Brandi Glanville ‘has an issue’ with LeAnn Rimes posting photos of her kids

If you’ve ever glanced at LeAnn Rimes’ Instagram, you know that it’s littered with: A) bikini photos, B) endless “Chalk Talk” bullsh-t, C) the kind of budget advertising/endorsements that probably only pay a few thousand dollars, and D) endless photos of Eddie Cibrian and his two sons. LeAnn is now and has always been obsessed with posting photos of Eddie and her stepsons. After all this time, you would have thought someone (Eddie?) would have told her to stop including his two kids on her social media, but she never stops. It came up again just before Christmas, when she posted their Christmas card which was tacky and cheeseball.

Where am I going with this? Well, Brandi Glanville was on Nik Richie’s NRP podcast this week and she was asked if she’s still feuding with LeAnn about anything. This is what Brandi said:

“It’s been 6 years, at this point I really am over it. We still battle, don’t get me wrong. I have an issue with her posting pictures of my children on holidays. It’s horrible. If my ex husband, if their dad isn’t posting pictures, why is she? Holidays are so hard for me, as it is, when I don’t have my kids. Then to have the capacity to go on the computer and look to see what they’re f–king doing [on Rimes’ social pages], get that vodka out, I’ll grab three bottles of chardonnay, cry myself to sleep and look at what they’re doing for Christmas. It’s hell.”

Then Nik made the mistake of joking, “She’s the mom now.”

“You are f–king with the wrong person,” Glanville shot back. “She’s not the mom. She knows.”

Brandi went on to say that she thinks Rimes posts photos with her children just to “piss her off.”

“She does, 100%,” Glanville added. “I told her, I said ‘It doesn’t make me mad, it hurts my feelings.’ I’m missing half of their life as it is. I tucked my tail and went ‘Please, just around the holidays, don’t do it.’ And she’s like, ‘It’s my family too and I’m gonna do whatever I want.’ That lack of respect, I think that maybe if she had a child herself maybe she’d understand it more, it’s hard but you deal with it. I begged and tried for so many years to get things to change and they haven’t, so I have to just f–king accept it that I’ll see pictures of my kids on Thanksgiving in a horse drawn carriage looking perfectly happy and I’ll cry myself to sleep.”

[From TooFab]

This is one place where I’ll take Brandi’s side wholeheartedly: LeAnn has been posting photos about the boys for so many years so consistently, and it is rude. It is pathetic. It is a ploy to “get” at Brandi. It is disrespectful to their mother. And I think it’s just one of those unwritten rules about blended families: the biological parents get to say where and how their kids will be featured on social media. Stepmoms and stepdads don’t get to prance around with the stepkids just because they want to fully complete the creepy Single White Female narrative.



Photos courtesy of WENN, LeAnn’s Instagram.

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211 Responses to “Brandi Glanville ‘has an issue’ with LeAnn Rimes posting photos of her kids”

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  1. fashionista says:

    She really could just stop looking….

    • Birdix says:

      And/or be happy that her kids are having a good holiday… it’d be worse if the kids were looking unhappy or ignored in the background or if the new couple had kids and the older kids were being used as free babysitters…

    • LAK says:

      Easier said than done. In my experience (decades helping out at a creche/nursery), mothers are territorial with their kids even when they know their kids are being looked after properly.

      You have to temper how you deal with the mothers, even when the mothers are terrible parents.

      It’s a primal instinct, and is the easiest button to push or wreck depending on your intent. The response is equally intense and can bring out ragey response from the most calm of people.

      • Erinn says:

        I’m not a mom, and my god, there’s times where I see photos of my niece with the other side of her family and I’m just like “oh. she spends so much time with them” and I feel a slight sense of regret that I work as much as I do/ jealousy. It’s great to have family that’s involved – and I know her other aunt lives only a few minutes away and actually has the experience of having kids of her own so it’s perfectly normal for her to get to see her so much – but there’s that tiny bit of territorial feeling where I just feel like I’m missing out. I can’t even imagine what it’s like for people having to give their own kids up for holidays.

        And at the same time – it’s easy to say stop looking. But when you’re home without your kids, and it’s the holidays and everyone is busy with their families, it’s easy to kill time on social media, just scrolling through instagram.

    • Jenni says:

      This woman is full of sh*t. My advice to her is “block LeAnn on social media and move on” (it’s the same advise BG gave LVP a few days before after she called LVP Vanderc#nt, oh the sweet irony!). She has all the info from the first hand – her children she doesn’t need to stalk LeAnn. BG is emotionally unstable in my opinion. Team LeAnn.

    • jane says:

      Who in the world would want kids pictures in the media? there are so many crazy people out there, they don’t need to know what your kids look like. And, to top it off, they are NOT her children. leann Rimes is just plain NUTS

      • jugstorecowboy says:

        Yes! I wouldn’t even put my own photo on the internet, but there’s NO WAY I’d have my kids out here. They are too young to understand or consent. I think it’s hideous.

      • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

        But Brandi regularly posts about her children with details far more private than their faces.

      • aims says:

        Thankfully, I don’t have to deal with a stepparent dynamic. However, I am a mother and we very rarely post pictures of our children for safety reasons. I don’t know who’s looking at my children on the other side. A friend of a friend, someone I don’t know could be looking at my kids and that’s not ok with me. The internet is a strange place and there’s some weirdos out there.

      • V4Real says:

        If Brandi post about her kids then fine. Key word “her kids.”

        Though if she wanted all of this to really stop she could go to family court and put it into place that her kids are not to appear on TV or in posted photos. That’s what Simon, the ex-husband of Tamara from The Real Housewives of Orange County did. That’s why you don’t see Tamara’s young kids on the show or on her social media.

    • Santia says:

      No, she couldn’t. Instead, Leann should respect their mother’s wishes and not post pictures of them. The first year I married my husband, I made the mistake of baking a birthday cake for his son and having a little celebration for him. His mother freaked out because she was planning a party and she felt that I was out of bounds. I thought then – and still think – that she over-reacted and the kid would not have been harmed by having two birthday celebrations. Still, since then, I have respected her wishes. Her kid, her rules.

      • paleokifaru says:

        So your husband can’t celebrate with his son?

      • Santia says:

        She apparently wanted to have her celebration with him there. She felt that since “I” was the one putting on the celebration and not his dad, that I over-stepped my bounds. I had to respect that.

      • paleokifaru says:

        That seems unfair since you’re part of the home there and of course you and your husband divide family duties as you see fit. But I understand you deciding to respect that. It just bums me out for your husband. Were you guys at least invited to her celebration? That’s actually something I have offered up on a few occasions although I’ve always been declined.

      • Em says:

        I just had to comment because this is the sanest thing I’ve heard all day. So what I hear is that you acted like an adult, didn’t stir the pot with someone who was obviously having a hard time, and hopefully made her feel comfortable in her position by not just thinking about what’s “fair” for them. It sounds like you did the right thing and I hope your entire family (mother included) feels comfortable in your blended family.

      • paleokifaru says:

        I think it’s “fair” for both parents to celebrate a birthday with their child. How they decide to do that is really up to them. If one parent feels very strongly that there shouldn’t be two parties every year then I would hope they would invite the other parent into their celebration. That doesn’t seem too ridiculous and I would think the child would like to celebrate with both parents in some way. But if they’re not willing to extend that sort of invitation then I don’t really understand how they can expect to dictate what happens in the other house. It doesn’t sound as if Santia threw an elaborate, “competing” birthday party. Just made a cake. But Santia is the one who knows the dynamic and it’s lovely that you act as a mature adult in relating to her.

    • SydneySnider says:

      I only know of Ms Glanville from reading Celebitchy, and wasn’t aware of what a nasty piece of work Leann Rimes can be. I can see why BG gets ticked off, and think LR does a lot of this stuff on purpose. LR is disrespectful when it comes to the husband’s past life – as I’ve known many 2nd or 3rd wives to be – and I was a 2nd wife… In this regard, I feel a twinge of empathy for BG. Apart from all that, I think adults – particularly if you are not the parent – should be more judicious, respectful and considerate about posting photos of any child on social media, especially if anyone can access your accounts. I feel it’s on the same level as giving out someone’s phone number without their permission. Then again, I’m the mum with no social media, who told her kids that if I ever discovered they’d put up a photo of me on their social media, I’d have their guts for garters…

      • LeAnn Stinks says:

        Oh yes, Sydney,

        Rimes is a despicable person. Glanville may have many shortcomings herself, but Rimes makes her look like June Cleaver.

        Rimes helped to destroy two marriages and stalked Glanville. She also copied everything Glanville has done by going to her hair stylist, dentist, plastic surgeon and even wearing the same clothes and accessories. She is obviously jealous and threatened by Brandi which is why she constantly has to flaunt her marriage, with her paid for husband, all over social media.

        Finally, I cannot blame Glanville one bit, as I have an “issue” with pretty much everything Rimes does, and how she chooses to conduct herself.

    • Londerland says:

      …she could, but then she would have no idea what kind of personal $hit LeAnn is putting out there about her children. Every parent has a duty to monitor their kids’ safety, and these days, part of that includes knowing what they’re doing online, and who is posting pictures of them, and what information is being shared about them.

      Too bad for Brandi that she married a man who doesn’t give a toss about his children, and won’t make his new wife stop oversharing. Too bad for the kids, too. Must be awful to be part of a family where the stepmother openly disregards the safety of the children and the feelings of their own mother and creates a hostile family atmosphere, just because it’s what SHE wants. If LeAnn was the loving stepmom she pretends to be, she would consider Brandi’s feelings.

    • claire says:

      Or, alternatively, Leann could stop using other people’s kids for promotional campaigns. Shocking idea, I know.

      • Zobo says:

        I wish I could star/like this post a 100 times. This is the root of the problem, LR using kids that are not her’s to promote her crap music.

    • Bread and Circuses says:

      Yeah, after six years, she shouldn’t be crying herself to sleep over it anymore. Of course it would still hurt, but if she’s getting actively miserable, then she’s purposefully doing that to herself because she enjoys wallowing in the self-pity and sense of martyrdom.

      She’s also using it as an excuse for her alcoholism. Ooh, I’ve made myself feel sad, so yay, vodka!

      • Mollie says:

        They are her kids.
        Every holiday she doesn’t have them will suck, even when they are 50.

      • Mollie says:

        NOw if, say, after 6 years she was still pining for a holiday with EDDIE, that would be weird. But she’s not. I mean, hell, he’s no prize. She wants her KIDS on EVERY holiday. Doesn’t everyone? She can’t have them, fine, but why should the stepmom feel licensed to rub her nose in it at every turn, acting like they are “her boys”. I NEVER call my step children “mine”. I have loving nicknames for each one, they know I love them, I don’t have to pretend to be their mom or buy their love.

    • Megan says:

      If she stopped looking/was fine with it there would be no headlines…. All of these people are so fake hungry, it’s insane

    • sherry says:

      I’m with you. If you don’t want to see it, don’t look. I’m not in that situation, but as a mother, it would make me happy to see my kids having fun and being happy. What would make my cry myself to sleep is thinking they were away from me and miserable or mistreated. That doesn’t look like the situation here.

      Does Brandi want to see them miserable because they’re not with her? How selfish is that?

      • Tifygodess says:

        As a mother would you want another woman coming in and literally trying and take your place? I certaintly know I wouldn’t. Not to mention You are missing the dynamic here. Leanna has tried to become Brandy in every sense- that is where the difference is. No mother wants to see the woman who had a helping hand in ending her marriage and changing her life playing house with her kids. It’s one thing for a step parent to be nice and caring and that’s not Brandis issue, her issue is Leanne has no boundaries or hasn’t bothered to learn her place. I would never let a woman use my children the way Leanne has.

      • Mollie says:

        She has said many times that her boys love Leann and she is happy about that. She has even said she would not want them to get divorced because the boys love her.
        It’s a small gesture. “Please do not post photos of the boys on holidays”. She brought those boys into the world thinking she’d be with them for EVERY holiday.
        THat’s not selfish, that’s parenthood!

    • why? says:

      How can Brandi just stop looking when seconds after Leann posts the photos of Jake and Mason, Leann is paying blogs and tabloids to post the very same photos and write a “lovely” article about “her” family? This isn’t something that Brandi can escape. Leann did an entire promotion for her Christmas album based on photos of Jake and Mason. The only way it will stop is if Eddie divorces Leann and we all know that this isn’t about to happen any time soon because Leann provides Eddie with women, money, vacations, gifts, Don Julio, and jobs for his friends and parents.

    • Fluff says:

      It’s her kids. Normally I’d agree with the attitude that you should ignore things, but “Just ignore the fact your small children are being exploited online!” is quite a bit different from “ignore bad things being said about you.” There are genuine potential dangers involved with child exploitation online. Any decent parents needs to know what their kids are doing online or how their images are being used online so “duhh just ignore it” seems naive.

    • Nerdista says:

      Seriously, like after six years of helping take care of the kids, she can’t post about them? I don’t get it.

  2. Krista says:

    With Brandi too. But I don’t think LeAnn would stop if she had her own kids. If she doesn’t have that kind of common decency by now, she never will.

    • Shambles says:

      When I read “maybe she would understand if she had her own child,” the shade was so real that it could have been an umbrella. I think that was a serious dig at the fact that Eddie won’t have kids with Leann.

      • Krista says:

        Very good point.

      • paleokifaru says:

        I thought that was really insensitive as you never know what goes into people not having children. Maybe she’s struggling with infertility and/or has miscarried.

      • Wentworth Miller says:

        Eddie was the answer to a blind item on another site. It was about a man who was married, has kids, didn’t want more, cheated, remarried n the new wife desperately wants kids but doesn’t know that husband had secretly gotten a vasectomy

    • funckes says:

      I say let LeAnn take all the pictures she wants because that’s all she going to have once Eddie leaves.

    • MC2 says:

      I am wondering what Eddie’s responsibility in all this is? He is the father, he is in the photos, he has a say. Instead it is just played out as drama between the two women. All these comments are about Brandi & Leann but nobody mentions Eddie. He’s in the pics, he knows Leann is putting them on IG, etc. and he knows how Brandi feels about it. I think he’s the real POS in this situation (not that the two women are saints either).

      • claire says:

        He’s not always even in them. At one point, she had all these pics of the kids, not him, as a paid feature on her website. Pay the money, get the pics of the kids. It’s weird. I truly don’t understand why he lets her use them promotionally like that. She does interviews for albums and all she does is talk about Brandi and Eddie’s kids. Not even her music. It’s creepy at this point. I guess he doesn’t want to lose his meal ticket so he’s okay with letting her use them commercially, despite the other parent not wanting that to happen.

      • why? says:

        Eddie lets Leann post the photos for 2 reasons:

        To hurt Brandi. Eddie still has feelings for Brandi no matter how much he and Leann deny it.

        For Eddie, photos of Jake and Mason are currency. Notice how right before Leann takes Eddie on another vacation, she will increase the number of photos and posts about Jake and Mason? Brandi makes too many excuses for Eddie. Eddie doesn’t love his kids, he just figured out a way to make money without even working. All he had to do was sacrifice Mason and Jake’s privacy.

      • Mollie says:

        He does whatever Leann says because she holds the purse.

      • Wentworth Miller says:

        @MC2: I agree. I thought that Eddie stayed out of it because if he said anything, he would have to pick sides between the two women and didn’t want to piss the atm off by telling her to stop being such a c~^+. 😊Maybe not in those exact words, but u get my point.

  3. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I think LeAnn definitely does it to make Brandy angry because LeAnn will never stop being jealous, but I also think that it has been six years and Brandy should just refrain from looking at LeAnn’s posts. If something makes you depressed and feel that you have to address the situation with alcohol, hey, here’s a thought – don’t do it.

    • Div says:

      I doubt she started doing it to make her angry but I bet it pleased her that Brandi admitted it made her angry because LeAnn is petty like that. Honestly, I thought both of them were over their war at this point.

      • anne_000 says:

        In the article, Brandi says ‘ ‘It doesn’t make me mad, it hurts my feelings.’

        So it’s not about a war, but it’s about respect. Leann need to respect the situation and Brandi’s position. Brandi lost out on half of the kids’ lives, including b-days and major holidays, due to Eddie and Leann cheating with each other on her and LR’s husband. After all the SWF’ing, online stalking, and everything else that LR’s been doing to get Brandi’s goat, the least she could do is refrain from posting holiday pics.

      • Anon33 says:

        But Brandi is beating a dead horse. She KNOWS without question that Leanne does this to get at her. The fact that she STILL allows it to get to her to this degree says more about her than it does about Leanne. This has been going for like she said six years. If she were truly the bigger person she would have let this go by now.

      • anne_000 says:

        Why should Brandi let this go when it’s HER kids that are being put out on social media by a woman who is NOT HER kids’ mother?

        Anyhoo, who set the time limit on how long it takes for a mother NOT to be hurt by NOT having her kids around for the holidays when it used to be ALL holidays were spent with her before her the stepmother and the ex-husband cheated on her so publicly and is now using HER kids on a very public social media campaign?

        Why is it wrong for Brandi to have feelings but yet have to obscure them just to let LR have her way with Brandi’s kids? Why does everybody have to bend over backwards for LR like either she’s the Queen or the childish bully?

      • claire says:

        Leann overstepped the boundaries like a crazy person from the get go and has never let up. It’s always been done on purpose because Leann’s life has always been that no one will tell her what to do. She has admitted this herself. So Brandi having any say in anything is a huge affront to Leann. That’s not how Leann works. Leann buys and bosses people. Brandi is the outlier there and so that friction will never go away. Leann will ‘show her’ who’s boss, is pretty much the attitude I imagine Leann has.

      • funckes says:

        Brandy asked LeAnn to stop with the post and LeAnn responded that they are HER family too and SHE is going to do what SHE wants
        This all about LeAnn and no one else. She gets to hurt Brandy and use them to prove that they love her so much Eddie couldn’t possibly leave. Wrong again LeAnn.

      • Deanne says:

        LeAnn Rimes has one of the worst cases of childless second wife syndrome I’ve ever seen. Second only to my own psychotic step- mother. She’s been overstepping her boundaries with the boys, since she was just one of the mistresses. She has ZERO legal rights or say so whatsoever when it comes to those boys. Yes, she’s bought and paid for their Dad, but it doesn’t mean that she has the right to ignore the requests of their real Mother, even if it just meant turning it down a notch. If she and Eddie divorce, or something happens to him, she woukd have no legal right to ever see the boys again. She should be respectful to Brandi for this very reason alone. For those saying that the boy’s Mom shouldn’t follow her, that’s ridiculous. They are HER children. LeAnn sells every photo she takes with them to sites like the Daily Mail and Just Jared, so it’s there for more than just IG or Twitter followers to see. This garbage about how grateful Brandi should be that LeAnn is good to her kids infuriates me. She had an affair with, stalked and married a man with children. Why should the Mom be grateful? It goes without saying that if you marry someone with children, you should treat them well. Just like you should respect their real Mother and not try to pretend that they didn’t come from another family and from a relationshiop that was at one time, loving. LeAnn’s jealously and insecurity fuel every action she takes. If she was secure in her relationship, she’d never act the way she does. It isn’t odd or wrong for a step- parent to post a photo or mention their step-child. It’s the way LeAnn does it and her blatant disrespect of the boys Mother’s requests that has caused the problem. Plus the fact that she’s literally done it from day one. It’s going come back and bite her in a very real way.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I’m not saying that Brandi shouldn’t have feelings about it. But LeAnn is not going to change. She’s an insensitive, cruel and malicious person, and I think she takes pleasure in hurting Brandi. I’m just saying that the only thing you can control is how you behave and react – you have no control over LeAnn. So don’t look at the pictures. This year, treat yourself to a spa day on Christmas- take a nice bath, give yourself a facial, watch a funny movie, then celebrate Christmas with your boys when they come home. They can have two Christmases. Should she have to be the bigger person? No. But drinking bourbon and crying over Instagram photos is no way to spend Christmas. She’s not hurting anyone but herself.

  4. Aussie girl says:

    I agree, it’s really up to the parents to post pics of their kids on SM. Especialy not cool after brandi asked her not to on holidays and the reasons why. Leanne should respect her step children’s mother’s wishes.

    • Elisamoore says:

      In 10 years leanne will NEVER be able to post teenager pictures! They will never let her! I posted how if eddie loved leanne he would stick up for her, funny his now this article has eddie sticking up for her. Leanne really does read every post!

  5. Div says:

    I think LeAnn is creepy AF but doesn’t Brandi post photos of her kids on social media? So yeah….if this was a blanket no social media rule I would get it (or if LeAnn was like their distant aunt) but if she’s posting pictures herself all the time I really don’t get the issue with their stepmom also posting some innocuous photos. Frankly, at this point I find LeAnn and Brandi tiresome and pathetic so I’m basically team no one but the poor kids.

    • IcyBlue says:

      The difference is , she is a stepmother that should negotiate with the mother of her step-children about anything concerning the children, she should not take the lead and decide to do what she likes regarding another woman’s children, especially since such woman begged her that such images were causing her pain on the holidays when they are away from her. She could even post those images few days after the holiday has passed and the children are back with their mother, As their mother pointed out their own father doesnt post images of his children, why is his wife who is not their mother doing it then if not to cause pain to their mother?

      • helena says:

        great point. it’s the mother that decides, not the stepmother.she’s got some nerve to ignore the mother when it comes to her children. I can’t believe her cruelty and insensitivity. also, her arrogance. if she doesn’t respect the mother of those children, she’s not respecting them either. those kids are people,not trophies and not puppies. this is outrageous. brandi has all the rights. this leann has to face reality and stop taking the place of their mother. just stop it woman.

    • Hadleyb says:

      Brandi is their mother thats the big difference. They are her kids, not any step parent.

    • Erinn says:

      At this point it doesn’t even seem like Brandi is asking her to never post photos – it was more ‘can you try to refrain over the holidays?’. And I don’t think that’s too much to ask. Take the photos. Share them later on. But if it bothers her to see the step mother posting a ton of photos when their own dad doesn’t feel the need to do so, when she’s without the kids for the holidays, I think that’s just basic kindness. It’s different if it’s a regular weekend, or whatever. But I can see why the holidays in particular would bother her.

      Now – the other thing is – Leann doesn’t NEED to constantly be posting about them. Yes, Brandi doesn’t need to post either – but she is their mother. It comes off as Leann trying to push the ‘look at my happy family – I’m the perfect wife and mother’ angle for marketing purposes. She’s still trying to market herself as someone with the good ol’ country values. So it comes off different than it would with a ‘normal’ step mother posting photos.

    • anne_000 says:

      The problem is that Leann is not just posting innocuous holiday pics. They’re staged and propped and postured and whatever else to make it look like it’s the best holiday fun pics ever.

      Leann even posted a chalkboard message saying that the Cibrian family started the year she married Eddie but then after some backlash by posters, shehad to back down and acknowledge that the Cibrian family existed prior to LR and when Brandi was still married to Eddie.

      Also, with the way LR came into Eddie’s life and the way she’s been going after Brandi by even retweeting and favoriting hits on Brandi and the SWF’ing and online stalking, etc., along with the fact that LR was requested not to post the holiday pics, but responding with basically ‘Tough luck for you,’ I think LR has no right to do something that would intentionally hurt Brandi when it comes to her kids.

      At the end of the day, they’re Brandi’s and Eddie’s kids no matter how many rich, weak women Eddie marries. They’re the actual parents, not wife #2’s, 3’s, 4’s,

      • claire says:

        And not just the whole huge thing Leann tries to market. She does interview after interview and all she does is talk about these kids. I kinda think parents have a right to tell the 3rd party, who is Leann, to knock it off some or take it down a notch. You’ve got two parents who aren’t sharing that much and then this lady who makes her entire career now all about pushing these kids. It’s creepy quite honestly. Like it or not, those aren’t Leann’s kids and their parents are the authority here.

      • Elisamoore says:

        Leanne realizes no one is interested in her. She at least gets negative responses when she posts about the boys. Any response is still fame for her in her eyes.
        Also she doesn’t have a life. Nothing going on. Only the boys at this point to talk about. She is selfish.

    • Mollie says:

      She didn’t say she was against having the boys photos on social media. She said it hurts her on holidays.
      Why shouldn’t she post whatever she wants? They are hers. Not Leanns. They are boys that Leann loves. Leann puts herself on the SAME LEVEL as their mom. That is NOT ok. Never.

  6. Cate says:

    It’s purely “I have the power to hurt you” neener neener! She is so childish I can’t believe Eddie doesn’t say something out of respect to the mother of his children.

    • Christin says:

      Saying it is hurtful or bothersome just fuels the fire of someone like this.

      And where is the father? Is he too lazy to set boundaries as a co-parent?

      • puravidacostarica says:

        I agree. Admitting that it “hurts her feelings” is what eggs a narcissist like LeAnn on. LeAnn gets PLEASURE out of hurting Brandi. If she didn’t, she would stop — put the pictures in frames, share them via e-mail and text with family, lock up her Facebook account and post them there. Anywhere BUT social media and tabloids. LeAnn does everything in her power to hurt Brandi, including putting “The Cibrian Family” on the Christmas cards, giving interviews talking about the “Cibrian Christmas Traditions”. Traditions that came into being in the last 4 years, for God’s sake, which is hardly a “tradition.” As if the Cibrian family never existed before Eddie and LeAnn got together. LeAnn proves over and over again how mentally sick she is, but as a narcissist, she is unlikely to ever change. She deserves every ounce of bad karma that will smack her in the face over the next decade. Her career is already in the toilet. Defiant, LeAnn? Just keep doing what you’re doing, and watch how you and Eddie end up in the poorhouse.

    • Shaunna says:

      LeAnn is bizarre. After all these years she is still posting all these staged photos. She even buys the same bikinis and identical purses as Brandi. LeAnn has some major issues.

    • Jane says:

      Eddie says nothing because Leann is his ATM and he still wants his allowance.

      • Mollie says:

        Exactly. She’s go ballistic with jealousy if he EVER spoke up in defense of Brandi. There would be hell to pay. NOt going to happen. He knows where the money is coming from.

  7. NewWester says:

    At some point those two boys will rebel and just refuse to pose for pics. They are getting older and may want a more private life( let the adults act like children and post cheesy pics) What will Leann do then?

    • claire says:

      Brandi has already said she asks the oldest for permission now because he is more sensitive to it. Leann will lose her mind when the youngest follows his lead.

    • why? says:

      Whenever they refuse to participate, Leann either ridicules them(When the oldest boy refused to participate in the happy family tent photo, Leann tweeted that he was 11 and being anti-social. ) or she has Eddie hold them in place(there was one staged photo-op that they did the day after Thanksgiving with Eddie’s parents, Lizzy and her husband, and her parents, where the youngest boy was trying to hide behind Eddie to protect himself from the paps and Eddie kept pushing him out in front of him so that the paps could get photos of him).

  8. Jess says:

    LeAnn doesn’t care about those boys, she just uses them to either hurt their mother or trying to sell the image of the happy family, it’s sad really. She spends ALL of her time online instead of enjoying and living her life. I hate how she calls them “my family” too, I think that’s to annoy Brandi as well, it must kill her that Eddie doesn’t want kids with her, I don’t understand why else she’s still so hateful. happy people don’t do the things she does!

    • CharlotteCharlotte says:

      And she keeps posting comments about how they are a “blended family”, and when called on it (because she didn’t “blend” any kids of her own), she says she uses that term because she “and their mom” are blending to all make the family unit work. Well, not caring about what the mother wants is hardly “blending”. But LeAnn will have her own BS spin for that, too

  9. Nancy says:

    Brandi is everything in life I don’t want to be. Cheap, classless, fowl mouth. Someone above suggested Eddie try to referee these two chicks, but any attention is good attention to someone who at this point really gets none. The three stooges.

    • AntiSocialButterfly says:

      She has a bird in her mouth?

    • joanne says:

      don’t worry, you will never be as beautiful as Brandi or ever have friendships like she does. bitter women are not attractive to others.

  10. Tate says:

    I can’t imagine dealing with the likes of Rimes. What fresh hell that must be.

  11. Goats on the Roof says:

    I loathe LeAnn and can’t believe I’m about to defend her, but…She is the boys’ stepmother. She’s helping to raise them and has been in their lives for years now. Eddie doesn’t seem to mind that LeAnn shares photos on SM. Hell, even Brandi shares about them on SM. Remember the ‘I coached my 14YO son to ask his 14YO date if she is a virgin’ nonsense recently? Way more revealing and harmful than a picture on Instagram if you ask me.

    Brandi is being petty, LeAnn is probably being petty as well. All parties involved need to just grow the eff up, is what it sounds like.

    • Luca76 says:


    • here or there says:

      ITA here.

      If Brandi really wants to win this argument – RISE above the bullsh-t, don’t trash your own kids on SM and quit looking at Leann’s desperate attempts to look all happy family.

    • anne_000 says:

      Stepmother =/= mother. There’s a difference.

      No matter how many desperate rich women Eddie marries and subsequently stepmothers, there will only be two actual parents in this case: Brandi and Eddie.

      And at a basic human level, Leann should respect that they’re not her actual kids and just stop posting the HOLIDAY pics. What’s so hard about NOT posting just the HOLIDAY pics?

    • claire says:

      She may be their stepmother, but she’s not their parent. Sorry. Parents trump stepparents unless a parent is uninvolved or lost custody. And that’s not the case here. And if a parent wants a stepparent to stop using their kids for promotional purposes, which is what this truthfully is all about for Leann, to try to repair her image, then that stepparent should have some respect for their wishes. Brandi has quite frankly had to give up on a lot of battles with this nutjob and this is one thing that is still bothering her. If Leann was all love and light and all the bullshit of the quotes that she posts nonstop, she’d act differently.

    • funckes says:

      Again, Brandy gave life to this human being. Its her call. Stepmother are there to help and care. But you should also know when to step back and practice boundaries.

    • Wren says:

      I agree. Like it or not LeAnn is a parental figure in these boys’ lives. No she’s not their mother but they do live with her and their father. What’s she supposed to do, ignore them? Pretend they aren’t a family? Because they are.

      Everyone is being petty and annoying. Yes it sucks but good grief, think about how the boys must feel hearing about how their mom cried herself to sleep with wine because they enjoyed themselves at their father’s house.

      • claire says:

        You can not ignore them and still not use them as promotional tools. There is a middle area you know. Why does every single person defending stepmoms use that argument? “well at least she doesn’t hate them?” Okay, sure, the only options are hating them or pretending their mother doesn’t exist. There’s LITERALLY no middle ground apparently.

      • paleokifaru says:

        Claire there seem to be a lot of sweeping extreme generalizations going the other way too. There are a number of comments on here about how LeAnn and stepparents aren’t family and how they have no business being in children’s lives. That’s a far cry from middle ground.

      • Mollie says:

        She can love them, treat them well, have fun with them, but she is not their mom. She is not their mother. She never will be. My stepchildren love me, they come to me with all of their problems, they come to me with tears regarding their mother’s latest shenanigans, and I listen with a quiet ear and a hug and NEVER talk badly about their mom. They LOVE THEIR mom. If she asked me not to post, I wouldn’t.

    • why? says:

      The major thing that people who are defending Leann are forgetting is the fact that Eddie said that he didn’t want his kids to be exposed to any type of public exposure. Eddie set the standard, why shouldn’t he and Leann be held accountable? Eddie doesn’t want his kids to be exposed to any type of public exposure and twitter and instagram is public exposure, therefore, Leann should not be posting any photos or videos of Jake and Mason.

      • paleokifaru says:

        This is actually the only argument that holds water here. Brandi posts about their kids so if she went to court my guess would be that she’d have to agree to a total blackout policy on social media – and it doesn’t sound like that’s what she wants. But if Eddie has claimed he doesn’t want the kids publicly exposed then he AND LeAnn by extension as part of that household should be absolutely following that to set the example. And frankly if they’ve changed their stance on that then I still think they should tone it down if for no other reason then out of respect for the kids. But I tend to think a lot of posting is unfair to kids.

    • joanne says:

      the difference is if eddie and leann divorce, she has no rights to the children. she has no legal relationship to them.

    • Tarsha says:

      As ‘step mother’, she is really just the wife of their father. I do not believe so-called ‘step mothers’ (I don’t believe the wife of your father should have such a term) should be “helping to raise them” at all. In fact, they should butt out. They have no relationship to the children at all. They should simply be called ‘dad’s wife’. And should have nothing to do with the children. Brandi is the MOTHER, so she has the right to post on social media. Leann does not.

  12. Jayna says:

    Brandi drunk? Imagine that. I get it bothering you, but stop looking after six years.

    • Kitten says:

      LOL. I mean really, is it that hard to just ban social media? I do it all the time.
      Thing is, I doubt she even gives a sh*t-she’s just resurrecting this whole boring-ass “feud” in an attempt to stay relevant.

  13. Lorn says:

    Brandi is obnoxious trash, but I totally understand her point here. It would break my heart to see pictures like that.
    Too bad Eddie can’t grow a pair and tell his meal ticket, I mean wife, to stop.

  14. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    If we take away the celebrity we couldn’t scold a different step-mother for posting about her kids on social media.

    They’ve been married for years, the boys accept her, and as a step-parent you either start treating kids like they’re your own or you never properly bond. I’m not a social media person but some mom’s are and at least LeAnn has never posted anything negative or destructive about the boys.

    Brandi has to find a way to accept it. If she’d had her own media ban she might have ground to stand on, but she’s quite comfortable posting pics of date night interview questions and stories about his bowel movement’s so the ship has sank.

    • Kitten says:


    • paleokifaru says:

      I agree but I will also say that if my SS’s mom asked me to not do that at the holidays I would be respectful. That said, my husband and I are just not on social media at all. We aren’t interested and then when we started dating his ex actually asked me to join so she could friend and follow me. That pretty well convinced me never to do it because I knew it would become a new source of fighting for her. And that’s the big difference here – all the adults in this want the dramatics. LeAnn doesn’t have to post. Brandi doesn’t have to follow. Eddie doesn’t have to take a backseat. But it all adds to the drama. Even if I thought eventually SS’s mom could handle seeing some pics of all of us on social media without it starting a fight, I’d worry it would cause pain. We do a Christmas card but it’s sent to just family and friends and we’re generally just as conscious as we can be of including everyone but being respectful. And our opting out on social media means we don’t let her antics on it rile us up either. Friends and family will occasionally tell us the worst of it but in the end it’s SS who will have to take up his privacy with his mom.

    • anne_000 says:

      There’s only actual two parents here: Brandi and Eddie.

      Stepmother =/= Mother.

      If Eddie married 5 crazy women, then they all don’t get to claim the kids as ‘their own’ regardless of how many years they’re married to Eddie.

      Based on a standard of basic common decency, when the ACTUAL mother requests that stepmother #1, 2, 3, or 4, etc. not post just the HOLIDAY pics, then why would that stepmother get to override that request?

      • Kitten says:

        OR how about two grown-ups just act like um, adults (*GASP*) and be thankful that the kids seem to have two moms that both care deeply for them.

        Do people really not see how petty all of this is?

        I’m embarrassed for all involved and the only people I feel bad for are the children who are incessantly dragged into these absurdly juvenile fights between adults who should know better.

      • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

        In a perfect world the step-mother would but the reality is she simply isn’t.

        In the end this all just comes down to reality.

        Eddie cheated on Brandi, he married a woman she hates, that woman now has access to their kids. You can’t ban the step-mother from posting pics on social media unless you can prove in court how it’s damaging. Brandi also posts about these kids on social media so that case would be promptly thrown out.

        So what can you do? Honestly nothing but move on and find a way to accept it. Those kids are partially Eddie’s which also makes them partially LeAnn’s. She’s gonna do stuff Brandi hates but as long as it doesn’t injure or out the kid’s at risk she’s got no options but to suck it up.

        That’s custody. Even if you’re happily married you don’t have a ton of options if your husband chooses to do something for your kids that you hate (like giving them meat if you’re a vegetarian).

      • anne_000 says:

        @ Kitten

        So then WHEN is Leann going to start acting like one of the two grown-up adults you’ve mentioned?

        *GASP* BUT Leann is definitely NOT acting like a grown-up when her response is ‘It’s my family too and I’m gonna do whatever I want,’ which is based SOLELY on DISRESPECT and a neeneer-neeneer attitude towards the ACTUAL MOM.

        Do YOU not see how petty Leann’s response is?

        There are not two ‘moms’ here. There’s ONE ‘MOM’ and one stepmother.

        WHY should there be a disagreement at all? All Leann has to do is NOT post HOLIDAY pics. What’s so difficult for Leann to practice a bit of self-restraint? Does everybody have to cave in to Leann?

      • Pinky says:

        @kitten But they don’t have two moms. They have one and a presumably loving yet narcissistic stepparent. Oh, and the narcissism in Eddie and LeAnn is what’s going to screw them up in the future. You can overcome an alcoholic parent or even a trashy one. But narcissists do the worst damage psychologically and often permanently. NEVER marry one….

      • Kitten says:

        But if Leanne didn’t post holiday pics of the kids, then Brandi wouldn’t have anything to talk to the press about. This feud is the only thing that’s keeping her relevant at this point and the same goes for Leanne.

        Also, as far as I’m concerned if you’re raising kids (whether single parenting, co-parenting, whatever) you are a MOM, you are a mother and a parental figure to those kids, end of.

        What’s sad to me is the behavior being modeled by these “adults” to these young boys.

      • anne_000 says:

        @ The Eternal Side-Eye

        The reality is that Leann responded to a VERY SIMPLE request by saying ‘It’s my family too and I’m gonna do whatever I want,’ which in reality is VERY DISRESPECTFUL based on the FULL knowledge that it will hurt Brandi’s feelings especially considering the origins of this whole situation.

        So in the end, the reality is based on the big perspective. Not just on people having to bend over for whatever Leann wants and when she wants it and what she wants to do with other people’s kids.

        The reality is that in the article, Brandi says she asked ONLY about the HOLIDAY PICS not being posted.

        The reality is that Leann can refrain from posting the HOLIDAY pics in question if she wanted to, but again, I refer you to her immature, self-centered, disrespectful, hurtful response.

        The reality is that Brandi posting pics of her kids is NOT on the same level of a stepmother posting pics of the kids, ESPECIALLY THE HOLIDAY PICS and ESPECIALLY when she was EXPLICITLY told that it hurts the feelings of the mother when these pics in PARTICULAR are posted.

        No matter how many desperate women Eddie marries, the kids won’t be partially wife #1’s, 2’s, 3’s, 4’s by default through marriage. That’s a misconception. Rather the kids will ALWAYS be 100% Brandi’s and Eddie’s regardless of how many marriages Eddie goes through.

        Actually there is an option. Leann can opt NOT to post HOLIDAY pics per Brandi’s request out of respect and kindness. THAT’S AN OPTION. It’s NEVER a case wherein Leann can do whatever she wants regardless of how much it hurts and disrespects the actual mother. It’s NOT a one-way street. Not everything has to go Leann’s way just because she said so.

        Just to be clear, it’s not Eddie posting the pics. Leann =/= Eddie.

      • The Eternal Side-Eye says:


        No ones denying LeAnn posting about the kids tees Brandi off, what I’m asking is what she can do after she complains and gets mad.

        Can she go to court? No. Can she do anything at all to force LeAnn’s behavior to change? Not unless she can prove it presents harm to the boys . So…she’s essentially right back where she started. The woman didn’t kidnap Brandi’s boys and force them to take pictures with her, she’s their step-mother. She has a right to take pictures, she has a right to post pictures.

        Sometimes people are bitches, honestly, and many times there’s not a damn thing you can do to change or stop them. Sometimes those people end up as a step-mother to your kids, or your new sister-in-law or your friend’s new boyfriend.

        We can argue the kids won’t be LeAnn’s (or any of Eddie’s future wives) kids but in the eyes of a court and for all intents and purposes they will be. They’ll be able to treat them as their legal children (depending on what’s in a custody agreement) and if they want to bond with them like their legal children. There is just no way to stop that even if feelings are hurt and disrespect is given.

      • 0neNonBlonde says:

        Kitten, do you have children? I’m guessing you don’t or you would understand that these kids have ONE mom, not two. Helping your husband raise his children with another woman does not make you their mother.

        The petty response of “they’re my family too and I’ll do what I want” demonstrates the entire issue with Leann. She is only concerned about what she wants, not about what is best for the boys, not about making an effort gt along and keep the peace with their mother. Only what SHE wants. She can claim she’s a parent until she’s blue in the face but the fact is this, a real parent puts what’s best for their kids above all else. She has proven time and again she’s neither willing to or capable of doing that.

        Yes, Brandi is a hot mess and she has a lot of growing up to do but she is still their mother and that fact should be respected, by both Leann and Eddie.

      • Kitten says:

        No I don’t have kids but if I did and was in Brandi’s situation, I would hope that I would be mature enough to accept the step-mother as an equal co-parent. I kind of think if you’re in your forties and you have kids, you should be past all that nonsense, particularly when it’s been over 6 years since the demise of your marriage. *shrugs*

        I’m kind of horrified by how many people here are using qualifying terms (why don’t you just say “other” while you’re at it) for step-parents, as if their role in the kids’ lives is irrelevant because they didn’t carry the kid for 9 months. So if a parent was actively-involved in raising a child for 6 or 7 years they still don’t count as a parent because they’re a parent via marriage and not a parent via birth. I just find that stance in really poor taste.

        Again, I’m not saying that this is an easy or ideal situation, but I think adults (both Brandi AND Leanne) should rise above the petty b*llshit and puts the kids first.

      • Tifygodess says:

        @kitten , it’s hard to explain but when you have children the way you felt before you had them completely changes. I always assumed I would be one way, swore up and down about it, but once I had my girls that all changed. What I once thought, went completely out the window. It’s a crazy connection that’s hard to explain and you really would move heaven and earth for them and protect those kids with all you have even if you still make mistakes yourself. Old “what ifs” are out the window. Trust me I dislike when people say well you don’t get it because (insert reason here) but it’s hard when you don’t have kids to really understand it- I know I didn’t before I had them. Of course this is just my opinion. 😊
        I do agree that they should be mature adults and we all know these three are hot gross messes and that won’t happen. But as much as a step parent can care for a child and love them , they are still just that- a step parent. A Mom is a completely different thing. Those boys have a mom BUT that also doesn’t mean it takes away from Leanne being a caring, loving adult in their lives, it’s just different. A parent (unless deemed unfit) really should have final say and there should be boundaries and respect given. The boundaries and respect is where the maturity would come in. Sadly Leanne has never given such respect. If she had from day one the situation might be different. Brandi (and eddie) can post pictures of her kids all day long if she wanted, but as a step parent Leanne really should respect her wishes on this matter. And in reality what Brandi is asking for isn’t that big of a deal. She’s not banning social media, she’s just saying hey could you bend on this for me because I’m having a hard time. That to me sounds mature and reasonable. While it might seem silly to some I can understand in a sense where Brandi is coming from. If I got divorced tomorrow I wouldn’t want to go through what Brandi has, regarding her kids. **the rest of the mess is on them** we know Brandi is not always the best mom but that doesn’t take away from her getting to decide what she wants.

      • claire says:

        @Kitten, acting like an adult would also require Leann to respect the parent’s wish and stop using the kids as promotional tools, correct? Why does the actual parent need to be the one to constantly concede to this crazy person’s antics?

      • Kitten says:

        @Tify-I hear ya, I really do. As I said, I don’t think it would be easy, but I know it can be done because over the past 5 years I witnessed a close friend deal with similar circumstances. An affair followed by a heart-breaking divorce, all the while 3 small children involved and potentially at risk for witnessing this turmoil. But she managed an awful, toxic situation with grace and humility. She’s even managed to form an amicable co-parenting situation with her ex’s wife. No sh*t-talking the new wife or her ex on social media, no using the kids as a bartering tool or a weapon. It hasn’t been easy but she’s managed to do it.

        @Claire-I’m not saying that Leanne is acting appropriately (does she ever??) but I am saying that Brandi should be protecting her kids and putting them first. Ideally, Leanne does the same as does Eddie but we both know those two have an obsession with posting about their relationship on social media. As Side-Eye said, Leanne will not change, but Brandi has the power to rise above that and be the bigger person, for her sons if not for herself. I get that you’re a fan of hers, so I would think that you want that for her, no?

      • Elisamoore says:

        When Jake and Mason get older, they will ONLY be with their mother, Brandi! It will be like a slap in the face to leanne. She will probably bribe them with college money to visit her!

    • claire says:

      That doesn’t really matter because that’s not the context. The context is you have a stepmother who uses other people’s children for hardcore marketing and pushing a narrative and exploiting the hell out of the kids. I think parents have rights about their kids’ exposure. Rights that overrule the stepparents’ desire to improve her image by using the kids.

      • Pinky says:

        Brandi would be wise to insist that if there is any hint of marketing involved in tweets or photos depicting her kids, that the money LeAnn collects from it be put in a trust for the children. California has VERY strict rules about child labor laws and exploitation of kids for profit. That would slow the exploitation, at least, which is the worst part about this. IMO.

      • Elisamoore says:

        Leanne won’t be able to put them in pictures without their consent when they are 18 yr.

  15. Barrett says:

    I think we all agree. I feel like Brandy those kids are not Leeann’s and she over does it which even irritated people like me who are not involved!
    Brandi birthed those babies, give it a break!

  16. Christin says:

    The boys seem to be the one topic that gets either woman attention these days.

  17. Brenda says:

    Those of you defending LeAnn just do not understand this girl’s game. This is what she does. Her main goal in life is to hurt Brandi as deeply as possible for the simple fact that once upon a time Brandi put up a fight to save her marriage. Words were exchanged and Brandi got under LeAnn’s skin, presumably by saying things like “You’ll never be a real family” or “Those will always be my children”…something along those lines. So now LeAnn, having the mentality of a 14 year old and being the vindictive narcissist she is, can’t let it go and takes every opportunity to rub it in Brandi’s face, that she has her family. I don’t condone all of Brandi’s actions. I think she drinks too much (probably mostly due to the stress of dealing with lunatic LeAnn every day) and needs to burn most of her wardrobe, but she didn’t invite any of this in to her life. She was just living her life when LeAnn Rimes imposed herself on her family. LeAnn has a habit of just claiming whatever she wants, as her own, including other people’s families. Brandi has said before that LeAnn can take whatever she wants, but she can’t have her children. This is one issue that I will back Brandi on.

    • Kitten says:

      I understand Leanne’s game which is why I never defend her ass either.
      Some of us are consistently Team No One when it comes to this trio of children masquerading as adults.

      • paleokifaru says:

        Exactly. There’s a lot of bad behavior on both sides. At some point everyone just needs to deal with this as their new normal and only discuss their biggest grievances amongst themselves. All of the media exposure -the photos, the complaints, the oversharing – helps no one. And frankly I think they’re all okay with that. They all enjoy the media game and attention.

      • Jayna says:

        Hear, hear. Spot on.

    • 0neNonBlonde says:

      Exactly. What you have here is a “child star” who was never told NO. All her life she was told she was such a special snowflake and everyone gave her whatever she wanted, which bred this ridiculous sense of entitlement that she can do, say or take whatever she wants simply because she is Leann Rimes.

      She has never shown once ounce of concern or compassion for anyone other than herself and apparently became emotionally stunted at the age of 12. She uses those kids to promote herself and her agenda without any regard for the impact it could have on them. FFS, people threatened to pull their kids from the boys soccer league because of the constant presence of her paid paparazzi. No concern for the boys or other families whatsoever, only her need to push her “happeeeee family” narrative. It’s pathological.

    • Elisamoore says:

      Eddie lets this happen because it’s his way of telling Brandi, see, you wanted me gone, now look what you have to put up with. He punishes Brandi. The only attention leanne gets now is because of the two stepsons. Brandi hang in there, you saw them only half their lives by 18 yr. but you will see them every day after that for 50 yrs.!

  18. Rhiley says:

    I wonder how much of Brandi’s alcoholism is real and how much of it is for the cameras. She certainly needs to learn to deal with her issues without turning to the bottle first, but I do think part of her public persona, is the fun, drunk girl with a dirty mouth who isn’t afraid to say anything. Still, it is hard to take a 45 year old woman who is like that seriously.

  19. Kate says:

    Wow, I completely did not expect to scroll through the comments seeing so many people defending Brandy. I’m a stepmother and I can’t imagine their bio-mom getting angry with me for posting pics of us as a family. I also have children of my own from a previous marriage and yes, it’s hard when it isn’t my year to have Christmas with them. Yet, I’m not getting drunk, crying over pictures of their holiday! I honestly think Brandy’s opinion of SM use is just her way of trying to control their family life.

    • Kitten says:

      OMG a mature adult! See it can be done, people. 😉

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      Apparently as a step-mother you should just not claim the kids at all in public.

      No pics on social media, no calling yourselves a family, nada.

    • Kate says:

      A different Kate here: 6 months ago, out of nowhere, my now ex-husband announced he wanted a divorce because he allegedly had been unhappy for years. This was news to me and my two children, who believed we lived in a very happy home. Of course he was engaged in an affair with a co-worker, who also happens to have children (twins) in my oldest child’s class at their small private school. The co-worker filed for divorce from her husband 3 months before my now ex-husband told me he wanted a divorce. By the way, I gave her the recommendation for the divorce attorney she used, not knowing of course what was happening behind the scenes.

      Everyone is now divorced, and their relationship continues to this day, although my children (and I believe her children) still do not know about it. I truly believe they will marry, because if they don’t, my ex-husband took a sledgehammer to his life for no reason.

      With that background, and with all due respect to your situation Kate, if anyone ever refers to me as the “bio-mom” I will go effing postal. I am my children’s mom. Period. End of story. No qualifiers should be used. Ever.

      The home wrecking ——- who helped tear apart my family (and hers) is nothing other than a home wrecking —— who helped tear apart two families. She is not worthy of the word “mom” in any respect when it comes to my children (or hers for that matter) and god help her if she ever posts one word about them on social media.

      I am nothing like Brandi Glanville and I don’t condone her conduct in any respect, but on this issue I am and will forever be Team Brandi.

      • Kitten says:

        First of all, I want to say that I’m sorry you went through this nightmare.

        But I wonder if you refer to your husband as a “homewrecker” too? Does he get the term “dad” revoked because he destroyed your family? Or is it only applicable to the woman? Because that seems a bit short-sighted and unfair, really.

        Don’t get me wrong-it’s only been 6 months (not SIX effin years like Brandi) so I’m sure this is all incredibly fresh for you, but what if in the future she turns out to be an actively-involved and good mother to your kids? Will you still feel this way?

        I don’t know…I don’t have kids but I can absolutely imagine how hurtful and devastating it would be to have some strange woman come into your life uninvited and “steal” your husband and potentially your kids away from you. But I also think that parents need to be the adults and put aside their issues in order to ensure that their kids have the happiest, calmest transition to a new life that will likely involve new parents and a complete departure from everything that was familiar and comforting to them. I’m not going to pretend that it’s easy, but I think that’s a parent’s obligation. Ultimately, it’s selfish and immature to put adult feelings ahead of the feelings of the children involved.

        (I’m not saying that you’re doing that BTW)

        I probably sound idealistic and maybe I am, but that’s how I feel.

      • Kate says:

        @Kitten: My ex-husband is ridiculously selfish and pathetically weak. He took a sledgehammer to his family after defrauding all of us into believing he loved us unconditionally. He didn’t. He loved himself far more. He is just as culpable for what happened, and I believe if it hadn’t been her, it would’ve been someone else because obviously this was in him — he was just waiting for someone to throw him a little leg. (I have multiple texts/direct messages showing her pursuit of him)

        That said, this wasn’t an “oopsies, he’s married” situation — she knew me, she knew my kids (one of whom had been a guest in her home) and she, a mother of 3, made the deliberate decision to go after him, not thinking for one second about her kids, my kids, her husband, me, etc. Does that disqualify her forever? Yes. She will not be a “good mother” to my kids because she is not and never will be their mother.

      • Kitten says:

        Fair enough, Kate. It’s certainly not my place to tell you how to handle something so devastating. Your ex-husband sounds like a sh*tty, awful person and FWIW I’m glad you’re rid of him, at least in terms of your marriage.

      • AntiSocialButterfly says:

        @ Kitten-
        Kate’s situation sounds quite similar to Brandi’s. Food for thought, eh?

        I think the heart of the issue is the situation which caused the divorce. When there is betrayal and blindsiding, there will be acrimony.

        If it is amicable, co-parenting respectfully can certainly be achieved, if the new spouse is and remains respectful to the former, and if the parent who remarries is also respectful to the ex.

        In B’s and Kate’s case, the situation is the former. No respect, no peace.

    • claire says:

      You know, when you have already mentioned you’re the stepmother, you can just say mom. You don’t need to say biomom. Thanks.

    • Cici says:

      I’m sure you and your husband’s ex are both mature adults who have some level of respect for each other. If she did ever make a request that you not do something when it came to the kids, I am sure you’d honor that request. LeAnn seems to go out of her way to let Brandi know that she’ll do whatever she wants to and Brandi’s feelings about it don’t matter to her. That’s how I see it anyway. That is why I would defend Brandi’s position in this situation.

    • Nicole says:

      I am confused by your use of terminology with “bio-mom”. We are not discussing an adoption, so I don’t know the justification of using this term. I, personally, would be offended if my ex-husband’s new wife referred to me as a “bio-mom”. I am mom, plain and simple.

      And I would hope anyone he chooses to be with after the fact, I would welcome as part of the family as well. Someone whom I could have adult conversations with and can come to a table to discuss issues. However, we all handle things differently. I would hope whomever my ex’s partner was, could sit down and we could all celebrate holidays together, as one big extended family. And if she was crazy, I would hope my ex would see it, and step in before it goes awry.

      If my ex had a new wife that wanted my son to call her mom, I know it wouldn’t be pretty. That’s my son, not yours. I earned that title by carrying him, caring for him his whole life, and loving him, not you. He shares his dad and I’s DNA, not yours. I will be there his whole life, whereas you have the potential of exiting his life, in the event your marriage to his dad fails. As long as you don’t try and push for my son to call you “mom”, we have no issues. Hell, I wouldn’t have the man I am with after my ex, ever be called dad by my son. That’s just sheer respect for your ex partner. That’s not saying you can’t love the child as a step-parent or be there for them. That just means you respect the parental bond.

      • claire says:

        Stepmoms came up with because they said it’s just confusing otherwise. So they say biomom or BM, because apparently mom is just too darn simple of a word to understand or type. I don’t care about all those excuses. I fully believe it’s just born out of jealousy and insecurity at having a qualifier to their role so they want the mom to have one too.

      • paleokifaru says:

        So what about adopted parents then? Do they love their children less because they don’t have that genetic connection?

      • paleokifaru says:

        I also don’t like the terminology and I agree with Claire in a way. I responded to a comment below about it.

      • Nicole says:

        @paleokifaru – Don’t be fastidious, you are perfectly aware I was talking about circumstances directly involving biological children and step parents. Don’t even go there with me, trying to spin it into a negative connotation. It doesn’t work with me.

    • joanne says:

      the children have a MOTHER, not a “biomom”. the stepmother is a temporary adult in the children’s lives. a stepmom does not equal a Mother.

  20. K says:

    It is 100% up to the parents to decide who, how and when kids are posted to social media and EVERYONE else abides by it. I don’t care if you are a step parent aunt, uncle, grandparent, whatever, if one parent says they don’t want their kid on social media the kid is not on social media. PERIOD. If the parents want it to only come from them then that’s it. I feel very strong about this, this is a big issue, we are talking about safety and privacy concerns. I respect step parents are parental figures and in many cases better parents then the bio parents but until they are the legal parents they need to respect that social media rule. IMO people should keep their kids off it, your violating their privacy without their consent and if its not private then really some true weirdos can see it putting them in danger. Don’t like it at all.

    Now all this being said Brandi/Leanne/Eddie need to work this out privately (Eddie needs to back his children’s mother and co parent) not on NPR. But then they wouldn’t get attention.

    • Kitten says:

      “if one parent says they don’t want their kid on social media the kid is not on social media. PERIOD. If the parents want it to only come from them then that’s it.”

      I don’t understand…so you’re saying that one parent has the right to ban another parent from putting their kids on social media while simultaneously posting pics of their kids on social media?

      *scratches head*

      I mean, if Brandi’s argument was that she doesn’t want her kids on social media, PERIOD then I’d feel differently but..

      • K says:

        Yes absolutely I am! If one parent doesn’t want the kids on social media it’s done they aren’t. That is something everyone should respect. I don’t care if the other parent disagrees if it makes one parent uncomfortable it doesn’t happen. This is called respect, co-parenting and doing the right thing.

        You have mentioned multiple times you don’t have kids so you don’t understand, putting yourself out there as an adult making informed choices and understanding the world is one thing. Putting a child out there is another. And honestly it is up to the two parents and no one else, and yep if one parent is against it then it doesn’t happen. If they want it to be very controlled and only from them then if you are a good person you respect that! These are their children, they have reasons for feeling the way they do, and as their parents they don’t owe any one an explanation they are just to be respected. This isn’t about setting household rules this is about a child’s image, privacy and exposure to the masses.

        I don’t care if it’s you, Kate from up thread, me or Brandi that is how this works. Also Brandi didn’t say never she said don’t on Holidays, that isn’t something that couldn’t be respected on all fronts they don’t post holiday moments and let them be private.

        But as I said I do think a parent can dictate who can post pictures of their kids. I think it is their right.

      • paleokifaru says:

        Perhaps when the parents are still married that does happen – whoever feels the strongest about the topic makes the call. I know that happens in my marriage. But we tend to look for a compromise if there’s one to be had. I haven’t seen that much in divorced co-parenting. Ideally one or both would offer up a solution like having very strict privacy/viewing policies for SM and checking with the child if they’re of a certain age. Or maybe a password protected website to share pics with family. But from what I’ve seen it often just goes to a mediator because lack of respect and disagreeing on issues are part of what led to the divorce in the first place. And in that case they look at if anything hurts the child or will hugely benefit the child. I don’t know that much would be done about social media in a normal situation. You might be able to make a case about harm in a celebrity situation but then everyone would have to have the ban. And it doesn’t seem to me that Brandi wants that for herself either. It’s a shame that LeAnn can’t just be respectful about this but it’s also a shame Brandi’s bringing it up.

      • Kitten says:

        @K–You missed my point though. One parent posting pics of their kid on social media telling another parent that they can’t, that’s just hypocrisy at its finest. Either everyone who is parenting those children are in agreement to protect them from the exposure that comes with social media/reality TV shows, paparazzi, etc. or not. Brandi is the one who has discussed her children’s private lives time and time again in interviews, on social media, in public, etc. People in glass houses….

      • Elisamoore says:

        The funny thing is, that eddie already said he did not want his kids on social media so that a Brandi could not have them on her show. Funny how he changed his mind when he needed his parents house and expenses paid each month. Leanne isn’t obligated to support eddies parents, so he must have made a deal she could use them on social media and he would get money for his parents.

    • joanne says:

      Kitten, it is not one parent telling another parent they cannot post on SM. it is the Mother asking the non-related stepmother not to do it. Brandi is the Mother and can do as she likes. leann is the woman who broke up the marriage, along with eddie. she is a temporary fixture in the children’s lives. stepmothers are not Mothers. when and if you choose to have children, i’m sure you will have a different perspective if someone else had the ability to take 50 % of your children’s lives from you.

  21. Lucy says:

    Every adult involved in this sh*t show needs to grow the f*ck up.

  22. Mar says:

    As a mother and divorcee in this situation- it’s ok for Leann to post a few here and there but she goes a bit overboard. She did not have put 8 pics at once. One or two here and there is appropriate. She’s just very desperate.

    • Mollie says:

      This 100%. Every now and then!
      Leann posts more than most moms do! I NEVER post my kid on twitter. Leann does it nonstop.

  23. DEB says:

    Be the better person, rise above it, do not react. Leanne wants a reaction. Don’t give it to her. Leanne and Eddie Cibrian are two of the biggest idiots going. They turn my stomach.

  24. Cris says:

    This bio mom stuff is bullsh*t. I’m a mother and a stepmother. Let’s look at this from the point of view of these two being non-famous people (they almost are!). If I knew my son’s stepmom was calling me his “bio” mom, like I gave him away or something, I’d be furious. I am his mother period and always will be. No one can change that. That being said, my husband’s ex and I are not buddies, but tolerate each other. If she asked me not to do something, why would I continue to do it otherwise than to be an ass and to upset her? Put yourself in their shoes. Brandi has every right to say don’t do that. Leann is just plain ole being an ass about it. Because if she doesn’t do it, she can’t play happeeeeee family for her 10 fans. I think it would go a long way toward rehabilitating her public image if she acknowledged she was no longer going to post pics because she has been asked not to. She would be respected for that, but she’s too dumb. It’s all about Leanne.

    • paleokifaru says:

      I do cringe at the bio mom nonsense. I saw it all the time on step-parenting forums and it was one of many reasons I had to back away from them. I didn’t feel like that us vs them and trying to give the child’s parent a prefix to “even it out” with your prefix really helped anything. I wanted support and to learn ways to really deal with the situation and build better relationships and I felt like instead of just being able to vent and then progress, it was all venting. It’s really hard to go into step-parenting without bringing your own kids and family baggage (and I’m sure it’s difficult the other way too! just different) but I didn’t and don’t feel like a tug of war helps anyone. That’s what makes this situation so sad. I just don’t see any adults here. In this instance Leann should back off and is in the wrong. But overall it’s just a complete disaster with no one firmly being the adult.

      • Kitten says:

        So all the mothers who don’t want their kids’ stepmoms referring to themselves as a mom to their kids, do they also tell their kids that they can’t call their stepmom “mom”?
        Or is that something that’s agreed upon between the adults then explained to the kids?

        My friend calls her stepmom “mom” and calls her biological mother “mom”. Is it THAT big of a deal? I guess I don’t get it but it all seems super-petty to me. If a step-parent loves and raises your child as if it was his/her own, I would think that would be a dream scenario, especially because it doesn’t always work out like that. That doesn’t mean that I don’t strongly believe that the biological parents should have the final say re: their children and be on the same page, it’s just to say that arguing over what your ex’s wife calls herself seems like a distraction from the bigger goal of amicable co-parenting.

        Also, moms kind of terrify me because of stuff like this. If we do end up having a kid, I will definitely avoid all mommy-related social media stuff for this very reason.

      • paleokifaru says:

        In my experience it’s kind of up to the kid. I was introduced in SS’s life for years before I married his dad so he had been calling me by name. I and my husband both had discussions with him about how our getting married did not mean anyone thought he should call me anything in particular, including mom, and that neither of us would be offended by whatever he did. I also wrote his mom and told her that I really appreciated how wonderful her son is and I knew she was a part of that and I was in no way intending to nor could I replace her. I told her if she was uncomfortable with something to let me know. I didn’t want SS to feel he was betraying his mom in any way by having a relationship with me. He actually tends to call me by a family nickname and came to doing that on his own, which I think is a great compromise.
        It’s really tricky. I see a lot of posters saying that step-parents don’t know what it is to be a mom. From my perspective (and keep in mind that I have just miscarried so we’ve also been having talks about if we would adopt down the road) you don’t have to be biologically related to be a parent. If we adopt then I expect I will feel the same about that child as I do about SS. And I’d like to think adoptive parents feel the same as biological. Maybe I’m wrong but I doubt folks would criticize adoptive parents they way they do step. Here’s where I see a difference and get some of the criticism – I am adult who loves my SS but because I am an adult I know he has a mother who has always been his mother and he won’t and shouldn’t necessarily view me the same way, especially since his mom is still very much in his life. His feelings will be more complex. But just because I don’t expect him to feel that way doesn’t mean I can withhold loving, parental feelings. And part of my love for him is respecting him and those feelings so I act respectfully towards his mom even if I disagree with her or dislike her or her actions.

      • Deanne says:

        I’m so very sorry about your miscarriage. I’ve experienced it and it’s so difficult. Take care of yourself. It’s a reall emotional roller coaster. The whole Bio-Mom is a completely unacceptable term unless you have adopted a child, in which case, the adoptive parent IS the real Mother and the birth parent is only attached biologically. If I ever get divorced and my husband remarries someone who calls me ” bio-mom”, she’ll only do it once. I think that a huge amount if the problem is that Eddie is in fact, either terrified to put a stop to LeAnn’s manic posting of and about his sons, or is a complete sadist who gets off on knowing that her ridiculous, over-stepping of boundaries hurts his ex. Or both. You on the other hand are obviously trying to love your SS while respecting his Mother. An adult acting like one. Good luck in growing your family, however you decide to do it.

  25. Elle says:

    As the Mother I’ll bet she has more love/fears/feelings about those boys than Leann could ever fathom. Speaking as a mom of two boys. Crazy or not, my heart was breaking for her just imagining being in her position. It’s not about the fact that her kids are doing well and happy in the pics, it’s that she’s MISSING it. And when it comes down to it, Leann will not do what’s in the best interest of the boys which is: try to respect bio Moms wishes and don’t exploit the kids.

  26. Dani L. says:

    I can understand Brandi on this one. My daughter’s soon to be stepmother was posting pictures of my daughter without my knowledge or permission. She even had the nerve to claim my daughter as her own. She asked my ex and he said it was okay. He even defended her when I confronted him. That was highly disrespectful and by allowing her to do those things he sent the message that it was okay for her to disrespect me too. Even if Brandi isn’t the best person, she is still the boys mother and is present in their lives. If something Leeanne is doing regarding the boys makes Brandi uncomfortable, then Leeanne should stop doing it. I’m sure if the shoe was on the other foot, Leeanne would understand.

  27. Guest1 says:

    I’m just here for Why’s analysis.

  28. suzanne says:

    How many damn years can these same complaints be lodged by this trio of idiots??

    It is 2016…Eddie and Leann have been married for what…five years? These three need to grow up and shut up. I wouldn’t blame those kids for never speaking to any of these people again once they are grown.

  29. Frosty says:

    LeAnn can compete all she wants, Brandi is still their mother. Brandi has every reason to feel upset when LeAnne gloms onto the boys on SM to promote her happy-bonus-mom image. That said, since LeAnn is ignoring brandi and clearly Eddie’s not going to put LeAnn in check, Brandi needs to block it and move on.

  30. Cici says:

    I am surprised to see how many people are defending LeAnn on this. Here and other sites I’ve seen. I don’t care much for Brandi at all, but I agree with everyone who has said that this is about basic respect for the mother of these kids LeAnn says she loves so much. Brandi isn’t asking for much here. LeAnn seems like a very spiteful person. I’d be very curious to see how she treated those children when there weren’t cameras around to capture the moment.

  31. Elisabeth says:

    Didn’t Ed fight for his kids not to be featured on #RHOBH to protect them but it’s ok for his wife to plaster their faces all over social media? I place blame directly at Ed’s feet since he gets perverse joy in these two women arguing and fighting, using the kids as collateral. I wonder what Ed’s third wife will think about all this

    • Cici says:

      Eddie doesn’t get nearly enough criticism in all of this. He could have put a stop to it long ago. It’s pretty obvious that LeAnn gets to do whatever she wants to do because she is the one paying for everything.

    • why? says:

      Eddie threatened to sue Brandi if any part of Jake and Mason appeared on RHOBH and plus during their divorce, Eddie accused Brandi of setting up staged photo-ops with Mason and Jake and then demanded that his kids not be exposed to any type of public exposure.

  32. LSher says:

    I cannot believe there are so many Leann supporters on this issue. As I sit here 8 months pregnant you can be damn sure if another woman did was crazy pants constantly did to Brandi I wouldn’t keep my mouth shut. After almost 8 full months of sickness, pain, growing 3 times my normal size to have some other woman tell me they are going to do what they want with my child, oh hell no. And I haven’t even met my child yet or begun parenting. In no way do I think Brandi is perfect person or role model, but hell, who is. If she is simply asking Leann not to post pictures of the boys on holidays that should be respected. And for all of you saying that she should block or ignore Leann’s posts, are you nuts? In this day and age a parent should be aware of every single picture or post that is made about their child. It makes me sad that so many of you are defending the swf on this issue. Any mature adult would hear that her actions are hurting another person and would refrain. But we are talking about Leann here so I would expect nothing less.

  33. someone says:

    Taking this a step away from the Leann and Brandi situation: doesn’t anyone struggle with this in their own life not related to stepmom/mom situations? For instance, logging in to facebook over the holidays was a constant slow torture of seeing Christmas and New Years parties I wasn’t invited to. Also, my sister posts a ton of pictures of her kids with her husband’s family. She lives closer to them so they do a lot together, and they are a very big family. Every holiday is full of pictures of them having a great time together. I know my parents feel like the second rate grandparents because they don’t live as close and therefore aren’t there as much. Seeing the other Grandma getting all the love on Facebook hurts, even though no one means it that way. My thought is that you have to get at the root of the jealousy and work on that, rather than go for the quick fix of asking people not to post pictures on facebook that will make you jealous. I wonder if anyone has a suggestion for dealing with the jealousy? Because I think we all go on instagram and facebook daily and see pictures that make us upset/jealous…

    • Elisabeth says:

      Brandi isn’t a second removed person in this scenario. She is their mother. I would have a hard time if I couldn’t spend the holidays with my children. and don’t think for one second that LR is not posting these to get under Brandi’s skin since Brandi has told her REPEATEDLY that it bothers her. Leann is all about claiming herself as a ‘winner’ in this situation. She ‘won Ed, won his kids. This isn’t being innocently done out of love for her stepchildren. this is done with malice.

    • why? says:

      Brandi isn’t jealous of Leann, it’s the other way around. Leann is jealous of Brandi. She wants everything that Brandi has. Her husband, her friends, her in laws, her children, her “Eve” proposal, doctors, and her tweets. It’s why Leann continues to post photos of Jake and Mason after being asked by Brandi and Leann’s own fans to stop posting photos of the boys. You know that it’s bad when Leann’s own fans have asked to show Brandi some respect and stop posting about Brandi’s kids. The root of Leann’s jealously towards Brandi is Eddie. It’s always going to be Eddie. Maybe if Leann gets the courage to divorce Eddie, then she can overcome whatever it is that makes her taunt a mother using her 2 kids.

      The major problem here is that Eddie flat out said that he didn’t want his kids to be exposed to any type of public exposure, so based on Eddie’s words alone, Leann shouldn’t be posting any photos of Jake and Mason onto twitter and instagram.

      Leann doesn’t just post the photos, she pays blogs and tabloids to write articles about it. Brandi couldn’t escape it if she could. How many photos from Leann’s instagram account were used during the promotion of her Christmas album?

    • Ming says:

      If you pull back from this situation you can see it’s about RESPECT.
      And Leann’s lack of it.

      Not jealousy.

      That chalk talk rings false and fake. Practice what you preach.

    • someone says:

      It’s totally about jealousy. Jealousy of the fact that her kids are part of another family. Why would Brandi say “so I have to just f***ing accept it that I’ll see pictures of my kids on Thanksgiving in a horse drawn carriage looking perfectly happy and I’ll cry myself to sleep.” That doesn’t indicate that she’s worried about their safety. That doesn’t show she’s crying herself to sleep because of the lack of respect. She’s jealous. Not of Leann per see, but of the sense of family that is implied by those outings. And if you don’t think Brandi’s photos of her boys that she puts up on twitter aren’t her form of payback you are naïve. Yes they are her boys and she has 100% right to post pictures of them whenever she wants – but at least admit that in some respects she’s doing it as her own form of payback to Leann.

      It is possible to see your kids be happy around someone else (especially someone you don’t like) and while logically you know you should be happy for them that they are happy – you can still be jealous. Jealous that you’re not a part of it. It’s this kind of jealousy I was hoping people would be willing to discuss….

    • mltpsych says:

      Don’t compare your life to other people’s Facebook/Instagram/Twitter life. It will not measure up. These are small moments in other people’s lives, not the whole story.

  34. M says:

    She posted some #chalktalk (urgh) on her Instagram about how love is love and it doesn’t matter who you love or how and there are people commenting, calmly and reasonably, that that’s fine but there’s no reason why it should be plastered all over the Internet, especially when it hurts someone else and she’s simply deleting them all. She truly is pathetic.

  35. justagirl says:

    The header photo, headline, and CB commentary all left out an important part: she objects to Leann posting HOLIDAY photos. I understand that. I know friends who’ve gone through similar pain on major holidays when it was the ex’s turn to have the kids.

    She’s not just boo-hooing 6 years after the split & hasn’t ‘gotten over it’. Holidays are a difficult time and always will be, and she directly admitted her pain to Leann who does not care.

    Separately, it’s not only Leann who is to blame. Eddie is as much to blame, they are his kids, that’s his ex/their mother, and he should show some respect by honoring a very simple request.

    Leann’s a dirtbag but Eddie is just as bad if not worse.

  36. 90shasbeen says:

    As a mother, I totally understand how Brandi feels. You have this woman who slept with your husband, stalked him until Brandi found out about Schena, then once he was kicked to the curb (where LeAnn picked him up), then the SWF begins. Not to mention before they were even married she was referring to those boys as hers. Creepy!

    For those who are saying she should get over it. Miss me with that. She exposed the kids school and posts more than the biological parents. Weird. Brand’s job as a Mom is to protect them and LeAnn is too overwhelmed with hatred to realize what she is doing. I have plenty of step Moms in my life and if any of them disrespected the way LeAnn does, they wouldn’t be in my life. Her job is to support her husband NOT usurp the Mother’s role.

    If she truly loves those boys, she would respect their Mother’s wishes. Period!

    • funcakes says:

      Never in my circle of friends and family have I seen such bizarre behavior. No one I know have taken such liberties with someone else’s child. My friends may not like the ex but have never gone so out the way to take ownership.
      My step mother have never talked about my mother or tried to insinuate themselves in my life. They were just there if they were needed. And I knew they cared. And the relationship between my mother and step mother was hostile.
      LeAnn is just in another old with this situation. And if she didn’t sure these special family moments for press junkets it would seem genuine.
      Its a sign of something else that is deeply disturbing.

  37. I don’t even understand why Brandi doesn’t see them on some of the holidays? I’ve never heard of a shared custody agreement where the holidays aren’t split. But she makes it sound like she doesn’t see them on ALL holidays.

  38. tacos and tv says:

    I’m very private and do not have social media, so I can understand the wanting permission aspect of my kids. If I had a blended family, I think the use of my children’s images would need to be approved by both biological parents with compromise. I am not saying I would say no, but there would be limited images until my children can have their own pages. I agree with Brandi in that regard, but it also sounds like she doesn’t like it because it gives her the sads, or whatever. I think I would agree if it was more protective, versus the “I’m alone and don’t want to see it” card.

    • aaa says:

      I think this is a key observation that this is mostly about Brandi and not what is in the best interest of her children. Of course children don’t need to be featured on social media but this applies to Brandi as well as Leann and I’d much rather see Leann posting pictures of her, Eddie, Mason and Jake in a horse drawn carriage than accused liar Brandi posting a video of Jake saying his mom does not lie.

  39. funcakes says:

    LeAnn is just the worst. You never hear about anyone else acting like this in the celebrity world. Not even in the regular news. She knows her days are numbered with those boys and she like a drowning man grasping at anything to stay a float.

    And Brandi shoots herself in the foot by giving LeAnn the time of day.

    Let LeAnn record her little history with Eddie because when he leaves her for a twenty year old she can sit in her closest and look at them on her phone.

    She’s on her social media right now responding to what she claims to never,ever read. That’s right LeAnn,busted again. You can post every quote or poem from all the authors in the history of literature and you’ll still never convince the world you’re all about peace and love.

  40. why? says:

    To all those people telling Brandi to stop looking at Leann’s twitter and instagram account, how can Brandi stop looking when Leann pays blogs to write articles about the very same photos she is posting on instagram and twitter about Brandi’s kids? Brandi can’t escape it because Leann makes sure that Jake and Mason’s photos are featured on E, The Dailymail, People, and many other blogs just seconds after she posts it to social media.

    Why is Brandi expected to “get over it”? She isn’t the one posting photos of another woman’s children after being asked to stop. Perhaps Leann should spend more time with her husband that way she doesn’t have to spend every hour of her day on twitter trying to taunt Brandi with Jake and Mason.

    • 90shasbeen says:

      Exactly! It’s not just her personal accounts. It’s Daily Mail and every trash magazine she can afford. To me, she’s using those boys to clean up her image and try to repair the damage done to her career. Too late! Because she manage to piss off every Mom who may have supported her. In a few years, the oldest son will hate her because he will then realize everything she’s done to his Mom.

  41. TLT says:

    Brandy needs to stop taking the bait although I know is hard. UGGH my brother’s ex wife does this crap to him but on a more vindictive scale. For Christmas he is waiting for the meet-up in a parking lot 3 hours from his house and she posts photos to FB that they are still in NYC. They are in the zoo/park walking around taking pix while he is in Virginia parking lot waiting for them. She took the kids to NYC but didn’t have to decency to tell him-she said well we had the chance to stay longer so we did. Get over it. This is just one example and it becomes like keeping up with the Jones and if he isn’t Disneyland Dad those “poor” girls are bored. My mom goes to visit and stay with him and the older one calls her mom and says its too crowded here for me (one extra person BTW) Dad has his family here. She was immediately picked up and took to her grandparents o the other side where 10 people were staying ..Wait what? She isn’t his bio girl but he took the responsibility of raising her when he married her. I want to ring this child’s neck is that horrible?

  42. Renae says: says:

    I have been the Mom and I have been a stepmom. They are completely different roles in a child’s life. I don’t care what any stepmom says about it. Those are Brandi’s children and she should have the respect, as their Mother, that she deserves. Try as Leann may she will always be the stepmom. She uses those boys incessantly for the happy family image for her benefit. She wants to be indisposable in their lives so that she will be indisposable in Eddie’s life. The constant pics and hashtags is way overstepping.

  43. Macey says:

    I’ll bet LR is seething mad right now. I am watching Wendy WIlliams and even she called out LR for posting the pics of the kids and she’s usually neutral with these nuts. I dont think WW reads all the blogs and knows all the stuff LR has done over the years, she only likes her b/c she says LR says she can ask her anything but they never bring up the SWFing or anything. Wendy also oohhsss and ahhss over Ediot which I think it’s nuts but aside from that I usually agree with her opinion on things. She made a point to say to LR that those are NOT your kids and called out Ediot for letting this go on. She also brought up LR saying “our boys’ on IG and stuff and then said, no, they’re Brandi and Edies boys or something close to that, can’t remember the exact wordfs but LOL.

    • Christin says:

      He flies under the radar and doesn’t get called out nearly enough, IMO.

      When I first started following this saga, he allegedly would not participate in parent-teacher meetings with his children’s mother. If true, it’s ridiculous. I agree with a comment posted upthread that Brandi gives him WAY too much credit.

      • paleokifaru says:

        That’s just ridiculous. My husband’s ex led him to believe they were having one joint parent-teacher conference. Then he got a notice with a day/time that didn’t work and emailed her and the teacher. The teacher was confused because she had another date listed and didn’t know why he wasn’t attending that. Apparently for five years running his ex had scheduled both her own private conference and the “joint” one. It’s just shameful when adults can’t behave for their kids.

    • claire says:

      A few other celebrities have called out Leann as well. It’s incredibly entertaining. Eddie finally made his once every few years defense of Leann by giving an interview to People calling Brandi a liar and saying that Leann has never done anything negative to Brandi. It’s hilarious. Leann probably wrote it.

  44. Julie says:

    Leann is a spoiled, bratty narcissist, and she uses those boys as pawns in her sick games. It’s clear to many of us who she really is. She is the jealous one, and she post pixs on the holidays to prove she has such a “happy family” and to hurt the boys mother. In the mean time every pix of Ed looks like he is miserable or drunk. I understand where Brandi is coming from because my sons step mother did the same crap with photos on the holidays. It hurts when you see the love of your heart (YOUR CHILDREN) with another woman that helped break up your home. Leann knows this and it’s what she wants; to hurt Brandi as much as possible, but play the “I love them too, and they are my family too” card. She is one hateful, lying, pathetic excuse for a woman, and when those boys get older and find out every thing she has done they will hate her for it, and she will end up with no one because she is a looser that steals from everyone and anyone, and takes NO responsibility for the crap she does. She is evil to her core in my opinion. I believe she has no soul, and she is miserable inside and that’s why she looks so ugly in some of her photos, because her evil, mean, jealousy and hatred show through. You can’t hide an ugly soul.

    • Elisamoore says:

      No way eddie is in love with that. Men love women with pretty hearts, that’s why he loved Brandi. He loved her the most, with the best love he could give, and that was still under par. If that was the best love he could give, we all know leanne isn’t getting anything better. She doesn’t realize this scenario is just like the movie Rear Window. The audience watches as the people in the apartments go about their business. We are watching Leanne’s life and we are laughing because she doesn’t know we can see all the scenes, and the one she is saying doesn’t make sense to the one we are watching.

  45. Jane says:

    It’s a sad situation all the way around. I want to be there when the day comes the oldest one turns 18 and tells Leann were to go. H*** he should tell his off his father as well.

  46. Ajanni says:

    I’ve seen her IG. That bitch is crazy! In all seriousness, she seems lonely, and significantly insecure which is why she posts garbage pictures of her workouts, and sadly Brandie’s kids. She must be hurting so much to even try and use that woman’s kids to hurt her.

    • Elisamoore says:

      Leanne is going to be like the aging actress in Sunset Blvd. in the movie the 40 yr. old actress is waiting for the day the fans and studio call her back. Leanne posts pictures in the belief the fans still want to see her life.

  47. Sonia says:

    I think if I were in Brandi’s shoes, I’d totally stalk the step monster’s IG and twitter when my kids were there so I would know they were ok! It might be a little control freaky but when the kids are eating laxatives that the step monster left laying around, or when the step monster is actively encouraging the kids to not wear helmets but go as fast as they can down a steep hill on their new bikes…someone has to be watching the kids!

  48. TOPgirl says:

    I totally can not agree any less…Leanne has no right to be posting pictures of Brandi’s boys. I would not accept that either. Heck I don’ t even like it when someone post a photo of me with them on social media (without asking)…let alone My kids (if I had some).

  49. Jane says:

    People….you so need to go to Leann’s Instagram account to see her slammin’ new hip -hop dance routine. gifs are being made of it and people are laughing their a$$e$ off. It’s that BAD.

  50. Mollie says:

    If Leann hadn’t entered their lives the way she did, it would probably be different.
    She should be willing to pay a small price in respect, but she refuses to.
    She wants the same kind of relationship other stepmoms and moms have, when it didn’t start out with cheating.
    Sorry Leann, you did this the way you did, you get the result of it.

  51. Mollie says:

    Somebody above mentioned Leann’s IG dance video. Errr….I’m now officially creeped out. She posted that only a couple of days after Brandi’s dance moves on the “hoverboard”.
    I get it now.

    • Funcakes says:

      They’re comparing it to the Elaine dance from Seinfeld.
      Its obvious theses are new move. She very awkward with her exercise moves as if she did it for the first time.

    • Brenda says:

      ^Yes. THIS! She’s insane.

  52. Chips'n'Gravy says:

    Poor Leanne. She’s rather sad and wouldn’t have a life without social media. Eddie just looks so sleeazy. They deserve each other. But Brandi gets coverage by playing poor mom, though I’m sure it’s genuine.

  53. Mollie says:

    Well, Leann ordered Eddie to make a statement.
    She must have been tired of hearing everyone comment that he has been utterly quiet.
    Money talks.

    • Elisamoore says:

      I posted that if eddie really loved leanne, he would publicly stand up for her, well now we know she reads all posts!

  54. Mollie says:

    Also, in the statement that Leann forced Eddie to say, he mentions that it’s a shame the kids can go on the internet and read the negativity “all from one side”….um, Eddie, you just called your ex a LIAR to People Magazine. Thanks for keeping it all positive for your children! Idiot.
    Also, if you are a constant cheater, you don’t get to call other people liars with a straight face.

    • Christin says:

      He said something similar on a talk show a year or two ago, and the host pointed out that it appeared both sides had issues (something to that effect). The host also questioned the wisdom of a couple doing a reality show, and Eddie admitted maybe it wasn’t a great idea.

      If he were in a one-on-one interview (with a good interviewer), he’d likely backtrack on part of that statement.

      This is the most attention ANY of the three ‘adults’ have gotten in ages.

    • Deanne says:

      Brandi may have her issues, but one thing I know for certain in this case is that the ” liar” is Eddie, coached by LeAnn. Brandi absolutely asked LeAnn to stop posting pictures of her kids and LeAnn absolutely ignored the request. Eddie is really just a kept man now. I know she won’t do it, but Brandi probably has the evidence and could prove Eddie’s full of it. As far as the negativity keeping his kids off social media, what about the harrassment LeAnn, her friends and employess and most ardent fans have directed at his son’s Mother? That’s hardly ” keeping” it positive” for the boys. Eddie’s more of a loser than I could have ever imagined. He and LeAnn used their reality show as a platform to slam and insult Brandi in practically every episode. His sons are going to find out how horrible he’s been to their Mom eventually and he’ll have to answer to them.

  55. Renae says: says:

    Whatever Eddie would have to say at this point isn’t worth listening to. He was proven to be nothing but a lying cheater starting back with the affair. Every time he tries to defend Leann it just shows how out of touch with her reality he is. If he knew half the stuff she says and does on social media, he would never speak up again.