Charlize Theron invited Pres. Obama to a strip club the last time they met


Charlize Theron has been keeping a lower profile in the months since her split with Sean Penn. She’s barely been pap’d and she’s spent much of the past two months in England, working on The Huntsman with Emily Blunt and Chris Hemsworth. Charlize allegedly ghosted Penn, cutting off all contact, ordering him to move his crap out of her home and refusing to meet him for any kind of breakup explanation. The whole vibe around Charlize is that she’s done and she doesn’t even want to talk about it.

These are photos of Charlize outside Jimmy Kimmel’s studio yesterday. She brought Jackson to the show – he waited backstage while she did the interview – and she seems to be promoting her lead role in Dark Places. It’s worth noting that Kimmel did not ask Charlize one single question about Sean, nor did Charlize reference Sean whatsoever. Of course that was on purpose, and I’ve never been more convinced that Charlize dumped him and ghosted him. Icy Bitch Realness!

Here are the video clips of her Charlize’s interview – this is the funniest part, where Charlize talks about meeting Pres. Obama backstage on the show the last time she appeared on Kimmel. She says she always says inappropriate things when she gets really nervous and when Pres. Obama said something about wanting to reach a younger demographic, this is what happened: “There was this pause, and I didn’t know what to say. All I could come up with was, ‘Well, if you’re looking for a different demographic, I can take you to a strip club.'”

On shark-infested waters in South Africa:

Charlize on shaving her head for Mad Max: Fury Road:


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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25 Responses to “Charlize Theron invited Pres. Obama to a strip club the last time they met”

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  1. Sullivan says:


  2. Kitten says:

    Her hair has gotten so long! Damn. I think I actually like it short better. She looks kinda generic with the long blond hair…

    • QQ says:

      I agree! i Think it added to The Mystique

      Also.. she can truly turn the charm on and off, can’t she? pretty too

    • BengalCat2000 says:

      I love her hair and am thinking about cutting it to approx. the length she has now. Her face is so beautiful, she can pull off any hair style.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Yeah, I was into the short hair. She’s still pretty but I thought it made her look strong and independent. Which is a sort of dumb comment about hair, but there it is.

    • Marie-France says:

      Agree! I think It’s The same with Halle Berry, she looks so much better with The pixie.

    • blue marie says:

      Completely agree. She’s like Michelle Williams, some women look better with short hair.. Now me, if I go short then I look like a Q-tip.. I had a pixie cut once, but the grow out was horrendous..

      • qwerty says:

        Dear god, Michelle does not look better with shot hair. Don’t day that, she’s JUST let it grow long enough so she doesn’t look like a soccer mom.

  3. ToodySezHey says:

    That outfit is busted but I’d still hit it and let her demean me in the morning. I’m totally girl crushing on Charlize.

    If Obama was smart he’d take her up on her offer lol

  4. Kiddo says:

    She’s not carrying a puppy in any of the photos so it’s clear she was being disingenuous.

  5. alice says:

    Now that you mention it Kaiser, I’m thinking it IS really noticeable how much she has been pap’d when she was with Penn, compared to before she dated him and now. Celebs CAN keep a low profile when they want to, avoiding the places where paps are perennial waiting (farmers market, whole foods in Brentwood) and here in LA they’re everywhere, but when they want to be private they surely can be. That, or just not have you PR team casually telling the paps where and when you’ll be. It’s surprising how the most so called “private” celebs do the pap game.

    • Neah23 says:

      I’ve been notice that it’s the same pattern when Sean was with Scarlet J they were photographed a lot while dating and when they split they went under the radar again.

      Since it’s happened a lot with Penn I’m starting to think he’s the one behind it. He wants everyone to see him with a “hot” women on his arms and to let everybody know he’s hitting that, hence the butt grab in France of the paparazzi with Charlize and the make out session with Scarlet.

  6. Maya says:

    I cannot wait for the promotion tours for the movie Charlize and Sean did together. Will they behave professionally and be polite or will be the their well known bitc*y personalities?

    Always looked beautiful on the outside and seems not so beautiful on the inside.

    PS: if you are nervous you usually blunt out what is truly going on in your mind – so Charlize must have been thinking about strip clubs at that time.

    • FingerBinger says:

      People who are beautiful on the outside but not so beautiful on the inside only think about strip clubs. You didn’t know that?

  7. perplexed says:

    Okay, that sounds kind of dumb.

  8. JFresh says:

    Can anyone see who the maker of those shades is?

  9. serena says:

    Her hair looks really hip. Love it.

  10. serena says:

    Charlize should give Ben a call. They would be the hottest couple imo. Finally a celeb couple that could rival Brad and Angelina.

  11. Tara says:

    She’s so funny and gorgeous.

    Word is that Sean is in South Africa and Charlize will have to go there this week to do re shoots for their movie. Uh oh. Who thinks they will get back together?