Kaley Cuoco: ‘I lost 6 pounds in the last 3 months, that’s a whole jeans size’


Kaley Cuoco covers the new issue of Shape Magazine. It’s a cute/sexy cover and she honestly looks really good here. Like, there’s been some discussion of whether she has a resting bitchface (RBF), but I don’t think she has RBF. I think she has resting Smugface, much like Natalie Dormer. Their default expression is set to “haughty.” In any case, Shape effectively tamped down the smug. Good for them. Plus, Kaley’s hair has finally grown out of that really awkward, unflattering stage. She looks worlds better. In the interview with Shape, Kaley chats about how hard she works on her body, her diet, and how six pounds = one jeans size? Some highlights:

Working hard on her body: “I’ve never worked so hard to look good for something in my entire career. But I didn’t starve or kill myself with exercise. I went slowly, and it paid off.”

Learning what works for her: “It took years for me to figure out what my body needs and that what works for my friends doesn’t necessarily work for me. Doing yoga five times a week has transformed my body. I love being toned and having muscle; it’s so sexy and beautiful. And I owe it 100 percent to yoga. I go to a place called CorePower Yoga. One morning I’ll take the Hot Power Fusion class, which is an amazing calorie burner. Or I’ll take a Yoga Sculpt class, where we wear three-pound weights during yoga moves. The sculpt classes include 20 seconds of mountain climbing or jumping jacks between the poses, so I get cardio, too.”

Being 29, learning how to eat: “As I’ve gotten older, I’ve had to change my food intake. My husband, Ryan eats so much. When we first got married, it was so much fun to eat like him. We got into this habit we called the bedtime snack. The drawers next to the bed were filled with candy. Eventually, I realized it was mindless eating. I was just doing it because he was doing it, and it was adding hundreds of calories I didn’t even think about. So I cut that out. Our refrigerator and pantry have completely changed, because we don’t eat crap anymore. No more soda, chips, cereal; we had boxes of stuff that only a 4-year-old would eat.”

On the importance of cheat days: “I have to have a cheat day. I know when I’m being good all week long that come Sunday, I’m going to lie by the pool, have a drink, and eat some pizza. Then I wake up on Monday morning and I’m all ready to start the week again. I’m just going to be in a bad mood all the time if there’s no light at the end of the tunnel.”

On the personal payoff: “It doesn’t sound like a lot, but I lost six pounds in the last three months. That’s a whole jeans size, and we all know how good that feels! I’m the type of girl who’s always had to buy jeans in three sizes because I never know what my body is going to do from one day to the next. Everything, from the inside out, has completely changed for me. And now, when I look into the mirror and see the positive changes, I don’t want to go back to what I was doing. Especially when my husband is like, ‘You look amazing!’”

[From Shape]

Is six pounds really a difference in jeans size? Really? Wouldn’t it depend more of the brand and how the brand sizes? Like, if we’re going by Kardashian Rules, I could see how Kaley losing six pounds would drop her down to a size 2… in Kardashian vanity sizing. Anyway, Kaley does work hard, and we know that because she’s constantly getting pap’d outside the gym. She really does go and she really does the work. If I did that much yoga though… I would lose my mind. Different strokes, etc.

Here are some pics of Kaley and her husband at the Beverly Hilton 60th ‘Diamond’ Anniversary Celebration several weeks ago. She looks like she’s wearing a Mrs. Roper costume.



Photos courtesy of WENN, cover courtesy of Shape.

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89 Responses to “Kaley Cuoco: ‘I lost 6 pounds in the last 3 months, that’s a whole jeans size’”

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  1. Sisi says:

    I don’t really have an opinion on her… except OMG those shoes are hideous!

    • BearcatLawyer says:

      My only opinion is that she has an amazing publicist. She was essentially unknown just a few years ago, one member of an ensemble cast on a popular network show. Then over the past two years or so she has really blown up in terms of appearances, pap shots, and press coverage. She owes her PR person a big bonus for making her “happen.”

    • Kitten says:

      I was too distracted by that tragic dress to even notice the shoes…but yeah they are atrocious.

      • smith says:

        She continues to have horrible, horrible personal styling. I think she’s a kind of a quirky, odd girl and it manifests itself in her attire. So … her life, her choice to wear gigantic visors about town.

        But on the red carpet all I can say is oy. One big gigantic OY. I’m assuming she dresses herself and while I enjoy her down-to-earth chickness (real or not), she needs to put her many $$$ at work and hire a professional.

      • raincoaster says:

        The dress is okay, for lunch with your grandma. But it’s ridiculous to cross your legs like that for a picture when wearing a maxi-dress. It’s a pose to make your legs look longer and thinner, and it doesn’t work if we can’t see your legs. You just look like you need to pee.

    • Lori says:

      Yeah, she really came out of that Cavill deal on top. Did nothing for him though.

    • Tacos and TV says:

      Those shoes are bad. That hair is tragic. And she always looks like she’s eating a lemon with a razor on it!

  2. PunkyMomma says:

    I can identify with the assortment of jeans in varying sizes.

  3. pretty says:

    how many kg you lose is all meaningless. it’s all about muscles and fat. you have person A and B, same height, same weight and A has more fat than muscle and B has more muscle than fat, B would look way way more skinnier.

    • wendi says:

      it’s more meaningful than talking in terms of sizes though. not only do they vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, but due to size inflation, sizes don’t mean what they used to – what used to be a size 8 is now a size 2.

    • JenniferJustice says:

      I think she was trying to say that because she’s short/petite, 6 lbs is a lot for her body and actually makes her drop a size. I’m short (5’1″) and losing or gaining 5 lbs for me is going up or down a whole size – doesn’t matter if it’s Euro, American, Kardashian sizes. For some people, 5 lbs makes a big difference.

    • Pippa says:

      Yeah exactly, plus it does sound like she’s put a lot of effort in exercise wise and when you do that you can definitely drop whole dress sizes without technically even losing a pound because of the whole fat to muscle thing.

    • Pandy says:

      Yes, she might have lost “only” six pounds (I wish!!) but if she’s talking about gaining new muscles, she’s dropped clothing sizes and tightened and reshaped her body.

  4. K says:

    I don’t really see the point of the interview but if they are going to constantly ask actresses about their weight and weightloss then I have to say this is the best response I’ve ever read.

    She talks about having to change her eating habits, that she didn’t do it rushed or looked for a quick fix and that not all fad work outs work for everyone. She had to look for her. she also set realistic weight loss and time period. It was a solid interview.

    • Esmom says:

      I agree, everything she said was very reasonable. And I laughed when she said they had tons of food that only a four year old would eat.

      However I think her hair looks terrible. Although I guess it’s better than her magically having long hair again via extensions.

    • whipmyhair says:

      It’s for shape magazine. All it does is diet and exercise. Although I agree they talk about diet and exercise too much in interviews, in context I don’t mind.

    • browniecakes says:

      The 99th season of Big Bang Theory starts next week. Time to promote.

    • MrsNix says:

      Well, it was in Shape, and that’s their thing. So, I’m sure all the questions were about her diet/exercise/health regimens.

  5. platypus says:

    I’m about her size, and 6 lbs up or down equals about a jeans size for me as well (might be a little snug, though). And of course, if you do strength training you might go down in clothing size while your weight stays the same, I’m also guessing a few lbs up or down makes a bigger difference in clothing fit for a thin person than it does for a curvy person.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      That’s what I was thinking. If you’re already pretty small, 6 pounds could be a size down. For me, 8-10 pounds is about a size, depending of course on how it fit before.

    • Kitten says:

      Yup same with me. I recently lost 3 lbs and it’s really noticeable. 6 lbs is a full size…

    • tealily says:

      Yes, and since she specifically mentions yoga, she’s obviously done some strengthening. Good for her! I find her slightly annoying, but I liked her in this interview.

    • someone says:

      I agree, 6 pounds is close to a size difference up or down for me. Definitely 10 pounds makes a 1 size difference.

    • S says:

      4-5 lbs is a jeans size for me. I wear a 26-27. I’m not ridiculously tiny, either. I’m 5’4″ and about 126 lbs.

    • Venus says:

      My thyroid was too high a couple of years ago and I lost 10 pounds and went down two jeans’ sizes. I carry weight in my waist, but was shocked that everything was literally falling off me.

  6. Ellie says:

    I think yoga is very relaxing, but even power yoga burns only 195 calories an hour (at my weight, 135, so probably even less for her). I don’t see how celebrities can claim that’s how they drop any weight. Same with Pilates. Great for toning, relaxing, flexibility, but not burning calories. Also her husband is hot!

    • Thinker says:

      I am a converted Yogi. Yoga stretches the muscles, extending and lengthening them. Over the long haul, you will see and you will feel a difference. It’s not just about calorie burning. It’s about the pure strength you need to get into some of the higher level yoga poses.

      I was a runner for years, but I remained “skinny fat” with little muscle tone. I started yoga casually, because I had a lot of tightness in my hips from all the pavement pounding. Now, years into my yoga practice I am more toned than ever before in my life. And evenly toned, my calves and thighs are as toned as each other and as toned as my stomach, back and arms. More than being toned, I am stronger. I still run from time to time, and am always amazed that my body has not only retained that muscle memory, but has improved upon it. I can go 5-6 months without a run (winter, bleh!) and then spring comes around and I amaze myself that yoga has maintained my strength and improved my breathing. I run better now, more efficiently and faster. I have more of a sense of being in control, slowing my breathing first, then adjusting pace to the right level.

      • Ellie says:

        That’s awesome! I run a lot, I have the same issues with hip tightness. I might go bonkers trying to do yoga five days a week like she does, but this definitely makes me want to give it another try.

      • retromancing says:

        If you don’t mind my asking (and I apologise of it’s already been asked/answered – on a mobile!), how frequently do you do yoga and how long did it take for you to start seeing results? Running was my go-to exercise for a long while, but I’ve been wanting to switch it up a bit (hola, skinny fat) and I had my first yoga class this week. I loved it, but I’m wondering if I ought to be looking into different types of yoga as well as this one (which is only once a week.)

      • tellin it like it is says:

        People here need to learn about basic health.

        Yoga does not really “lengthen” muscles. Yoga does not really “tone” muscles.

        You “tone” by losing fat and gaining muscle. While you can spot build muscles by focusing on those muscles while you exercise (which you generally do not want to do – you want a balanced exercise regimen), you cannot spot lose fat.

        Yoga may help “tone” and “lengthen” help because certain stretches give SOME body weight resistance and because you’re burning more calories than sitting around on your ass, but it’s certainly not the most efficient use of your time unless you’re trying to get flexible.

        The most important step to losing weight (which is essentially “toning”) is fixing your diet. You will find that that “tones” you up better than any exercise regimen. While you’re at it, you should take up weightlifting to maintain your muscles – you’ll always lose some muscle when losing weight, but weightlifting will minimize the loss. And lift heavy, don’t lift 3 lbs weights and call it a day. Women are not built to get bulky, so don’t use that excuse.

        With your weightlifting and eating healthy, mix in some cardio to increase your calorie burn and you’ll blow yoga out of the water.

      • Becki says:

        TOTALLY agree with Tellinitlikeitis!! You cannot lengthen muscle, it can’t physically get longer, it is what it is. What you CAN do, it lose fat & build muscle so that you see it more. “Toning” is actually building muscle, if you want to “tone” you need to BUILD!! Muscle is what will help you burn fat, so you definitely need more of it to lose the fat & reveal the muscle underneath. I am a bodybuilding, weightlifter & I love it!! I love getting stronger & feeling bad@$$ leaving the gym b/c I just killed the weights 🙂 Nothing like it!

        Also, the goal should not be losing weight, it should be changing your body composition from more fat/low muscle to low fat/high muscle 🙂 Your weight may not change or may even go UP, but your body will look smaller and you will be leaner. She absolutely could have lost 6 pounds and gone down a size, if she lost some fat & even added a small amount of muscle. She would be leaner & tighter and need smaller jeans if that was the case.

      • LooseSeal says:

        Every body is different and reacts to different types of exercise the way it will. I grew up a dancer, playing every sport I could and then became a runner in my 20s. I was still kinda chubby. Yoga totally changed my body. It manages my injuries, re-aligned everything, and I’ll admit, gave me amazing abs. I’m naturally built like a Kardashian and this is the leanest I’ve ever been in my life. It even got rid of my cankles!

      • Thinker says:

        @retromancing. In physical experience I noticed increased flexibility almost immediately. Easily after the first month of taking at least 1 class per week I could feel the difference in running and after running I would do some new yoga-style stretches, it was as if my body craved it…

        My story is a bit personal. I am a perfectionist and a worrier by nature. Very type A. When I first started taking yoga, I was really worried about giving up my runs for more time on the mat. So my first year I practiced only once or twice a month with a class. However, it all changed for me after going through some difficult personal losses. During that period of my life, I ended up finding a studio that incorporated mantras and attending those classes changed my whole perspective. Yoga is a practice. There will never be perfection in your pose, just as there will never be perfection in life. You can set goals for yourself during a class, you can try to get there, but if you don’t then no big deal. You let the pose go. You can come back another day. Therein lies the beauty, that we can watch ourselves change and grow. One day that pose will be attained. And I can tell you, when you make one of those yogi goals happen, you feel like the amazing creature you are. I have enjoyed observing my strength change, watching myself manage to deal with life’s problems with flexibility and calm, I have benefited from learning to “let go” and not only survive, but flourish and grow. I realize not everyone is looking for an exercise that provides spiritual and physical growth, but the mat is always there if you want it. I thought my runs kept me sane and kept me fit, but I feel more sane and I know that I am more fit than ever before in my life.

        Now, in terms of muscle tone and overall appearance: 2-3 classes a week for 2-3 months and my body had a huge change.

        These days I try to take 3 classes a week when I can fit them in, however I make time to practice every day. First thing in the morning and last thing I do before bed: practice. Sometimes for 5 minutes, sometimes for 30, I do a few poses, I work on mindfulness and quieting my nervous, frenetic thoughts, and just stretch, just make a little more room for that breathe, just let yourself be.

      • Bridget says:

        I gotta add, no runner should ‘just’ be running. Strength training is incredibly important – you use your whole body when you run and it’s necessary to keep your whole body strong, from your arms to your glutes to your core. It’s also important to help keep someone injury free, by keeping muscles balanced. Though I am amazed at anyone who runs 5 days a week and is “skinny fat” or has no real tone in their legs. Running hard, running on varied terrain, and long distance all helps a person’s muscle tone.

    • Esmom says:

      I think she dropped the weight by changing her eating patterns, the yoga just toned her up. Although her Core Power classes are definitely more high intensity than traditional yoga.

      • Kitten says:

        Agreed. If you’re someone who exercises regularly (whether it’s running, yoga, walking whatever) then diet is the easiest and fastest way to change your body. Yoga is good for flexibility and strength, but it doesn’t burn a ton of calories.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I know several people, including my 66 year old yoga instructor, who use only yoga as exercise, and have incredible bodies. It’s not just about calories. And she only lost two pounds a month, so I believe her.

    • SamiHami says:

      I am overweight and have been for years, but when I did yoga for a time I found that although I didn’t lose pounds, my clothes got much looser. Everything shifted and I looked a lot better.

      That being said, I don’t know why I stopped doing it. I think I need to start again…

    • Saywhatwhen says:

      @Ellie. Am right there with you. Yoga does not a single thing for me…at least it is not noticeable. Pilates only works over a long 6 months if I do it 3 times per week. And it only shows in my height and posture. Longer muscles but not weight loss. 40 mins of cardio and 30 mins of weight 4 times per week plus major calorie/food cut or nothing! Hugely frustrating.

    • tealily says:

      We all know what someone is trying to achieve/ has achieved when they talk about toning, whether or not you like the word. I get equally annoyed when people go on tirades about how muscle does not way more than fat because “a pound is a pound” (we’re actually talking about mass). There are a lot of different kinds of yoga, and a lot of them are way more than stretching (although stretching is important!). I don’t understand the point of trying to debunk someone’s fitness results. People follow different programs, people get different results. Fitness is not one-size-fits all. Do what works for you.

    • North of Boston says:

      ” There are a lot of different kinds of yoga, and a lot of them are way more than stretching (although stretching is important!). I don’t understand the point of trying to debunk someone’s fitness results. People follow different programs, people get different results. Fitness is not one-size-fits all. Do what works for you.”

      ^^ Agree 100%

      Yoga and other forms of exercise can be great for managing and reducing stress. And changing one’s stress levels can have an huge impact on metabolism/hormones, which changes how your body processes the food you eat, even if you don’t change what you’re eating. So, reducing stress can help your body not store calories as fat, and help you put the calories you’re eating to better use and can also help manage appetite so that you’re less likely to overeat, and less likely to eat pure carbs. The endocrine system is an amazing and complex thing. Plus there’s the whole ‘replacing fat with muscle’ thing that happens with regular exercise too, which also changes metabolism. Muscle burns more calories than fat, even at rest, so if Yoga helps tone and increase muscle mass, it’s possible to lose weight even without changing what you eat since your body will burn more calories even at times when you’re not at the gym.

      In this case, it sounds like on top of all that KC also did change the way she was eating, so that helped too.

  7. suze says:

    I have to disagree, I think her hair is just entering the awkward phase.

    Six pounds can make a difference, depending on your build. For sure.

  8. Petrichor says:

    Her husband looks like Marc Anthony in that picture. That’s all I’ve got.

  9. Emily says:

    I’m only 5’3 and have small bone structure. I lost 5 lbs before my wedding (which was actually super hard to do) and it was definitely an entire pant size. If Kaley lost mostly fat, while putting on some muscle, those 6 lbs could look like 15, even if she is tall. So it’s certainly possible. I respect that it took her 3 months and she isn’t advocating for some quick fix or a pill like the Kardashians.

    • Brittney B. says:

      “I respect that it took her 3 months and she isn’t advocating for some quick fix or a pill like the Kardashians.”

      Yes, good point. That’s true. She talked about changing her snacking habits, buying healthier foods, giving herself “cheat days”… when you don’t practice extreme deprivation to achieve extreme(ly fast) results, you actually learn more about your body and develop long-term habits that will pay off for years to come.

      Much more valuable advice than “here’s a gimmick diet pill” or “wear this and rearrange your organs”. Then again, she’s not getting paid to shill products… ugh, I wish young kids understood that celebs who push products aren’t being honest.

  10. Eleonor says:

    Why she has lost weight ? Why ???

    • Miss M says:

      I think her main goal was to change her life style to become healthier than she was and , on top of that, she lost 6 pounds in a span of 3 months. I don’t think her main goal was to lose weight.

  11. OrigialTessa says:

    Six lbs for me is easily a jeans size, no question.

  12. Cora says:

    She’s not doing that much actual yoga. If she’s doing fusion classes then she’s fusing the yoga with something else. She’s also doing mountain climbing and jumping jacks between asanas. So it sounds like she’s actually doing a lot of different forms of exercise and calling all of it yoga. Some of it is. There’s nothing wrong with that, it sounds like she’s doing something that really works for her, but she’s not just doing yoga exclusively, which she was professing at the beginning of the interview.

    • Esmom says:

      Yeah, Core Power definitely isn’t the place for traditional yoga. Most classes are definitely hybrids of different types of exercise, all designed to burn more calories.

  13. thaisajs says:

    Ha, I wish 6 lbs equalled a dress size. I’m more in the size 14 area and (for me at least), it’s more like 10 to 15 lbs to drop a dress size. But that’s probably because I’m in no way as toned as Kaley etc.

  14. Mia V. says:

    You work so hard to wear this dress.

  15. lem says:

    if she’s working out that much, it’s probably a combo of losing 6 pounds, plus gaining muscle–i can see how that drops a jean size.

  16. blue banana says:

    6 lbs would = TWO jeans sizes for me!

  17. Lindy says:

    I’m 5’2″ and pretty petite and 6 lbs is definitely a jeans size or skirt size for me. And her hair is finally looking better!

  18. Murphy says:

    She’s always been slim, I don’t really see much of a difference.

  19. Brittney B. says:

    I looked up her height because I assumed she’s tiny, and six pounds would easily account for a whole pants size (especially if she gains and loses in her hips first). Surprisingly, she’s 5’6″! Only an inch or two shorter than me… I would’ve guessed 5’3″ at most. Then again, that could be an exaggeration. I once listened to an entire podcast that revolved around figuring out Jake Gyllenhaal’s actual height, because the Internet reports varied so wildly (between 5’9″ and 6’3″… he’s actually 5’11.5″, haha). I’ll never trust a celebrity height again.

    Anyway, I’m with the others… it all has to do with height, body type, where the weight goes, etc. I fluctuate within a 15-pound window, but I don’t really refer to clothing sizes, because brands and vanity sizing make it so difficult to find any consistency. My skirts range from size 4 to size 12… my dresses range from a very tight 4 to a form-fitting 8. I only shop once or twice a year because it takes so damn long to find the right sizes, and if I’m at a heavier weight, I just ignore half my closet. I will NEVER understand why people like the Kardashians — who have access to tailors, bespoke clothing, consistent designer sizing, etc. — continue to dress two or three sizes too small for their bodies. I get it when I see normal people out and about… maybe they gained 5 pounds of water weight temporarily, and it’s not practical to replace their clothes… but not celebs. Why?

    • Nayru says:

      I am the exact same as you! I am also the same height and weight. Depending upon stress and my mood I fluctuate about 15 lbs. I have my skinny jeans and my fat jeans. Lately I’ve put on so I am ignoring my skinny clothes.

    • Lisa says:

      Haha, when I googled, it said 5’5. Whatisthetruth.gif. 😉

  20. FingerBinger says:

    6 pounds doesn’t seem like a lot. I’ve lost that in water weight.

  21. perplexed says:

    Maybe Mayim Bialik advised her to wear that dress…

  22. Size Does Matter says:

    It’s a shame she covers that cute body with such awful clothes.

  23. alex says:

    6 pounds can be a lot if you are already fit overall it’s real weight loss not just water weight. She always seemed fit to me I d never seen her remotely out of shape. Surprised she is saying she is not proper weight training at all. I had seen her body before on her show etc and she has some real muscles. You don’t get that just from yoga I know trust me. Unless she meant she has stop weight training now

  24. Louisa says:

    6 pounds is a jean size if you’re also toning up and losing body fat. The number on the scale isn’t always connected to the size of your pants.

  25. Lisa says:

    Six pounds makes a difference, especially when you’re short! She’s 5’5, which isn’t as short as some women, but she’s so right about it feeling good. Normally, I’m cynical of and bored with actors talking about their diet and exercise, but this was a pretty decent approach.

  26. Riemc526 says:

    Hmmmm… I’m 4’10”. 6 lbs is a difference in pants size to me but I’m not sure I believe it’s the same for her since she’s 5’6″.

    ETA: I just scrolled up and noticed women of Kaley’s height saying they noticed a difference, so never mind!

  27. meme says:

    How come these women are always posing in their underwear and their girls hanging out? That is NOT feminism.

  28. Katija says:

    Yeah, but it’s all gonna backfire terribly when some red-haired Africa freak tells her that butter is a carb.

  29. Josefa says:

    You can tell she works out hard – her body is absolutely spectacular. I dont think she has a RBF or Smugface. I think shes just really common looking and that hair does nothing for her. Much like Shailene Woodley and JLaw, her bone structure isn’t sharp enough to pull off short hair.

  30. Jo says:

    [Sigh] Yes, if she’s put on muscle, she could have just dropped 6lbs in weight and more in fat and that equate to a jeans size.

  31. Umila says:

    I’m being mean, but every time I look at this girl I’m like ‘how did you make it on my husband’s fantasy list?!?’ Is it the blonde hair since I’m a green eyed brunette? Huh.

    I don’t think six pounds would be a whole jean size, but I guess it depends on where your losing that weight…maybe. I’m the same height, 5’6”, and six pounds wouldn’t make a difference on me. I tend to lose weight from my legs before my stomach and I would give anything to trade my thigh gap for a rock hard abdomen. It was at least flat before my first monster came into this world 🙂 and before I hit my late twenties.

    Too bad Kaley isn’t like Carey Mulligan growing out her pixie. That girl never went through an awkward phase in the process. Lucky!

  32. Pondering thoughts says:

    vanity size-ing indeed. Is she looking for some kind of endorsement deal with Levi’s denim???

  33. BobaFelt says:

    i lose 6 pounds 2 hours after eating at chipotle, big wup.

  34. Penelope says:

    I like her but she’s never, ever been able to dress herself. And that pixie haircut did absolutely nothing to flatter her face at all. Long-ish hair is a far better look for her.

    Rockin’ bod, though. She looks fabulous.

    Also, their body language in that picture ain’t good. He’s always seemed a bit douchey to me though.

  35. Claire says:

    I practice yoga twice a week and if I had the time, I would practice it everyday. BTW, I always thought Kaley was like Natalie Dormer’s less pretty sister but I don’t mean this as an insult because…wow…Natalie’s beyond gorgeous!

  36. Font says:

    The diet and fitness industries depend on bad lifestyles. I still can’t believe that, to this day, there are still families and kids who eat vegetables only out of cans. Jamie Oliver’s show made me cry when he interviewed those kids who couldn’t identify everyday vegetables. It starts in childhood and with the family.

  37. Betti says:

    Yoga (and pilates) are both very good for toning and helping with general fitness levels. I used to do a lot of Bikram (hot) yoga and i need to get back into it (its great for purging the rubbish out of ur system and skin) and take up running but its all a big effort for me as i hate exercise. Good for her for putting the effort in.

    She’s always struck me as being v like her character in TBBT and yes she needs a stylist. She can’t quite pull off the quirky fashion. Still like her though.

  38. Sara says:

    I can see 6 pounds being a size, when you are already pretty tiny. BAck in my twenties before I had kids about 5lbs (real fat, not water weight) was enough to go from a 4 to a 2 (Old Navy 10 years ago!). Smaller jeans sizes, like say between an American 4 through 00, are easier to get into because they usually fit women of average height between 120 and 100 lbs, which isn’t a lot of weight for 4 sizes of jeans.

    Now that I’m a little bigger, like a size 8, I can easily gain or lose ten pounds and the same jeans still fit. :/ oh well.

  39. Darlene says:

    I’m short, and I lose a size every 5lbs. If you are taller, it’s more.