Emily Blunt ‘was sort of astonished by the outrage’ over her citizenship jokes


Here are some photos of Emily Blunt at the San Sebastian Film Festival a few weeks ago. I just never got around to posting them, so… my bad! I’m playing catch-up on other Emily Blunt stuff too. Earlier this week, she sat down for an interview with Howard Stern. Stern and Blunt sort of run in the same circles – Stern is close to Jimmy Kimmel, Jennifer Aniston and that group, and Blunt and John Krasinski are sort of in that group. So there’s a familiarity there, but even then, Emily refused to answer some of Stern’s questions. The Michael Buble stuff made headlines earlier this week (but I didn’t really care about that stuff), and Emily also talked about being criticized for her jokes about becoming a citizen, and whether she was asked to do nudity for Sicario. Some highlights:

The citizenship controversy: “I was bummed, I have to say. I was sort of astonished by the outrage, because it was meant completely as an innocuous joke. So I think I was more taken aback, so it did bum me out… I think it did make you feel like, Alright, I’ve got to be a little cagey. I think I realize that political jokes at this time of year are a little…”

How she really feels about being an American: “I do [feel good]. I mean, I have a real affection for the country. Been here a long time.”

She refused to do a nude scene in Sicario: “[A nude scene] was in there originally but it came out because we didn’t agree with it… [And by “we” I mean] my t-ts, they said ‘We’re not doing it.’ Benicio backed me up. It was a scene between he and I.”

On her 2005-08 relationship with Michael Buble, who Stern says “was not faithful”: “Well . . . I don’t know if it was . . . I don’t know, it’s complicated. Now I’m going red! I never want to talk about it. We had a good time. I loved his family. I love his family. I still do.”

[From The Wrap]

I’m sort of happy that Blunt didn’t get into details about her relationship with Michael Buble. He’s come out and talked about how he was a total douchebag during that relationship, and there’s really nothing she should say. As for her America-hatin’ stuff, I think it’s interesting that her takeaway is that she needs to be “cagey” about political questions. She’s not wrong! As for the nude scene in Sicario… I love that Benicio del Toro backed her up. Benicio helps out the sisterhood!


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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110 Responses to “Emily Blunt ‘was sort of astonished by the outrage’ over her citizenship jokes”

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  1. InvaderTak says:

    I’m sort of astonished that she’s still going on about this. Let it goooooo, let it gooooo….

    • ell says:

      she isn’t going on about this, she was asked about it.

    • MexicanMonkey says:

      I doubt she brings it up on her own, she’s just always asked about it because people wanna keep the controversy going.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I agree with all of you. Agree she was probably asked about it and agree I’m sick of hearing about it. And now we’ll be hearing all about how Americans are humorless and Brits are hilarious and we don’t get it. I thought we agreed to stop talking about it. Oh, that was just me. Never mind.

    • lucy2 says:

      It just happened like 2 weeks ago, and she was asked about it earlier this week.

  2. Dani says:

    I think she handled the Buble question well enough. It’s so obnoxious how journalists and interviewers bring up relationships from years ago that have no relevance any more. Why not ask her about her husband and kid instead? Or is that not interesting enough because there’s no drama there?

  3. Kitten says:

    Man I can’t believe I used to find Benicio del Toro sexy. He looks like ten shades of Hell.
    Seriously, he looks like somebody threw him in a dryer on the tumble cycle.

    • LAK says:

      Me too.

    • Matador says:

      HA HA HA, terribly accurate description.

    • Birdix says:

      I doubt he minds if you pee in the sink though. Unless you knock over one of his hair products in the process.

    • Sochan says:

      I first became a fan of his back in the 90’s. God, that man was seriously beautiful, and talent to the moon and back. Years ago he was madly in love and in a committed relationship with Catherine Deneuve’s daughter. That relationship went sour when the father of her child sued to have their child together live only in France. She had wanted to share custody while living in New York with BDT, but the ex said “hell no” and the court sided with him. She had to end the relationship and move back to France to raise her child. She eventually married someone else. But by all accounts it was a devastating split for both her and BDT. I swear that man was never the same again. I say this as someone who was a bit of a fangirl from the early days and could really pinpoint the radical change in both his looks and his behavior and attitude. Right up to this very day.

      • Kitten says:

        Interesting observations, Sochan, I knew none of this.

        Now you’ve gone and made me feel bad.

      • truthSF says:

        All he has to do is come to me, I can make it all better.

        Kitten, he may look rough now, but the SEX is still there. You just have to peel off the outer layers to get to the yummy center.

      • lucy2 says:

        Couldn’t he have just moved to France with her?

    • ell says:

      he’s ugly hot, imo.

    • tealily says:

      I still love him and always will.

  4. LAK says:

    Without wanting to open a can of worms, Americans need to understand that she’s British, born and raised. She also needs to remember the same thing.

    Some things either don’t translate or are handled differently.

    It’s a Poteyto, potato thing.

    If she settled in France (as an example) and the humour was different, she’d pay attention and adjust accordingly, but because it’s America, and we like to think we are the same, she’s going to trip up if she doesn’t recognise that we are in fact different.

    • Sochan says:

      I don’t agree at all — respectfully.

      It’s trendy to insult America and Americans, and she jumped on that train and tried to ride it all the way. She’s only “astonished” because she’s embarrassed by backlash that she didn’t expect to happen.

      • Sam says:

        Except she didn’t say anything to insult America. If you’re being generous, she insulted Republicans. Which…yeah, there’s plenty to insult there. What exactly in the remarks was an insult to America the country? I read them forwards and backwards and didn’t see an insult to America. The only people who see that are the Fox fans who didn’t read the comments for themselves.

      • LAK says:

        Sochan: your comments are proving my point to a tee.

        I didn’t say Americans are humourless or don’t have a right to feel offended by the things that offend them.

        It’s just a different sense of humour. None better or worse than the other. Different.

      • Sea Dragon says:

        +1. America-bashing is at an all time high and from what I’ve seen online, it’s perfectly acceptable, even encouraged. It’s also very common in Hollywood amongst the successful. They whine and complain all the way to the bank, conveniently omitting their rise to wealth and fame depended on our support. .

        “She’s only “astonished” because she’s embarrassed by backlash that she didn’t expect to happen”.
        Again, yes. To be fair, If I were her I wouldn’t have known either. On the bright side, at least she feels embarrassed for making herself look bad. Some entertainers are too narcissistic to care.

      • Josefa says:

        “it’s trendy to bash Americans”?

        Honey, what?! People have been making fun of the USA since forever, just like the USA has been making fun of the rest of the world with their stereotypical portrayals of foreign cultures on TV and films. The only thing that has changed is people are much more vocal about feeling offended nowadays.

      • Kelly says:

        You got it Sochan, totally agree

      • flan says:

        Wow, and what a horrible insult it was!

        Except not.

        People who got upset over that really need something to relax.

    • NUTBALLS says:

      Thankfully, some of us Yanks get the joke and enjoy the humor. Watch enough British comedy, and it translates quite well.

      • Sochan says:

        I adore British comedy. I’m a huge fan of Catherine Tate, and the Ab Fab ladies, and many others. This is NOT about comedy, nor is it about culture clashes. It’s about rude, ungrateful, and terribly insensitive remarks by a woman regarding a country thanks to which she has the privilege to enjoy many perks that the average American will never know in a lifetime. She can feel whatever she wants in her heart and mind, but she should keeps her mouth shut about it in public.

      • NUTBALLS says:

        pffft. It was a political joke and had an American said something similar about the PM after becoming a British citizen, the Brits would have gotten the humor and not taken it as a personal affront or a sign of elitist privilege. The statement should be taken at face value, instead of reading so much into it. As a whole, Yanks do come off as arrogant, touchy and defensive and this kind of ridiculous drama illustrates it perfectly.

        As an American, I’d be first to say we need lighten up and learn to laugh at ourselves. Sometimes we do deserve the satire that we’re subjected to by foreigners.

      • Sochan says:


        You bring up an interesting point. Can you give me an example of a notable American public figure who has openly insulted a country or a demographic of a country while being a guest in said country?

      • lower-case deb says:

        @sochan, i remember Mitt Romney’s Foot in Mouth “Tour of the England” where he just never seemed to say the right things about anything British.

        apparently he was supposed to go to the UK to show how he was capable of repairing the international ties broken by Obama; only that it turned to be his Great Backtrack Tour of 2012.

        and since it was election year, the Dems took it and ran with it gleefully.

        looking back,
        the “outrage” that Emily faced was not even a jot of what Romney had to face. wasn’t Romney completely eviscerated by all sides from both sides of the pond?

      • NUTBALLS says:

        Sochan, I’m describing British humor and how it differs from Americans. Just look at how Brits such as LAK, Sixer, frizbee, notasugarhere comment on various posts, especially ones concerning their monarchy and politicians. It’s laced with cynicism and they’re the first to take the mickey out of their own. They have no problems laughing at themselves and I never see them getting defensive like I see among the ‘Muricans.

      • frisbee says:

        Mitt Romney at his best,
        “England is just a small island,” he wrote. “Its roads and houses are small. With few exceptions, it doesn’t make things that the rest of the world wants to buy. And if it hadn’t been separated from the continent by water, it almost certainly would have been lost to Hitler’s ambitions.” from his book ‘No Apology’

      • Kitten says:

        @Frisbee-Thanks for reminding me what a toolshed Romney is.

      • frisbee says:

        @ Kitten, we’ve all got em mate! Is there really any point about getting offended over what they say? It’s just an opinion and there’s no country in the world that’s not capable of producing wankers who end up in the public eye and foot embedded firmly in gob.

      • NUTBALLS says:

        frisbee, I want your tea, your hob nobs, your ales, Sally Wainwright and Colin Firth.

        Romney can have the GOP.

      • frisbee says:

        @ NUTBALLS , *sharp intake of breath* – a builders intake of breath just before they quote you on a really big job then,
        Tea *feels faint* ok but you’ve got to make it proper.
        Hobnobs *feels dizzy and desperately in need of one* clearly you haven’t discovered Marks and Spencers Viennese Chocolate Swirls yet so ok, you can partake of the Hobnobs.
        Ales – Yeah you can have them
        Colin Firth ooooooooooooh noooooooooooo! *on the verge of passing out* he’s so luvverly! Tell you what, we might manage a Lilacflowers time share as long as you promise no ball-gags, not on our Colin.
        Finally, thank you for your kind words! I get quite upset when anybody goes in for a bit of Nationalistic bashing (usually based on massively faulty, out of date stereotypes) – regardless who it’s aimed at 🙁

      • NUTBALLS says:

        frisbee, I’d never gag Mr. Firth. In fact, even those Brits that some feel need to be binked — Idris & the two Toms — when their loquaciousness gets to be a bit much, I prefer to cover their faces and give them another activity to engage in. 😉

        It’s so hard to offend me I should have been born a Brit or a man. I just don’t get the nationalistic defensiveness. We Yanks are a silly lot sometimes and so is everyone else. I’ll laugh at myself first before pointing out everyone else’s ridiculousness. I believe in equal opportunity mickey-taking.

      • Sixer says:

        This is what? the third? fourth? post on this topic. Time to let it go! British-born, recently-naturalised celeb takes the rise out of a sub-par GOP nominee panel. Seriously: to this Brit it’s just nothing to see here.

        But on the who’s got what sense of humour thing. I thought of this the other day, which I think illustrates it.

        Bad/unpleasant thing happens. Most common response by Americans: righteous anger. Most common response by Brits: take the p!ss with tasteless puns.

        Recent examples: Duggar boy turns out to be a sex offender. Americans are furious. A few hereabouts use mocking names such as “Dim Bulb” but the strongest voice is anger. British PM turns out to be a dead pig f*cker. Brits dominate Twitter with porcine puns for the best part of a week. A few people write serious stuff about posh boy rituals and privileged access to power but the dominant voice is people wetting themselves laughing and debating which one of the #piggyfilms entries was the funniest.

        Neither one is somehow better than the other. Both are just pressure valves for people to let off steam at the bad/unpleasant thing happening.

        Like LAK said. We’re the same in may ways and different in many ways. No need for all this angst over it.

        PS: the funniest #piggyfilms entry was This Is Swinal Fap. And if anyone disagrees, I’ll go postal on them. Or something.

      • lower-case deb says:

        postal? you mean #porkstal?

      • Sixer says:

        Or I’d go Hogfather on them? For A Few Piggies More? I’d drop some Ham Busters on them?

        I have more, if you like!

      • NUTBALLS says:


        “This Is Swinal Fap” is possibly the funniest thing I’ve read all year. Excuse me, while I wipe off all the sweet tea I just spat on my monitor.

        PS: I like the British manner of dealing with WTF moments better. Keeps my cortisone levels down and my abs toned.

      • frisbee says:

        Sixer in retrospect “no country in the world that’s not capable of producing wankers who end up in the public eye and foot embedded firmly in gob” would have been so much better if I’d said “dick embedded firmly in Pig”. But as usual I think of the witty response a couple of hours after I need it. Bugger. It would still be true though.

      • perplexed says:

        I think there’s a difference between the Duggar situation and the British PM situation. Duggar caused harm to young women by touching them without their consent; therefore, anger makes sense in that case. The British PM situation is all around just plain weird but not exactly criminal (I don’t think? since the pig was dead and I suppose people don’t expect dead animals to produce consent?) but also can’t be proven necessarily, so what else can you do but laugh and chatter on about it uncomfortably while laughing?

      • Sixer says:


        I’m not saying they’re the same. I’m just giving two examples of recent events.

        Riddle me this: were it Barack Obama who was revealed to have sought out homeless people in order to humiliate them by burning $100 bills in front of them, or to have porked the porker, what would have been the most common American response? Outrage? Or puns? I think we both know it wouldn’t have been puns.

        This doesn’t make Brits or Americans superior or inferior to one another. It just reflects a cultural difference. It really is that simple. And anyone – whether it’s a Brit moaning about humourless Yanks or an American moaning about supercilious Brits – who refuses to see that is just being wilfully blind. You know?

        frisbee, Nutballs, lower-case-deb

        The runner-up was Monsters, Oink.

        PS: Normal Bill is such a poor Brit. Humourless git. Geddit?!

      • NUTBALLS says:

        *claps hands furiously*

        Sixer: Master Interpreter of Cultural Differences. Specialty: Anglo-American

        With the notable exception of SNL perhaps, you’re spot on if it had been Obama. Tho’ I think the burning of the bills deserved some hellfire over there. I get stabby seeing the poor treated contemptuously.

      • flan says:

        @Sochan, know plenty of Americans who have said ignorant things about countries they stayed in that were way worse than this.

        But that didn’t make me or anyone else throw a hissy-fit that went beyond eye-rolling.

  5. Sam says:

    There really wasn’t “outrage.” What happened was that a few people on Fox News latched onto her comments as “insulting” and twisted it into suggesting that she actually regretted becoming an American citizen – when anybody who actually heard her in context got that she was cracking a joke about the quality of the GOP debate field. There was no actual controversy other than the manufactured one that Fox drummed up. I hope she understands that this is really just a tiny portion of Americans and that the majority of us can understand context and humor.

  6. Birdix says:

    The outrage was silly. But thus makes it seem like the apology was for pr reasons, aka less than genuine ,which seems the opposite of being cagey. If she were truly cagey,she’d just gloss over it. How’s that for over analyzing? See why Kate and I are too brilliant for a mere mortal therapist?

  7. Sochan says:

    I don’t buy her “astonishment” one bit. I’m really tired Emily Blunt. I genuinely think that she — like a lot of celebs — thought she could mock America and make fun of us and we would just tolerate it. Never would I dare insult the country or the people of the country where I’m a guest — and certainly not if that country afforded me a career, wealth, and luxury! The only thing astonishing here is the gall of this woman to have said what she said.

    • Delaney says:

      Sit down. Her comments were innocuous.

      • Sochan says:

        Mind your tone, please. Her comments were innocuous TO YOU. Clearly not to others.

      • Delaney says:

        SIT DOWN!! If you a problem with my tone then stop waffling on as though you have just fallen off the Fox Clown car.

    • Sam says:

      But she didn’t mock America. The actual joke was a crack at the quality of the GOP debate – that was it. You could only see it as anti-American if you get your info from Fox, the channel that started the controversy to begin with. Plenty of Americans crack jokes about what’s wrong with America, but we generally don’t get accused of hating it.

      • Sochan says:

        Like it or not those awful people who watch Fox and vote Repub constitute roughly half of the population. And I’m not a Fox fan. I don’t care about left or right; I’m not political. This isn’t about politics. It’s about a snooty woman who should have had the common sense to say something nice about the country and the people to which she had just gained kinship.

      • Sam says:

        So the issue is that she didn’t…sing the country’s praises left and right?

        You know she’s already lived here for quite some time, right? She’s married to an American man, she had her daughter here, and her daughter is (presumably) being raised as a predominantly American child. I think we can already presume that she’s pretty okay with America. She’s spent the last couple years getting about as many connection to it as possible.

        I’m sorry, but the more I think about your comment, the dumber it becomes. You’re basically arguing that immigrants constantly have to “prove” how much they love this country and should never criticize it for any reason, lest they be accused of not “loving” it enough. My mother is foreign-born. My brother-in-law as well, and my in-laws. And while they are patriots, they’re patriotic enough to get that sometimes loving a country means calling it out and criticizing it. Comments like yours are boneheaded because they hold citizens to two different standards – that foreign born ones should keep their mouths shut and just be grateful. And yes, I consider that stupid. Heck, Ted Cruz is a foreign born citizen who constantly calls out America for what he perceives as its flaws, but I don’t see the Fox fans calling him out for insufficient “love of America.” But that’s somehow different. Should Arnold Schwarzenegger have shut up and not offered any criticism, since, you know, he wasn’t born here? Or does his political party give him a pass in your mind?

      • Sochan says:

        You need to step back.

      • Sam says:

        Step back from what? You’re the one all over arguing that Blunt should sing the praises of this country and that she’s “beating up” on America without, you know, arguing about HOW she doing it. And yeah, you’re essentially arguing that since she is a foreign born American, she doesn’t have the right to criticize stuff she sees as wrong. And yes, that is profoundly, mind-numbingly stupid, and you’ve given me no reason to think otherwise.

      • Sochan says:

        Step back and get a grip on yourself. Stop calling people dumb, stupid, and silly because you don’t agree with an opinion. It’s a f*cking OPINION. Grow up.

      • Nic919 says:

        There were tons of comments on her thread confirming that a lot of Americans think they are the centre of the universe and how dare some uppity foreigner make a joke even though she is American too, but she wasn’t born here so she will never be one of us. There was just another gun massacre yesterday and nothing will get done to fix it. Obama basically said as much. So instead of getting distracted by Fox and the propaganda it spews daily, how about trying to fix the thing that is literally killing thousands because of idiotic gun laws that exist nowhere else in the world and have proven time and again to be literally killing Americans. The Second amendment dealt with militias. And if Scalia wants to be literal in that interpretation then how about giving a fucking musket to everyone. Semi automatics and high powered rifles did not exist back then.

        Stop being distracted by bullshit. And to Americans trying to fight this massively uphill battle… Good luck. You really really need it.

      • Sam says:

        Um, I didn’t call you stupid. I called your opinion stupid. First rule of reading comprehension there, slick. And while you’re at it, since you’re, you know, a real American and all, perhaps look up the First Amendment – you know, that thing that says you can have all the opinions you want, and I have the right to have all the opinions about your stupid opinions I want and I get to say them right back to you. Isn’t that awesome how that works? Yay, America!

    • NUTBALLS says:

      Sochran, you’re illustrating why she feels she can’t make a joke without some American’s taking it as an affront. Your reaction to posters defending Emily is also illustrative of the points being made here. You’re reading so much more into her statement than you need to.

      Hell, the GOP makes me cringe as well. She’s not spitting on her new home country to point out here distaste for the GOP with sarcastic humor.

      I laugh and roll my eyes at the ridiculousness I see in American politics. Why can’t she? The standards aren’t different for her because she’s British-born, white and wealthy.

      • geezlouise says:

        I wouldn’t insult a country of which I just became a citizen, especially one where I made all my money and lived in a million dollar house. This has nothing to do with the United States or the GOP but everything to do with a woman’s poor upbringing, lack of common sense, arrogance and sense of entitlement. She needs to think before she speaks.

    • Josefa says:

      If you’re so respectful of other cultures, I would politely ask you, as a Chilean woman, to start refering to your country as “USA”. “America” is the whole continent, from Alaska to the Patagonia. Refering to your country as such demonstrates the imperialist culture the USA has always been criticized for.

      I’m well aware you use it as a short for “United States of America”. “USA” does the same trick and is even shorter.

    • flan says:

      I thought America was the ‘Land of the Free’, but you think Americans should not tolerate a very innocent joke.

      Okay then.

  8. Talie says:

    I saw Benicio’s baby mama, Kim Stewart, on Wendy Williams not that long ago — god, is she a mess!

    • Sochan says:

      She’s awful. I’m sure BDT loves his kid,, but that pregnancy had to have punched him in the gut. Less than a month of casual sex with a known starf*cker and he wasn’t even wrapping it up. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

    • Jayna says:

      And Rod Stewart is a sweetheart, but he enables his adult children. She still lives on his estate in separate quarters on the property, as does her brother. Their only careers seem to be in reality TV or things like that, not actually getting out there an finding a career. At least, Rod Stewart was a self-made man and works hard even now. He nor their mothers have instilled that in some of the adult kids. He has the one daughter that sings, though, and she was really good on stage with him.

  9. koko says:

    “At this time of year”….all I was thinking is how her dress reminds me of candy corn. 🙂

  10. Jess says:

    I love her stripes outfit.

  11. mememe says:

    I wasn’t surprised by the outrage – there are a ton of idiots in the world with nothing better to do.

  12. Mrs. Wellen Melon says:

    What a beautiful outfit on her! Perfection.

    The great standup Robert Klein to Jerry Seinfeld on “Comedians in Cars”: “You can make a joke about anything, as long as it’s funny. You can make a joke about cancer – but it had better be funny.”

    Emily Blount’s joke about U.S. citizenship just wasn’t funny enough for many.

    • Jayna says:

      Then that should be the reaction, just not that funny, not all this overblown outrage.

      I love the fact that Liam Neeson spouted off about guns while he was promoting a movie with guns, not once, but when asked about it again went even further, and pissed a lot of people off, outraged, saying they’d never see another movie of his again. He didn’t care. He didn’t grovel and apologize and say he was misquoted. He didn’t even respond to the blowback retracting it. He just went about his business. Agree or disagree with him and his so-called hypocrisy label being thrown at him, but you have to admire that he doesn’t have some publicist smoothing it over and him giving mea culpa interviews, etc,. That’s what I loved about it. LOL

      • Sochan says:

        Well, his movies aren’t doing too well, so …

      • ell says:

        emily is being asked about, she never brought it up herself.

      • Jayna says:

        Sochan, no difference, really, since he was promoting Taken 3 at the time he made the comment or even before, and it opened and got huge box office numbers, 325 million. No effect at all. At 63 he’s still in huge demand. How many 63-year-olds are getting leads in movies like him?

        His next movie didn’t do as well, but his R-rated thrillers just don’t do as well, like the one the year before. Although I really loved Run All Night. I loved his adult son in the movie and their relationship and Ed Harris, and loved the way the movie was shot. There’s some really strong acting in that movie. But it came one the heels of Taken 3 and another thriller so close wasn’t going to be huge with him having so many movies out similar over the span of a year, Non-Stop, Walk Among the Tombstones, Taken 3, Run All Night, especially R-rated two of them, so much darker.

        His Takens and Non-Stops will always do well. He’s is booked up with movie roles he’s offered. So he must not seem like box office poison to studios or directors. More thrillers and other types signed up for, and he’s in a Scorsese movie he just finished wrapping.

      • Josefa says:

        I think it’s tiresome to bring gender into everything, but it’s important in this case. There’s much more pressure for women to be likeable in this industry than with men. Several actors can be well-known douchebags and still consistently book good work. Look no further than Adam Sandler and David O’Russell. How did douchebaggery work for Katherine Heigl? Not so well.

        As I said below, I wish Emily was more of a bitch and just refused to answer. But I don’t think that’d work well for her.

  13. Daz London says:

    Yanks don’t really get sarcasm

    • AnotherDirtyMartini says:

      You’re right. Sarcasm is wayyyy too confusing. (Typed in sarcasm font). 😉

      I adore sarcasm. My friends and I, many American, speak it fluently.

      I think many people have brought up excellent points here, but there is too much generalization. But $hit, just getting info about the USA from the media would make anyone think we’re all lunatics, so I can hardly blame some of you. There ARE many crazies & many dumbasses here just like anywhere, but there are many that are in a state of despair too because we can’t believe the headlines every day.

      And imo, anyone can complain about any country they want. No place is perfect. I’m so over this “oh, you’re not a patriot” bullshit.

      • flan says:

        Do you though?

        I’ve heard Americans say things and then immediately clarifying that it’s sarcasm (almost always a ‘no’ in sarcasmish). This while their ‘sarcastic’ statement was not very subtle in the first place.

        That’s not to say that Americans don’t have their own sense of great, witty humor, but it never sounds much like sarcasm to me.

    • AnotherDirtyMartini says:

      Yup, Flan. I get sarcasm. Love it. It’s harder for people to understand in the written word, so I went overboard there – jokingly. In conversation, sarcasm is easier to pick up on.

      It is close-minded to make sweeping statements about groups of people. Obviously people from every nation in the world are guilty of doing so, as we see here in the Celebitchy comments.

  14. Sarah01 says:

    I want that dress it’s so pretty!
    It’s funny she got backlash for her opinion and Trump spews crap about other ethnic groups / countries / gender and is gaining more popularity.

  15. word says:

    Is this story still being talked about? That’s how you know the media has NOTHING else on you so they have to grab on to one little comment you made and drag it on for months.

  16. ell says:

    seriously, every time I come here and take a look at the people commenting on what emily said, I feel the need to take a shower. stop taking this thing so seriously!!

  17. tealily says:

    She looks really beautiful in these photos!

  18. buzz says:

    the tea party cranks are loud and relentless

  19. elle says:

    The photo with Benicio and one on another site from back when she was with Michael Buble mark the two times I’ve seen her smile with her lips open. She has a beautiful smile, so I don’t get that weird “hide my teeth” smile she does 99% of the time.

    • EN says:

      Constantly smiling is an American thing. Europeans often use a polite closed mouth smile.
      So, here it is the opposite – American criticizing others for not smiling without realizing that it is an American specific thing. This comment about other people not smiling is a signature one from Americans.
      If a European or Asian started smiling like an American , grinning all the time, people would think her/ him a lunatic. But nobody goes around criticizing Americans smiling like village idiots when appropriate and when it is not.
      Cultural awareness should go both ways.

      • Kitten says:

        “But nobody goes around criticizing Americans smiling like village idiots when appropriate and when it is not.”


      • Josefa says:

        Eh… I think elle made a pretty innocuous and superficial remark that wasn’t meant to be taken that seriously.

      • EN says:

        > I think elle made a pretty innocuous and superficial remark that wasn’t meant to be taken that seriously.

        I was just giving an example when Americans criticize and offend others without even realizing it. So they shouldn’t get defensive when others do the same without knowing it.

        And be sure the people ARE thinking “why is this person smiling as a village idiot? Oh, she must be an American!”. But they keep these thoughts to themselves, that is being polite and considerate.

        And yes, normally I would skip over this comment because I understand what is going on, but it was just perfect to demonstrate that everybody does something that offends others and does not even realize it.

      • Josefa says:

        European people are offended by being told they have beautiful smiles? =S

      • EN says:

        > European people are offended by being told they have beautiful smiles?

        Offended by being told by others whether they should or shouldn’t smile and how exactly they should smile. It is personal and cultural choice.

      • elle says:

        I doubt Emily Blunt is here looking for advice on how/when she should smile, so she’s not going to be offended. But hey, Em, if you’re reading this, you have a beautiful smile.

        It’s not like I’m calling out “Smile!” to a random person walking down the street. She’s a celebrity at an event in these pictures.

  20. Josefa says:

    I wish Emily was more of a bitch and shut down the interviewer when she was asked about it. Yeah, there was outrage, but a lot of people agreed Emily’s comments were completely inoffensive and that people were being way too sensitive. Far worse things have come out famous mouths. The more we talk about it the bigger deal it becomes.

  21. Maya says:

    Emily sweetly – no one cares and moved on weeks ago.

    It seems you are the one who is still thinking about it and brings it up at interviews.

    And please to those who says she was asked – most interview questions are pre approved. Emily is also friends with Stern and she wanted him to ask about Michael so that she can throw a subtle shade at him by reminding the world he cheated on her.

  22. captain says:

    Her answer proves that Emily is actually really nice and responsible employee. I’m sure, her management got scared people will start boycotting her films, so they told her to apologize. So she apologized. I like it. She is not so full of herself to think that her opinion is soooo valuable to the humanity as to not retract it, if her employer asks. And I like her sense of humour, though we won’t be seeing much of that now ))

  23. Bloost says:

    To be fair, getting citizenship in America is very hard and she shouldn’t joke about that.

    • Evasmom says:

      Yes, Camila Alves was on The Chew talking about how she just obtained citizenship. She stated how hard it was and how long it took. Was very articulate about why she became a citizen. I don’t know but Blunt has always bothered me. I remember her making a disparaging remark about Americans years ago. Something about British being smarter or some nonsense.

    • Sochan says:

      Yes, people have risked death and even died trying to get to this country.

  24. DD says:

    Gorgeous dress!!!

  25. AnotherDirtyMartini says:

    American here. I thought what Emily Blunt said was funny & sad. The Republican debates are sheer insanity. Those are the best they have to offer? Pfft! Aside from being funny/sad, it’s also scary because I seem to know too many people that think that those Tea-baggers. Horrifying!

  26. Aubrey says:

    I just saw Sicaro and I’m not surprised at all by there being a nude seen between them because the sexual tension between them was a slow, hot burn.

  27. TopCat says:

    I’m REALLY glad Emily rejected the nude scene and that this was allowed. A lot of women are forced into sexualised roles and get in trouble/reputations if they decline. Emily is such a gorgeous, classy and refined woman and if she didn’t feel comfortable with a nude scene (which was probably thrown in simply to be gratuitous anyway) then I’m glad she stood her ground.

    I’m sick of seeing random nudity shoe-horned into film just to appease the male gaze. I’ve started looking up which films have nudity just so I can focus on films that really want to tell a story and not titilate 15 year old boys.

    That aside, I thought there was too much over-reaction about Emily’s joke. Perhaps it didn’t translate well in writing.

  28. Tina says:

    She did an interview in the Sunday Times today (paywalled) where she says that she took US citizenship mainly for tax reasons and didn’t want to renounce the Queen. She comes off as fairly sympathetic, but if I was her media advisor I’d be SMH.