Donald Trump on Carly Fiorina: ‘Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?’


Is anyone else suffering through Donald Trump Exhaustion? It’s not just that Trump is appalling – it’s that network and cable news won’t stop with the nonstop coverage. It’s not that I’m just dying to hear what Ted Cruz and Rand Paul have to say, but the Trump coverage is so bloated at this point, I have to think that Trump is just good for ratings. Not content to dominate TV news, Trump has also given a series of take-no-prisoners magazine cover interviews over the past few months. The latest magazine? Rolling Stone. You can read the full piece online here.

There are tons of interesting/disgusting details and quotes throughout the piece. Like, his customized 757 has “sleeper seats wrapped in eggshell calfskin, with seat-belt buckles of plated gold and the family crest stitched in every headrest.” His Trump offices are full of “a series of dazzling young female assistants. Trump also likes the theatrics of beauty. Many of his close aides are women in their twenties, not very long removed from college.” He stocks his office like he stocks his beauty pageants. Brilliant. But the part of the interview that has gotten the most attention are his comments on Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO and current rising star for the GOP nomination.

Part of a public speech, insulting Carly Fiorina: “Carly was a little nasty to me — be careful, Carly! Be careful! But I can’t say anything to her because she’s a woman. . . . I promised that I wouldn’t say that she ran Hewlett-Packard into the ground. I said I wouldn’t say it! That her stock value tanked. That she laid off tens of thousands of people, and she got viciously fired. I said I will not say that. And that she then went out and ran against Barbara Boxer, and . . . lost in a landslide. And I said, ‘I. Will. Not. Say. That!’ ”

In private, while watching the news: When the anchor throws to Carly Fiorina for her reaction to Trump’s momentum, Trump’s expression sours in schoolboy disgust as the camera bores in on Fiorina. “Look at that face!” he cries. “Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?!” The laughter grows halting and faint behind him. “I mean, she’s a woman, and I’m not s’posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?”

[From Rolling Stone]

As I just said, this is a man who stocks his offices like he stocks his beauty pageants. Of course he is going to insult the sole female candidate on the GOP side for her looks. Of course he’s going to truly believe that people shouldn’t elect Carly Fiorina for the GOP nomination because…what? She’s too old, too unattractive? Classic Trump. I’m not saying that Fiorina is an amazing person, just that she should be criticized for her job performance as CEO (which sucked) rather than her appearance.

Megyn Kelly spoke to Fiorina last night and this was her reaction: “I think those comments speak for themselves. Honestly, Megyn, I’m not going to spend a single cycle wondering what Donald Trump means. But maybe, just maybe, I’m getting under his skin a little bit, because I am climbing in the polls.”


Photos courtesy of WENN, Rolling Stone.

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225 Responses to “Donald Trump on Carly Fiorina: ‘Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?’”

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  1. Size Does Matter says:

    Pot, meet kettle.

    • GingerCrunch says:

      ohhhhh yeahhhh

    • Lama Bean says:

      Yes! Took the words out of my mouth.

    • smith says:

      Well in “The Donald” world, it’s okay for men to be aging, balding, out-of-shape, and just gross. The women however, better be beautiful. Why do you think he has Katrina Campins shilling for him all over CNN?

      (Also how anyone with that hat of hair could possibly call out someone on their looks is mind-boggling).

      There are plenty of reasons to dislike Carly. Personally I can’t stand her (mostly insider HP stuff) and she really shouldn’t be running for President of anything (cough: nutcase) BUT I loved her response to Megyn. And I hope she does get under his skin … it looks easy enough to pry away from his skeleton.

      • ohyes says:

        “And I hope she does get under his skin … it looks easy enough to pry away from his skeleton.’

        ooooh. Now that is really good writing, Love it!

    • Wishing I had to money to move to New Zealand says:

      I don’t take any of these candidates seriously..have you ever in history seen the poll democratic or republican so full of attention seeking people who thinks they have what it takes to be president..ratings or not other countries are laughing at us, the media is so wraped up in ratings we can’t even figure out who is eligible to be the next president ! I would vote for Obama for a third term just for security because the rest of these candidates are a joke..I’ve never been so afraid of the next president..

      • Tiffany says:

        I am with you. I watched both party debates every term just to be informed of the platform. But this year, it is a circus and world leaders are watching and can take great comfort in knowing they can run over a cart of puppies and never be the joke that out candidates are. And the people that are polling positive for him, WTF.

      • lucy2 says:

        It’s like an insane circus. I keep waiting for someone better to step up, but nothing.

      • Lady D says:

        Me also, Lucy2. It’s like okay USA, funny joke haha, now where are the real candidates? Tic,tic,tic….

      • Snowflake says:

        I’m scared too. Just when the country was going in a good direction. I dnk wtf I would do if trump becomes president. Way to make America look like a bunch of idiots

      • Jib says:

        The Republican Party is a clown car, and it is a very crowded clown car.

        And seriously, Fiorina is disgusting, too, but not because of her looks, but the part that bothered me was that he has CALFskin on his airline seats. What a horrible human being. Calfskin.

      • Twinkle says:

        Bernie Sanders. He’s the only one against special interest. He does not accept donations from PACs, corporations or wealthy donors. He genuinely cares about the middle class, the environment, spiraling health care cost, and college costs. Look him up, folks.

      • Mary says:

        Twinkle– my parents have been talking about Bernie Sanders. They like him a lot. I like what they’ve told me. I will look up his platform, thanks for the nudge.

      • Bell says:

        The problem with Bernie Sanders is that he wants EVERYTHING controlled by government and paid for by our taxes. I don’t want anymore of my paycheck going to the government.

    • JudyK says:

      Exactly. Orange prissy pucker mouth needs to take a gander at himself in the mirror.

      • Ysohawt1 says:


        I will vote for Hillary, Bernie, Cuomo , Biden, any of them who gets the Democratic ticket.

        I still like Hillary, she and Biden are the most experienced and the 90’s economy under Clinton was amazing. I don’t care about all the hate thrown at her by GOP shills in the press and the constant press witchunt. All the hate thrown and Hillary is still standing.

        And I think the GOP wants Bernie instead because they think they can beat him. Hillary Clinton is a more formidable candidate, regardless.

    • laura in LA says:

      “Look at that hair (and orangey face), would anyone vote for that?!” Hey, he’s got a point about iCarly (Fiorina), but he’s not one to talk…

      Or rather, he is and just won’t shut up about it. He could say this about any one of the (what is it, 25 now?) candidates running in the GOP primary, clown car that it is. None of this is surprising, though, just very amusing – in a very sad, sad way because it’s making a mockery of our presidential election.

      Obama finally said in his second term, “My way or the highway.” While it’s good to see the POTUS pushing through so much now, I, for one, miss him already.

  2. tifzlan says:

    He’s got some nerve talking about other people’s looks when he resembles a rotting lobster in some God forsaken Boston Chowda Co. dumpster near the Harbor with a dying squirrel lying on top of it.
    (Can you tell i’m really missing Boston and wishing i was back there today?)

    At the same time though, it worries me that so many people seem to be supporting him. At the very least, they’re leaving him messages of support on his social media. Perhaps they’re bots, i’m not sure, but it’s still a scary thought that he/his message is resonating with so many people.

    • bluhare says:

      Hahahaha! Thanks very much for that visual.

    • Brittney B. says:

      I live in Florida, land of gun racks and confederate flags in every truck… nothing should surprise me, but I drove past an SUV the other day, and the whole back window was full of custom Trump decals. Big ugly white letters that said something like “yes, Trump, p*** on all those politically correct socialists”, with a Calvin & Hobbes-style picture of him doing just that.

      I wished for a moment that I was in Mad Max: Fury Road and could send a grenade through the sun roof or a spike through the tires. I’d never resort to physical violence, of course, but I’ve been getting the urge more and more frequently. People who think treating others with respect is a social poison? They’re the real poison. And I’m genuinely getting very, very afraid.

      • tifzlan says:

        I’m telling you, i honestly don’t think all those supportive messages are bots because i just know there are people in Who Knows Where, KenBamaSissippiZona who totally agree with his hateful, bigoted rhetoric.

      • Absolutely says:

        Omg! I’m in Florida too and I saw a Trump sign in somebody’s yard! I was completely flabbergasted. Please, for the love of all that is holy, not let this be another 2000 where Florida is the one screwing everything up!

      • Alice says:

        Brittney B. Do you live in the Panhandle, near the Redneck Riviera, ’cause I ‘ve got those people too. In October 2012 People in trailer parks were all Romney, Romney, Romney. Now they”re for Trump as are mnay of the rich neighborhoods. It’s frustrating, scary, maddening.

      • BB says:

        I haven’t seen any Trump stickers in Maryland or Southeast PA yet, thankfully, but I have seen a lot of Ben Carson signage on cars around here. Oh and Hillary for Prison signs.

      • Snowflake says:

        I live in Florida too!
        @ Alice
        I lived in the panhandle, Panama City beach for about 5 years and it is definitely the redneck riviera. Too bad, cause the water and beaches are beautiful.

      • Absolutely says:

        I’m in the riviera. Deep in scary country….

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Heavy rains with flood warnings today so don’t miss it too much. But there was a rainbow over Gillette Stadium this morning.

    • Green_Eyes says:

      Oh you made my day! Your description of the orange windbag was PERFECTION!

    • TheOtherMaria says:

      I need people week support Trump to be obvious about it, this way I know who to stay away from 😒

      He’s a misogynistic, racist idiot.

    • MrsNix says:

      I officially love you, tifzlan

  3. Snazzy says:

    He scares the hell out of me. All the friends I have that are from the US say it is just not possible for him to be voted in as the nominee or the next POTUS, but this wall-to-wall coverage says something else, and whatever the heck it is, it’s scary.

    • Anname says:

      This quote about Trump is perfect –
      A recent “New Zealand Herald” OpEd by Paul Thomas said: “Trump personifies everything the rest of the world despises about America: casual racism, crass materialism, relentless self-aggrandizement, vulgarity on an epic scale.”

      It’s horrifying that there are so many people in the country who think like him, or somehow think that Trump cares one bit about anyone except himself.

      • Jules says:

        And Paul Thomas is not a bigot about Americans? Donald Trump represents his fan base, blue collar bigots that vote GOP. They worship his crass gaudy world. The rest of America voted for Obama. TWICE.

      • Ysohawt1 says:

        The GOP and they wonder why they lost the last two elections!

      • Kitten says:

        Let’s not pretend that casual racism and crass materialism are unique to American culture.

      • MrsNix says:

        @Kitten: thank you. For sure.

      • analee says:

        Anname: I agree with absolutely every description the author uses to describe the insufferable blowhard and buffoon Donald Trump, but I don’t believe that Trump accurately reflects the majority of Americans. After all, the majority of Americans voted for Obama, and not once but two times: there are plenty of thoughtful, progressive, intelligent, non racist people in the U.S. I think what Trump represents is the loudest, most strident, most obnoxiously ignorant, grating, and aggressive of Americans, the ones who are too often most easily judged/dismissed as “typical” Americans, condensed into oversimplified, cartoon-like stereotypes of what Americans are actually like. In fact, the pro Trump groups simply have the biggest, furthest “trump”eting mouths and the most shockingly vapid opinions, which likely get more international media coverage (as does Trump) than the other, less absurd, less showy, less comical (in a terrifying way!) and less ludicrous candidates.

      • North of Boston says:

        Analee, well said.

        He may represent everything the rest of the world hates about Americans, but he does not represent or accurately reflect the majority of Americans.

        On another note, I am really scratching my head about why no one in the US media is doing any in-depth reporting on his background. As much as he tries to throw shade on CF’s suitability for the presidency due to her HP reign, someone should be throwing shade at his “executive” experience based on his multiple bankruptcies:

        He “restructured” debt, left his creditors or investors holding the bag, or sustaining losses, while he kept his personal fortune

        ” LoPucki said it was very unusual for anyone to have that many large businesses go through bankruptcy. Most of the debt Trump incurred was through bonds that were sold to the public.

        “People knew who Donald Trump was and for that reason were willing to trust the bonds, and they got burned,” LoPucki said. “The people who invested with him or based on his name lost money, but he himself came out pretty well”

    • BRE says:

      He scares the hell out of me too and I live in the US. Some are saying he will never make it, kinda like a Ross Perot for this generation but I disagree. If he did become president all the work Obama did to help change the perception of the US (Bush didn’t really help us there) will be destroyed pretty quickly. I mean, can you imagine him in a room with Putin?

      • Absolutely says:

        Ugh, I was just trying to imagine him in negotiations with other countries’ heads of state and I think I threw up in my mouth a little. Or a lot.

      • Lady D says:

        It scares me too. I really thought Bush was going to take us into WWIII. Donald Trump and Putin or Kim Jong Un in the same room? Dear God, can you imagine that blowhard trying to shape world policy? As an aside, can you see the Donald bowing before King William to be?

      • Dappadaph says:

        I wish some of Perot’s “just the facts” rhetoric would have caught on for “my” generation. He was for lawmaking returned to the hands of its citizens, a balanced national budget, pushed term limits for Congress and he was against NAFTA. He even talked about CEO salaries in comparison to its workers. Under Clinton, Bush and even Obama….we are “bots” for Wall Street, the Military (this is the problem with our POLICE) and Pharma/Health….Coming soon, Sports…go see article how citizen are paying for new stadium for sport teams but can’t even get a new roof in classrooms. And under the next President it will be same shit, different channel.

        Trump is for Trump and what he can get out of it.

      • WinnieCoopersMom says:

        ” If he did become president all the work Obama did to help change the perception of the US ..” mean turn this country far more racist and bankrupt than it has ever been? Yeah ok.

    • tessy says:

      I’ve heard a couple of radio commentaries where they detail all the gross stuff he’s said and how instead of it ending his campaign his ratings keep increasing. And the commentators are absolutely puzzled by it. This is in Canada.

    • Maria A. says:

      Trump is vile. Just vile.
      He only wins if the election is stolen or if the Democrats don’t come together behind a candidate.

  4. Ysohawt1 says:

    Carla Brunii will give pointers to
    First Lady, Melania, former Victoria Secret model.


    • PHD gossip says:

      For those keeping score at home, Melanie was not a Victoria Secrets model. She did attend the shows as a guest. You see, she was never a successful model. Just a successful gold digger.

    • Ysohawt1 says:

      There are photos of her with Victoria Secret modelling.

  5. Duchess of Corolla says:

    Trump is a disgusting individual, and I find it appalling that he is a serious contender in the race for the presidency. The idea that this boor could be representing America on the world stage is sickening.

    • Brittney B. says:


      And if nothing else can get through to his bigoted supporters, maybe this will: our national security. If he can’t keep his mouth shut and has no respect for people who have different cultural or social norms, how the hell could he interact with other world leaders? We’ve made a lot of progress since Dubya turned most of the world against us, but he would reverse all of it, and then some.

      (More importantly, how the hell did he manage to stay successful? His daddy gave him the business, and I know he had some bankruptcies and lawsuits along the way, but I’m genuinely puzzled that someone this ugly — inside and out — could make deals and get investors. But now I’m realizing… the patriarchal world of big business is probably like this. He’s probably a dime a dozen in the world of entitled white bigots.)

      • BRE says:

        I was just saying the same thing! He will walk in the room with other world leaders and have the attitude that they should all be bowing to him! With Putin, it will be another cold war!

      • Sharon says:

        This man is a total ass. What a disgrace to the American people! How could anyone with his attitude and racism get elected? Tell him to stop wearing the orange makeup and get his hair cut properly. Maybe if he does that it will straighten out his thinking. Once an ass always an ass.

    • enya says:

      Exactly. Exactly.

  6. Paro7 says:

    As much as he makes me cringe at times, I love his honesty and the way he puts people on blast. Its so refreshing in a world full of liars and phonies.

    Some people have a hard time hearing the truth.

    • kay says:

      He isn’t telling the truth just saying what his misogynistic, homophobic, racist base wants to hear.

    • sketches says:

      Which truth are we talking about here? Just curious.

    • QQ says:

      Sorry but that attitude IS the problem, people basically cutting him passes because he can insult people (that society at large no longer bandwagons around unabashedly openly hating , cause they’ve realized the “others” are human beings too) and say shit most of us have the decorum, common decency, humanity to not say and realize that stuff like that have consequences… is sort of like mourning the world of the 40s and 50s where people knew their place

      and just in case you think he is harmless fun Immigrants and women are already being brutally physically attacked invoking his name, this is past being a joke of a Tamtrummy rich asshole saying whatever he feels for giggles

      • Bridget says:

        Sorry but that attitude IS the problem, people basically cutting him passes because he can insult people (that society at large no longer bandwagons around unabashedly openly hating , cause they’ve realized the “others” are human beings too) and say shit most of us have the decorum, common decency, humanity to not say and realize that stuff like that have consequences… is sort of like mourning the world of the 40s and 50s where people knew their place

        I find this comment funny coming from you, who insults everyone. everytime I come here, I see you making up names and insulting people so it’s hilarious that you don’t even see what you’re saying here. Talk about no self awareness.

      • AJ says:

        QQ is 100% right.
        Bridget, please. There is no comparing a witty or cutting comment on a celebrity blog with a presidential candidate openly spewing bigoted and misogynistic hate speech for the masses. It’s beyond absurd.

      • QQ says:

        Don’t bother coming for her AJ surely everyone with a working brain knows that Not Liking her fave Kardashian or Miley Cyrus is nowhere near comparable to Public xenophobic hate speech on a national Platform ffs *Kanye shrugs*

      • mimif says:

        Wtf Bridget? It seems you are the one lacking in self-awareness.

        I don’t know if it’s because the articles here are more political as of late, but it seems like there is a lot of antagonistic mud-slinging going on. It sucks.

      • Kitten says:

        This is not our usual Bridget right? This appears to be an imposter as (the original) Bridget has impeccable grammar whereas this person……

        Also, the original Bridget is too smart to be a Trump supporter…

      • mimif says:

        Ha I texted QQ the exact same thing, Kitten.

    • embertine says:

      Which truth is that, the one that means because Trump personally finds a particular woman unattractive, therefore she shouldn’t be President? Yes, over-privileged white men putting a woman down on the basis of her looks is a totally novel phenomenon. Much original. So refreshment. Wow.

      • Brittney B. says:

        Yeah, exactly. People keep saying he tells the “truth”, but bigoted opinions aren’t truth. They’re pandering as much as anything else (he knows his audience), and they reflect a part of our society that needs to be eliminated. Yes, it’s true that bigots exist… but isn’t the answer to call them out and treat people with respect? Not revel in the bigotry?

        Not to mention… he’s not even telling the truth. If he was an honest man, he wouldn’t equate Mexicans with drug dealers and rapists without acknowledging that he stood by his own private pilot during a cocaine smuggling scandal, or that his ex-wife accused him of a very violent rape & his lawyer’s only response was a denial of the existence of marital rape. He’s a backwards-thinking, entitled hypocrite just like the rest of them. Why anyone finds him “refreshing” is beyond me.

      • Kitten says:

        LOL..Yeah +1,000,000 embertine and QQ.

      • Tara says:

        Agree. Why are we applauding big mouths? Isn’t it better to be silent than to be a fool? So we should respect a person for an obnoxious, disgustingly shallow and rude comment because he is tactless enough to share it? We can’t applaud everyone for being honest and real without considering just what it is they are being “real” about. Yeah Trump is real, real disgusting.

    • Pedro45 says:

      What are you talking about? He is the ultimate liar and phony, pointing fingers at others so no one will notice that he has nothing to offer but a carnival act.

      • AJ says:

        Good point. He is so far out of his league. He is truly a coward underneath his blowhard exterior. It scares the hell out of me that it looks like “honesty” to some people.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Oh. My. God. She loves his “honesty.”

    • littlemissnaughty says:

      I think you’re confusing truth and truthiness. And who needs this kind of “honesty”? Why would you be happy that you finally get exactly what a candidate is selling when that is actually a load of steaming horsesh*t? Insults and bigotry are not what I would applaud just because he’s “honest”. He has no filter and while that is probably a good thing, it’s also nothing to praise.

    • Ana says:

      Guys, don’t feed the troll.

    • Livvers says:

      Okay, but the Rhubarb Lady was truthful/correct when she put her neighbours on blast and claimed the rhubarb was growing in a public right-of-way. Doesn’t mean she deserves a presidential nomination!

    • Josephine says:

      He hasn’t told any truths, so I think we’re still waiting. What’s interesting to me is that if a woman tried to say some of the things he has said, she would be labeled as a b!itch, as pushy, as bitter, as ugly. If a minority tried out some of his comments, that person would be playing the race card, or a lunatic, or ANGRY. Apparently only privileged white males get to make things up, be exceedingly angry about everything, grievously insult entire groups of people and resort to name-calling like a toddler and be called “truthful.”

    • BRE says:

      THIS comment is what scares me so much! It’s what I keep hearing from people especially women! My grandma is 98 and she will tell it like it is all day, doesn’t mean that qualifies her to be the president. What really disturbs me is how many women I know that are supporting him, women with daughters. So you are basically showing your daughter that at the end of the day, how she looks is all that matters.

    • frivolity says:

      He’s SO far from honest. Just because he’s a blowhard and hurls insults everywhere does not mean that he’s sincere. Really, nearly every other sentence muttered by this psycho is a lie.

    • Jaded says:

      @Paro7 – The truth? No, it’s HIS truth which consists of calling women “pieces of ass” and insulting half the population with his crude misogyny, denigrating all immigrants, and trying to send society back to the 1950s when it was predominantly white and segregated, a woman’s place was at home raising children while men ran the show, and LGT people and African Americans were being routinely murdered.

      Ya…great guy Trump is.

    • mimif says:

      You forgot the part about Trump being a liar and a phony.

    • Nina says:

      jesus fucking christ I hope you don’t vote.

    • Snowflake says:

      Yeah, he’ll be real good at dealing with heads of foreign countries. He’s rude, crude, and a huge bullshitter. All he’s good at is talking trash and making himself look like an ass.

    • Jib says:

      Yes, truths like immigrants are criminals and rapists. Such truths. (Said with great sarcasm, in case you didn’t get it.)

    • A~ says:

      He isn’t telling the truth. He just says the most repulsive things he can think of and pretends that’s the truth.

    • Isabelle says:

      A big part of intelligence and wisdom is knowing what to say, when to say and when to shut up. He has none of those qualities. We all think things controversial but are smart enough not to say them out loud, because its called respecting others. This has been human nature for as long as we’ve existed. Him not being able to control his tongue just shows me he’s not wise enough or sensitive enough to stop it.

  7. Who ARE these people? says:

    Look who’s talking.

  8. QQ says:

    The Rich Audacity of that Orange walking Anus to talk about anyone’s looks, I mean Really Look at that mouth, hair, parlor if we wanna really go into who we needn’t be seeing naked or clothed or on tv or as the face of anything other than tanning Preparation H

    • Brittney B. says:

      Hahahaha, I was writing my comment when you posted yours, so I apologize for repeating the sentiment.


    • PunkyMomma says:

      Orange Walking Anus – QQ drops mike and walks away.

    • Absolutely says:

      I can never unsee this, QQ. Thanks for the nightmares.

      • Lady D says:

        I probably won’t have nightmares, but I’m gonna see that image (and laugh) every time I hear his name from now on. That was hilarious.

    • MrsNix says:

      Yes! QQ…lord, I can’t take the Trump worship. At first, I thought it would blow over like the joke it all is, but it’s frightening me. People are SERIOUS about this duct-taped together douche.

    • Ally8 says:

      I was going to specify that it was on a donkey’s rear, but kudos QQ, you got here first!

      Also, thanks Kaiser for opening with a media critique. At this point, I honestly think the media is worse than he is. There are a**-clowns like this all over the world, why give this one all this simultaneously disapproving/fawning (and therefore hypocritical) coverage for weeks on end? Even MSNBC leads every show with 20 minutes on this Barnum & Bailey rubbish.

      There is other news to cover. The fact that the same 30% of Republicans that never stopped loving George W. still likes Trump week to week is literally no longer news. Lazy and irresponsible.

  9. KJ says:

    I want nothing more than for this man to disappear from public life, which, of course, will never happen. But how I wish…

    His comments about Fiorina’s face are repulsive, though I wouldn’t expect any better from him. However, his comments about her stint at HP are spot on. That’s the basis on which she should be judged.

    • North of Boston says:

      “That’s the basis on which she should be judged. ”

      And he should be judged on his business background too: multiple bankruptcies, where he got away with his wealth but left creditors, investors holding the bag or losing money. Pot, meet kettle, indeed.

      Nobody’s talking about that, though, because this blowhard just keeps feeding the press more and more loudmouth, bigoted statements – distracting people from important issues with his circus tent antics. And the press is eating it up because it gets clicks and eyeballs.

  10. Brittney B. says:

    Such a disgusting, despicable man.

    I know I should take the higher road, and that superficial insults are deflections that have nothing to do with actual worth or ability to do the job, but…

    “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?”

    Does he even grasp the irony of that statement, coming out of HIS face?! Because I’ve thought the exact same thing about him. Never about Carly, to be clear… or about any other Republican candidate… but definitely about him. Every time his angry anus mouth appears on my TV screen, I have to change the channel. He’s such an ugly man, and every time he says something, he gets uglier because his insides show more and more.

    Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh. You’re right; he sees no value in women beyond their physical appearance. Calling Carly “that”; referring to Megyn’s “whatever”… women aren’t even people, they’re the sum of their parts. No wonder he’s not ashamed of his own ugliness… these standards don’t apply to men in his world.

    • QQ says:

      Exactly EXACTLY !! Like, physician Heal thyself or at least own a f*king mirror

      I want to one day in life walk with the absolute sheer confidence of a Mediocre man

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Right? How DO they do it? Circus mirrors?

      • Brittney B. says:


        It’s mind-boggling. The superiority and narcissism are so unfounded, they’re almost funny… but then I remember that our society still operates in a way that gives these people the upper hand. No wonder they think “if you just want it bad enough, you can get it”… that’s how their lives have worked. They have no concept of being held back by race or gender or sexual orientation or poverty or even lack of intelligence or education. It’s IGNORANCE at its finest, and it’s hilarious that they position themselves as leaders.

      • QQ says:

        Britney, GNAT, Let’s try our hands at Trumping as he did here:

        I’m Not gonna say he Bought his wives, I’m Not gonna say It, I’m also not gonna go into how he bloviates about being a good business man with Innumerable Gold Plated Bankruptcies, I’m Not Doing it, i’m not suppose to

  11. Sarah says:

    Public comments were absolutely fine and on point. But private? Granted, it was private, but goodness the man has no filter.

    • EN says:

      Public comments are not fine either. The man is unapologetic misogynists. He doesn’t qualify for any public office on that alone.

  12. Ysohawt1 says:

    I can’t help but laugh. Wonder what the GOP is thinking about this?
    Is he a distraction or is this for real? Are GOP voters really going for Trump?

  13. EN says:

    I can’t believe we’ve come to this – Trump being considered a serious candidate. He used to be a clown , not taken seriously, at the level of Mel Gibson. Only he is even more obnoxious. Trump is easily the most obnoxious public person. What happened?

    As for Carly’s face, she looks better than Trump by miles.
    Though I don’t know what it has to do with qualifying for a president.

  14. Willa says:

    My neck hurts this morning, so seeing his forward head posture in the Rollingstone picture makes me cringe, among other things.

    • embertine says:

      Although he gets points from me for looking as though he’s made of undercooked croissant pastry. Croissants are delicious.

  15. M.A.F. says:

    I never realized how much his eyebrows scare me.

  16. bluhare says:

    Frisbee(jada): I’m packing!!!!!

    • frisbee says:

      Right we’ll get an Island sorted out in the Outer Hebrides so all the Celebitches on the run from this Eejit can escape! Seriously this is actually getting very scary now. I’ve been poo-pooing the idea that he’d get the nomination, now I’m not so sure and it’s brown trousering to think he might (far too many s*it related – but oddly appropriate – adjectives there) and that’s from over this side of the pond!

      • bluhare says:

        Brown trousering indeed. This guy scares the crap out me too. The thought of him actually the president of the US, with his wife as first lady, really makes me ill.

        I love the idea of an Outer Hebrides island. I’ve got a call into Mr. Turner’s agent about his availability, you get hold of Mr. Tennant’s and I’ve decided he can read us poetry on our nights off. Under the stars. With a blanket, and the aurora borealis. Swoon. I might not even miss Mr. Turner on those nights. 😀

        I’m packing my kilts, fair isles, braes and trews!!!

      • frisbee says:

        Under the stars with a blanket and the aurora borealis – sounds like heaven (we’ll need a flask of hot tea with a wee dram in it to keep out the cold)
        In the meantime Mr Turner also reads poetry – this might take your mind of it all for a bit

        or it might just make your womb explode 🙂

      • Sixer says:

        Hey, I’m still coming. I’m bringing my horticulture and crochet mad skillz. Also, I have knowledge of hobbit-house building, gleaned from the website of an eco-village in Wales. And The Bloke. And a supply of ball gags. And that’s regardless of whether or not the Trumpenproletariat* are sufficient in number to get him the nomination or (bloody hell, I’m actually typing this) the POTUS-ship.

        * I didn’t think of that pun myself; I stole it off Twitter this morning. Best pun I’ve seen in AGES.

      • frisbee says:

        ‘Trumpenproletariat’ – Ha ha ha ha! Even the name sounds like a series of continuous farts! Much the same as what’s escaping from his mouth. That said this is terrifying. Right now we need world leaders like FDR and Churchill and what have we got? Potentially this gobshite and the Sweaty Forehead of Doom. We’ve got a refugee situation in Europe and enough Psycho’s in the Middle East who are looking for global conflict – with a Moron like this in charge we’d have a Perfect Storm and a slide towards WWIII. Obama’s looking really, really good isn’t he?

        So we need an Island and of course your’e coming Sixer, you Mr Sixer, all the Sixlets, the old Lab AND the Bloke! It won’t be the same without you. I have a Collie, we’ll get some sheep and weave tweed!
        I think this is exactly what we need,

      • Alice says:

        We’re all invited, right? We can hold you to it? Thank you, thank you.

      • bluhare says:

        You had to put that link of Aidan (seriously over emoting but who cares) reciting romantic poetry while I’m trying to work???

        Thanks for already making an offer on the place, Sixer. I love the fact that the houses “had” rooms!!! I get dibs on the lighthouse. And I love that you thought of the ball gags. Continuity is everything.

        As far as the refugee situation goes, Trump’s built a 95 story office building! He can build a wall to keep everyone out! 😛

      • Sixer says:

        That island is PERFECT!

        This will be our hobbit house:

        I’ll have to bring Old Dog, Young Dog AND Young Cat. Sorry for the arkful!

        Sigh. I miss Old Cat. He would have loved an island.

      • frisbee says:

        Of course you can come Alice, choose man/woman of your choice and specialist skill, judging from the house it looks like we’ll need a bricklayer – just a thought, not a requirement. We really need to get hold of Lilacflowers to tell us how to deal with Mr Tennant and Mr Turners’ agents, she’s wonderful with Colin’s reps and has serious hosting chops (we could probably make use of the meadow as well) and we also need to figure a way of sneaking The Bloke past Kitten. Sigh so much to do, so little time…
        @ bluhare – yes seriously overdoing it but I don’t care either. The eyes! Nrrg!

      • frisbee says:

        @ Sixer that house is perfect! That dog is gorgeous (all dogs are gorgeous) and we can have as many dogs, cats, goats and chickens as we want (I’m glad you’ve got a young cat!)
        Seriously if I had the wherewithal, I’d do this tomorrow, go and live somewhere on the edge of the world, with a small community and as self sufficiently as possible. ‘cos lets face it, the modern world sucks.

      • bluhare says:

        Hell, I’m leaving Mr. bluhare home. He’d get in the way of all the poetry reading I expect to be listening to. And he’d refuse to wear a kilt.

        But we need an island with really good cliffs though. With global warming I don’t want to have to start wearing snorkels and stuff. And then we have something to threaten the Sixlets with when they get out of hand. Sixlet sacrifices off the cliff! I have a feeling it would take something dire like that. 😀

        I will bake and raise the wild tofus.

        PS And Frisbee? Seriously, I have thought that moving to the highlands or an island out there would be heaven. I have actually gone looking online. I don’t care that the weather will be bleak most of the time! You appreciate a gorgeous day that much more.

      • frisbee says:

        Righto, that’s all sorted then;
        Location: Isle of Grunay, Out Skerries, Shetland Isles,
        Personnel: Weaver, Gardener, Ninja Crocheter, Baker, Tofu wrangler and embryonic meteorologist.
        Belief system: Proto- religion involving threats of Sixlet sacrifice.
        Livestock: Dogs, Cats, Shetland sheep and Pygmy Goats (and Shetland Ponies would be lovely),
        Outstanding Feature: (and Piece de resistance) Dreamy Lighthouse
        Main attractions: Mr D Tennant/Mr A Turner culturally both can (AND WILL) wear kilts. (Note specialties reading poetry, one of them quite badly) Plus The Bloke (total and utter plonker but Sixer likes and that’s good enough)
        Special characteristics: Residents are a bunch of complete nutters but harmless – usually.

        Sounds like a goer to me 😀

      • Sixer says:

        The Sixlets are gobby but quite compliant in behaviour! No sacrificing required! What they are good at: doing chores without complaint. What they are bad at: personal hygiene. Suggested sanction for island living: forced dip in sea. Kills two birds with one stone (sanction + hygiene improvement). Double whammys are the secret of successful parenting.

        PS: you guys make me laugh. I’m so glad you’re not part of the Trumpenproletariat.

        PPS: frisbee – seriously, seriously, seriously, when the Sixlets are old enough to be set free on the world, Mr Sixer and I plan to get somewhere as remote and self-sufficient-y as possible.

      • bluhare says:

        I love your proto-religion, frisbee. Apparently our diety in chief, Great Gob Almighty, has put the kibosh on the Sixlet Sacrificing though. She’s a real killjoy sometimes.

        And I’m going home this evening and watching some seriously over-emotive romantic poetry on youtube. 🙂 And I will enjoy every second of it.

  17. Neelyo says:

    Fiorina and Kasich look like they had some really budget plastic surgery done. And doesn’t Rand Paul wear a wig? The Republican candidates have no substance so why not talk about them as if they were Kardashians?

  18. Tara says:

    Trump seems to think when it comes to women only looks matter. Meanwhile it is okay for him to look like an ugly hippo with a bad combover because he’s a man. Carly Fiorina is way more attractive than he is.

  19. Jayna says:

    Trump is a disgusting man, and that he is where he is in the polls really shows how bad off the Republican Party still is. They really learned nothing from the last election. And he is just vile and not presidential material, a total hothead and immature in his reactions to others. The fact that he would discuss her looks just reinforces what is already known about him. What presidential candidate would lower themselves to go after a female candidate regarding her attractiveness, thus electability, when discussing with anyone her viability? Funny how it’s only about a woman, not any of the male candidates. He’s a pig.

    • Ysohawt1 says:

      Yes, He’s a total Pig.

    • EN says:

      > Trump is a disgusting man, and that he is where he is in the polls really shows how bad off the Republican Party still is.

      To me it shows how bad America really is, after all about 50% of the US vote Republican, not just the people formally in the party.
      And where I live (in Texas), easily 80% vote Republican.

  20. Kate says:

    I was going to say he’s crazy, she looks awesome, but then I googled and apparently she’s had a ton of botched procedures in the last couple of years. Looks like she went to the same doctor who ruined Meg Ryan’s face, so that’s a shame.

    Still, it makes me wonder what Trump see’s when he looks in the mirror. You’d think a man as staggeringly unattractive as him would want to avoid the subject altogether, but I get the feeling he genuinely thinks he’s an incredibly attractive man. It must be kind of freeing to be that delusional.

    • FingerBinger says:

      Trump thinks he looks like a Greek god or Brad Pitt when he was in Troy.

    • Tara says:

      I think Trump thinks looks only matter when it comes to women. Just because that is all your gold digging wife is good for Trump doesn’t mean every woman is like your wife.

  21. bettyrose says:

    Why are the repugnants in an all out war to prove who hates women more? And why, deargawd why, is there even one woman left who would still vote for them?

    • Kitten says:

      That’s what it feels like right? So gross.

    • mayamae says:

      I’m not surprised, after all the same women vote against their own reproductive rights.

    • Mispronounced Name Dropper says:

      Because they think they’re going to be up against Clinton. It’s a preemptive strike to try and undermine the appeal of electing the first female president.

      • bettyrose says:

        Kinda weird logic though …if anything you’d think they’d want to win over female voters in the face of a gendered election.

      • Mispronounced Name Dropper says:

        I think the concept of the gendered election is what they’re trying to undermine because they know it plays to Clinton’s advantage. So they’re hoping if they throw the term politically correctness around like it’s a pejorative it’ll nullify that advantage to some degree. I’m also noticing that the conservative press are ramping up the attacks on western feminists by accusing them of not being interested in the “truly” oppressed women from third world countries. This is also partly to do with undermining Clinton by trying to make valid concerns for women in western countries seem bourgeois.

  22. Embee says:

    I love that, on my screen, a Tampax commercial covers part of his last picture.

  23. Christine says:

    Is anyone else worried about Trump? I have people on FB reposting everything he does and if you read the comments people are actually supporting this guy big time. I laughed it off like it was a big joke but now I’m legitimately scared how big of a contender he’s become.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:


    • Brittney B. says:

      I look at it this way: thanks for making it easier to trim my friends list. I hate that anyone takes him seriously… but if they do? I no longer take them seriously. Done.

    • Giddy says:

      Worried about Trump? I am terrified, horrified, skin-crawlingly repulsed and worried. This man with the origami hair thinks he deserves the same office that was held by Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, FDR, etc. At first I thought it was funny that he was bomb throwing in the crazy Republican field, but after seeing the nuts flocking to support him it’s not a joke any more. What a nightmare!

  24. Birdix says:

    Yes to Trump exhaustion. I hate that keeping up with politics means paying attention to his circus antics and in doing so lining his pockets. Just like Palin, he’s no public servant, he’s in it for the fame/notoriety, which he will translate into money down the line.

  25. Lilacflowers says:

    All that money and he can’t afford a mirror.

  26. kb says:

    To the people wondering if there are real life Trump supporters, I can tell you I know one that I work with. The worst part is she’s a woman. I don’t know how anyone can support him and I thought the same thing until my co-worker sat and said “Trump has my vote. If not him then Dr. Ben Carson.” Her words. 🙁

  27. Triple Cardinal says:

    Donald Trump is America’s id, and he’s mouthing off strictly for attention. And to build his brand.

    The press coverage is feeding his huge ego, but I believe calmer heads will prevail in the Republican Party. People will get serious about whom they want as president.

    Trump represents the “I’m mad as hell” faction, but that level of energy and chaos simply cannot sustain itself.

    Dollars to donuts, it’ll be Jeb! and Hillary.

    ETA: needless to say, I’ll happily vote against Jeb!. I’d sooner vote for Eva Braun.

    • Brittney B. says:

      Haha, thank you for using the exclamation mark.

      Did you see Colbert’s interview with him? I won’t say “Jeb!” any other way now. And he was my governor for 8 years… I need a reason to get silly instead of angry when I think about him.

  28. HK9 says:

    I guess this moron hasn’t looked in his own mirror long enough to know he wouldn’t pass his own criteria.

  29. Tdub30 says:

    He’s an ass-jam. That is all.

  30. Qat says:

    I cannot believe anyone would consider Trump a real presidential contender. Anyone who is female, homosexual, non-white and poor should not even consider voting for this fool. Well, that’s America, I suppose. Support who you want, but from my optic this clown is a complete joke and embarrassment.

    • Snowflake says:

      No it’s not America. I’m American, please don’t judge us by this assclown. But the bigots who don’t like Americans probably will use him to justify their bigotry toward Americans. .

  31. wow says:

    Trump is, and apparently always will be, an a$$. But to be honest what he said about that woman’s looks is no different than what a lot of us do here and other blogs. Some of us cut down and talk about the looks of women from Kate Middleton to Michelle Obama, from Beyonce to any actress…and most of us are women. There’s plenty of reasons not to like Trump but I won’t dump on him for something I am guilty of doing myself. If its rude for him to say then it’s should be the same when others do it.

    • Otaku Fairy says:

      But do people here regularly use physical appearance to discredit women politically? Other than the occassional ‘This woman does x with her physical appearance, therefore she can’t be a part of our political group’ type comments, I don’t see people on here saying about actual female politicians that they shouldn’t get votes because they’re not attractive enough.

    • wolfie says:

      Context is everything; no one who posts on CB is running for president. Very few of us know how to be as insulting as Mr. Trump. It seems as if the other candidates are cringing a bit – there are few of us who are capable of being so insulting as he. People do come out to watch – he make so much nasty noise, but the only substance he has is his money!

      This is upper-level grammar school bullying. All the work that people have done on the issue of bullying in recent years, and this man can walk on our national stage, and succeed, by being the best at it? Candidates should start googling, “How to Deal With a Bully”. Apparently we are to believe that he can accomplish his goals with chest thumping, because he is running on empty when it comes to policy design and experience.

      I wonder about the educational level of Republicans supporting his sexist, racist messaging. Where are the deep pockets of ignorance? I think most of us are just stunned, but there should be no fear. Good sense will prevail; with our efforts, of course.

  32. AntiSocialButterfly says:

    Why does this perpetual jilted fratbro’s mouth always so strongly resemble an anu$? Is this a look he’s really going for?

  33. feebee says:

    As many will have noted this tool obviously doesn’t have a mirror.

    I think he has a mental disorder that is exasperated by his incredibly think skin.

  34. Green_Eyes says:

    I am praying Trump will not be President… He’s bad enough.. but no he will also bring crazies like Palin along… So glad I still have family in Germany and a true German birth certificate… Hubby better learn the language!

    • EN says:

      Ah, don’t fret. We can always go to Canada up north.
      After we already had McCain as a candidate, and he was not much better. Though, at least, McCain seems to respect women.

      • Green_Eyes says:

        Lol.. We can travel together EN 🙂

      • Lady D says:

        If Trump becomes president, you are all welcome here however, you might want to wait to see if Harper makes it in again.
        Personally, an island in the Hebrides sounds wonderfully perfect.

      • Pinetree13 says:

        Lady d I hate when people say stuff like that…even under Harper Canada is a far cry from the states. Let’s seem the US no federally mandated paid maternity …canada 1 year paid, canada always had universal healthcare, in canada you don’t see people walking around with firearms in their purses and glovebox

    • Jib says:

      I think Palin is gaming for a VP nod from him if he is the nominee.

      The Republican party has a big clown car for its candidates, but even their car isn’t big enough for this ass. The powers-that-be are terrified Donald will be their nominee because he is actually more liberal than the other candidates in many ways even though he is a bigot and sexist. They want to take him out of the running more than anything, but they are having trouble because he has a big mouth, which other bigots love, and he has bucks. I would advise Trump to not get on any small planes except he doesn’t have to worry because he owns the planes – along with their CALFskin covered seats.

  35. Vampi says:

    If he gets elected, I will pray for my own swift death. Serious. Not kidding. I don’t want to be alive to witness this country being destroyed any worse than it already is. Ugh.

    • wolfie says:

      Find another candidate, and work like hell.

      • Vampi says:

        As a married for 27 years woman, who had a needed abortion when I was 16, with a trans son, who has a 52 year old husband who works his fingers to the bone since he was 16 and STILL gets looked down on…there’s no candidate who represents us. My cat would make a better President and he spends half the day licking himself. *Kanye Shrug*

      • wolfie says:

        Vampi, look for social progressives. (and far left democrats)

    • Jib says:


      Bernie would represent you. He is the real deal. Which means he probably won’t win, but I send him money every chance I can.

  36. lila fowler says:

    Has anyone ever seen photos of his daughter Ivanka before she got plastic surgery? She looked like a completely different person. Her father is such a shallow POS, I’m not surprised that she overhauled her face.

    He is disgusting.

    • speshul says:

      Yeah given who her parents are (I doubt her mother is less shallow, and besides she is a former model and makes $$ off her looks) Ivanka didnt have a chance. She was gorgeous naturally at one point, but by her early 20s her nose and face shape were already visibly altered, and not by genetics!

  37. Anastasia says:

    Has this bloated orange crayon looked in the mirror lately???

  38. Lisa says:

    looolll now he’s backpedaling, saying he wasn’t talking about her face, just her personality. Sure.

  39. frivolity says:

    A while back Bill Maher said something along the lines of … the Democrats have moved to the right (they are now what a Republican was in the 70s-80s) and the Republicans have moved to the insane asylum. Trump truly personifies this notion (as does Hillary Clinton).

  40. Otaku Fairy says:

    I’m pretty sure most people don’t vote based on looks and if they did, there’d be no hope for him. This Carly Fiorina is better looking than him anyway, not that that’s what matters, but since he brought up looks, the comparison has to be made. Donald Trump really is some bigoted couple’s 12-year-old-boy in an old man’s body.

    • Giddy says:

      Well, as the Countess says on RHONY, money can’t buy you class. It can sometimes buy good looks, although that is often a fail. I think it bought Trump a magic mirror. And when he asks the mirror “Who’s the richest, best looking guy?” that mirror always tells him he is, because it knows that its existence depends on a lie. The mirror has many names, one is Milania.

  41. Katija says:

    I never understand the point when people pull the “you can’t say it because she’s a woman” card.

    No one cares if you criticize Fiorina for how she ran HP. Making jokes SPECIFICALLY about her gender and her appearance is offensive though. You know, you can’t call Ben Carson the n-word, either. Maybe that can be the next thing for you to get mad about. /s

  42. Pumpkin Pie says:

    Pumpkin Pie on Donald Trump: Look at that faRce! Would anyone vote for that?

  43. lucy2 says:

    He’s such a disgusting troll, I’d find it hilarious he was talking about anyone else’s looks if he were so offensive about it.

    The whole “I can’t talk about her because she’s a woman” stuff is complete sexist garbage. If you have something to say on any candidate’s actions, qualifications, experience, etc, say it, regardless of their gender. And even sadder is there probably are some women out there thinking he’s being chivalrous in saying that, when really it’s such a demeaning slap in the face.

    I still have to believe the GOP will push him back some, and can’t wait for that day. I’ve been sick of him for decades now.

  44. LAK says:

    He’s trolling. He isn’t a serious candidate and by that I mean that when it comes down to the wire, he won’t win.

    • EN says:

      I think the same, but why do it? Campaigns are expensive.

      • word says:

        He was a strong Hilary supporter. I think he is trying to get the republicans to vote for Hilary as they probably like her better than him ! If she wins, he’ll want to take all the credit. I’ve never seen anyone purposely try to be hated more than Trump. And this dude is a businessman. Why is he doing this to his own brand? I don’t get it. The only people he hasn’t offended are white men.

      • Vampi says:

        Not so. My husband is a white man and he is disgusted by Trump. If Trump’s face even so much as flashes by when I’m channel surfing he says, “Get that bigot off my TV!” I loves my hubs.

      • word says:

        @ Vampi

        Oh I didn’t mean that no white men are offended by what he says, I was saying that white men are the only group Trump hasn’t gone after.

      • Sea Dragon says:

        I’ve thought about that, EN. I think he’s doing it for his legacy. He’ll always be part of early 21st century politics. People who study History in depth will know his name. Businessman, builder, celebrity, etc., such titles only go so far but politics is forever.

    • Vampi says:

      @WORD Oh hon..I didn’t mean anything by it, I’m sorry. And you are right…it *is* the only segment of the population he has not attacked. I’m just so….frustrated and there’s just no one we can vote for in this election so…I’m a bit lost. *hugs*

      • word says:

        @ Vampi

        No need to apologize, I just wanted to make sure you got what I was trying to say. LOL yeah I feel bad for you Americans, your political system has become a joke to most of the world. There needs to be strict laws on who can run for president. You should have to be a senate member for at least a few years or something. As it stands now, all you need is a name and money. What other job requires NO EXPERIENCE? Damn even Burger King wants experienced workers !

  45. EN says:

    Oh, and didn’t Trump’s ex-wife Ivana accused him of rape?
    How did Trump managed get past that?

  46. KNOW-IT-ALL says:

    If Americans could vote for George Bush jr nothing surprises me anymore.The world is praying for the U.S right now at times we wonder what is going on there.

  47. word says:

    And this guy has a daughter? Man, Trump needs to realize that his beautiful wife is only with him because he’s rich.

    • FLORC says:

      This has been discussed. By his wife too prior to the marriage. I loved her honest response.
      Question was would she be with a man like donald without the money. She flipped the tables and said he was who he was and why not ask him if he would still be with a woman like her if she didn’t look how she looks.

      Money and attractive features play a heavy role in who we end up with. If you lack in 1 you have to make up for it in another.

      How people still respond to his comments like it’s a serious statement is silly imo. He’s in it for the publicity and says what he must for it.

    • Byte Me says:

      He has 2 daughters.

  48. lowercaselois says:

    I have 2 thoughts for the Donald.
    1-Those we live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
    2- Loose lips sink ships.

  49. FLORC says:

    Donald Trump says words. Get’s undeserved attention.
    There, I fixed it.

  50. Colette says:

    Every outrageous comment he makes seems to make him more popular.

  51. jwoolman says:

    So when does he have to give full financial disclosure?

  52. BB says:

    REM just told Trump (and Cruz too, I believe) to stop using their music at campaign rallies. How long do you think it will take Trump to tweet that Michael Stipe is a washed up loser and a total failure?

  53. ds says:

    I’m sorry if anyone posted this before/above; I din’t read everything but have you guys seen this? Is this for real?

  54. Tessd says:

    I’m genuinely curious – how can any woman be okay with the things he says seriously, okay enough to marry him?
    And don’t tell me “it’s the money.”
    To date someone for over 5 years and then marry and stay married to a person who thinks the way Trump does?
    I mean, is Melania just plain dumb and that’s how she doesn’t get hurt?

  55. Jaded says:

    He’s nothing but a schoolyard bully who enjoys stomping all over anything and anyone in his path. Unfortunately when they grow up they tend to become gazillionaires because they haven’t a speck of compassion or kindness in them – it’s all about making money, having power and status, and shitting all over their competitors and detractors. They will sink to any level to get and maintain that kind of power. And there’s a certain strata of ‘Murica’ that loves that kind of historic figure who makes it big, lords it all over everyone and goes on chest-thumping tirades against anyone who would make him spend a dime looking after his fellow man. Tea Party anyone?

    An altogether selfish, greedy, ugly, misogynistic person who only sees his fellow man as “human capital” to make him more money then get tossed aside.

  56. lile says:

    Donald is a clown! Has he looked in the mirror in the last 20 years? He looks like an old, pasty, stale marshmallow. Carly Fiorina, next to the clown, looks like the goddess of sex. Even not next to the clown, she is a very attractive woman. The clown just doesn’t recognize what a real woman, without 20 lbs of botox and fillers, looks like.

  57. elle says:

    What’s wrong with her looks? She looks pretty normal to me. And she doesn’t have a squirrel on her head.

    This whole thing is playing like an extended episode of Joaquin Phoenix’s “life as performance art” era. Let’s just see what people will believe…

  58. Veronica says:

    The unbelievable narcissism of this man is oddly fascinating sometimes. (THAT face has any right to complain about other people’s looks? And how many businesses went bankrupt under him?)

    The rest of the time I find him legitimately scary.

  59. LadyJ says:

    Carly *is* amazing. You just don’t like her politics. If she had a “D” beside her name, you would be praising her to no end. She is intelligent, articulate, and unflappable. She is far and away a better presidential candidate than Hillary “I wasn’t really thinking ” Clinton. Regarding Trump, I am in complete agreement–terrible choice to lead our country.

  60. meanusdevilo says:

    Trumps father was arrested at a KKK rally. Racism runs deep in this family. In 17 years Trump had to be bought out of 19 businesses or banks would call the notes if Trump was involved. He’s a charlatan conman who failed his way to money. He’s paid to go away. The PGA just dumped Trump too. Don’t buy into the con.

  61. Harrison says:

    Donald- You are wearing a monkey pelt on your head. And you are not really a ‘looker.’

  62. Whatevergurl says:

    I like political correctness. It works for me.

    I was raised in a racist and sexist household.

    And then I was sent to Catholic school from kindergarten through high school.

    I needed political correctness to undo the brainwashing. They use fear to control you.

    Slowly, I was able to break free and be open-minded and accepting of others.

    That’s why I strongly dislike Trump. Mr. I’m Proud to be Politically Incorrect.

  63. Sue says:

    Have you ever noticed how the least attractive men always feel they have the right to criticize a woman’s looks? I’ve never heard of a good looking man ever making negative comments about a woman. Brad Pitt doesn’t make ugly girl comments. Neither does Jon Hamm or Denzel Washington. It’s only repulsive trolls like Trump who talk like that.

  64. Neil says:

    Yes, Donald Trump! Hes speaks what I think but can’t say because all those feminists, liberals, Mexicans, “African Americans”, children, parents, bosses, friends, neighbors, strangers, bank tellers, shop keepers, cops, etc., would tell me to shut my trap! I love him so much (but in a manly way, I’m no f*g) because he’s real like me and all my hillbilly friends.