Julia Roberts: ‘Nobody ever talks about better parts for guys over 40’


Julia Roberts will have a movie out in prime Oscar-baity release time. The movie is The Secret In Their Eyes, with Nicole Kidman and Chiwetel Ejiofor. I’ve watched the trailer a few times and… I don’t know, I’m not really into it. It’s a remake of an Argentinian film which already won an Oscar for Best Foreign Film. Will Julia really be a contender this year? Eh. In any case, Julia covers the new issue of Allure, and she was surprisingly open in the interview. She chatted about politics, gender equality, the state of Hollywood and more. Some highlights:

Better parts for women over 40? “It’s funny when we try to talk about equality for women. I think part of it is not having these compartmentalized heroics of ‘better parts for women over 40.’ Nobody ever talks about better parts for guys over 40.”

Her husband, Danny Moder, worked on TSITE: “I don’t know if I would have succeeded in some of the efforts that I made if he hadn’t been in such close physical proximity to me…. There’s something about having the safest place in the world for you in the same room.”

On the appeal of her smile: “Impossible. I don’t think it’s healthy or productive to self-analyze. The way a person smiles is the way they smile. It sort of becomes this thing: ‘Let’s see that smile.’ I can smile or I can not smile, but I can’t perform. I am a genuinely and deeply happy person, which, as life goes on, you realize what great fortune that is, to feel like you just have the natural chemistry of joy.”

George Clooney, Matt Damon & Brad Pitt. “We were all pals. At George’s house, I remember walking down this path pregnant with Phinn and Hazel and turning the corner, and all the boys were sitting at the table having lunch. They were like, ‘Oh, come sit down.’ I wasn’t allowed to walk the stairs. It was such a sweet shift in our relationships because originally, it was all pranks and teasing each other. And here I am pregnant, so it’s like pulling out my chair and just making sure I have enough water and, ‘Are you feeling OK? You look a little peaked.’ ‘I’m fine.'”

Whether she’s supporting Hillary Clinton: “It is a tricky little topic,” Roberts says, careful to show her support without officially declaring it. “For me, as a woman in this world with a family and a job…not that I think she would be ‘a president for women,’ but I think her point of view is critical in this time when we are 51 percent of the population, and somehow the paradigm shift isn’t really happening. I would love to see more of what she has to offer in service to this country.”

Her favorite hair color: “I can never really decide, and I live in a house divided on my hair color. I think I like my hair blonde because you can’t see how gray my hair is as quickly. How’s that for an honest answer?”

She doesn’t want Danny to see her put on makeup: “If we’re going out, I don’t even like him to come in the bathroom when I’m doing my makeup. You don’t want them to know exactly what it is that you’ve done—just that you look nice.”

What she dreams of doing: “Knitting a pair of socks. I just haven’t figured out how to turn the heel. Socks are hard.”

Whether she would go into Hollywood now: “No, I don’t think I could. Maybe it’s because I’m not 18—I don’t have the same kind of energy—but it just looks exhausting.”

[From Allure Magazine]

See what I mean? There was no real snide remark or huge, honking laugh. Of course, she name-checked Danny (or “my husband”) several times in the interview, perhaps trying to dispel some tabloid rumors that all is not well in her marriage. The only thing I found problematic was this: “Nobody ever talks about better parts for guys over 40.” You know why, Julia? Because they don’t have to talk about better parts of men over the age of 40, because most of the lead roles written for films today are for men between the ages of 27 and 55. No one ever questions why 40-year-old men don’t have better parts because they have almost ALL the parts. It’s not “compartmentalized heroics” to ask “hey, maybe write some roles for women other than Julia/Blanchett/Streep/Mirren, okay?” Julia’s basically saying that the problem of getting more roles for actresses over the age of 40 is that we’re talking about ageism and sexism too much.


Photos courtesy of Allure.

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87 Responses to “Julia Roberts: ‘Nobody ever talks about better parts for guys over 40’”

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  1. Flounder says:

    I like her in this interview

    • Alice says:

      I don’t go to see all her movies, but I’ve liked her in all I’ve seen and for whatever reason, I’ve liked her as a person ever since Mystic Pizza. I haven’t followed all of the gossip so I don’t get some of the snark thrown at her.

    • Liv says:

      I do too. And she’s really gorgeous, so pretty. But let’s not forget that she’s got an inner bitch that comes out from time to time! 😉

      • evermore says:

        who doesn’t.

      • SnarkySnarkers says:

        I’m usually Julia neutral bordering on dislike occasionally but she came across very well (minus the men over 40 thing) in this interview. I think everyone needs an inner bitch that comes out from time to time. It reminds people that you aren’t a doormat. Also, I totally agree with her about the makeup thing. I hate when my husband comes in the room while I’m getting ready. I think it takes away from the magic of it, like going behind the scenes at Disney World or something lol

    • laura in LA says:

      Surprisingly, I do, too, and liked everything she had to say here.

      ‘The only thing I found problematic was this: “Nobody ever talks about better parts for guys over 40.” You know why, Julia? Because they don’t have to talk about better parts of men over the age of 40…’

      Kaiser, I can’t believe I’m defending Julia, but I think that was exactly her point, it’s just that sarcasm doesn’t read very well.

      • Timbuktu says:

        I agree, laura, I, too, think she was actually making the point Kaiser was trying to make as well. I read her statement to mean that the very fact that we have to fight for roles for women 40+, yet it is not an issue for men, is telling.

      • Christin says:

        She does a bit of word salad with “compartmentalized heroics” that makes it a bit confusing, but she probably was trying to be sarcastic as you say.

  2. evermore says:

    I love her with her red hair and curly or wavy. I liked this interview. She seems so settled into life, herself and loving life.

    George Clooney’s “Pranks” would drive me batty, I hate the idea of his pranks, all the time. It seems so immature, annoying after awhile.

  3. ell says:

    this hair colour looks amazing on her.

    other than that, I wish at least ONE of the popular 40/50 something actresses would actually take a stand for more/better roles for women of all ages, really. people like julia roberts have the power to improve the situation, yet these are the sort of comments they make. why??

    • V4Real says:

      And forget lead roles for men 27 to 55. Men like the fine ass Liam Neeson are getting lead or good roles and he’s in his 60’s. Sean Connery was another one that was still getting roles while in his 60’s. Oh and Harrison Ford and Morgan Freeman. Stallone, Schwarzenegger and Willis pretty much have a free ride. And Sam L. Jackson, De Niro and Pacino will always be gems.

      I also wish women such as Mirren, Roberts and Streep would use their clout to take a stand. I appreciate Davis’ speech about the lack of opportunities for WOC but she also falls into the spectrum of women over 40. Maybe some women should jump on AJ’s bandwagon and start producing their own films as well.

      • Original T.C. says:

        Actually Hollywood tends to discriminate more against younger Black women that older. Young actresses are used as the sexy girlfriend or wife and they don’t like to challenge the status quo where they cast blonde white actresses and if a WOC it’s usually someone either biracial Black mix or biracial Asian mix. This sets back WOC from getting experience in their field until they are in their 30’s. Why else do you think that all the WOC leads on TV are over 30.

        Also I really hate when WOC can not just talk about challenges due to their race. Currently feminist actresses are all about White feminism and don’t bring up WOC at all in their speeches. Patricia Araquette (?) actually dismissed the homosexual and POC saying that she is done fighting for them and it’s time to fight for “us”. The us is not Viola Davis as seen also in the rants of the feminist soap Opera star

    • EN says:

      It is the audiences who need to take a stand,
      Don’t watch the movies that have 20 y.o. JLaw playing a 35 y.o, or endless shoot and kill Liam Neeson movies (that the other poster pointed out)
      Go watch movies with strong female leads.
      Studios do what is profitable. If they get a hit on their profits they will change very quickly.

  4. Christin says:

    Well, the photo work is on par with how she looks in those cosmetic ads.

    I really don’t buy the part about how naturally joyous she is. I think if a bunch of men are around, that’s possibly true.

    As for her dear husband, doesn’t he usually have a job on her projects? I checked his imdb once, and every project was a movie she was producing or appearing in. Package deal, I guess.

    • Jayna says:

      Since he works on movie sets, it’s a way to not be apart so often. I’m sure he could be hired off on many movie sets that take him away. She did talk about once that she had filmed in India but had to go back almost immediately because Danny was now on location in India with a movie.

      He is a cameraman, sometimes cinematographer on small movies. And I admire the fact that he married a very wealthy woman but still himself has a strong work ethic even if his pay doesn’t begin to touch hers. What he does he still takes pride in.

      • Christin says:

        Looks like he has branched out to a couple of full-feature movies outside his wife’s company/involvement within the past year or two.

        A few years ago, she made it sound as if he was so busy on projects, which led me to check his actual filmography. Even now, it has about 20 (each) cinematography or camera work credits — seems a bit lean for a 46 yo whose father was a well regarded TV producer in the 1980s-90s, especially since several of those credits are for shorts (three minute or so films).

        So, he does work, but he has not kept what seems a full plate until possibly the last year or so.

  5. OSTONE says:

    I feel like I read a statistic not too long ago stating that the vast majority of theatre-going (cinema) patrons nowadays were women. I find it ironic, specially if the Hollywood players are aware of this statistic, that we are still being way underrepresented in movies. Or that the type of movie that is marketed to us is bullcrap like the 50 shades one or a Nicholas Sparks adaptation. And if we do get a quality picture with strong female characters, they better be hot and young and half the age they are supposed to be playing, or you know, Meryl Streep.

    • Chanteloup says:


    • EN says:

      Yes, anyone who went and paid money to see 50 shades, has no business s criticizing Hollywood !
      When I saw the box office numbers for 50 shades, I was really livid because it meant more of this stuff.

    • Mary-Alice says:

      You are the one missing thempicture. The majority of female movie goers want to see their dream husbands and boyfriends on tne screen. That’s what we, me included as an arts marketer, use to sell the studio production. We know very well who goes to movies but you are missing the motivation. If you think tne majority of women movie goers is interested in equality batgtles, you don’t know anything. Sad but true. Little has changed re: movies. We sell dreams and to the average woman in the theatre we sell her desire.

  6. ldub says:

    “I don’t think it’s healthy or productive to self-analyze.”

    did you here that? that was the sound of the whole world population eyes rolling at once.

    • Jayna says:

      I got what she was saying and no eye roll from me.

      “On the appeal of her smile: “Impossible. I don’t think it’s healthy or productive to self-analyze. The way a person smiles is the way they smile. It sort of becomes this thing: ‘Let’s see that smile.’ I can smile or I can not smile, but I can’t perform. ”

      Her smile and laugh was a big draw on screen. It transforms her face and is delightful. It was a thing about her that people loved on screen. She isn’t going to rely on it and overanalyze it, the dynamic of why it works, and isn’t going to make it some shtick in every scene, like performing it on cue for people. It happens when it happens for the role.

      I understood where she was coming from in that answer. Once you start overanalyzing things when acting, relying on certain things, you lose your spontaneity in acting and the character.

    • Chanteloup says:

      – Except we’re talking about Julia Roberts here! And all she does is about me me me me me me me me me me me! and analyzing how she can get you to view that whole world as focusing around that more, yes?

  7. Mrs. Darcy says:

    On a superficial note, I prefer her hair red, but I also fluctuate between blonde and red and I agree that blonde is easier/lasts longer than red for covering grays. But it fries you hair, ugh. Her Hillary answer is pretty wishy washy, but I think a lot of people are in that camp with Hillary. She is such a guy’s girl, always talking about hanging with the A list boys club, I find it hard to picture her with girlfriends. As usual they’ve chosen the least flattering shot for the cover, squinty duck face as opposed to the much nicer smiling shot.

    • Chanteloup says:

      I agree. I don’t even like Julia Roberts, but that picture of her smiling in the white turtleneck – gorgeous!

  8. perplexed says:

    Her answer on the parts about women wasn’t as articulate as her other answers, so I wasn’t really even sure what she was trying to say. I think she was hinting at something without outright saying it — like maybe she meant younger women aren’t getting any good roles either? I’m not sure….her role in Pretty Woman was kind of ridiculous if it had been played by anyone else. Richard Gere and her spun gold out of that stupid plot.

    When she said “I can’t perform” on command about her smile, I did find myself snickering at that a little bit since she is an actress. But I got what she meant — and I did think the part about not self-analyzing oneself too much sounded rather practical in terms of talking about one’s looks anyway.

  9. Nick says:

    I just watched a trailer for Big Short and saw three great parts for Carrell, Pitt, and Bale. I don’t think men over 40 are struggling getting great roles.

    Why do so many women fight against equality? The only reason I can come up with is that she is just not that smart.

    • Alice says:

      I read it as her saying that there need to be better parts for women period.

      • Nick says:

        hmm. I went back and re-read and I would agree with you until she says, no one talks about better parts for men over 40…..that sentence is comparing men v women over 40.

      • Lama Bean says:

        That’s what I got too.

      • Alice says:

        Maybe I’m putting words in her mouth but to me it sounded like “Nobody talks about great roles for men over forty because there are great roles for men at every age, so why focus on women over forty when there needs to be great roles for women at every age.” Which is absolutely true.

      • perplexed says:

        I thought that’s what she was trying to say too.

      • I Choose Me says:

        That was my takeaway as well.

    • Christin says:

      She has her own production company, so it would seem she has more options than many over-40 actresses.

  10. Qzie says:

    That last picture of her may be one of her best ever. The quintessential American girl next door–and ageless. It may be photoshopped, but its a good job. Pretty.

  11. SamiHami says:

    I get what she means about parts for women. It’s ridiculous to watch a movie with a 40-50 year old male star and we are supposed to find it believable that his love interest in the movie is 25. Once in a while, maybe. But you don’t usually see women of the same age as the leading men. I find it creepy, personally.

    As for her hair, I wish she’d go back to red.

    • WinnieCoopersMom says:

      I agree! I watched a movie the other day with Emma Stone as the love interest for Colin Firth, ‘Magic in the Moonlight,’ which is a perfect example. As much as I (someone Emma’s age) find him sexy, it’s just a little uncomfortable that he could easily be her father according to their age gap. It is creepy. Then again, it’s a movie brought to us by Woody Allen, who actually did go after his own (adoptive) daughter in real life…ugh Hollywood

    • Alice says:

      And wasn’t Maggie G deemed too old to be the love interest of some actor who could be her father just recently?

    • Mary-Alice says:

      Heh, sorry but the men in real life are also aiming at the 25 year olds! There are so many surveys done with men and I am constantly amazed by those guys’ delusions. I, as a woman in my late 30s, should actually enjoy a 70 year old attention because the 60 year old men want nothing older than 30 max! How is that? LOL

  12. Jayna says:

    I didn’t interpret what she was saying the way you did.

    It is one of her more likable interviews.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:


    • Granger says:

      I’m with you. I think she was saying that it’s frustrating that we have to have this never-ending conversation about roles for women over 40 and yet, we never have to even THINK about a conversation about roles for men over 40.

      • lucy2 says:

        That’s exactly how I read it. And I don’t even like her and expected her to say something off putting, but I didn’t think she was at all.

      • MrsNix says:

        That’s what I got out of it, too. Not that she was saying we shouldn’t talk about it…just that the fact we still have to IS the problem. She seemed to be saying she looks forward to a time when no one has to discuss that anymore.

        She usually irritates me to no end. I think this is the first interview of hers I ever read that I didn’t have a single eyebrow raised moment.

  13. Elizabeth says:

    I’m not a fan of Julia but I like that Allure didn’t overly photoshop the photos. She looks like a beautiful 48 year old woman who’s proud to have a few lines.

  14. Sea Dragon says:

    Sounds like she and Danny won’t separate until the award season is over.

  15. K says:

    She came across well for the first time in a long time in this.

  16. Ann says:

    She looks absolutely fantastic. Then again, so many women her age do. Women generally age better than men.

  17. Crumpet says:

    I took it to mean that it isn’t a thing for men, and it shouldn’t be for women either.

  18. Redd says:

    Oh, Julia, it’s not hard to knit a sock. I’ll show you!

  19. Greenieweenie says:

    A gray-haired Julia Roberts. Sigh. I’m getting so old. I rember when My Best Friend’s Wedding was the coolest.

    • Mary-Alice says:

      Loved this one but mainly for Rupert Everett! Still watch it sometimes and it’s still funny yet bitter sweet and has a meaning to me.

  20. minx says:

    Still don’t like her.

  21. Frosty says:

    Not that much of a fan of ol’ Julia.

  22. Granger says:

    I’ve never been a fan but she grows on me a little more every year. I do think, however, that for someone like Julia, it’s probably almost impossible to pontificate for too long about roles for women over 40. She just can’t relate. She has NEVER struggled in Hollywood. She has NEVER not had producers banging on her door to offer her a part. So, while I think she THINKS about it, she’s relatively untouched by the whole conversation, and therefore doesn’t need to dwell on it the way women who are truly affected by the lack of work do.

    • WinnieCoopersMom says:

      ^This. She, Bullock, Julianne Moore, Dianne Keaton and Streep..none of them have ever had to worry for a second about their career stalling due to aging. They are a part of the very small group of chosen ones. That being said, since many of HWood’s favorite ladies have been crossing the 40-mark lately, maybe things will change a little. Aniston, Garner, Sofia V., Jolie, JLo, SJP..if you think about it, 50 may be the new 40 with female HWood roles. I think I may even argue that the 30 age group in HWood is in a tougher spot right now, fighting against the hot 20 somethings for the romantic lead and dont want to take on the mom-type roles yet.

    • lucy2 says:

      While I agree this is true, I have to think she’s seen fewer offers and fewer good starring roles as she’s aged. She probably does have some perspective on it, though it certainly isn’t that of the typical actress in her 40s.

      • Granger says:

        You’re right, lucy2 — but I think the difference with Roberts is that she doesn’t care all that much about starring roles any more, and doesn’t blame the lack of them on her age. I think she’s genuinely happy being a (mostly) stay at home mom, and she attributes her “slower” career to choosing to focus on her family. Which is another reason I think her perspective is skewed. If she hadn’t “left” Hwood for a quieter, more normal life, then maybe she could complain that the parts have dried up. But she CHOSE to walk away and take it easy, and that’s probably been way better for her ego in the end, because producers/directors still want “the elusive Julia Roberts.”

  23. als says:

    Yes, of course, no snide remark, no laugh, just a cute little story how she was pampered and taken care of by three of the sexiest men alive. And of course, the perpetual ‘husband’. Nothing excessive in arrogance, she would never give away the best material for a poor interview.
    How many women can sit in Idris Elba’s lap on the cover of Vanity Fair surrounded by four other men, while the rest of the women are crowded in their own corner? (I guess it was just an editorial choice!)

    You know who is a classy bitch? ScarJo – never talks about personal life in interviews. Gets the job done, gets the loads of money and goes home. She clearly has no interest in a bigger cause than herself. Another classy bitch – Charlize Theron. Neither of them have obsessions about ‘husband’.
    Julia Roberts is an old-school movie start that the world will quietly and happily live without.

    • EN says:

      > You know who is a classy bitch? ScarJo – never talks about personal life in interviews. Gets the job done, gets the loads of money and goes home

      Yes, but I love SacrJo because she has not just talent, but personality and also strength and some brains to go with it.
      Julia Roberts is a beautiful woman, extremely so, but comes off as an airhead and someone who really just kind of floats through life without sense of direction. It is hard to care about anything she says because you get a feeling that she doesn’t really care herself.

  24. WinnieCoopersMom says:

    She always seems a tad harsh or cold. Not that everyone needs to be super sweet..I just think it’s interesting that she is like one of the guys. I would imagine she isn’t well liked amongst the women of HWood.

    • perplexed says:

      In older interviews on Youtube she seemed sweet. Something happened to change her personality, but I’m not sure what — well, other than mega-stardom and Hollywood.

  25. Juniper says:

    I actually don’t even understand that parts over 40 quote. Kaiser seems to – but I’m not sure that’s what she meant. I don’t think it makes any sense.

    • perplexed says:

      She uses words in a strange way at times — like the “natural chemistry of Joy” expression sounded a bit funny to me. I think she was trying to say she has a lot of serotonin and dopamine flowing through her brain, but the way she paired her words struck me as strange, though not as weird as “compartmentalized heroics”. I don’t even know what that means.

  26. funcakes says:

    I’m sick of her. There’s a lot of women over 40 crushing it. Julianne Moore is still kicking ass and she’s 50.
    Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Julia has a reputation for being difficult in the industry so therefore roles have dried up for her. She self centered while having a tendency of overestimating her own importance.
    When Denzel won an Oscar it was all about her.
    When Matthew M won the Emmy it was all about her. Didn’t she Bitch down Matthew costar also.
    Plus she a a case of bewitching rest face. She always looks as though she’s about to tell you to F@CK off.
    Plus she’s always been a one note actress. How many times we have to endure her horse laugh in every damn movie. Uuugh! Go away and take your over entitled niece and creepy brother with you.

    • ann says:

      I don’t think she’s too happy about having to slum it with Jen Aniston and Kate Hudson in the movie they are making together. Must be a low blow for her ego.

  27. Nan says:

    Oh yeah – she’s joyful as long as the great unwashed public aren’t anywhere near her. That said, I think she’s genuinely bugged that it’s only a women’s problem finding good roles over 40, not a men’s problem – I think that’s what she meant by her compartmentalization remark. But typically Julia, her opinions come out with a privileged and condescending air. This is a woman who became massively famous at a really young age – she’s not ‘just like us’. Pffft.

  28. Elisha says:

    Came prepared to be annoyed about the male parts bit, but I get what she’s saying. Equality means equal in every aspect.

    She is quite stunning and made me feel better about having to make my first-ever hair appointment specifically for covering gray. Guess I’m going back to blonde again!

    • Claire says:

      I’m 29 years old and greys are coming in waves. I visit the hairdresser every 20/25 days. My natural hair colour is a rich dark blonde but I’m considering going full blonde in a couple of years. As we say in Argentina, “avanza el enemigo” (The enemy keeps coming).

    • seesittellsit says:

      She – doesn’t – look – like – that. That is the real point here. Equality won’t ever be equality until you can film a love scene looking the way you actually look with a man your own age, and that won’t happen until you are also willing to let a magazine cover show the world the way you really look.

  29. Claire says:

    She may have the reputation of being difficult but I relate in one or two thing she said. My only complaint is the unnecessary remake of El secreto de sus ojos. As an argentinean, I’m displeased.

  30. seesittellsit says:

    I just saw the trailers for her new film with Nicole Kidman and Chiwetel Eijofor (who’s prettier than both of them), and that magazine cover photo is airbrushed within an inch of its life. She’s a middle-aged woman and looks it onscreen, where everything is in HD now and you can see every pore and eyelash. If she cares so much about the issue, how about insisting that the magazine cover not be airbrushed, so ordinary women can stop having to compare themselves to film stars who are the same age but in photos appear to look 15 years younger than the viewer does? How about letting the world see what 45 really looks like?

    And as for the “no one talks about roles for men over 40” – hon, we all know that that’s because men make the movies, so there are plenty of roles for men over 40 . . . and by the way, you weren’t complaining about this when you were the 25-year-old ingénue darling, were you?

    • Scarlet Vixen says:

      I don’t see “photoshopped within an inch of her life.” I see a picture of a 40-something year old woman with plenty of visible wrinkles and sun spots taken in flattering lighting. I’m the first one to be super critical of mag covers where women have been so airburshed they’re hardly recognizable, but this one isn’t. It looks quite natural.

      And, I think you and Kaiser misinterpreted what she was saying about roles for men over 40. Her point is that noone says “But what about roles for men over 40?” BECAUSE there’s already ARE plenty of roles for men over 40.

      • amilue says:

        Agreed. Any photoshoppery was lightly and tastefully done.

      • seesittellsit says:

        I think I got her point and referenced it accurately. And having just seen those trailers, I can tell you that she looks 15 years younger on that cover than she does now onscreen: her chin and neck are loosening, she has crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles . . . none of that shows on this cover. A few years ago, Vanity Fair did a cover article on Meryl Street, extolling her “strides” for older actresses – but airbrushed her so heavily that she looked 25 on the cover – she was at least 60 at the time. What’s the point of arguing for roles for older actresses when they don’t dare LOOK like older actresses and insist on trying to make themselves look like younger actresses? They’re implicitly agreeing with the male view of them in Hollywood: older women are undesirable, ugly, nonsexual, over the hill, and only suitable for Mom, Friend, Therapist roles.

  31. captain says:

    In terms of a magic, I don’t know anyone else who is so fascinating to watch. I literally can watch her in anything – nothing to do with the script or her khm acting. She is just so captivating, the way her face moves, her eyes sparkle, her whole persona. Only her walk is too rough. The rest of her is some kind of a miracle of nature.
    I haven’t paid to go to see a Roberts movie since she won an Oscar. The endless stories of sleeping around with whoever takes her fancy regardless if he’s attached, the way she walked over that poor Vera. Yes, nobody can be stolen, but it is difficult to resist Julia Roberts, and impossible for a regular woman to be up against her. So it was up to her to be kind and generous, but she just continued chewing these men up and spitting them out until she got Danny. So you see, how amazing her magic is, I find her irritating self centered unkind, etc, etc, but if I catch her on TV, I watch with fascination. There isn’t anyone in H’Wood like that anymore.

    • perplexed says:

      I think she had more of an “it” factor when she was younger. But I couldn’t sit through that movie about eating, praying, and loving. So I think some of her effect might be wearing off as she gets older.

      I do think she out-shines any other actress who has ever done a Letterman interview though. Others try, but don’t seem to be quite as entertaining.

      • captain says:

        Yes, you’re right, come to think of it, it is really wearing off as she ages. Though this last photo here is amazing, by all counts. I also agree with the Letterman bit. Would never happen were Letterman a woman though, you know?)))

  32. iheartgossip says:

    Um. What? Please.

  33. msd says:

    As others have said, I didn’t interpret her comment that way. I think she was saying that men don’t have to put up with the same focus on age, over 40 isn’t a “thing” for them. The fact that women need to talk in categories is part of the inequality. Or something. It’s a bit confusing because we don’t know what the actual question was.