Rupert Murdoch: Ben Carson would be ‘a real black President’ unlike Obama


The obsession on the right with President Obama’s race is often mind-numbing and offensive. They’re obsessed with the fact that his father was Kenyan. They’re obsessed with using dog-whistle code words to imply not-so-subtly that President Obama is simply “too black” to be president of the United States, or that he’s race has negatively affected his job performance. One of my favorite complaints is that President Obama’s race has “hurt” the country because he hasn’t been able to solve our complicated racial problems. But this new complaint is, in a word, AMAZING. Last night, Rupert Murdoch was watching his news network, Fox News, because he’s an 84-year-old man and that’s what channel conservative 84-year-old men in America watch. And since Rupert has access to Twitter (which is also amazing), he tweeted this while watching Megyn Kelly interview GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson and his wife Candy Carson:

OMG. Is anyone else giggling? Suddenly, President Obama IS NOT BLACK ENOUGH. Suddenly, President Obama is not a REAL black president. Obviously, Ol’ Rupe got some backlash, so he tweeted this as an explanation:

Sure. The minority community might feel like President Obama should or could do more to speak to their issues. Two things though. One, everyone out here believes that President Obama is “a real black president” because I guess that’s a thing that we need to say out loud now. Two, it’s not like African-Americans are falling all over themselves to support Ben Carson.

Anyway, like a true pop starlet who stepped in dog poop on social media, Murdoch tried to take it back with a half-hearted apology and a compliment to President Obama.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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64 Responses to “Rupert Murdoch: Ben Carson would be ‘a real black President’ unlike Obama”

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  1. ninal says:

    cause if anyone knows what a real black man is like, it’s rupert effing murdoch!

    Ben Carson is anything but charming, as evidenced by this recent quote: “I never saw a body with bullet holes that was more devastating than taking the right to arm ourselves away.”

    • Val says:

      Carson is horrible and frightening! Just like all the other Republican crazies.

    • Daria Morgendorffer says:


      “Ben Carson is anything but charming- his pandering to crazy tea partiers makes hiim vile.

      Carson quote of the day: ‘I never saw a body with bullet holes that was more devastating than taking the right to arm ourselves away.'”

      There is no way that Carson isn’t bat sh-t crazy. I love when I hear or read people say, “I like what Ben Carson is saying.” I’m like really? Have you actually been listening? He sounds like a moron and a crazy person, and I’m not even a liberal so I’m not just bashing based on party politics. He’s scary and so is his popularity.

      His remarks about the Oregon victims should cause his popularity rates to plummet so far that he’ll be forced to drop out. Nothing says “I’m a piece of sh-t” like insinuating that people killed in a mass public shooting are to blame for their own deaths because Carson says “it doesn’t look like anyone tried to fight.”

      • Solanacaea (Nighty) says:

        people killed in a mass public shooting are to blame for their own deaths because Carson says “it doesn’t look like anyone tried to fight.” HE SAID THIS??? What a piece of sh*t…
        Don’t tell me, another one who thinks that of each American carried a gun, there wouldn’t be any shootings and random killings? Don’t tell me that during one of the brain surgeries he made, he left his own brain on the patient’s head… Because, only a very, very stupid person would say this..

      • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

        The worst part about Carson is one of the victims of the shooting was a veteran who ran to help others during the fight and didn’t even think of his own safety. He was shot 5x I believe and that idiot Ben Carson didn’t even know his name when he was spouting off those comments.

        I agree, he’s another again. A patsy who’s there to be a token minority the same way Palin was a token woman on the ticket. They don’t have to be smart, they just have to check the right box.

      • ol cranky says:

        oh wait, it’s gets better

        #BenCarson's way of dealing w/ shooter: point out some1 else #UCCShooting #gunsense #NRAlogic— Hurricane Jessie (@pottymouthpup) October 8, 2015

    • Esmom says:

      He really is a lunatic. He’s said so many offensive things I don’t know where to start. I think he’s this election’s Herman Cain, a black conservative that panders to the Tea Partiers. And like Cain I’m predicting his moment in the spotlight will be mercifully short.

    • belle de jour says:

      The best short description I ever read of Carson:
      “A brain-fearing God surgeon.”

  2. Esteph says:

    Ugh, a white man talking about what a race should be. In this case, what a white man thinks a black man should be like, more-so a president should be like

  3. kri says:

    Holy shit. I’m just…oh my god. And this man is…okay I’m beyond. My typing is sputtering. Eff off, you old wrinkled microwaved potato.

  4. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Can I be another race?

    • Sixer says:

      As in, “not the same one as Rupert Murdoch”? If so, I’ll join you. But it would probably be better just to expel ol’ Rupe from the human race in its entirety.

      He really is an offensive old goat, isn’t he?

    • Kitten says:

      LOL! Seriously.
      I want to be “other”.

    • doofus says:

      when I was younger and more obnoxious (shuddup!) I used to make my own check box for “HUMAN” in the “Race” section of forms if it was asked.

      • SusanneToo says:

        That doesn’t soind at all obnoxious. Sounds right to me.

      • doofus says:

        thanks susannetoo…I guess what I meant was that, as a teen into my college years, I thought I was being “rebellious” by defacing a form that way and “sticking it to the man” for making race a thing. I guess I was just progressive?… 🙂

        also, I totally agree with your post down below about “taking back their country”…yeah, they want to take it back IN TIME, to where those pesky minorities and women knew their place. the fact that the world is changing, more rapidly than it did a few years ago, scares them because they’re not “on top” anymore and they don’t like it. FFS, the troglodytes that came out on Twitter when a woman was doing color commentary on one of the MLB playoff games the other night?…astounding that people still think that way.

  5. Bridget says:

    If there’s anything Rupert Murdoch knows, it’s how to address the racial divide in America, right?

    • Santia says:

      Right? Maybe start by not making asinine comments like this.

      Also, most black people I know do not like Ben Carson, so I’m not sure how is supposed to fix the divide. Carson’s (so far successful) attempt at crossing over is based on denigrating everything black movement has stood for: equal rights and protections under the law.

      • Bridget says:

        Does anyone like Carson, regardless of race? The man’s an idiot.

      • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

        Sadly I occasionally see comments (always by Republican voters) praising him so yeah…take that with a grain of salt because I really don’t know what people are hearing that they claim is so amazing coming from him.

        I know Johns Hopkins where he worked wants nothing to do with him anymore.

  6. Naya says:

    Haha. Crazy white person who owns station that peddles in racist shtick now wants to tell me what black looks like. Please never stop, crazy white people.

  7. SillySimone says:

    This man makes me sick. There is nothing good about him. Maybe he should go and wiretap more people to blackmail. Bastard

  8. Nancy says:

    And this is 2015? Sometimes it’s better to think it out very carefully before shoving your foot in your mouth. The obsession with the Obamas is relentless, the Prez has been insulted for his origin and color and this and that more than any president I remember. I won’t even start with the Michelle haters and the incessant Michele Obama is a man…we have scientific proof theorists. I truly don’t understand how people have such hate in them to disrespect other human beings so easily.

    • FingerBinger says:

      The Obama daughters get it too. The comments I’ve read about those girls are just loathsome.

    • Solanacaea (Nighty) says:

      That’s something I don’t get, Obama gets insulted by Americans all the time, yet he’s beloved by Europeans. I’m Portuguese and I absolutely adore the man and his family. He could have done more? Maybe, I really have trouble understanding how Congress and the passing of laws works in the States. I’m pretty sure he wanted to do more to solve the problems. He seems , how should I put it, more genuinely human and thoughful about the country’s real problems than most other politicians…

      • SusanneToo says:

        There are quite a few Americans, like me, who appreciate the Obamas. The haters want to take back “their country.” You know, the one that existed in 1915 when women, African-Americans, Irish, Italians, Jews, Asians and basically anyone who wasn’t a caucasian male knew their place and stayed there. Well, that country is never coming back and they need to face it. In my fantasy, they get so apoplectic about it they explode.

  9. Dragonlady sakura says:

    Sigh, the ignorance is astounding. I’m sure if Obama were a Republican, then he would be appropriate president material for Murdoch. Your kiss ass version of a “black man” speaks volumes of your small minded views.

    • SusanneToo says:

      Carson is their new version of Clarence Thomas, a stupid man they can manipulate. I will never get over the fact that he now sits in the chair once occupied by Thurgood Marshall.

  10. LAK says:

    Perhaps Rupert is hoping Ben Carson will suck upto him so that Rupert can help his presidential campaign, get him into office and reap the rewards. Like Tony Blair did.

  11. QQ says:

    This Bleached Raisin should be talking about who and what qualifies as a True Black Man … GTFOH Only things this *sshole can expound on are:

    What are the best methods to spy on people
    Where does one buy the best trophy wives
    What is like to be a geriatric father
    Raisinette realness
    Best bleachers to take off liver spots
    Top Ten People that take your money and then expound on Policy

    smdh with the other one looking like a sleepy preacher on drugs trying to tell us he is running for president with zero policy info or credentials, only thing he needs to be running is for deacon of an antigay church

  12. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    Well of course he likes Carson, nothing makes them happier than finding a minority individual self-hating enough to come when they call and bark when they whistle.

    His comment honestly made me so angry. Of course this vicious destructive evil old man would be the one to judge who’s black enough and that the barometer for blackness is how well behaved and responsive to Republican goals and ideals the person is. He deserves to be hit with something a lot harder than a pie.

  13. Ben Carson can be the first black president!

  14. Prettykrazee says:

    What’s a ‘real black’ Rupert? One that think racism is over? Or maybe knows their place? Or believes #alllivesmatter? No one wants or needs your opinion on what a real black president is supposed to be.

  15. Lilacflowers says:

    My cousin’s wife has been spouting the exact same thing for years. We all stopped listening to her discuss anything but her grandchildren long ago. And we block her social media postings. Murdoch should limit himself to tweeting about grandchildren. And Ben Carson, a physician who wants to strip this cancer survivor of my right to health insurance, is about as charming as an ovarian cyst

    I also have to wonder how often a pediatric neurosurgeon, who specialized in separating conjoined twins, dealt with bullet-ridden bodies?

  16. Corrie says:

    Its always the people who are the worst… who make even worse statements.

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      I’m making a bumper sticker out of this because it’s the truest statement.

  17. Daria Morgendorffer says:

    I saw this on Huffington Post this morning and literally could only shake my head. What a thing to say. For anyone who wants to say that racism isn’t alive and well, just let Murdoch’s remarks sink in.

  18. Cindy says:

    Oh dear God. I haven’t read the post or comments, but will in a minute-anyone see Daily Show last night? I think that says it all about this dope Ben Carson. I cannot believe he is a neurosurgeon, he really does seem honest to god half asleep or stoned.

  19. sauvage says:

    Yeah. ’cause nobody knows better what a real black president is supposed to be like, than an overprivileged white male, right?

  20. Colette says:

    I guess he is not a real Black president because his mother was white,his dad was Kenyan or is it because he is not really American according to the birthers?
    Well according to Fox News he is Black when he is talking about racism,when he is playing the race card or race baiting but now he isn’t Black.

  21. lucy2 says:

    I don’t know which one is worse, Murdoch or Carson. But I’d like both of them to hop on the next bus to GTFO.

    • Alana says:

      Hell yeah. Nothing like an old white rich a$$hole to let us know what a real Black president will be like…NO Thanks

  22. BooBooLaRue says:

    Omg the dementia is strong with this one.

  23. ABBESS TANSY says:

    You know between Fox News and a few so-called conservative political commentators, they have done a great disservice to the world. Instead of being a true conservative news organization, reporting from that angle they have fomented dissent amongst the people in this country.

    I can’t help but recall Ann Coulter’s ridiculous statement on a news show saying that “our blacks [Republican party] are better than yours”. We are not for trade, for sale or anything else.

    ETA: This comes from the man who interfered in a British (?) missing girl’s case deliberately had someone tamper with the evidence for a fracking story. Despicable.

  24. anne_000 says:

    Today, the UK’s Guardian has an article with a photo of another one of Murdoch’s tweet:

    2 stories. Carson, Detroit ghetto to brilliant neurosurgeon.
    Obama white upbringing to community organizer.
    Sincere men, different values
    6:20 AM – 5 Sep 2015

    So, is he saying that if you don’t grow up in the ghetto, but rather in a middle class family in a middle class neighborhood with good schools, then you’re not really ‘Black?’ That sort of background is a ‘White’ thing?

    Oh OK, Rupie.

    For a news man, he sure doesn’t know much about the real world.

  25. Ben Carson can be the first black president.

  26. Greenieweenie says:

    God, that comment alone pisses me off too much to comment.

  27. ladysussex says:

    Wait….Rupert Murdoch was holding fundraisers for Hilary Clinton just a few years ago. How exactly is he a Fox News Conservative? I know he owns FNC but he also owns all the others too. Along with most of the newspapers.

  28. funcakes says:

    Is Rupert kidding? After all the shady phone tapping crap that happened under his watch he has the nerve to criticize anyone.
    And old Rupert should tune away from Fox news because on the news I was watching Carson was self destructing all over the place.
    Take a seat Rupert and drink your Ensure like a good boy. Stick to watching Matlock because you have lost touch with reality.

  29. Monica says:

    While insulting to the president, and a population, these thoughts, opinions, whatever go back hundreds of years. I think it is more alive and prominent in the black community, (House slave vs. field slave) you are either too dark or too light skinned and then we never feel like we don’t belong to anything.

  30. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    He’d know.

  31. Jaded says:

    I think it’s time for a full-body Depends suit because he clearly has sh*t for brains, spouts sh*t from his mouth, and sh*ts all over everyone regardless of knowing sh*t about anything.