john meyer said, da b!tch is stuck in 1998.

        Its really not that serious loopy/claire. Just your run of the mill ’emblem of sad lonely women’ (her description of herself, btw. LMFAO

      • Amy Tennant says:

        Gently, gently, guys… Loopy just mentioned Brad just because Loopy has heard/ read, as many of us have, the story that he smells. Loopy didn’t mention the other guys because she hasn’t heard similar rumors about them.

      • Cleo says:

        Emma, +1 They always go back to Brad lol

      • Cleo says:

        Emma, because as he does with Jennifer, Brad will own them for eternity.

        Also Claire, Google is your friend. Lots of JP munchkin hugs for Brad. Here’s one, right from CB. Enjoy.

      • Neah23 says:

        @Amy Tennant

        They and you read not heard a tabloid story and took it as the truth with out anything facts to back it up. But when shown that they and the story was wrong Loopy came up with a excuses.

        He takes pictures with fans/shop owner all the time and not once has of them said he smell bad.

    • KellyBee says:

      @ Kitten

      I agree a little bit of cologne is good. Not the teenage boy message which is the more AXE the better choking everyone in the to with the smell.

      • Kitten says:

        I just had to scroll past like, 12, crazy comments to find one that was an actual response to mine, so I thank you for that. lol

        Yeah I don’t like overwhelming, smothering cologne.
        But my BF smells like laundry and..boy-ness. It’s ok I guess, but I think he could spritz it up a bit for special occasions.

      • doofus says:

        I know what you mean, kitten…the bf almost never wears anything except deoderant…however, the one he’s been wearing lately has a cologne-y smell to it, so I can smell it when I’m REALLY close to him. *sighs*. DREAMY.

      • KellyBee says:

        Lol he should treat you with a good spritz every and then.

        But I love a good cologne I could just sit and smell it all day when I smell one I like. : )

      • Kitten says:

        @ Doofus-you must give me the name of this magical deodorant! The BF told me that if I even got him cologne he’d just throw it in the trash so this might be my only hope!

        @KellyBee. Right? I’m gonna get him on the phone so you can tell him that. Back me up, girl!

      • doofus says:

        Kit, I think it’s one of the Old Spice scents. sport, maybe?

        what’s funny is that one of his favorite things to do while I’m shopping in Ulta or Sephora is “sample” the colognes…as in, spray the little paper things and bring me 4 or 5 at a time to sniff. not that he’d ever buy any of them but it keeps him busy…lol

        most of the time he gets a laugh out of the faces I make when I smell a gross/strong/”in da club” scent…

    • I hate cologne. Go Kitten’s dude! But I’m surrounded by dudes who use AXE way too liberally.

      • Kitten says:

        There has to be a medium on the Scale of Man Smell. Somewhere between Axe and Unscented is my happy place.

      • Lady D says:

        I hate every cologne, perfume, aftershave or scented deodorant. Incense is my personal hell. I’m extremely allergic to all of them. Thank god more and more places are going scent free. I haven’t been to a movie theatre or club in over 3 years. I’m pretty much restricted to open air events like soccer or farmers markets.

  3. Jaded says:

    Jennifer you dumbass, all churches do not smell like incense.

  4. Crumpet says:

    I’m stuck in the 90’s too, but gross Jennifer, really? Did we need to know any of these things?

    I heard that one of her perfumes was actually quite nice. I’m not really into perfume, so I never tried any of them.

    • Kiddo says:

      Crumpet, as I recall, (it was a Sephora freebee a couple of years back), the first one reminded me of Coppertone or some other tanning lotion. It wasn’t offensive, but it wasn’t a complex, different noted, scent that you might find with other sophisticated fragrances.

  5. lisa2 says:

    OMG.. I remembered something Jennifer Lawrence said after she met B. Pitt.. how he smelled of Sandalwood. .. hmmm very interesting.

    • dottie says:

      Ding ding ding, lisa. LOL. Yeah, Unlike the trashrags and their lies and the imbeciles who live by the lies, jenny knows what Brad’s scent was when he was with her. She knows its sandalwood. Other people who have smelled him have also said this. Thats why she loves that smell on a man. Because her raison d’etre is that one day Brad will be coming back to her. She leads a pack of idiots just like her, who prop her up in this belief, Some of them were on this thread spreading the ‘Brad smells’ meme. Lets call a spade a spade: jenny has been stalking Brad and his wife and family for nigh on 10 years now. Brad has beefed up his security accordingly and when he’s not with Angie, he makes sure the bodyguards are on high alert.

      • epiphany says:

        dottie, heaven knows i’m no fan of aniston, and snark on her with delightful abandon at every opportunity, but even i don’t buy that she’s stalking brad. i don’t really think she cared that much for him when they were married. what aniston misses is the attention and prestige of being half of an a+ list power couple. aniston loves fame- that’s what she misses about brad, not brad himself.

      • lisa2 says:

        Well in order to miss that you have to associate it with a person. And that person is Brad.

        I don’t know if she is stalking…but damn these things just keep popping up. All the time.

  6. Lilacflowers says:

    Given that they are rarely on the same coast, Justin must be really bathing in the sandalwood oil

    • Ally.M says:

      I read these comments often. How would any one know where they are geographically and how much time they spend together, their private schedule isn’t made public as far as I know and they don’t have a film crew following them.

  7. meme says:

    does she ever talk about anything of real importance? has she ever?

    • lisa2 says:

      I think she talks about exactly what her fans like to hear. I say that because they defend her on this and say she is promoting her business ventures. So she is giving her fan base what they expect and want.

      • dottie says:

        Funny how they dont put their money where their mouths are, then, huh? LMAO

      • Carmen says:

        If that is the case, I’d hate to speculate on the intelligence level of her fan base.

    • FingerBinger says:

      What exactly is she supposed to talk about? She hawking hair products and perfume ,she’s not going to talk about the theory of relativity.

      • eva says:

        Oh please, when she was hawking her oscar film all she could talk about was how not wearing make up was liberating, and how she had to forgo her ususal massage or some such caca.

        She NEVER talks about anything of substance. EVER.

      • lisa2 says:

        and this is what her fans do.. look just like I said.. she gives her fans what they want.

  8. Heat says:

    Justin seems more like the type to smell like patchouli, in my opinion.

    Also, my first thought when I saw her photo in the ad was – photoshopped Juilianne Hough.

  9. Zigggy says:

    Old Spice deodorant is where it’s at. And Nivea Men shave gel, mmmm.

  10. Ally.M says:

    I suffer with MCS so perfurmed products are toxic to me, I find men’s aftershave the worst offender, they make me very ill, give me good old sweat and body odour any day. As long as a person baths regularly the natural smell is okay.

  11. Maya says:

    Can’t believe I agree with Jennifer about something but I don’t like cologne or heavy smelling stuff either.

    I personally love the smell of sandalwood and coconut oil.

    PS: I thought JustJen shared the same publicist. Well it does seem that there are some miscommunication between them because the replies were different.

  12. Carmen says:

    This woman cannot open her mouth without saying something stupid.

  13. Velvet Elvis says:

    I love men to have a clean soap and deodorant smell. Very simple and you can still smell the essence of the guy. I think that’s what she’s trying to say, not that she likes the smell of sweat.

    • Eleonor says:

      I am with you.
      I am in love in with my man smell, he uses deadorant, and sometimes and aftershave, but nothing more.

  14. GoOnGirl! says:

    well why didn’t she just say she loved the smell of soap and water?

    • dottie says:

      GoOnGirl, jenny’s apologists are ALWAYS on standby to try to translate her nonsense.

  15. Ang says:

    Gross , I don’t like over kill with colone but some is way better than nothing cause guys can stink, I make my 7 year old son wear spray after each shower and before school it’s part of a routine. He smells good

  16. snarknado says:

    Whatever it takes to stay relevant. She gets interviews regarding man musk & the neverending engagement? I have way better material.

  17. iheartgossip says:

    She is too thirsty for me.

  18. ann says:

    She’s going to look pretty stupid standing next to that ad looking 30 years older with a bigger chin. Doesn’t even look like her anymore.