Matt McGorry: A man can be a feminist and ‘still be a terrible person to date’

Matt McGorry

Matt McGorry’s becoming a regular Twitter source for discussions on difficult topics. His #AllLivesMatter lesson delivered some overdue smackdowns for trolls. He’s not afraid to anger people, and he’s the first to admit not being an expert on these subjects. He’s very good at explaining his stances, and he puts a lot of thought into any discussion. I still sideeye the “look at me” aspect of how he joined the #FreeTheNip movement on Instagram, but no one is perfect.

McGorry’s a fairly recent convert to feminism. There are times I wonder whether his quick enthusiasm was motivated by a desire to mansplain feminist issues. That’s just natural skepticism, but I think McGorry is still learning (like we all are), and it’s simply awesome that a male celebrity is so enthusiastic for the cause. Pitch Perfect actress Kether Donohue engaged McGorry on Twitter. She asked whether becoming male feminist has affected his dating and “courtship” habits. Here’s what McGorry said in response:

(1) If the alternative is being a misogynist, then absolutely! But it’s probably a bit complicated to put into tweets

(2) I’m sure there are some feminists who have tons of one night stands and some who have never had one at all. So I…

(3) tend to think there’s still a ton of variation in preference. And for someone that only has sex in relationships for..

(4) example, it could either be a comfort necessary for intimacy or that they feel it’s “slutty” to behave otherwise…

(5) The latter being certainly less in line with ideals of feminism (and not judging people for their sexual preferences)

(6) even with the same outcome of not being interested in one night stands. Alternatively, there are some things that I would say preclude

(7) people from being feminists even if they called themselves one. Such as physically abusing or sexually assaulting women. Also worth

(8) noting is that you can be (or identify as) a feminist and STILL be an a**hole or a terrible person to date. And I’m sure the quality of

(9) ones romantic partner is often very related to their self awareness (for me at least). Hopefully calling oneself a feminist comes with

(10) SOME degree of self awareness and how your actions impact others, but I’m sure there’s a great range in there. I like how I said it’d be

(11) complicated to put into tweets but then attempted it anyway. 🙂 Appreciate the great question, let’s discuss more

[From Matt McGorry on Twitter]

I like how McGorry noted that being a male feminist doesn’t automatically make him a “good guy” or a good boyfriend. Every person is different, and every couple varies too. What feminism does for him is help him think critically and respect the choices of his partners, both in the bedroom and otherwise. McGorry’s a good egg, and yeah, I bet he’s at least a decent boyfriend. Another Twitter user asked McGorry for his thoughts on “meninists,” and he was chuffed to provide this answer.

Matt McGorry

Matt McGorry

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

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33 Responses to “Matt McGorry: A man can be a feminist and ‘still be a terrible person to date’”

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  1. MelissaManifesto says:

    Maybe he’ll get the side eye eternally, but he is standing up for his beliefs.

  2. kri says:

    “You mean f***boys”? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god, I am almost crying with laughter! YASSSSSS

  3. Mispronounced Name Dropper says:

    I would’ve thought that was self evident.

  4. INeedANap says:

    He’s new to the cause and his energy will probably not last forever — I think being a feminist can be tiring because the fight is so dang uphill. But I hope he sticks to his beliefs through the tough times, like the rest of us do. We’re here to back you up Matt. 🙂

    • qwerty says:

      What? No. He is here to back US up. If it’s tiring to a guy to stick up for women, he can fcuk off.

      Nevertheless, I think it’s rare that someone sees the light 😉 and then reverts back to being against equality (in any way). I mean, how do you do that? Become aware of all the injustice a minority faces and then what, tell yourself it’s all made up? I think you’re a feminist for life, assuming you really are in the first place of course.

  5. Freddy Spaghetti says:

    He may be new to this, but he understands feminism better than some women, like a certain pop star whose initials are TS.

  6. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    TRUTH and um…self-educating, aware, AND has proper knowledge of fun cultural terms?

    Well hellooo Mr. Matt.

    • Alex says:

      I was a fan before but with every tweet I become an even bigger one.
      He pulls zero punches…I love it

  7. Pinky says:

    How is it that this guy seems to get it? ALL of it?

  8. QQ says:

    YEEEEEEESSSSSSSS F*kboys has Crossed over

  9. Mom2two says:

    I give him credit for having the discussion and putting what he thinks out there. I feel he handles his social media well and he is correct, a man can be a feminist and a terrible boyfriend.

  10. Lucy says:

    He’s awesome.

  11. bettyrose says:

    In fact, they can be the worst. Patronizing dbags who think they’re empowering you and you should be grateful. (Not you Matt, sweetie. Come empower me with your shirt off any time!)

    • LouLou says:

      They can be among the worst, I agree. Some use it as a means to try to manipulate. The one man I dated who was a self-proclaimed feminist also managed to feel victimized at being subjected to the bimbo-like images of women present in most porn! As in: boo-hoo, it’s so disheartening to beat my meat to these objectifying images, yet I soldier on.

      Bitch, please. LOL.

  12. Soundspretty says:

    I think he’s adorable. But please, less memes and more honest discussions!

  13. Naddie says:

    Good point. A woman can be feminist and be a shitty person as well. I know some.
    I was about to say he bugs the hell out of me, then I read his tweet and yeah, I think he’s sincere.

  14. bea says:

    How refreshing to see a man not mansplaining but discussing feminism. The movement for equal rights can’t gain momentum without the support of men, I wish more men were this vocal and open to discuss things.

    • qwerty says:

      ” I wish more men were this vocal and open to discuss things. ”

      I read the nymag Cosby piece yesterday and one of the women said she got pissed cause it all blew up afer a male comedian made a joke about it and it was put on youtube. Meanwhile, his victims had been trying to get someone to believe them and make it a story for 30+ years. And she was like: that’s all it takes? For a man to joke about it?
      Sadly, yeah. So I agree, we need all the help we can get from men… and it’s all due to sexism. smh

  15. Sixer says:

    It reads to me as though he’s explaining-to-self rather than mansplaining. I think it’s cute. The Sixlets do this to me regularly and I think that watching/listening to somebody bubbling over with enthusiasm for their own new discoveries and thinking pathways is absolutely, utterly, joyfully, uplifting.

    No side eye from me. And won’t be, even when he cocks it up on a topic at some point, which he’s bound to. It’s clear his heart’s in the right place.

  16. Otaku Fairy says:

    Well he’s right. As for the free the nipple subject, I understand why some feminists would be like, “Why should we care?” I personally don’t think topless equality is one of THE most important feminist issues, but it still is a feminist issue and I support it. Any time people are accepting of or indifferent toward a male doing something with his body but a female is censored, can get into trouble with authorities, or is basically called a trashy attention-seeking sl*t/wh*re (among other things) for doing the same thing, you have a sexist double standard on your hands, and to me fighting for equality means that any sexist double standard is worth challenging. It doesn’t mean we can’t care about other feminist issues too, and I don’t think equal pay is the only issue we should be able to voice our care about. So… #freethenipple.

  17. Dorky says:

    Who’s Matt McGorry? (I’m out of the loop…)

  18. emma says:

    so much truth

  19. TotallyBiased says:

    Can someone womansplain F***boys for me, preferably including where it came from?
    Because (showin’ the long teeth here) ‘in my day’
    a F*ckboy was a lowrent, short-term Boytoy–think Madonna and her F*ckboys.
    I read someone’s description above and thought ‘oh, you mean Fratboys!’

  20. Jessie says:
