Mark Darcy is a little bit older, a little bit rumpled: would you still hit it?


Bridget Jones’s Baby has been filming exteriors in London all week – yesterday, I covered some photos of Renee Zellweger in character as a massively pregnant Bridget. Now there are photos of Colin Firth-as-Mark Darcy shooting exteriors too!! OMG. I’m just going to call him Mark Darcy, okay? BECAUSE THAT’S WHO HE IS. Mark Darcy is getting a little bit jowly, a little bit rumpled, a little bit grey. But I still would. Because he’s Mark Darcy. Because of those big brown eyes. Because Colin Firth is SO GOOD at being a romantic hero. Because “But the thing is, um, what I’m trying to say, very inarticulately, is that, um, in fact, perhaps despite appearances, I like you, very much. Just as you are.” GAH!!!!!!!!!!

People Magazine has a write up about the mystery surrounding the plot of Bridget Jones’s Baby. Apparently, there’s some question about Bridget’s happily-ever-after. Mark Darcy was not wearing his wedding ring, so we don’t even know if they’re married in this film. We don’t even know if Bridget is knocked up with a Darcy Baby. And Mark Darcy was affectionately embracing another woman! HOW COULD YOU? *drunk-dials Daniel Cleaver*

I actually have a controversial opinion about Mark Darcy. I think I like him more than I like Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pride & Prejudice. I mean, the BBC miniseries with the wet white shirt and the sideburns and the burning looks he gave Jennifer Ehle, that’s all amazing. But I love Colin Firth so much as Mark Darcy. I have such a great deal of affection for him playing that role and how he’s always played it. So… who would you rather, Fitzwilliam Darcy or Mark Darcy?




Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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134 Responses to “Mark Darcy is a little bit older, a little bit rumpled: would you still hit it?”

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  1. Esteph says:


    Not gonna lie ladies, Colin is doing something for me here

  2. Alex says:

    I’d hit it just for the voice. And the intelligence. Lovely man, great actor.

    • Hudson Girl says:

      Yes! Also, his walk- it’s like watching water flowing with those long legs.
      There’s a scene where he’s getting into a cab at the airport (Love Actually? Not sure) and we rewound it 5 times just to watch him walk! LOL.

      • Alex says:

        Girl I’m so with you. His wife is one lucky woman. So much man for one lady, LOL.

      • Alex says:

        Can we also just mention how amazing he was in ‘A Single Man’. The pathos, the pain, the deep emotion all conveyed mostly through facial expressions and body language. The man is happening on so many levels. We should all have our own personal Colin Firth!

      • MooHoo says:

        so funny re the walk. I totally love that too. Also, how he bounds up stairs especially in the first Bridget Jones. Getting tingles thinking about it.

      • curlsunited says:

        The way he walks … yesssss. Anyone remember the pub fight in “Kingsman: The Secret Service”? (Nice tailored suit, by the way. Although his hairline was debatable)

      • WinnieCoopersMom says:

        I think I love his character Jamie in Love Actually even more than Mark Darcy, though they are quite similar…he is so lovable and swoon worthy. Not fair that God only made one Colin Firth. Sigh

      • evermoreOriginalhere says:

        I like the scene where he’s about to get into the Cab in Bridget Jones Diary 1, when he goes to NY for the new job. I love that scene and also the one where he runs down the steps after Bridget, to tell her “I like you, I like you , just the way you are….

        …sigh, heart melts

    • Sabrine says:

      Yes, I love his voice which makes him very appealing. I read quite a while ago that he absolutely loathes doing these Bridget Jones movies, so he’s either signed up again because 1) he had some kind of contractual obligation 2) he’s loyal and is taking it on the chin or 3) he wants the money. It’s probably a combination of at least two of those.

    • Liberty says:

      yes me too… him in all the things, but am especially smitten with him as Mark Darcy and as Jamie.

  3. It'sJustBlanche says:

    Yes honey because so am I!

  4. Shambles says:

    Colin. Firth. Forever. I would. I so would. Any day, any time, anywhere. He possesses this quiet, self-assured swagger that makes him unbelievably sexy. I’ve always thought so, but The King’s Speech solidified it and did me in forever. He’s a beautiful actor and a beautiful man.

  5. lamgirls3 says:

    Mark Darcy hands down. Colin Firth is so sexy. Love him!!

  6. Lilacflowers says:

    Colin! My Butler! Gets his own thread! Hip Hip Hooray! Champagne all around!

    God, yes, I would hit that, but he has to wear one of his impeccably-tailored suits throughout.

    • Alex says:

      Ha ha, awesome. Yes the suit definitely. Preferably navy blue.

    • vauvert says:

      Well, at some point I would remove that suit. Buttons flying everywhere, tie landing in a heap, shirt barely hanging off a chandelier…. Adore him unabashedly. Sorry Lilacflowers, Colin and I are headed off into the butler’s pantry to check on… supplies. We might take some time, to do a complete and very accurate inventory.

    • boredblond says:

      Finally Lilac gave the fabulous Mr F a little time off! He’s aging incredibly well, and it’s not just the suits…watched Gambit again last week (some panned the film, but I thought he and ‘ the major’ had great comedic timing) and he carried off being pantless at the Savoy with such style.. maybe I’ll toss my to-do list this weekend and re-visit Mr Darcy at Pemberly…

    • Abby_J says:

      Oh his suits. He should have to wear those all the time.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Colin has this weekend off, that’s why Tom and the cat were making breakfast yesterday, so do what you will with him and enjoy.

  7. Delta Juliet says:

    Oh goodness Colin Firth. I actually have goose bumps right now. Love him!

  8. Luca76 says:

    For me Mark Darcy and Mr Darcy are one and the same especially since the first book so implicitly mentioned the white shirt scene as Bridget’s everything.

    • LAK says:

      I quite agree.

      Also the author said she based Mark Darcy on MR Darcy so how c one choose?!?

      • Mary-Alice says:

        The whole plot is the Pride and Prejudice plot and the author herself said it many times (although it’s obvious anyways). So yeah, tney are the same.

  9. Christina says:

    Yes. All day, every day.

  10. CommentingBunny says:

    “So… who would you rather, Fitzwilliam Darcy or Mark Darcy?”

    *throws hands in the air”

    Why not both?

  11. Mia4s says:

    Normally yes, anytime, anywhere, any Darcy.

    However given that he agreed to do a third Bridget Jones movie when the second one was utter garbage I am a little mad at him right now.

    I’ll get over it. Maybe his house needs a new roof? Getting paid I guess.

    • j.eyre says:

      See, I am *such* a Colin Firth apologist I am going to jump off the deep end and think he doesn’t need to do, maybe doesn’t want to do it but knows his fans love to see him as Mark Darcy so much that he does do it… solely to make us happy. Bless him.

    • Olenna says:

      I love me some Colin/Mr. Darcy, too. But, his star meter dropped more than a notch for me when he did that awful Woody Allen movie, Magic in the Moonlight. IDK, maybe that paid for a new garage.

  12. jeanne says:

    obviously mark darcy… he’s basically fitzwilliam darcy with a slight (very slight) sense of humor 🙂

  13. Pedro45 says:

    Yes to Colin Fifth. Yes, please.

  14. Melody says:

    I’d hit that like an AARP tour bus. The man is fine at any age.

    • spurc says:

      @Melody Bwahaha!! YES.

      I too am a bit older and bit rumpled compared to twenty odd years ago – I’d hit that hard, no question.

      Fitzwilliam is still my preference, but I wouldn’t kick Marc out of bed for eating biscuits.

      This summer, we watched the A&E miniseries of Pride and Prejudice with my 14 y/o daughter and 13 y/o son. I had to a bit of expounding here and there on the setting and social attitudes of the time, (like telling them Elizabeth Bennett was a relative bad ass of her time and station…) but they really enjoyed it. My son loves action movies and Avengers and Mad Max, but he stayed awake past midnight (not something he’s usually able to do!) to how things would finally come together after Lydia’s escapades. Fitzwilliam for ever!

      • Melody says:

        Geriatric Fitzwilliam smiles more – and his smile is adorable. I did enjoy young Darcy’s annoyed-cat expressions, though.

  15. MediaMaven says:

    Is this where the line starts for Colin Firth? I shall wait my turn.

    • CommentingBunny says:

      I would cut in front of you, except I feel that Mark/Fitzwilliam/Colin would consider it unbearably rude and kick me out of the line altogether :p

  16. Cyn says:

    Hell yeah! All day everyday!

  17. Keddie says:

    Fitzwilliam Darcy for sure! I love mark darcy too though.

  18. OhDear says:

    No. He worked with Woody Allen after Dylan Farrow’s letter came out and that makes him [figuratively] dead to me (similar to Emma Stone, Jesse Eisenburg, Kristen Stewart, Joaquin Phoenix, etc.)

  19. AmandaPanda says:

    My husband is a Colin firth lookalike, so I’m right there with you all. I’m the luckiest lady in the world!

  20. Sayrah says:

    Mark Darcy! I watched Bridget Jones with two girlfriends who just loved Daniel Cleaver. Are you insane?!

  21. Ann says:

    Actually, no. He is past his prime.

  22. NUTBALLS says:

    Colin is one fine, classy ageless gent. Would hit it as any incarnation, Darcy or otherwise.

  23. Nancy says:

    Look at CB pulling a reverse ageism….would you hit it now that he’s older….lol…actually no, but it has nothing to do with age.

    • belle de jour says:

      Ageism is ageism… but the premise of this post gave me pause, as well.

    • Kitten says:

      Right. I wouldn’t hit it because he’s not hot, like at all.
      At least not to me.
      And it has zero to do with his age.

      • MND says:

        So you’d only hit someone if they’re hot? Your honesty is refreshing. I get tired of people who try to to claim the moral high ground by saying trite things like “What they look like isn’t as important as the type of person they are” or “I’m attracted to a person’s qualities not their looks”

  24. bobslaw says:

    There’s a scene in Before I Go To Sleep where he’s singing and making hot chocolate. It just about did me in, even though that movie is insane and he’s a five star creep in it.

  25. ShinyGrenade says:

    Ah, here :
    In 2005 and 2006, there was Bridget Jones columns in The Independant.
    Daniel was the father of the kid.

    • SloaneY says:

      I’m really confused by this new movie. In the last book, MD is dead and she was a widow with kids. So are they going with how the columns went??

  26. Gorgonia says:

    Definetely YESSSSSSSS! Now and forever!

  27. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I know this will be unpopular and it makes me sad to say it, because Colin Firth was my forever man for…ever. But he worked with Woody Allen, and I just can’t forgive that. I could never hate him, and I do truly think he’s a nice person, but that’s a decision I can’t respect. I don’t feel the same way about him anymore.

    • Betti says:

      Its people who work with Polanski that get my blood boiling but yes that he worked with Allen is disappointing.

    • FingerBinger says:

      Many actors and actresses have worked with Woody Allen. They’re going to keep working with him. You either get over it or there will be nobody left for you to respect.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I can’t get over it. My response to it is almost physical – it changes the way I feel about people. I never said it was practical or smart. It’s unfortunately the way I feel.

      • DahliaDee says:

        @GoodNamesAllTaken, Tom Hiddleston worked with Woody Allen in “Midnight in Paris”. And it makes me cringe, it really does. Having said that, and keeping in mind that I side-eye him for it, as well as a few other things, Hiddles still has some (puppy-grinding?) way to go before I can quit him.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Gah. I was just starting to see his appeal. It’s hard. How far do you go with it? Never see another Colin Firth movie again? I dipont know, I’ll just have to see my own reaction. I’m not judging people who can compartmentalize, I just can’t myself.

      • TotallyBiased says:

        GoodNamesAllTaken–I don’t know if it it helps any, but before the most recent set of Woody Allen revelations, when interviewers brought up the plethora of amazing directors Tom had worked with and asked him to name his favourites he always mentioned Spielberg and Allen first.
        Since then, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t bring up Allen at all unless the interviewer does–and he certainly doesn’t gush as he did. For him, that strikes me as a strong indicator.

    • Nancy says:

      GoodNames: 100. People can close their eyes to the fact that he took nude pictures of his underage daughter and all of the other sexual allegations from the other children and disgraced Mia and the whole family. He’s such a perv. I loved his early films, Annie Hall, Hannah & Her Sisters….but he is profoundly disturbed and working in his films almost makes you an accomplice…imo…close ur eyes, pretend it didn’t happen. Roman Polanski as well, but he doesn’t disturb me as much as Allen, he is a sick twist.

  28. Tifygodess24 says:

    I love the first film , watched it probably a hundred times. The second wasn’t as good but I still enjoy it, I won’t watch the third however because I don’t like the direction the story is going.
    It’s sad to see everyone age though, such a reminder that life flies by! Also that I’m older too and I don’t like that haha!

  29. JenB says:

    Umm…Both! Love Colin Firth! (And he’s a fellow Virgo with his fine self.)
    I love both books but I have read Pride and Prejudice more than any other book. I always picture him as Mr. Darcy.

  30. Jess says:

    Mark Darcy fuheva!

  31. smcollins says:

    The first time I saw Colin Firth was 20 years ago in Circle of Friends (great movie!). He was so slimy hot in that movie! I’ve loved him ever since. And his portrayal of Mark Darcy only reinforced that love. 😍

    • holly hobby says:

      I loved Circle of Friends! It’s too bad it’s out of circulation. Yeah that’s the first time I noticed Colin Firth.

  32. Sarah01 says:

    A Thousand Times YES!!!

    He is the most Dapper gentlemen in Hollywood, he’s got major swagger, and knows how to wear a suit!!! Made my day : )

  33. Lisa says:

    Oh… Wow. I never got the big deal about him. I was more of an Alan Rickman lover (who isn’t?), but I have to say, he looks pretty good. I tend to be attracted to older men, so it must be because he’s in my target age bracket now, haha.

  34. Michelle says:

    I would hit it every damn day. Mark Darcy hands down.

  35. Penelope says:

    Would hit it all night every night. Sigh. 🙂

  36. amilue says:

    Um. He’s not Mark Darcy. He’s Mr. Darcy! Fitzwilliam forever!

  37. NeoCleo says:


  38. Dirty Martini says:

    I would hit it so hard…………I’d break it.

  39. holly hobby says:

    That ladies, is aging gracefully. He looks so much better than Hugh Grant. I know was cute in a geeky awkward way when he’s younger but Colin is so much better!

    I also loved him in Love Actually. The scene in the restaurant was the most fantastic thing.

    • elle says:

      It was, wasn’t it? It’s an insta-cry for me every time I watch it. I always rewatch it during the holidays.

      • Tough Cookie says:

        I’m crying just thinking about the restaurant scene.

        Yes, I’d hit it until I couldn’t anymore.

        One of my all time favorite Colin Firth movies is Then She Found Me, with Helen Hunt. Bette Midler is in it too and she is waaaaay over the top but it’s a lovely movie. Matthew Broderick is good in it as well.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Every scene of his in Love Actually. The restaurant scene. The eel scene. The “we hate uncle Jamie” scene.

  40. Jaded says:

    Being a total Jane Austen nerd, I’d have to vote for Fitzwilliam. Seeing his arrogant, patronizing disgust with the Bennett family slowly dissolve into knee-weakening, desperate, all-consuming love for Elizabeth always gets me.

    • Mary-Alice says:

      Same. Only Persuasion is close in terms of emotional response from me but sadly it never got proper treatment in a film.

  41. Reece says:

    Kaiser, Its Colin Firth! Whatever version of Darcy, it’s still Colin Firth!
    Did you really need to ask me that?

    ETA: In fact it doesn’t have to be Darcy.

  42. hnmmom says:

    Best game of “would you rather” EVER! And hmmmm… I think I’ll take Mr. Darcy. Being in the big house out in the countryside would mean I would not have to restrain my cries of passion 😉

  43. EN says:

    I wouldn’t, he is married so I never would even think about him that way.
    I don’t allow myself to go there.
    But what a lovely, lovely man.

  44. HoustonGrl says:

    OMG “But the thing is, um, what I’m trying to say, very inarticulately, is that, um, in fact, perhaps despite appearances, I like you, very much. Just as you are”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this, and yes, I would sooooo hit it.

    • truthSF says:

      It’s amazing how my distaste for his character completely dissolved after his confession to Bridget.

  45. Abby_J says:

    Oh yes. He is still a beautiful, beautiful man,

  46. Lilacflowers says:

    For naughty, saucy, period piece of Colin, check out Valmont.

  47. kj says:

    I don’t even like clean cut men in suits, that man can wear the S**t out of a suit. All day, every day. Mark Darcy… and Kingsmen is hilarious…

  48. sauvage says:

    Fitzwilliam Darcy. The way he helps the family of the woman he loves, by clearing up Lydia’s mess, is amazing. And that makes him a keeper in my book.

    (Plus, O-KAY, the BBC miniseries and the wet shirt scene.)

  49. MrsK says:


    And all you girls and guys better get the hell out of my way.

  50. FurballFriend says:


  51. RH says:

    Oh yes!!!! 🙂