Heidi Fleiss Opens a “Laundromat”

Illustration by Pretty On the Outside
I wonder if it’s supposed to launder money. What else would a “former” madam do in Las Vegas? Supposedly, the idea came to Fleiss after the death of one of her beloved macaws. I had to look that up, but I guess it’s a fancy bird.

‘”I had to force myself to do something,” she told the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “Nothing in my 41 years — nothing — ever affected me like this.”’

[From Newsday]

I wonder if, when she says “nothing ever affected me like this” by “this” she means her bird or her laundromat? What about that whole sending-women-off-to-have-sex-with-Charlie-Sheen thing? How could that not affect a person and cause some strain on the psyche? Or the 21 months she spent in jail?

The coin-operated laundry, featuring a mind-bending 13 washers and 14 dryers, will be opening in Pahrump, just outside of Las Vegas. Fleiss’s other venture, “Heidi’s Stud Farm,” aspires to become Nevada’s first legal bordello, once they get the pesky permits out of the way. Fleiss commented to Newsday that, “’I have at least 400 women who are ready to buy a membership,’ and men applying for jobs.” I’m guessing the ratio is about 1:10 on those applications.

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