Kate Hudson wants ‘anywhere between 4 and 6’ more kids ‘I love the chaos’


Kate Hudson is wrapping up her book signing tour for Pretty Happy, Healthy Ways to Love Your Body. One of the reasons Kate says she wrote the book is because she is asked constantly about her fitness, health and beauty routine and she can never encapsulate her ideas into small sound bites. Everyone and their mother has a lifestyle book out today and although I assume this is a way to augment her income, I appreciate her logic. Kate is asked about her body constantly, which does go part and parcel with designing a fitness line, but Kate advocates working to make yourself happy when it comes to wellness. Kate also has some pretty positive things to say about the Sisterhood of Lifestyle Clique, which is nice to hear. In addition to the usual subjects, Kate is finding a lot of reasons to talk about her kids. In her her interview on JUST JENNY on SiriusXM Stars 109 she discussed a variety of topics, including the persistent rumors about her mom Goldie Hawn marrying longtime partner Kurt Russell and if she wants more children:

Jenny: So many rumors that your mom (Goldie Hawn) and Kurt (Russell) are going to get married, True or not true?

Kate: That’s like a thirty-two year old rumor, it always seems to creep back up again. I don’t know,
Look, I always say the same thing, it would be awesome, I think it would be hilarious at this point if they got married… They’re pretty great.

Jenny: You have two boys, Do you want more kids?

Kate: Yeah, I really want more kids.

Jenny: How many would you like?

Kate: Anywhere between four and six….I just love them (kids). They’re a pain in my ass and they’re the best pain in my ass ever. I just love every bit of it. I love the insanity. I love the chaos. I love laughing with them…


Kate also talks about making an album (really?) and meeting Adele. So Kate loves the insanity and wants to double or triple it? My guess is that Kate has recently come to a place of peace about her relationship with her own erstwhile father, Bill Hudson. She told Inquisitr that not only does she credit her humor to him but also that his abandonment was a blessing given the bond it formed between Kate and her brother Oliver. I imagine if she found solace in her sibling, wanting an army of kids who look after each other would be attractive. Sweet mother of mercy I couldn’t imagine it though; we are 2 kids to 2 adults at the Temple of Hecate, which leaves the adults clearly outnumbered

We discussed Kate’s hair on the last post, today let’s discuss her outfits. Some of you mentioned Kate’s business suit last time looked like her East Coast Author outfit; she seems to be changing it up based on her locale. In Connecticut, she popped on her Junior League red turtleneck. In Miami, Kate wore a Thankoon leafy burnout crop top and fabulous print palazzos, which I guess goes easily from book signing to rave, a look everyone needs in their closets. For the Mall of America, she sported a girl-next-door crewneck and hastily slicked back hair. And for Naperville, Illinois, Kate opted for spunky overalls with a wide knit sweater over a dark bra and suede boots. Let’s play What Will Kate Wear Next: the pics from her signing at The Grove in LA yesterday aren’t out yet but I am guessing another crop top and what – flirty skirt?

Signing away 🙂 🖊📚 #ThankYouConnecticut #PrettyHappy #BookTour #LoveIsAWeapon #LittleScream

A video posted by Kate Hudson (@katehudson) on

Photo credit: WENN Photos and Getty Images

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57 Responses to “Kate Hudson wants ‘anywhere between 4 and 6’ more kids ‘I love the chaos’”

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  1. Liberty says:

    so who are the next 4 to 6 singers she has lined up?

    • Cassieeee says:


    • Elisabeth says:

      I thought the same thing

    • LookyLoo says:

      @Liberty – You in danger, girl. Someone is going to scold you for slut-shaming. 😉

      • Rhiley says:

        So true. But it is fun to guess: the lead singer of Houndmouth, the lead singer of The Lumineers, Conor Oberst, the lead singer of Lord Huron, one of the Avetts, oh, and Nick Jonas ha ha. And maybe one of the
        members of the crappy Black Keys (barf).

      • AG-UK says:

        @Rhiley… how dare you Black Keys 🙂 but they are married with kids I think. I do like them I think I will listen now as I have to do expenses

      • Dani says:

        Omg Connor Oberst!!!!

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Liberty, you got it! I thought that too but you said it better and more important you said it first!

    • GingerCrunch says:

      Liberty for the WIN!!! Well done!

    • Jules says:

      Well, it’s not like she can act.

    • BooBooLaRue says:

      OMG you read my mind

    • Miss M says:


      Great question? Should we start a list?

    • pf says:

      She better get working if she wants 2-4 more children. She’ll be 37 this year, which means she’s officially in the “geriatric pregnancy” stage (if you believe a woman’s eggs dry up after the age of 35). I feel bad for whoever her next boyfriend is, because you know there will be an oops pregnancy in their future.

      • Bridget says:

        That’s a medical term. Any woman over 35 who gets pregnant is considered a geriatric pregnancy.

    • Moxylady says:

      I’m the oldest of 10. That chaos? It’s hell on the kids. Growing up like that sucks.

      • Lirko says:

        I can’t even imagine what that was like for you. I find it very challenging to spend quality one on one time with each of my 2 children with any regularity. Glad you made it through!

      • Erica says:

        My husband is one of 11 and I’m one of 6 and we both loved being part of big families. I think it depends on how the parents are, how they handle that number of kids

    • Bonnie says:

      I would have thought she would have had a Chris Martin Coldplay baby with a stupid name by now……at least!!!!

    • lunchcoma says:

      She has certifiably lousy taste in music, so…is Adam Levine still married? (Even if he is, I’m sure that will change within a year or two.) Or maybe she can take whichever one of the One Direction boys is leftover.

  2. QQ says:

    This is a Parade of scroll down fug outfits and oof that makeup on the first pic… No…

    Also not talking about her quotes cause they are as empty as actual melting cotton candy but we must discuss her face? : what is happening to her cheeks/jaw area?!?

    • Kath says:

      I know, right? That second-to-last photo is mesmerizing. What is up with her lower cheek/jaw?

    • Diana B says:

      Exactly. What the hell is up with the frame of her face? What did she do?

    • Cate says:

      It really is fug on parade, she better sort her closet out if she is going to land another baby daddy

      • Whatever says:

        Since when do dudes look at outfits? They look at bodies and faces not the covering. Kate Hudson will not be lacking male suitors, even with fug outfits, let’s be real here.

    • Lama Bean says:

      First thing I noticed in this post. Also doesn’t help that it’s glistening and shiiinnnnyyyyyy

    • Lahdidahbaby says:

      My thoughts exactly, QQ – Wtf is going on with her chin and cheeks?

    • JenniferJustice says:

      I’m sayin’. I swear she got a chin implant along with that all that cheek filler. She looks chipmonkey now. And itmakes her nose look wide and flat. Two month ago, I thought Kate Hudson was a very attractive woman. Now I’m totally confused.

  3. cannibell says:

    Those overalls. I’m trying to unsee them, and I can’t. What did Naperville do to deserve that?

  4. BendyWindy says:

    Has she gone overboard with the ‘tox? She looks a little stiff faced in the header.

  5. It'sJustBlanche says:

    She better get crackin’ then. She’s at least 40 right?

    • mayamae says:

      Kate is 36.

    • Whatever says:

      She doesn’t have to get cracking to get a child. She can also adopt or get a surrogate.

      • pinetree13 says:

        If she wants 4 – 6 more than yeah…she would need to get crackin’ unless she means adoption. A surrogate typically uses your eggs and egg qualify goes down a lot after 38 years old. After 42 it is statistically very hard to use your own eggs (obviously there are exceptions but for 99% of us that’s the wall). So if she wanted 4-6 biological kids, it could be down but as Blanche said she’s got work to do lol!

        Also, I would also love 4 kids and the “chaos” of it but since I have to do the cleaning (well my husband and I) and the laundry it would just be WAY to chaotic. If you don’t have to clean your own house or do the laundry than yeah I can see how the chaos would only be fun.

  6. Astrid says:

    Maybe she should check in with the 2 boys she already has to see if another 4 is really what is needed in the family.

    • Jayna says:

      Why? My mother didn’t check in with my brothers when she had two more children.

      • Esmom says:

        Eh, I hear what Astrid’s saying. Kate’s response bugged me, too. Her tone makes it sound like she thinks it would be so much fun — not to mention easy — to acquire a few more kids for her entertainment. If only motherhood was as easy breezy as she makes it sound. Just this morning I was thinking I may very well die an early death from all the stress my teenagers are experiencing and causing lately.

  7. Jayna says:

    She grew up with three brothers with Kurt and Goldie’s blended family, and it was in Colorado for the most part. I just think she has great memories of her family and lots of siblings.

  8. JRenee says:

    That is the worst set of overalls. Ever. Wow.

  9. Size Does Matter says:

    Let’s play “name your lifestyle book.”

    Today mine would be called “Crusty and Sleep-Deprived.”

    • pinetree13 says:

      “Why does the coffee run out but these 10 pounds always stay?” or “Sleep deprived corporate machine cog and raising your hyper spawn”

  10. dawn says:

    She better hurry up as she is 36. But really I didn’t know she spent much time with the two she has. I think she just likes to talk and there is very little behind what she does.

  11. kikistar says:

    Besides finding 4 more rockstar fathers to go with the 2 she already has, she’d better find 4 more nannies to go with them. Because if anyone thinks she actually *raises* the 2 she has, they are sadly mistaken. She can spout off all the funny kid chaos stories she wants, but don’t believe her hype. So thank goodness for good nannies, and at least 1 good father who step in when she’s off selling books & chasing after boy-toys (aka babydaddy #3).

  12. me says:

    One child seems like so much work (for normal people). I don’t know why anyone now a days would want 3,4, or 6 ! But then again, it’s easy to say you want 6 kids when you have millions of dollars, and many nannies. Aren’t her two sons from two different fathers? Why add more to the mix then? My God how many baby daddy’s does she want?

  13. Abbess Tansy says:

    The 80s and 90s need to retrieve the overalls ASAP please. I think they want them back anyway.
    Shiny face, thick sweater and lights could simply be a little sweat. I tend to perspire on my upper cheeks which is a nuisance since I wear glasses.

    I might check out her book ’cause it seems like the exercise tips are more relatable, realistic and doable than the Goopster.

  14. iheartgossip says:

    Such a pity what she’s done to her face.

  15. AnotherDirtyMartini says:

    “Wants between 4-6 more kids”….well, you better get crackin’, sweetheart!

    • fiona says:

      If she were poor, yes. She better hurry up however she’s not. She’s in hollywood. She’s in no rush at all. Kate’s probably had her eggs frozen and will get a surrogate if she can’t conceive. Maybe have a fake pregnancy to cover it up, beyonce style.

  16. fiona says:

    She should go easy on cheek fillers. Looks like she just had her wisdom teeth removed. Very chipmunky.

  17. lunchcoma says:

    That seems…less than realistic, given that she’s 36 years old. I know women can have kids past then and that she probably has access to the best in reproductive health care, but even if she had three sets of twins and only spaced them a couple years apart, she’d still be well into her forties by baby six. Methinks the thirsty one is trying to market herself as a mommy now that her romance with the Jonas has fizzled.

  18. Blackbetty says:

    Kids with who? She split with baby daddy, Matt Bellamy.