Star: Brad Pitt threatens to leave Angelina Jolie because she needs ‘rehab’

jolie star

The last time we saw new photos of Angelina Jolie, it was mid-September and she looked pretty much like she always looks these days. A bit on the thin side, a little bit tired, but fine. In fact, the big headline from those photos – of Angelina in Cambodia – was that she was sort of dressed too casually to meet Cambodia’s president. I didn’t even clock her weight because, as I said, she looked the same to me. But the concern trolls at Star Magazine claim that Angelina is losing all kinds of weight and that she has an eating disorder and it’s making Brad want to cry as he runs out of the house.

As she’s traveled the world in recent years, meetings with refugees and world leaders, Angelina Jolie has appeared less than glamorous Oscar winner she once was and more the somber humanitarian she’s become. Part of that shift can be chalked up to the serious nature of her work—but much of it is due to her sunken, pale face and her frail, emaciated frame.

Her transformation has been so shockingly dramatic, Angie looks like a shell of her former self. In fact, sources close to the Jolie-Pitt family say the superstar is in the grips of a grave health crisis related to her long-standing food issues.

“She’s always been thin, but it’s never been this bad before,” one insider explains. “She’s at an all-time low of 83 lbs.”

The situation has gotten so out of control that Angie’s husband, Brad Pitt, has resorted to drastic measures to get her into treatment.

“He’s tried for months to help her, and Brad is at the end of his rope,” the insider says. “He told her if she doesn’t check into rehab for her eating disorder, he’s leaving and taking the kids with him,” adds the insider.

[From Star Magazine]

83 pounds? Horsesh-t. She’s 110 lbs, probably more. She’s slender and of course I’d like to see her gain some weight back, but this is how she’s looked for a while. I don’t understand how this is a new thing. I honestly think Star Magazine just found themselves in a gossip lull this week and decided to make up a story about Angelina, like it was the good old days of Uncool Bermuda Triangle tabloid stuff.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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89 Responses to “Star: Brad Pitt threatens to leave Angelina Jolie because she needs ‘rehab’”

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  1. Junior says:

    So now she’s gone from the usual 97lbs to 83? Really Star?

  2. Tiffany says:

    Sooooo…this is still happening.

    Brad really is a crier, huh.

    • meme says:

      after all these years…

    • petan says:

      I thought he left the last time. Didn’t know they got back together. Lmao.

      • sauvage says:

        He totally DID leave, but then she TRAPPED him with another pregnancy, so Brad ran out and cried some more, because now he’s concerned for the new baby, too.

        See how that works? 😉

  3. tracking says:

    Has Star ever gotten any story right, I mean ever? Exactly.

  4. Nancy says:

    Well it’s reported by Star so it must be true. Ugh. Her limbs have always been extraordinarily thin, especially her arms. She has gone through drastic surgeries in order to prevent cancer, in order to grow old with her kids, so I hardly think she would starve herself. She is one of the few in Hollywood who seems to avoid the press at all costs, unless she’s on some sort of mission. The press, in turn, should leave her alone with everything she’s endured.

    • Kitten says:

      You said it all, Nancy.

    • Alana says:

      Leave her alone… She is been through so much and one few celebs that is actually doing something with her money and fame to help people . She has a wonderful family and is a cancer survivor and always on a new UN mission. Whatever Star

      • Nancy says:

        I hope you’re yelling at Star and not me Alana, cause you’d be preaching to the choir. Read my comment. I don’t believe she is a cancer survivor. however. I believe she was proactive and elected to have preventative surgery since she had a high likelihood to one day have cancer, since she carried the gene that led her mother and aunt to die of breast and ovarian cancer. That is what one calls brave.

      • Alana says:

        Yes i was talking about star I was agreeing with you lol

      • Judd says:

        Cancer survivor? Hardly! That is a slap in the face to all who have actually been diagnosed, lived with it, and SURVIVED it. Not, “you have the gene”.

      • Lorri says:

        Judd at 87% chance of getting cancer, she was as close to a potential survivor as you can get and your comment is a slap in the face to those who survived mastectomies.

  5. meme says:

    AGAIN? 10 years and six kids and AGAIN! Really? I’m not a Brangelina fan but it’s very obvious they are happy with each other, their kids and their lives. What’s next? Jennifer Aniston is pregnant with triplets?

  6. Pedro45 says:

    She could not possibly be 83 lbs. I am nearly a foot shorter than she is and even I was sickly looking at that weight. She would be hospitalized or dead.

    • laura in LA says:

      Yep, exactly, Pedro45…

      While I think she’s naturally very thin, her boniness and protruding veins suggest that she’s always stays a bit too underweight, but I’d say no less than 105 or 110. If these photos are any indication, there’s no way she’s 83! I’ve seen this in-person, and she’d be a walking skeleton, probably hospitalized already…

      Is this really the best Star can do here? Why not do a story on her humanitarian work instead. LAME.

    • Sara says:

      I agree, I had several friends who were anorexic in high school and at University and there is no way Angie’s weight is that low. I mean, my friend who is 5’2” was super underweight at 85 pounds and her size zero pants were hanging on her, Angie doesn’t look nearly thin or sick enough. She may be underweight for her height but she’s been like that for years and I don’t think she’s really anorexic. I think she’s just thin, probably doesn’t eat a lot. I have friends like that now. They just aren’t into eating but they don’t starve themselves like people with eating disorders.

  7. Ok, at 5’7″ whether she’s 110 or 83, she’s underweight according to BMI. If you go to this website ( and punch in those numbers, you’ll see there’s a closer match to her at the lower number. Then consider that the camera adds ten pounds. I’m not buying that he’s leaving; that’s total b.s., but she is very frail.

    • Solanacaea (Nighty) says:

      If she’s 5’7” she should weigh 119 pounds…

      • Kitten says:

        I could easily believe that she weighs somewhere between 115-120 lbs. No way is she 83 lbs.

        I think some people don’t really understand what 83 lbs looks like—and good for them. Hope y’all never have to see that sh*t.

      • V4Real says:

        Cara Delevingne is reportedly 5’8 and 112 pounds. So if AJ is 5’7 and should weigh 119 pounds what does that say about Cara? And yes I know some people like Cara are naturally thin but so is AJ. I will agree that overtime AJ has lost some weight or inches which makes her look a bit thinner or frail.

        BTW I don’t buy that bmivisualizer crap. If a person is 5’7 they should weigh 119 pounds. Who came up with this? Supermodels. Jeez Gisele is about 5’10 and she weighs between 120 and 125. I really dislike this body mass stuff.

      • Solanacaea (Nighty) says:

        The “should weigh 119” comment is the minimum weight for that height, below that, the person is underweight, the maximum healthy weight for that height is 165pounds… Above that is already overweight.. It’s my height, so I always pay attention to that.. So between 119 and 165 is healthy weight..

      • V4Real says:

        Thanks for the break down.

    • tracking says:

      I don’t think anyone is denying she appears underweight, just the assertion she is 83 lbs and on death’s door is ridiculous.

    • lola says:

      Angie looks as if she weighs, minimum, 120 lbs. Angie is broad shouldered, has long slender limbs, and carries most of her weight in her midsection.

      Angie looks really good, her hair is shiny, her skin is perfect, she’s not in any way, “underweight”.

      Now, Amal Clooney, that’s another story, especially since Amal is not a naturally thin person. Pictures of Amal, before George, shows her with chunky thighs, very much like her sister.
      Amal is the one Star should be calling out for being anorexic. She’s actually scary looking.

      • Alice too says:

        I don’t see why they should be calling anyone out on their weight.

      • Sara says:

        I have to agree, every time I see a picture of Amal I think she looks way way too thin. She looks eating disorder thin in my opinion. Angie looks super healthy in comparison.

  8. boredblond says:

    Oh forget this..what’s with the ‘nannies tell all’ ? Sounds mean, but until one of the painfully thin celebs ends up like Karen Carpenter, vapid fans will envy their skeletal bodies.

  9. Marny says:

    She wears the coolest sunglasses- always.

  10. EscapedConvent says:

    Oh, how ridiculous. 83 pounds at her height? She’d be in a hospital bed. I wish Star would make up some good shiz about Scientology and why everyone wears naval uniforms or….something.

  11. kri says:

    I think she is quite thin, but she has been looking like this for a long time. And with her health issues and surgeries she’s undergone, I’m not going to sit here and believe this story. For all we know (and I hope not) perhaps she is ill or something. And not with anorexia.

  12. Zapp Brannigan says:

    So on one magazine cover we have a story that Jolie is starving herself and an advert to drop a dress size fast? Can the powers that be just decide what the “correct” weight for a woman to be accepted is, let me know and I will work towards that, thanks.

  13. anthromom says:

    She was on my flight years ago when she was married to Billy Bob ( still don’t understand that man’s appeal!) and even then she was VERY tiny. I think that is just her natural state. She is truly a beautiful woman and she was very gracious to everyone around her.

    • V4Real says:

      I caught a peek at her and Brad when they arrived for the NY premier of A Normal Heart last May (that was the powder incident) in NY. She is very tiny. Even wearing heels you can kind of tell that she’s not 5’7 but around 5’6 as was stated above.

  14. sofia says:

    I’m not a fan of hers but I don’t believe any of this. These magazines who tell lies about celebs all the time should pay them royalties for every time they use their names to sell.

  15. MrsBPitt says:

    I am only 5′ 1″ tall, and years back, when I was going through marital problems, I couldn’t eat because of stress and I went down to about 85 pounds. There are pictures of me during that time and I truly looked anorexic. So, at 5′ 7″, if AJ weighed 83 pounds, she probably wouldn’t be able to walk…so, so stupid!

  16. Cindy says:

    Oh man I’m gonna get killed for this…….but I do think she has anorexia. I admire her greatly and I think she is amazing, but…..I still think she has anorexia. There. I said it. I think we are all so in love with her, we don’t want it to be true, I know I don’t. But she has some demons. A lot of us do, and it doesn’t take away from her decency, hard work and compassion. It just seems like the elephant in the room in terms of her fans. I hope I’m wrong, I really do.

    • Andrea 1* says:

      She has anorexia really? And her doctor allowed her to have two major surgeries plssss
      This woman is thin by nature sometimes she looks very thin but she is healthy. ….
      I would like to know if you are her doctor maybe you know something we dont.

    • chubbier than 1995 or 2007 says:

      Anorexia for 30 years? She should be dead by now. Jolie’s ALWAYS been thin- in fact, she’s fatter now than she was during Wanted and she did a ton of very physically demanding stunts for that and many other films- stunt people take said that she could be one of them if she wanted. Jolie is the most amazing anorexic EVER .

    • db says:

      I don’t know whether she’s anorexic or not, but she’s definitely underweight. Is it natural? I don’t know. Audrey Hepburn was similarly thin. I think Angie just doesn’t eat, and probably smokes.

      • KB says:

        I don’t think Audrey Hepburn ever looked unnaturally thin like Jolie often does. The thing about Angelina is when she wears tight fitted clothing around her torso, she never looks unfed. Like she doesn’t have a concave stomach or a tiny waist and bony hips, ya know? I think tighter fitting tops would actually have the reverse effect of making her look more normal-sized. It’s when you only see her arms that she looks unhealthy, imo.

    • Cindy says:

      I want you to be right, I really do. I will gladly eat crow if I’m wrong. 🙂

    • Prim says:

      I think you may be right. You can be a functional anorectic for years. Anorexia can be a very slow death sentence. I hope you’re wrong of course.

    • WinnieCoopersMom says:

      I don’t know if we could say she is “anorexic” or technically unhealthy. But she strikes me as someone who probably doesn’t eat much or put much thought into food. Some people have a super high metabolism, so if you pair that with not eating a whole lot, the person will forever be skinny. But I can’t picture her scaling back the calories on purpose for every meal. Also, she looks like one of those people who has skinny limbs and would gain weight in their stomach region. But back to your point, I will at least agree that her state of thinness is the elephant in the room much of the time…Aside from all this speculation, I will say I dont care what a person looks like who is giving so much to hurting people around the world like she does, as long as that person is healthy.

  17. Armenthrowup says:

    While I have no problem calling BS on Star, she is too thin. It’s not being a troll to point it out. When she’s held up as an example to women (excuse me whilst I gag on that thought), it’s okay to point out the obvious. She’s way, way underweight.

    • Colette says:

      Yes She is underweight and has been for the fifteen years that I have been a fan. I believe the bigger issue is 2/3 of U.S. Adults are overweight.Eighty percent of Black women in this country are overweight,including myself.We spend too much time focusing on the exception rather than the rule,IMO. I am sure this comment will be deleted since this site always deletes comments that point out the double standards regarding women and weight.

  18. EM says:

    Cameras add pounds, so the fact that she looks significantly gaunt in photographs indicates that she is skeletal in real life. Is she thinner now than she has ever been. Sh!t yeah.
    Is that our problem? No. Should it be front page of a magazine? No.
    She may have anorexia, but she also might be having issues with her health, it may be anything. Either way, none of our business.

    • Luca76 says:

      I know someone who isn’t a fan, that saw her in real life at a UN banquet and she said she was shocked by her appearance because-wait for it she really wasn’t as skinny as she appears in pictures. Like she said she was pretty normal looking. She’s obviously a thin woman but I think it’s more the long limbs that make people think she’s so underwieight. Her torso is actually pretty normal.

      • IMO, she has a thick torso. And her stomach isn’t completely flat–she has a little pooch. That’s just where she gains weight. It happens with all of us.

        Like with me (as I just learned this about myself)…..after I reach a certain weight….my thighs, hips, and butt don’t get any bigger with any weight gain. Just my boobs, stomach, and face. My arms and legs are the same size, even though I’ve gained weight (which is SO weird, imo).

      • Emma - The JP Lover says:

        @Virgilia Coriolanus …

        I think her pooch is a gift from the twins. 🙂

      • Solanacaea (Nighty) says:

        I’m 5’7” and weigh 145 pounds… My arms are as skinny as hers, I’ve broad shoulders and hips… If I measure my shoulders, sort of around them, it would be 3’6 feet, My biceps are less than a feet, 0,94… So,

  19. JenniferJustice says:

    I think she is naturally thing because she has that body type and she’s tallish. I also think she has issues with food and I think she’s too thin, but I don’t at all buy any under 100lbs claims. She would be near death at that weight with her heighth. And, as if Brad’s ploy would be to threaten to leave with the kids. That’s stupid too. He wouldn’t leave or even threaten to if she were sick or had an addiction.

  20. LisaD says:

    I only believe Star stories when they’re about Jennifer Aniston.

  21. atiaofthejulii1 says:

    I wonder if Angelina is sick with cancer and/or was fighting it and that’s why she’s been on the thin side? I guess we’ll see how this story plays out over the next year. The other thing, all pictures are photoshopped. Star can make her appear thinner and she really isn’t.

    • june says:

      Sick with Cancer for over ten years now??? She has been on the thin side forever, even as a teen her limbs were very thin.

  22. Tara says:

    More Star magazine fiction. Why don’t they leave Angelina alone? She’s low key these days. Stick to the Kardashians.

  23. Maya says:

    As a hardcore fan – do I think she can benefit from weight gain? Yes and I also think these past months, she has slowly gained weight due to early menopause and she is starting to look years younger with the weight gain in her face.

    But again I am going to point out the obvious double standard when it comes to weight shaming. Where is the outcry for thin shaming? DailyMail fat shamed Jen Aniston and there were hundreds of people calling them out. But when it comes to thin shaming – it apparently okay…

  24. WinnieCoopersMom says:

    If I was super famous and my weight was constantly speculated about, I would mess with the paps a bit and wear a small fake pregnancy bump every now and then just to mindf**k with them.

  25. Nymeria says:

    No way in hell that chick weighs over 100 lbs. Maybe she’s not down to 83, but I could totally believe 90 or thereabouts. She is extraordinarily small-boned.

    • Ennie says:

      Sorry to disagree, AJ is thin, but she has a wide frame and she does not have very thin bones.
      There are a few who really do have a thin delicate fame , such as Thandie Newton. AJ has broad shoulders and big hands (dad’s legacy), which contribute to her looking thinner.
      She’s been looking like this for years, ever as after her first pregnancy.
      Some women do get thinner after having children.

      • Nymeria says:

        Holy crap, are you serious?! Angelina Jolie has an incredibly tiny frame. Her shoulders might be broad for her frame, but she’s overall incredibly small. I actually do have a large frame. Even when I was a runner and nothing but skin and bone, I still weighed 160. Now that’s a large frame.

      • Adnrea says:

        @ Nymeria. AJ is thin but she was never Thandie Newton type thin. She did have a fuller figure when she was younger. She had a full her face too. This is not the real her.

    • lola says:

      She is NOT small boned, I am small boned, and I wish my arms were the size of Angie’s, or my wrists, which I try to hide because people who see me, can’t believe I could pick up a cracker without snapping my tiny wrists.

      Angie has broad shoulders, small boned people do not have broad shoulders, we have very narrow, bony shoulders.

      Also Angie has always kept a nice sized butt, which Brad obviously loves, since he’s always squeezing it.

      Angie is healthy, she went through all sorts of tests when she had the cancer scare a few months, and everything was fine. Leave her alone, she’s slender, always has been, and probably always will be.

      • Alice too says:

        I don’t think you can generalize based on what your own body type is. I have a friend who, like AJ, puts her weight on in the middle first. She and I are both 5’8″, both the same weight. My friend’s wrists and ankles are tiny compared to mine, her shoulders maybe a bit less wide but not much. Neither of us are carrying extra weight, so it’s not a question of that. So, I guess it’s possible to be small boned and not have narrow shoulders.

        I wouldn’t actually classify AJ as broad shouldered. I suspect if you put her next to someone like Charlize Theron who is, the difference would be pretty clear.

      • Nymeria says:

        @ Alice – Yeah, I have no idea why people keep saying Angelina Jolie is “broad-shouldered.” No. Perhaps in proportion to her hips, but her shoulders are still very narrow. And you absolutely can be bird-boned but have shoulders broad in relation to your hips.

        I also find the insistence that she’s anything over 5’6″ hilarious. She isn’t. I personally think she’s in the 5’4″ – 5’6″ range. 5’8″? Nope. And that isn’t the end of the world. Her height doesn’t affect her achievements.

      • Alice too says:

        I too tend to think she’s shorter than her “official” height, which is listed at 5’6″. They all seem to add a couple of inches on their biographies for some reason.

  26. TripleThreat says:

    Mrsbpitt, I so know of what you speak. During a break up and a reality wake up, I just couldn’t eat. Same thing occurs after a death. Angie is in trouble though. Wonder if she has PTSD from Brad and/or witnessing the suffering of so many in her humanitarian work. Many multi takers find eating a necessary evil. I’m getting the vibe that she’s suffering by being bamboozled by Brad and he’s covertly abusing her. He never did have his own sense of self and seems sociopathic. Aniston alluded to this with the missing sensitivity chip. Sometimes takes years to realize a SO is really an empty shell who mimics a persona of who you are truly seeking. When you have great empathy, as Angie clearly does, it is devastating to learn your partner truly lacks empathy. It could be socio/psychopathic, narcissism or aspergers. Also if Angie is secretly suffering from depression, she could be on Vyvanse/Adderral just to keep it going and function. Kills your appetite. Being that Brad has a history of morphing into those he dates, my guess is she’s realized who he really is. An empty shell. He’s a history of being mean and abruptly turning on others. She needs to trade up and forget about their image. She needs a true soul in her life. Hope she ends up with some royal. She is related to Camilla and Hillary and comes from some royal bloodlines from mom’s side. You can look up her pedigree on genealogy sites. A descendent of Pierre Miville de la Suisse and Catherine Baillon. Miville has a FB page. The last name also shows up as Deschenes, meaning “of the Oaks”. She hails from that line via Canada in spades, going back to at least early 1700s. Hence, her small sized arms. Aristocrats mixed with natives. She’s from a lot of royal blood and deserves better than Hillbilly Pitt. She’s brilliant, Pitt is dumb. Let’s hope she becomes a Marquess or duchy with a right proper partner. Angie, drop that zero and get yourself a hero and a title to boot.

  27. Bread and Circuses says:

    She looks the same. Completely the same. Yes, she looks rail-thin, but that’s been the case for a decade.

  28. Katie says:

    I’m 4’10” tall and weigh 88 lbs and I’m slender at my height. If she’s 5’7″ and weighed only 83 lbs, she would be skeletal.
    She does need to gain a little weight back as she’s looking fragile lately, but her body has also been through a lot with her cancer prevention surgeries. It takes a while for your body to fully recover

  29. Judd says:

    Oh, Lola… you seem to think you are an authority on anything and everything Jolie. You know her height, weight, frame etc.. It is comical!!