Fear The Walking Dead will return for season two: will you watch? (mild spoilers)

Spoilers for the finale of Fear The Walking Dead, which aired Sunday, follow:
The first season of Fear The Walking Dead was much better than I expected. There were true horror movie moments, I felt like I knew the characters and I became invested in them. What’s more is they killed off a major character, which genuinely felt like a loss. I like that they’re keeping us on our toes by establishing early on that no character is safe.

In the final episode we were also introduced to the setting for season two, a yacht off the coast of California owned by smooth-talking millionaire Strand. (Did anyone else think of this song when we learned who/what Abigail was?) In case you think all the conflicts will be between the characters as they struggle to deal with a permanent luxury vacation, showrunner Dave Erickson told The Hollywood Reporter than Strand and his crew aren’t the only people who retreat to the ocean to escape the zombie apocalypse. Here’s some of what we can expect in season two, with more of Erickson’s interview at the source. (I’m leaving out more revelations about the characters and their motivations.) Fear The Walking Dead will return at some future point for a full 15 episodes, which will be split into two air dates. There are mild spoilers for season two in this interview.

Will season two follow the same [slowish at first] pace?
We’ll pick up in a more accelerated pace when we go in to the season. We’ve learned a lot: our characters in their apocalyptic education have learned what walkers are. Even Travis has had to shed some of his humanity for the first time, which was his great struggle. We’ll have more of a shorthand going in to season two. There are still things for them to discover. They haven’t had the benefit of the CDC download. They know the city has fallen and know things are incredibly bad and they know that this is happening in other states and potentially other countries but they haven’t had anybody say to them, “The world is over; this is our extinction event.” That’s something they’ll have to process as they move through season two as well. If I were them, I’d be thinking that there has to be some place to go. Maybe it’s an island. I don’t know. But there’s got to be a place where this contagion hasn’t touched. But we the audience know that’s not true and that will be the next blow that they suffer.

You mentioned on Talking Dead that others likely had the same idea to head to the coast. What might that look like?
We end on one boat and the ocean beyond — but what we’ll come to realize and this will be part of what the military is doing — you’ll see that land is no longer safe. At least not in Southern California. Some people have not been quarantined or driven north or south. But there’s thousands of boats through L.A. County. So a lot of people will stock up the boats and try to get to the water and avoid land as much as humanly possible. You’ll see a lot of people trying to survive. If you look at Strand’s yacht, it’s a pretty handsome vessel. It’s something that you can survive on for a good period of time and that’s something others might covet. So when you get to the question of what’s worse, walker or human, we’ll continue that theme. There will be quite a bit of action on the seas — and we’ll split it between land and water. But it’s going to be an interesting dynamic.

The yacht is already out to sea. Is it already populated? How many more characters will you be adding next season?
If and when we get to the yacht, you’ll see. As we start season two, what’s important to me is the internal conflict with our group is important. There’s going to be external conflict and obstacles to contend with. In terms of the number of characters we’ll add, we’re on that now. But it’s always something I want to be careful about because we have a significant headcount and I want to make sure that we’re exploring the characters that we’ve gotten to know and are living with before we add too many more. Because then it starts to become difficult to tell the story of the family. There will be new characters coming. There will be new conflicts and much more drama on sea and on land but I don’t have a specific number yet.

[From The Hollywood Reporter]

I’m so glad we have another excellent zombie show to follow and look forward to! So pirates are coming I guess. This sounds like a clever twist on the zombie apocalypse, to focus more on the people who are left and fighting to survive rather than their conflicts with the undead.

In case you’re jonesing for more Fear The Walking Dead, there’s a new web-only FTWD series from AMC called Flight 462, which features an as-of-yet grounded plane with a group of passengers during the early spread of the virus. You can watch the first episode here. It looks sufficiently scary, although I would have liked to see a longer introduction. Erickson told THR that at least one character from Flight 462 would be have an overlapping storyline with FTWD.

There’s also a video interview with Erickson and some of the FTWD actors on what’s next for season two. I’m including that below. It’s surprising how many of the actors are foreign as you can’t tell at all when they’re in character. Also, did you know that Kim Dickens is 50? She looks at least 10 years younger.

Oh and The Walking Dead comes back for season 6 next Sunday, October 11! I can’t wait. Here’s hoping Morgan’s story arc lasts the entire season.




Photos credit: Justina Mintz/AMC

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67 Responses to “Fear The Walking Dead will return for season two: will you watch? (mild spoilers)”

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  1. Lindy79 says:

    I just couldn’t get into it, mainly because we all know how it will end up. Nothing new was answered in this (how did the virus start and how was it found that we’re all infected?), and the characters were all so unbelievably unlikeable.
    Meh it filled in the time until the real show comes back but this could have been a web series or something.

    • mimif says:

      That final scene on the beach (after, you know, bang bang) was soooo cheesy.

      • Cindy says:

        Wait, I watched Sunday but didn’t see a beach scene. I must of turned it off thinking it was over. Who was bang banging?

        I love this show. God I am a dork for zombies I guess. Seriously can’t get enough. If I start dooms day prepping though I’ll need to get cut off.

        Also, the heroin addict son reminds me so much of River Phoenix. I almost don’t want to know anything about him as a real person cause it would ruin the nostalgia. I still miss Phoenix :(.

      • mimif says:

        Cindy I think you missed a couple minutes aka the ending. You saw the one character get shot, right?

    • Skins says:

      Me neither. Watched the first 2 or 3 episodes and it was just like meh. Got too many other shows to keep up with to bother with this one.

      • Wentworth Miller says:

        Same here. Walking Dead drew me in, instantly. FTWD just seemed to drag on and on and the characters. I didn’t like any of them, except Tobias. I also didn’t like that THE one question that everyone wants answered, wasn’t. Hth did the virus come to be? I don’t know if I’m in for season two because I didn’t get past episode 3. Meh!! We’ll see.

    • Pixi says:

      I couldn’t agree with you more! I felt nothing when “that character” died. These characters are all annoyingly naïve and it’s frustratingly slow. I’ll see what happens in season 2, because a boat sounds like a fun change, but at this point, I don’t care what happens to any of these people, except maybe Strand, he seems interesting.

      • fee says:

        Its difficult caus they’re just living it where were yrs ahead, were children of the walking dead, but recall season 1 how Rick was as opposed to now? I’d love to see Rick come to them and be like wake the off up,lol. Would love the story how thus began, waaaaay before the outbreak.

    • OhMyMy says:

      I’m a Walking Dead fan so I watched all of this.

      I agree most of the characters on this show seemed just so annoying and punchable.

      I liked Tobias the high school kid (he was fan favorite and everyone hopes he comes back) and Liza the ex-wife nurse was caring and functional. Daniel (Ruben Blades) was awesomely scary. Strand the con-man is interesting, I can’t wait to see what his character does next.

      I’ll watch again to see how they get to the boat and what happens there. Do they ever explain if this is limited to the US or global outbreak? It would be interesting to see what the virus is and where it came from.

      • mimif says:

        I’m fairly certain it’s been said that we will never know how it was started. I always just assumed it had to be bio-weapons, because how else could it go global? Speaking of, when do we get a Walking Dead European Vacation?!

    • M.A.F. says:

      I called it day after the first episode. The druggie son was annoying (please tell me he is the one they killed off?) and the rest of the characters I just didn’t care for. I also found it to be too slow. And now that I am seeing they didn’t answer any of the questions (how it start, how far does it go, etc) some of us have,what is the point? I guess the Walking Dead will us answers in time.

      • mimif says:

        Druggie kid lives! Some are postulating that druggie kid eventually becomes one of the most nefarious villians in TWD.

      • kcarp says:

        I watched the first couple of episodes, I am having a hard time getting into it. I thought mom’s boyfriend would be the one who died?

      • Cindy says:

        Whaaaaat? Thought for sure they were setting him up to be kind of a Rick Grimes type. But……villain would be interesting.

      • mimif says:

        @Cindy, ’tis true. Some theories out there that Nick goes on to be Negan. I posted down below that I think Nick is showing some sociopathic tendencies so who knows?

        *adjusts tinfoil hat*

      • M.A.F. says:

        what the what mimif? Have we heard of Negan yet (I don’t follow the comics)? Is he the dude behind the Bad Wolf thing?

        or is that Doctor Who? lol

      • mimif says:

        We haven’t met Negan yet, but he makes the Govenor look like Mr. Bill and I’ll just leave it at that. (He’s separate from The Wolves in the comics.)

    • Cindy says:

      @ mimf
      Yes, and that really did surprise me. SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER

      Was it to cause her father the most pain possible? My tinfoil hat was malfunctioning if I unknowingly thought the damn thing was over and turned it off too soon. 🙁

      • mimif says:

        Cindy, you crazy girl there was another shot at the end! I think you missed a good 10 minutes lol. But yes that’s why dude shot Ophelia.

  2. MG says:

    Yes, I’ll be watching. I really enjoyed the show and I’m interested to see what happens.

    Rick Grimes this week!!! Wooohooooo

  3. mimif says:

    I’ll watch all of them to the bitter end, because ZOMBIES.

    • Boston Green Eyes says:

      With you on that one, mimif!

    • Sixer says:

      Same here. I love ZOMBIES and I don’t mind putting up with slow first series because ZOMBIES.

      mimif – more ZOMBIES: look out the BBC series In The Flesh if you haven’t seen it already. Disgracefully cancelled by Auntie Beeb and I sulked for weeks. Also, two YA book series worth reading even if you are a putative grown-up like moi – Rot & Ruin (ZOMBIES + revenge Western) and Generation Dead (ZOMBIES within society as a riff on racism/otherness).

      • mimif says:

        Whoa Sixer, you’re next level Zombiephile! I had no idea. What is the deal with Auntie Beeb canceling shows?? There was a great show on the BBC a few years ago (5 years?) that wasn’t renewed after an awesome first season…man I can’t remember what it was called. End of the world stuff, virusy but not Zombies. Okay I have to go google cuz it was great. Ahem ANYHOO, lol at putative grown-up, right there witcha!

      • Pandy says:

        I watched that series from the BBC – it’s mixed in with the big brother style tv show, right? The studio is invaded and they are stuck on the set? Loved it. And there was another one – not zombies but virus/end of world that I really liked that they killed as well. Pout.

      • Sixer says:

        mimif – C’est vrai! I love the ZOMBIES. I’m even watching some utterly shite affair called Z-Nation at the moment. If it has ZOMBIES, you will find me there.

        pandy – no, not that one. In The Flesh. Truly brilliant series. If you like ZOMBIES. The other end of the world one might have been Survivors. I liked that, too.

        Auntie keeps cancelling the good shows. I’ve no idea why.

      • mimif says:

        Yes Pandy! What was the end of the world one called? That show was so good and I was genuinely bummed it didn’t get picked back up.

      • mimif says:

        YASSS Survivors with Max Beesley! Thank you for that, I can now commence with me day.

      • Sixer says:

        You guys might want to look this one out: http://www.sky.com/tv/show/you-me-and-the-apocalypse.

      • Sixer says:

        Oh and – pandy, the Big Brother one has just come to me. Dead Set. Charlie Brooker.

      • Cindy says:

        God I’m getting all fluttery talking about zombies. On Netflix they had one season of a zombie series that was excellent. Sh*t, can’t remember what it was called. It was zombies obviously, but with a twist. They developed a vaccine of sorts that once you were infected you could take this stuff and your mental capacities would come back, but you still had to have your half f*cked up zombie body. And the freaky eyes. So so good. But I haven’t heard about any more seasons so it just basically gives you zombie blue balls and leaves you bitter.

      • Sixer says:

        Cindy – that’s In The Flesh!

      • mimif says:

        Omg I must watch immediately.

    • kcarp says:

      My 3 year old wants to dress up a Zombie Snow White for Halloween. Rather than argue, I thought well that’s pretty darn clever.

    • Isabelle says:

      Its entertaining and surprised people expect this to be a great show. TWD is just as poorly written but we’ve overlooked it because at the time it was a original and different show. Now that FTWD is one, we know how it should be and people are nitpicking. Like both for their entertainment not the oscar worthy performances or wonderfully written, as you say and ZOMBIES.

      • mimif says:

        Just wait for the online meltdown after TWD airs. I totally love the show for exactly what it is: Zombie Camp.

  4. shanene says:

    Never got into it! not bad, just not exciting

  5. Boston Green Eyes says:

    I thought that the first season went really slow, but that was because the show was trying to establish the characters and their relationships and how the “disease” was first approached. And it was hard to watch the characters bumbling around in the beginning of the Apocalypse because we knew what was going to happen. Like Chris Hardwick said on Talking Dead, it was like you wanted to scream at the characters, “don’t go near the people with the white, milky eyes!”

    I enjoyed the show over all, and like mimif said, well, zombies! I am a little worried about how much can happen on a boat. The producer who was on the Talking Dead said that all sorts of things could happen, but I think that it’s such a confined space that it could grow old fast. When TWD people went to the farm, the prison, etc,, there was still room to roam. I’m almost afraid that FTWD will become Gilligan’s Island, albeit with zombies.

    • M.A.F. says:

      If they are off the coast of California there are several islands they could end up on so maybe that is how they will progress season 2?

    • mimif says:

      Ha yeah, my thoughts exactly on Gilligan’s island.

    • Sixer says:

      Well, the Sixlets have made me sit through two whole series of apocalypse-on-a-boat TV in The Last Ship. It was utter balderdash and pants, whatever the Sixlets say, but that’s largely because no ZOMBIES. Point being, you can do quite a lot with a boat!

  6. SamiHami says:

    I don’t think it’s been stellar so far, but I’m invested enough that I will watch when it comes back. It’s the pacing that annoys me most-it’s just too slow moving. But once the story starts moving along more I am hopeful that it will improve.

    That being said…I cannot wait for TWD to return in a few days!

  7. CarrieUK says:

    My husband is zombie obsessed, I’m a complete wuss yet I can handle zombies….he’s never got into Walk Dead and Fear The Walk Dead totally passed over his head, I don’t know why!
    I’ve kept up with Walking Dead through reading recaps, I should watch it really!

  8. epiphany says:

    Excellent zombie show? You just be watching a different show than the one I’ve seen. I could barely stay awake for the previous episodes. The show runners said the point of this show was to give us background info on how the zombie apocalypse began; we still don’t know anymore than we did about what caused it, how it’s spread. All we have are a bunch of whiny characters and their relationship problems. The only decent episode was the last one, when we (finally) get to see some walker carnage. I like the Strand character – at least he seems like someone with a story to reveal. The rest of the characters are a snooze.

  9. sassy says:

    Meh i watched it all as i have TWD withdrawals….but i just couldn’t like any of these characters. The druggie son who WOULD NOT CHANGE out of the old man clothes, the enabling whiny mother who in the final episode was STILL stealing drugs for her kid, and the rest of the cast were just such terrible actors. I really hated Maddie the most she was the Lori of this series and when they killed off the other character i was like …….meh wrong one to kill.

    TWD in 5 more sleeps ……..SQUEAL

    • mimif says:

      Druggie kids hair is intolerable. Actually he gives me Franco vibes, he’s got some good timing but his character sucks. That bit at the end, about how the world is finally on his level…he’s obviously got a few screws loose so we know how he’s gonna play out.

    • bellenola says:

      I know, I could not look at that character without thinking TAKE A FRICKING SHOWER ALREADY.

    • Aussie girl says:

      @ SASSY you are 109% on point!!! I too, was like why is druggie son still wearing old man clothes…?

  10. The Original G says:

    Yeah, I found the characters dull and unlikeable. I was fine with any one of them dying.

    Ruben Blades acted at a level that was, like in another dimension, all together. I won’t be continuing, I don’t think.

  11. Dvaria says:

    It wasn’t as good as the first season of the Walking Dead, but I like it better than the current storyline of the Walking Dead. The last episode made up for the previous filler ones and hopefully they keep that momentum going.

  12. The Original G says:

    Oh…..and BTW, are all the non-caucasian going to be killed again, like on TWD? That’s really getting old.

    • Goodnight says:

      I know right? The only death proof non-whitey on TWD is Michonne. She’s so popular (especially in the comic and with comic reading viewers) that some people would actually stop watching if she died, so she’s not really expendable. I think eventually they’re going to kill off one of the death proof duo (Michonne and Darryl – Rick is borderline since Robert openly wants him dead and they won’t kill Carl but nobody cares about him), but they’re going to put that off until they need the death to keep the show relevant.

      If you’re not white and you don’t wield a katana like a boss, you’re pretty f’ked in TWD universe (on TV, at least). They’re also never going to bring in Jesus on tv because a) he’s too much like Darryl and b) can’t have the biggest badass in the entire group be gay on a “manly” show like TWD.

  13. Isabelle says:

    Guess I’m in the minority but like it. Never expected it to exceed TWD or outperform it. Also, TWD isn’t a masterpiece show, its entertaining and they were very naive in the beginning, just like these folks. Heck they were naive into the ZA Rick waving at a walker, trying to befriend it until Morgan saved his butt. Herschel kept a barn full and even feeding them. Shane more worried about scoring than surviving. All the ones that wanted to kill themselves in TWD. FTWD people are just maybe 2 weeks into the ZA. Two weeks, of course they aren’t going to be great walker killer or even know what is going on. Think viewers can’t get past realizing the actual time frame because they are comparing it to TWD time frame which is 6 seasons later.

  14. Sparkly says:

    I actually liked it too. The beginning was a bit slow since we know it all, but I cut them some slack for having to introduce and get us invested in a whole group of new characters. I kind of like that it was happening a little bit at a time around everyone, but nobody was noticing. Until a viral video, of course. I could actually see that happening.

    I’m excited to see the direction they take on the water. And with the military involved. I think that’ll be suitably different from TWD to keep audiences interesting. I’m particularly glad & interested in the addiction storyline, and I really hope that they don’t zoom through that too fast and have him ‘cured’ like so many shows do.

    I hadn’t heard the fan theory about Nick being Negan, but I’m not sure I see it. I actually *like* Nick, and Negan is wholly unlikeable (except for his vocab – my kids get a kick out of that). I’m really hoping to see Negan this next season of TWD, and I’d personally think it’s too soon in Fear to be thinking about a crossover.

  15. JoJo says:

    I could take or leave FTWD. There was no character development at all. I still don’t feel invested in a single one of them. Don’t care what happens to any of them. Such bland acting too. And I don’t see anything original about it at all. TWD also isn’t really about the zombies. It’s about the people left behind and what they’ve become, how they survive in a world where humans are what you now have to fear. So, this is nothing different – eventually zombies will have to enter the picture in FTWD too, and then what ..:

  16. Goodnight says:

    I didn’t mind the slow pacing too much but I don’t really feel invested in many of the characters. I like Daniel and Nick and Tobias, but really don’t care about anyone else. I knew someone would die in the finale, deaths in TWD are almost always predictable (and not just because I read the comics).

    I really want Tobias back.

    I wasn’t surprised at all that they worked out the whole ‘bites aren’t what makes you a zombie’ thing so fast because logically, people would discover that SUPER fast and it was only because of writing that Rick and co didn’t find it out for themselves sooner. Think about it. Zombie outbreak, people panic in the US. There would be trampling, shootings, stabbings, mass hysteria. You’re going to work out pretty damn fast that everyone comes back unless their brains are destroyed.

    I also wasn’t surprised they didn’t reveal the origins of the infection. It’d pretty be stupid to blow the single greatest WD mystery on the first season of a spin-off show. If we ever find out it will be in the main series.

    I guess I wasn’t too disappointed because I didn’t really expect anything. It’s an okay show, I think they made some poor choices though.