Have Angelina Jolie’s kids already seen her movies, even ‘By the Sea’?


I think it’s sort of cool that Jack Black and Angelina Jolie get paired up for interviews to promote the Kung Fu Panda movies. That’s happened since the very first one, and at this point, they’re like the old married couple of animated-film-promotion. They have a strange kind of chemistry. Anyway, Jack and Angelina were paired for some interviews yesterday and they opened up about their kids and some other stuff.

Angelina Jolie Pitt thought she had her kids under control — until about four years ago. Swapping childrearing stories with her Kung Fu Panda 3 costar Jack Black, Jolie Pitt said: “You think the kids know nothing, and then you find out they’re like, ‘Oh yeah, seen it.’ That happened like four years ago.”

Black says while his kids — Samuel, 9, and Thomas, 7 — love the Kung Fu Panda movies, “They’re a little weirded out that I’m in them. They haven’t seen any of my movies except Kung Fu Panda. I don’t like to say, ‘Hey, you have to see School of Rock.’ ”

He adds that as of now, he doesn’t want his kids to watch any of his R-rated films. “I don’t think they’re ready for The Pick of Destiny, where I smoke a bong with Satan. But someday they probably will be.”

Jolie Pitt quips, “Whereas my eldest probably already has. My oldest especially loves Jack’s music. He’s introduced him to a few words, few thoughts.”

[From People]

In terms of finding out that the kids have seen more movies than she thought, I kind of hope Angelina’s kids haven’t seen most of her movies. I think the older kids would probably enjoy the Tomb Raider movies, but Angelina has made some sexy movies which I sincerely hope her children never see. Original Sin? Taking Lives? Nope. But the kids can watch Maleficent and…? I don’t know, The Tourist?

Angelina and Jack also sat down for a joint Today Show interview (video below) and they talked about how their kids got to do some voice-acting for the film. Angelina said: “What I think was so sweet about it was that they took it very seriously. They came in and they said, ‘I don’t know if I can do this!'” When asked if she and Brad wanted the kids to eventually work in Hollywood, she said: “We’ve always said, if they’re gonna be actors, I hope they do something and then be actors.”


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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63 Responses to “Have Angelina Jolie’s kids already seen her movies, even ‘By the Sea’?”

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  1. Birdix says:

    Those two seem to have a great rapport.

    • Tiffany says:

      They really do. I would like for them to do a live action film together. AJ has said that she could not do comedy, but I think she should try.

      • Maya says:

        Me too – I would love to see Angelina try her hand in comedy.

      • V4Real says:

        Life or Something Like it starring AJ and Ed Burns was a romantic comedy. So she has done comedy before. The movie just didn’t do very well.

        @Maya This is the movie where she was a blonde.

  2. Jayna says:

    Wow, that photo of Angelina with Jack back in 2011 she looked so much healthier.

    • doofus says:

      it’s funny…I kinda noticed that too, and was trying to figure out what exactly made her look “healthier”.

      it’s the hair. a lot of people defending her physique on previous threads also noted that it’s usual for people suffering from an eating disorder (read: anorexia) to have limp, thinning hair as the few nutrients the person takes in go to basic survival and the body neglects the hair.

      her hair in that pic w/Jack Black is big and bouncy, and it has been noticeably “flat” in recent pics. now, that could ABSOLUTELY be because she poofed it up for that day and used hairpieces/extensions etc and isn’t anymore…but that’s where the most noticeable difference is for me.

      what she needs is an extended break with her hub and the kids at the chateau where she eats a lot of pasta, drinks a lot of wine and focuses on HER, but she’s so dedicated to her humanitarian work that she’d never take, like…a FULL YEAR off.

      • lucy2 says:

        Her hair always did look much fuller in the past. I wondered about it at the post the other day, if it’s thinned out a little, or if she’s just stopped getting it all volumized for events. As someone who’s hair will flatten out within 5 minutes of any styling, I was always jealous of Hollywood women with voluminous hair!

    • Colette says:

      I noticed Jack looked healthier in 2011 as well.I can’t wait to read the comments about his weight.

    • Megan says:

      She looked much more beautiful and her hair looks gorgeous in the 2011 pic. She does not look healthy at all now.

      • tracking says:

        Pretty sure her natural hair is not that thick, but that she’s wearing hairpieces in the older photo. I do think that chestnut color is lovely on her; the new darker color is less flattering and washes her out.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      But hasn’t she dealt with some medical issues since then? Is it really that questionable that she looked healthier before her really serious surgeries?

    • maria says:

      Correction – they both looked so much healthier! Lol

    • Jensmom says:

      Angelina has also had a total hysterectomy. There are many hormones that are not replaced even with hormone replacement therapy, which may affect hair and skin.

  3. Talie says:

    At least she’s smart enough to know that her kids will never reach the heights she and Brad have. That is rare.

    • Jayna says:

      It must be really hard trying to carve out your place in life careerwise when you are the product of a famous parent or parents.

      David Bowie’s son talked about how being photographed so much as a kid when with his dad touring that he was adverse to even having a photo taken of him later on even in his private life. HIs photographer girlfriend/now wife helped him finally get over that. He really lived a life away from celebrity in his twenties and went to college away from it all leading up to working on his Ph.D., but then switched and went to film school, and went by his dad’s real last name and through time found his own niche. His dad did always try to encourage his interest in music but he refused to show any interest. He has been successful as a director/writer, winning an award for his first movie/script, and now with a new high budget film coming out.

      I think he kept his sanity and self-esteem by not trying to follow in his dad’s footsteps and being forever compared.

    • Alice too says:

      Did she say that? It would be an odd comment from someone who’s career has surpassed her Oscar winning fathers career.

  4. mkyarwood says:

    What! Forget By The Sea! Even Girl, Interrupted? Even Hackers!? EVEN GIA?

  5. V4Real says:

    Jack Black: “I don’t think they’re ready for The Pick of Destiny, where I smoke a bong with Satan. But someday they probably will be.”

    Angelina: Jolie Pitt quips, “Whereas my eldest probably already has. My oldest especially loves Jack’s music. He’s introduced him to a few words, few thoughts.”

    Maybe I’m misunderstanding. Seems to me like she said her eldest has seen Jack Black’s movie, not hers.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      You’re not, I don’t think. I read this yesterday, the larger context was that JB said that he didn’t want to push his movies on his kids (they’ve seen all the Kung Fu Panda ones)……he wanted them to discover them on their own (like School of Rock–his example)…..but he didn’t want them to see “The Pick of Destiny”……..and then Angelina said that Maddox probably already has, and then either says this before after…..that she’s not even really going to ask (if they’ve seen such and such film of hers), because you’re going to find that they have seen them……..

    • dippit says:

      I think it’s the earlier bit “about four years ago” where she seems to imply that some of the kids have watched some of her movies without her knowing. That was my read anyway. Again, I’m working on this referring to the eldest tier of kids as four years ago the younger grouping wouldn’t have any opportunity to be unsupervised sufficiently for the adults in their lives not to realise. I’m still not sure if she’s being throw away line as part of some ‘liberal parent’ image or not. It seems unlikely, with all the staff and adults supervising the clan (and the reported internet bans on them), that even the elder kids would have the chance.

      Odd phrasing, as is often the case with Angelina’s interview tales, so hard to pin down really.

      Then she suggests her eldest has probably seen the Jack Black stuff too.

    • KB says:

      I read it the exact same way. Why else would she say in the next sentence that her oldest likes Tenacious D?

  6. frantasticstar says:

    I watched Hackers early during my teen years and it was amazing! Defo a movie to see 🙂

    • Ollie says:

      It´s a cool movie 🙂 And i´m sure her kids like this one the most. It´s fun and punky especially for teens

  7. WTW says:

    I just saw “Gia” after not having seen it in years. I am in my 30s and find that moving traumatizing. I hope they haven’t seen it. On the other hand, I was a pretty inquisitive child and my mother didn’t prevent me from seeing R-rated films, so I likely would have seen all of Angie’s movies by the time I was Maddox’s age, too.

    • CJ says:

      I watched R rated movies as a child, and have never really had issues with my teenage kids watching them they would/will walk out when they’re uncomfortable, but there is a difference between watching R shows and mommy naked on screen.
      Not only would I forbid those movies from them. Forever if I were in that situation, those kids should NEVER want to watch them.

  8. dr mantis toboggan says:

    Her kids are probably the only people who saw By the Sea

    • FingerBinger says:

      I’m certain a few devoted brangeloonies saw it as well.

    • LadyJane says:


    • Megan says:

      And the ones who gave it the few ‘good’ reviews it got. Jolie was really desperate for an Oscar that she even sent out that mess to awards screeners.
      As for her saying she discourages her children from acting….I don’t believe it. Her older son is already working as a PA on her movie set and that have had roles in her and Pitt’s film. They are gearing them up for Hollywood carera via nepotism. Nepotism helped Jolie too.

      • Maya says:

        she already has an Oscar, in fact she has won every single acting award that exists.

        But you just continue to act like she desperately want one.

        Btw – even those who gave average reviews put By the Sea in their top ten movies of 2015. What does that tell you?

      • V4Real says:

        “Btw – even those who gave average reviews put By the Sea in their top ten movies of 2015. What does that tell you?”

        It tells me that 2015 was a very bad year for movies.

        I’m just kidding, just trying to poke fun on an AJ post that becomes too serious at times.

      • tracking says:

        Maya, I would like to know more about BTS ending up on any critics’ 2015 top-ten lists. I only saw it on bottom-10 lists, and am genuinely curious to know more about the critics’ lists I apparently missed.

      • Ennie says:

        The cinematographer of By the Sea, Christian Berger is amazing. Just of him alone the movie needed to be sent for consideration.
        Jolie has a sense for visuals, as per in her other movie, Unbroken, she also got a great cinematographer, Roger Deakins, who got a nomination for the movie’s cinematography. He has a new nomination this year for Sicario. She is gracious to send them, even if to acknowledge the good work of her crew and the actors.
        Sadly, Roger has never gotten an Oscar, I really hope he has the chance, even against my fave Chivo Lubezki and his nom for Gonzalez Iñarritu’s movie The Revenant.

      • Kate says:

        Maya she has not won every acting award that exists. There are hundreds, she’s won a handful.

        BtS has also not been on critics top ten lists, I’ve got no idea where you’re getting that from.

      • Mala says:

        Um, all movies are sent to awards screeners. All of them by the companies. If Angelina was desperate for another Oscar, I think she would have done a more Oscar bait movie, not some art film that she knew herself many wouldn’t like. It seems like you are desperate to hate on her that you exaggerate and are desperately reaching.

  9. lucy2 says:

    Maybe I’m reading it wrong, but I don’t think she’s talking about the kids seeing her movies, just a general “been there, seen that” attitude about stuff. If it is about her movies, then I too they haven’t seen ALL of them!

    I finally got around to watching Unbroken the other day on HBO. I couldn’t get into it at all and ended up turning it off. I think Louis’ story is fascinating, but the movie just wasn’t doing it for me.

  10. Catelina says:

    The only Jack Black movie I’ve ever seen and liked is School of Rock, but its cute that he and Angelina are friends.

    • WTW says:

      Have you seen “Bernie?” I think he was amazing in that.

      • Catelina says:

        I haven’t- the movies of his I have seen are:
        School of Rock
        Shallow Hal
        Nacho Libre
        Kung Fu Panda (the first one)- didn’t hate this one or anything, there’s nothing to hate about it, just thought it was kind of meh and forgettable
        Gulliver’s Travels

      • Catelina says:

        Oh and The Holiday! forgot that one. Another one I don’t hate, just extremely meh

      • lucy2 says:

        Bernie was really interesting and he was very good, very different in that. I also liked Be Kind, Rewind, but can’t say I really care for most of his other films. He seems like a very nice, funny guy in interviews and all, but I think his taste in the films he does just doesn’t align with what I want to go see.

  11. Kaye says:

    He seems like a sweetheart. I liked him in “The Holiday.”

  12. Talie says:

    Girl, Interrupted would be a fine movie for her kids.

  13. lunchcoma says:

    I don’t know. Maddox is 14, and it doesn’t seem like he’s an especially sheltered 14. Some kids are able to handle adult material at that age, and some are still very young and into the tween stuff. I don’t think it would be so unusual for him to have seen Alexander, which is on premium cable all the time, or an action movie like Wanted.

    This is going to go even further, but I’m sure that out of six children, one will eventually want to see Gia or Original Sin. Doesn’t mean they’re going to get the same thing out of it that the rest of us will, but I’m guessing there might be some curiosity.

  14. Maggie says:

    Someone upthread said something about Jolie’s hair being thinner. I’m not saying this is her case but as a dancer I knew a number of dancers with eating disorders and their hair thinned dramatically from front to back. What I notice about her is her complete lack of muscle mass. This could be from going through menopause and loss of bone density as well. She was so striking in her younger days but I personally don’t find her attractive anymore. It’s cute she’s able to make movies for her children to watch.

    • Ollie says:

      IMO in the past she often wore hair pieces like almost every other woman in Hollywood (and they gave her some really bad voluminous wigs for some of her movies).
      She ditched the hair pieces and now shows her “normal” more flat hair and it shows her health issues.


      • Maggie says:

        Wow! Thanks for sharing.

      • Jayna says:

        I wouldn’t say it’s health issues necessarily. My mother had five children (one stillborn), and her hair dramatically thinned permanently during her last pregnancy. She still had a head of hair but thinner all over compared to before, especially on top, and from what I remember, she said it was from pregnancies. It isn’t supposed to be permanent, but sometimes is.

  15. Maya says:

    Can people stop with the freaking “concern” over Angelina’s weight on every single thread?

    People should start realising that thin shaming is as horrible as fat shaming.

  16. Susan says:

    Yes I’m a Brangeloonie and I’m officially concerned. It’s not just the weight or the hair, it’s a combination of lots of factors: I’m concerned. She looks like she’s struggling. I hope she’s getting the rest, help, whatever, she needs. Ugh.

    PS this is not weight shaming.

  17. jessoutwest says:

    I think her weight is not that far from where she usually is, but her cheekbones give her an unusually severe look. I’m not all that current on cosmetic services, but if they have fillers she can use to fill in the hollows of her cheecks, she would probably look much better and more like her old self.