Adele covers People Mag, smashes records & performs ‘Hello’ with The Roots

adele people magazine


For this year’s holiday, I’d like to give thanks for Adele. It’s remarkable in this day and age when an old-fashioned singer with an incredible voice is actually appreciated to this level. The level where she’s on the cover of People Magazine… and not because she broke up some marriage, or she’s a messy trainwreck or she twerked all over some children. No. Adele is on the cover of People just for fun, to promote her album and to talk about music. Here are some stories/videos going around this week:

Adele smashes records (again). Adele broke *NSYNC’s one-week record sales record. *NSYNC sold 2,416,000 albums in one week back in March 2000. Adele’s 25 sold 2,433,000 albums… in three days. Some of the guys from *NSYNC even made statements about it – as it turns out, Joey Fatone LOVES Adele (which is sweet).

Damon Albarn is pissed. Damon Albarn (from Blur) had briefly worked with Adele on this album, but no of his stuff was used, probably because he bad-mouthed her in the press, on the record, calling her “very insecure” and “middle of the road.” Adele then name-checked Albarn in some interviews. Now Albarn says:. “I was Number Five on Twitter… I mean, how pathetic is that? It’s not even true: it’s amazing how people will run with stuff that has no credence whatsoever and turn it into something and then watch the reaction… People were not kind, it was… enlightening. I’m used to it. Listen, I’m here because I love writing music and it’s a privilege.” Um… you said that sh-t on the record. Adele has every right to talk sh-t about you right back. PATHETIC is the word that comes to mind, but not the way he’s using it.

Adele performed with Jimmy Fallon & The Roots. I love this bit, when Fallon gets artists to perform with kids’ instruments. “Hello” sounds amazing this way and you can tell that Adele is enjoying herself too.

Adele can’t wait for Rihanna’s new album. When Adele announced that 25 would be coming out this month, a lot of artists hit pause on their own record releases. Very few people want to compete head-to-head with Adele, lest they end up like Drake and Justin Bieber (who are both selling, but nowhere near as much as Adele). It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Rihanna had decided to spend more time on her new album once she heard that Adele was releasing new music too, but Adele is still a huge Rihanna fan-girl, so Adele name-checked Rihanna and Frank Ocean as two artists whose albums she can’t wait to hear.

Here are some photos of Adele out and about in NYC yesterday. HER COAT. OMG.



Cover courtesy of People Magazine, Fame/Flynet.

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66 Responses to “Adele covers People Mag, smashes records & performs ‘Hello’ with The Roots”

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  1. Lurker says:

    I love the look Jimmy gives her when she starts singing “Hello”. So cute.

  2. Nicole says:

    Okay, that was adorable.

  3. Santia says:

    Hate the coat; love Adele. And the Roots’ version of Hello is giving me life this morning! Her voice sounds impeccable.

    And I just LOVE Adele’s face; classically beautiful.

  4. Sara says:

    She looks like a sexy Victorian detective. BBC, make this show exist please. Adele as Emily Clayton, a sassy detective putting dumb policemen in their place. Stephen Fry as the wity chemist who helps her solve cases and keeps trying to set her up with his nephew. Alan Rickman as her dad who disapproves of her ways but loves her really, he’s just gruff. And Ben Wishaw and Nigella Lawson as her love interests.

    • Esmom says:

      I’d totally watch that, lol.

      • antipodean says:

        Sara, please write that pronto, we are waiting with bated breath. Could I request Hugh Laurie as her curmudgeonly side-kick? Or maybe the Bloke as a vicious villain?

      • lower-case deb says:

        +5 million!
        please do it! and if you can make it a musical it might hurry Adele’s EGOT along!

        your description is amazing i can see it in my head.

    • grabbyhands says:

      I love everything you said and would like to contribute to the GoFundMe page you should create to make this happen.

    • Holmes says:

      Make it so. I’d watch a two-hour film of paint drying if Ben Whishaw was involved.

  5. Loopy says:

    She is so gorgeous, beautiful woman.

  6. Chaucer says:

    Her hair is great. I should get extensions like that.

  7. IrishEyes says:

    That was everything!!
    Just love her. Her laugh is awesome. I want to be friends with Adele! #squadgoals

  8. Tiffany says:

    That coat, yes. That bag, YES!!!

  9. Loulou says:

    I love love LOVE this woman’s success! So deserved!!! Keep slaying Adele!

  10. JRenee says:

    I love that she’s pulled back a bit from the retro look. She looks beautiful and I like the coat!

  11. teacakes says:

    Damon Albarn can have several seats, he’s adding whine on top of whine and it’s not even amusing.

    It’s almost enough to make me wish Adele was sorta-feuding with Noel Gallagher instead, at least he’d own his shit-talking curmudgeon act and be FAR more entertaining about it.

    (man with a fork in a world of soup, anyone?)

    • Tiffany says:

      Noel’s heart is thawing, as he likes Adele. She is one of the few artists that everyone pretty much loves.

      Although I agree the quotes would be awesome.

  12. Jane says:

    Thank you for writing this!!!!!!!!! Love Adele and stand firm on my beliefs in my last post. She is so talented and beautiful.

    • Christin says:

      I purchased her album today. Her talent and humility is growing on me.

      This woman stands on her own talent, needing minimal ‘bells and whistles’, unlike so many other performers. Her look and sound is classic versus trendy or try-hard. I do not find it ‘comparison shaming’ to say that, either.

      • Jane says:

        I have her CD on my wish list and will be extremely happy when I get it. Her little boy must have the best lullabies sung to him. Could you imagine how awesome she sounds when she sings to him? He could easily get a free “concert” every day. <3 her!

      • Christin says:

        I had the day off and watched her on Today. She said her son is the first face she sees in the morning, and the last person she sees at night. It was sweet. She seems very grounded.

        Hadn’t thought about marvelous lullabies. She can probably think up new ones, just for him!

  13. lower-case deb says:

    she had me in stitches.

    first she go calling people’s landline voicemail on a flip phone.

    now she carries her tea (or coffee?) in a mug? a proper honest to goodness porcelain mug.
    whatever happened to stainless thermoses/plastic tumblers/to-go papercups? i guess they are too mainstream. 😀

    • frisbeejada says:

      Bur, but, but tea just doesn’t taste right unless it’s in china, it tastes papery in paper, plasticy (is that a word? Oh well, it is now) in plastic. A thermos is ok, a bit stewed but even that’s ok on a rainy day in the UK. And it’s important – a recent study showed that the British really do believe a cup of tea makes things better. Completely mad (crazy) of course.

      • teacakes says:

        I agree, paper/plastic cups are not the way any habitual tea-drinker wants to consume their tea. I’m no retro buff but even I make sure my hot beverages are in proper mugs or cups before I attempt to drink them, especially at home!

        (paper cups for tea at home? tosh!)

      • antipodean says:

        @frisbeejada, I am feeling a little blue, so am going to put t’kettle on and make a brew, in a china mug, as God intended. Of course it fixes all ills, goes without saying. Would you care to join me, and we can put t’world to rights?

      • frisbeejada says:

        ‘antipodean – ooh yes please, I might even get my pinkie finger out to do it proper – like…

      • antipodean says:

        Don’t get too proper though, I’m not really a posh bird, and some of my mugs have chips! Also, shall I make it Builder’s style, so the spoon stands up in it? (no double entendre intended).

      • frisbeejada says:

        Builders Tea – otherwise known as the nectar of the Gods? Food for the soul, Fuel for the Mojo – ooh er missus, yes please – and chipped mugs just add to the flavour and or ambiance I always think 🙂

      • antipodean says:

        Ooh er missus, nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Who knows, we may even run to a right old knees up, don’t let me get into a two and eight though. I also like my tea mashed in the pot, with a wooly knitted cosy, I have several, in all sorts of colours.

      • frisbeejada says:

        antipodean- ah me, a true tea aficionado who understands the vital importance of a good mash (ooh er missus to you to!) I salute you madam – and your multi-coloured bobble hat tea cosies. You are a rainbow in a grey world.

      • antipodean says:

        My usual blend is an English Breakfast, but if I’m feeling racy I go for a nice Irish brew. Can’t be doing with the Earl Greys etc, a bit too posh for me. It is very pleasant to be referred to as a rainbow, thank you for that. Now I’m off for anarsecupatea, (said in Janice from Corrie’s voice).

      • lower-casedeb says:

        waaaait you guyyysss.. i missed the tea party? *sobs*

    • Esmom says:

      I carry my tea in a mug most of the time when I’m driving my kids around. It just doesn’t taste the same in anything else. I will use a thermal container for longer trips to keep it hot long and to minimize spills, I have made a mess more than once with my big open mug in the car.

      • lower-casedeb says:

        this argument about tea and stoneware is chipping away at my resolve not to spend anymore money until next month.
        will buy the next ceramic tumbler i see on sale. 🙂

  14. thaisajs says:

    She is just crazy beautiful. And how wonderful is it to see a successful female artist stay fully clothed while topping the charts? Yes ladies, it can be done.

  15. Holmes says:

    Now, I didn’t think I could possibly like this woman more than I already do, but these pictures have done it. This looks like me running out the door in the morning (although I am of course many times less gorgeous, with a much less fabulous coat)–handbag askew, ceramic cup in hand because I either can’t find both pieces of a thermos and/or don’t have time to transfer it. Looks like I may have to buy a copy People magazine for the first time in my life.

  16. Giddy says:

    I’m so glad she sang with The Roots. It showcases her incredible voice in a different way, and there’s nowhere to hide in that format if you don’t have the talent. She is gorgeous, so fantastically talented, and seems to be genuinely funny and nice. It’s so lovely to hear that pure voice, no auto tune or huge instrumentals to hide behind.

    • mimif says:

      +1 She sounds amazing!

    • Jib says:

      I do love her voice. I think it is pretty good, but what makes it spectacular is the emotion she puts into songs. But she yells too much!!! I only know a bit about voice technique, but from the volume she is always putting out there, I think she is going to run into voice issues again. I don’t think she has to yell so much and so loudly.

  17. kri says:

    Awww. Love the kiddie musical instruments. Adele makes me so happy. What a talent.

  18. so i love adele…. it got me through college f-boy dramzzz and lame bfs and sorority life….

    but I heard her do a live mock mashup of the skyfall live and was completely underwhelmed…. and gobsmacked so to speak…. so idk (ready for the samurai sword to come down on my neck for this comment)

    • Chaucer says:

      I think her live performances are very hit and miss. I was listening to one of those specials they do on HBO or whatever (for the life of me I can’t remember what it was called now), and she sounded just awful.

      I’ll take some of the brunt for you. I enjoy her voice and I think she’s lovely and clever, but she has the worst songs. I don’t know if she writes her own lyrics but they’re pretty bad.

      • Whatevs says:

        The New Yorker called her songs something like “the wilted lettuce upon which the perfectly seared fillet [her voice] is laid.” I think that’s a pretty apt comparison. Sung by anyone without such a great voice – and command of it – most of them would be pretty blah.

      • Jib says:

        I love the Bob Dylan song she sang, “You Make Me Feel My Love.” Gorgeous song, beautifully done.

  19. Reece says:

    I love that Water Under the Bridge Song!

  20. Colette says:

    Yes Frank Ocean please drop your album.I have been listening to Channel Orange for three years.

  21. NeNe'sWig says:

    THAT is the right way to wear buttons. I’m looking at you, Kate Middleton.

  22. Skins says:

    Wow! I must have turned off the Tonight show too early the other night. Amazing rendition of “Hello” This girl is crazy good.

  23. Penelope says:

    She is just gorgeous in addition to all that talent. Wow.

  24. danielle says:

    She is so talented, amazing and gorgeous!!! Love her!

  25. Lynne says:

    god I hope she does carpool karaoke with James Corden

  26. Adrien says:

    Okay Damon All-bran (songwriter of Woo-hoo), have a seat. What’s wrong with being MOR? Dude contributed the schmaltzy credits sequence lullaby in Lucy movie. On that, he fashioned his voice after present day David Bowie. Tell me who’s insecure now?

    • Melissa says:

      Because it’s all about experimenting with your talents and renovating your sound, not just resting on your laurels. If you actually took a few minutes of your time to listen to Albarn’s material, you would realize how diverse it is. Which is something that can’t be said about Adele. Now, I’m aware of the backclash I’ll receive since the latter is very much loved in here, but I just couldn’t keep quiet on this subject. And I believe she has a wonderful voice, but she could do so much better sonically.

      Anyway, just my two cents. This is actually the first time I comment in here since it’s a topic I’m passionate about. Now, if you excuse me I’m gonna prepare myself for the stones being aimed at my direction. LOL

  27. Izzy says:

    Adele + kazoo = life is complete.

  28. JaneS says:

    She has an incredible voice, and is marketed and publicised to absolute perfection.