‘Call Me Caitlyn’ Halloween costumes are out this season: offensive

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Last year, a friend of a friend said that she and her husband were dressing up as Ray Rice and Janay for Halloween, complete with blackface and a black eye, because “none of our friends are PC.” I luckily didn’t go to that party and this was revealed to a group of other people who all seemed totally uncomfortable with it. No one said anything and I really regret not telling her that it was a horrible idea. I was so shocked that I couldn’t come up with anything to say right away and someone changed the subject quickly. I’m embarrassed that I didn’t speak out but I console myself with the thought that people who are going to make those terribly offensive costume decisions aren’t going to be talked out of it easily. I’m a part of the problem, though, when I keep my mouth shut to try and preserve a friendship.

Anyway that’s what came to mind when I saw that there are two premade costume options for dressing as Caitlyn Jenner this Halloween. Douchebros will do this, it’s inevitable, but the companies should NOT make it this easy for them. The NY Daily News reports that the first costume is out from AnytimeCostumes.com and Wholesale Halloween Costumes, and that a company called Spirit Costumes is planning their own version.

At least two online retailers released a Caitlyn Jenner Halloween costume on Tuesday, and predictably, the negative fallout was exactly what we envisioned last week when we first reported the ill-advised disguise was in the works. On Thursday, Confidenti@l wrote that the holiday retail chain Spirit Halloween was planning to sell the offensive Jenner outfit. But on Tuesday morning, anytimecostumes.com beat the company to it by unveiling a Jenner outfit of its own for $74.99.

“You’ll be sure to get a few laughs out of your friends and the other guests,” promises an ad for a “Call Me Caitlyn Unisex Adult Costume.”

Wholesalehalloweencostumes.com joined in by putting the same costume on sale for $49.90. The ad for that costume features a pudgy, pasty and hairy male model wearing a wig and a white unitard that mimics the outfit Caitlyn Jenner wore for the groundbreaking Vanity Fair July 2015 cover. In case the costume was too subtle, it includes a pageant banner reading “Call Me Caitlyn” — the same text that was on the VF cover.

The backlash to the costume was immediate…

Time.com, MSNBC.com, thewrap.com and cosmopolitan.com all followed suit with stories about the insensitive disguise, which many consider akin to blackface, given the history of violence against the transgender community. The outrage began earlier this month after we reported Spirit Costumes’ intention to sell the costume — though it still hasn’t been listed on the company’s website. But Spirit Halloween publicist Trisha Lombardo said she personally didn’t see any problem with it.

“Caitlyn Jenner has proven to be the most important real-life superhero of the year, and Spirit Halloween is proud (of) the costume that celebrates her,” she said at the time.

That comment prompted transgender activist Addison Vincent to launch a Change.org petition urging Spirit Halloween to re-think the costume.

“Do not turn Caitlyn Jenner into a costume. Your profit will only lead to greater transphobia and marginalization of an already at-risk community,” Vincent wrote to Lombardo and her company.

Vincent Villano of the National Center for Transgender Equality added that “there’s no tasteful way to ‘celebrate’ Caitlyn Jenner or respect transgender people this way on the one night of the year when people use their most twisted imaginations to pretend to be villains and monsters.”

[From The NY Daily News]

The various costume outlets should be ashamed, and I agree that this is like blackface. A transgender identity is not a “costume,” just as someone’s race is not a “costume.” This isn’t some tribute as the stupid costume PR person is trying to claim. Laverne Cox recently did an interview in which she got choked up talking about the 21 transgender women who have been murdered just in this year. There’s so much violence, hatred and bigotry against the transgender community. Caitlyn’s transition, or anyone’s transition, is not something that should be mocked with a costume featuring a dude in a dress.


Bruce Jenner, Caitlyn Jenner

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201 Responses to “‘Call Me Caitlyn’ Halloween costumes are out this season: offensive”

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  1. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I hate people sometimes. This is so gross, and so predictable.

    • mia girl says:

      Just look at it this way GNAT, this Halloween it will be easier than ever to spot the biggest as*hole at the party.

    • BengalCat2000 says:

      I’ve been sickened by humanity a lot lately. Thank God for kittens!

    • Kitten says:

      I saw this on the news last night and I was thinking how if a woman dressed up as Caitlyn Jenner (not this “costume” but really tried to look like her), it wouldn’t offend me. This is offensive because it’s a very burly-looking man wearing it AND it’s openly mocking a trans woman’s iconic moment.

      People dressing up as celebrities for Halloween really isn’t anything new, and isn’t offensive if it’s done respectfully, with an attention to detail and actually trying to LOOK like the celeb. In other words: paying tribute, not satirizing.

      Anyway, offensive Halloween costumes are so typical these days. I almost never dress up because I can’t be bothered but when I have, I was like, a baby or a cat or something.

      • meme says:

        Do you think the person dressing as a pregnant nun for Halloween is paying tribute?

      • Kitten says:

        Um, is The Pregnant Nun a celebrity I haven’t heard of? Did she sleep with Affleck or something?

      • Tiffany :) says:

        “Did she sleep with Affleck or something?”


        I have gotten so creeped out by the pressure for women to dress in a “sexy” costume, I just sit Halloween out anymore. For a party one year I bought a costume at a costume shop, and ALL of the female costumes were “sexy”. I bought “Sexy Cop” because it wasn’t a crop top and the skirt would cover my butt, but the shame of wearing something with an “Officer Naughty” name tag sewn on to it left lasting emotional scars. 😉

      • meme says:

        @kitten…yeah, that’s hilarious. how about an answer. one doesn’t have to be mocking a celebrity for someone to find a costume offensive. Jenner is a joke.

      • Kitten says:

        @meme-With all due respect, what are you talking about? My comment was about paying tribute to a CELEBRITY versus mocking that celebrity, I said nothing about other costumes. Are you trying to say that you’re personally offended by a pregnant nun costume but not by someone who is mocking a trans woman? Being transgendered isn’t a “joke” and it’s not really funny when you have kids who are being targeted because they were unlucky enough to be born in the wrong body.

        @Tiffany-The sexy costumes are so stupid and uninspired.

      • meme says:

        @kitten…nope, not offended by the pregnant nun costume and I’m not offended by the Jenner one. they are mocking Jenner not transgender people is how I see it. you don’t see a Laverne Cox costume because she’s not an attention seeking ahole.

      • bluhare says:

        I’m with meme on this one. I see it as mocking Caitlyn Jenner, who’s turned out to be almost as big a famewhore as the rest of her ex family. And now I have a serious question. Is she unmockable because she’s transgender? Does that give her and her new famewhory ways a pass? I haven’t seen any Chelsea Manning costumes either but then she’s not out with a camera crew following her every move. She’s in solitary for reading Caitlyn’s Vanity Fair issue.

        Of course there’s always the Cecil the lion killer costume. And personal disclaimer: I don’t like Halloween. Wasn’t raised with it, and never got into it.

      • Kitten says:

        Ok LAST comment I swear.

        RE: Her being “unmockable” because she’s transgendered. Firstly, look at the photo. It’s clearly a very masculine man in a woman’s outfit saying “Call Me Caitlyn”. The joke is obviously to say that Caitlyn is still a man or has manly qualities. That alone is mocking transgendered people, it’s making a joke out of someone else’s reality. Secondly, transgendered people get mocked ALL THE TIME and no, it’s not ok. It’s not ok to do it on Halloween, it’s not ok to do it on Christmas, it’s NEVER ok to mock someone who is at a higher risk for being murdered than you or I simply for being who they are.

        As I said above, I don’t have an issue with people dressing up as Caitlyn Jenner for Halloween if the costume is done right. You know, like showing a transgendered woman who actually LOOKS like the woman she IS and not as a man in drag?

        My personal feelings about Caitlyn aside, I would think it would be hurtful for her to see this costume, particularly when she’s stated that she is still very self-conscious about some of the more masculine traits she has. You have to remember that Caitlyn is a SHE. How would you feel if some dude wore one of your dresses and said he was going as you for Halloween? I actually just laughed when I typed that so maybe not a good example but you know what I’m getting at…

        And I hate all of you for making me feel bad for her 😉

      • bluhare says:

        I take your point, Kitten, but men have been cross dressing since the dawn of time. Women dress as men and women dress as men every year on Halloween and they don’t present as that gender. They are one gender dressed as the other.

        Understand what you’re saying and I’m as screaming a liberal as you can get but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with taking the mickey out of someone in fun. Perhaps the issue is this costume wasn’t designed for “fun”. In that case, I can get behind what you’re saying. I just disagree with your scope. Caitlyn Jenner has been more public since she transitioned than she was before.

        Hyperbole to make the point: A woman should not go as Donald Trump this Halloween unless she presents as male and and shaves her head so she can have that horrible red bouffant combover? And there’s a guy who truly hates to be mocked!

        PS Hating all of us is a waste of time. You don’t have to hate everyone; just meme and me!

      • Kitten says:

        But Trump is a privileged white man, who has never been seen as anything other than male, you know? It’s not like Trump has had an internal struggle for years about his gender identity and had people mock him about his maleness. That’s what my issue is with the costume.

        For instance, if my boyfriend wore one of my outfits and a wig and said “I’m Kitten” as a Halloween costume, I would laugh my ass off. I’d laugh because I know I’m a woman and I’ve never had to struggle with that—society has always seen me as a female. It’s easy to laugh about that stuff when it doesn’t mean anything to you, when you don’t have a sensitivity to it, and when you’ve never had to prove that you are indeed a woman. That’s all that I meant.

        Oh and I would never hate you, bluhare!

      • bluhare says:

        I do understand your take, but we veer off when it comes down to people in the public domain and whether they are subject to the same scrutiny? that everyone else is, Kitten. How many transgenders were Olympic gold medalists as a man, come out on the cover of Vanity Fair in an outfit like that and film interviews with Diane Sawyer? Exactly one. I think if you’re going to put yourself out there as a spokesperson of sorts, get interviewed on national TV, go on pap strolls and film a reality show about it all, you’ve opened yourself up.

        PS And I think I deserve points for not once mentioning the Kardashians!!

      • Kitten says:

        I get your point too, Bluhare, and I do understand that Caitlyn will be open to scrutiny. That comes with the territory of fame and the spotlight that she so covets. Again, I don’t mind the criticism of her personality or how she treats her family, whatever. I only take issue with the criticisms of her being transgendered, whether it be doubting that she really is transgendered or making fun of her appearance or mocking her struggle.

      • Bridget says:

        Can I just point out, the costume isn’t making fun of Caitlyn Jenner because of her personality, it’s making fun of her because she’s transgender. That’s the difference to me – the idea that companies will make money off of this, and it perpetuates the idea that transgender people are ‘less than’.

        Halloween will always be filled with risqué costumes. I’ll think some are funny and some are tacky. But a costume that actively makes fun of someone who is marginalized by society? No thanks.

      • Wolf says:

        meme is spot on.

      • bluhare says:

        Is the costume a criticism of her being transgender? I thought it was a parody of her VF cover.

        Thanks for the nice convo, Kitten! Always a pleasure.

      • Bridget says:

        The costume is making fun of her being transgender. It’s a hairy dude in a wig. It’s ‘funny’ because he’s a dude dressed as a lady.

      • Marianne says:

        I find I rarely dress up for Halloween anymore, just because I dont have the time/energy to put in to finding/making a costume. I’ve just never been one of those people who can buy some really cheap costume from like the grocery store.

      • bluhare says:

        Without knowing why the firm developed and sold the costume, we don’t know if it’s making fun of being transgender. I do think there’s a decent chance at that, but I hate to say that definitively. My first thought was it was making fun of *that cover* and taking someone who’s been in the news a lot and making a Halloween costume out of it, just as they’ll do with Donald Trump, and who knows who else. Just as happens every year.

      • lola says:

        Well, look at the “real” Caitlyn/Bruce Jenner, now there’s a ridiculous looking character. All the plastic surgery, the fake hair, he/she is a walking Halloween costume.

    • Neah23 says:

      Yap I remember least years them was Ray Rice and people even had their really young kids dressing up as him dragging dolls.

      • Kitten says:

        And don’t forget the blackface.
        …and then they posted it all over social media because, much pride.


      • Izzy says:

        Can I just give up on humanity now?

      • V4Real says:

        I don’t like Caitlyn much but this is just ridiculous. And yes celebs and non celebs often dress up as other celebs but I think these costumes were intended to mock Caitllyn.

        I think one of the celebs to get it right was Miley Cyrus when she dressed up as Nicki Minaj, unlike Julianne Hough she did it without the Blackface.

        But let me get off my soap box for a minute and say I too, have dressed unpolitically correct for a friend’s Halloween party a long time ago. I dressed as a KKK and my friend who is White dressed as a Black Panther, without Blackface. Looking back I know it was foolish. So I won’t condemn people like Hough because I don’t think it was meant in a racist way, it was just stupidity.

    • Crumpet says:

      Hmm. This doesn’t bother me for some reason. Men have been mock dressing in drag for Halloween for ages. I think people are being too sensitive on the issue. God knows Caitlyn has zero sensitivity, so I’m not too worried about hurting her.

      • MariPoodle says:

        Exactly. Back in the day I can’t count how many men I’ve seen dressed as Dolly Parton or similar. They love to wear the boobs. They’re secretly fascinated by all the accessories as well and you should hear them talk about walking in the high heel shoes. I just rolled my eyes.
        One of the guys I work with was telling me “how pretty” he was when he dressed up as a woman for Halloween. I think more guys have a secret drag crush and Halloween just gives them permission. Face it, guys clothes are kind of monotonous.

        PS this year I’m going as The Bride of Frankenstein and my black Toy Poodle is going as the Poodle of Frankenstein. White streaks on his head pouf.

      • sienna says:

        But is it about bothering you, or even Caitlyn? If wearing this costume makes anyone struggling with gender identity feel bad and their struggle is being mocked, it makes the costume wrong.

        Why does one person’s right to wear this costume trump another person’s right to feel valued, and not like the punchline to a joke.

      • SamiHami says:

        I could not possibly care less about this costume and who wears it, but I just had to pop in to say that I think Poodle of Frankenstein sounds absolutely hilarious! What a great idea! 🙂

      • Reeely?? says:

        For some reason I think Caitlin would laugh. It’s not like making fun of an adolescent; C is an adult in the media. I’d love to hear her reaction.

    • Dorotea says:

      People dress up as Jesus, Obama, Mother Theresa, Etc etc and nobody complains. Its called of FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Its not like “Caitlyn” has cared for the LGBT community before he “transitioned”.

      • Wolf says:

        Exactly. If we hand-wring endlessly about offending anyone we’d never dress up as anything. Anyone bother to ask how actual female police officers feel about “sexy cop” costumes? Let’s just all stop.

  2. EM says:

    Maybe it’s because I live in Australia where Halloween is not a big thing, but I find the idea of adults dressing in costumes for Halloween odd and immature in a way. Children are fine, it’s a day for children picking up treats for themselves, but adults?
    And yes, I’m not a big fan of the Kardashians or the Jenner reality machine, but this costume is offensive.

    • Zip says:

      I’m from Europe and I don’t get it either.

    • Kitten says:

      Dressing up is kinda stupid IMO. If I had kids, I’d probably dress up for Halloween but I have single, child-free friends in their thirties who do it and get really into it and I always feel kind of embarrassed for them. Maybe I’m being harsh…I get that it’s escapism and “fun” (according to them) or whatever but…meh.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I think it’s childish and stupid, but that might be because I can never think of anything clever. I like it when people come up with something that’s politically or culturally of the moment and funny and not offensive. But that’s rare.

        When we are handing out candy, we put on hats. My husband wears cat in the hat and I wear a witch hat. Just because we’ve found that the smaller children open up more when they recognize the hat and they’re so cute. But that’s as far as I go these days.

      • Absolutely says:

        I love Halloween. Though I don’t really dress up anymore. I think if you have kids it’s way more fun. The neighborhood we go to for trick or treating is amazing. Lots of completely decorated houses, tricks on the kids when they come to the door. Lots of parents dress up, too, and the kids love it. They are in awe when they see an adult Superman or mummy or cat or whatever. It’s an experience. It’s a day to be a kid again.

      • V4Real says:

        Though I no longer do it myself I think it’s fine for adults to dress up for Halloween. For one night you get to play a role, to be something in general you’re not.

        My son is not quite 10 and he’s so over dressing up for Halloween. Last year he only went trick or treating because his best friend wanted to do it. So I just told him to wear his Jeter Jersey and cap and pay homage to Derek Jeter since it was Jeter s last year in the league. I’m just smiling at the thought of saving money this Halloween because I don’t have to buy him a costume. Those Iron Man costumes are expensive and his birthday is the day after Halloween.

      • paranormalgirl says:

        Halloween is a sabbat day for me (Samhain). I don’t dress up in costume.

    • BB says:

      Most of the time adults dressing up fall into three categories: 1) the skimpiest costume someone can find 2) couples costumes or 3) the most offensive thing someone can think of. I have gone out to the bar on Halloween and seen some cool costumes (zombies or people who did a really great job with their make up) but I have seen some horribly offensive costumes, too. Black face, etc. I usually just wear my scrubs and go as a nurse because dressing up my kids is enough, I don’t feel the need to go all out. I’m not going out to the bar or a party this year because I’m pregnant, but I’m sure my friends will see several Caitlyn Jenner costumes.

    • original kay says:

      I loathe halloween.

    • Wren says:

      It is odd, but it can be quite fun if you’re going to a party or something. I see nothing really wrong with dressing up as an adult. Some people do get way too into it, but if you’re having fun and not hurting anyone, eh whatevs.

      The people who will be buying this offensive and terrible costume generally are terrible, offensive, and stupid people. Full stop. I’m betting it will be popular with the frat boy crowd and the overgrown frat boy crowd. The companies don’t give a hoot either way, they’re out to make money. If it sells, they’ll sell it.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Yes, costume parties for adults are totally a normal thing to do for Halloween in the US.

    • belle de jour says:

      I’ve always thought of it as a less sophisticated version of a masquerade ball, or even carnivale; sometimes, here, it’s an excuse to let the id come out and parade around a little more freely than usual. Most people don’t bother to seriously hide their identity.

      Over the years, I’ve been to some parties with incredibly witty costumes (on some otherwise very serious people) that were hilarious, and they were a lot of fun. I guess – like so many things – it depends upon the people involved & their intentions.

      • Wren says:

        An old animal science prof of mine liked to tell the story of one of his PhD students who defended on Halloween. Normally a very serious young man, he showed up to his defense wearing a full cow costume, complete with udder. He gave his dissertation talk with a straight face like absolutely nothing was amiss, making no reference at all to his cow outfit. Everyone thought it was absolutely hilarious and talked about it for years to come. He passed his defense too, btw.

      • belle de jour says:

        @Wren: Thank you. Anecdotes (and antidotes) like that warm the cockles of my humorous heart of darkness.

        (As a side note, I’ve known a few candidates who might as well have worn a jackass costume defending theirs.)

    • j.eyre says:

      I dress up for Halloween because I love to.

      However, in my defense, I am both childish and stupid.

      • V4Real says:

        Love it J. Eyre, nice way to lighten up this post.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I was joking when I said it was childish and stupid – I just say that because I can’t think of clever costumes. I hope that was clear.

      • Aila says:

        Thank you, j. eyre! I don’t understand the Halloween hate. Does no one know how to have fun anymore?

      • anon3214 says:

        Having fun is now considered politically incorrect.

      • bluhare says:

        But I want to go to your Halloween party. In yours, I am Cathy to Tom Harding’s Heathcliff.

      • Kitten says:

        Men. People define fun differently. Fun for me is getting stoned and watching The Affair. You do you, though. Don’t let my dislike of Halloween “offend” you. But don’t come to my house either because I’m not giving candy out to anyone over age 13!!

      • j.eyre says:

        I would never expect candy from anyone, @kitten – when I show up at your door, you had best have a plastic pumpkin full of airline-sized bottles of gin at the ready… and it’s best to simply hand me the whole pumpkin.

        And I will not touch the “you do you” comment; we all know how quickly that will spiral.

        Would you please tell @bluhare I am not speaking to her as she insisted on referencing the other Brontë at my party? I have soaked three beautifully embroidered hankies with tears as a result of that woman’s mention.

        GNAT – yes, I saw your joke. I, however, am not joking – I truly am stupid and childish (and currently dressed as a pony.)

        *high five to V4 et al!*

      • Reeely?? says:

        I’m the only liberal in a very conservative republican neighborhood. I had my kiddo on my own and inherited this house. I dress like an alien biker chick every year. The real me parades w the kiddos every Halloween. My kinda holiday ♡

    • Aila says:

      Halloween is a very American holiday, so I can definitely see how non-Americans would see it as ridiculous. For a lot of us Halloween is very nostalgic and fun and so adults of all ages keep it going.

      I’m in my early thirties and I dress up for work every year. I also make a Halloween costume every year for my dog and my family and the neighborhood kids love it. It’s just an excuse to be silly and have fun and be creative, and I thoroughly enjoy it. It brings some happiness to the bleak years of my adulthood, haha.

    • kcarp says:

      I think adults dressing up is stupid stupid stupid. I have a little kid and I love dressing her up, I feel like adults are trying to make it about them rather than the kids. Women who dress sexy at Halloween are the worst. Usually the women who are dressing up sexy are the same ones who post a selfie a day.

      • Pinetree13 says:

        I have kids but even if I didn’t…I love dressing up! It’s so much fun! Last year my sister made a hilarious unicorn costume and it was sooo cool. I got a sewing machine finally and maybe now I can make something really cool too. I have a friend that makes amazing period costumes you wouldn’t believe (she’s a history major so each detail is accurate)

  3. MrsBPitt says:

    Really, really, insensitive. The company selling these costumes can put whatever spin they want on it, but it’s so wrong…

    • Judd says:

      Why is it wrong? For years people have been mocking the latest celebrity, US President and current events (Ebola last year) on Halloween. So, this year Bruce Jenner/Cailtlyn Jenner is off limits because he is a transgender? Please! Jenner made his LIFE public.

      I personally loathe Halloween. Always have! But this is truly comical, and this company will make a fortune on these costumes.

  4. Tifygodess24 says:

    What a horrible idea for a costume. I don’t find someone else’s pain or struggle funny or worthy of mocking. What the hell is wrong with people? However sadly I’m not surprised. I’m sure Some douchebro came up with this to prove just how masculine he is.

    • original kay says:


    • Andrea S. says:

      Oh give me a break, Caitlyn Jenner is not going through any kinda struggle, nor I think ever did. The “struggle” was all part of her pitch & you bought it hook, line & sinker.

      • Judd says:

        Absolutely! I think the majority of people on this site wake up every morning and think, “What can I be offended by today?”

      • Wolf says:

        So true. If she had any weight behind her transition struggles she would have been supporting the trans community for years. She just got jealous of the Kardashian machine and has now managed to draw the biggest spotlight of all…and is loving it.

  5. Read between the lines says:

    Why anyone would think THIS is okay it’s beyond me .

  6. Meowsy says:

    On one hand of the issue, dressing up like a transgendered individual to ridicule that person is terrible. On the other hand, some people who are not that bright may look at this and think “This is no different than dressing up like Kim (which I have seen) or Miley, or Nicki.”

    Personally I think people should skip this costume and everyone should be vampires.

    • Bluebell says:

      Oops, I guess I’m one of those ‘not too bright’ people.

      • Meowsy says:

        Haa, Ok sorry to say people seem dumb but I guess what I’m trying to say is this costume is about intention. Like theres a burly man dressed up as Caitlyn so in a way it really is a costume that mocks her and the transgender community. If you were only mocking her (like you do when you dress up like Kim or Miley) it would be able to slide a little smoother but because Caitlyn is such a central person to trans politics theres absolutely no way to divorce one issue from the other.

      • What was that says:

        Very Interesting …Meowsy and Kitten….I am a bit removed from the knowledge of them as I don’t see their show etc but it is interesting to see she is viewed in a kind of Dual way…..I appreciate your views on this.

    • meme says:

      Personally, I think Jenner is the worst possible role model for the transgender community. Jenner is self-absorbed, pretentious, vain and seems to care primarily about clothing, makeup and hair. And a terrible terrible parent.

      • Kitten says:

        So that means she deserves to be mocked and ridiculed?

      • Izzy says:

        ^THIS, a thousand times. Whereas Laverne Cox is such a great role model. Doesn’t make the costume less offensive, but I feel like every time there’s discussion about Jenner as a person, everywhere except perhaps this site, there’s an immediate shift of focus to “but what a great role model!” And I’m like, nope, not so much. The person remains the same inside.

      • What was that says:

        Plus the unresolved car accident where someone died…and it seems that whole episode is very unclear about responsibility and guilt..I know if I was in a fatal accident I would be very low key after knowing every time the family see’s me they think if their loved one.I understand it is an accident but nevertheless there is responsibility to people when this happens..
        I know in the U.S. And to a lesser extent here what is said is governed by liability and lawyers and insurance companies but you are still in part responsible for someone’s death and that surely must make you consider your public behaviour afterwards..?????
        I am sure it is not easy but there are others such as Laverne Cox that perhaps fit the role model ideal more appropriately..

      • Meowsy says:

        Yea, she sucks but her effects on the media and the transgender community can not be ignored. I said she was central to trans politics, not that she’s a role model.

      • Kitten says:

        But these are two separate issues.

        I’m of the “Caitlyn Jenner isn’t a great person” camp, but that doesn’t change the fact that as a trans woman, she is still part of a marginalized group, a group that is striving for mainstream acceptance, a group that is still largely misunderstood and mistreated. It’s not any different than some white dude dressing up as Ray Rice in blackface. I HATE Ray Rice, but blackface is never ever ok.

        We need to separate Caitlyn as a person from the larger movement that (like it or not) she represents. Do you believe she deserved an ESPY? I don’t. But the fact is that she got that award and it was a huge moment for her and the LGBT community. There was a trans woman on that podium, coming out for the first time, and making a speech that many found moving. So to mock that iconic moment is in a way, mocking the movement and mocking transgendered people. I dislike Caitlyn strongly and have been very vocal about it, but I also recognize how difficult her transition must have been for her and her family. I don’t think it’s right to make fun of that.

      • What was that says:

        Oops put my reply in the wrong place..See above!!!!!

      • FingerBinger says:

        @Kitten You’re right. I don’t like Caitlyn but she’s part of a bigger picture. I support the lgbt community but not Caitlyn.

      • meme says:

        @kitten…if you can mock and ridicule the Kardashians/Jenner sisters, the Duggars, Jennifer Aniston, to name a few, what’s so special about Caitlyn Jenner that she can’t be mocked? I’m not walking on eggshells because some people think she’s “brave” and “special”.

      • Kitten says:

        @meme-Ugh. The difference is that white cisgendered people like Jennifer Aniston and the Duggars are not part of a marginalized group.

        Look, if you really want to wear the Caitlyn Jenner costume, then have at it. Don’t let good taste or respect for others stop you.

      • meme says:

        @kitten…political correctness has been taken to such an extreme. who gets to decide what one can mock and what one can’t? jenner is a 65 year old adult and can take it. if one mocks the Duggars, does that mean they are mocking all Christians? You have your view and I have mine. I don’t do Halloween so I won’t be wearing any costume. And good taste is subjective.

      • Kitten says:

        @Meme-Well at least you and I agree on one thing: Halloween costumes are a waste of time.

        Also, nobody gets to tell other people what they can/can’t wear–not me and not you. But the question being posed was “is this offensive?” and to me it is offensive.

        I’ve already commented more than I care to about something that I’m not incredibly invested in so I’ll leave it at that. I feel no obligation to stick my neck out for Jenner, but I will stick my neck out for groups that do not get equal treatment in our society. In this case, that is the trans community.

      • Bridget says:

        @meme: you’re blowing off very valid criticism with “people are too politically correct”. You can wear whatever you want on Halloween, but it’s gross to wear a costume that’s intent is to make fun of someone for being transgender. Not because she’s kind of an a-hole, but because she was born a man. Consider how many hate crimes are still committed against trans individuals, and then consider this: when you make them a joke, you contribute to the mindset that makes people think it’s okay to discriminate and even physically assault trans people. Stuff like this actively contributes to that discrimination.

        But sure, “politically correct”. Be the person that shows up at the party in blackface and has to have someone drag you off to the bathroom to wash it off.

  7. canadiangirl says:

    Ridiculous and pathetic

  8. soxfan says:

    I do believe that the Spirit Halloween store has removed the costume from their online store.

  9. Anniefannie says:

    Just as I was hoping that we’d turned the corner on transgender hate….
    A transgender in KC was hit by a truck , he then backed up and ran over her 2 more times. This animal has yet to be caught. This is absolutely no laughing matter!!

  10. Bluebell says:

    I’m going to get flamed for this comment but I kind of wouldn’t mind dressing up as Caitlyn one day just because she’s so famous and recognisable. I’m a woman, if that makes any difference. I really LOVE playing dress up and often look through costumes, I wanna be Britney Spears in her red catsuit for Oops I did it again, Geri Halliwell in her Union Jack dress, Audrey Hepburn in her black dress, they’re all so iconic. I kind of see it like that. Maybe without the sash though. Besides, there’s no denying that Caitlyn is beautiful and glamorous.

    I should probably add though that I wouldn’t actually do it, because of the sensitivities surrounding it and because I know people would think I was ‘mocking’ her.

    • No. You’d be doing an hommage to Caitlyn…just as you’d be doing a sincere hommage to brit brit ect. However a burly lumberjack dude making 0.0% effort to tuck is just doing it to make fun. That’s the difference.

    • belle de jour says:

      As a veteran of many huge gay pride marches, I can report that almost NO topic, person, stereotype, iconic image or concept has been off-limits as the target of biting humor and satire – be it self-effacing, insider winking or righteous irony and mockery.

      I understand your point. As ever, I suspect it will be a matter of time in this case; timing because there’s always a ‘current topic’ costume or three every Halloween, and timing for transgender people to become more accepted, more supported and just plain safer.

      In time – when the issue is more about their personal style vs. their very survival – there will be plenty of costumes which no longer offend people like the timing and dubious intent of this one does now.

      • Kitten says:

        I’ve been going to gay pride parades for 18 years and what you say is true: anything goes. The difference is that the people attending are all there to support LGBT rights.

        This costume, on the other hand, could easily be worn by some hate-filled a*shole who just wants to make fun of something he doesn’t understand. Additionally, it’s a f*cking cheap-looking costume right? At least at the Pride parades, people go all out, they get creative, and they have fun with it. This sh*t is just so uninspired and basic.

      • belle de jour says:

        @Kitten: the only reason I actually find this costume offensive is for exactly the reason you listed: it looks cheap, basic, and off the rack.

        I’ll cop to being a bit of a snob here about costumes; as you note, once you’ve enjoyed and joined very creative & witty people going all out, these store-bought numbers don’t quite cut it.

        “This costume, on the other hand, could easily be worn by some hate-filled a*shole who just wants to make fun of something he doesn’t understand.”

        Your point is well taken, but I would like to respond in some seriousness why this ‘idea’ of a costume does not offend me: it’s because that person – wearing it with those motives you describe – will always, albeit unwittingly, be making far more fun of his sorry, unaware self than of anyone else. Imo, it is a sign of strength to be able to laugh at heartache (and at ourselves); and, as a matter of respect, I think you’re already sitting at the table if you can do so… and if someone (even a f*ckwit asshole) is paying you the tribute of recognition in spite of himself, then the last laugh is with you and the joke’s on him.

        P.S. That brohound will also be walking around all night in budget drag, cheap padding and sateen. Mwuahhhhhhhahahahaha.

      • Kitten says:

        @Bell de Jour-I was spoiled as a kid–my mom made all my costumes and she was a fantastic seamstress. I went as an Ewok once and Spy Vs. Spy (my bro was the black spy and I was the white spy) another time. Anything I could dream of she would make.

        Maybe you have the right attitude. I guess I just think of how I would feel if I were a trans woman so desperately wanting to be accepted as a woman after years of being seen by society as a man. Maybe Caitlyn is far less sensitive and doesn’t GAF..who knows? But seeing a dude in a wig being called a Halloween costume of a transgendered celebrity would offend me if I were her. Eh.

        I said I’d stop commenting..sigh. This is all just an excuse to not work you know. lol

      • belle de jour says:

        @Kitten: i understand your reaction; I really do.

        But self-deprecating humor and laughter and satire and parody have been my weapons of choice for quite a while now, so I tend to give a wide latitude in that area since I like keeping access open to a large arsenal myself.

    • Andrea S. says:

      @BLUEBELLE do it!! To hell with what other ppl think! Look, transgender ppl are like what, 1% of the entire world’s population if that? I’m with Meme on this: not gonna 2nd guess my thoughts or movements to appease 1% of the population. That may make me insensitive, but oh well.

      Ironically, the ppl on here deriding this costume are also all the ppl making really judgy, snide comments about Christians & Christianity based on their opinions of the Duggars. I guarantee you, Christians are a MUCH, MUCH larger percentage of the population than transgenders…yet, it’s ok to mock Christians based off the example of this 1 kooky family, but NOT ok to mock Caitlyn Jenner??

      Political correctness goes both ways. You want all non-offensive costumes & speech? Start with yourselves.

      End of rant.

      • Kitten says:

        ……so you’re a Christian huh?

      • Wolf says:

        Kitten, that response is offensive to me. I’m not a Christian but your snarky dismissal of an opinion because she might be one is profoundly misguided.

      • Bluebell says:

        I can’t do it for other reasons (I choose not to wear too revealing clothing due to a disfigurement). And like I said, it’s too sensitive and highly charged at the moment. Maybe in a parallel universe….

      • SamiHami says:

        I’m most definitely not a christian either, and that is a truly deplorable comment. Tolerance goes both ways. At least it’s supposed to.

  11. What was that says:

    I just read on the BBC website that the other offensive costume is Cecil the Lions’s killer ..a blood splattered dentist type outfit with a lion head to carry…..
    I just do not understand why these things are considered funny…Costume balls were meant to be a light hearted theme …historical dress or character..when did it become a way of trying to out do on shock value??
    I am fast becoming a old fart as I think people are becoming cruel with what they consider ‘humour’…it is a very sad developement..

    • Kitten says:

      If you’re an old fart, then I am as well.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I agree. I’ve never understood why people think they can make jokes about an airplane crash or Cecil the Lion’s death and think it isn’t cruel because it “just a joke.”

      • Crumpet says:

        They know it’s cruel and they mean to be cruel. To those who are offended, then they can whip out the old predictable ‘it’s just a joke!’ in order to try and turn it onto the offended. Children go through the worst stage of this, I swear. It’s up to parents to teach their kids what a real joke is, and what mocking/cruelty are.

    • BB says:

      I have seen so many tacky, offensive costumes at bars and parties. I remember about a decade ago people going as Steve Irwin impaled by a sting ray. Then last year was the Ray and Janay Rice costume (we live in Maryland and saw so many people dressed like that- black face and all) and people dressed as Ebola patients. I have seen super offensive Obama costumes, too. I guess people think it’s hilarious and since it’s Halloween, no one will say anything. I actually would like to see some Donald Trump costumes this year. Paint yourself orange and wear a dead animal on your head.

    • Reece says:

      I think people have always been cruel, we merely have the concept of media nowadays.

  12. mkyarwood says:

    Not to be ‘that person’ (just kidding, I always am), but crossdressing is a Hallmark of Hallowe’en. Is this offensive because Men will wear it? Wouldn’t a bunch of men dressed this way kind of end up being a positive? I can just imagine them now, like a wave of Spartacuses, running down the street, ‘I AM CAITLYN!!!’

    • PennyLane says:

      Thank you for posting this. I saw the costume yesterday. I thought it was funny. I don’t understand the reaction of many people to this. Last year I dressed up as Kenny Powers from Eastbound and Down. Crossdressing at Halloween is something some people like to do. I say no harm no foul.

      • Citresse says:

        Yeah me too though I’m not sure how it could be unisex? I mean, most women couldn’t get away with it considering the fact it doesn’t have the costume accessory of man hands.

      • iheartjacksparrow says:

        I don’t understand why people think it’s offensive. The VF cover was all over the internet so it seems a perfect idea for a costume.

      • belle de jour says:


        It often seems to come down to a problematical concept: that humor must have anything – or something, or everything – to do with good taste. I always wonder: where do people get this notion?

        Whether a gag works or not is another matter.

    • Imo says:

      If I’m being extremely optimistic I could see some men and women wearing this to normalize transgender experiences to those who are ignorant or negative about them. At best it could spark some interesting conversations.
      But, honestly, I think people are pretty mean and will use the costume to mock.

      • BB says:

        Yeah, that’s the rub for me. I feel like most guys will wear this costume to mock and make fun of Caitlyn Jenner. Guys do love dressing like women for Halloween though!

      • mkyarwood says:

        I know they would, but in this case alone it would backfire. A dude couldn’t wear this without contributing to awareness, even if he was trying to be an asshole.

        Put it this way: a guy can’t wear this without his being interested in wearing women’s clothing in the first place, which would suggest his own gender role isn’t exactly set in stone (since nobody’s is).

      • belle de jour says:

        “But, honestly, I think people are pretty mean and will use the costume to mock.”

        That may be. But then the joke will also be on them – as they will not look half as fabulous as the original.

      • Imo says:

        Belle du jour
        I think I love you.

  13. Birdix says:

    I wish it were different. In my SF bubble, where being transgender is supported (my kids have a transgender teacher, enthusiastically embraced by the school after his transition), I can see this being worn as a tribute. Depressing to think this costume will be used to mock/degrade/as a punch line.

  14. me says:

    Ok there have always been offensive Halloween costumes…this is not new. Now because it involves our precious Caitlyn, we should be all up in arms about it? Did anyone see the Ray Rice costume last year?

    • Kitten says:

      But was your response to the Ray Rice costumes “ok there have always been offensive Halloween costumes…this is not new”?

      Those costumes were awful. Offensive costumes are just boring and humorless at this point, no?

      • me says:

        No I agree, there are a lot of offensive costumes out there…in years past as well. Why would you think Caitlyn would be exempt from this is my point.

      • Kitten says:

        Caitlyn’s not “exempt”. On the contrary-she’s in the same category as the Ray Rice costumes. They are equally offensive is my point. Saying “well look this other costume is offensive as well” doesn’t negate the offensiveness of a costume that mocks trans people.

      • me says:

        It seems as if she is “exempt” as the costume has been reportedly pulled from shelves already.

      • Kitten says:

        Oh I didn’t read that part. As of what I saw last night, they were still in stores. FWIW, the Ray Rice costumes weren’t being sold in Halloween stores either–they were just homemade costumes.

      • me says:

        Well Ray Rice was just one example of MANY MANY ignorant costumes of years past. I find the “Indian girl” costume offensive too…the one of a Native American woman with a bra made of animal skin and a feathered hat with booty shorts or a micro mini skirt on. I mean come on !!! That sh*t still sells too, year after year. I could list so many.

    • tifzlan says:

      The first paragraph of this story was literally all about how offensive the Ray Rice costumes were…

      • me says:

        Yeah but I’m talking about the comments not what is written in the blog story. All I’m trying to say is there have always been offensive costumes, this is nothing new. Caitlyn is not more a “victim” than any other person who had a Halloween costume created about them…that was my point.

    • Neah23 says:

      Celebitchy had post last year about people dressing up as Ray Rice along with other offensive and yes people were up in arms about it. No one is saying Caitlyn is more a “victim” people are allowed exspress their disgust for this custom as well as the others.

    • meme says:

      There is always someone who will be offended. So what? You’re offended; you’ll get over it.

  15. stacey says:

    people seriously need to worry about bigger things than a caitlyn jenner costume. its a silly halloween costume.

    caitlyn jenner has a reality show and capitalizes off her pop culture status so this kind of stuff just goes along with the territory.

  16. QQ says:

    White People’s Blackface for this season I imagine it’ll be assorted black dead children OR Dolezal, and is Expected, so the fact they created this one is in no way surprising

  17. Vampi says:

    Halloweenies gonna weenie.
    Some people’s kids!
    I’l ask my trans son what he thinks about this costume when he gets home from work, and will follow up in a reply to myself with his thoguhts. For now, it seems to me it could be used for good, or bad. Make sense?

    • Vampi says:

      I talked to my son. He didn’t even know there was a Caitlyn Jenner costume. I told him and asked him what he thought.
      Honestly, he was pretty nonplussed.
      He said, “Mom…people wear Obama masks. Do we know if they are for or against him? No. It’s a costume. People are gonna do what they do. No biggie”
      He told me he thinks it no big deal, and I realize that he does not represent all Transgender people, as he realizes as well, but I just wanted to give a perspective of someone who is on the inside of this new controversy.
      I also promised him a link to this thread so…who knows…maybe he will make an account and weigh in.
      Oh boy. I just realized. I just outed my Celebitchy persona to my kid and linked him here! Ummm!
      Mommy loves to snark babe, you know that. Don’t tell Dad!! Heehee!

      • Kitten says:

        Ha ha…oh man. Now he’s gonna go through the archives and read all your comments! Thanks for sharing his thoughts. He might be right.
        I also think younger people are more blasé about this stuff.

      • Jonesy says:

        Thanks, Vampi. He sounds like a good voice of reason. I mean, did anyone ask Caitlin what she thought of the costume? What if she thinks it’s fine, then what? P.S. You sound like an awesome mom, too!

      • Vampi says:

        I think you’re right Kitten. The younger generation sees things a bit differently. My son went through hell though….He went from attending seventh grade as a girl, to going back to school as his true self…. an 8th grade boy. And he did it. Took it all. And I am BEYOND proud!!
        He just married a gorgeous woman with two amazing kids this past Saturday. Now I’m a grandma! But…I have them call me “nanny” because I feel too young to be “granny”. But! Thanks to Nanny Isuzu, I may need a new name now! LOL!

      • Vampi says:

        Awww! Thanks Jonesy! *hugs*

  18. Chinoiserie says:

    I think you forgot the question mark from the title.

  19. Because that’s what halloween is for–BhaaHaa ha ha ha

  20. noway says:

    Yes this is too far, but Halloween has left the idea of people using their imagination to dress up as monster and villains decades ago. Think Mean Girls and it has turned into the one day a year where girls can legitimately dress up as sluts in lingerie and get away with it. Now we are just adding the men. They have toddler and infant costumes of slutty witches, not sure why people didn’t think Caitlyn Jenner would be fair game to them.

  21. wolf88 says:

    uber sensitive and so anally politically restrictiveness to the breaking point in this society that soon enough looking someone in the eye is offensive and grounds of a lawsuit perhaps the death penalty! oh wait that’s politically incorrect too. Let’s just go ahead and cancel Halloween altogether stay home in earth friendly bubble wrap wouldn’t want the kiddies out there dressed as fictional serial killers. Everything is offensive now. These words just caused an earthquake somewhere.

    • Kitten says:

      You are so right!
      Let’s cancel Halloween. Great idea.

    • FingerBinger says:

      Wolf88 is an interesting name.

    • meme says:

      LOL. Let’s cancel Christmas too because it offends some atheists.

      • Kitten says:

        Only atheists who don’t know that Christmas was originally a Pagan holiday.

        In other words, historically-ignorant atheists.

      • meme says:

        @kitten…there is an awful lot of them out there. that’s why kids can’t sing Christmas songs in school anymore and the Rockefeller Christmas Tree is now a Holiday Tree. And people are offended by nativity scenes etc. etc. I am an atheist and I love Christmas time because it’s festive and fun.

      • Dalia says:

        Sorry Kitten, but your comment make no sense to me. I mean, paganism IS a religion.
        So “Only atheists who don’t know this religious holiday was originally that religious holiday.”
        At the end of the day is still a holiday based on religion, faith, etc.

      • Kitten says:

        @Dalia-Let me clarify: Christmas was originally a Pagan festival that had nothing to with the birth of Jesus and NOTHING to do with religion. It was originally the holiday of Saturnalia, a week long period of lawlessness celebrated between December 17-25. During that time, Roman Pagans were not praying or engaging in religious anything–they were getting drunk and letting loose.

        @meme-I’m an atheist and I don’t understand atheists that protest stuff like that. I grew up in an Irish Catholic town that had Jesus and the manger in everyone’s yards and in the town center. Who cares? I actually liked it because they had life-size animals as part of the display. I love Christmas. My birthday is the day after so it’s definitely my fave time of year 🙂

      • Dalia says:

        Sorry If I didn’t understand your point (Huge possibility that this happened since English is not my language)
        It is because sometimes I got this feeling that people don’t believe paganism is a type of faith just because it’s not practiced like the monotheistic ones. But I got what you are trying to say. 😉

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I’m sorry you can’t call people derogatory names anymore, or dress up in costumes mocking other cultures. I can see how hard that is for you.

      • Kitten says:

        I’z sad now 🙁

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Don’t be sad. I wasn’t talking to you. We can cancel Halloween anytime as far as I’m concerned. I just don’t like the argument that you should be allowed to say all the racist and derogatory things about people you want, because Free Speech, but if someone points it out, it’s oh we are insanely politically correct. Suddenly, Free Speech is a no fun.

      • Kitten says:

        I agree. These threads can be interesting and I like hearing different points of views but I hate it when it devolves into “people can’t say anything anymore because everyone’s offended.” The thing is, if we were having this discussion in person, we’d probably be making more progress. It can be hard trying to reach middle ground/mutual understanding in a forum where people can just reply/post and run.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Yeah, it’s also gross when somebody completely misunderstands you and you have to spend all this energy defending yourself against something you never meant in the first place. I have had moments when I thought it’s just not worth it. But here I am. Again.

      • Kitten says:

        @GNAT-Yup. A lot of times people are so busy being outraged at other people being “offended” that they don’t even bother listening. But not listening is typical of people who are dismissive of anything they deem to be “PC”. It’s a lot of work for them to have to think about someone besides themselves.

  22. jwoolman says:

    I used to live for Halloween as a kid, in the days before they started x-raying apples and candy. Packs of us would travel for hours for blocks, passing along tips between packs about the best houses. The rich neighborhoods with huge houses were usually gold mines. I got increasingly minimalist in my costume, though. I settled on a bum costume for years, since it was actually regular clothes, comfortable, and had lots of pockets. It was all about the candy! We were lucky enough to go to Catholic parochial schools so there was no school the next day. November 1 is All Saint’s Day, aka All Hallows (Halloween is All Hallow’s Eve) and is a Holy Day of Obligation (meaning going to Mass is mandatory). We could go to bed late and go to a late Mass.

    As an adult, I would just put on my old stained lab coat and tell people at a party that I was a Mad Scientist.

    Now I’m the Grinch of Halloween. The city schedules a “beggar’s night” on a convenient day rather than properly celebrating on October 31 and limits it to two measly hours. Most kids go to Halloween parties instead. I pretend I’m not home and keep the porch light off, huddling somewhere with the cats until the small number of little beggars go away. I don’t really like Halloween any more, since now it’s a risky time for cats. I keep mine inside around Halloween time, despite a cat proof fence around the yard. Don’t trust humans.

  23. Aria says:

    When I was in college, i went to an “offensive costumes party” that a popular frat held off campus at a barn. Whoever had the most offensive costume won a bottle of tequila. Anyway, the winning costume was a trio, two guys dressed as buildings and one dressed as a cardboard plane wearing a bin laden mask….think about it…. its terrible.

    the worst part was, most people were drunk enough to laugh rather than get offended and this was 2003 so not long after 9-11. if facebook/smartphones were around, pretty sure this frat would be off campus or the kids shamed off social media for a while.

    Adult Halloween as been about offensiveness for a while and Caitlyn Jenner costumes no longer shock me unfortunately.

  24. CasualBtchr says:

    I wish people would get this riled up over idiots wearing Native American head dresses.


    • I Choose Me says:

      People do. We just get told we’re too pc and it’s just a costume and it’s art etc.,

      But this is a post about a transgendered person and not about cultural appropriation. Check out the CB archives, the Pharrell thread in particular where he appeared on a magazine cover in head dress and you’ll see plenty of discussions were had about that.

  25. Tiara says:

    In no way do I like Jenner as a trans advocate or a parent, but truth of the matter is he does represent the trans community and this costume is just plain offensive. I had a friend take his life because of his struggles of being transgender and his family abandoning him. So things like this really make me upset and people just saying “folks are just being too PC sensitive,” has no idea the struggles the trans go through. This costume is just another set back in the acceptance of the trans community. It’s a damn shame.

  26. Bookish says:

    I always love coming on here to read about how offended the Celebitchy writers are. No joke. I come here to watch the agonizing and the hand wringing. It’s just too much and it’s just so fun.

  27. Solsolito says:

    The issue is that Caitlin Jenner IS a woman. The costume clearly is not celebrating her “coming out”, it’s meant to mock her. The costume above is being worn by a man who is clearly a man. I don’t know how people don’t find this jarring.
    And for the record, Canadians celebrate Hallowe’en as well and it’s quite an event here. We have Hallowe’en parties every year and it gives adults a chance to partake in the joy of the holiday. The people with whom I associate would find this costume, including blackface offensive. If they didn’t, I’d have to re-evaluate the “friendship”.
    Another thing, I love dressing up for Hallowe’en. I don’t know why people hate the holiday so much and if you don’t want to dress up, that’s entirely up to you. However, calling adults like myself childish is a little childish, don’t you think?

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I feel so bad for saying that! It was meant to be a joke – like I think it’s childish and stupid because I’M too lame to think of a good costume. But it wasn’t clear and now I feel awful for saying it. I think if you like to dress up and can come up with something clever, then go for it. I can see how it would be fun. The reasons I hate Halloween are 1. The colors are ugly to me, 2. The first 15 minutes to half hour of kids are little, adorable two year olds and the next two hours are teenagers with two black lines drawn on their faces who say they are football players and don’t even say thank you, 3. I hate spiders and eyeballs and brains as home decorating schemes and 4. I can never think of a good costume.
      But mostly, I’m just sorry I made that dumb joke that nobody got. 😁

      P.S. Completely agree with your assessment of the costume situation.

      • Solsolito says:

        No worries! I get a lot of flack from my husband’s family for celebrating Hallowe’en (how very heathen of me)… I was just being sensitive since I have to deal with them all the time and their bible-thumping ways (think Duggar-Light).

  28. Defaultgirl says:

    I think it’s funny and can’t wait to see guys sporting this . I LOVE HALLOWEEN

  29. Vampi says:

    We live in a small town. One year, not so many moons ago, a little girl went missing a week before Halloween and was found a week later deceased near a bridge.
    Our town didn’t cancell Halloween, but they made “trick or treat” time at like 2 PM for YEARS. The kids in town were so sad….because Halloween had nothing to do with that poor girl being abducted and murdered, but because it happened right before Halloween, and she was walking back from a sponsored local party, our community blamed Halloween and punished the kids.
    Now…once again the children safely trick or treat at dusk while dilligent parents keep an eye out. As it was, and as it should be.
    Halloween is for kids, yes…but we have to keep them safe, while at the same time, allow them the magic and excitement that Halloween brings…because Halloween= dark out. That was the fun of it…. And it was sad that a rare murder in our tiny town was tied to Halloween when it had nothing to do with it. The kids paid for some deviants actions.
    There has not been a murder in this town since…and that was like, almost 20 years ago and we JUST got nighttime Halloween trick or treat back about two or three years ago.
    I love Halloween.
    Mt kids STILL love Halloween.
    And my wee ones do too.

  30. GoLightly says:

    I must say that the surge of protectiveness over Caitlyn is interesting to me. As Bruce, he was an annoying, famewhoring member of that despised family. As Caitlyn, she’s a hero that must be rallied behind. I suppose a part of the public feels obligated to support Caitlyn because she’s now a symbol for the transgendered community, but from what I’ve been told by friends in that community, they don’t all think of her as that.

  31. Marianne says:

    Not only is this highly offensive, but Im shocked people would actually spend that kind of money on a costume. Especially when you could probably find the pieces yourself at a thrift store for a lot less.

    • jwoolman says:

      That was my immediate thought, too. Some people have so much money that it burns a hole in their pocket….

  32. Selena Castle says:

    You know what? My first thought was “welcome to the world of womanhood Caitlynn”. For years we have seen men making fun of women’s bodies and not just for Halloween. Then I thought about it after reading all these comments and thought “would it hurt her?” I don’t think so, she seems quite OK with the old “any publicity is good publicity thing”, so for her I don’t think this is offensive. For other trans people? Well we see so many men dressed up as women at these times I often think that lots of men are secretly wishing they had breasts or a vagina, some must just like wearing dresses. So I doubt that this would be offensive to most of them, just another reason to roll their eyes, like all women do when our bodies are parodied for a cheap laugh.

  33. lis says:

    I think the model selection is what made it an offensive joke.

    I would proudly wear this costume with respect,
    if only I had Cait’s legs.
    and arms.
    and cleavage.

  34. Bridget says:

    That costume isn’t making fun of Catelyn Jenner because she’s an a-hole, it’s making fun of her because she’s different. Don’t be that person.

  35. Sara says:

    I’m sorry but how do people have time to get upset over something like this all the while mass shootings around the US, ISIS taking over the middle East, destroying the Earth with pollution and toxins, poisoning people with our toxic food supply, water shortages I mean there is so much shit to be offended by and people get upset over this! Wake up everyone please I am really pleading with you to find significant things to care about.

  36. Defaultgirl says:

    Call me a moron, I’ll say it again I LOVE HALLOWEEN. I can’t wait to to celebrate….This outrage is silly, no one did this over the Mexican costume….smh

  37. angela says:

    So it’s OK to dress up like “slutty” Nuns, Priests, Popes, the Queen of England…but Suddenly its offensive to dress up like a transgender man? Seriously? May as well cancel Halloween and every other occasion to dress up… Grow up people….

    • Julia says:

      I know! I hate these hyprocrites. I think it’s hilarious that there is a costume like that. A LOT of men will be wearing that this Halloween.

  38. Mispronounced Name Dropper says:

    On an intellectual level I can see how some people would be offended and how many people who have no emotional response would say it’s offensive. However I’m completely unemotional and felt nothing when I heard about it.

  39. Marisa says:

    Is no one going to say anything?

    THIS IS NOTHING LIKE BLACKFACE. Nice one Celebitchy.

  40. Goodnight says:

    I don’t see it as offensive just because she’s transgender, honestly. Sure, the image supplied is making fun of her being trans and that isn’t okay, but just having a Cait Jenner costume? Don’t see an issue with it as long as it’s not done with a ‘look at the trans freak’ kind of way.

    People go as Kim all the time – including plenty of guys.

    I get that trans people are at higher risk of suicide and murder and all that (I’m part of that group myself) but that doesn’t mean nobody should ever dress up as a trans person for halloween.

  41. jamie says:

    im waiting for the Josh Dugger costume next ! lol